The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 17, 1918, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    it i;hi.m, Itl I Mill II 17 HUH
Reconstruction Work
i In a 1 an
V-0 W UJjl.l
ic aiwfl
OftWLlili I,
mm wis
M V ! i I - H HI li I- III I n,'"l' "' Jnllfiiit pruitli pa und
Ml 1 I JH I Itt I 'r n l'1"'' "KKt'-0 by Judge lion II
U I UUUUIIiailUltl of llu. juvi.Mll., court of Don
IIKNVnit, Col", Dp. 17 flip
I mill mid Franco may jond no'lnl rn'
HN FltANl'IW'O I ul i,.. I"
Tim fit Ml 1WO ttrnfcn of I'm. ii t i in
will oo Mm liiiillliK f lli ' .ti I
lull of llm lloiliy M "ii ii i i ! ti mm
iui Ifli' count ruBl'ilis llm 1 1 in in iln i
prot rum nr llio (trtr t rn ) mil
.f i
i ii
limri '
I I I'lll III. I I
ml Inl Ii II
I '
i i r
111 S III 1 1 I
I I'll !
ml i t III '-i
SI u
I il II I' II Ii rul ii I Inn In , f tin Sj
ti uml ill mi ii'lnii hf
1 1 ! lull in illtmul Win I-1 1. 1 -if I"
V mli will doubtless fnniiK" 'iiiMil-
l.if iHiiiiimi in no niuinimn.i gonxritii) einhlp iitientl'in from the ChII'iiii In
liiul in 'In with llm iiiliiri- from ir
I in mo (lllllllllOIIK
llllln hnvlim lo iln u till run I to.
Ii ii. Unit will I'tisiipii III' iill.Miilon if
Wtiiiillill'. New .Mi'tliit V nMii(i i'i
l lull, uml t'lilniniln wlilru tinU'l'inte
it iiiimtdoinhtii nMlvliy in ihU irm
Tin' iiliininl milillnr MI hav I he
iii'i'iillon of tin majority 't.l lli tl.i'i
tr'l itatiiri'H whertln irovjii l in
inti'l" for him doth In i!k mint it of
I'tui'lovini'iit uml for the mil' if ih. e
crippled ami lii-ni irllntp I
Cltllforiiln. Wymnliii! N w Movli'n
ulll rmpl'lo with llir itMiifr of i
I llillloli w tilth Is t'iii'i 'n tn'.n mi
ii i ulinl'll'tlilili' of I In' In mill
lllim t 1'lllltlf In ii ' I In f
pre edi-iii o l Mil't (i i i Inif ii.'
VOIIU II" 17 'iiii.ii
I'M I HulllR lif lilt' ll'lllllllllll Of lll'll-
i it tiniii nr In u ii" ii'tori.
i'il I li.i inM until flow of A met lea's
flghllng inlllliim tlic i;i ml "HI mum
ocminlr iroop luovcmuni over known
- brought I lit' Aiiii'ili.m pi'opli) fine
to fnio with the tragedy of llii' cihii
iiIiv Hum
Cimiriil Pershing' ntiii.iunromont
l lint mro ihmi fis.nuo of tin- Kxpcdl
lloilliy I-'oi r iih liml given llirlr llti'ii
vor, JinH'c l.lm!"v propoxuil tho In
tl'M'llllllgl. Of WOllnTM WllllO llP WUH
In rriiiico
Tim adoption "f llic plnn I priicll
.fitly (iHMirci! iicordlng wind ro
(I'lvcil by llio Judge mill Mniletnol
ki'IIo ll.'rtlllon, dfiughtor of the nntoil
French orltiiltioloirlnl . iiithor of an
Idcutlflratlon system of that name
on, ui.vd hvi:aiis off
ir.u.r or his r.xvj
1103'! ON. D"
iimiIltI nV'-n by tin
NEW YORK, Dec. 17 --John D
Rockefeller has sworn off J.r., 000 000
of lh 110, 000, bun which he ua as
sessed for personal taxation Ho uV
clurcil he might have itvorn off an
other HiQO.QOO. hut WOB wllllnc Vt
let the amount stan.l nl $5 Ouo.oof)
Tlio lack of ability to make any In
tentory of the personal poiiPSilotM
of Hockefcller mailc II pra. tlcally
17 Kmi-i' "'it' l UMKalor on the part of the UBBOl'i
nitv ilcp.irtment lorH to accept hi it own tnluatlon
lelil Ion llnviTlinr Wllliiil.i U
Kiiipliiini imn iiiltni'BitMi ilriatli'
men 'ii.t't fni i'"i llnie with lliln rKn
nlnilli.n l u pmpnue.l lo frnmo A
In rti'iMnir ini'iiiliii'iililp In t Ii 1.4 or
Biuilntlori iinlnwful.
M llllflcillotl of the urp-M.nt orlm.
rt ut.. ,.f ,.. u v.-tp.l to be "' thntwUnn' run... anil that H.000
mi, ,.f ii. ,,rln,l,.l ..itin- r ,h,. ollmm. of piUonoru. wore., rxUtlns londltioiw , ll,"",l". '"'"""I ' I'rofoiin.l Impieu- D.' h nm.le polble by CoimtoiH
..'lnr nld to he iinntUfartory I'urm ln"' lnlt ll' llll,"" t""1'" ,lf uIiiiohI , Jarrpipfi ,1,. Ilryait who rnlied a fund Blo will enKiiKc much ii-1 l",.",, vrounded. ifi.otio of whom ,i. In Paris to pr.y the expenBc". of her
tontton I rondy Imvn bn'ii roturnvil In varlotm tilp
folnr'irto ttlll dovole lUflf to "H'tt'H of nolile8lii'M to Ihi'li niillv. f wmi'iiurtloD 0d lh,'hiii.. pmmta. tiiKliolheioiiiitry 11NTMONV V niVri:
-... of l,, r..w.r.nK tie netv ' ' real P.rwlit.lon of the M-,
.Ml ...rU... .mun.l.-Hin wl.l.h w. "Ifr, "f ,0," wh f,,",,", '""i OL.NAK Asl. COMI l.l.ri..
fltiK on forelitn toll. I -
al tie liat ptiblli' lieallli teitlri- lint j
pltul on OalhipH lilaniM in Jiicrtnlnj i
Hie .auio una Mpreuu oi iniuienui
lime liml meiel noRitivr. resulu ar-.
(OtilliiK to a tepori Ktven oiu uno.
iB'expertc.l to "mie from Krillirc ' i.,i,,i w,l,.,,i,.ru ulm tint.. Iieen
.lildm. l.lmlKey Inun.lB lo "eti.l MUI)lI(,r ob3ertttlonn for several WeeksJ
.In.ephlne Horhe an officer of hl . , ,w. ,,,, ,ilhioaza germit placed ln
.ourl to Kriincf In return She will , t,(.lr II08tr,b a,i t,mau and have Dr.
be iiltnelicil to n i on it and
MlidemoUellii Ucrtlllon will be llKiile
an off It or of tlio Juteiille f.mrt here.
.Miidemolmilt.) llertlllon'H lnlt to
eittti them with their food and soinei
bate been Inoculated with eeruma but
no jse of the disease hate detelop.
eil thus far
lnci cared appetite and more vlgor-
James' Headache Powden
give instant relief Cost
dime a package.
i i..iilci1 by
'lie i iiimtltuUonRl iimend-
i i ,ln, ... i m the te.ent Notem I Thp n'h"l "' ''" dehai katlon i;( PASO, Texas. Dee 17 Tl.oj
i. rrlertim, ,donlm to the liotnoromliiB wounueu tnklnu of testimony In the New Max
I ti o popular honor paid their com- ro-T,'Xas houndiiy caie, wblrii liugan
Ncrve-rackins, ililting or dull,
ttirobbiDL' heailaclii'J. yield in iut a few
I nn. aa t t r 1 Imnid' II&iiliflin 1'nil'.
oils liailth have been the only notice- . ., . . ,0 u a pack.
inhl.! legiilta of the experiment, ac- ,Ke at any Uru store. It' the quick-
fording to the physicians. Mt, u..v,t lieailache relict In ttie wnoie
n j world. Don't eulTcrl Iteheire the
I nt'ony jml ditrc now' Vou can.
Tie pur-pone or the National War i :M,ll,rl"f. V, ?n'1 T""" V"
.',., . found t'.at lienlache and m-uralgia
SavhiKi committee Is to create an ,,.,. M U(.cl,..8. Get what you ak
army of sntcrs who will by saving, re- for
lenwi labor and materials for the uaei
'of the Kovernment In the war, and
who will lend their savings to the
For Men
If m unlit to roach n's henrt thru n (Ift, send
lilin HometliliiK Useful.
Humidors, Cigars, Cigar
ettes iiuil Mntth Cases; Safe
ty Itimirs, Shaving Sets,
llruslics, Wutrlics, Fountain
I'ens, I'lnyltiK Cnrtls, Canr
eras, etc. Hee our stock for
further suggestions. .
njfjerwoo(cs wvamiay
's , nutriAi n rALLs uKtiiun
' v-et
mil llm Wnr BX ., '.Ro. ended bore Uecomber 2 CVfnment to prosecute the war.
-f MLi
i :
wsn ,"" TVVVVT V V
.- .- .. .. -.- .- . -. .- .- .. .. -.
crmnD nrDTfiiM v"""'" ri.i'enth.. 8imitirewH.
if r HIm In' m I i-ihl ' " "" """ '"""" nw"t' bu
ULLIfilU UL.ll 1 ill i'i i'.i n period of is months It
' mlilllK
I ill.'
l.i In I ll I
' 1 1 c ,
Ii I llllll III
" I" Hill
- miles In full health
in mien In the I'epnrtmeni operating along lines In- Td,, tnnarrlpt of the enluio")'
(tended id Bite tl o Hit to llio provern. wit U Ii totors nboui C uflo lypetvrl-
liiKrnlli'iile of tloternment,
il.v IhiimI that I lie , nil
liml I'inlileil the h arrnnged for inedlitil. recreation-
;bI and educational attention whose
m In to restore thoto maimed heroes
lo physical com-
The prudent i.irrli-s lire,
llil to renlsler
ruaiK, put Into the
I.I n.'irl) i.iion.nnn fliihtors and , fullv n posrlbli
In tesilliHHi. to entrain on fort and llnnurlul Independent u
Kroin the day of their arrival nt
New York or New pott NVtt.s. tbi?
ports of dobarkotlon. to tholi re-nn-
i II be n mlmtt.' he said, rortnnre Into t Ivlllan life, a host oi
i i I'nl'el Hun In revctl to thu vol- Clood Samaritans- army dot ton,
m;w voiik i. i: T.p in
the toluulrer yiui of tnltiu; amu
les lu unrtlilio by Hie fulled Htalei
hit In en no mi ded hero lonlnbl by
Miiii llonernl Itnm b II Ciowder.
piutost iiurshal ceueral Id tin addren
to i he reiiilne niemhe'i of V Now
Voik .tinft bintil Ho romemly ad
Voi-nied that il selertlve sort lie week from the lt.l Cross
nliinil.l tuti linn- il,. -i in i :u nt method postals prove tl
i nieer stem In view of such a mie.
rii ful tr"-t of i.-l.'Ctlve service, add
lug that tie A met Ira ii ronnrrlpts bad
liowii the rnliir. umteinltene.s nud
ltilttrllc of llie most sensoned troops hoapltnl boots, debarkation hospitals.
I'Cipllnl trains nnd general hospltils
nurres, snd orderlies and workers of
tie American Hod Cross ttlll minis
ter to tb em sufforers from a ruthless
enemy's tuiglnes of ttnr. Harbor
(Eaulty No 1012)
ln the Circuit Court of the State of
life, i Oregon, for the County of Klam-
t. n sheets. Is to be sent lo :liu clei 'c nrrhlcut .mil he.iltli Insurance, hee atn
of the rnlted States supr.tmo loirt Clilliolc A. Smltli. 12 Helen UanU. in her Own Proper Per-
at Washington I, C Attorn., s ,,. and pM-T .
iiinio uiai ii win ue uutu3xur i uiiin- w r m r wm SPs?Bl ff IIPSiKI I ...
David E Bantz, Defendant.
To David E. Bantz, Defendant-
I I Ullll in'the name of the State oi uregen:
' 1 ... a., h. . n nr, .1 ,1 ,-,
1 ou are uereuy smiiiimiicu " -qulred
to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you In the above
entitled suit on or before the 2d day
of January. 1919. that being the last
day prescribed In the order for pub
l ;tliivrili:i:, OI.H PA- llcation. of this summons, and If you
fall so to annear. plead, answer, ae-
Bverv Ainerlcit, prisoner "ii (!er
mnr reiolte d.i i'" fmfll p.inel otiry
fur rsronstrui tlou or toiivalisscense
form n chain of soitlte Unking the
westvtnrd buutid fleets of trjniports
thlrtv-slx ropier of the testimony be
fore It Is lendy for submission to tie
The enso ro3iiltod from the shift
ing of the Hlo Ornnde hettte'M A t
thony. N M.. and PI Paso. The rlt
it bad been nnmod as tlio original
boundary lino. Several thousand
aries of land arc In dispute, and
both states have granted titles to
them, in many oises to different
The Klephatit llutte dam now has
Ntnbllln'd the life of the Itlo Claude
The Ued Cross sent 13,000,000 cig
arettes, 50,000 stacks of cards, 20.
000,000 boxes of matches and 1,000,
000 chocolate bars to England for
American soldiers, waiting to go to
ekiii: p.pch'i: op sacji: ti:a,
wiib tlm imimvs of tin ttounded And Disproving "Shirt Sleeves
Whan purchnoins ciicmonds or jewelry there
arc several thinp,s to be tiken into consideration
qurtlity, quantity nntl price is very essential but
the reputation of the firm fiotn which you arc mak
ing the purchase should be your first consideration.
Years of business integrity is back of every pur
chase made at this store. It is your guarantee of
absolute satisfaction.
Open evenings until Christmas.
Merchandise Orders cold.
. Established sixteen years, and we grow a little
every day.
Phone HOW. Klamath Falls, Oregon
In this sort Ice the iiieillcnl debnrkn-1
Hon rorp. Middeutt thrust Into the'
foregiound of publicity lit the iol-
j Ihpm of llio Centril Powers, ptnvs an i
lltmortnnt and iituri'siue part
I Thp nd of tlio war found tlm porl ,
I meijlrol nuthorltlos prepared toi
ho ili'er tint heavy burden laid upon
t'eiti During nlut'tecn months of,
Aineiirnn parthlpatlon In the conflict
Diet Ifil maintained an embarkation
I nsullnl ftirvlc,,, ticitlug the c.impnr. .
i l it cl rnre cases of Illness among
i ireon rondv to go overseas. When
ineilcnn forces nntered the trenches i
i sin ill croups of ttounded. evacuated
limn bosplt'ls In Prance, beg-in to
I filter thru tlio torvlre on thl hide of
tlio Atlantic Willi this exnerlence'
ninntunted by the lemons of tho Al
Med (loverumetits In repatriating i
their wounded, ll'e debarkation sys-!
item was nut In readiness for tlio re-f
jeniuion of injured nioti nt the rate of
i 10 onn io lr. ooo i month. t
nuilng the war Slid ti flte weeks f
poilod following the signing of the!
hi m 1st Ice. apirolimitult ll.fiOO
wounded hnil been tecelved at New i
York nt'd 4.1dO at Nfttport Neu.-i. ,
i Ami ibe nutlioiiilus ttero pieparml.
Ion offleliil udvloes from Washington.
io li'itdlo 50,000 cases in Iho next
lour mouth.s.
to Shirt Sleeves" Theory
I SAN rilANCISCO, Cal , Dec 17.
ilnJv fifteen per cent of ruinwny
muiilnges e-id happily according to
riionuis P. (Irnhnm, n Judge of the
sill trior coiiit Tho other eight v-'
Andy used to huy
the big&estplug
or the money
i a' v n-i i
ajyancaaii nl " it? rrm5j&J
n " y -ST r ' . . " V
...- I
. n 1 7 a bibvv
i Px i s
m .J y -5T ?
, mur or otnervvtse move, ior wam, m
.answer nlaintiff will apply to the
j 1 Court for the relief prayed for in her
Almost everyone ltiow that Sage1 complaint, to-tvlr. .,,
, . . , , . , i Tor a decree annulling the alleged
1 en and SulplHir.propcrlv compound-1 m11age cmmmy entered lnt0 be.
ed. brings back the natural color and tween the plaintiff and .the defend
j lustre to the hair when faded, gray ant, at Klamath Falls. Oregon, on
I r streaked. Years ago the only way 'the 21st day of January, 1918, and
I ., get this mixture was lo make it at that the license, affidavit and ccrtin
l . . . . , . , , cate of marriage he declared to be
I :,orae. wl.l.h Is iniiy nnd trouble- " d voM uBpQn th(J grounds that
liome. Nowadays, by asking at any at tne tIme o 6aj uHeged marriage.
drug store for "Wjeth'sf age and Sul- tne plaintiff Helen Bantz, was a
plnr Compound." ou will get a large.mlnor and no consent of piatntiti s
hottlo of this fanous old recipe, im- parents having been obtained.
it.. ,i o i.ii. m . nthr In i This summons is served upon you,
proved by the addition of other In-' (iefemUilt by publication
BH'dlents. for about SO ceats. 'thereof in the Evening Herald, a pub-
Hon'l stay gray' Try It' No one jc newspaper of general circulation,
an possibly tell that you darkened printed and publ shed at Klamath
.our hair, as It does it so natural!,
and evenly. You dampen a sponge or n lssuea tho flr!jt publication
jft brush with it, and draw this . . d xovember 19, 191S, and
'ihrough your hnlr. taklLC one small the last publication being made De-(
uiromi n. n limn: hv moriilnir the crav cember 31st. 191S. t
' imir and after another an.! By order of the Honorable D,
.ilication or two, vour balr becomes KuykendaU
(ct a stnnilaril Insurance policy
from the Chilcote . .Smith agency. 12
You don't have to rub It In
to get quick, comfort
ing relief
Judge of the Circuit'
r.M,. nt tho Ktntn or urecon. ior
i 'icautlfully dark-, glossy and attract. , Klamatn County, which said order
, ive. i was made, entered, dated and pled in
I W.'etVs S?ge and Sulphur Convl this suit November IS, 191S.
i I i, ,lll..l,,f,.l ,nll..l ronnlBltel ItbAAtK fll l.llrtairtl.1.
Once you've tried St on that stiff
5;irt, sore muscle, sciatic pain, rheu
Kiltie twinge, lame back, you'll find
a v.-arm, soothing relief you never
thousht a liniment could produce.
Won't stain the skin, leaves no muss, "
wasti3 no time in applying, aure to
give quick results. A large bottle
means economy. Your own or any
other druggist has it. Get it today.
30c, 60c and $1.20
inr those who desire dark hair and ti
It Is not ln-i
mitigation or !
-Aov I
I Plaintiff's Attorneys, Klamath Fulls, f-
Muthful appearance
in h d for ti e cine.
" tine of ill-i'M-e
Notice of Sheriffs Sale on Execution j
County 8urve)or
Civil Engineer.
i Notice Is hereby given that under
'and by virtue of a writ of execution ; v.,
j in foreclosure issued out of the Cir-,
I cult Court of the State of Oregon for.
i the county oi ivianuuu, in iuo mso ui
'the State Land Board of tho State1
of Oregon, plaintiff, vs. A. D. Har-i
pold. Rose A. Harpold. Charles Mur
ray, W. A .Jones, E. J Light. Pauline,
Solnche and Eliza Jane Light, defend-1
ants, which said writ was dated on
the 30th day of November, A u. tais.i
TAKP SAI.Ts TO PLPSH KIDNEYS j wlll ou tu0 4th day of January,!
II llAUv HUKTSOlt HLADDER A. D. 1919. at tho front door of tho
P.O'lHPns court house of Klamath County, ure-(
igon. in the City of Klamath Falls,
. Oregon, at tho hour oi 2 o'clock In t
If ten mitPi have our meat over . .lUcrnoon on sall dato, proceud- r)R F. R. GODDARD
-17 Main
Moue) to loan on teal estate ut
8 per tent.
Wniiani Kls.un Vuidoibllt, Jr
one day Harney Rave Mm a chew of Real Gravely.
ewers Barney. I hn
class of lobacco las'3
so much longer it costr.
no more to chew it ihnn
It was an hour or more
before Andy said any
thing. "How much
longer docs this Grave
ly hold ils good tasle?"
he says. "Two or
three little squares last
me all morning," iui-
.flte pur tout of elopement end In
i the rouits lu tho form either of nn-
liniment suits or divorce suits.
i Judge (irnhnm who h. known nt
i "1 1 1 litem Itiiconcllei'" because of
J Ms ihllltt as nu Inlei cessor between
........... , I..- i. ,.i .....
..inline iiiuiut's, uust'.s uiH Hiiiieiueui j ,
'.n slutlstlcs compiled from his own Isrcnl-BimiUson or loiu. nouo...
mill oM'oil.mco of many yam. His ' w"ti Vaiidetbllt. founder of the
'.n.iti... ... ., New Yoik Central inlltoad iatom.
ling olopemonl Is. "Don't." h Jt bfi0" 0,ocU,a l,,l!,ldl,ul ,"'
a Jum company. Thoiehy. ho has ills-
pi uved. In so fur as his family Is
Fifteen thousand automobiles nhicis l.0,1,.,-,r.,1 tho theory about Amerl-
day. oat It. but flush jour Kldnoys t0 sell at publlc auction, to the high- I
itith mlth octasloually, sa3 a noted est bidder for cash, nil the right, tltlo'
authority who tolls us that m't'and Interest of the bald defendants
i..r,c ,i mpI.i which nlmoit ii..wil. ami all persons claiming u. iy a.m
7cs the 1 Idueys In their offottb to
ordinary plu-: costs.
rc-ir' r-l'
r ( It '
if fjji.i.u t... . ' (
(''f'.'j L:
.a c .'.
Real Gravely Chewing Plug
each piece pnekeel in apouc? p
August 1st havo been shipped
Priiucu for I ho lied Cioss.
Wisil llll.M'l'S Will Visit
i can tullllonnlio
Kfiimlfnthm- o.uus the fortuuu In his
Liiiii iilenvuK. tho btm spends It. and
' tlm giandsmi, In jioverl), must begin
ni'iiln In his shiit sleoves. llio pre
out VandcthlU ramlly hits inoto
vteilth than tho old coinmodnro ever
dreamed of.
AHied II. Smith, former piesldent
or tho lalltoad coinpany, has bo
Pdmo leglonnl director of railroads
under Dlioctor DQiiornl MAdoo, and
ho now has authoilty of mnny tulles
of several gioit s8toms, imludlng
CM'tsl !t t'-''"! the blcod. Tnfy he
loiiiu nud weaken, tbe-i mu
,..rfi't rt'th a dull misery In Mm Md-,
i' l'Rl'ip. tharp in si in tbt bick!
i fl 'i . daehe, dlzzl imi, ' -i'-1
ntnch souts, tongue Is coated and'
the vvoUler Is bad ou havo rheu-l
malic twinges. Tho urine gets
cloudy, full uf sediment, tho channels l
often get soro and in Hated, obliging
j nu to .seel; lellot two or three times
dining tho night.
To neutralize, these in Hating acids,
to cleauso tho Kidneys and flush off
tho body's urinous wasto get four
that tho)oullces ot jll(1 salts fiom tho phar
macy hero, take two tablospoonfuls in
u ghiss of water before breakfast for a
row days and our kidneys will then
t.'t flno, This famous suits Is made
fiom tho acid of grapes and lemon
Julco combined with lltliln, and has
been used for generations to flush
it nd stimulate sluggish kidneys, also
to tieuttallze tho acids In urlnu so It
no longer Irritated, thus ending hlad
dor vvoaltitesB
Jnd Salts is Inexpensive; cannot
Injuro, nnd makes n delightful effer
voscent llthlu-vvator drink. Adv
them, In and to I
tho southeast iiuaiter, the south
half of the northeast quarter, the
southeast quarter of the northwest1
quarter, the east half of tho touth
vtest quarter and the southwest v.
quarter ot tho bouluvvcut quarter,
of section 16. In township 39 south.
tange 11. ea3t ot the Wlllametto
Meridian In Klamath County. Ore
gon, together with tho tenements,
hereditaments and apputtenances
theteunto belonging or In any wise
or so much thereof as may bo necos
b.try to batisfy a Judgment rendered
in tho ubovo entitled cause upon uio.
19th day of November, A. D. 191S.I
which said Judgment is for the sum
of three thousand ($J.000.00)dollars.
with Interest thereon from the lotli'
day of February. 1916. at the rate of
6 per cent per annum, aim inrou nun.
drcd ($300.00) dollars attorney's
fees, and tho fuither sum ot $ 14.CS
cost uml tho additional biiiii of
$414 45, with interest thereon from
the 16th day of May, A. 1). 1917 at
tho rate ot 6 per cent per annum, and
the costs and expensu of this sale on
Dated litis 30th day of November,
A. 1) 1918.
Sheriff of Klamath Codnty, Oregon,
Osteopathic I'hjslilnu Surgeon
Suite 211, I. O. O. V. Tempi
(over K. K. K. Store)
Phone Sill . . He. Phone, 25811
(The only Osteopathic Physi
cian and Surgeon la Klamath
Falls )
Plume no
Mglit Plume liin
Don't let vt Inter find jour wood
sheil empty. Pill It up with
nice, tlean, ilrj
wblle the prices are right.
Klamath Fuel Company
O. l'KYTON, Manager
Odlce 001 Main. Phouo US-It
Terms Cash
,jj the Now Voik Ceutral.