Tl lnlM. III I Mm ,. PART. TWO THE EVENING x HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON IH The Evening Herald R w. o. SMITH Kin i uu Published dally csnept Sundayby Tho Herald Publishing lompan.x of Ki.11n.11h Kails, nt 115 Fourth street P 2.1 L ERSONAL MENTION mtiik iinri.uiiiis on i.m t. inii'iiMii amomi Tiir people or iinsi'irv ami vicinity (oincm and comini.s or inni, coi.ks Jultn V Stexon I- a leretit nntx il from Chlco, California ' Entered .it tUo postolllco nt Klam nth Falls, Ore. for transmission thru tlio mails as second-class matter. - Subscription torn, by mall to any. Mis, Nellie IV 1., Mater is N re , iii Hip United State-.: I for .t short xlll from Malln. One xonr otu month $5.00 .80 ! S. ". t'arditer Is In town fur a fexv 'da) a from Fori KUmnth I'd Mrlimom ,i ittlcmnu from VI" Mill In Kastotn Kin in ii Hi Coimtx l In the ltO for n few dn)a on matter of buslneim Mr and Sir tl T InKcrsoll ire county seat visitors today from ir.e liairv district Thoy aro kiioU tit the Hotel Hall di Dirrjim map UUIILLJUI'J NfuJ ..: WOT ASSISTED I - mmccrnmnimv? vv LLUumumi ? Si .:. : ; ; .; ;. ; ; .; ; ; ; : : : : : : .;. ,. . Ik mi A3j 426 Main Street Klamath Falls Mriitlier of II"' A-MM-lateil I'rr" j The Aui.Mintr.i l'ress l exclusively' Charles C. Duncan and C O'Cou entitled to the use for republication J cn .m, n town from Merrill. of all news dlsp.iUhen credited to it nr not otherwise credited In this pa- per and nUo local news published . vjnor t0lia) from Jacksonville ' carar- In yesterday afternoon to l.vxfe hi rein I after business Interests here AH rights of republic it'on l t-po-: y j. orr canto In on the trnlu lat 1'Oinl.ANH, p. t: M.Si- u" Postmaster Uonei i Hurb-iMill. sluee assuming control ir telephone uml, telegraph lines, put Into effect Urlff mntvrlall) im-ieaslng lhlr re xenuem, he linn not Inaugurated n . measure tending y W I , i i . e nave fust receiveu cui Apress snin- ment of fresh r muru iiowop wnn oponupv a II ilnriliw.n I a linmnf tlw MiV lttrfd IttQrh In thf Tlaiintll.k tllAtlk! atitlit itwiiiiir.i f ..ti.tlttt tit I tultU 1 It MOIUIIV) tviif !. J " " --. ., . v -.,..,-.,. -..-. ..- (iHipiii' iiivii(Ti " i-iinf i ....,m T,v their nperoiliip xpensen, accordlliK i ,4 to ndmlaloiiH drawn from J C No ...,, .. I,..ultfl.. ,.!.. , IU,.,lln lmn.,11 :irn .lts.l re.1 . ,. ... .,-... .. ' 1. ..! M 1 n 0..1.I.1......I... ... 'll. hH'Ul in.llini.ei mi I .int . i .. . i... ...,,-....-., .. - - oveninc irom i loxcmaie, i (uicoruin ...... ..., v ..uu,m..uv ...v fcfrt ' -l ! down Tor nhort visit In Klamnilt r i Mw. Im Ashworth Is vUltlnp In jn, trtm ,be, Modoc .omucr rtMn. ritni. ihn..Miii.u i.. mm -Klamath KalN today from Pine lltdRO. IKiny at Chfloqulu. They nro tOiplun nt the Whltp IVHean Herald's Classified Advs. I j FOR RENT A. .1. Manning and son came in tenia)' on matters of buxkriu' thh marnlne for Ponlaiul whom l from AlRoina. exMt. to apnd eome time 'vUltlnt Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Heppo xve-- In, POU KK.NT HouseVeepinc room., lown buxini; supplies )cHerday from Third and Main Phone 349 16-1" j , i J II Hockley was nmoiiK tho Klatu- roit KENT Kurnisluil apartments In brick buildmc corner ThlrJ and Main 16-3t phono S Telejunph xmpnnx hy An mist int Attouiey t'! iieral Hallo) lo (In) ot the henrltiK on the' appliciitlou before the piibllc Hurxlce commission for an lucre.iie In lt Mm tloorgQ Hum loft on the train Oregon rntxi. AIstn tit Attmne) Ceneriil llaller cllrlleil the Infiirmiitlon under crosti- ber daochters-ln-lnw, .Mrs. Will Hum examination, after Mr Novll had tiHflCil the romputix- xotibl Mismtii a deflrlt of llS.tmi In the state next joor. miles Its rate xero lni're.i od t 1 and Mnt. Kalph Hum. Mr Ouy Mnnnlnt; returned Inst night from an extended xlslt with re- Glazed FRU California r FOR SALE ath Kail, xloltors 4oday from Port-' '"V ,n ,h' 0Ml Sn,, U,' ,,orp poatedl) land. I July sstu and has visited Itt Knna Ulluols, Indiana. New Vork ami Mi ami It rnme n a mirprle. for re-, v ledl) I'oatmnstor ileneral Hurlo- C. Curtin came In ye-deri!"? after- chlgnn. The Mannings reside nt the 10 Helgian hare, cheap, noon from I.akevtew. He is stopping Toxxnseud Klat. FOR S VLB U A. Will. c.rc- postolllce lT-St'iat the Hotel Hall. roil SALE House, partlx furnish ed. on 3th and Hrmil. Railroad Ad dition. See A. F. Tis-chler, at Klam ath lje Works. 14-3t KOK SAKE Several used pianos; terms as loxv as ST 50 per month;! second-hand organs. J 10 to $20; buy) Ik fore Christmas. Shepherd's Piano Depot, next door postotlice. H-U Federal officers J K Ft3nders of Portland and Prlco Kecob of Taronra jcame in Inst night on matters of of ' flelal business. I P. Tabor a former reIdent of this city. no residing at Dorris. is lookiug after matters of business here. i .son Imi assorted in the pr- thin he has iuaugiiratcil muisures since tuk ' Ing oxer tho telephone and telegraph romimiiles that reduced their evpen Mr. W K. Itnrkett, pratuiaster at "" "n'' alta "r,,,J the efflclMuy nixlde. Oiegon returned lo nor Ifome ,,f tho "l, The . ro.-examlmiilon today aHer two xxeekn 5Pent in this ' "f, 'e nMnnt attorney geuenil als-- uiixeiopeu mat tne rtinipnnv niipar clt) cat inp for her ton, Carl Ilurkef and family, uho have been sick with tho Intlueni) Mr, llurkett Is much lilearatl with the city and It pioplo Mr. aud .Mrs J McKay wore among the visitors from the ouulde toxvni yesterday from Algoraa. eutly doe-x not anticipate that iti) eeoimniy steps will bo undertaken b the noilmnsler general for lt. est I mate of next year' operating rev on -ucs and expunges doe. not take them Into nreount. I V X f I FOR SAKE Planer aud matcher, Hermanse No. 15. size !x2t inches. double surface planer and weight 5.000 lbs. Moore Pros doei. Calif. KOK SAKE Five room modern' house on xxest side of river, price $1,600; terms. Enquire ot Leslie Rogers. First. National bank. 1 1 7t! wm FEW RUL1ZEB UN and If xou like. I'll write hor n little' ' ' " 1 nute too. telling her bow well you're j Ttie Honlov Red Cnw will hold an Iroklug." all day meeting at the IhMey high That will bo nice." said the nrlv.iebnol Wednesda) December l.sth me He counted out the money, o ;ul ''' " - M 7 generous amount. Still ht llnsereil.j ,r' """""' and It nras evident that ho had some ' Ilrad f y Packed in beautiful decorated boxes, suita ble for the Holidays. See our window. Walnuts, Almonds, Brazil Nuti, Filborb, Pecinn ntul Peanuts, Cluster Raiaina, Surdctl antl Sce.ilc Rninins, Citron, Orange and Lemon lrecl all Fresh, New Goods. Daily receipts of Fresh VuRctablca and Frtiiti, The Best Creamery Butler, the pound G5c MILK AND CREAM Wc have changed our mi') man no more high-priced milk nt this store. Milk in quarts , 23c Milk in pints 20c 10c allowed for bottles Friday wc will receive evergreen Christmas Wreaths. WATCH FOR OUR SPECIALS IN FRIDAY'S HERALD ? ? ? X V V ? ; ? v ? ? ? : i ! ! V ? FOR SAL13 Cheap. 1.100 acres yel-j loxv pine timber, xvith new 40,000 1 capacity sawmill installed on tauie. f Address S. C. Hamaker & Son, Lan-i Eell Valley. Ore. 3-121 "II " LOST AND FOUND I thing else on his mind. "Anythlns eto I can do for jon" i sked tho wntnan. "It's like this," began tho prlxite. hesitatingly. Ho stopped, swallowed. , VISITOR IS ('ItYTI'I'I'l, FOR KINDM'.NSI'S SHOWN I xxlsh to thank the people of Klatn'ith Fulls for kindness shown my son. Carl Hurkett. rid family f lip 1IF I PARIS, (HY Maili He wanted lo buv a Christmas nresent for his girl LOST Starter crank for Hupmoblle. , . , .. . , , . ,. i.t-,n hMii-i ,r,.i mni,n r' back home so that she could show It age; ofllce. rew-ard Return to Herald 'to all the other girls, and destroy i 16-21 I. and startod nil over again. "Please while confined t their home with In bo careful what vou tay In that note. 1 lluenm. Sclal thanks to tint Indlci won't you JIa'amT You see my girl she's funny about some things- Mo their peace of mind because It had LOST One doctor's grip, full of come from France. He knew Jut auto tools. Return to 22S Main i what lie xvanted too.but every time? she might think well, you know how women are " finished the private xvlsoly. "I'll toll you xvliat," said tho Atner. of the Lllirnr) Club for the nlc ixx-urm lunch" brought to im Wlrn W K Hurkett Divide. Oregon 426 Main St. Phone 34 Klamath Falls v Y i t y V - -. 1 1 ! ! - street aud Uunther. receive reward F T. 14-3t he thought of going into the shop and) MISCELLANEOUS ESTRAY Came to my place In Octo ber, red coxv, about 9 years; buckle brand on left hip, owner can have tame by paying feed and expense. Wm Greene. R. F. D No. 1. 16-3t Iran woman, I'll tell her I enjoyed tr)ing to ask in French for the thing ' meeting you boennso 1 have a run in ,he wanted, he got red behind tho ' iho Tmr reir Will that do" ears. He had gone oxer tho top In . "Th'u wl" be noe-'" Hal'1 tno Prlv the past, unafraid, but he couldn't do ,l bWly "I wouldn't have men- jjjj , iioneo u. ouiy you Know now women At last, when his leixe xas all up. he weut into the canteen 3nd asked the Y. M. C. A. woman there to make the purchase for him. He gax her Seven hundred portable, houses for ri.r i.s on Tin: wani: You can do your shopp'ng now safely, and nlille you are about it stop In and let us xhow you our lino of Airtight heaters, from $250 up Wo nlso have good bargains In i .i . heaters JOHNSTONE Fl'RNITI RE CO ll ARIAN Hill X Us -.1 Is i.itrT i.iitxiw in Mm i:i are He smiled at her understand ing, .saluted, turned and wont out. STRAYED Coming 2-vear-old heif or, red, xvith fexv white spots, cropi the address and hoped it wouldn't be x-arlous uses xvcro sent to France by,11"011 anu bpnt in eacn ear. eanaeu - too much trouble to send the pack- the Red Cross, connected on left hip. Notify Joe Koesel. uair)'. 14-3t The Red Cross hns sent 2 ITU wo men xvorkers and 2.921 men workers 1 to Franco for specialized work Most of them nro volunteers, but highly 'age . ! "Of course It won't," said the Y. M ?200 Phonograph and Edison disc, C. A. woman xvho buys; dozens of suh records to trado for piano, or gifts each week "I cneap ror casn Shepherd Piano De pot, next door postolilce. 14-4t ..see Hut the package yK dozens of .ii-h SKV5BBI K " enJOynU ,!"" IP! , ;e goes till riglr. i'SR.Vt V l I :))' ;ip .i-t:ui Shoo, Hi and Lotx i ut-t. Ilii-j xi car ami xx ear and xi car. As), some of the muii) Imijh xdio lire uc.irlng iIkim. Kxdusixely ut C tf J. K. K. STORE. Send Your Mail Orders to K. K. K. Store ? u. myn is wv :zz h&?& -Ap NKKDLirS FOR ALL .MACHINES If it Is impossible for )im lo roine to (mill to do our A' shopjiliig, ! L.....1 .. ..... II ....I...... It'.. ..Ill .1.. We also have machines for sale or """ "' '""' " '""" '" "'" "" rent. A Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet or'our ""it l pli'.isc in selections, u .uuum Cleaner would make herjand xxlll semi gooiN sulijcd to )our happ) Nmus, and )OU well know It. aiiproxal. If not .itlsfa( lot), rcluin We also are agents for tho Sweeper- ., . l)Ur ,.vp.11,. W(. ..j Vac Ask your neighbor about the . . , , . Sweeper-Vac and our Cedar Mops 1'"-UK-. express or frelglit .barges, JOHNSTONE FL'RNITL'RE CO "", guarantee sail-faction. (,'ooiN " Jslilpped the Mime ilu) orileis lecelxeil. ,K. K. K. Store, l.e.nlliig Cliitliiers and 4vi3w . K&S TltOCIIKE IS ISKLIKX, I'D HltEWI.Vt; I.V .MK.VKO Hatters. C-lCt Epsfcr EL PASO, Dee 17 -(Jeiieral Felipe Angeles, former Artillery Chief for Villa crossed tho border reiently xvith five othor chlef3 to Join Villa. Ho ar. I rived disguised fiom New York. It in believed tint a group of Mexican, polltli fans Intend to ktart a moxe-i incut ulmiit .laiiinry llrbt and to do elaro Dr. FiniuJsco Comcz J'l f.Hlilen t . Ten thousand pounds of other wero uhljiped lo France by the Red Cross, ho our soldiers might have relief from pain. WImi Imiji-i.s ill xlslt Slll.l'HKRDS, Klamath Truck Co. DOES HEAVY ILU. LI.N'ii f.'RAI.N, HAY, ETC. Has I'ixo-Tou I'.uknril Triuk i'lioue lllt.M J. G. GOBLE MA.NAi.'KH h'J ?L :Jt S IM XiT. r" f - - - St.. j . . . - --5ii ri ra -jr rr fei tOAO XOJJ mM v&&? f..A.X' 1SL.J ffiiS-isft An Inside Bath Makes You Look and Feel Fresh Says a glass of hot water with phosphate before breakfast keeps Illness away. SEtENBIWI 18 HUf Si BILL OF liS i.w.w.u.s. i"lra im .xi- ,,,, t. ihiv. ihm tin nnnnnn . .. .. elated Preasi One London banker would roror erbl' lou. and n like Tho llavnrlan leadrr u .. UmIUI ustlmut'' that (Jurnmny xvlll hit to un would probably rolmliurso Bug- Hla oppnunuta bs lum-'f nay lo the Allies for r naratlon unit ,ttn'1 u'r AmBm rnasod hy air raids iirnhablT would be Or .... . i. in In i.m UK uniuwnl ul I sun OQii.eini V Hi n-ifrtrd to Kr,ne be ? r,n rui.iii.l rt-rkun tho lois iu(7ermt, 'lint ri.i.Kiilerlns that tb war baa tl"NICII. IW-i- i; " x- l""" '" '"' bP miMit port an rj tod Pros If D.., r. erci F.nrh i.rniory and In thi center , Bll cn0',, u I t i -sH of h-r in.lustrlal arra. we may put r,rniany will br.oi..- i Jr th. ftKiir at mocmtlc rounir, in t-. - t m.i) imi) s oamns" U ctrnpuHid at n,irt rjuner. IUnri..n irf in II ', looooo The miiio amount la ronrludlns nn Infi.tmu n '" set an Ifiiiianla' bill, inriudlns tho rMpondent made a i . .tl M U of (tuantitlmi of foodstuffa and wifo'a Inalvteut v..l c ...n.i I. i. d' or damnee to oil wclU and othor proi- rotnlndltig him that it .- i . to This excellent, common-sento health measure being adopted by millions. restitution nbout $7,6O0.0Q0.u00 Calculated mi n ' per cent basis, with FRANK T. GUNTHER WATCHMAKER AM) JEWELER I'lnu Willi li Repairing a Specialty i-lH Alain Slnel. The Car's Weight prc-cs 1' e V. turn Ceps tightly C(,.'-'')t ti." p nemmt, A vacuum U Inn furmH. Ilip tire roll f rjrd,i.rif'-.rf,iliocuptde-wiie, cr J ret.-abis tlio suction nt vmV.i t n'Tdiaiitlieipecil. 'fhnt'j ! Vacuum Cops ara IJjraultrJ n t lo bUiti oil wet, ''', i-ry puxncntt, else return oMe at p rtlii'io price, alter rcisoi.jt,'. tiiJ, Pennsylvania VACUUM CUP TIRES ore cuaraiitu ' per xvarronty tug fur 6,000 Milea ..Ucllllll ,W hlllllV.III llli ft, noil Kliiiiialli inc. Ixlamntli Calls, Ore, tho blood (ituslng III health, whllo tho pores In the ten yards of bowels do, i Men and women are urged to drink ojch morning, before brenkfast, a g!as3 of hot water with a tcnspoonful of limestone phosphate In It, as n harmless means of helping to wash from tho et'imach, liver, kidneys nnd 'iiowcls thu provloiiH day's Indlgcstlblo material, pnlsons, sour bile nnd tox ins; thus cleansing, sweetening nnd I purifying tho entire alimentary cannl ! before putting more food Into tho H'omath, Just as soap nnd hot wator cleanse nnn boiuimrdmonu n,u world o deny the i " Hhlpploc lyiaaM ore then dlaeuased. friends call him "the gr.-.i 'I catimatc." ho soya, "the loan iiC fionnnnv." Inn hi mi a 1 per cent sinking fund, this would ahlpa In flsiirea of tonnage at' iiarently nro liin.Wi.,K i- meaii an nnnual charge on the der- ouon, and tubing tho averagn value ilorliro tbni ho l "nn im i man rextmuo of $150,000,000 Ilo 1' 200 ! tU! would (I;uro out Ircminltiis Idnnllsi " says tlmro can bo no iuosllon or (for- at iwa.aui'.OOO AdditiB tlio total - ..... . W..I..H ... .......... u .AA many a anility to muei tins uemand - s"" ". "y. iu,uuii,. Thirty. two thoiisun.l It Is Impossible, ho sa)s. discuss- UUH- wo nave tno mini of $3,700,000, Ing tlio subject In a newspaper nrtl- 00v for Oreat llrltntn nlonoi The do, to arrive nt any approximate fig- "''Ipplng losses or tho Allliis'l entl uro as to damagcH and robhorlns la ",n, l l&oo.odli noo the Invaded termor). "For Hel- "' no"u beard un catlniatf whl.h Kliiiti," tho article continues. "I would flare iho tola! of the bill against put Hie amount of Indemnity ut $1.. Oarmnny nt $10,000, OOO.ooii. which, 400,000.000, of xvlilch sum luvloii on '""e my own calculation. Is of mmm. Helgian towns account for something t0 sorao '"tent hypothetical Hut I llko $r.oo,ooo.Ofiu I know of anoih-,wo"'tl l"'t "'e flguro m)m-'f ut $7. which dofs nut, of I mull In li lil I n jrtj II- ll Mill Thirty-two thoiisnii.i ii...i "i" ilren In tho aclnioU of l ri- l'f re colvlug regular IiiihIh fi " the ",,' Cross during Mi.' pi-t ir ruysiciaiis tho world over recom mend tho Inside hath, clalrnlng this Is of xastly moro Irnportnnco than out side clennllnesH, because the skin pores do not absorb Impurities Into ,,r f.tImto for Helglum which Is ua 600,000.000, high us $2.oiio,)i),oiiii, mid n llo- course, Include nny purt of the cost glan of some authority e'ttlmates the tll war." lleennlliiR Oormnny's llnaures, Im cnlla rttlonllon lo tlio last pro-war 44t444444444.M-V-H4-54-VHf .budget presented In iho rolchstiii;, ' I OPEN NOSTRILS! END i w,,,ch 8l,owm' " 'vo "' ts7r..- A COLD On CATARHH i "u0, rr02, r !,,' "ri,,y1 j'.xvns $2UJ,r00,00o, und for tlm navy How To fid Kellef When Ilcail 5107,500,000 mini $100,000,000. I and Noko are .SlulTtsl Up. $ "Ellm imtluj tho cxpuiidlturu for Ml ftTTT! I BALI PM DON'T Sl'KI Ell! INSi NI" M IM'.V FOLLOWS III IIIHNU WITH OLD "Sl .H("l 'SI' .ME.NT" 4444444-H-5H'tltVJ- ,,n'"inu'-'"." Iho nitlclo goe ComiunrH pitln- iiexer fads Huh Hoothlni;, pen. ir.iiinB "l Jacobs Llnlmeiit" right .m 'lie ache '. or pain, nuil mil 1111 ibe m-uraiK' (inn wouiii uiiow (iiinntiny In pay ap mimire cataMh1 u!!.,Ur y!;!,;" !Zlo,l TV" "! "'' " -"nklnn- Ho (','h n Joyful ox,.,, l W fittui 1 disappears loir dodged rn, lho .7,500(oU.,,ooo coinpuii- , ,., I trial botil" from our nus(riiB xviii ojiuii, inn iur passagoH n.ii'.n, n, nn ,1 1.. hum 1 . .. .. .., . , . ... ..... - -- - ,' .iu iruiuii'u ill ifivfi. .I........r..l . .....ih .. IIIIIK 111 IMII 1 , iiii iniHi nn roa u.,,1 ,, mil .w ii,,,r .. ....... ,......, .., ..,.. u ...... ...... .. - . - I " ..,... .,,w a -, ....v ...w. ,,, yuilj IIU1III V 1 J 1 UIIJT UIIU Oil L'llll i and llmestono phosphate aU on tho breatho freely. No more snuff IIiik, jellmlnatlve organs. liawldng, iiiikoiih dlsehargo, ilrynus'i i 'I hone who get up with a bad brenth or huailachu, do struggling foi breath i coated tongue, nasty taste or hnvo a at night. dull, aching head, sallow tomploxlon, ) (let 7i hiiiiiII lioltlo of Ely'rt Cioaiii acid stomach; others who are subject Halm fiom your diugglst uml upjily lo bilious attacks or conttlpatlon, a llitlo or this fragrant antiseptic . should obtain n (unrlcr pound of lime ci cum In )our nostillM. II ponelratos ' l.l,l,lia ,tl,,.afll,(. I.i nt llin llrill' Bf fir A III, II ,,t.,l-(r Imvuh r,. ., f ll,.. I, .,,..,.. -...-.,., I'M-'ajillM.U M .,.w ...... h.w. w, .,,, ,,,,,, j 'nrl," t , .l v 1 1 ,H( l , RWII III - ' . --- (1 1 1 1 I H II II I) I 1 1 1 1 I " I This xvJll cost very little, but Is Buffl. , Ing and beiillng tlio mwillon or lii-i"1"1 l'im"uy would liiivn to muii-' rB am ,mi f nil klii'l" l,llhl'r ' kicnt lo ilcmonstrato tho value of In- Hamad iiiikoiih membrane, giving'1"""1 lm'"'l,,lt "f IiUiuohi on lior own t), f(U,0 K,il(. miH or any l",rt u.l,.. .ri...un ,l.r. .,,.llni,n ll i,..i Ixulnii. . ,.1 l,.f II I ,..!.! I XVilT lOUIlH I llllll'l H1IV ull, -,iii1,l .. . . . . .....I.. I UllKll 'e" nmu uubiiiiih, I iiijdu ,w vwt,.,Mw ,k jitit ion,,,,,, ioii.i. ih-iiii iifiun null - "'' .--' ....u.ii till) bOIIV IS IIISIlllllI l't." ii.miiirnii I'ot'i'' ,l,-ni,i,l.l . Hour ll Utile III )r iiii... vl-r-uvcr ll mtglit 1m, u. meet nm, ,, ' RllMiy ,in. ocli!n ... i-usi ., conmirrnK the empire ,u,,.v,., and h.ifoio you rcull"' "", and piolng tho luletest on hor loans, Jum1 m,i puln uml ,u,a .which amounted enrly In lho piiihoiiI K dlHiippear, It's nlum"! 'l,l,slc , I year to $27.000,01.0.000, a mini but tlm Joy Is, lhat the'O "' which Iiiih, of comae, hcon Hiihslan-',., i i, mi 'rim in'r'' "" tlally liiui.asQil bIiro." L i iimi Is relic"''1 . nwuiiM)ii linn i 1'iin'"" In order lo ino-il the Allies' hill of .,,,, P11L,. u oxcrconi" iIllliuigOH, tho wrltnr iiavs. "II nwiv I -........ ..... .......Iluss I"'"' .,,, , ,, ., ' i mop nuiioriiiBi " " ... eatli rnoinliiK uro assurod of pro-' culiirrh yield llko iimglc Don't at iy " I'uinaio tins piiiigntioii 'pounced results, both In regard to slurred-up and nilsoiiiblu. Holler Is! - -- health aud appearance. Adv. sure. lll'Y A Tllltll r HTAMP TODAY norfeclly l",r'"' Jiicohii Liniment" I" I111 In .inn fur hair II C'Oltlliry. .. -..i..- iho I less, and doesn't bum iimiw'""' ' 'skin,