&?$& OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY Third-mill Vein- No. it, III I PORTUGAL W N ADDRESSES PEOPLE OF F PRESIDENT DECLARES SUFFERINGS OF FRANCE ARROUSED THE WRATH OF THE UNITED STATES AND BROUGHT HER INTO WAR EX-KAISER SEEMS DETERMINED TO REMAIN IN HOLLAND IN SPITE OF TROUBLE HE MAY CAUSE THE GOVERNMENT (By Associated Press) LISBON, Due. lti.The assassin who killed Dr. Sidonio I'aes, president of Portugal, yesterday, made sure of his aim. He reached the president's side, while he was talk ing with a number of visitors, and lired ;it him point blank. The murderer was then killed himself by the incensed Cl'OWd. Another man suspected of , , ' ucun anesicu. The minister of justice is PARIS. Dec. Hi. President Wilson delivered an ad dress at the city hall here today, and replied to the wonder-, fill iri-nit mtr which hill DCOI1 " c, '' ri ' " party. ll. ...,;,lil..,t tlm ciiO'iii'iiiirc of Kfimcc had filled the , . -,i I. , Americans with indignation, had entered the war because right must resist tne purpose because the illicit ambitions practices which shocked our hearts. I ' "You have interpreted," he said, "with real insight, the motives and the resolutions of the people of the United States. Whatever influence I exercise, whatever authority , , i. .. .;.i. i .!..:.... r i.. J SpeaK Willi, I tic-tnc- 1 1 win iin AMSTERDAM Dec. 1(5. William Hoheiwollern has a. ii. campbuii is transactim, busi refused to leave 'Holland .after official representations, ' io.i..y f.o, nis ranch a. itjiii.vi in iv.. .v , ,,,,,.,,. :,,,.,,l,,. ue UioNe. Ilo reports that there have been mniV' that Ins continued presence nay imolve w(in( ury fnw m of to nfminw the country in serious dilliculties, according to -the lele- i nis locality. Mr. c.us iiniiard who f...i'if ' ' was. seriously sick Is now linprovlnc. A.MHTIIUDAM. D"C. Hi The tinni er Kmperor wan told that hi iIk'ih' I tiro would be ii mutter of lallfb-'i 11011,(0 Die Dutch r.oveinm.int. tne newspapers say. copi:niia(ii:n. Due ds tim ...iiirol of the .Mercmi.i, """' , , ,. ,.,, ,,. have liiiindeil by it Sailors coiin.'ll. wbbli """' has been formed al llamb'i.i;. nn.-nl. I""'" ''' l' ,",,," '" ,ra,,,- IliK In ii Merlin dlspatcli. The Ciminil II s n.purled that there are no more threatens In wind nil Hie hIiIph In 't.n Aineilcaii pilsnners In southern (icr bottoiu If Hie deinanil Is nol ;niilul. imin. Those Still In that country are In camps further ninth, and will pisg out thru Holland. POE VALLEY BUSY , Tlio lust allied sohllor.s Interned In IIM D r TAMPA1GN SwIUerliiiul have InH Ibis country, "1" lllt'1" 1,r" H"" ",",,1, ,S'"00 ,i'"'- """ "" 'man piiionoiH lenmlnlng. Poii Valley Iiiih Hie himor of liolmu tho first district lu tho county Hi r.j r)lll,T,nx SFIT I'lLFD port on tlm annual roll call which , Hturlml today, a total of $:il Imvltut i A ( f()i (i ,.,,,,, 01 ,lf $,:,r, hiion turned In by Mrn. Vim Muloi'. hn msllluted by Walter Sin according, to Huctelary 10. P. '"'" j (,Ih. m.(H k, a. lleckelt In the of- rencn. I f(. r cimtii Couii Clerk Allen ' " 'sioiiu, by his iillorney llert C. t'OFUT ALLOWS HILLS Thonms. Allowing hill, occupied llin llmo of, M-,HHII AIUIM F.S the County Court al Hh meeting 'it-, tirdiiy aftiiiiiooii. The court Is hold- lug nnothnr mission this afternoon. iaul Costel, an Iron moulder from 'Colorado Springs has arrived to taku litmr L'ltOM I'OIITLAND. " l,,w1""" "' U, K,,,""1,l ,ron HACK MIOIMHIIi... WoriiHinthlsclly. Mr. Coslel Is da- Cunlilr UHo K.B0W nf tlio I'ir-I ''"arwl U. be .. prollcUml Irap drum Caal.l or . siio h ii() wo, aH a K()(1 ,nm lmml(er rrrhiSvtot:";.!! .. -. - . t j complicity in the matter has ' ' .- . now acting at president. (VtlMUiC(l tO lllUSe I aim HIS I tl...i ilwv lliiitnl (Jt'itnc and that the United btates men who loved liberty and. 01 me cenu.ii euipnt;&, aim they entertained had led to, - .il. YANKEE PRISONERS LEAVING GERMANY ItiaiNK, Dec l Font- special train, "inning 2.M American sol illeiH. the Iiiii to come lluu Swlter- ffeuetmtg KLAMATH FALLS, PRESIDENT PR0RATIN6 OF HI EXPENSES NOW PLANNED iiumi: ami knulanii may PltOPOM: TO IHMTIIIIH'TK.' cost ii .n amoxc alliix IIASKII O.N POPULATION I I 'A It IS, Dec 16 -The French gov- crnmcnt Ik considering a lilll estab lishing mi I tit tirnut lm:t 1 Fiii..iicl.il Union among tin Allies to d'strl'iute tin- expoiMcs of tlm war bet Aeon the i.iitloiiM on ii bisls of population and power It In iimliiritlooil ilint UugKind Ih ooimlilr-iliiR n Hlinil.ir iil.ill. m:v itov Aititivijs Dr. George Wright todu reports I lie hlrth of a mod Dun I'M win to .Mr. ami Mrs. Waller Kumi of the Keno lint rlct. Mother and rlillil art' te portcd to ho getting aloiiR nicely. III.Y WOltKKKS All! HDD CKOSS A cheek for 1 IT. Mi bus Just been reived i.y ti h..i cross chapter Imro from the workers at Illy, which I ling been raised In various ways by the workers there. CO.MINO ON II Itl.Ol'tOI Kenneth Perry Is expected (rmor low eenliiK for n five days visit with ' , hh' fither, James Perry atu family fiimi Itniilonl. Illinois. Ke.-iiieth w.ir one of the ilrt Imijh In the co.uity to i enlist at the outbreak of the War. lie ,, ,he Aaatloll ,.,. m :d citos.s Mi:in i.(; TO.MOItltOW AITi:itN(M). I A meeting of the Kecutlve ( oni- j mitten .r the ite.i cross is called tor, tomono after mat i oriock at the w" 'vl""' "'";' ! ..,,1(... ,;,. iVl. ,,X: ,i,luv,.:. lilH'OVI'.lt FltO.M IXFI.l'KX.A Mrs. Sarah K. Seeds and KIIU .nclmah who have been serl.nisiy sick with the Influenza at the Divi sion Dam are reported greatly Im proved. I.X.HIVS SOI'TIIKIIX CALIFOHMA. D. II. Caliiihell writer that ho In having a fine time at Lou;; lleach this winter. The weather Ih delight ful lie says, iilmast too warm during the middle of lle day for his favorlto game of Hoqiie. VISITOItS FHOM ASHLAND I I Mr. and Mrs, Kd Wakefield are liere fi'om Ashland for a visit with I Hio formers mother. Mr. Wakefield I was fire chief hero for n .number of years mid Is now employed by the Southern Pacific. iiiiinsii PF.epi.i: SI'STAIX I'llKMIKH. LONDON, Dec. It!. It Is al most a forgone conclusion that Premier Lloyd Ueorge. and tho Coalition lias been victorious In the elections which woro hold Saturday. I will bo n fortnight heforo the votes are nil counted. OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 1G, 1918 BI9GEST CHOP OF WHEAT HIStO .vKAiti.v foiitv .million auii-.s IIAVK HKKX Pia.N'TKI) IN U.NTl. - : STATUS INCHF.ASF.II HVK i acki:a(JK also pla.nti:d WASHINGTON, I). C. Dec 10. ; Tim largest wheat crop ever crown In the history of tlm United St at cm It t promised liy tlio unormous acreage sown this fall. j Tilt; acreage in almost 1C per cunt j greater than Inst yriir'H totals, being :?.9.(lB7.000 acre. ! I Tlm ryo acreage will ho nightly larger next year. ' Titoriii.i; tiihkatk.ns in spain MADU1D, Dec. 16. Premier Hum-, intones after u cabinet meeting called to consider sorinus outbreaks In Cata lonia, Issued a note declaring that tho King was heinK asked to sign a ilecree suspending parliament. AI.LKOKH TKAITOKS OC1VKX XKW TUIAIU WASHINGTON', 1). C, Dec. 16. I'pon a' motion of the Koverninent, which admitted that the convictions in the lower courts were warns, the supreme court has set aside the con victions of 2S residents of South Da kota under a violation of the espion age act. and has ordered a new trial. XKW POSTMAN OX I.OCAI. I'OKCK II. V. Brown lins taken a position as postman. Anton Pollvka, who has been HI for sevoral das with 'he In fluenza Is now able to resume his duties as mail carrier. I COINC AFTER SACUAMKNTO, Cal., Dec. 16.--A resolution to ratify the Nation all "dry" ampiuluiciU, a proposed lav to make membership lu the Imlmt'-Kil Workers of the ,World organization unlawful measures providing for eco nomy In stato government and to meet tho conditions growing out of tho transition of tho country fiom a war to a peace basis will bo presented to the California stnto leglslafliv for consideration at Its forty-thlr.l bien nial session opening here Jnnuaty 6. Wbllo lo.ulers of the "dry" forces have claimed a majority In boili the assembly and senate for ratlfl "ati-m of tho "dry" amendmout, some "wet" leaders havo disputed this claim, par ticularly with rognrd to the senate The nmendment has been advocated by (inventor William 1), Slephem .ttid It was endorsed in tho Heimbllcan platform on which ho was elected Governor Stephens also n.u advo cated drastic moasures for dealing with the Industrial Workoci of tie World. Tho matter of economy probably will ho dealt with by tho "lovinior thru a committee which ho appointed to make recommendations for tho "Introduction of such economics as flro possible without prejudice to pub lic wolfaro or Impairment of present efficiency." TIicm) recommendatloia will deal particularly with depart ments, bureaus and commissions whoso powers and duties may ever-lap, N IJ.W.HAOO I J rtft I ft 44$: nr i iTTrn dturtu cm soon mtti:k will m; 1 1 ion ins. (ThSlOX AT CITY COUNCIL .MKIJTI.MJ iO.NHJHT. .MAV OPK.Y . ; town wkilnksday. i i The quetiou of removing the in fluenza ban In lew of the Improve' conditions here, wTtl Ke one of t'i3 principal topics at the meeting of th City Council this evening. Tinre has been considerable dlscusitor. amoig tl(j business men as to the B'i'.iHibll Ity of lifting the enfoiced regulations about th-3 middle of th.s week and keeping tho cases of .''e disetse in mi let quarantine. While cvoiv rare must be taku It Is said, not to pl'o the epidemic a chanco to renew the gilp wlili h It has hold hero, the bu lres men should be allowed to re ti'mo their normal ope-allom .it t.io enrlle.st moment contingent with enfety, In view of the severe Bet back . hich General buslnes-t has hiiffcred tor the last two months. m TOIICE TURNED Ul F00 COIBCE WASIIINOTON. Dw 1: Sh'rs with sigKrepitp cairjItiK capai ity of SOU. 000 tons have been turned over by the army qu.ntei master depai' input to theshlppinu board for i-etiiin to trade routes. Major Roneral (i-ie Dials bus so Informed Senator Sm.ih of South Carolina of the senate :i"er tato commerce committee. WASHINGTON, Dec. It5. The statement made In Washington "tint the war department Is to turn b.ick to tho trade routes SOO.Ooo d.i'l w eight capacity tons of ships was Mewed in whipping circles here .is me of the most important readjustm nt announcmeuts that has boon made since the signing of the nrmfstpe Kf presentatlves made recently to Wash I'lgton by tho chamber of "ommerce hero showed thnt moro than 170. 000 tottH of export freight was now tied ' up in Now York alono aud 'hat en les earl relief from tho ihoitHi; of tonnage wa8 granted man.i'.ictrrers and exporters would face uj.ivy lo- j Tho uhderstnndiug hero Uthat tho shiiis doslgnatod for trado purposes, will not he relumed directly to the( owners hut will ho turned bark by ' the war department to the t'nfte.l States shipping board, and by that' body allocated to varloux tr.til-s pitn clpal among which will be Smith and Central American commerce. I FRANK IRA WHITE WINNING HONORS News of nn honor for a well Known former Klamath Fulls man Is receiv ed hero in I ho probable election to the presidency of tho Portland Prow Club of Frank lrsi Whlto, who has boon named by tho Nominating ('onuulUtu for this office and will probably bo chosen tit tho election today. Mr. White's ability as a journalist una been rerognlzed for many years and since returning to this profession after u number of jo.u-s here, ho has been coming to tbc front ripully. He Is tit present on tU staff of the Oro -'is' -' -k- I gonlan. SSINATED ..... STATE OFFICES nniw nr PTniini ill FROM PAYROLL i.ittli: luoislation ofimpokt. A.VCi; 'lit CO.MK IIKI'DIIK OltK - (JON LF.OI.SLATUKK WHICH co.vi:m:s .ianuakv kith. SAI.E.M, Or., Dec. 16. The legis lature of Oregon will convene Janu ary 13th 1919, for a session to last not more than forty days. The gov ernor Is prevlleged to call a special session of not to exceed twenty days, at any time within the biennial per iod, but this has seldom been done in the history of the state. Little legislation of Importance has been forecast for the coming session and nothing of a partizan nature can well raise an issue. Seventy nine re publicans nine democrats and two In dependents will make up the legisla ture. Prohibition will not be an Is sue, in any form, It Is predicted. Witn.Oregon definitely in the bone dry column, the ratification of tho federal prohibition amendment Is ex pected to bo made without a battle of any consequence. A proposition to simplify the state government by doing away with a large number of offices and a re grouping of the duties of others, Is to be reported upon to the legislature by a committee appointed two years ago, and interest may center In the consideration of this plan, which, however, is not conceded to have much chance of adoption. Tho radical nature of the changes suggested and the large number of office holders affected will work against Its chances of success, nccordlng to political pro phets. ' TILL REPAID That the new county road from tho end of Sixth street past tho Alta moot ranch has not been finally turned over to the county, but that Contractor .J H. Garrett put It In the host shapo possible under the exist ing weather conditions and opened it on his own responsibility, giving his bond to the court to finish it satisfac torily In the spring, is the; announce ment made today by tho contractor. Mr. Garrett declared that the pol icy of building improved roads here late in the year Is a very poor one, and that tho county should plan to start such work early enough to pre vent experiences of this kind in the future. Tho baso of the road Is in good shape, It Is declared, but con siderable expense must bo put on the top before It Is again In good condi tion. The road was oponed earlier than It should havo been lu ordor that tlio public would not be obliged to go out of tho regular way during tho entire winter. .MUttilCAXT HOAOLAXD STILL O.N THK .lOlt A letter from Sergeant Louis Moag iJiul from Franco, states that all members of his detachment ufept tho captain and hlmsolf have b.en started homeward. Louis con 'lu lea fiat tuoy aro going to keep htm thcro until Wilson gets the peaco prob lems entirely settled and the l bit or safe In a cage. Kh h K Nl.r NT t ra OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS Price Five Cents. iirirrirjyjfrijjjfujyjrijrijsxrjjrLirunM Pfi PQ hW ULLU IIjii L G U T THEIR RELATIONS A (X'US K OKItMXX AUTHOKHIKS OK ACTIXC IX CO-OPKItATIOV WITH IIOUSHKVfKl IV OCCU. PIK1I TKKUITOItlKS. ! (JOVKItXOIt KXKIRIj VOX BKS- ' kIjKK axi staff aiib to j I I.K.WK TEimmiltY OF T1IK IlK- Pl'IIMC. AMSTERDAM, Dec. 16. Poland has severed relations with Germany according to a Warsaw dispatch. Poland as a reason of this action accuses the German authorities, In occupied provinces of acting contrary to the Polish Interests and working j with the Bolshevik!. At the request I of the Polish government. Governor 1 General Von Reseler and entire staff of the German mission will leave the Polish Itpubtlcan territory. ACTION' FOIl COLLIICTIOX. W. H. Linn Is tho plaintiff In an action for tho collection of '$799..r0 alleged due on notes signed by tho defendents J. F. Paddock and Fannie A. Paddock filed with the Circuit Court Clerk. Tlio note was signed Deconjber first, 1916. Ten per cent Interest Is asked In tho prayer of tho complaint which also Includes $200 attorney fees. Tho plaintiff Is re presented in tho action by Attorney Bert C. Thomas. .MUliKKY'S TKIIM AS SKXATOH VKKY SHOUT SALEM. Dec. 15. Governor Wlth ycombe has mailed to Charles L. Me Nary at Washington, D. C, u coin mission appointing him to tho olllco of United States senator to complctu tho short term to which Frod W. Mulkey was elected, and from which ho has resigned. The appointment of Senator MeNary is effective Decem ber 17th. The resignation of Sen ator Mulkey came to the governor by telegraph. What Is sain to bo ono of tho larg est freight barges over constructed on the Upper Klamath Lake has Just been started by Captain A. Wlcks ttom at tho Shlpplngton pier. Thla bargo which win ho In tlio nolgubor- I hood of teventv feet Ions by thirty feet wide will havo a caryltlg cap.v city of 125 ton Tlio walU will bo j eight Inche3 thick. The lumber lias already been haul, od from the Pelican Bay Company to Wlckstrom's.ynrdu. U la bollevod the bargo will bo roady for work when Spring opeus. WTH N iBIS BARGE G C01EICEDAT SRIPP1TIN I I