OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY llilrlwitlli V our -No. ll.lll.l HUNS GREAT FEAR OF FAMINE IN LAND ARMISTICE IS EXTENDED BY ALLIES UNTIL JAN-! UARY 17TH ALLIES TO OCCUPY TER RITORY EAST OF THE RHINE REICHSTAG TO BE CONVOKED, BUT DATE NOT INDICATED BOLSHEVIKI TROOP MARCH ING TOWARD CENTRAL EUROPE (By Aitociftted Prest). WASHINGTON, I). C, Dec. M. Switzerland, acting for Germany, has asked the United States for of.ieial in formation of the state and place of the formal peace con ference, and has urged a prompt reply, because of the fear of the famine in Germany. ' ' COPENHAGEN, Dec. M. The German armistice has been extended until 5 o'clock in the morning of January. 17th, according to a Treves dispatch. In extending the armistice the Allies have notified Ger many that they reserve the right to occupy the neutral zone east of the Rhine from the Cologne bridgehead to the Dutch frontier. AMSTERDAM, Dec. U.-Koustantin Fehrenbach, president of the Reichstag, has convoked a meeting of that body, reserving a further indication of the time and place, according to a Berlin report. PARIS, Dec,, M. Heme dispatches say that Holsheviki troops are marching toward Central Europe on a -100 mile front from tlfoGulf of Finland to the Dneiper River. The advance began on November 11th. German soldiers are joining the bolsheviki, who are de stroying everything in their path, and capturing much material. VICTORY LOIN BIGGEST ONE IF TIE Fffi V'ASM Ul'ION. Dim I I I'hnt '" I nitcil Sillies limy luiMi Hi float " $7,0011,00(1,1100 "Virion" bond Ik1"'!' In addition lo the billions ulioud) rained thru Llhiiily houd Issuos, "lis liidlonted hy Hpcroliiiy McAdon. si en hn appeared nt nn executive -insioii of (ho linnio ways mid meiiiiH com mlKoo lo urgn Hint Aiiim Irn'r nlUc, ho Krniited nn mldUlonnl loan of a I billion and a, linlf, mnnibois of Iboi committee nfttirwurilK mild A "Victory" bond Ihsuii of Uo mid half billions iih early an noxl s !': woiRd probably ho necessary, II llm United mitten Ik to mmil IIh wii" and, reconstruction obligations, tho koci. Ury Intlmntoil, these monilnim added Mnmhers of llm eoninillleo Hinieil that thoro was u disposition iiii'diik them not to luko any iictlon on llm loan until after thu ponro conforunro ' iiAnv n.vciiiTKR Aititivrs A buhy ilntiKhtor nrrlvod this nioin-' Inn nt tho homo of Mr ami Mm. R H I Combs ut 710 Oak Stieot nt five, o'clock, Tho llttlo Imly weighed teii( lioundH. Dr. A, A. Houlo wna In at tomlnnco. (ftV famtttra FRANTIC FOR PE AC LOCAL BOY RETURNS FROM TRAINING CAMP lieulKe ItlKCH who en' the hiit'. IK Al lilt at LiiKeli" ill Septein hul returned bml ulKht from the Of riiiMH Aitlllei) TuilnlilK camp lit ("amp Tnlor Keiilmlo w'li'U'howjs liaiisreirnl shoi(l) afier his nnlal Yoiiiik ItlKKH has lmd nil eMeiislMi (tip sluie leuliiK Kliinmtll KiiIIh. MiuielliliiK inel i.oi0 miles and has eneoiinlered a uuniher of Inteiiistliu: oNpnileiirrH. Im liidliiK the Infliienr.l lie wiih In Kannis n when llm min im Ion wiih hIjiiumI mid he said thero wiih ho niui'li peine llmre that It limit two iompanli'Sor Infantry to sub dim the people Al one Hum he win ahle to nee foul IIkIiU on Ibo ttieot without inoxlliK his pivsltlmi nn the ( iii! .MiLit'Ain mi'i.ns roit iiK.ii .school aiiihvi:. Two hoM's of SpilliKflnbl llflos m iloil lieie this nioinltiK for use hi tiilllt it i til 111 b the IiIkIi neliool liovn AiiikikimiihiiIh woie inmliMiiirl) In the year for ii'Riiliir t I 111 lit tho llkli Sehool rind It In expected that II IM heeome u mrl of tlio renulnr row re when Ibo sohsIoiis am iiKnlll rosi.nloi! ...Not'Nn:ii:.r Kouitli l.lbei ly Lori llnmln nro now leady for dnllum to eiihtoinerrt of tlio Flrut Nallouiil Hunk who paid In full for them on u: Iwfoip Nucoin her 21st. KLAMATH FALLS, mm i l CET HELP ON nisi srvn. aii is (H";i IN l'lt(M.ltM lOlt 1111) lit .COM. MISSION. ISI.II lOWAItl) III:M ON IIOAD IO JACKSON. Klamath ('(Hint) Ik hi lu-diilcd to gel flft) l tioiiKitml dollars In road inline) IIiIh tinning mr In tin1 pro gram fur icork which In mm Issued hy the hlghwa commission nt Salem Omi half of thlH aiiiiiiuu which is to hi) taken mil nf the uniirUT mill tux f ii ml mill tin' motor llienso fund, will hn iimimI on tin- hlghwn townrd Hend1 mill (irn- half front Klmnnth to Jnck mii County i Italians .crisi:n or CRIT.I.TY IIV Jl'JiO SI..WS. WASIUNOTON, l C Dee 14 A htiiti'incnt hy thii Nutlounl Council of .agoro " the pro Inlonul govcrn iiiiuii of the Jiiko Slav territory sn that tln Allien H)H-ctiilt the United Statin Iiiimi taken Immediate steps to iiocnt hlooihilieil hy the ltall.ui nrmy of occupation on tho Jugo Slav ioiiilatlon of Daluintla Fliiin Zadnz. Claims h:tM heen niailu that the Ital ians lin( lolateil the iirmlHllie pro vlnlous In Keerul maiinurH UNTRUE TALES To the I'.iIhuik. PrlendH and Meuihers of the Anierlean lied t'riwH As kiii ialloii A pel 'Intent effoit IuiIiik been iiimle to dlHciedlt the Loml Chapter of the Amoilnin lied ('loss with as MMlliiiiH that I buy ehnrRod the iltv and count) for supplies furnished the Isolation haspltnl, one party oxen t?o Iiik so fin as to pieM'iit n hill to the t'llj Council tinaiithoilied h. and tin Uuown o any or the officers of I he i:xecutie Coinmlttee of the Local Chapter foi pneumonia Jackets; tlieiefoie let it he known tho Local Chapter secrn limes sIkiiI fled to tho niithoilties that no iharges would lie miidn for supplies and It has mil and will not mako any liaises to either the clt or county for whatever supplies It has fnnilslu oil Kiiithernioio the Loci I Chnpter has at all times been ready to assist and Iris on numerous occasions offor- ed lis nbslst.inco (o tho oMont of Its 'power to lomhat tho Influenza epi demic mid If their services hao not heen used II Is no fault of tho lied Cross niKiulzatlnn, charges and ns hellions lo the contrary which nro bo iiiK cliuulated nro neither truo nor patriotic. This statemnnl l made us II has come to Ibo allonllou of Ibo Kxncn the cominltlio thai ponio of our clll ens will refiin lo boiomo members of Ibo American lied Cross In the coming ilrUe owing to (lioso fiilso iihsertlons, (Slguod): Mrs II, D Morlouscn chairman, Ilnv H, T. I.nwronco snciotury, J. W. Siemens vlco chairman, IK D. Mnrtenson, W. O, Smith. Mrs. K, 1). Hall, Mrs. 8. K. Slnrtln. Mrs. O. W. Hobortson, Mrs. C V Stono, Lcsllo RoRers, It. II. Dunbar, Mrs, Z. C, Klmbal!, Dr. 13. D. Johniton, Mrs. 15. K Wnttenhiirp, A J. Lyle, Mr, Jns Drlscoll, W. A. Dolzoll, Mrs C M. Ilnnisby, II. V. llrldcoford, Kuthor MnrBluill, Mrs, L, O, Slso more, Mrs. W, B, Johnson, IS IT CROSS EN OREGON, SATURDAY, mntoients pmkenh NiUNUb ur rniuna in hill NOW RAPIDLY PENITERTIT WIR ih:moimi.i.aiic.v in initi:i stati-s i'ik-i:i:i)in. at rati: or rirri:i:. tiioisa.nh daily, ka'i i: u M. i- in: not uix.ii soon. WASHINGTON, I). C.Jic. II J Ceneral Pershing Iiuh ilelguntcd flM! thousand nioro men for early return. Tho lurgest milt was the Fifty First Coast Artillery. General Marih announced today that tho demohillzatioh of tho Amcrl. ran soldiers In tlie I' nlted States was now proceeding at tho rale of fifteen thotixand dally He expects It to reach a rate of thirty thousand. I F M. AHDED i:ighi Honor F'lags for the Fourth Liberty Loin lmo been recehed and distributed and an attempt has heen made to secure others for precincts which won them, according to Chair man Arthur Wilson The following heen .iwardedt Klamath County. City of Klamath Falls, Mcirlll, FortKlamath, llonmiza.' Mallii, HI), Southern Pacific Com pany Thvso aro only n portion of thu number won thruout tho count and were awarded whero thu best re cords wcro ntndu FLYER CROSSES IIFKNOS Allies Dec 14 Lieu tenant Ilagobcrto Oodo of the Chilean arm, on Thursdii ironed the Andes mountains .it their highest point In a llrlston all piano- The aI ator left Santiago, Chile, and crowed the Tupungato range at nn altltudo of 19,700 feet, lauding at Mendoza, Ar gent Inn Lieutenant (lodoy Is tho IJist Chil ean and tho second man recorded as crossing tho Anilc b airplane The first Might jieross tho mountains wai. luado last April by Llouteuant Cen dolarla of tlio Argentine nrmy. who crossed at nil ultituilo of nearly 11, 000 feet MORE NEW INFLUENZA CASES ARE REPORTED John Worden at Slilpplngton is one of tho now eases of Influcnia ropoit cd today by the health bomd His wife Is Isolated nt his homo with lilm. Mrs. H. llnrden ut ."00 Jefferson Is nlso III Sho Is In Isolation with her relatives Mr nnd Mrs. Powoi.s. Mrs Losllo Stonrns and two child, ren aro among tho now cases on tho West sldo of tho rher I.HAVi: FOR CALIFORNIA i Mr nnd Mis. II Nownhnm leave lo-morion- morning for San Joso and I'usadonu whoro they expect to spend tho winter months it tlio poiuo of tholi" dnuehter Mis. Vooihles. TY 1 H X T Herald DECEMBER 14, 1918 (.RRMAN LtlllLHAN MINIS'IKUS i:ri: insiri cii:i in iilix HIN c.Msi: in .si:iimons. .se.mi: jaiix.d, oiiii:k.s i.oiai, WASH INC.! ON. I) C, Dee II Captain LUler testified In the brev or) Investigation today that German Lutheran pastors were instructed to preach pro-Oermaii sermons before the I'nlted States entered the war,)any announcing the Invention" and and that some of these pastors who uoelopment by the technical staff ofi entered the arm later and continued proaihlng such sermons are now In the Atlanta penitentiary Other Lutheran wholly loal, he said pastors were KLAMATH MAN BEING TRIED IN PORTLAND The trial of Henrj C Lemler of . v. .....I"" " " " ' " "- - tne uiene uisirici in me rene-ai Court at I'oitland charged with iho Wolatlon of tho Ksplouage Act 10., R0I"K " Attornuv W H. A. Henner of this city Is in I'ortland appearing f- t..v defendont Seeral witnesses from this district hnvo been summoned to appear at the trial. MIC IIKiA.N M:.N.milsRII' COTROT.H.sY MILL OX. WASHINGTON. D C. Dec 14 The piesentatlon to the Senate of the formal election of Trnni'ii Newberry, the lepubllcan who defeated Henry Ford, has resulted in a controersy ulili h has culminated in the with drawn! of the certificate for tho pie ent anki:i:s cii(is niii.Ni: WASIIINOTON. P. C, Dee. U 1'ershing ha .innounced that the ami ha crossed tho Ithlno and occupied the Cohlenz bridgehead M.l.t l!l(i MARK Ml'jsr rn.i: yi'i:MioN.iRi.-. Ni:W VOKK. Dec. 14 Amui lei's, letuining toldieih nro going to bo pro toe ted against hasty and unfoituaato niarrljgos, to far as the go eminent can gle them such protection. It is loni lied 11 older of the l'roost innrahit genoial "nuestlnnniros" me being sent to man Inge llienso bur onus at tho principal debarkation points which must be answered satis factory b tho poldleis and thcil Piosoittp, brldos bofoio maniago li censes inaj bo issued. IIINS UsT NOW ITIlMsll SHU'S FOR '1111:11: FOOD. COI'FNlIAflFN. Doc 1 I (loneial Foch has anuouncod In hohnlf ot ller I bert Hornet that, two and a half million tons of uugn spaco Mug in German hubors must bo phucd und er eoutiol ot the Allies lo supply nor mally with foodstuffs. DA1RV RANCHLR VISIlS .loo Koessol. n well known lancher from tho Daliy district Is pa Ing a business visit to the County seat to day. "FIX" VICTIM RFCOVFRS. William lmmoi Is tiblo to bo up and mound nftor n sovoio attack of tho Influenza. ONFERENCE Hinn SETS HUGE I Ol R CON LltS.U IO.NS AX VOW UK AHHILDO.N AThAML II.Mi: ovnis e.m: pair or ti:lk i'honi: uiui:.s. WASHINGTON, I). Postmaster General C. Dec. 14 Burleson has Just made public a letter from Tlieo-l iloro N Vail, president of the Amer- can Telephone ana Telegraph com-i iUl0 i5cli BVStem of "a practical sjs- , tem of mitpiex telephony and teleg-! I ranhj hy the use of which It Is now- possible to Increase many fold the message carrying capacity of long tel ephone and telegraph wires. "With this new- sjstem," said Vall's letter, "four telephone conversations otur ono pair of wires are simulta neously carried on, in addition to the telonhone conversation nrovided hv 1, ,,,,. ,,,. Th. ... single pair of-. wires a total of live telephone, conversations are simul- eacU K,T,nB.MI, vice as good as that pro tiled by the c,rcult vvorklnB , the or(nar. way. ... ,,,, . VMr pn B ,,-.,. oped the 'phantom circuit' arrange ment, b which three telephone cir cuits are obtained from two pairs of "wires Now, by our multiplex meth od, we aro enabled to obtain live telephone circuits oer one pair of wires .that is, ten simultaneous tele phone coinorsatlons from tho two pairs of wires which formerly could be used for only three simultaneous telephone coners.ations." ELECTION ;t 1) Campbell, A U flalo and William Sclieblo and Merle Kilg.iro of Lorella and II J Tichnor are tho dli pc tors- nonilna'oJ for the Lmgell ." Iirlgatlon d'ttrict tht creation of which Is to he oted on at tin elec tion, December .SJt Should this election carry, It will I mean the Immediate Iirlgntlon (level-j opulent of between sixteen and twen-i t thousand acres of land which Is known to ho unusually fertile. Coup. j led to the large units now be-1 Ing iirlgated b pumps from Lost Ither near Ilouanza, this will .lo woudoib townid settling up that por tlon of the County and assure a sub stniitial increnso to tho County's ngrl cultuial pioductlon. I.NFLFH.NZA AUAI.V IX SAX FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 14. Two hundred and olght-soen new oases of Spanish Julltienu and six deaths for the twcnt-four hours ending nt D o'clock Thursday night wore an iiiiuncod hy the board of health Ono hundred and forty-one of tho now ciiFos'weru repotted by mail. DIUTHS OX (iRII)lRO.V FRWKR THIS SFAROX CHICAOO. Dec 14 Football claimed nine lives this season, three less than last ear mid nine less thmi 1910, w OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS Trice Kite Cent. PRESIDENT RECEPTION AT PARIS TIWMKMKIL'.S CROWDS CRRKT AMKRICAX FA'LCL'TIVK THIS I'ORH.NOON. I'ARTV JtKCI-nVKIl IIV lRKMDi:.T AXD l'RKMIKR. i I WILSON DKMGHTKD TO KKEf CO.NTACT OK FRIKXDSHIP BK TWI'.KV UMTL'D STATI-S AXD FRANCIS FAIIIS, Dec. 14 President Wilson atrltt:dTiura.L.ten fifteen this .morn ing Dense throngs balled him with olIes of shouts and cheoring. The roaring of his welcome left no doubt of Its cordiality. Mr and Mrs. Wilson were greeted by President nnd Mrs. Polncare, Premier Clementcau and other offi cials. They drove in carriages to the residence of Prince ,Murat where tho President will reside w'blle here. French troops lined the entire length of the route At a luncheon given by President Polncare, Mr. Wilson made a speech In which he said. "It I ery delightful to find mjsolf In France and to feel the quick contact of .sympathy and unaffected friend ship between the lenresentatlvcs of the Fulled States and France." He talked on the war and the Ideals of tho I uited Stites, and drank a health to tho hosts and to the pros perity of France Fl.f l.lS SIIVRRK. AKOL'-M) MLUKILL. William Koenlg who operates a 1 ranch in the Merrill distrht Is In I Klamath Falls on business today. Ho 'reports that the nitlueiua situation I lo pnnvlilm nhlv (mnrn0(l ill that lo- callty ST R.G. ROOMS IS REOOESTED An appeal has been made In (ho women of Klamath Falls to renew their nttoudanco nt Ibo Hod Cnm 100ms heie and to continue the work that hns been p'ei formed li tho past. I.i.aders of tho o'ganlrallon point out tho fact that nltho tin- V'li- Is over, theio i.s a gieat twV left lo do for t"e roliof of tho at '"toa wm suffer ois Ih the Kuropenn nations.. An order has Just comn lit from lmailnunrleis for 250 pair of paja mas, eighty flvo bos blouso suits, fifty little gills dresses, ono hundred womens undorshlrte, - two hundred convalescent robes and It la requested that those girmonts nil bo completed by tho 15th of Janunry. H can hn easily seen that tho presont attend 1 Mice of nbout one per day nt tho rooms will have to bo incrgascd If this work U to be nccoinpllsbel, imTNUE f