p,i 4 -i-o , fo ' tv" fawaKi tw i ' z : lit , OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY . ! - - -. . - -waaBeaaaaaaaRRRRRRaaaaaaaaa -. ""' n "-1 -- r - .I. , . a ,, i?tt) .fw . - .- . - "m' ?wfj55mST!TS! -. -n-aaa.i aaVM-aBaTa- aa I h h . , . L A..AIf4?M4iX HUNS ASK ALLIES TO MAINTAIN ORDER J ' ' " ' ' i alK K $ IHRnCF II mm NMiBKOi WNMED MINT SH00TIN6 ililS in nr iwunrn "--fll S. PpNUl IS IN QIWRREL IN DUGKS WITHIN SSl in Rf FXTFNnFn stibt MnMMY nin fist mm m irnirsWDULD iVE B-tBBJ a-aBBBBBBBBV BRBT BBBBK BW -BBBaMRRH m- BBB -BBBBMB) Baa 1 BBBBBi t -' - , -J V - - V t si . . !. T" f-U '- U'WM!' PREMIER WELCOMES RETURNING PRUSSIAN GUARDS AND TAKES STIFFER ATTITUDE AGAINST EXTREMISTS GERMAN CABINET FEARS THAT ALLIES WILL REFUSE TO NEGOTIATE WITH PRESENT GOVERNMENT SOLF RESIGNS (By Associated Pratt). PARIS, Dec. 12. Negotiations for a prolongation of the German armlttice have been begun at Reves. The German delegates reauested the Allies to reinforce their troop, and aid German quick LONDON. Dec. 12. Copenhagen correwwontajearn that aT atitoH orehT8uphbrt he fa receiving from the Pruasian Guards, Premier Ebert is Uking a stiffer attitude toward the Spartacus group, and a number of arrests are expected. Berlin's welcome to the returning Prussian Guards was solemn, rather than triumphant. Troops marched under the national colors, bands played "Deutschland Uber Alles," and not tye revolutionary airs. Ebert welcomed them, saying that a new government had been established, and that the army would be its strongest support He said: "Ymip riria and mphUppr my overcame you except only our opponents in men ana maienai grew ncuvici, mm w.. only did we abandon the struggle." SoMkrs' repreaenUtives said that they did not want to oe ita away xrom me paui 01 ower dreamers. BERLIN. Dec. 12. The German cabinet is anticipating a refusal by the Allies to deal with the present govern ment, and the soldiers and workmen's council is consider ing convoking the reichstag, to give the government a par liamentary basit, according to the Berlin Tageblaat The relchtag session is expected to begin next week. Foreign Minister Dr. Solf has handed in his resignation, which hasWn accepted by the reichstag. AMSTERDAM, Dec. 12.-There were extensive riote yeaUrtiay in Ausslg, Bohemia. accoixUng. toPned patchtl: Machineguns and rifles were uted "eTae moba. . Three were killed, five seriously wounded and many slightly hurt MMITFJ ilOM TJKEN m prair ' - The rraat of Charlaa Paraioo wehWeilM Coyaty.oa a i'&W&Ht0 Ha-ehrer. wkafwMraitiioaSt w iritr ktwta tjitf" t0 "" taJiakii.fattad triwKai. MtlfM iMHk pt tut tffiean wUI airlw aad Uk aim lf? iuetthm Hrraid s ' i-'-fm-fM-m. ...-lj.ji.iiil wmat ji jSwLair. , ' J.-.J.JLLl'B.fa'JUA"" !l-li' M'L - m m mmm r - w wewweiw ava ww - wnaiwwia wee w .- - -!.-" tMiwi'tw.'i!,.". authorities to maintaining arc unexamined. No ene when a preponderance of quici vy m. viw..w.. -...- RUCHeWAO NUT j' TO RK COXV. BERLIN. Dee. II. It l otftclallr denied that the goterament U coo ilderlaf veeaw-f tke Reltkta. . , ' NEW,SUIIUNTENDENT FOR IHBWER COMPANY jI;rii:,w. w th. iela4iei a!RI th - .- - -wMaat aMS?r sTlh ih- av aated h Oaear H. re ..- ' Moor coaaea fraaa QHe dk- vhen he haa heM th bmMIm ailBtkJieal. He haa arrfte Sai-u-rti Tl iUIVU PaYalam a imam im aa a am. & u anan-e-MaiavaamT-a- a -ha- I ," ATv wmiii rutiA uiuuun, inunauAT, ujuumuuK i, una ; Wlwjh .tmt.tXKMKVrH KOH mtlVK'IN CM'.NTV AIIOIT COMJ'MfTKt). MKmXCl OF TKAM CAFTAINM KHt MATl'IIIIAV. t Thv arraniteinenti for the local drive on the Ited Croti ChrUlroaa loll Call are rant nearlng comple tion. A meeting of the team cap tain and their anlitanu la called for 3:00 o'clock Biturday af teraoon j December the 14th at Ike Ksecutlv Office of the local Red Croaa . . ..L .J U.). .a. V..B Aba I d Main atreeia, for the' irr Bl iiin ana main nmwp lur um purpoae of dlecuMlng the plani aad metbode of procedure. It U the lateatloa to call upoa the ounneie noorn on mmuf ir roll the bu-lneea mea aad. their em ployeee aa well aa their famlllaa. Mn. T. K. McDonald la la charge of tha team covering tbebualaoaa dlatrlct. The following are tka team eaptalaa who will have ckarge of tka reeldeat dlatrlcu: No. 1 Mra. K. J. Mayer. No. I Mra. R. J. Murray. No. No. No. No. No. No. I Mn. Carey Raauby. -r t Mra. Paul Johaaoa. Mra. Mayael Richard. 7 A Mra. Roee Torrey. Mr. C. D. Oarceloa 10 Mr. R. R. Yaaey. Thru the courteay of Mr. C. T. Loomla the headquarter durlag tha drive will be la the Loomla Bldg. la the room itMd by tha 3rd Liberty Loan Committee. Team eaptalaa aad their worker will resort there to Mr. J. D. Kock, Roll Call Caakler. The reildeace caavaa will begin on Tueadiy morning and will coatla le until every houae haa been vUlted. The publicity I In charge of Rev. K. P. Uwrence who I alao actlai u aUtant to the manager. Quoting from Mr. H. P. Davleon, Chairman of the Natloaal Red Croaa War Council "Tha whole Aaerleaa people will be Invited la the weak precodlag dbrtatme to enroll aa member of the Red Cros. It I confidently believed that there aeed be ao further campaign for Red Croa fund, bat laatead. the Annual Roll Call will coaatltate the founda tion for the Red Croaa. Tha people hould therefore know aa deflaltely m poeelble the plan of thla. their National Hamaaltarua Society." OBO. J. WALTON. Cosaty Manager. LCAVK FOR RAY CITY. MUm Jeale Low left Ikle moralac for a two woka vacatlM vWt with frleada la Baa Fraacmeo. She waa accompaaled hy Mlaa Darothr Mhrt. who eipacU to remala la tie city. BOUT BHEIKS ii m lmi; LIKE TUP A trip to the wmumieaj Rim aad hack hraaklaa the lea ea the Wg itbmt Lah tha aatlra awtaaaa bath nnmtl enhkr. thla w amtaMy be tha met tttw-a tbo who ad the aeaaaa-lt la teehwad thtvt tho ateamer a week 4 1 bar ataaaat eajaatty m ptewtac thr Um h vktrti haa aar raaakag a um wmta aA aMaeajalaa ta Uw afat. WITH KAMII4KM ft Mt NOVNMIOVMK, ' CAR KMOM AND OTMKR VON i . NTRVCTIOIt.RXPHCTKn IMKN 1 Altko 4MU lani of the com- May tai kaowa at this tlm, IV h ballavH thtl'vtlu Mrwtloa of ear hopa, rea4kVM aid other rail road dlvtalM'eoattrttctlon of an m teaalte aatr.vwlll ke laaaekcd at Klamath ItUt aa eooa aa weather K1MTY NOW ran:. Chap-!coadlUoaawlH.Mnnlt la tha.tprln Ataat . R,;,rrjf declared today .' a Ageai . H. 1 taat while 'tha! ear ihop aarvey had already haaa aampleted. the onra- tloaa for tha ahmlag year were etlll a BMtter of ajkajectare. That tkaaa are to ha ef a put, aaaauauai aatare, howeref. la lajttoated bjr tka ft. that mere thaa tay,aara of railroad tlee tar tha Imararaateat ot the JJae,he- twaaa Klaaairaila.a.hlloe.ala hara alreMy , raeelred. aad that mara thaa aaaB, with their fam Ulea, wka, aeaaaiteayta r ,"' aay.far.ua awrt. are aawai mm awiVyyTlkhaeallly payroll la aow mora thaa ., ShoaM tha loathara paciac com aaar aow decide to io ahead with coaatraeuea of dlvlaMmal lacUltlea la Keeptag aaa oa-a aeaie wija,. taa apMadld MB.tlt depot bmllt' la live, v uaiiw u ir w tared. . , E OTTAWA, Dae. 11. The aelaure of the Weatern Ualaa aad Commer- cut eahlea by Paatmaater-Cleaeral Rarieaoa of the Ualted Bute, la be lag considered by tha Caaadlan gov orameat becauai' the llaaa pawing aetweea uaaaaa ama ireiana are con aldered part of tha Brltlah eyatem aad authority to operate them waa obulned from their Canadian aad Newfouadland aavarameat, It waa aaaouacail today. Mr, Rurleaon, 'it waa learned her,, did aot coaiult the Caaadlaa gorerameat before taking over the cable' aad the government haa heard of thla action oaly thro preea report. . " Thoagh no deelaloa baa been renth ed aa to the Oayaraaiaat'a attKade. taanlrtaa aa to tho ef feet r the actlea will have are belMaaalar-aJ Canada haa a large f InaaMal ratereet In the CoaaMtvtil Cabbj Coatpaay. ,Tho Goverameata aliHaMrtk waa aald, will ha daflaredajMRajev RrleeM plana are fartner aaiieaa. . Ooveraaent afflaala, pointed ut that Mr. Rurleaa acttoa apparent ly latroducee aafadHalal iupervWon of BritUh. Canadaaa aad AaatraMn cable traffic wbleRjit' aa. way tauchee tka Ualted Statai? MiwaAanM of. fleiala heelUtf d aopt (hi aattara aa t war meMaraihaeaafa It Vraa atada after war aad.baMteraliated by tha algalag of .ure,rBMatlce aad baeaaaa tha aatiaft aaiaaaa ta-paet; R aad Saatb Aanrliaa aabla Uaa whka are beyoad. tha war aoaa., : UUYK' FOR aW aajtuajaj eMr Jfr. aad Mra. i.C. Rraekeabraiigh .to Have aaat Saidar MOW wkera they will ati;a vae M two maatha. 'MrAMwakav tou i.., af taa ramaarpar iaaaar mmu JOIN ISUNST 0 INI MINK OWNtill INTKItVKNKH IN DIHPUTK IIKTWKKN MAN AND DIVOHCKD WIKK. TIIAflDV (KX'llltM AT IIAKKII IIAKKK, Doc, 13, tlnorgn llol brook, a miner wna uliol mid klllnd yeaterday near hern by Thoma Adam, owner of the Innialm mine. According to Information1, received by the authbrlttoe, Adam Intervened In a dlapute between llolhrook and hi divorced wife. When Holbrook tliroitonod her, Adam ahot him. Adaum and the woman are held. i M BUHNOR AIRRS, bee. M. Tha reply of Chile to' the offer of Pretl deafWIhwaMo mediate la the con trtfveraybetween Chile and Peru I looked upon by Chilean newapapera aa a refuaal to accept American me diation. The 'Amerlcnn note ald that'Preeldent Wllaon "wua ready to attend any iiggctlon mnda by Chile." On the othor hand, Proaldent Iro goyen of Argentina vent a note to Chile In which he aald .he offered me. dlatlon "In order to nrrange defin itely the Tacna-Arica problem, DJsiiatche' from Chile Indicate that there I a tendency la, liat coun try to accept the Agentlna offer and refute the American, WASHINGTON, Dec. 12. Infor mittlan reaching the atate depart- ment Indicate that the alluatlon with raaaaet to Chile aad Peru arowlna out of the dlaputed province of Tc- na and Arlca, la moro hopeful, Tha Ualted Statea hat urcd upon both couatrlea thai every itep be taken toSipreeerva amicable rolatlona and It Waa .aald that tho offer of the Am erican government to adjnat the dis pute with a view to preaervlng peace ful relation thruout the American continent. tPeru haa accepted the offer of the United -.Statea but bo- official word .haa come .from Chile. Official ac cordlaa) abowed great Intereat In praad dtopatchea today from Batflo Aireayinr there, it a tendency in Chile, to accept the Argentine offer and rafaee the fender of good office It1. learned thatPrealdrat Wll aon .hat gone' abroid prepared to meif, My query regarding the rela tloaet bet week Chile and. Pra. Vw, month the tureau. which w devot ed to itatherfng data regarding the varlou natloiu of the'world and the trqubletomo quWueat upon therou bleome tjueitloiMrrnvelVed, la known to have been working upon thtTtre'' hla that hat eaietod la.Saatfc Aaaar iatf am'ce'Chlle't victory wter Pora ta to tka Proildeata of Chile and Femi deelariag ibat they awa R to tka .rati foraacea. Tka net id. that tkaaa- VarMee.of that rlatieaa,l;.iawt aMR tka- Tatt.tppriktaaiaB.-par- rteatorly oa , oniaao aaaftw To immfrun i J '; CCMDHKCItB UUIIIel l'fll 'I '! I III ' . T v -' - Otfameaioana'BMna 4 . -A i A- ' V". ' V 'iJL'!-. : WASHINGTON D.C.,rjltrjMi''af The TM'fUta Drtm. 1 MWIeedMewa a raeeataate from tajPartodJoaan !; , -ir.A MKVKRAL MKN.AHMMNTMD KINHD FOR AHOOTINO HMPV' TV 'flAMK WARDKN MTj) FMf KHAL APPOINTMHNT A HHmberWarra ferfahaHliirJ (Iucrm aiaag ia aatai wRaw city limit hit v'e been made V'MHftn Witrden j Henry Waal, T who dteldret that a lirgd nam bar af ; weal aitoteVa have Im a hnttir of lrfaitg Jhta iiniinancn, wmn vmmtfrm agaiatt irapeiHlaa''af,riifaTnM, R. V.TRHeWaaadti.Ji. Mtdeoa wtreappraended Saaalar, aiMiA'av broe Tackier wter ,c, 0. waa takea lato aattady tka wawnH for tkla offaae. , . Jtllckla aad Hadeea pm; MadJM aad eotta aafk bafara lawtloo nt tha Peace N, J, (Ckapaiaa, Teeklef waa nhed f ll.tlila the aaaia tawft; H- Mr. Steeit haa Jaet roeafrai bht aa. aoJautMt. aa. ltod 'Malawi IMVwtr aatMVaro fat late datrtt(f.aa4 wiH'Owiei wOiejetew iw Mexpma w ud ' . TbI' wtttwej ttPjmaBBV. rrom nawaa aaapreaiiaa ta regtrdlag 'akaatntg af'daafca, tanriaa aad aitaYaatt.i,atM wklek regalataa tka gMM Ma af geeta to elgbt bird,,, , ,. : TT HURRIES TO fCK .- ty i.Sl WIFE AT MEDFORO - . , Juat after raiding a hrifer from hi wife In Medferd thla maralas tying that aha, had tb lofl but that the waa getting aloag mte ly. C Andrea, wha M amptoyed'aa a wood flnlaher at tha' Coaa'ty Cswri Houao 'received a wire la the effect that tho waa very low. Ha bad Jaat elahl mlautae on aettlag tha word to make tho train, bet 'reached tbw.eV pot fa tlaa. 4 J to , ' lifV MORK MOYtt AMR ' ROW ON WAY 4 U , , i-i. i WAWIINOTON, D. C, De. 1J Tka tallMg af four army tranaporta briagtag addHJow- al.unlt from France le anoan- red today by tho war deport- meat. . The tranapert Rappabaaaaek, aelled on Deeeaaber ftb. tha Mallory, Uvlathaa and Celtic on the lib bringing abcrvT is 000 men. , hrvpf MtxirpWN WfmtMfTo" CKAMR PfARJNO WAR,MMIM. AMimCRDAM. Dee, II, Tt dl reetora of tka Krtipp MuaUtoa worlr have announced . thilr Inleatlea to tranaform the plaat lato a factory de voted to the art, of peace, aeeordlfl? 1the Cologne Oaaettw, H . cnYMAMfwnpx; SEVEftaTLY WOUMMbD ' i',.'4iJT 'fe$jh ,TMiaaia af Lara J Jji' 1 -.. i al--' -2 aaa !" a, wrmm, estoat.af gawp .arWfiaiiaaF; edWiJaabtr, WD ataaiai-aiaaani '-mmmw.' ttaia pVwatota to' hi mtttaaaa J . tnfgtllta draft. Ha h , aaieew J Pw, i . -'- " - ..' i-. ' RWWMW.'- immmwwi' ' ".,, r-'Af tb:tlee'-ef ktt 1 lite. a:i ."! '"",' wamFj Terwan' atapeMB"tpw r v JRiBtjSjilgrlaf Oatamajk,, r.l ,ttrI?- V1 & .TO n:v.;U S5 SJOSB 'f..- i . FNOINlaVlf, WWS. h .iMllf.l.' f i-. a tnmnmFiVKrtMM MigPptj AjiAAhn aB kpm i ..watBTw , PWHSWfW a-r 9wmllmHfm9w , 's'f-u.Mf.'A'v; iii.& V, . tu-&tei wf r'.f-. .r 'r ' j .' . -H.M-'L'lB J ' '. -. . FleW ! liniim nun- rc Wl III! 1 1 l.l if h ID nUULU ul it a,m nn i rn niirh mm ma J mm mi - -- kf SK .' fiSlMi I ; $iJmmmJim -mjj 'if .' . t fmrmmf1mmw j ,4i, . ,-,- . 1 - - tv Wzni V -, AifUa-av'Hajgaa mmkmm m flata apBaat F bH-BbV aalK 9M 9m V,aVMl flpHe t--. .' --. , 'tmmmmm m ela4'tr4r'atMW ..at ' ' h . af tMaaa'aaaiai that aTaalffeFf letter to a aveai wtaartgittj teMaaj'.. gJrT r ' fM' aL. QVVJwrVBj rewaj9fnaeT' mMV w FaaM" B B"V ejMaW W Wpfllllf 4aa9MaWVaf JIMv W$ a--1-1 jtLr lJ ! ST -lW --l -t -k: wtaa -', 'rf 'v '' I ll rat ! gW'gtail aafl B ft- WafRP WrwaaJ gg"yW BW .e-' wfjay . "i, rt!: --L&U&s WAtwiwrrotf.vfr.c. " . - .. ; -v ; ' j? -T-.'- Tka' ug''a JU tka rtamam4iBaaMrawHav. ... . frf' . -.( ' Imt . aaaew haa waa:ttat atal ,i aaNmmA'MlMLeaUaArM yaaraaaa, tfcw -He m gaaj fi at t', aaRt-waaFRUV; .VJi c ,tt;j i .; ' - Ab lMP-rto'it.ieku ftla.4Jteav: catlva ;eflaaitttle;taia Coaatf,Cbatorof.th9 Creaw wSI ba.'hafd M W extort, arae,B ftraet arreraewa 4 V i,fpM(.'''" Attflaat ! , ' 1iPilMBaV.,k ' ' Teal aa i ,' .V -- bMbbbbbbbbbbbbbW " f- y.j:, KEtin iTiJu.-a'V. T am fr frL'5SU'.LrK.l ri"& ?jl. trffJl'irmdi mxifc i iMiHmiii - - '. rxt- ?ftjpvS M.MWJ:. VtoKk yatfc"" f;) aeewt fwrf4B'mf hick ka trktae t, A'RW.aaV' PaaBfvts "" w K3 a i a ap. t ,- aai "r. if yy f T Ttatt f lb .aMJtettllJt MM ' C BHFJSSBZI s- n v-l.S?i m jf'-c-j ' , m -,f i ?f" m ; Jvv.v A. HHMrvim ", " i T A k i y l, v " r v .7 j(- vv -.5 ,, "'r ; i. JJ.s,.l. -.-" t.'.f.! J? i& Wm.. t. .i 'ir if ' '-- M:,mfi