WW''"' twampw itw-j ",-' i v, Mxmfmw m '' 1 'Affw?;-t!vWR8ffl :, Sllfr llli OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY r FtTj"!"""J Kittfc.y..w iifV Thirteenth Year No. n.iHii KLAMATH FALLS, ORECOH TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1918 B Jr, EX-KAISER M S"T ., i. . - j -,l i -. ' va? , ' ;. ' .9s 'rU ' . ?1 V. L ---. - .' ' . . aw . ' b-I H H t .-, .,. i. i. eEr- "; , . - . ',,t.y' i . ;? '' ',t v;M''f ...., T , 'tM1 j , , . ! . . if'rT'i ' Vffil HAS ATTEMPTED SUICIDE NEW PDUClf ST1ShB1H'.:i! M t' , & i lft' I W W W ft ; -W J. .:-, & m & fiDVAUSTFAIMY STARTED slS. V-fc' fs WILSON'S WAR CABINET WILL FOLLOW HIM TO PARIS AND SUBMIT ADVICE TO HIM AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE ORDER NOW RESTORED IN COLOGNE BY THE BRITISH,' AFTER SEVERE RIOTS AND BLOODSHEDS-YANKEES CONTROL COBLENZ , (By AmocUUcI Pnu) LONDON, Dec. 10. William Hohenzollern has at tempted to commit suicide, following a. mental depression, according to a Copenhagen dispatch from a Lejpsic news paptr. tV . A nwwber of the former emperor's retii)uc who pre vented him from carriyng out his intention?' received a wound. PARIS. Dec. 10. Holland Henry of Prussia, brother of claimed the establishment or WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 10. The industrial mem ber! of the President's "war cabinet" which -met at the White House every Wednesday during the war, will join the President in Paris, and act as his advisors at the peace conference on the economic industrial and reconstruction problems in Europe, which are affecting the future peace of the world. COLOGNE, Dec. 10. Order has been re-established in Calotmm hv the arrival of British troons. after several days Hole, pillaging anJ bloodshed by the mobs of the lower ciaeeee, i 4 l- ---- " r-MJPMB Twt in .rnhlAnz i now under comolete coJBeTofthe American forces, with the municipal authori- tieeeo-ordinating. ",, V' WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 10. General Pershing has reported that the third American army is continuing its advance into Germany, and nas now reacnea me nmne River from Rolandsek to Rohl. : PATIFHTS Will )--.-.- m. disuse i( I great geyaera o( water thrown Into -t State Health Board . the air. . tr?$P . ! ;!. a-amlah1 The trJMport paaaed Into tho 0tf!klm,f9 Ue.3?",!ClAorca today, and t-rned northward winiif to Ui p!lc to be very care Wf f All aeraoM who have Juat re---' trmm the dlaeaae, Statu- 1Mgtow''t.-t more caaea are con aXjIi iu.viv.i,.iiii hav lint re- .W"."."' "' 7 .V aaTara- thaa front taoie .wnu ft TJT. 1 Aa thoae Who are re- uT;r--i--i out that there la far reaUr iaager ' of' their ' ajreadlng ;lljal-ir;)i olha. kl m' nwir ; Mm eiairly determla- '0Weri-awr obaan" tha.Urtio W-'yi. ," a-fi Infail a' ri--"---- -lytvo been S2-2r----i'umM W kept n -. r-.'rr, -"i 't-- ., , Mmm Vitf-rifitK likw.islM BY HUNS . r reports say today that Prince the former emperor, has pro a royalist party in uermany. WILSON NEARING. FOREIGN SHORES ADOAHU Tilt! OKOnilE WAS i- I INOTON, Dee. 10, The Pretldtat yM(erdux watched a United SUtoi ! Destroyer stage inrllllng- demon- titration of the repulilng of tubnar- (no attack. Depth bombc were dropped and ou the laat lap of her. voyage. MAIWHALL I'HKWDKH AT CAHINKT MKKT TODAY, wABiiiMnTON. D. O.i Dec. 10. ;- -- Preildcnt Wllaon In a Wlreleaa meta- to preawe ai ineu.ua, ,--, v- Inet moetlng, MaraM" presided in formally. : , , ' . A. T.ATARTV .. ,. ,, W ff?' DWtOHILULT10V. KNOBNB. Dad. 10. DemobtllH tlon'ofihe 8. A.,T. Catjhe Unlvtrr liy of, Orago-, both army wfinvr aeetloM has coenced, w((h the a. rlvaj 9t tba, naeamrir forma .front the eidquart.ttTwftrfk- soessary forma .from lw IIUWI I aaaf l I III -i - LMIUil'IIIU ' l.aU,. aavgnfi- -aav '!" Rtevii ran COUNTV IMUKD IIKMKVKff THAT KIMDKMIC CAM HK HTAMPKD OCT IX TKN DAVH IF FULL CO. OI'KUATIO.N IH (JIVK.V. At a Joint meetlug of city and county offlcera latt evening, at which were present Dr. George H. Merry man, County lleilth Officer, and' Dr. Warren, Hunt, City Health Officer. II wai unanimously agreed that mora rllT measure ahould be Immedi ately adopted In order to check tha epidemic of lnfuensa now present In Klamath County. It waa agreed that there must be' co-operation oi the part of all the people of the county In order to stamp out tale disease. It waa the opinio, of the two physicians that If the following policy, adopted by them, la eloeely adhered to, the epidemic can be' curb ed within ten days,, and tha warning 1 1 given that If the people fall tevee openita In this Important- maleerT rigid measures will b taken to, aa force the penaltlea prescribed by taw. A sqmmary of tha policy, wMeh U to be In force from aad' after Deeem. ber 11. 19H, Is. as follows) 1 All laflueasa patienu are to be Isolated. x All prospective patients, that la. those people who have been eapossd to thla disease are also to be Isolated for about four days. 3 Kvery city and county, physi cian Is. to be promptly appointed as a deputy health officer In tha county. Kvery health officer Is to make a dally report of inlueasa patleato, and those who have been exposed to the disease. . 5 Dally reports from all tha health officers will be published dally, Health board, rules regarding the Inluonsa will be published dally. 7 Instruction eards regarding pre vention and care1 of lanueesa eaa be secured at the drag stores. Pood and necessaries will bo furnished to raose-la quarantlae. Assistant city health officers and precinct constables In eouaty, to visit dally laflueasa patlenU, and as certain the needs of individuate M Isolation. " " ", Pull observance of tha .fallowing rules are required W the aHuaaw'nf the ceunty: '" ' ' a Keep' your bewew open. b Take a bath every day. c Ost lots of fresher. d Rat plate, nourishing feed. Avoid alcoholic stimulation. ' e Keep your feet warn and dry. Remove wet clothes aa'aoon aa pos sible. ' , ' "' ' . - f Avoid ehUllag of tha body er llvfng In rooms of( a .tempertMbo low 85 degrees er abeve'Tl degrsis. "' g-Oargle frequently , with a aUM antiseptic solution. ' , h AAvbld persons suferlng from colds, sore throats and cougaa. I Cover your, aose.with your band kerchief when .you saeeae your mouth when you eeugb.. ,'Changa handkerchiefs frequently, Pramaily disinfect1 soiled; haadkerelMefa.. tby boiling or washing 'wRh aoan and i I .I.W liMt.lt-l ' .ciy; 1 J OkrnaElOIwi .: v.MW.KAVL.a44PVe.rl :.vH:'AsateUat:PHy:l(aiJtbCHRw, -i .OsK).ltaYAir,4 ,ft5C 0-.(WllIWaWTBa fK , -twJWHK WHSWi u ti -.. ------- (i.. ' '?-ii; ifi PereeVen yeatn new the taxpeyeni of KUfnath Connty tMMNolial to dig money to be NSjiandered on the conxtn HMl the end k net pwente.ef this ceanty wsM be paying 'taxes for new court howscs levy for this purpose No levy was mode It for, laic, at,! thla year aaaaae asraaVM mahee'asatol.of aaia.aia.gS. HnnVient, it wonM seem, to cub stract nnriy deeent beiHdtng for HMetany tmrpese. ' It amjl't betpUie smm who has to pay the Uses any to be told that .hai'ar that '.esa-tjr. J-4e waa to blame for the' moner hetaa waste. p ,We have had three eoanty Judges during the past seven years, ahCthoy Mf stssaed to have the saase mania for wanting more assay to spend oa con rt honaes. We do not say thla necev aarNy hf ' siirH of critic lam, aa the eoanty eearta have n- rbshivsd they were foHowMc'the wishes of the voters We know that .deny this eseeat aa It material VbethrrK 'Is trae er aot.' ofashafhooa rsmprMid to heea oa nayin. year,' wim aafth. sport aad eathaslasp f W WsMd Hko to osTer the '.iard.aew partially cyaplrtedt for which the taxpayers of HI' VMHKjrlMIT fmvsTHl-nllMl --SVVa 'waVJVNMWl fjWaa fJIVeiMP VV w rtlntB It Mtilea IW -Maf4 0 WamH a ji'i 7 t ' j Lp g ggaa-kBj g !-. aaauMhaj qy'fVJearJsBa Mrn'ttaaJT-NMa Milat ' . et tha aatiaa af wantlagraay aeweeart haaas. Than, i reaaty does .aad 'It might he aeressaty for as .. la that ease. It woaht be' desirable, from ear past expert anee, to drat dsdaltily aad IsgaHy decide oa the lecatlea before we started theba-Klag, A. year la net aay-.too long to.settsB this ha-' .ptrtant aaaaaaaa. We have.haowa H to tofco loager thaa that. We sertsasly believe that the atatter of lecatloa shoald''be deaaUely aad perawaeatly settled before the taxpayers are asked to pay another cent for court hoases. If the court should deride that the eaatract with Dugaa A Co. U valid, and that Klamath Onaaty was have to pay for court house No. a, then the present eaart; aoaaa faad -woaM be exhaasted, aad the proposed aao.OOU hrvy far neat year' weald only be starter oa another faad of sev a There ta'a-w a legal eaestiou the baagtt la tta thae aao-Jaags aajelalag aaaCaaaty Ceart frasn "makawj or eateriagorders of any klad arirhararter hariag refereaee to raastractloa or cam platlea of what la commonly kaewa aa the Hot Hprlnas ceart nua auaaruoa'waa graatea peamag ine aaoi irioi aaa ef the salt aroaght by as Co. We haveat ceaaalted any attorae',vaa most of theai la Klamath PaMaaad Portload are retolaed by. either the Chanty Ceart or tha apposition, bat to oar, mind,, the proposed levy woald ha a.vlslatlaa af the iajaartioa gtaated by Judge Calkins. WOULD PUCE TUX 01 MS V v.' ' IALBM, Dee: 'It. Senator W. T. Viatoa pf Yamhill county proposes to 'Introduce In the, forthcoming Is glaiiture a bill, Imposing a tax on gaaollas o( 1 seat par gallon, The money thus received, he plana ahould aa allotted, to theaountlaala which the iaMUM is soMaad be used In eoparatioa wlths stats highway saimlinlan for'the balMtag at per, MnnthtghwaVfl..,! He. alao afgeata tht;hlfhwsyi.bm;wHk this fund 'i ; ,r X marriage Jlliaass has been. Is- -i . ' .- . 8W.5?WI1W!WL ", Thoauu Akia, if Oeaiy Olwk O.K. ; FOB ROMS 'W' have conn tract Ion yet. Prom all apyearaaces. the was mode In 1918, when SM,noo V hi Itia. The levy for 114 was for lata, fa,eeet for lair. la roaeaed to be levied. ThU both factions to this prolonged asmlles. to their side, bat It Isn't The fact remains that the rent am taxes, year after for the game has been foHowing saameatlea. .Two court of toe Wade aot "- . taaMBqp eMasNaTfli asamti aw W vwtt-l Ha4M (lt atMllqW IB t ' f eaaf' ) M (at WaW-M'vTS Ml0fc(rCr OVjt . ' aatawa eMheref the' to start a. new eaa that might be worth whHe con- present form. Is approved aad. CaMtlaa granted aa iaj-artioa I the County Court against Poaaaa COaSTFLVEft IS TOT III Aviator Lieutenant Hogland who la maklag'tbe flight up.and, down, the coast as a 'preliminary survey for a now slrplsae mall route,' via,' doing seme mighty -clever work, according ia' Prod Datfanbecker' oftBwansene Barber shop,' who; has been la. Eu gene tor we iBHiew uaya.on busi neasand, who saw. Hogland somoiln f 5 way.heimanam t,ls,marvslous.vHla advent at Eugene where'? he flew areuad over tha town for eonslder- abletlme, attracted, large' crowds.' noawaa aiisf Bowa. " aesiiio rp turatato,,Susa and started 6uth from (ith'sraytsterday. .but' .'turaad back and delaysd his trip "owIb tp .turnao H rat settled- l m.. A aaart' H aajala, we H baaaangs, rH SCajafjflWRvCCVj' II OI rVOHK MtaeaainR oa bis way nortnrv Thai blriman' iaaiWeryimiil aBtiN)ffeabatkw'WranaMiaJ TniiiihnfiniluU Uil I1'!!! U IIIUIIIIII HllllllTIf 1 '-.".:. IX n-f'-l . jjG I'llHHIIII IlllllPI'r I' i uiiniiu uuuii 1 1 iie.i .' K- INQt'lHIKMl'ARK 3OW RKIXaiKn CKIVKD IX asATMI A - f m-l flf.tijLi? . THAN i KVK i RtXlMK MCflK . . .. T - -" DhVKLOPMKXT CHItTAIJf. V ' A large number of eyes are now turns In the, dlrsrtloa of Klamath rails aadKlamathCouBty'aad'mara Inquiries are belag reeelved Vsaart Ing s,future lacatloB her than aver before, aceordlag 'io' Captain O.O. Applegtewba 'hae had ' charge .al tbla corrsspahdsnee for the Klaatath iCommerelalTaub for the ast.atja; tesa koglha; fu,$w & Xaptaia Xpplagata k.faVtho,aala lonthai.wiu the vnir aver aad. ar mal .eondHlaaa' retira? there iwlUi be a trsmeadeus tafias .ef.eataiaa srttlers'.for tWaasatt''. A ' y"iM$ V Tl '.big' 'MaBtlakpraiaaaVMW ssiriadAajsaW' auaedevslspmsat la 'ITSL. way.C alew prksd'Uaas and aaaared eroaa at Kho to'attraet farmers from 'all Putura aavslopmaatfaf' tha1 tread wording, tadustry here.eaa'hardly'e grasped as yet .ay meatier aa wen thoiifch the monthly, pay roll'In-tths County exceeds n' quarter' nMUiea dollars. - ."; -iW r-- "e -?K tr mi MORE SrtADT 'i$ 2 f , "I! vt, WASHINOTON, D, J., Dec. !: aovernmeatx col of .teUgrama signed by, William) RaadolpTi Hearst regarding the policy bhlavrapss era we're read into the records' at todays hearlaa- of the Senate Cam' ml'ttee.' ?- ?'"' In, a message to Hale.Hsarsi aaM ho bellqvsd'tkaVavasVmaJartty of people In Amerlea aad Qerma'ay were oupoied, to tha' United. Statsa . sa- terlBic the wlr aadlw'dealredrto em ploy bla laflisiceffo' the proajol of a lust and lasllaa-oeaee. 4( " A Hessite'dstsd March seeead and Signed "Doctor" Bresssd.S tooths New (York .American;' deetaired the famous. Ilmmerman note ,1a' whleq Germany advocated the alliaaoe, with Mexico and Japan and jwhlch .the Associated Press, ravejledtto, tha H'AeM' rtsrimPtlv1 mrm 'Agw , ntbL "Vtn nwvnv; - esme -vpw j'?' pared "by" the" Attoraey'Oenwr'to frighten vPongrcaa IntBtvlngtha rresiasnt iBej.poFcrsaa and perhaps a6 la pajslnf .jtha' "s nlnanr. 'Will ' 'V''. V MJ . .. plonage, bill,' , V. $ Lt-'nW 4 8 MKntilXG WIRK M.NHS J . , .KAVRtD f)Y VA1K. WASHINOTON.. DvC, 'DM. 10,-r graph fcllJtlaa.of,t,M'ntrjr'o;ae ,hand and th marine 'cable llnsaoa the othttleaeh.wlthT comprehsnalvq ijperat lag organise tn undrralM headi Ja reommWsd'to Pottniaatfj ba brought'aboui wither; dmlmK.' meat ot.tne propKiiss.aaam.aaanja niinir eueuiv uh'h uumw . . . . ( -r iiistv4-ill,w' voacn 10 pnTSia.owosrsa lae.sapfr 1 , ft - - oe.xxsf .1 t,'i ' .a.i . 4i'iif,r' . T7?r .naw tatng preauea-'are aauaai aaamnji . -- .'''i PROGRAM. 'i,iTfi4ii''vcl 111 I I 'I I iff iff ;' I rt-iifA;'AIIIi- 1 --TrnV V Yr-hf I i ' ' ,B LS T aT 'j Urn-' ill -II IiKr''msar I i vr "M wiy" - V ' W'iu-.:'A '''.'!!'? a1 , '. ; " - iJ sair.;T4-OT4ii:aaMiat :oet...-, S ". ,-;i Sm- aaar"' aS8SWaWi-J n'ii'i in ! imr .'-;'. ',fl fT!TIS?j3 ;Vi.nMi a. i -.? y..' i s.y f Ai. Aim t'xj: W-v ! -..", -- . ' '-. U.V j ai . 4.,;rj' iijn -mJ m&w-i't.:' i , wwhw: ,!."1i 'i ;-r -m v., -w.-aa-w -- tr'la'mkay': llal W the 0c4aay aeeaaa af 4Mt. - ill WWIdi at i. )...-; '., i : ' . ". l. -v'. thasumotll Lv'; . i. ,'.. . '. j.- j 7''nBL1" new eeaatseeslaar ' ' "-"!. inrn ' l'4.-j'fj'- J' .. . .U. .-. k'l- 'TTaa i'ennraeler. .aawaraai aana. r,5 vi'W"' tlen '.alitUiJawtaaaMpt f.-0 dirartasd, It ta et-tarad. aatll iha tur';a bs taken ap NaV 8tate--;adtfVaarfVMMbWM- o .i.. -'--. n wai'aahrJ ,.' '"' & -M aaab j.ri pwa-aiK"! --! ' ht ,-M aaaxe auattalir ta'fUW . .'J.'- :- -'-. cV.WKhitae' meaey whiah sheald Vs. raWrad;eyv'ttm AOaafty : from tbeai ------ tar iha BM-daad'alata iV-ai'-t '--. ,a-.ti )ti,s: la adWatTtot-bTpala!' thriaia-sraa4wa.0aaaa; rMk daaa la- yaw- ' " - .,VTW"aMe- pfaaram af taa aat . ,itTow; rmfU m.a -; toba autiaWafteel. saaMat r Mb t, tul.asws to inllinli In every part of the eouatrrj tack af.aaqt r ca'M;.aw.;e1qtr-to.eaaami 'probablyJhanaj! other ajkV -eni ka--Lri-t tea fteaads aj " 'amai p , waera taa, aaaamsasj-j t:vrM-,a netat .to aat. U'-dokWyTharaaVi.a . thtegwjitah.'.wlil.'ahj aa-naaaVB! Ttopmsat; IJU aMat..mi M BiiaiBBipiin r' -p .wap w ,i vrnat oaiytwui seas a a w sesr : sf fslr. .salHteg, u the etmW : but Itwin tMiasaaa ad Half: in an isaaal harvest of Ullsi I asaal, th. loaallty hM.harerare las --; ot.us tourlT4a:aay haa.fa-. , the -hi.tow;yiby:sa mm W coasl4erabHinumber ff aiMp.JaS IstsbutowlagtolthO & highways; realr: a trartleaai;a''l wkw'.tM foaat'ato wMrMjsjhat waw aSSBam aeaviajf -M.Mfv'MVR aV morsrhaa par M v utiai Duneai. !e waaraae ia-'i anaBajas. thce;attayra. - a-f ' Pfii i , amooihbJMlm.rjtoSlw ' Tffl H,'hyay5t' vlaawlU-f ftuVV f-P-bUrl-ll twlc. Itttfi.- v aw -, aeaa .-;- 1,T,--'TT- :iM':"Tri trlct, at Haiaaa, y , t v i r Aft',l,' ,-i- ,.: . ' . ' . " ? i'.'. Wvfr vjiM-:t';&ru., . J , S-C J H rtJ S !-,