' rf'-V.f,' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY I rv'- . '' .ni"""!1 t-: ,-" "Wtyi't. "v" ru'fjfcs'vt .:4 V'i Thirteenth Ywtr n, n. imh KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBERS ltlS i (tit Iff - g I ti i ; ; ' jflfrjfc: ; Af fTOEJIM 1 B J 4gsV UI.KK'.K. RMS SRk'm RR am " 'egJ-m '' ' j.-M'f '' !. -it. 'ff'-'J!ialiiyKliBMBM - . v --v. ... - v"' r:,.'rav-s?t, . ;. -v. . wiH.SMi-,'..'Hri pnw if ,tjt to. I U. S. BRITISH SOLDIERS RUSHED V McADOO Asks congress to help in the feed ing AND RECONSTRUCTION OF LANDS IN FRANCE AND BELGIUM GERMANS GREET ENGLISH ADVANCING FORCES ..'' WITH CHEERS-ARE AFRAID OF THE HUN TROOPS AND FEAR STARVATION V (By Associated Prats). WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. 9. Secretary McAdoo has aaktd congress to authorize loans after the declaration of peace to the governments associated .with Jtlie United State in the war, to aid in the feeding and' reconstruction of the devastated countries. It J estimated that a million and a half of war bonds hav;alrtady been authorized to be available for this pur pose, but legislative authority ..,- AIX LA CHAPPELLE, Dec. '9. British troops-have been hurried to Cologne to maintain order, but the nature of the trouble, or how serious it is, has not been stated. It is reported that the Red forces and their opponents have been rioting. The British infantry has now pushed up as far as Diren. LONDON. Dec. 9. The German population west of the Rhine is more cordial as the eastward. Th authorities b&v that the coming of the English, because they are afraid of their owp people ana rear ror ine starvation oi men- cnuurcn. they cheer the troops on their arrival. -. : '" ' WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 9. Advices received here Unlay said that General Dupont of the French army had arrived in Berlin and .established headquarters in the pal im formerly nccunled bv the French embassy. They have keen intrusted with the transport of the French prisoners held in Germany, POSTOFFICE CREW HIT HARD BY FLU LAkJoa.l n.l..!.. Ijmi.l ...ull urrll.r. lABlOa 1-UIITKH. iuvi ....... -..., waa takea dowa today with tho Inllu- h.1.. .h ninth caio thua far MM,', f .ho .ocanpetore. according Peoiaiaotor Oclwll, There ara only," v -- - - -. to. 'oa Ike regular force, but part' of liable nourco. a roiult of offorta q?t "f r"""'"r 7 J ' 0f me ctnlo dopnrtmont nnd the Urn- tko.oaaW lletcd are tho.e who "., ffflwlw offlce. aolalag temporarily. J Tho newepapor'a Informant caya j''Aaaltant Poatniaiiter John McOall, ti,at tho two governments propose u CL'i'i.'. -i. n.n. ..n..rn,l uml had nartlal lilebovclte and that ttie Chll- -"ir? "" ! renmed km dutlec, haa again beon oHtjedtogo'tobod. VfM?? fATJKNTH IMPIWVK ,- Mm. W. H. Soohorn who wa taken ill w'ltli Ike' laflucnia the last of the , ifc- uJiildably Improved today J.j' 'j ... ... .n Walt wtt.fV.Vit --.' ;.-i ' , ' j'-ut n-u, Mayr;o. .vi.risier ,- ,- ..-..-- iw- ...I. tinrrnW for J.. ... -. ... .. -. itr.ii fll.al . mnrrAW 'ElaEmS I oa'tcr today .Ubo Mr.. Qroesbcck and the children will &JZL!2!rJ?ZJln. sjmiid the, wlntemoaths. It' U Mr. $i -- &- M H w av nj.i.iv-jnvt's I' jtr r" T i jiort leave sm . ;) -- -j- Us ''la'gTfr for, M '?'t,.r' Th WMr?rW'ae.ltk.WWck'lo much aoHer la tee Stalk darlag tke' wlatsr MUST TO COLOGNE must be granted. ..i-U-AKX. c. 4t i. - " troops of General Haig move thev undiscruisedlv rejoice in CHILE AND PERU ARE NEARING ADJUSTMENT IIUKNOH AIKK8. Hoc. 0. The roniiwemy Ucio.. .... .. ..,.- -JU .pp. aaclH,. JJ. U '' I ii.uu.Ihh .m.Ihm Afflnaa DM' . .. . ran uu mrunu v..,. . dlipoed toward the proposal which contemnlatea reitoratlon of Pacific port to llollvln, liKAVK FOll KXTKNUKII VISIT. City Atiornoy Bbllo C. flnesbeck experts to leave with his family to- for Drlicnl . Texas, wnera TAKKS POSITION IN SBATTMl A. J.' Lyle, for a number, of yeara owner of' the Klamath' aeneral Hos pital In this city1 leaves for Seattle tomorrow, where he-haa accepted!a position, with a steel ship corporation. HELP REBUILD MMAMAMMMMWMMMWMWMMMMM1 j. ii. hkoki.kv takhb ovkb mx tkxhivk iriikmtkd tract in wood iuvkr vallky. cojc HinKliATi'ux M,eee . J. H. Ileckley of Portland ha Jtt tlonfd ' deal with F, H. Page, of Page and Son produce marcbiaU (bat city, ror tala loo aera raack aaar Port Klamath. I Tbl, plate U known aa tba ? Btratton., ranch and It coaaldorad mo nr lh hat alftfV ranithaa In Ihla 4U.'. trlct. The conaideratlon' larolved wna in tho. neighborhood of 150,690. With the transfer of tho property iom h one third Interact la tho Mcl base ditch, by which the eatlre tract U Irrigated without ezpeaco. Mr. Beckley haa been Intorestod la) the cattle Induatry la Klamath Ooun. ty In an extenitve way for come time and will place aome of kla flao bred ihort home on hla aew property. Ho Urea In Portland, bat aaaeaaceo kla Intention of building a modern home on hie ranch and ipendlng a portloa of the time there,, WASHINGTON, 1). C, Dec.. . More leltera from the fcecret flloa of Von Bernatortf 'read to tho Senate Committee by Blelaakl, Included tko limtructlona to all tke Qermah eon aula In the United Staiea to get Qer man aiibjecta out of planta producing materlala for the Alllco. Blelaakl eald that "of all the aewa- pniwra In the United Statoa thoae' publlahed by Mr. .Hearst wore tho most pronounced la favor of Ger many and that their attitude contin ued very questionable after wa co lored the war." There waa no evi dence that Hearst received profit' from the Clermaa government.' (UIHIVKH KIIOM POBTIiAND TO CARK FOR SHrTR. Mrv. T. 1). McDowell, of PorU.aad has krrlved'to take care at her sister Mi.K. H.. Jeffersoa, who has been III nt her homo at 4 Bsplaaade for about two weeka. l , r ., I.OCAI. PARTV RKACMM' MM ANGKUW SAFRM'. Word haa .been feeelvod from Os car Shlve who left a short time age, witn nia wire anq Mr. aag Mrs. o.yr; White for southern California; fcv auto, that the party arrived at Lai AiiKole without mlekan aad "that tley were not qbllgedto put aa thrlr clmlns thruout thstrlp. ' sW " , MOONKV 8TRIKIM POSTfONRP vi ' '" i, , Jvik ' ' san rjUNonco - Die. t.-Tke airiaes piaaaoa-iaraaat ;tae eoaatry for todayV;aa?av protest .JforMopaar were eaUed.jMaH'-terlaawr Mngrees-.eaaniaot; M;;C1UaJMa' WIND TOO SWWfaT j Af nx? . m- VM O044TraURB0fAir. fcuaBNK, Dw: ' t.-Av'tetorHLUi-tenant Hof lahdleft hereat U oeloek this SMraUg fef ;Snueaio but're- turned";ea':aeeaak)af,;tao' klabl vltl and. will: await1 for, beitecweatker, ' BONN FORT KUffl EKTSU HEIIIIST SHIN . UP THRU PUT IHDUCTED ' I. t H TIKES WlKNil IMI1H I'lVRTOCIRAVK WITH. iltWRMf. TSKRIKLK INPLL'KN- V SA LRAYHS TWO UTTL1. ON MM WITWt PARKXT. J AttoraeytAlbert R. Blder, wko kM vary, ! for several dayo wltk f,tk SyMtahjtaliiaMs; and wko aarar moTMt4 NaeloiwiaM aaesk to UaalfaM ttat'kla wlia kad dlaVsara bla toiU for ilfoat kto koaio"ta Hot IprhijifAddltlomaooMt t o'clock lut mlgkUA a -i.i ! i. r TU IIMIII WM WMI kaown ni klsajr)rwi4ieU4. elUMf , .of this JeoamaaKjvaad hla lees win be deep ly re of aiargf aamaor moaas. Ho woald kave keea 41 roara of ago kU ko Hrof aatll Mkrck S7tk. Mr.' MMaf -waa bora ta Iowa, aad graduated tram tko law. deaartmeat of Amos OolUgo. Ho ealletod from Iowa wkaav,tho Soaaleh war broke oat. aad aorvod tkra a atroaaoaa cataH'sa ta'tko PkUlppasoa.! Oa kla' mara ko', araeUeod law , for a aaoti-tlBM'la' Iowa, aad thea eamo ta.ilMlo4oMY ito oaaM.ta.lkla ol iwolv''rWoo.;'!lavItl-ke waa otootoi. ooerttary of tko Klamatk Wa ter Users AassslaUoa, wkkk post tloa ko add for sevea years: Oa re- slgalag this peeHleo he acted as at; toraey for tko ergaalsatloa aad, for tko' Klamatk, Irrigatloa DMrlct: Mr. Wder waa a respected member of tko Maaoale Lodge aad of tko Kalghts of Pytktea. , Two little children survive the father aad mother, who died within a week of each other, John, aged 5 years, aad Mary, who' woald- have beea I years eM oa her father's birth day la March'. A slater or tke deceased.. Mre, J. H Duaeaa. Is now oil ker way from low aad H Is anaonteod tkat funeral ar- raagameats ;wlU aatll her arrival. aot bo completed Sko la eipected to arrive Wedaeaaay, Tkat Crater Lake aad Ranler Na tional Parke were the only ones Whose attendance waa Increased. this yearover former yeare, waa disclos ed la, reports at the Northwest, Tour 1st issoclatloaa. held Jaat week, at Tacoiaa. It Is believed by many that the active "workt which has beea done by this effecliat. organisation during tM past, two years u urgeiy responsi Mo far; this akatrlng. It waa announc ed tkat. eO.OM persona la the east kad. listened to tke illustrated leet ares of frank. . Riley of Portland, Tkla .cainpalga' will, be carried' oa oat .year. ' y ,, , Capt. J, WHomaas of Klamath, raw. was. eieeesa (agein- aa airecwr rroai this -ecelea. ' ,i W.'i. Hofaia. of Portlaad, jraa rereleeUd preal4ejtsid,--Jv;P.taeri .Worw-'waa vaeaMJireaaary..ior aao-, taer, term., MmyWmiu Pairt; Meier It Hilli..-of Vaneeam: at ''MfmaM&w l oj&r, ... - v ". j-h VlaMTOR FROM MAUN Mr. aad MWwilllam Daltoa aad two1 sous' are 'la'' tewa tejlay from; tko Daltoa' stock raaek'la tko Mallato- irtet. VOLLOWR1 . T'. TniifiiOT nnnv OF W WORK i I ' ' mm die mm SATS EDITOR i r t GKRMAN WRITKR NM.XARHM KX. KMPKROR WAS CX)WAIUMiV. 'mkrkly a tool in hands or MILITARr LKADKfwl LONDON .Dec. e.MaxImtlUaa naraea. editor or tne zaxaart. ac cording to a'Berlta dispatch', said that ... tke Impression abroad concerning tke former emperor waa false. He said tkat the kaleer had no personal part la wllllag Ike war,' but waa a mere tool la the hands of. a military patty. ay whnk ko waa regarded aa a cow ard, aad whea tho momeat for doelar. lag tke war came tke mllHarlsU fear ed ke woald ret aea to eiga tke deelar atloa. He mleeed kU caUlag, the' state meat declared' aad wae aevur'aapV pier tkaa 'whea posing la the lime- . ... : .... , Ha, oagkt to kave maaaged'a i rot or takea soma ekow oa a toar. - mmm m at ' fmjaej ej aamsiMaavtta m. ea. 94mAU:HMlV.JT HERE MY CHRISTMAS Mrs: Joe Mcm, of "the-Weetera Traasfer 'eompaay ",le rejetelag today over tke pews ,Teoelved -"Item kerf sea, AJvera BeaJleiief ItkVaylatloB breach la Texas, to the effect tkat ke to to be released from the eervleo Immedi ately, aad will be home for Chrletmai. ho haa not been home for two years. RK(VKR PROM OPKKATIONg Mrs. Vivian McOee nnd Amedlo Leometel, who underwent, operatloaa by Dra. Geo. Merrymaa and B D. Johnson at the Klamath aeneral hos pital Friday for appendicitis, are, re ported to bo recovering nicely. Mica Mabel Bout of Oleae uader weat a major, operatloa at tkla iastl- tutlon yesterday by the aama physi cians ,aad le .reported to be resting easily. ) V .' mmm Mrs. Claire Geneva Markkam, wife of S. M, Markham passed. "away at 1115 Main Street, at S;d .Saturday evening, foltowj.Bg qa skort" Illness from the Spanish laf lueaia. The deceased waa ' yoking woman, who had been married for'aboutUwo years. 8hV. w'as fwentyoM;:'ye'rs and'even'montlwVof ageJltchii-! nana is,aa,empioyee .or, tne.iflematn Manufacturing Company. Previous to, coming to .Klamath Palls Mrs. Markham reslded,ln Stock ton, California and. her jremalas, will urn, him mere tor ounai, nccpraiag t aanouncemeat today... . ' Vrt- , ' - m """ i't - ' . - 't ': i .J. "i lUJUeUTH MAN 1SI-, , 3iPl MerWsarmV;-b-Ml.V:Ktomirth Pells, la luted as Mverely.weaaded'.la the casualty list today. Mr. 'qreea' wna employed ta( the service as cook. lie m wen aaown in Ktematajuouaiy, wkare ke'. has, aevefal .brother ,en-1 gagaa raacBiag.?Tne aaiure oi aw ,-.'i.. . . . . . . .r ts owads kae aet beea learaed. l r MN sinr n wmpm mmw$ WAR --- "( I ' ' ' ". v -rJ, " y m : "' i'V.ttv&i w&$mMx aa put TVDKAm v M1UTARV OPPRNfeRB i gC i,H -..'t HO'.J ' 'INO!WlHLf.OW..aT1 iWcipal' 'or JM1 Vnri&r&'lft Not'a slo'moaibor of tke -Amerisaa armykaa beea pat todeatk ataaa'.tko' beaiaasmg of- ta. war,.a.totk.oesa mtoaMa'ef.a; parely mMRafyisSeass rrwm ! crawMr mum tomV.f j KttS$$!ft 'vary raw. aeata Impeaod.'rr; CeavieUoaa far ram aM'aetaaHr leaobks.Slertka; oas yaaWi - -t & 'Mfoi$ii tfomk aoMlsr wad eaavietai iaf becM a'dW'T.elW-W'p-a. wmw Svfft; :r ?"''" -?W'. 1 SALRM, Doc P. Dariag the last from iir'1 hav7 aw.atiTti ie.lI8.t70.,wkkhJsiiefdtaaBM.-! 000,000 above 'thi pttof.'aay previous bleanium In tea history j'of the state, according ta figures Jmlag -" .,.i . .. -'-., 'I,!.'''-!....:..'.. of Sta'u TreaaarerKay;' , ! - ,-'.i'v' .4 naah aa kui n OeUher 1. 111! totaled li,m,IO, wkieh, wheaad; ei;to, the receipts for'tha bleaalumi makoa a toUlof ff l.7I.7Tt. ' pui ourtemeais ror toeiwo yearn, aaai gate f lt.tlfi.Slt, leavl,wXflfc: laace oa' September 10 of ft.ftf.tSi; ; Por tko irstUnie eln74,Vjihe report 'of the s'iaU treaiarer'eaoWB that the etato haa a boaeed indebtoi nasa. Tke" atato aowkas oalstaaaias boada amuaUagutovM40,Si at which IJ.5f0.0ee are highway boada; aad Mso.ioe arex rural. ereaiw bonds., lAh W W "I, t 'I i Figures are .give, la the, report showing theBTowtk of I tke etato" bu slness aa reersfeat'ed;by the amoumj of rocelpta, aad dUburea)fnt.iThs dUb"uriomeBts"for the bleaalum' end tag September SO, 1I0S. totaled IB; 817.1J4; ltis-ie, f7tsai,st; lio- U, 7;71,85,- lfll-14. flO.fBl. BM; 191418 11,47S,49; 191118. 18,61B;51k. k" I ,. t - T . . w J ' . 4 ' '": '"''"V " ,i 'mte&xit "" iaaiaaiaii"Pi'amBam Mka-lHIIHkr VllUVIk '.JiWl tMfmmBWaaemlMt-iL. mme . ) .!7 PROCLAMATION 1 i, .Wooarow WlleoarPresI-. to"racaver-- from the- WuM, '"4 ;n r. A . i "3 wnereaa, dent of tle United dent, of tke American summoned every .chin try to tke-eomradeehlpi of universal niembershlp la the Red Cross; and, ( Whereas,1 Membership la the Amer ican Red. Cross la aaevWeaee of jey- alfV! Brill r! L-,V!' 4 iKfetfr -",, --, v a ' , tl,'?'"- ? , "' , i . Wkeroaa, Tke Amerleaa'Red.Crose :aaJtaerefe ' jUB gfetyeax;a wojrli la He' kletory, sap4yfag aM; awl matWtolisasafrems'Amerlse, mUtia amVAmti Vsa : Praai -SkMftareaWtiyWta isr.rted.audlm :eltUeasV;asamgreti'fattla ais oaaairy:ay ,aaaaMviv,awa, mm toBoeltloaei w!MkaleaWj'W ''w'ffW&Slh ' t rt'?C&TWX !' II l,'..J..J..J,fc 4' VHVm: LJVBh V - 2Sifff222Ia?M& Hepe.PiBBgaaa eeBBBBMeBxaBra g9pnnjnB tai, iiii imiit.t 111 li. haMf ' WQ9U tMwwMw ,1m i9m 9tMwWMM' Ojaj.a,. ei.ilMTwAta-tLMfo,, , BmaBBBBBBBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJMAVI '$"Alflri W1 . vaw.avmjaa...av'',maaaBaaaa i mi amT"'JBf. amBxKJmKCjmrTF' '4 MmmkMmyg& aWgatgmVBwaVB'mk,' .. M' li'llWl. ' .gamaedl mLmfMmMLm v amHH f JmmVJ A I'M ammmmMi ' . -V , W.ifiBa? -i wrl ' ' .,1""' " v&jtel?tf -Ma' 'OS: ems mas I T I'l'm'I'Vrr'jij-L -l-er-'onmW liamlW I i;;IJi.lV!liiiVil) WW. IBP'il iimi vfcWiteiwi t TWp.'rr F m '?? VrMmaMmfJH V ' irr.mt f-Mk'M-fMV-- IT MVMMtM ?7? Mr tlIl: Ilmrll'. WpjmmWM ePi fflilC.ffflvM' fwBJH tlfT rear '."., i V".iE . .-' n f '',58Sal Y J J J i ' ) R I" ,". , l't aT,PmfiBmwH r t aaai a.w'b 'r. aval .'.;a.mamaaji .1 smsj'SKvomv-gf- ,? v.awarifi. , i 'J gmljBk'vW :"M.'i mT M -amlaxmaal :' A '.I ' J- F ;1BoSm '""jjiiii'liatii im Mi.RiiSF'J Ma .rJTh N,t '.- Gr .JlitameWL.rt - J- 2LJ(TAm1 "ff.""" .?F.i:j&..Ss-"L.JK-. "HiH penSBSt ,-V--V--;.-w - - ' ''Trll .'..I I i Mi if' Aij,, .-.,-.. j-i . - - ; . .w Laral n :''BniiiawMMNin .BBBBBBBBmBjBBinr; BmrJTSmBBmvmvmaaxJi i'.W0Mlrt)eWpMHM 4'n tr A'ifeiwt- thiiMiam?Bltoieml 'jm WVeaiB'SaswewemjKnmMHB Hr: iafliitiiifvwe Lflftfc'li iMaWWjw fawPiP( ,awy.egmlBWWBK ; Thi it-aas aanta Wl kayo, koeai lUmmttt ,J.g .PSowe)eemRege.sa Pm 'ePfRwPvV w-rw-fPT'p aaaBHf , .awi aor;sorif(ealLVBo;Mlfvl'i ? mr'CtrcaK Coart;lMM toPU 000; Coart'JHe. .eapeasM."AlTaw ';; to 'MltORoa4raHoava oia -- ,l,IM'MMl laftiflsp I ; S:."ritlaaaR : ta.raral IM0P t. .leo'Aeeamilai toreetloa mmv Sufe i NStTaaCaa ilea,iMM-W ' fri feyiwpjfi Peta.;i TMtoxtTJ dee'CM.OlK .tatrCoaatyCaaft fM?" 'wwmm' eoe;4sji M , ejBt', i went" i ru W a?. . grSB, ' W. I'QePin eMHwsV WhSBm mmMwMWiA l Mm 'rrr-AfWWrP? 1.40.0.O!Hifl.aaa: .Pa. Mr 100; WldowseaatelMtPiUi ti.'.,.f..i. BaSUVee iaa.Vaa: 000 Pro icBtln. Attc-r'. 'irffaat. vi M;eor,i.soo:.'iiiaa. p , Ligk'ta 'toil( WClWlfl VaSiSSPnSa'jfw,WAJ Hty vtsftpve' pt,BfaajeBvteB - ' evaaBfluj are llOO;eo'o far"roaaiiib.04)Vd taJM-ln. -- - ' J - ---..- jw-?niwuH iiwia)ffif'i' ' ceurt house. eoBatrnenoa,(aua' PI j'v , - rfvi. "&wiyth"iffr sHsWftr-pS mayor! of Omea.'.do-kefeey;; waeaioipecemtey, ;wf'l z& ..A,,ia-i,ik,; lii InL'i.'U.VLii: WTTfirpvzi n.mmmmm m&l wlffWiM lOBI &'; SSfi aw-fl States and .Pre- war.:aad,-, .lWiXWVMli? Red. Cross.has , WMreaaA'Itifa'Aeel.lkatr.affflini mi of this coua- adult eaisea.beeomeiimei'eifM' -. '. ' ... . .-.. '-ii't '.'.. mi-'- hJai, .. American nea pqanw atmar ma j' tksy.havealivingiaaitahawafl,;' of ta Wetetyi h5?f5?M-if3 ;taa',0ttyo4Wiii.lii'tMB ?ka ., & :zmm& ;' v.: v? sm ' ifr Ot 5S' IS M 4 Mrwirai 4;. .- -u .