r-WHjw,ii,., S"1 ''lW,, fft '"lAV-VV !' '1 '. -f fl' lig jEuntmg Her it iff OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL 'NEWS OF KLAMATH m -W&W j.'WSR8 Thirteenth Year No. IMH7 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1918 Mm nve.'Cs:Mt V' f. ,u . v. s.-r ffi?.uv,.:fll Kma m iffiMm ' . . ,1 ." Jim ti RUSS maw V LIVONIA, ESTHONIA AND COURLAND CRY FOR HELP IN BALTIC PROVINCES, WHERE BOLSHEVIKI ARE PLUNDERING INHABITANTS RUSHING TO PORTS TO GET PRO- TECTION FROM WARSHIPS BRITISH ENTER REVAL (By AsMciaUd Press). . LONDON, Dec. 7. The consuls of Livonia, Esthonia and.Courland have sent an appeal to the Allied and neutral governments, urging intervention in the Baltic provinces against the invasion, of the Russian bolsheviki forces, who have invaded a part of the provinces, and are killing and burning as they advance. The porta are full of fugitives awaiting warships to pro tect them. . British warships have now entered Reval. AMSTERDAM, Dec. 7. The Turkish forces have mas sacred 10,000 Armenians while evacuating the towns of Baku, OIti and Ardahan, in Berlin reports. OIL UIIDS TO -Jf 1, Mora light la thrown toduy on tho aewOregon oil field In Harney Coun ty bH. II. "Edmunds, the Olonu lum kmwi, who ha Just returned from '! than. Hit who ilnduri's that HINDS SAYS Einui. ell hae actually been found at a depth Jmun llred ut Dr. Bldonlc Paee. prosl ef 1.100 feet. The well wait HtinV 11. dent of Portugal, yosterduy. The shot ekert distance from tho Narrown. bo lew Burni. he say .and whon'tho gu Is lit ft will shoot upward for a din taaee of fifty feet. The well waa started at a width of, fourteen Inchee, and la now down to eta laches. The operntora ure now beat to caw out the water, whl.m la fomlag oat with the oil. l Mr. Edmunds made tho trio oror id baek by way of Lakevlew In bla Ford ta'leaa than a week. BILLION HIGHWAY BILL INTRODUCED ;; WASHINGTON,' I). C Doc. 7. Seaator Reed Smoot, of Utah, ha Introduced a bill authoriilng a II,- 00,000,000 bond, luue for Fedorai TJ . ! il al.- .1.1.. In thai eeeeeritlon wltb( the states In the j William Jenaen, formerly foreman eeetructlea of permanent highway. a( tho Ackley Brother sawmill, who , The bill embodies the plan worked has been for tho pest aeveral mouth ut la If 14 by ex-Senator Jonathan wth a Canadian regiment, haa re aWuraa aad Introduced In the Senate turned to tin elty. Mr, ind Mr, l lilt by' Bryan, of Florida and In lilt by Smoot. ,naa ine did ubvh Itmjai at that time and the scheme werfceaT'out thru attte cooperation, :v.gfmM ittaaes weuW w be m a SMltMm.'.ts). atevlda empleymaat on therhlgbways for practically: an me returned aeldlera. who may be wlta. Tt other employment. Tk bill Mvldei for expenditure rr T-i.'t. . - Lu it.. a.. aMd 2 ."WW. !-! 'r.rr-jri.-'tkah nwil !nrp i- , eeatrel with Fedwai approval. PROVINCES APPEAL FROM BOWK the Caucasus, according to NEW GERMAN FOREIGN . MIMHTRIt TO UK t'HOHHN, LONDON. Dec. 7 Tim C.Mbgne (lunette say that Kurt Kliner, the itavarlnn Premier will probably sue rccd Dr. 8olf 14 German Foreign Minliter. ATTEMPT Til ASSASSINATE PRESIDENT OK PORTUGAL LI8IION, Dec. 7. An unidentified missed uud the man waa arretted. HOGLA.N'D OX RETURN Tllll. SEATTLE, Dec. 7. Lieutenant llogland left here at 10:28 thla morning on hi return airplane trip In Sacramento. He expect to reach Kimono without (topping and leave from there tomorrow, AVIATOR COMING HOME A wire wa received here yeater day'atatlng that Utile, Plymale, who haa been In France wun me Aviauon Dranch of the aervlce had landed In New York on hi way home. m CANADIAN SOLDIER RETURNS jcuun realde on Roae atrect. In Fair-1 vww Aaawon. ji w hiwiw M. jnea will bo agala Identified - ji. Ackley Brother, BUDGET DISCUSSED I The County' Cpurt haa returned lia session today after a rece slace Wednesday and haa undf rtakea; the .WU1IIUT UB BBS UIIWWM. Ii of arnnalna tbe budget for the , wm' - e; yew. MMrwwwMwwwwww NMH llrllMr. Ml Ih oy i cross WOULD BE ENORMOUS WORK WILL STILL OO ON BY THIM ORRAT ORGAN I.ATION, BUT FUNDS RAISED BY UUKM ONLY PORTLAND, Ore., Dee. 7. Tbe Red Croe baa held IU laat War Fund Campaign I tho very foundation of Red Croaa effort. Theae are fact brought out la a tologram Juat received" by Wllber B. Coman, Stite Chairman of the Christ m Roll Call Drive, from H. P. Da vlaon, Chairman of tbe War Council of the American Red Croaa. That tbe Red Croae would make no further War Fund Drive waa a tremendous surprise to Red Croae leaders, but Mr. Davison telegraphs that he makes the announcement after consultation with President Wilson. It Is probable, also, that there will be no other War Drives for any or ganisation whatever. Despite tbe fact that ao War Fund Campaigns will be held, Red Cross effort la to continue en a trentendoae acale. It-la. probable that aetwlth ntandlng the enormous amount of work still to be done by tbe Red Cross, both In this country and la Europe, Its sole source of revenue will be dues from memberships. For this reason a greater and greater effort Is to be msde to make the Christmas Roll Call Campaign thoroughly "Universal Membership". KLMUTH BOY IS CALLED BY REM M William Jardlno, who haa been suf fering at bla home on High near Eleventh Street for aeveral days with typhoid pneumonia passed to rest early thla forenoon. The young nun was twenty four years of age and had realded here all his life. He waa married and leaves a wire and one child, two atoters. Agnes and Beth and two brothers, Jack, now la the Service aad, Leo, who la also slek Rear here, survive him. Another slater, 'Mrs. Fay Ood- dord died a fortnight ago la Sacram ento and waa burled here. The funeral services, will be held at two o'clock tomorrow at the ceme tery. BERLIN WILL NOT DISARM SOLMBM. LONDON. Dee. 7.r-The Berlia Government haa revoked Its decision to disarm the troop, returning to Berlin from' Amsterdam, a dispatch here aaya. JL GIBBON FUNHRAL TOeUV The funeral of Mrs. J. D. Glbsoa waa held thla meralag at the Whlt: hick Chape). The servlaes wereeea ducted by Revsread . P; Lawreaee. BOGS hUGHBavr IN Hummv PORTLAND, Dee. 7, Bgae have raised te aeveaty two eeata per en whelseale and ehty' eeata retail? the highest nriea la t htatery 9t lhU - alw; thla elty. wwrwM.,.M EX-KAISERPE GIVEN UP ON DEMAND 1 INHDJTRNC BY ALLIHH WOULD SECURE 9BL1VERY OF "BBAHT OF BBRUN" AND HIS HON BY THE DUTCH MOLLANsMSM WLL PROPONE TO KXIUt ARCH CRIMINAL THEM HBLVsmWDUTCH MAY HAVE TO GIVE TERRITORY LONDON. Dec. 7. An Amsterdam dleaatch reeeHved today says that If the . AUtea .butsit'OB-tke'dUveryot the former Gorman emperor and crown prince to an International court of Justice. Holland wll yield, bat she will trst urge the Allies to content themselves with an undertak ing by Holland to Intern them for life la one of the Datch colonies oa an lalaad on either the Bait or Weat In dies where tbe Dutch fleet" will guard thomL It la anticipated that Holland will be aaked for a compensation for per mitting a violation of neutrality by allowing Qernua troops to pass thru Limburg when retreating from Bel glami aad for receiving German ahlpa from Antwerp. The Allies may take some territory as eomaeasatlea. SEUFUI PJITIEHTS IN BAD STATE Attorney' Albert Elder continues to be critically III with the Influensa at hla hem la Hot Spring addition. W, J. 8telanieta is reported very low at his home oa Lincoln Street. Mr. aad Mrs. C. L. McWilllama and Utile, girl who. have geen lck with the disease for the past week are all somewhat Improved, according to re port received today. Dr. Massey who recently arrived to aadertake tbe. practice of Dr. , L, Truax Is havlag a serlou case of the dreaded malady. airs. or. warren Hunt Is a new patient reported today, Mrs. 8. V. Hinds and two children are 111 at their home over the Palace Market. Other new eases are Mrs. Mark' ham la tbe old BondStudlo Building en east Main Street aad Mrs. Hutch 1as oa South Riverside. , MERGBNCY BOARD1 TO MEET SALBM, Dee. ,7. Tkt emergency board; wllfmeetat 10:39 o'clock Moa day, December t, at the, request of Governor WHbycombe, to coasidar aa appUcatlen fer a dsaoteaoy appro ettletleaof ts,9 far the public ser vlee commUsloa .to tavestlf at tele M.rate. " 'p" - , ntnt mlllU FORMKR , AMIIAHHADOR FROM GERMANY HAYS THIM AND HUB ' MOUSING VHKHH KILLKB LONG KFFORTM OF HUNH WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. 7. The shipwreck of German propaganda In America by Dr. Bernard Dernburg was attributed by Count BernitorS to the Impossibility of keeping secret tho fact that an American newspaper wa subsidised and to the sinking of the Lusltanla, according to Blelaskl, cbVf of the bureau of investigation of tbe court of Justice today. RUSSIA WILL UKOLD . WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 7 All lUbllltles contracted by the Rn slan government, except those made by the bolsheviki reg (joe, 'are recog nised by the all-Russian government at Omsk, and will be executed by It, according to a statement authorised by the ministry of foreign affairs re ceived In Washington. The announcement',' made after Ad miral Koltchak became dictator of the Omsk government, follews: "Tbe government; which is headed by Admiral Koltchak aa It supreme enter, oeanng in minu mat itusiia haa alwaya sacredly fulfilled all Ita liabilities toward Ita own subjects, as well aa to other natlona, to which It was bound by treaties, haa deemed- It necessary to state in Its-declaration of November 21st that It will, not tall, aa aoon aa Russia la reunited, to exe cute all liabilities of the state treas ury, I. e.. paymenta of Interest and amortisation on Internal and external atatd loan, payment on contract and aalarlea of employe, pension and all other payment ariilng from law, contractor other legal founda tion. The government at the ame time declares that all financial acta of the soviet powers, us made by mutineer, are Illegal, and not liable to execution' LOCAL BOY NOW HOMEWARD BOUND Carl Schubert Jr., wired to his father today that he had Just arrived rrom oversea December nth, was headed toward Klamath .and would try to get home by Christmas, He Is at 'Camp Mill, .In New Vork. now, and baa been in the aero repair squadron In the English shop during hi stay across tho Atlantic, .RETURNS FROM GRANTS PASS. Misses Augusta and Gertrude Parker, teachers ih tbt Klamath Falls schools havo s-eturned 'from d rants Pass In response to the call made bare In, the influensa emer gency. They state that a -second wave of tbe Epidemic I sweeping that , locality aleo, FEDERAL OFFICER RECOVERS Federal pWcsi- .Price Recob, who haa. been III for .several days Bt the Hotel, Hall. Is able to.be about attain. Hi cb-workar. J. E. Flanders,,! bore agate front Portland, and, tjio two paa to leave today .or tomorrow for Calt,frala on, oHclal bu4asy b n -BWaTBjal aWBlBiBBW IViVaf TO ALUS - J WASHINGTON, D.C Dec. 7. 1 Bernard Barach, chairman of the war Industries board, aad Henry Pi Davi son, chairman of the' American Red t Cross war council, have .been asked by President Wilson to be ready' to re spond, to a. call for thelf aervlcos .with the peace delegates In Europe. rf- -,- v -X' AMEROGEN, Holland, - --. ---.. , 'ffr-i BE BUD TO 5J liED CltOHH LEADER AND WAR I I lj fir .llll INDUHTRIKH CHAIRMAN NOTI I p I 1 1" ; IT'M 'W$ri FIED TO BE PREPARED TO'.AT- " V" i"l''S,f TEND THE CONFERENCE ss a ?. &'$ ,A3t!1 nillvilflNv hohehzdllerh kutm : PRESS - .' LLJ. 1, !- .- llaad, Dec. 1,A.iJc. fftefik (by the 'Associated Press-;-"! ami a private citlsea aad while in1 Holland S. - i'f" ft wlU not make any statement, what ever for publication' '"t, ' This was the former 'emperor' message to' the Associated Press cor respondent when,be"cUedat Cosaf Von BentlBck's castle agala "' The German' general; acting as-or-derly, formerly geyeraortof MaU, brought tbe message direct -from William Hobensollern. "You must fully realise my post tlon. I' am threatened on all aides with criminal' charges r which, If brought' I must face. Therefore I must reserve y 'ctatement nntll charges are actually brought.' "Also I owe a certain' loyalty" to tho present Oerman government' and cannot make a declaration which mlcht comnromlse' others." The correspohdnt requested "the general to ask the former emperot whether he would confirm the crown prince's assertion regarding thejKru- ger telegram and tne general orougnt back the answer: "Th'e crow,a prince Hiuiimisir .correct m.ai nici. ih telegram already written, was laid before me for signature. v "frefuied to Wh lt for three dsf but finally did ao under pressure of the German diplomats, and1 my polit ical adviser, who advanced muny reasons for tending the dispatch, ut course, having' signed It, I tike full responsibility." , i Tbe former emperor and empres are leading a .very quiet .life. Their table I of th ilmpleet; in fact, .they have submitted; to regulations re quiring; them to be , rationed for. to oe , raimnea ro; ter. and other edibles rdlnory country folk; bread and butt just as tne on OccsHlonully tliey walk In the ur roundlng woods, but recent days have been so wet (that It has been, al most Impossible for them to go- out except foy a .carriage drlvo, WILSON NOW WOULD HPKKD Ul1 ROAD WORK ' WASHINGTON. D. C. Dop 7. Early resutnpUpn and .extension at highway .construction Is, highly destr, ble,' la (he oplnien'iof ' PrwWet TV 1 woo. oecremry nouion oai.inuua public -a letter he bs-rcelveil, (rom! tjhe Presldenti stating that speedy, r nswa) of road buliding' under thefed- sral aid road act ''would be la the PHDliq iBterpiK, n"u expresian 'inn hellef that an additional approprla- -"T-,-TT..w-.i'T.--TrTi 777-T...,a;v) ;;.- m ... -'iwma WWwMWWWMWWWWWMMWaWMMM . U I I I VIUIIU W. i hi lBsj . -Bsssj.iiani , vajrjBnjr .:. aa '.ic ' fti'f&rb-lt xt&HilAi 1 ,,m''.i NEW LIWISMTIONWltiaMt JfB- V .-""" - '., -- . "T-T ,?:r, $.??fiir.jt' FRANCKVAS TAYrTflBHjM,aa' -VJ l, J. u l-j.Z'ji" v ' 1a INDRtlNlTE. y)mf- :i VMUPi LARGE i WhfaKM ,-C (- .- f 'A';ifi''k1Vl-i' I'i'sanassB AT OHOaL A i'M Rmtt wrisMw-BJasjtasma' , Ji-J.-J'Uv. 4Jh7. ' Vjl' .! Sh.-ItkL.1'"U''t7 -rS z .-- v ji.-.- -K-i.'ja. iiTTT-rrr . r.:' t.WASHJNGTOK.B.tC.D. ?t: i ". '.- . .;". ;r.'.-- s General aiavea'.Bec definitely assigned .tt'thv,ABer IXEIL'IJI'.- itZiSL.aiJ.' :LU:1l - iArmr;oi vnivm)mini mrw v (-'"., MV'H,i- -r '"'-ir.t Secpnd udC.SeveathvReMl&n.'.rillk. Twty;Bihthfad TWftirTMN ., . - ,: v ?.,T ''' ft ' UaiAm. National, Army.' .-.WjV' a&.,J e7J-K.ii.(.. wmmmmmm a vbmt : r? Ju-'1 ' Jn. mnwmH&KtrmttkXwUtK' : . The person & 'aaafjreMaa Jsa return home' Includes riS0,00aieB?W Over 300,600 'men at' honB have . been- released during, the past weeh'-f4 1 S-' '- ' - --. '.' !' .-.' ..'";(1 Eighteen, pousand men ,Teturnlr f:S A. - -.:! BSIAABK r .. I Ul from ed FTanceFasve aciuauy errAf:i; -thus. far: ?; ' '" 'iw$&,::?'' A the' star 'of' the';Anarfol';bi't.v, cnpatlokvis ladelnite' aenwiMatiil aald, It would .be eesaryVtof.aek; Congress for.aewenUtmMUIefida-, tion:.. v"':rF?j?w No urovMsm hairlbeea 'made'''-fer.('v(;. mirh fnrpoaaa Urn ntfdt1'tlr tkr,-; .., -. feur mout peace, wli stand must be (discharged. '." t !i ahm M-Jmrntm: ef'the(.armVMt,wM I ' -M, WASHINGTON'. ,D.CVjpef. TI'A Ceueral March snldjttwoui'.WsWW and Rational Armyf units wltbih-foa months nrter peace was declared,'" ivffi; The,Hve divisions addeto Jbe1$( army- of occupation today wuiOMfo' 1'ii'y j.uwjuiuiii mid '. . ...' 1 ' ..- e: Mvl' !,; rorM.;tWJsei K-if ..'-" 'A v..,,u nun w. .iv,,uiii ,v,u ,u,,,wiy 7 force ,tlB otbcf arm yon Jh? fthlne lineccssur. '? mtyp. .St!' fe - ..A-. r TVPHnin FPUFR mm t.1 'V I I II fi IIWlU lisUIUill wfuvvr 'i&)m$ IMIkI IL Willi bmI 1 1 mm; innn iiiiihk wim. at arv m a aai at r. 7tu B'n IMII1.U TUMIIWCCT ' IIIIIU I V W Mil m UUUII I I lulllaaesf fi Mlda-Heloij McCumbV umber Bad',awar Ak Bsiufadjawar'A;: the.bi V 'mneraj asfsmgemessai 1 iradburinfNlnti'Uatolii!.i;1 ariii!ne.slw-tHk Klanath-WaMi; burin! bestt'.Kofa'at-Dairy.' M'SJHBia mm. aouiesV!S?rvV n . :if. ... S w T;&- - -ta Ai ',i n"r m Vj-' & IK. .! ' toTi r WJ'1 t. v iVf .'ft. . w.jir- .- -, i