fe Hm,i jugm-w. " , i , , V is mkM 41. 3T " 8V ri ft jn ff ft l w Rb f i & h OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY - TMrteeath Year Nu, il, INIt j BERLIN SHOOTING RENCH - PRIWRSCAIKF BERUN PAPERS SPEAK OF REGRETTABLE INC1 :TDENT, AND DECLARE THAT ALLIED OCCU- ' PATION WILL BE THE RESULT BERLIN AND MANNHEIM ,T CORDING TO A WIRELESS MESSAGE DECLARED INTERCEPTED . N (By Associated Press) COPENHAGEN, Dec. 6. force will temnorurilv occunv fupervision, according to Berlin newspapers, which say that an American wireless to this effect has been inter cepted by thevGeimans. It is also declared that Mann heim will be occupied, t -Kv j The reason for this move is said to be a "regrettable inci dent, during which the supervisor of one of the prison campa 8hohfeeFfenchmen., i . ' " LONDON Dec. 6. Serious disorders have arisen in Berlin, and considerable firing' has occurred in the prin cipal streets of the city, according to reports reaching the Dutch frontier, says an Amsterdam dispatch. The trouble is said to have been caused by the German bolaheviki. HECIMION II EXPECTED - TO GO IHEID ." WABII1NUT0N. Doc. . Wi-ntcrn In order to mako food which nrq JSrr" ... -..' . .nilir!of a nourishing nuture for the nwny T.!! i.,...i.i.,n. witaon'a re rommeadatlon. for reclamation !j.?TL ... .!... it i.nn. amuar th. day fo7 now Irrigation preJcciaaa we" redoublod offorUnocm from EZiZ.,. alr-.n.lv under Way. 1 l Unr.MHtatlvo Blnnolt. loadliiK member of the Ihiiiho lommtttco on . i .1 ..ik... ,.t f. Iilll til T. , szsse irii .. mMNt qf returning .oldler.. romurK- uru "'-;""' 4: i'Th. e..Ke. I hope, will .ot In.ro.pond t. . Ihl. call. .... ......i. 1.I..I. ..in r.nit iii Those who canm '"nZol hat the 'i.re,.dotod. at their ho,e. can;be ,,..d to'Miftle. to larger plan., .oggct- at onco direct ea. "Congrw. can T"r v"" ... . " SAJTST U hi. glrtsir undertukon If It will but noumxu. VBlarge ttao 'plan, niyi app.rlrla ttoM," ' ...UliMKHOFPKIITO n t -. ij an..iitnru I .mill Will . I ''!? '?''"" '"l" ;.,",.. w' ' praewik concniK m "- . ai draft of legUlitlon nnd that ( eongreMlonal lommltloo wlK rpremptly take Do miwtlon of e Htf appropriauon. ir r -Mwi'm rrgeacy nwiwre. J' .flp' v'- ;4NrtUltNXA HTRWrH - i , .1 f V . rf - . V, -'ii't' " - -r- - i ,a 'Jtl'f 'tl " M. ; ' ''HliONDON, no, ,r-Bi tdouaand tho tertenw.are' report- - Ja:fMM'.lM0. 4t'WWiL ttiAVUTCm. rOATfONKM TBJI. Vi3 f .il. ATTLiV Die. uWh HFl r' . . .. s.-t.'j !tu.' iavin 'on iiik ro. ? .fttf!??ff2isr. '....m.Bta'day.No eerlou laJurlM ra if- AlHWWy' V." " (&ty fatil MAY BE TO BE OCCUPIED, AC- The Allied and American Berlin as exercising nolice stricken Influenza patient. In .Klura- lo-'at" Kallo. the club room, of the Wo man1. Library Club at Third am' Main .trout, irlll be open everjr after- now on ,ana nam are conio and a..i.i in tneir proparatlon Thl I. declnred to bo u chanro for iboao who huvo not fell mat inex, - ''" sr-a.'S.'S who cannot coma to (ha - " -.TS'S-nS; hy tho-io In charge at the club. .i..,tini f mliu .hu or iralatlna - aTu f.ncere.y appreciated- It I. A VM'IVV CIIINKHK , pBK,Ni ,)e0i 6iTho American. M nonch M1 ilalan nWMm Dregented inomorondunw tb iprilMont 8U Bhl chead. exprnalng J .... nl Din rnntlnund civil itrlfe ILUIIVDIM MW -..w -- - cm unU ther wJlb to eacourago reconc:iiHfion T" 'J VAMCOC VKK HHAKKX i 'r.0irAKI! TODAV S V VANCOUVEr, V, C Dec. a,yi WILL PREPARE , FOOD FOB SICK . Uoutenaat'oouver and ..urrottadlag cottRtrwaa i.ii..U .h.v v ' krthauake to ...- -, vi .v.i'i .1 a ear. erloua iaJurlM fi0Vted. KLAMATH FALLS, yMWMMMMMMMMMWmWMMI ctm w MAN WITH IXINO t'AKKKR .Of CHINK I'AVH THK I'KNAIY FOR COLIkRIiOODICO MVHWHR HANUKI) IN IbUNOM CH1CAQO, Dee. I. Lloyd Uopp, who died on the gallowa today for the murder of Harmaa Malow, a motor cycle policeman, at Oak Park, a Ckl- eago .uburbwa. h member of tka notorloua baadi of crlmlaala who ic ured la the aaaaatloaal Jail kraak here aeveral BtaailM ago. Karl Dear.'a ganmaa, aid "brarna" of hi. fellow gaigotora, alao took part la the escape He, teo, la under M tence of death, ' ' After a long local hattl. the atata court on Octobor Slat, affirmed tao Judgment of the' trial coart, wbkh oaataacad Bopp to daatk, aid iaad the dato of execution. ,Maay tlmoa hi recent year., Bopp'a caaekarod earn' palgn waa kaltad tomoorartly, bat ha alwaya .aceeoded la obtawmg froo dom after eomparatlToly akert part odi, uatll Saally oMvietad at mrdar. pyafc.srko apocmllaad MrgoXv. dealer la atolaa aatomobllea, waa ar retted wlO Eugeaa HartaettaaMfe er aotorlou. crook, aad eoavlotadof the murder of Rudolph Wolfa, a chauffeur, who had akowatghwkoa they attempted to .teal kla employ- er'a automoblie. Then begaa the aa- rarellag of a aerlea of darlag rob berle.. Ilartnett flaally waa aealenced to fourteen year. In prUoa, aad Dear wa aentenced to death by hanging, but thru hi. laflaeatlal frleada Dear obtained a stay for aeveral moatha. It waa while confined la Jail that Dear came Into contact with other membera of the gaag, laeladlag Bopp. Kraak McKHaae, whooe iBtrepId ex ploit, we're loag known to the police". and "Dig Joe" Moras, who waa ao torlou. for hi. ability to break Jail, and boasted 'that he could do It again. The etcape waa planned aad auc- cee.fully executed, and then begaa a nation-wide jearch, which eoatlaned for aeveral moatha. The men Anally were located la. a houae In Ckleago'a fashionable north ahore dlatrkt. Po lice reaervea were called out, and the houae waa aurrounded, In preparatloa for a long gun battle. But the ban dit, furnished another aarprlaa by calmly aurreaderiag, while the SOS heavily armed oJIcera looked 'cm la amasement. ' ir ' t. Moraa waa taken to" JbllalHoaerva an Indeterminate aentenee for high' way robbery, aad UeKrlaae will aervo a like aeatenee. hKNATK OOMM1TTKK TO PHOBIC NBW WAR PLANS. WARHINQTOW. D. C. Dec. ,- The Senate Military Committee haa decided to laveatlgate the War De partment plma aa revloed otaee ihe Igulng of the armlotla.V y. MANY CASlTAtTniWU ( NOT YRT RKPORTMP - -i WASHINGTON? D, C, Dec. . The war departmeat haa'aaaeuneed that 16.000 maJef'odaaaRlea, laelud lug those killed, la aettea, taeee died of wounda and "ether eaaaae, haa not yet beea (laaair repertad their aaat of kla. , 'u , a t. H- ''i 'J u.iumv aurrf jaa mvWmtaai.at WASHINOTON, D;.9 o', Dee. cr Moooagea directing tie dlapoeMloa at official buolaeoa have befaa a raaeo) the White' Hoaae'frwa'taf'Prealdeat t miiil .,-ftjtf?alBA Seeretavr Tamalty .haaretaraed la time toaaa4tatke int BMeraeMaaa. POUGE KILLER HEEMflT m Pg ORBtON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1918 aaami -imamBBBmBal mamal maf-aai 'm t m W' nrnnnr today, Premier' Lloyd , for the punishment of. Ind the men responsible no matter how high maV hold, aad he pled- the laflaence of the WITH THE FLU Attorney Albert E. Elder who Is havlaga oevare alege with the In flueaaa, la reported to be a trifle Im proved thla morning, Mrs. W. E. Seeborn, I. one of tho 1 1 teat vlctlma ef the d Lease anola in ma ( uar numu ua naia .nni 11th Street. Mr. and Mrs, I; D. Whltmore who have been sick for the past aeveral daya are reported aomewhat better. W. J. Roberta haa been called home from California ea accounof their lllneoa. V. J. I.lneeln, who haa been 111 for aome time le bow decjired to.be allghtly Improved and the (family have moved te" 108 Pine Street from their former home next to the Pitta Plata. Mr. Lincols'a mother, Mrs. Nanny Llacola haa arrived from Hllliboro, Wweoaala to aid In the care of her ooa. , Mra. aeorge McDonald la 111 to day at her home on 9th and Walnut Carl Schubert la one of thoso re- eeatly atrlckoajwlth the epidemic. , 'Mra. J.'V, Vaater la al.'o down, be lax eared for. at the, Ioolatlon, Hospl- ui. I, 'r , 'William Jardlae, who baa been critically III at 11th aad High Street. U allghtly improved today. Mrs. Stromherg la one of the new cat' caeca at ?aer home oa Canal 8treet. William Immcl la reported qult alck at hie home. Lee SulllvaaAef the Dodge Oarage U.e'ut again alter a aeveral daya III aeac. " . Tom Tracyi Janitor at the Rlve ajde School tcaloo able to be about agala after a hr4 alege. Mr. 'and Mra, bFred McManu. are Mill quite III at.theii- borne oa Wall Street. " t s sr-vr- ' IcUJCICANtWOMAN rt " V. It-TafaTaf klV VI II ts 1 f mwfutmj al" Ttr-. j" .Jt " , it-W v" ' ian.'KHiHi iaaioawi.B meaicaa Vomaa, ag'od'iSfrcara.'dled front the effeeta'af theiaflacaaa yeotefday af laraoaa at ihe-malatlaa hoaaltal .' She had came from Oalere. Mekico. Her aaebaad, wi fi;a(seetioaaaaiid. U irttk her ,bat aM la aaable to apeak kaoa woAaaaeaoaaMlNail' -yx - LVIS LUIBbtUHbL Wili TO GET Ilo of bill mBaWMIt'lLL HTRIVK AT CON. tfmmm to bring punimht' MKHtm THOHK RBHPONHIBLK KORWojlLD WAR. m r JW LONDOMDec. 6. In a atatement t. B I George eiM the Kaleer for the mm. t . ataUoMttkat gea ts eaialr .'it BritM gfaTament at the peacs con fereaee tefee that Justice la done, In iat BUtfr . ' The Prealler declared for the ex cluolea frap England of all enemy allefMJ eaAg that a coaalderable aumber. heS abuaed thla koapltallty dartac tfeflwar aad forfeited the right tax mala. " lmriIeb aBBBBtlt. gomf mBml B .. . rv I B '-trY "ar r 9 wBBJ-bbf UCED BYYANKF liiniinn rinurn IN POE VALLFY i YOUNUKMT HON OF riOXKKR a HANCHKH IH TAKKN .VKHTKH. DAV AVTKRNOO.Y. W.H WHUi KNOWN THRU COU.NTV. Samuel V. Short of Poe Valley who lay at death'adoor for two daya with the Pneumonia reaultlag from the Influenta, breathed hla laat at 4:40 yesterday afternoon. Thla well known farmer and atock- mm waa taken In 'the very prime, of . his life being thirty five yeara of age. He had been more or leac III for the I post ten days and finally took to, hla bed on Sunday, but grew ateadily worse until the end; The deceaeed waa bom In Ivy log. Union County, deorgla, Jane',,llat, 1S83, He waa one year old whaa hla parenta Mr. aad MraT Joha A, Short removed to Klamath Coaaty In IBS aad he haarrealded here all hla lire. He waa awfrled.la 1S10 to Mlaa Rthel Dawaoa aad leavea a boy aad girt.;aavaaCaid. elRht.yearaAjaU.4be-. eieea am wire, nr, aaort waa a mem ber, of the Mooae Lodge of thla city. Hla faaeral aervleea wUI be held at the Cemetery 'at S P. at. tomorrow, The deceaaed- leavea two brothera Durrill aad Rovert C aad oae obiter, Mr.. Mary" B. Dixon. . UNCLK SAME MAKKH NO MOVE APTRR KAISER. ' v WASHINOTON, D. C, Dec. 6. Tho United States I. still standing aloof from the controversy over the possible extradition of the Ex-Kalser. for trial for hla reaponlblllty la bringing on the world war. The State Department haa expressed bo opinion whatever. PAST AIR FLIGHT MADE. I WASHINOTON, Dec. (.Captain Norbert Carolln made a flight In an Army airplane from Pittsburg to Washington In one hour and 35 mi nute. War Department cffflclals said the beat previous record for thla trip, ap pioxlmately J00 mile, waa two hour and 30 minutes. , ' w. s. s. its TO BE GIVEN PORTLAND. Dec. 6. General plana for War Savings Stamp activi ties In Portland and Oregon for the month of December, the last lip of tho campaign, were outlined at a meeting held the local headquar ter. In The Journal building. Henry B. Reed, associate director, and Ira P. Powers, publicity director v.il hayo charge of Ihe work In Port lnd and Multnomah couuty; Fred Lockley haa left for eastern and Cen tral Oregon to put ' "pep" Into the effort la those dtatrlcUaad V?M'f Bimpooa 01 coos nay win pereeaaiiy visit vand work with the coast and Southern Oregon counties.. J ' Concluding efforts will, lie direct. d toward fulfillment of oil pledgee signed "during the summer "drive" If being necessary that all such", plod gea to purchase, W., 8, S'becaaauia mated to put Oregon qyer'the'top or iti 17,00p,00ev quota1 ;s ruunb HKHth mmm MUM .C 'F w-iwt I)t '. Im to . nrrirniiaiiABi " T AHSMJNMBNT WAS RARY XATt'RK. BCCaaWOR .v ' . -.l HAS AKRIVBB TO TAKR UP SC.l PMUXTKNDKNT8 BVYIBS. 3 H NnrrU Bka mrrivmA'lm Wu, . j ":. . " : T. f am woaaty a law weaaa aav, vm ww come Saperlpteadeat af the xUamata iBdlaa ReaervatldB from WyemktaT.' aueceedlag' J. M. Jehaeea. W left - . ' . urn poet aa win aerotiowM lactam poeltlea by W. 0. Weet, who U here from Colville, Waealagtoa te aoaame hlaVaewJdatiee. , 'Mr. Norrle declared that We aa- algaaMai, here aad heea:e'a'aeaJpo. rary. aatara'aad that he'espeeta'aa take oeme work far. the Iaawa Da- pertmoatMa Mlaaaaata. A rich oil otrike u tao Saae Raa coaatry la Haraey Coaaty, la a borhood where aeveral .Klamath Coaaty reotdeate held property,'' re ported today,, H. H. Bdmaade. Caa sUble Pred Morley, George Qrlaale of the Mt. Lakl dletrlet, aad othera aero. are latereoted la that dhttriet. haviag oecured laada there for the aRrate depoalta aome yeiira ago. They de clare, however, that they woaM JaaC a. leave have It turn lateaa Ml field. ft at aoaarted that a now of eU waa found at a depth, of t.TSS. teet The experta who have.aude the aew discovery are of the eplalea that oil can alee be foaadkaader a great part of the Bostera Oregea eoaatry. m . t A, 'S POOD ENOUGH VOR WORLD, SAYS HOOVBR PARIS, Dee. . Herbert C. Hoov er, food admlalotrator ot the'Uaitod SUtee, left tor Loadoa,Teeday atf ht for a coaference oa tha shlpplag altai atlon. Mr. Hoover to aeeklat to bring oyer such a kaga amoaat of food stuffs from-the Ualted States that all food carda aad reetrletloaa can be eliminated Ja the allied eoan- trice by spring. Mr. Hoover contends that there la enough food available, to feed every one on a pre-war bale.r if .the ship ping con y fouaa to arjag k 10 Europe. ' B PRESIDENT MAY VISIT GERMANY PArt(8,Da. S. That Presideat WlUoa will enter Oermany during hla stiy la Europe- tot rogarded aa virtually certafa here, " K- Tentailve engagements (made j for the preeldent Include a review of'ea tela , AmaVleaa iroopa la ieempaay with. Geaaral Peraawg! The.aatta will', laeaaeteaaa;afntlmt(A" StlMlbWUkSlNtki arraea tap Mrain' WwawOTJI Al I UBaa vi i If a.jljUPpifw to aoead'a little tlateeataacnUaad It hie health permits Ml.atlMi iiutiiiniiuii NINIlKlllllS HEAD LEAVING mmi oi.rn positionherePUBLIShER 1 ' a"-.e:aaa e.-aa aa-, ' ta a'' , . & r - - 0. - C ' v 4jrW 1 . r, ; teo. to' conduct BecratayHdM ana otnere on inpe w v"e w, jam Ameraletorlec . Cotoa.l'B. M Hoiue'la'aew,,- CTTTl vrrnuBr),! . ,. WJ-.ra.rnH4' B.TJ. -3 tw "I'Ml 1PMM1 OF KLAMATfl FJ SwaXTCT -. 'Jl "0 .. JliV , :v('rtJWtt'; BBmBBHamamVamSj amaal.' maV " 'afliCilaaV Bar m ' .Aaaa .. 'BrnTT't'l email's bbbbbbbbbbbbbVbbbbbbbbbbbf . . . .'....f)i-.,t''. jt.a -. t'jl v H? z "y'.' 11 .,SNAT-Cfapil SV-Yf :V -J f- - .rf tl t&'C ' -. . : ' 1MS A. .! i1 .j: jjl .yi JUL I iii V L'::f ii vt aW Baraam.af rMpart.mit.fJ. a. ttoasaavsM b1 7w.T- 2&-&L $"'$ tat taa wpfci tMt.BBBXl 5LZ .he:-:wrllam:ailiae, wh vaaaaeMaa.vtott'aB'aaaeMBe- -paperm. ' Vair aaaPv. eHepekeaiy !plaai .caiaislvea vaa. vliwaaaaaea'ahat H.le get II . v&3in& .. . 'il ' i v V . 1 e-4 .tKOBJOHMl, U.Ja.-BeaWtea.aBeH , HawlIWm'aBa4 afJ we lanny wmem mr n ( . . - 1 Tl 1. 3 laa.war.i doaaatM Ul' it, np ' '.BJBFv' '- ci. rTBt'i awaravtl 'eW.aiw3Fbt knows Mm-aav lajwiB nana . knows 'ktaraty' oa OaimaaiikUa .BllMkl' uliithmlvMaUwaa aakt -. T ,j, kV- ,ir i-v-T- vri'V- .r','A V Qermeay, to jrtoR)aismjla e tor. l6rat.UwilaaUeai ttaaa.eafctefcif taa .war!, j!.,iR' 'i.i.""! ..tu'Viii . .PaaBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBB) i BMBBBBa BByPB1 SSBJBBaaWl , I9"SJ7A . eBoPeT aaWtWPJPcJB am awllaWBaBeattaTeBTj Uka' ameial.allwa1 aaeeat Oaaariaa moa'. BaeaaaaaWA;ko;ABt J mrnid ' SriU- VoarPlauIea- la ' the r ., Prom' tkataaHy 'adr.'Badtr. ,, a ,OcramB7.acatfK3vaBvBarBasasai,j- WO. JBloMM aaaV-whleh Btoka,iald.;eeaMh; Qcriaaa'prleir te okraiyaaWWjaii tj -'.'i-J -.t i;.'.Viulll:l ' rxTOWKTA'TmcssT'Tr tarwarc. ,'ift&5M .. VWW5Wlft& proee.OTB,v;v. ,awm,v W"rT71 Pcftoadlcwa! Coracll aadoUer aartatpaWpv rMvlil'itarLJprdamiW!- ! otba? atr ,wara,x iaaipm, Ty, (m.'.adChlcMo..TajUctaiH. ? CocUBd'aaarraepaWpvW BBamaaBa Ti c; v ''J!)tS?Lti.jti,t!iL, BST-Ssi f7 h'f.-WhJi. luaiatf I ' 'it ", ..filJ- f'. aaw (Buau asara' ' latrfji VAMassMaaH ;TC?Ji 7Tt BMBssat sHMBaaaWdl iia;--jj;7M-hBeW ,mP. lf or Tfoavo. 1. i;B ifaL;!!. m.mmr& 1 11 It r 11 WKm I-' : I -':''" ' j ana a 1 a. vva.wnaaf -aay, mRVW. 'fl a S ffl.'W - BTaT.aYal'maaK.T 'i avaiai av m maeaaaaaaaiBi i 1 BBBBBBBBl BBl BB t BBBBBBl '. . BBBBBBV BBTf BBrBBBBBBMBBBBBU OTlBaY HWm.PI '''BVSaaaBaaBaaaaflHaaaM H II I nfllBiaBaaai '', w; w,w,s MM mfrw m-"er?n' x. ..T K' a eaaBBBMaar JBbBBBBBBH Wa (Sja) ajr je pRRP JraptKiS! mm'', TTT'Tjs'aTTr . ti BeMsZ 'WA.u-J ' K y V h' f " , wBfr'iivi" " . U N ... v:' , ?V-i ;C &'imhltjk &1MU f. V.. . Sf I Vij s M HI .. ;, $ frlA'.V fEi w JZ3JW (vt (t t T' , . - ? . r . "i.". f "A,ri - tj I Mill l)wi f ! I