V 4 ..viMwnk OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY i . ' . i i . r i F ,.. ' - 2f,w wyvmt.'. . ,' -. HmWIMOIBVBnm . ' ' , 'c. MAicev-1'1.' u " ' - p7wmfflitAMmRmm 1 -!--- -" w (jn"irkll l arf U . Ja JU -tl J . I JJ h o.a 4.JIII a J'dMylll , .ar fc J .. j-.j. .. ..!.) r ....... V .V'W iv ilHmir.' JT.Ifr ..." r 4 ' ' " -I J .Mill NflBMB i .1 ' T . u , n - ' . Mini. $J trHfa '" ' r " - ttf " . ' '. .' J. ? VVW:.? ..i 1 17!i,JQ3KlB If i'V?' Pi ,4? it rrswaBBaBnBBBai i i ' l i - t'it vr . w"-n . '--; t m i .. ..''. ... . -, , je". ,.i,r jfiT(-iiw"i .v.v . - ,-.. ki du.r- irMiau-i . ( a. a ai . . i:. if ji ik w aliij . ..., --vu. . a - h t . t- a. v . i , '-iL-flii i .. i ' ;rsvr.rC j . mm- ii '. ;. jui.'ii.f . - -' a if.w 0'JM ,' . . - . . .MmmwA?Zi&rwtmiWMjjB TTvmm t k igi mrtbwmmmmmm ,. . -7Z. 7ZTTTmm wmm Tr i 1 l-i ! lJ Ul .. -.. , o - r- uty.An. rWAtwitwrhiMtit.- ':tM h. '..!.,. . , ' ' ' - ' . T rw'iwiry;l ' r, Wwwwomhomiwmimmwom..! ri !.... ..... n-. .it . nn-n'ni A . . n . : n lri- ", innjiniijutiuuuuJUijjuxuJuCujifc I nF.SFRVFnTHE0Q0)ESTS 1N FlfiSTJOLfllER mUHG MOTHER W1LS0NWLL NAVY Wfil t cat 'th i M $ n uuiiiLifinui iMLiiiLiMinii uuiuii duun oiisn urn nun ur inrLULntn uiaflfflMKn upmwmmm ..at tA nP : ::'. Wrr '. . immtmkitiiMtom HI 1 1 I III UL " " '""'Tl , ,w - "- --t -7 ------ i.--.-3-Sl----f u- ;WM:mm:-MWd W I I I III 1 r TMIIITHAXII (IV IttflMTINfl Mnl liltTHIlldltinv aaiflW mr . m 'tVit'lianu nivnv'iikB IIT1IIUV l.larvMvr iri IMVI miai iat Mm nlMji.Ma II lr: , I, ;" l".IH,fl'' vf'lid 14l Bl -HI L . W- ''" f i- Bl 1b- bbbI-M -- ---....... ... . . ...v., -wmr v w Bvvw . ar - bib 9 wr BbbBF laBa? BMBaVBB' - wbb- vavvsat bv'bpi SVV-bbbi m 'BBBSVBii aBta-BBf FETTERED wixhtox cjiciumii.i, iKiaiii:s NO AKUUMK.fTM WILL lf. IIKOl'llllT TO IIOII WIIMII H ILL ALTKIt TIIS : IMHIX w ..... VKR!(MKNT WILL XOT UK MANII HtmitKNIIKII OK IIKI.I. (Mtiaxii xatioxmllUtiox OV MILItOAIM lK IIIKII LONDONi Dm. C WlnU)i f imh ri Churchill, mlnlittcr of ;niiltlon bin iBnounrcil (hit the Brill jii Nut-I I authorltlM have dvclded It v.ould U' unneceMtnry lo denmnd Iho i lurn af. HelogoUnd to Great Hrl'Hln from Oarmanr nd ho lo nld that tfco government had decldud upnu tha RatleMlliatlon of, the rallioud. Mr. Chirchlll aald. "We enter the peace eonferrhce with Iho ;i'jmIuIc determination that nn limitation shall be ImiKMcd on our rlalit lo Maintain our naval dofcnae. Wo do not , Intend no matter what aru menu'or.'ajtpeal are nude to in, to lnd otir'aelvf In nny way lo anv frllerlnR rculrlctlon which will irc lent the Rrltlah navy from milntnln. Inglla well tried and well doner od upremacy." (.S , TERMS FOR GERMANY WILL NOT BE EASY .iv ' ,J l,ONDON, Lee. : Tliero will K' no "altitude of teudorneim" toward (lermany In tho terms to be dcmuud el,by thejUrltlsh, Walter Long, se cretary of state for tho colonies, de clared In a campaign spoech ui Drls l. He advocated solution of the Jerman, colouea question by their, IMHsljou.jn'tho HrltlBh, empire. v ""W soa'no other solution tiisp their Inclusion In' tho IlritlHh em li'lre," Long suld. vwhere tho no Jvas have been consijlted they are overwhelmingly. In favor, of 'this. j "As'd mentberof the"conim'ltioe oppeinisa ny tne premier 10 consul or the terms to be domunded of (ler many, 'l eon assure you that, you hare no need of sny anxiety tlmt any tend erneaawlbe 'shown toward Clor- Tin "'C-'R, KXAMM IX KKnnUAHV The j.tB' Cjvll Servlco Commls slnn1 Announces that a first grado or a '! . . 1 -"" . ..- .... a a' t.. nerisnr anamination win do neia.m thW-'elfirxon'eblruBry 1, 1?9. to osUkUsli n, rafleter from which se , lactlsfi.may: n innds.to fllvacan- claa'ai Jhmrjnaay.occur.la the Cm toaiai. inUrnnl Rovonue; andr.othey braW' the. aovsromeati service. FlribioHVrnnlibyfrMl HpQ0 toBUM.-((A''rlmlta wo'iMrnvsV;';? ' ' ',-;,; FsT'lBformatloB and1 application' , Bisnr.naniy to thB'LOcainecr.eiary, iiiu BBi ' bh wmm b &aaaB b hi . . m h iiihBiiBaBaBaB.'Ba .bm .'. m.im. .bb h KX'I'IIKHIDKXT HAYH NOT OXK IN THOVNAXI) OK K1UHTINU HOIi. IIIK.RH KVKIt IlKARIt WIIJMIN'b KOttRTKRN I'RIXni'LK NKW YOHK, Dec. C Anertlnt that the tliiltcd HtotM had not done noarl ua much m the Ilrltlah navy and the llrltlsh, French and Italian iinhIm, to brlnK about the downfall of Ourmuny, Thoodore' declared in' n KtntomcQt hero that It It "our bu. ii)h to atnnd by our alllea at tha (cnco conferenro." Ho declared ft '"aheaf nomenie td nay the Atnrlcin army waa flghtlaK lor I'reildont, .Wllaon'f Uamoua 'four . f teen polnta.' " He tnado the awertlon that "thero was not one American noldler In every thousand who ever heard of them." "Tl:u tlrltUir empire Imperatively ueeda thq greatest nf In the world and. thto we iuouldlnitantly'.con cede." aild tha icbtoael. '.'Our Bead HJ!, W.,t"y'.-.9KS i"?H an b awniia.-aav- ino aocona navy In" Inn' world. Hlmllarly, France' needs greateV military utrenKth than we do but wo should have all our young men trained to arras, on the general lines of tho Swiss system. "Tho , 'freedom of the ojs' 'l a phrase that may mean anything or nothing. If It la to be Interpreted as (lermany Interprets It, It Is thorn- ly mischievous. There must be no ly mischievous. There must be no Intorprututlon )uf tho l.hrare that u-niii. t.r.wni 7ii Pntti.h nuw tn xould prevent the hnillsh navy In the eveut of future wur, from r- pealing tho tremendous service' It rendered In this war. "Tho llrltlsh must, of .course, keep Um colon Cos they liavn conquered. IIIIIIIMAN WILL RKTUKX DOWN (XIA8T TOMOHIHIW. HKATTLK, Hoc. 5. Tho weather, here Is good nn'd will permit Avtaor Lieutenant Hogland Id start his re turn trip lo Sacramento tomorrow,, KOVIITII THAXHKORT OK J NOLDIKIW NOW HKItpi NBW YORK, Dec. 5. Tho trans port Orca, with ' 1.8UI AmarlcJui troopa arrived from, Liverpool, today.' au. ,. ,L. . 1 1. ....'-.I- ' l..l. Olin, is mo tuurtii ruw w' iwinif returning soldlors. ' ' Tl'ltKIHH KLKKT IN , , , IIAXIIM OK AL14KH ' ' . u LONDON, Dec. 6. The entire Tur kish fleet Is now In the haBda ofthe Allies an dls Interned at Constantly nopie. v , , UIMkUlL'L' I11WUVIIU r,in,,ia, ,b.. j HTIIIKK FOR MOONKV i ' . '. SPOKANE, Dec. 5. The Butchers und Meat Cutters local unlqna have unanimously voted to strike next Monday unless Mooney Is granted a nardon or retrial by that time: The strike la to continue uatlltut object ia attained. ;,: CARTKRULAHH j ',. .-. u !' a) j nswni. wnasiVATinar v e - -" .,-......-. . uf . - ' - .''- ' lv tWASHINQTON, D. C Decj Bi .apraaeBtBtivaJvarieruiass.oi w YUglBla.has been; formally nom- laatsd by the Pmtdontaa sec '. reUryiof the treaauryy .- &- . . m a ivb ra .- bl. i - bbsi r ' b iiaTB vr bbw bh. . ai Bunaa rBB (ma, Hi . bbv iirir. lar aaaia w aw- n a-i'ia aaai tm kv nai Bl araFBi aanaiai ana BBaaaiaiaB ti atar.Bfi VHaaaaBBBBi aai aai aaa ' . i t aai .'Bbbbblbbi bbi bbbw vaaaaiat . I'm ror vsvKR"in.tijmui(utrit, HoaAMim v. , PARg.'t 5.HA rtftAtyr volution under tha lecdefaklp f Dr. Llbk.MhtJa;tkrMii w4,inf Bar. . Llabkntcat, ia rvMrtt;to'k 1 :.O0 -aiaa "mxmik kna' raWkv a iloa. '.Thara iowHtarfaaik nn nutnorlly' it iiarlin" dananf 'Mb- r.iuders terrorlaa tha people. nth 8ANTIAQO,. Chlla, Dae. United Btatas, In agraaniaat with .tha Chilean' governaieBt, it la paraUtant y ruBMred harp, Vl, prapaaa t Peru.kad BollvU'that Chlln etMnthn province' of. Tacna to Pair. nnttiim over tha provlnca of Arian to Rarrrla . wmm JUU 1 1 1 MRLIIHM -.1' . . i1 1 , the latter repuhJIcjdeHvaring to :Oalln1!!,,t :t ' Mr rrnn.i-r .i. " . v.' , Mela- snd kna bsm anrsd-tof in - 7-j, . th T!,e 1B07'lx:,0,, , Al -!I ripy( alreddyj bogun ln;tbo noTtHarn r , ,hm,-h provinces, haa bean ordered thronih put the republic. The -war' Wlnletry explains', that tbta stop wag -Noeaanarf to keep .down (threatanod labor trou bles. RL MercurlQ'aaBeuBcaa that the classes pf,l17 and 4111,' earn prising) I960 men, Jknva baaa'-'eallad to the colors. . Foar. hundred offteera also have been anvajnonoi for netlvo duty, .,v 'yj-v' ' WASHiNGTpN, pee, fi. The Am: erlcan'govarnmaBt has made no ear geation wkatavaf . to .Chile 'and' forn as to the dispssltlen it the Isnntod provinces of Tacnf.nnd, Arlen; This naa oeen announcen orncMiirai too state department. ' , ' The "state department.", said tho -tqnquncsmsnti "hss inane'--no'' sag- estloBwhataveriH-to tarritory;Vbnt haa .urgdd thst svarylthtnii ,anotble be ddaa to maintain pasioftrt' rohv tfons.'X .' , ' V ., ' - .'..' .', .," "n No,WH44E.iTAirrr BBBBBBBBBH . LO'NDON'boc. 'ffi-r-The form Crown Prince aald tie nNeorroanon c!eat of a London, paper, "Yon Bng- llh, clamor to get Fnthar! and aao Z2.&. 'ti-iii-j w.. L-.V ..'-' w itvni wicii w iirvBwa and oU't'und my.;fathar-.u''h.lb'roken man'. " Isn't . that", enough' nanlah mentT"' '. , ' .' Xri PARIS FALtRNtTMRV. ''vVASHINQTON; d:- Ci Doc;. ...-, By a- unanimous vote'i"iho lenntB Foreign RalaU'oM,jiCesAmllteo,.ihasl atsapproveo (tnn cnmmtBgn rosoin tlon ror.a'.BHt)CeimilUse,to'gn tniHsVv.i' ;.nAU,al AvQ(v " .i.itu - a, r. McPharrsn AM. wife rs- uraad today front; a motor trip to grants rsMV an Bian anojr aurteo MwUg. &&& MR).'CW Js. r:snd;sf4ataM nMih th'BMiMnn'Btin HMjhi mamnX ,ii.nt ,;'.l-,-Jn!,tll'f. rlWAyw '' M OWnaUllIB AMD 1NIMKING BPRJXW. FATHKR A.U CHIF.. , XMKM;bIKU. , URKW ILL. '- : " .. Ktaaath. P) IU ret aoMUr to re- Urn traa Um battMUdsa of Fraaea Ray'Lawia,';- igraatad lit moat fitting, mmm on hla ratnrn to tha city mat T . . . "' r . A larga. erMrd of.anthHsUatlq cltl- sans atharaJat the depot, to meet'alck. th train-' MHt tha hare" of the trtttBW.Wai MVan a rouriag ovation aal'na WapWsA'rom tha coaeb, .aeartM'brAla fa'ther on ana aids, ann nia miiraaad gMliar on Ua, other hn nMnrtba aUraand atrlnas batwaan twn ,-fUas of tha Wamana lUllit Corpn1 Crom .tho. car etape to tha.dipaiJiliKform, wham B. B. HaU'cava nibaiaf bnt moat Inantrlna addraea nwnitma In behalf nf tha Commtinltjr y "'. fr) .. ".rr'.i - . . .-'..- .. ;..kbl& aVi. (,ni:nnS3 W'; t -,- x -r- vr.- . lHs-:;rTwrr not W. raaaeaw: t"tba. haatv. nam mcaU'Vuia with nntrMtk nlrd nMad ,ry, rJargalr, toi tna snaeaan sfthai T,TfT?"'' " v H i.. , , ,r Lswm waa wonndad In tha hlp:and bath, thighs In UMtnrntaiB. -atat bnt tin nCinn war nanr olaaona, July M Ma.Wna.n membej'.nt tks,madlanl , kssnluto In Franen and tho Unttad SntSfor four, months. Ho la in , "' , Ior lonrmoniBB. tin w, in t"H: w, and aays-h. canld ran n mile attar n Hnn. Ho doslared today, that ho had sonio aeara on his, laffs that he wouldn't take n SBlllon dollars (or. Ho will remain for the present wKh his father and mother .In, Fsirviow AadRlon; ' CVRT1N FRij''iB RKL THIB MORNINO , Fuaeral. Services wars held for the laU Peter Curtlh,- n't the Cathblls Church hers thHTmorolBg and the Mdy.was.4hM tnkon, naeomnnnlod y n group or Meads, to UkerleW, r" hero, Interment win 'boTinad'e. m TWIKS URGED r w f .i'-N'yl!' -ji. -j.' ' 7-1 " " 4M,?fttVW,.W r.jJj ' I' WITH THB AVMBRICAN ARMT OFQOCliPATlOK IN ' OBRWAsJY. Dec. B.--Boforo tho APrcsn saarcsj niiu uanaaat; waa bmiib, urusn ware issusd to the tbtra' army impraaalag upon "the aaen. thsaasty for 's.lf reewaint in meeuns; sny maniisaia Mom of MtUrnaa'rroM the Inhab Mania on' the mnroB to the Rhine! Tho.o(.to'the.nHW,iaaidtv- .-nA .- VAa'.Bro helped to destroy old Qer- HC'tw';:hel.ntnIM. np't the "" .r':-'.''"TJ.,r?".!',, 5f 4;kioniHn'tBO .;' to' -ke m werld: Bottafloae m Which-tq iwo,' wo ahnU suoiaattantlnii 4f OieHMin:tana'reep nnd alng ressoet fcskortaa Bad Aai i' iaaMtutlaBat-aB' aiui i Am. ' ; with1nfWtv'Bnd::pISBC4 noon apfrsoupMCot tho sanrt still ilea1 la the asak wauaS'af f artdo.? - ViMi -V?'e . 1 ., 4 Tho vnnoua uiama;' wotw..ren ' to . .,--.-. .,f-,.r .fc-- , 'TDIIIIT nu llnHHIivilll M llfllllil Uli 1'W .-!'- Tha paailag of Mra. Albert EX lidar from the Influenia nt bar heme-la Hot Spring Addition about clna oclock last evonlng, cane as n grant ahoek to this community, altho It was known that she- wna aorloualv .1. The sltuni'vi la made moi pathetic by ihe fact thqt her bus- band la critically III with the disease and thai tho l; children are both affllctad. fra.1 Id'ar waa a young woman, yanra of ago. She waa born In Caladbnla, , If lanaaatn and waa fwiaagad Kara aa n trnlnad nurae ba fhra-nar; marriage in mi. Her maldan name was Snare, aha .i . "i; ...,. laavas nwr-immaaum Tspuy two aMMran MsMe bar basband, n baby IWfMraAKfJmctasaBan.ltltta girl of Vt'nBfi' Air mlor . father Faneral smogenmate have not boon announeed. v KORMRIt RTATS AFMMNT1UM -'' ' iiVKw".ioaa hv simniv " w . mwm nVB.1 ; SALBM, Dec. B. Governor Wkhy. combe' has announcen thai whan lUeutonaBt Cqioaei WhJflf, returns from overseas, he can again become djtttnnt General if he desires and tbatLthle same policy will' apply s to other SUte appointees who entered the service. MACHINR Ot'NH MVFPRKtW BKi RIOTM AT COLOGNR Vv , COPBNHAQRN, Dec. 5. Machine una wars usad la, aunDraulnr rlota tn Celaaiie Taeoday, according to' ro-v ports received hero. ' Several stores were plundered nnd there were n number of; casualUos among the demonstrants. K .. ,-', ' i CAHINRT CHANOK i IN, TWO WKKKA . WASHINOTON, ,D. C.. Dec. B. Carter Qlasa Unexpected to assume nls naw duties as Secretary of the Treasury on December 16th. by' an agreement with Secretary McAdoo, 1 POE VALLEY FARMER DIES AT FLEETWOOD Charles William Moore, known aa Bert Moore, died at bis home at Fleetwood In Ldke County on Nov ember !4tb. He was taken sick with tha Influsosa, November list, Mr. Moore- resided In Klamath County ,for the' greater, part of lila life and was well known here.. He waa engaged In ranching! He, had been in Washington for the gristtr part of the summer and had return ed to hla home Just a week before hla death. The deceassd was' born In California n 1875. He Is surviv ed by; his wife and six children, his father and four , brothers, Geirite; Kimer, siiiswonn ana u rover. Also one sister, Mrs. Ethel Casey' of Lo Us. f , , i ' ' , v' it, ,..' ' "vi',r. j BtTMWr VP" AGAIN .SATURDAY .ti.....l a(i "" ;,"r"7 '" t Tha' matter of the' county hudaet waa dUcuswd by the County Court'at ino.moamf;iofiaraay aiternoon. Mt no donnito itapa ware tsksn retard- & i.Tha(,eommlBslonera will-sen.. Prsae,q.Bo.ins sou of may - nv .... .. ' - r, . Bf'tnnosofieovit u seiievsoni us iVM. '-" "- FAsBBvf0 MARBtl FOR A" LASnNa'PBA ON BOARD ' THB HOBQROB WASHINOTON, Dee. B. Froalnont vhmws &:& era most' ofuin.lret day, on.bonMI the ship. , Ho' then rested, roetlvoi I eaiis rromtno; -ahhn strolled jWRhl his wife. There hi every tadtsoUon . that hi bis nttirnnoBB rt'-rnneo Praalaonitl Wilson will man nlainlblep tlon that, all who eeese to the 'UMoAaihei be preoorod 'to'' i aacrmean for1 'a kathur - nBBSBl'Oi thni-nraHM (iematnsiiaMbr'anr'a! MitlaaV Ukall rkaaaa. ',. - J . .-' vi?T rr - - - y. iit 1irV;V. v V i' VI Hl"MflA,'rr'V tW.?l t--IT VM J J.HV. - f'.J-.-i Netlee ia;here given that Jake seunty anpeimtondantAof Rjaaanln ceunty,,qregen. wiuheid: tan an tar okamustlen of applisaais- state certjaeatss. at Klamath tFnHa aign aenooi as, rouewa: . ''?' Commenawg Wednesday, Dse. ,11, 1118, nt o'clock n. m., aaWl'Bontln- ulag until Saturday. Dec. II, tilt, nt 4 o'clock p. m. ' 'v Wedaeoday. a. m. . .8. Mtototy. Writing (penmanship), Music, Dm. Wedaaaday p. ,m.Pnyaalag. Reading, Mannal Tratalnc, 'Cosbjos- tlon. Domostk alaMB.llnttBa In BdlB - ! '- - .-.-f...". ?. I w- f' mL mnm tag, Methods in ArMnnoUo.' $ , Thursdsy s. m. Arithmetic, Hh. tory of BducntloniSrBhBiagy.iMatai. ods la Osography.;MaahBnlial .Dmw Ing, Domestic Art, Conrso 'of 'stnAr for Domestic Art. ""rx. Thursday p. m. Orammar, Geog raphy, Stenography, American Utorn tare, Physics. TynawrRlng. MethoOB In Lsagusge, Thesis fer.Prtaaanr Oor tiacsts; . r ? Friday a. m. Theory and Practise, Orthography (anelling). Phyalaal Geography, Bnglhih Literature, 'Cnbu Friday p., m. School taw, Geolo gy, Algebra. Civil aoverenMnt.;'-!' Saturday a, m. Oeometry;' Bointiy. 8atarday p. m. OeneraJ'Htatoiry. Bookkeeping. -t, All those interested are asked to keep this announcement, as the county auperlntendent his only the one copy. , GIBSON FUNERAL EARLY SATURDAY The funeral services of Mrs. J. D. qibson of this city, whoss doothtrom lalusBaa waa -nnnonneod yastardayj wlflt. bohoM.at JO o'atak-asntnr el tho rwRPWwls bwB sm"w aBI -l vW OBBvasBBBJeaiRHVK from Petalumo, Calif. , "V,v,.ri; atMrs. iomaon waa aaarlac herllat survived by bar hnahond.ol D. bob, and seven Bhtldreu, tra biura awl tweglrts. (ki son, xVsJiorin,rta In ja.r.' M V - bRbRbB M 1 BBVbI i'B'nnnnY-l',BiHH UA.nnnnW'l:llay);V' iW n .....Trifiuriui,i,..rfi & '5, 1 fMI' Id! ' J i ', f4-'Vfa' VfMMIDeflaCrnnor mmI ?Mr.4ftt Acuf .'a slater 'and, brother oViho.'dn birthday at the tio of her.doitli'Jiha wis bo'ra"at PttsluaU, CiiktTtfc T. V. fmrnm uutaeriosd la afwor to fnmyM ' Ban-nil ia 'mmmWm m ; R-ik t -j: m J.1"' ., - , .- ....j.. -::.-iit:.i....;.i:..i ,'T, . . . ... .. i- f.' "' . !.' V. '. i '! . JM HIW MM..ipwll .W.!BM'1 viV iLu.?- ". T- .-. -'T.'- . ,t j :;" rr.. t 'A,a Mifft"CTrIl,'f "rr.- Bias --1'-'- Baa BlBRIiBAVv'e',- " ' 12 F. 'iv''t- .t't" wmu nrni inrp minal liriltanlnTa fJ.w2??H?? j BUIIflHlLIUftEllII mnuniiimrnn fflSBSSmm k.-ti'jijjiaifi?- iiaiffl ai ,,'"7T'' Thora ;: Portland, Federal ' Oaten .in t'otiaaa-.ai.tessBynBfMv-i Ohm vaiurUllaaa' af ver.iktadV,v.V,l removed aad letter nuiled , T .T vvr "Tvr'Tj----j y''iKSK'H : n tsrday,"' "' , .,' &W$W )' ! " -f'JfJ.vJ.P.IV.i',', I VL'Ui , ww,"wr,nf svlt.. . of all angar'"-rsM'rtetOBi ;,llif1iwVaj f'ndnilnlBtra,tioV'faVii expreintholr' ii,1asM4.ihW4)'l tho "flao patriotic ss4rtt v, pool D1TI lanMH UBITaBTaMlsrBnBR lnsthatro:xnor''be,'j IM j 'j-'f ; "v ''!" ,.JB " tgiaot,vJw .;aan '- """ u. rvwB. iskwiM'riiNiiy w if -:'.' '. L". ri ' .!.m:i -.i ii zijLi-iTJLi:.. .i;i-i.ivr'ffiriiR irrr7isxji3Hjnaia BsajBMurBay anerpopa, 1 HtfV.- x . '" ijsw v '&xmtM8TMMmmmmmmtk ,Xf,.:,W ,i!.. .fel '''fe-wf fc.v vy ;,v..-l1-MBnnBnni