"fr'-fW? V u ?-t 'J? t t 3 ftuaiieayfla. Mp..Wffi OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY 'MM4lft' IA&21 urrifeMUa OF idJiMMFaii kMMilMfjKf .rA w& r Thirteenth Year No. o,4H4 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBERS 1918 MU WILSON LEAVES FOR FOREIGN SHO 1 l&ttiifr msESsEw7 YeTaaaBBBxiraK F'iKw "..ALK-. -','T' jkd axBxexiiaBaxW ' gaxexePsxl '' gaxexexaV'WTyJ'l'Tr' kit I PRESIDEH 7"' .'vvv'irvvnnruuuv ON WAY TO ' - ( ,v : . j TiSEIBTE PUCE EX-PEN WARDEN Mil BIS i iiiim i finr irii 'ir iiniin n in MnnHiniT fir naiiunD not is urnuu m Miunini ur notproile junrnmes m$m HHCHKTARYI HOW MIA AND WMAf 3 THE MONMF CONFERENCE IN PRANCE executive leaiem AT TEX III-'. TEEN WITH .DELE4JATEM FOR MOMENTUM CiATHEHIXO. At THIN UNPRECEDENTED. 9 DEPART PREPARED TO MAKR FIRM HTAXD FOR AtMM.ItiH. MEAT OF PHUHHIAN MILITAR. IMM FROM WORLD. NJfW.YORK, Dm. 4. Prior to the Prealdeat'a' departure for Kurope to attend the peace conference! It bej came known that he goee determined to make a aland against militarism -In any form nnd that the crushing of t'rusalaa militarism was part of hlg plan for future peace of the whole world. The Tranaport carrying the Pre! ilitntlal party anllcd at ton fifteen thla morning. The party Included HecreUry laming, White flcnoral IIIIh and Cojonel House. The other members of the peace detonation are already In Kurope. . Aa the transport awnng out Into North River on this voyage unrrmo dented In history, the President and Mra. Wllion stood nn the flying bridge, 'the hlgheat point on which ItaaaMgera can climb nnd waved farewell.- The arm:' band, on abore Played "Over There". HEXATOH DMMI.NUH PLAN Tt HEND PEHHOXAL' DELEflATIOX TO I'ARIH ACTED UPON TOMOIt ROW AFTERNOON. WAHIIINOTON, D..C., Dec. 4. Action on the Cummlnga resolution uroposlng Hint tho Senate Committee bo Rent to I'arli for the Peace Con forrncc, Iihk been oitponed until to. morrow afternoon at the executive KCMlOn. The Sonata Foreign Relation Com. mltteojn'embera mid In private that lite resolution would not be approv. cd. (MIVKRNOR WITHYCOMBK HOW. KVKH DENOUNCES REPORT OP MARION COUNTY GRAND JURY IN HAHHH TONES. SALEM, Dee. 4. Oovernor Withy, combe baa denounced the Marlon CruntyOrand Jury penitentiary re port, vindicating Warden Murphy, na "prejudiced and unfair". Ho aatd.lt waa Intended na 'a whitewash for Murphy and did not any aagle word about the graft which It waa called Into pedal eeaalen to detect. The report in auestlou, charged 00k AAAAA0AAAAAAAAAAA0lAAAAAAAAAA0m0t0AAA00m040VV4j TREASURY TELLH NM WRRK RA1HKD WAR BONK WITH LAM BRICK STORES ARE MM J 3 . WA8HINQTN, D. C, Dec. 4. The flaaaelal jilatory of America'a HUUAH RULES ALL , RKMOVKD TODAY -rrr PORTLAND,VvDee. L The food administration haa been notlDed from Washington that all' restrictions liave. been re- moved on'the use of saga'r, as ' big criopa are now available. Tho people are aaked, however, not to Indulge In a sugar orgy. that Parole officer Keller, waa the active head of nn espionage ayetem and depreciated the Ooverner'a In terference. UMTEOCHI f OR I IN EKIGEffilf CXIAMT FLVKRx LKAVKH KirOKXK THIH MORN1NU KUOKNK. Dec. 4 Lieutenant Hog. landi who Is dying from Sacramento to Seattle, left here at 10:10 thla morning. Ho tupecia lo ruuch Boat tlo this afternoon. PARIS, Dec. t.Tlie ten drrtd. naught which are escorting the Pre sident Into French waters, will bring hack, a large party of American void. Icra and sailors, who are expected to arrive home before Christmas. No signs of Lieutenant llogland were detected In this locality, and It ia concluded that he took one of the other routes wnieb ho contemplated over the HUklyou mountains. BpSE TOW WITH 9ERMIHI REBELS PARI. Dec. 4,When the Amer ican trbopa entered Traves yesterday tbe.Oerman revolutionary Committee .tried te get In touch with them but . the 'American Command refusod to. ktant an interview. VIENNA K FOR HE OCCUPATION WARD IS APPOINTED FOR BIG JOB HERE ' WriiFrnnk Ward of thla city haa iut 'Ii.Sj Lb ll IUI ntlfleatloa , f i,wi f m w-,'., -"-- wkmmjmrwwmt' fngtNr Four of :tf Ui:uu4iiiBiit aa Chairman or rar7''.r.'r..ir... a.-i fwtnwcini High- tne tarm'id,mM Imvalva the COBlldera- actl4rieliw! n4 their wtf lioisP. .eemmfrelal VIKNNA, Dec. 4, On all sldea l(t the former Austrian empire one can hoar tho Plea that small bodlea of American troops be sent to the cen ters of population for the purpose of keeping order. Such a step, It la held, would work ugalnit tho tendencies of unreet caused, by the countless political and boundary dlspuiea among the nuraer- ouh racos, and help: prevent ny tread toward BolsbavUmi ) It Is urged by Jewish residents ar riving here from Praemyal and Lent borg, for .Instance, that the presence of.ajrew American' ualforma would he sufficient protection against aail Semitic outbreaka,' . '., The word Bolshevism tsMoeeeiy used here, but theloply'authealo e-( mnunf. out breaks taking on thai eemplegrea! appeari te hf' f nraleei mnt jM' WovnmiBtimi,5 Northweaurn nttmr, parrM, former" ruling claasea., the Magyar Coantryyi eatleman, ,vrtUally . have abandoned1 their 'eetates, tj la f ported that efforts' of thla) terrHef r waa;ioiwwe4 ay an apriwMioi tan peiaanU and also by Itatbreaka The Spanish Inlnonaa altuatlon la Klamath Falls' and the aurroandtng territory haa reached tho atago of aa emergency. The present eecond wave baa been spreadjag 'with alarming rapidity, and haa taken na uausaally large loll of human Uvea, The city Isolation hospital-ia-again fall t .to overflowing. The city 'lutborltlea are called oa for more help than they.eaa supply. Appeals for aareea oatalde the city have been made without re sults. Tho facts .published below ahenld be, known by everyone in order that the aeriqaaaeaeiot the aituaUeamay oe fully appreciated: The present baa cannot be lifted except by consent of the eUte'health authorities, wnlch coaaeat .eap.otly be obtained when condltloaavwlll warrant. In Klamath1 Falla alone apprexl m.itnry taO' aew aaaea have' aaaaarad during the met week.,. '.;? J Since Oetoher tiki llhea tM da: ease flrat appeared, .here,-Uwra'' have neen approximately t Tea . .eaaaa; .ra ported to date, hi Klamath FaMa aal URKAT lMI'ROVKMKNT MADH AT PROMINENT Rl'HINMMvCORNKR BY BRBCTION OF MODERN ItlllCK 8TRVCTURM GRIM REAPER mmm i4 At hardjy any. time daring "boom" daya of itio-il-ll . part In the war set forth by Seere- fr"-;1"'"'. f.",?"'"c"a "." J1 McAdoo.ia his annual report WBch fcTi- imh. aelcled within the before hie reeifaatloa, and made pub. j hut few months. Thla to Trtlcutarly He today, by.tha treasury. It Is the noticeable at the corner of BUth and htotorr of heWthe American people . atreeU, one (of the moat. promt m kinW. !ai ..- 'u. flnentcorneTe hi the city, -where three . . : ,. . ' . , brick buildings, put up alace the mid' I llh, Im, mmA mmtmA m .! .. . "" -wr- - " - "--idle of tne aammer, have worked a FROM KUH1 MHM. J'. D: OUMON OF KLAMATH FALLH AND F. CVRTIN OF MKR LAMT V1CTIMH OF THB RILL- INFLUBNZA meadeae pool .f credit with the Immediate vielalty. x i. ry jSJ '' During the pa week! thre',baa beta tea death froatiSpaaiek ate .u..'. "'', w'Vvsf.,; The toolatloa-leeiRaJ, eaahUafced October Itthi aailMWdle4v''taat lot oaaee',wlU,lv:eath. . ' I About l8.Mttoati; haW.tteja;vle- Ited la their kemee br thajfmlaur. vla- lllng auraes aoiiAoinnteyi)Milperf...j- At preet . mora, neopa 'aaediag heip thaa 'atvaByetkertMaae.darla the epidemic: ,' 't W ,$&: U the, fee el thaaatoehi.Ukf'W the treaaary thin Ita aaaay war agent eJee paid the bflla of the army aad navy, the aklpptag board aad other governmeat .deaartmeaU, loaaed bll Ueaa te Ue AJMeaand mUlloaa to war ladaetrlea, kejaed aapport ue, ram' lllee af aaMlen aad aallora aad tided farmers over 'perloda of faaaelat J. V- ,. h atrlaaeaey. . " TkeinayBuat lataOhe traaamiraf vast anma n war, taxee aad from Kiad aalee," aabj SeereUry MeAdoo, 'aad thai transformation of oar varies' d eeaiplea ecoaoeale Ufa to the aa. taaki'of wlaatag the war.have eeemplUhedwRheut ahock or flaaaelal dlaturbaaee. The credit aad etractara .at the aatloa re- malaa sound and atreng. The results of tho foar liberty loaas are a tribute to the' patriotlka of tHe American people aad to the' economic strength of the nation." Tho report coaatltntee Secretary McAdoo'a final aeeeaatlag of hla stewardship before retiring as the aaUoa'e flnance minister, fhruout the report' Mr. MeAdoo refers repeat edly to the remarkable achievement at America'a civilian population In providing the money aad materials for war, aad actlag aa the "eager eec ond Una of defence." commenting aa me snowing or nan'cUT arrangements la great de $all bythedocumeat, treaaary Ubrar laaa recalled 'thai the flaaaelal htotory of the Civil War la burled, la n great atack of musty ledgers, aad probably aerer will he officially compiled. For the fifteen, months ending laat Jaaa 36th, Secretary MeAdoo esti mated that the ae'taal cost of the war, wkkaUowaacM for the government's ordinary times, wblcn wonderful change for the better tae appearance or the atreet. In V The new Bristol building, altho not yet flaleked, bow haa the roof on aad upper wladowa ia, aad gives aa Idea of wkat'.Ua, completed aUtp will be. The wkke pressed v brick aad up-to-date mode of architecture promlae to akaftoaa ot (he haadeemeet bnUd ngelathecRy, ' ' The aew Lorens bnlldlng acroaa the atreet la aearly ready for, oecn par; m;wMU kf . f tl Ja; prDVement to-the nppearaaee of that leeallty.v- ." FIRST OtITBelBAKS OF TVB" IN SRATTLE. SEATTLE, Dec. 4. Infueasa la on tha Increase In Seattle again, ac cording to Dr. J. 8. McBride, city health commissioner, who warns the public that .It may be necessary to take precautions to nvert the neces sity of another baa Two mora deatha are added to the terrible toll which OW Speak tana easa'te taklag front Klamath Falla aad Klamath Coaaty. Mra. J. D. Oibsoa waa enmmened te her laat root at o;cleek last ereatag from ker home at 10IS High 'atreet; following a akort Ulaeaa with the die. ease. Her' feaeral wlH be held at it o'clock Satarlay moralag. P, Cartia, who haa beea very low 'MMMMMW'M'tMW'W'MWMMWeiMSMtMS '& ,".V1 . . . h.&mKWffi FflHRTPFU mmymm . r ." aaV aF 111 ' H , m,i Mill I URIll ' mil rm v III I LIUU A 'ft' v;-;:i . JKr..'M.vjSwC.j'i '&;&& ' IJISSM 5iJOX'-.? a&.'id ".J,i"l.a,, ., .rill' ". ''id iyn$m w, r"-'i i ''. bb1mB.B - .". V'aaal W am aai aair' xai aatt xai f aaam " am am yam .? axarBW ' mmm NOT CIFAR sxf f aw . aav aar i-t . wjaaa'. aaaBBB aaaaaaiaar ar aai ai MKSMraMjraiaai'Ber'aHfMamaanAV'-'v M veMoi ",' wmvv srwaaaanvwa i at the "Merrill heepRal for eeveral daya, .has) OrlmxReeRer.tlHto,reaMMa ' wfll ha hroaght ta rale eKy ferhatenaeat tha date of. whlek kaa not. beea aa aoaasod.T The 'Taaeral at Mra. Rosa Flaley. whM'aaih waa' aaaeaaeat'yaatef.; af: , jj f daTShlkeU U .. i....: : vPJT&z-rf ?.' . .f v. jYam bbbk amtaaaal bmbhbj aj aaawmsami SllnS 1 1 I'll I r uUUu 1 1 III I L'v FOR GAS IS '4H Oaatiaua',aB aaW 4) SOLDIERS ALL EEEASE E Wfl m IT UDONCEO , ' .' ,C'.,v,,tarv,r y." trwa a iWO-: $P , (.'... nuiin'l f'-TV """ . Kwaaaia d.rslgnea; eoanty' anVifatnUa urae avery'.as'ra'a'avvraie: aak -aaaaalasp kelp with the a'i'l:;aW:vaHl MfUi; VKXVWRXmi :IURRIUTMl(MtT. ; vj- vCaaaty $ir''o9,M GOING TO INvFAR EAST r j- H y THT niesnerj -wen Known in Fatls,iftaacompleted hut Mnes aaa, ra4loMpera,tor. aome time abieeaad la nowlfcfeatUe expecting aa'a'paalatmeat nj the'Ortent orRus .ti'7 .-- ".; .! . ". - au. jaeeora lag t. laaw-raceiyea nere, neejeeHuwa aaaMVFH wm yard aad. Floyd ,MkA "PV?1' lawtk Ai 1MB VWAu .(T.f iaa:-na iaajr;aaaauag ryJ i . mbh 5-TI'yEVVISTJ mwi. a : tvanjefeaa iVff . UHBffiaBiiA" r ntSMaaamV". ' ' ' .,l'nW.,-1. iH.kMtrluurtfafart.ttaalallB.dlt: w ww enwiwiwa vwivswawn wewiewimnw .work try L. Hill- both former Orem, 'la in && . ' 'v Hithrfolty;iMtaat.aeeallty l' '.' - '!'--v y v.ii. -ttj k;. - .( v wyjviw iipi. yseraraay.-fA-- W.'X '&y ,f WDHA,LJHLU'.m U,Me'raperte taaihha.Petraaek and JQHaiaraJfajalilea aMHware alKalak mdiai-iha'dtoassa alaaVihaA He. Ibua; WA8HINOTON, Dec. f. Senators and congressmen nre beginning to receive a flood of appeala from par- enta of men In the servicer and aome from the men themselves, for aa atstaace In procuring dlachargee from the army or navy. These appeato,. t appears, do not count. The war and navy depart menta are not considering applies tlona for discbarge except thru the regular channels, that ia, thru the commanding officers. .Complete In structions have been sent to all camps, cantonmenta and stations, ao tbat the men may be Informed' how to proceed.- .. Dischargee are to "be granted 'flrat where there, ia serious lllneaa at home and to those who make a show Ing that tbey are needed In aome em ployment or occupation. Dlachargee are not to be granted in'-wnoleeile to any certain occupation. Men making application for dis charge are expected to support' their applications by a statenjeat of facta wnicn win anow tne relative urgency of their caaea, Men who are reaard ed f their commanding' of (leers aa particularly needed may: be retawad, however, uatll the, army, la .ner. reaucea, "" Mambera et'eeagrees say If ia uaa. leaa' to direct appeals to tbem In be half of 'individual soldiers aad aall; are, All tbey. can do is 'to adviee that' applieatlqaa for dlscharge'ha made la accordance, with the' forms preacrlbed. Demobilisation la aa lleyed to jbe proceedlng'about aa'fap; WASHINGTON, Dec, 4. "Liberty fuel" Is the tateet air aehlevemeat 9t cliemlaU and engipeera of the re search 'and development division of the general engineer depot of the war department , When the war department aaaed to provide uallmlted anaatltlea of gasoline, for automobiles, tl motorcycles, and airplanes, Cantata E. C. Welagerber, a gas and oil ea aiaeer of extensive tachaleal land practical experience, rose to tha oe- casloB with a formula utlltalag kero sene ns a base aad produced "Liber ty fuel," which iota aa. a gasoline aubatltu'te, tha, war department an nounced thla, af teraoon. The new aubithute la odorleaa, tasteless aad n.oncorroelve. aad the department la .authority for tho statement tkat.lt develops n thermal efficiency greater than, the beat gaso line. In making it the coat Is" said to be leaa than tho present gradea of gasoline. The raw materials used in1 making the new fuel are aaelly ob tained, -aome of them being a drug; nrt tne market tooay. The nrocaaa bv which the new fuel U produced waa not' revealed by tho department. JMM aiu.-i&L'Pja . TMWf Of Fejanianj iff--al-H5tg amiaieaB'. SLaaaaaani an yf' iiiiiiiiiui ' "-1 iaa-"-rri , ; eaBajBansBBaaaj. ;,, .-; - y-w, i, ;:,;,--..jj.-y vvf 4 ''luKOTVB ' .l , : daniBaV(,H)i-(J.-.-,o,-. ,:';' w-.-wi miBBiiiaisiTilat' .CL,- - . : ".,"- atW'.ak aaae. . -'-- -t eep'BBBaMiojrifasa)'. aea.,eeB9Bajeaajnji ., Wra-raajteam'pea'aalBaaBiaa'Bi a '',T ' " 1 Haiadvwatad araaalaHai axdeaat m2 -- .,ll,. . aaaWBV Am- .., w npn v wmmmm m pna ". . - -' - " ' - " ' ' , --TTT-- ,-y -.-.rT.g-r :'., . '.-....'..Yi.---..-:; :-ft.-ai-a , "".. ''Ioaai4'ta'kV art. Mbekatf :e( the Re aaaka1 tkat'ther ': '---- if k'iilb' saater Waleai: afdamsi dUred,. thati ta-hike .tfites. ' ? antll biter yasttflei the gatMril beMaf ?. in" iVifrinisiiVnair 'litriili'i- tfn iW1-'' -, JlaaMBaaaaii' tMUMS-7 tmmMm97& WbbbtVJ iHlinl aa.' ft'jfjM 'i.t?n-a .iei? -e' .! H.r-, . -iv , and PaladiixteV?vdMiBai fraaa 'twMi&to?!L & Hmm , '(ilv-. M f WOULD LOT r ,"-;, wsi -, ji f-V ' . tv "ffiMtts-: BmiBbBafKBaaBaBaa r , t W, -vlk'l-., 't ' -p - "' '. ,'H-C . Ul?fl 31 anBBW.BBaa'VNBwaMBBB.&. -'S ---i f " " 7 r -- . - - -p fit- ,- kt, , " . i - n J' i ,-. 'r.iM4 sji7ls,i WA8HINaTONr..Dee. 4. pair. J Aalwrat,' Ariaeaa. kaa prapBiaaTi.htU Hj MllgiylagtefsajaiBiilltar, aaetw.ansaTf ; :,1 feVarlae' thV;aaAtra''maa; time. ew, aw oaHmrsjiaa,a,BBBBuaaK' mXr v y yji:.iw y?- r3H'r jj.JV of 'dayB , .- . ' '4Tlil KK. , natw THauuBvaax mauaf. ui" ..Li.t rer '- ,aVIMMBm'iniJfMMK ... :r-. 'a-r .w. fti.v?i:i' :. WAiHIK0TOH.VD.t'a;De.w. - warg aaa aeaa, aa3av.reanJBnJJBan', k 'T ' .Mii."..,..- swetwaeaiBH-ai wsu The off kMtlr that Otaaa atlbgiaia;aM become laeratary at aaiway;(,'r-.3 imxfxo' paWaPjZjfrfl Ue'Treaaunrv7'vr-:;;- succeedlarllHam.OlbtMcAeBv'jS'i !: . j--rv-- v rtrr ).CKKMHKN"8 ARMY MAY RK INTERNED. COPENHAOKN, Dec. 4 The Hun earlan government haa decided to Intern Marshal von v Mack.eaaeu'a army of 170,000 mea," a Budapest; dispatch haa anaounced, Mackep en'a army, which waa operatlag in the'Balka'aa, attempted to eresa'Hua aary after tka armtatlea was eigne but. cleaned with Caecha and HuagjaK imm irovtv, w :2L, lW . mu' " ' ifU mk aMttsXWfxumnu aruvanw in H.. C-. ....,11 .i.aI .i3A& 4 mf tni niiusi unjBvvnti iv.hw IwlateaaC hospital 6a ;'Oek; -atfeeti which waa'receatly purchaaed bi!W; TlJae.teheta'g moved to tU'arMat. Uoaaereea from the city hU..rapa Bypslatid iare, RwmBe.remodsMbytJMMwraeMl. 'WVJl i-2i:j. -;i; IWI .aHBIIIW I-W VK-J -i ta .Lea'aaaaaaamiMa JBkaaaai ' BIIIHIII "xnamiHTi '' JUIIIL I IIBBUlulf BV nlWIIE uiiipn W ,t. ' ,. J .1MLta' 11 CrV.rl.".-J !.?&"-;" affiwj 2i H'it X J in ewy lo awn.iiaaiBtataTiafiv1.v; , -. the.aettlefWd.'of KureVte;;wa 'to"arrtvaliUtiiweak ml RtF,'J rrlvaliUtk;ipjV ra7 Flowaaai Bra'paW A mltte ot:taa;Weeart'friet ( neeae 'M'lk4Ftp expected surely, ha here vaeaJvad'tiv Ura birg.ch'alraiaB:of JaeVTyat,'! ,Vv ": i-ii Oaklet AtaatVataht '.ajnl'mm l wymkki&m&pjdm &&Mm PJiPif ' t l W ilB imfOYiPinnaeBBeeg jartaxi v luaNr - WP"W , tS5 pithed iCfSttj Kmsmss.1; ' IdlyAaJeaaMbaeipeatad., . ?' i m-xtf Mww&w1 ijftkV' if l. . t! i lV !t-H f5r-v;CT'n.7, , s ,i. XX. '-. -V ''" 't -"" '-asaaaniawsaeesmwaw r w-a'., s. w$txyyii ftAt j.V't 'V t L'tr- :..: U.' ytj&zm A "li . ... A. I.- v, f' . ..T elA.! ".'y-HSw, piy v. s-- , f- tu TWV! . J."c 'V . UMTKiit VlMs H, M?V . 1 s ,.5f xV iA'vV Jm J"s J I