W. 7r'--mw i'x; -P? - 'v IH OFffCIAL , NEWSPAPER OF kLaMath COUNTY .Pi ThlHMMlh Year No. ll.lNil . ... "aiMiyifBiSi MAY OCCUPY LAND OF a A aaaia H MB ' - k ( H maa. . H K.aBaB - BM. 4V aM . ..amaa amai a r ,1. V . 5 '.!' .ll-l"' ' lJ "' ;f.'T( Mlfl ALUES ivnflfiw41 an' Lan If I I 111 -, 111 ll 1 ' BBB) BBB'aam ) BBB'iK MMMWMMIMiMMWlMMIlM ': V S ... i 'K ST ;-, .r , '. .- j, NEMY FAILS TO ! 1 BELIEVED THAT TWENTY-FOUR HOUR UUI MATUM HAS BEEN GIVEN GERMANY BY - ALUES TO TURN OVER LOCOMOTIVES GERMAN NEWSPAPERS DECLARE NO, HOPE OF PROLONGING ARMISTICE AND PREDICT COUNTRY WILL BE. OCCUPIED LONDON, Dec. 8. A Rueter dispatch from Berlin con firms the delivery of an ultimatum of the time limit, which is twenty-four hours, and says that Mathix Erzberger haa offered to deliver all the locomotives as soon as repaired. . -i , German newspapers point out that there is, no hope of prolonging; the armistice, and that the Allies will probably occupy Germany. $ ,, it The foregoing dispatch comes as an addition to a Lon- .. don dispatch, which has not yet been received, and appears to indicate the delivery of an Ailied;uHlmatum to Ger many for non-compliance with the armistice terms in max Jng thi delivery of 5,000 locomotives, and with a threat to proceed with the occupation 4 $i . : . LONDOrf.Dec. 8, Uter Ooneral rseh ku Mat a Bw ultimatum to 0rmaurvdnin(lni that the loco wotlvaa ba'glvaa up aa agracil. Aa Amacnlara dbaateh Hay that Waakarter protaated that thli win Inaoaalala. ;The ultimatum expired yoiterday aitaraaaa. -The result la not yet aaowa. 9 -, wovxaao.MRN riacKD I. -f IMHOHI'IT.ILS HERB my. -WARHINQTON, 1i, C. Ilec ,S. a.war department haa announced tftat wamdad man returning from rraaea will go to noapltal within 300 mtlsa of' their homea or their neareit relatives, paaa noapiaia ai iraiama eampa have been turned over to the wirgeen geaaral, Including 76 ho-( pitala with facilities for over 100,000.. . Fifty thousand men ufeoxuect. ed te be sent within the neat six. L3 .! 1 i t. .( I Wm MVHINCHKR CAIWRKD , i LOS ANQMLM. Uee. 3. LleuteH- - - . - ' ant Perry, who waa aought in connec- tloa with the murder of Captain An- ram Power at Bacondldo yesterday, kaa been eaptured In this county. nrar vrJA lirtwfl eihr.t (OilyJli t. W KEH tUtytptf v MtitXf ,.vj ..." -'' Mtm.finUrrx . ' ,' lf"WwHTV' " -;' T'1 "' saaaaalMEBMT-'' rBOanM BaaB) IBIIVUNvvh v rr" . tw. .. tTT'T i ... . ; ittM t .; 1., 1 liu.. I ..Ju'u.aBl In'a'atw fi?:..TS. ! !i ..''t..a ... . lv all III 'Mm I hnrvrinuirnn 1 1 I5i-1JI IIIIL II w liiifriiiiriiii bWwJbb! Ijiw, PBasiinw; -Ukil'fi..i--. '.li tha PMI . ,"'"" . . ,..: .1 -i ;. JfArr?.'1? imf? . , ?'. exports to aermapy ia, reprtsai xor WT'jSZm o' .expert of.Qarmaa " V&F&1 v"Hee: preaMeat Vh:wi w Hlaai 'eeordma to aaAm- eeaeaTIf mW&i'i&Ji Wi? . '"" lmdMr MMM . . waaiaraa? .?., feat, kat ke did ram mans nam enemas aaam n rmmnai ' aV vii.r..-'h.Hi'.''Aaiaaa- aeoale ,made ea tae weinarmaaa w. - .ymawy; " r:':-'"""' J. ,,,... ,. -b. r-aaaar.af ,.tka farmar, kalar. ia tap lrt4a.taK.Usttifmaaaa-AJBlsVtd MEET HIS TERMS 01 uermany. SHOULD MIKE PI1G PLUS' EARLY IN YFJ That those who are now contem plating making municipal Improva mcnU thla coming year, should tnuko their preparations at an early date, uml thua save no end of Inconven ience to themselves and the city au thorltles, la tho auggestlon of City Ailnrnnv Rolto C. Qroesbeck, who de- claren that when these mattura are ft until about tho tlmo to brgln tho improvementa It complicates motfira u couslderuble extent. Mr. Qroesbeck points out the' fact Itnai mo conijinrniiTo nuiuiiiHi ipm f .urfiicInK the streets with utnders . . i . A ! aKMa-.m IhuI AW tliltt tM skould tkey prove aa aattalactory aa they give promise or doing, win piace nearly all tho residents In a position ' I.1..I. .mJ aiMatsi In than fful Ifnl a mumw... ....... .- -- "--. Tho cost of the cinders la d down hero la from omMlfth to mMHcfelh tkatof jthe average pavement. It le declared. HUN I'HINCKHH LKAV1NU !. mibvitniau .ANll MOMKLAND LONDON, Dec. J. An Amsterdam dispatch saya that a number of the Hohnmollern nrlnces havp'bsen giv en per'ralss'lon bjthe Qerman govern- meat to. leave tor neutral, countries on condition that they leave tneir tor tunes behind them. They have ac- .oepted'tbls proposal BfJTCH'': HAVK rym WITH,HUNB LONDON. Dee., 3,-rThe Daeh ALUam WlU PWMND'BIU i.nMnnN. i baa. Raaraai.aaya,'.tkM rnvHrnmuii . umwni v wiwim k.. AIA .n atikmail tMMMMMMMMMMWMMMMMMMMAi CUT I . fUGHT IS M BEGUN I.IKVTKMAXT HOOMNO LKAVHM HACRAMKNTO ROH HRATTI.B THM MORNING MAY LAND AT KLAMATH VALIM MATHBK FIELD, Sacramento, Dee. i. Lieutenant A. P. Hogland' left early today on a light to Seattle. . He la to make ,'hla first atop at, Redding, where ke will select one of three routes over the mountains of North em California. He kaa planned to reack Seattle tomorrow morning., Arrangenenta were made uare a few day ago for tkla. aviator' to hud at Klaatatk .Falls, akeuM 'ke rone tkls roate. A Held at tke, Altamont ranch waa etcured for thai puraeae. and a chart seat by Mayor C. n. Tria ler to Sacramento. "- -i HKDDINO, Dec. t. Later Ltou tenant jiog land kaa arrive harp after flying 180 Mlloa to Uft-niNiatea, wMh one atop. Ha .expects te nlgkt at Bugeava. ' ' s . SEilTS WLL A letter Just received ' from Clllord Sevlta by hla niotker, wrkHeai Oeteker lth, tolls of tho KcktUHl ha kaa keen In In various parts of tkefroat. He sent home 'a peat eard'wklek ke se cured in a German dugout aftar ke and his comrades kad pnt the liana to ftgkt. ' i , Clifford kaa a large number of otk' er tropkles, and deeterea ke will kave to ckartar a Reamer Vse'-brtaig'tkem home. He aaya tae inre na,ra meet of tke time, but that tke keys, en joy It. wiiuiummu ri, '. n Vi . Several, thousaad, troppere, koya, of 6egoa, Waakiattoa aaf OalMoraai. kad a ale boat ride acrose tka Atlaa: tie and back, witkoat oaee aettlaf foot oa foreign soil. Meat of tkem were members of repiaeemeat uaKa and wereoa traaaperta waea'tke word earn by,.wlreJeaa tkaXte armle tlce waa signed. , Aa Jibese aklpe were nr.ctlc.nv rsaa tTmad tneir aaraoes of kuaky Yaa',''UeyTeepaild to a (orslge porta -aetlgatsl. ; to - tea wketker tkiy'vaMWrjbe-Vaafed.;'er Meas'aa;Ba,!aaaaJBPaaW'tlM kareea at tkai MM mHa law Pafty an. tawag of ,,Mt;; way aiaMM ;gat over,;aaarnra awaaaaa)aTorNB "v ii -i" UT- -r '"!' :vT.raw:in to'jtoMi&&.t ram m WMTROPHES liiccTcnii nnvc lM,"u'' "uai nlsrallal IIIIm!' - uUknii aU'rfiULi JkLPMl Wm eWlMljMfkAA jAAAPAaaaABAAaAAiMaaaapatMadhaajaa H ' iiirii ifiintiiii ' Li I ' Miiyuii mmm mmm ' f ''"XL. ' . KV WAN OFMONI FAM- irq , 1LY,' "aW. 1HCATM FOLLOWM HRVkWUilraMYll tUMWM FROM DRaUOgaV.MpVMIC -'- In tke deaekat 1 o'clock this mora ine of Mrs. 'Raws Flnley, at Merrill, the county iees a member of one of Its pioneer 'families. Mrs. Fhrier, d, away fallowing aa lllaoea at' leas than a weak from tke lalaeaaa! Her knebaa dla rapert- ed to be aiaia. Ht; wUk tke disease. ' Mrs. Fialer.keee sister, Mise Mil dred CalakaaW arrived from Port land to anraej 'was a member of a large famMyV'jike. kad resided for many yeara wlU ker kaabaad on a stock ranektaa tke Bly eonntry. nad had-reaMvad'a. tew yeara ago to tke MerrWlatriet. Tke tollowtak aW- ten alnd kreikars sarvlve ker. .if Mlaa Mra. Ckarlea Oatts at, Beaaaia, Mlat, Margaret Calakaa, naw-aBaaee-l,7ini,.Fraaee; Bteve. Jamee and P. T. Calakan of KlamaU ConatyMra. fmie Rrowa of Sacra, meate, Mrs. Hoary Hudsoa of Rose- tUm. aad Mra, Nettie Barter of Marsh, aara. Hi Tke funeral arrangemenU kave not beea aanoaaced aa yet. ' ,,'sai ' FRBNCH WOVLO MARK . QKRMANM PAY UKARIA' PARIS, Dec. 3. Papers here la dene the attitude of Premier Lloyd George .outlined In kla Newoastle addreas. ia which he demanded tkat Oermaay pay tke coat of tke war "to capacity." , La Liberie auggests tkat tka allies eotabilsk a special Oermaa debt, priv ileged above all Oermai loans, to pay ca tae laaewniiiea to tae allies. Tke paper alee advocates allied coatrolof Oermaa laaacea for several years. Klamatk Couatyaeems doomed, to tall dowa ta meetlag IU War sump eetaj aniens hereto efforts an made byaeeailn dietrtet-duriag tke last atoataet,-tke), year, aecordlag to CJmlrmaa J. W.stemeaa, wko de- elarea tkat tke total at tka baby bonds panaaaed Novaatker lid waa flBT. T.,ar aboat l per eeat of the aaeta of IIII.Ml. WiThlo eoadltkHkia ejao largely to the fallan ot tae oRkMaa to make good taaphian aakmlkad'laat sukmer. The laettaat tkai ameaaU wen smalt aMma a ten aNrtaa imprcea to maaytaai:tket1v;aVivla SUmH of a aida'knae,' wkea; aa a,maMf:Mitaet'MsiaB)BM;waa'oae BMjwataB wa gi ed.:peaa ijraateatea'tjvla tka en iiidvLrnM&,s !VXlsSlMi& ,. tae rMa.y.;ta;OrMO.:axsw aweanaerihediky.'iaey.ijMper-, eeat: Maaath,'Oea'at swveawwew fswpwnr t a'meet'aa- Ume;;ki-a t : Htl flaaauaaiBBi ILU . aamflfllL. I m aaaaWaaaaaaaal . BaaaaUMgM aM (bhbbbbI ri i 1 it . i. paaaare effort dnrajaj Mm eieeagdaya I waj jasm - f , aJsmKjBiafe: rarpeet . He seat kta ngarda tohis many pld, lstatutlcB relate, only, 'to tke. ooet-M m - ,- '. IW-KT--,J. i. n . . t. t. " ").J. 4. I'l J , -t-' AM.1.1 ..- BJ ' H, UT' VJ't lhiliv.l -vV m FOLKS MM QUKHTKMi DIHCl'MKD UY COUSf tlL LAHf MUHT AND LKKT TO HKALTH BOARD HTRAHORN GKT8 RXTKNtMON OF T1MK The advisability of wearing influ-. enaa. masks by tke residents, aad with tkla precaution opening tke town again, waa discussed at some length at tke, regular meeting of the city council hut alght, but the' matter, waa nally left to the actloa of the, health board. Mrs. 'Cecelia Bogardns, In a de tailed npert to tke, council, declared tkat tken kad' now been 105 cases of tke laflueasa at tae eRy Isolatloa koa- pltat aad Ive deatks. Robert B. Strakora waa, given aa exteasloa of sia meatks for tke 'com pletloa .of tke maalclpat railway ,to Dairy ,ea aecoaat of, tke unavoidable delaya broagbt about' ay tke war cob dUleas. Tke coatroversy over tke 'office of afayor waa not kroagkt ap at tke meetlag last alght. ,.aa, tke deeWea ia tae Fortiaaaeaae whim awaited kefora fartker' actloa la Ukea. Al- lowlag of tke enrreat bills occupied a coaslderable portion of. tke even ing. ' f ' fobtKlmh tThe bumper crops' In the Wood River Valley, last season were suffi cient' to pay for. tke cost of the ranches themselves, according to Tom Jackson, a well known, resident, who ta vIsHlng hen .today.- i Jackson Is aa enthusiastic booster for the beautiful Wood River Valley, when he resides,' and quotes tho big yields aad prices for.heef and hay la substantiation of hla statements. White moat of us are unacquainted witkltke financial auccess which fol lows ranching la that section, nearly every one will agree that It Is worth a huge sum to. anyone to be able to live aaiia aucn oeauuiai surrounu- lugs LAflLY KLAJMTH ' A letter has Just been received by Captain J.' W, Siemens of this city from D., B. Vorthlngton, a termer Klamath Falls newspaper maawho Inunoked the Klamath Falki Kxpress many yean ago. '' i Appanatiy "ftertune !haak smiled aon Mr. Warrklngtoa .since leaving;; ikla eati, f;M':peaks elkavlagrWiased- aqaariar million dollars for kUaews paper Mat a d home at B.lolt. ' He Meaiior aaa manager ot iae aeion Dally'NewsN An article, In a recent laaueof tke Bland. Printer shows kla eataaUahaeat to; be one vof ,taa .niost femplete aad upto-date imaglaable. He seat kta ngarda to, kls many pld, BOOSTER IS EMTHUSlASTtC FINDS HERE nOSCDtnlEHN SEVERELY HUFT tJ UOVMi BOY BKVKRKLY WOVN9 ' r- V! KD IN ACTIOY JUHT BByoRB THK ArMUTICK WAkMMNMO. MOTHRR and WIFE HBRB ,1 f That Roecoe Bleka, a well known Klamatk Falls boy, v waa severely wounded la actloa la Fraaee ea No vember Id, waa tke aad aews received laat Blgkt by kla motker. MrnT'Alwe Blehn. No , details were fflvea la tke message except that fartker parUea Ian would ke forwarded. aeoa. "C Mr. Bleka; left Klamatk Falls last June ia.respease to a sell of, tke ae- lectin. draft, aad kssams a, aaamkar of compaay o. of tad lllta Mfaatry. Hla'wHeVMn. Bdttk Bieaa", reeides to tkla city. f 4 " -" "' Pnvleaa ;to kla aatnaee'laf the army Mr; Bleka 'was .empjayidky WekeniVTraaafer eempaay, 'aad la tae laaiaer mda i i V "1 i 1 r 1 .., . M &iit--,jtjJi'i i . CAMP LEWIS, Dec. 3. Private B. B. Askunti Company 'A, First lafaat- ry, kaa the konor of being tke. first man from tke division to ke dm; charged aa a direct result of the end ing of hostilities. la France. -. He le former auperiateadeat of, tho livestock Industry on tke Klamatk la dlan reservation. Askant ia a brotk er of Senator Asknratr of! Arisoaa, a democrat. He formerly, lived 'ia. Flag staff, Aris.,.but.waa laducted lato ser vice from Klamatk Falls., . t jVJ t FOOD FUUSES WA8H1NOTON, Dee. I, Figures compiled by tke' depirtmeat of labor Indicate that cities la the East and .South have a much greater Increase In the cost of. jiving than the eUJea of the West. The avenge increase for the country as a whole was 16.3 per cent for September last aa com pnred wltk September, 1117; Denver, Colo., shows' the lowest cost of any large city compared with the country-wide average, being 18,4 per ent below, the average. Portlaud ,waa close behind ,'M the nest most fortunate city, with 18.1 per cent Itas, th'aathe average. 'Salt Luke City came next, only -a shade' higher ;th;aR .SM , llpwed. otolhy F.f dipimMt'liIan :forl5!PwJd-. W R;.l.;:'per mt,Wiherttti ror the country si ,iarge( wua, new. Haven, Copn,5 Bostba,sjiBdtisWah:j. Ington. D, C.followlag-ae, thenext moat expensive cities'1 lawhlh.io 'n-MaanmrUt'i af l'! I lllTl vmn l Mjwinaw v mmm mm mmm: aaa Jrrsacisoo, , !.-j-iTha hlghest'relatln eeat uaer;tke N II 1 1 LlVrH "- I mV 1. 1 1 ' I ? ' wj H bT'.'bY bt aa , slft'IJ V 1 . Imlf - fi I'M M, tW raMaaTsaT-ml 'aaw'aaraaTaal mH' "' 'J rmuM Amocixrmm rwmkt 0bV'.:-. a f-.fhr.t'i. '.AtV,K:t.wiaV-.?a ,'JUI UTMJ'-L'tf'n. AMntot$a'w9 TRiw' X ' 'I "!- I tmmmmomuomwmimm 7. AJt,U , sswaamMpw TJ" "?;. -. , Q, j 31 pR.- mk jfmt JtWJ,,.1"i aaiiBjBB' 7'aaum .'; 4j 'JTI1!' Vl.. t ' .... (' XX&WyW'-r' ';.-:- J--m . ?Tae enwa prnisa,satd: '..Wpm'aiB. OeiaaerrafVind.1"!) PUana (rivrKi: rfit -t tW Maisie,VwlUe wewwdetaet tt U. imvAtmlmi T -"-' kad aot anffered a eaae:aaYna.Vn,!, '1 "I tried , to. aeraaWa'taeaa teseek -r Nvw-i j:ir, f-.l'i :l' --' aa-iT;4fcki' ''-'- "- JW---:.r. . . ..- . - .w i ."? 'if. t--i.1Wi :t' -iV"- h s V sjsaaai aanswaf jwiwm- w m emarsnamisjsj -mr armies.' :lli'.pnit':it::Vmi mjt, AkiseeLoinla; aeA-1-! ; wee'-; teed-1,..,, myActlvltled? to t'eemaTaad waY ' ma . :; fcV.T t ,li wmmm uhiv.bbipjuiiv.& ..MsnsiUa'aa ma, ai '.a aLBl .Al.f J WASHINOTpNDXCBtfeVt Becnfary.BakerJaeapmtaiar.tVa th'e,cMualtlesMsaia!lwUhougbtiB,u otttkon;unreiftwere;onalbj ly wounded aad renting, ajby maigMC invMtir.tloV;tkV which the.eMltuete lVa;kaastt tke senateVllUry'affatn;'conHt)5j Senator;' rckamberlaTn tel'etnpneC'jiiT.k ahead ealliaffthercWmtMgWnKE' , The .partlcr4reJec,t!'derf qnlry, r, Uefbn the cdmmttteaywjM f of tbe1logelaa,t'fe tkat relatlvea of the dcoth 'Or,woadiag;et laaeala aad otber.reialives lu a ........... .a.-ifci jaa-twtsj'.y 1MB ' fcW . MVP.M ,V. f W. ' l U an I thedi(UYcf;;;casna; wamea,jawvw latemed:' -.i' i.i.ti'j: '1,'slj X.Vay ; v,w ,W... J? HfraB ' in'.itkawai'; ?."ii L S' H Hawr w- 'it of. proteet'aadtapppals ktwXm).ti'X ters nffiM" a V -ill ,1 it S tva ;vf . 'S:, & -. ' 11 ,i - 4 Amffi&&k4 ujIkAM, .&' V, :li- ' erv e r " t r- . i