r.,.-.-hrA.:.ij-'.immM, rTTHl l.W- '; w ' in'" I- , t m44' v'-' - & rfWT" -3. V ' ff .' P-wJ,i 1 rtl 4' W 't OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY P'S$WM VIRWPnwrn '-.! vrTTTT ---HHKHHHH JV v i, ;''.' J.-Vja1? , xBk ctf"i$ynBaBmBBmBmBnaBaBsma - ...fit J ,,..,.. . .: . ... r(B9H HPHHMBHHWhmkmm .nana. M ff ' ;. .f A " . ttvf Ji !'. JW t i? i ' SB??. ... tf IBaBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl ''TTO .iBBBBBBBBal ; - i mt ,-' ''.x ' -.w. . : , -xv-. k.it.L1" v- rfiarYAjajMa&HM ppp. r , . ph ppj ppp pppj pa ip i pp pppipv- pph ..ppa aipppb - pp pp ,vipp i ppps pps m pppa ppkpt pp pb . pp a, pp ppa pp rapr i av at i maapaaawaarpapaaawT, .- paa aatav aaaaaipaav . v . ,ra ThMHyfxo.,, KLAMATH FALLS, OMGOIj MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, ItU fr ffi ' , ' , 'H?fp 1$ MWRl'mW -H-m eaaaammma -.lL$L- - - --. -' .-. ' ' ' -'' .vf... . ...,.:, l.AiSSrS !! b TDIDTfl PflMPDrOO TrtPTintuiin nKnriTii rnn rmriinn mtT nv niikATPttlfr iiur in iiiiiinr.i .1 mn lun rnarn rmw run rmrmn inn ni riiiiinfuiiviKfB ': ' : "VLJ."- ' 'ijsfr ;mt. TWO NIX MT WMTM , ' Hi wipliainiM 111 uiw CMAHBB iilAIIJ .TO OO. . MBN WMMirVJMTMATINti To be Mwi'ltoeM kf raH(, whU dlMtat elwrt wktak Im4 Mt mMAM Um m4 tot latir- Uf tt JAm M AnlMMi: HrkMk, k Ota taaiktr.MUM, Mar CkliMMkl. -i, i TIM aw JnwMgMil ta MMtlac, mcvIm te'.mlfi. u Im4 pit ki MTtflil'ckMbi'llAH t tlMM k to4.t mitimi tlM aia wn wrhM 'iialwaM ni Um MM- tor wkM:fte(MMU(Meirni. "Ito tatkwitto'Aftki mm avsNftkto ngHV toe KIra:'Miir wan kraaaUt to aa4 awriaTafPaigat ajr Ua4ar-lalwratoWMajg-; v, " ' ' 1'". ' ' ' A.-.V.1 nHWKTHBATJMMIT . :v j- . i " 1 , ntTrABaBaavaaanaBRBKir3MaiT"viB1' 'II" ' .z - ' -fv Oaaafal PataMu- feaa t 1 .' i? SAYS HE MUST BE PRESENT, AS , PRINCIPLES ENUNCIATED BY HIM HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED BY ALLIES ' WILL NOT RETURN1 RAILROADS TO FORMER OWNERS UNDER THE OLD CONDITIONS. DEMOCRATS APPLAUD SPEECH . (ByAMociated PrM). WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 2. The President today formally announced to Congress his intention to go to the pcaca conference, saying that the Allies had accepted the priavelptoa enunciated by him, and that it was bis para mount duty to be present. He said he would be in close touch by cable ana wireless, and that Congae? will know what he dote on the other side. , ,'': j He cxprtcNd the hope that he would have the copera-h WWtUfWWaaiid-Con that contantviefg and counsel wouia oe possioie. Muchof his address was devoted to the railroad prob lem, for which the President said he had no solution to offer. He recommended its careful study by Congress, saytaff It would be of no service to the country to permit the railroads to return to the old conditions unaer private management without modifications. Mr. Wilson said he was ready to release the railroads from government coptroK whenever a satisfactorylan of readjustment could be worked out. He declared that he hoped to see a formal declaration of peace by. treaty "by time spring has come." He again ap pealed for the woman suffrage amendment. The'prtsldent endorsed the new three year naval build ing acogram, because he believes it unwise to attempt to adJusVKe American program when the future, world pol- ' ley Icia yet undetermined. He paid tribute to tne neo- V plc'a cwduct in the war, while speaking of France, and re- marked that hW highest duty was to play his full part in maktaf good what the American soldiers had offered their lire's blood to ootain. lfcWilaon endorsed the plan for levying $6,000,000,000 in taxes next year .and notifying the public that the 1920 levylrould be S4,000,000,KH. He said that no definite program for reconstruction can bc-ouUmed now, and hoped that Congress would not ob jccltd;cQhfcrring5n the war trade board or other agency the rkht of fixing export priorities to assure the shipment M M' 1 A -All- i.'AU..f.M aamU aUttAO1 nr TBinin tnn lurviiiif ucuuic nuivnui VjttT ffVy ft ' .a A A A. ...u.U1.i 2aaMn1t- Preeident urged tne senate to aci wvorauw k mMiAafi traaiv nt friendshiD and adjustment Colombia .and asked that, the development of public woafcabe'recumed prompuy loprovmo - M'fOidiera. nc.'caiiea uwuwum w. o5uy ... - Jor the reclamation of the arid, ewamp ano cut-over ;f ste left' the chamber amid.applause which was limited to hor mother, Mm. Nate Otterbeln, la formed the relative of the birth of a baby boy, aad Ut4 that the aew rob'tber wae tea preeartotia coadltloa. Mm. Otterbeln lef t. thl meralBi to be at the bedilde of her daughter. f Mrs. Beaver waa well haowa to the people at Klaaaath raUaavIra HMa'.'jalia epeaf vaat af- -kar eherf Me;la, thU cpuaty. MTiaaT aaaa NORWHUIANH IXORNMCO OVBtt , ALIiMClKO ACTION OV RVMMK MlUtMKVIKI IN BaKAKlNO IX. TO UK1ATIOX. LONDON, Dec. I. Tke Bolakavlkl have entered the Narwagtea Laajattoi at Hetrograd aad raaarad daevaieau btloadac to SwItaerleM aeae to' tereeta are wader tka pretoetle at Norway, according to a, Cepaahaiaa itlipatch. The Norwagtaa nlatoter haa pra totted vainly. The newapapeak Jkra deataadlag that Norway kraak relatleae wltk tbo Soviet OoveranMBt CONGRESS SORE OVER PRESIDENTS LEAVING WABHINOTON, P. C. Dae. t. Senator Cammtega kaa tatradaeed ' prepeehag tkM ' mi L.!gf.fgtfcjLa, . apvftaaaa for tka eoateraaee to keep tka ate taferaiad aa ajeatleaa artaamg there. RepreeeaUtlve Redeabarg 9t, IUU noia ,a repabllean, tatradaeed a Jeaat reeolntlon proposing taat declare tka PreeMeat'a trip aaaaU tute an InabllHy to discharge tka powera ot tke datlea of kle afltea aad that the vlea preetdaat act as preet- deat while ke la away. a UUBBK IHtHNITATlOX INOftTnOMTa 'WAaWBB ft '.or,, j - - - rv X TUCSON. Dae. I. Jadgo .WHUaat Morrow of Baa rraaekwa kaa aaaaed the IndlctoMata la tka Blaaaa dapar tatlon caeee la a deeietoa today., CHURCH UHmr Vf ''if S 'W: h m tr l-r m im, ;ihaVaftoraM i r . - 1 1 ": l I . ' - " 'haia.la' aaaaaaa waaty .aaraavyaata uawi.HV Hra ur. ....HHrai tm u. "".'- rm" tw' r-r -- NU Otterbeln. aaajarotkaf, lU) 0 WW BteaT Berk IT--i:;p.f u:Mr..:L.vl McDomM, la IIl2Ik am:kM!toy;vllraKbaart' Sloan ' la' Portland fc: -'gMLSfflESr 'li'-rf k,'.iilaaaa Vernal aad Oraea .. ti. x ii'ii- .u ''.', '.' B,? "l.- J"" ' t. .' IS OBJECT OF BIGIETMC PHlLADKLPHIA, Dae l.karefc unity la tka purpeee 9t a which eoavenaa hare today aad laata until Wedaeedejr aad jWktokV at tended ky over 19t repreaaaaifataa af leidlng proteeUatv deaoaitaatlaM thruout tba United State, Tkla'caav raw to the reeult t aettoa Ukaa ky the general aaaemMy at tka Fraiky. tcrlan church at Calaakaa. that "We do declare aad peaee cord our protoaad aaaTtortaa taat the time .haa come far argaale eharek ualon of the eVaageHeal aharaaaa, of Amerlci." , Tka tint U to awka 'eaa: federal church of all taeee danaailaaUaM and' an latereaanilaaaaaal'caaaell to map,out detalto toaaaaf tha.fkwa. Tka moveaMBt aad Ma laaepatoa la overture nwtde. la tka' raaaytortaa aerai 'aW.Mafc',!afcawad,-(i Dr. J. wimr caaaa,aMunaaa(' WHea,v.ra eaiaie',waaww.fr annwaw ualty gtttwlag'to aajaW''lM'kalarai I fiaaay ' X? Wtl 7V0MaMagaeat fcUowlaa iiiiallnalaiaiaaaaTB- OOVNTV VOCC) AaaXIBTtUTOal T" i,- t, . J si i. amVIIMe FMM JPORTIiAXv ooNPMCflkv wrniir ttawuuK v , tTauaB-anwJTaaaj t , "7v' Zi Havlag retamed from tkecoafr-c eaee kaU la.taa lateraWaf fea-lcMi- eeryatlaa at ,tbe Parttaad' Hotella Partlaad.aa Taaaday. Hmw. M, aad kavtag kad ay taat tatarrtow wltk iWreaatal toai adkuJatrttor a Friday tke Mtht ani' able .'t .krlag tka lafonaatlaa 1 taat , wa aa warm tat' ainaalty af' iMidtag tka' eaayir jrattaa , iinga ' wklek ware eat Per tka liar waakvla Daaamkar, aa,ae- eoaat af tka aaaUaaael; praraleaei at uflaeaaa kara. 'T ,y "M" Mr. Haaeafa raaraaeatatlta at tae rVttaad .eeataraaae.'M iaata tfcer awtoraaaTaaariaaylaaVatafiapa; aad taa.aridatai iiiiaia1a Ulnlag aoaaa'taa '' AttaietU ' to . Ittl tweaty ajavaa',toaa afaai er-aaaafraettyj iaaav: taat? aaataaa it i""pwrf aaBaaaai a i aaat, aiaaaaaftoaa aW reperted-tkat aaataiAalasaBiHaBABaBaaaaal CVaaaaa naVavJtVJajav aPf""aa"wi kapval eaaiptata at nTkayara aMatly aaCar- tag tfaaa aught cotter 'There la aa af aay dtaertaiteattaa TANKK m PAaiB, Dae. t. Tka AHtaa ereeeed tka Oanaaa frontier yesterday and tke Aatoriceaa kara raaekad Ragdea NKW RKAM AMtWAIi CRCATW . v . - ' . , WASHmOTON. D. C. Dec.M. Caeww Vtater Btoe. eaniinnder of tke Bperdrealaeagkt Tessa, kaa aa selected tar deieUae chief of the aaraan ef aarlgattaa. with tka rank pt rear adaUral. reMy;aeeai4e':iaytieMfpetas4 tl eaagraaa . Priakriirtaa. Praiatt ant'' aaiaaaaUaa aateriaed. UaMed eJWia"aa7aaBaBaaaaaa, aavaivai aaarwa waaaar Tr'aakaiatlaaf i afaikaaaat :aaaaaainal'' i eyaaawaaa aps ewe, ' aaarwaaawj aaaBwwawBBwwa Craarigittanal.-Wiatali.efrtat; araaaeltaaJ. Synad ef Nerik AaMrteaj ltera,rlaa ekarefc ,1a Aaierlee. .1 BtaOUNH Miw TORK. Dec I PoetaiMter Oaaeral nrleaoa kaa dtaailaeed froai tka gereraJBeat aerriee, Bdward Key. BMa, Ttae "praeldeat; aadojiaeral aaaferjeftn'e Paetal , Telegraph aeaaaay.aad A. BC Btaaarda. geaeral aaparaitiadeat of jtae esatpaay 'a Pa eMeT Oaaat Striata.; ed la aabeaasaatiea egaiaeV tke gorera nteat'a''tlaaB te aajalganiite tka Pee- toi aaarwaatera Uatea eaatpaatas v- r. m lmw n ( , i ( v ' j , - i ULIID HOME IS i 'm ii . Pred SaiKk, a weHkaawa, faraer ot XtaavatkrCauBtypaped' to kla laet'iraat ar I ; t? yaytoediy fallew. lag a artaf. tltaeee freaiJtaWuaaja: at ata kaaie'na tka iaaaar "iTTT.i UTl J! .- iThe:aeeaaad-wa: Xrw , aJaJPa aVCSB' waBBBpaBaraB) Bavav bbk aaspa aaaaaaaaBBgaai year.-,- Ma-'saae' gfaV&m?A gratriea'wIu'aaaTeehlta tei yaapgaaief wnia,aaiy iwe weaa' eM.' aarrlTa kla.':'Tke. aattre BMaWtafM.Baea eieeyaet aajraaef-i Id: afeeaf viae nwaef.tf; IbHimibj linit Blaalaat'alaat at ,.. rTTTTTfi; TLi", jii lik'W i"-"' ,.' : "? ,. W" aaya: fc v ;v ' ! TneTfoed-eappHei ef tka. world kara keen atoadlly laannlag- It la the lapaet at tola kaewledge wklek kaa kaeeked at erary deer an tke UaUed States. We aoM H lii power, aad ears atoaa. to keep tke waif, from tka deor of the wertd. Tkla duty la wider than war. It to a wide aa hnnwalty." The Nattoaal Pood Adalntotratloa acya: "The Hun1 to defeated, but hna ger reigaa la Karepe. IaPstaadand Serbia hardly a child la yet alive. The floMe are weed-choked. The km who tills them lie oa a hundred hat ttefjcMa. Wldowa and chlWeaa weav en aroleft atone, to care for the aged aad wounded and' away of .these violated lead lie opea to sucear. sad we auet net fall." So far,aa aertk era Ruaala to concerned however, the arctic parte are already freaea. eaatle atoo and rail traaapertatlea ao laade- equate that we were Infermed. hy Mr. Hoover's rsprsseatatlTs that mllUona of those unfortunate people must eurely atarveto death, without our being able to give theat relief. Tke purpose of the 'proposed con servation week' l to arouse our peo ple to aeeeaaltlea of the case to In- at'gurato a reign of the most rigid eceaoaay, Mat we aaay he able to an Ply tke cryiag aeed In Burope,vaae yet we jakall not kaow uaUl Mr, Hoover raporto hto flndlnia Juat an- actios tale l will require. of ue.,Aa far s taw i, coacernea I am net fearful but that our Klamath people, wko -.ave alwaya bsea flukk, to reepoad to tke demands of patriotic or kui an ladeavar, wtll.reetrtct their needs to. 'a greater, eiteat tkaa tkey ever (Oeatlauea ea page 4) Ry wtuwm l.'iAM kWnasaXs AXi rArMmi mul I i ,?' s i"iV-V 'S6V$it r 1 .mmmm V "y -k ' aaw.-v ' Th . 'w ,73,: s etVC CBaWraTaWavlwH WBtJsS .MJ taw -ij-- to,fiaaalaa frsai-akat vwHaaaaayy m.iawiaaawwa . aa ,iae, aaasa of .Kiiav.sHfpsrvtBje taara.BMaa kto'famf1y.'toKiaaaawttaaB dan. -Tke traaadriwkeak . aa V'i i meat prurai ef fM torrikm. pminaaii, W"pawW . TT . ' ,CeamBBT Caw Bbt Slsiataa' BM&'aal : ' ?'! aft. -BWBmaSaaBBsfl M1 .TABaasySSBBBBBBBBBl B VT JraiBBBsi i gaa- - wai' sjasaVaan laaaaaaaaal arnv'.BaJl g99VJBJfaVBBBB :'' ' WvPTV'BBB3BnaBBkl JtiL-1 'C' . -':ifIiSIM ftKtfW'1'- afarBPfaVWasBamaaaai a,'MslJ. BXlV aVasBssBBaaafl mnrmn SM: r Caiii'rSiP'-f: BY w.tw w smawww-w tkWvBaaaBaMytaVpaa1 taarkr' tM.aeaw'etaem Deeaaikar ta. llM.' 'Ma waa aaaMaai ta Aaaie M. fkatkar la HC IW "'f ", JTr """ '"""""JW PFrrrW rW . "y nuaHaf'i aaVMHilL ('." MS1 !: rKBmsimwQ It' A RAI I tt tLimxm fW .-. i 'c7?-' '- ULI KHttS r IN FEW DATS 4 K 'il tft. k FIVE SERIOUS FLU CASES AT HOSPITAL Jlive. aarloua eaaaa. aad slgkt wko proiatoe early recovery from, tka Spaalak tataeasa are rsperted by tke leakittaa kaaattal teday. 'Carl Nsl- aaa'trern'Modee Pelat'aad;D. 0. Mor- rto ' from tke, Jacssea apartments.; Are aai u aew eaaaa1 taat -nave.,eeev areagkt .;;'Oeeaty.iarr!T. OrlaVh.l'Mr. amt MaaaJaari BLBsaar.'Msaasalsi fl ftMBaiiiii MOKTaWhMHaO ' HI mnva raMi 'Biufrt.avn . T.'TT. TT5.lK7v?C5Braft MMW laXMrTaWaNHap DeaTOaW $ MPNU 'M.tM f-jwiaaw l';iW)MI)mlHV,l4ktof' rl atai:jioctbe aheraOrstea af. naataaeata aaa: kaea gagasag a aaaKeraat Msatsra.saa auo a;aaat- near, warn l.i"i,..i-i..i.'.-i,i.Mii-,iii-iii Uif'tar,. Ui4hkU.' AV7. tV.' V-- liiiieliihiralml r,v. ' . aiK'r. " .'7?L'7T?,r -TTSSitrArATrsr-; rr.rs ?7ra msmmr n .ri It1 kaa been announced taat tke Kad Cross CkrtotmaareM eaH Is to ke eeadacted tkra the week sf Deeember 1.J-tale year, v',.'..f , k . ,W to coafAeetly'aeped taatevery adak wlU he! earaMed aamamkar of the Kad Creeeaeferstke caea(t that week.. " ..l It to ae'taager aecenary to saptaia to aayoao. svsa a Uttta eetMY tea great work-of, tke KadVCroea aad Ka woaderfal part la tke to1 of taataig tka great war, aorta reette tke many large taska It stUI kaa before at la tka tremendous) problem ot reoea tlnrflia ' ' .MMVW W To he earoltad aa a member of tkla lBat,ltntleB to aa keaer, whteh'aBtyoaa haa a right to, be praudi aad It'aaeakjl not ke regelreii'te .aeUelt' oar rneia.- portunlty of 'paying purUllar for tka prlvlleaa'ot betag Identlasd wltk tke organUatloa.' Reareeeatatlvee wilt "ke named aooa, for thevarlou dletrleUiot tka eouaty, aad K to earaeetly kopsd ev eryeae will And It a pleasure to oe- operata. wltk' ' kle ' repreeenUtlve vtq Ihjktea the work aafmuch aa'poeslble. OBO; J. WALTON; Ceaaty Manager , . v T y YOUNG GREEK IS . ''TAaraTM.BV fJI IP .I , . i Andrew Kretael, 'a,- Greek, paeied away at the IoUtlon,Hoepltol Sat; urday from,, tke aaato Iaftaeninv Np, available i data waa' gathered -re-nirdlM.hla life aad famtly.." Hs was twVeam'iBfttta TT "7 tX i iraWWcfSTfifl &CVa pk i ', ; f-T glhrgVBBmaiaaaBBBaf Oaf ' a j aa"arBvenavv ,.ii-ii:-','''v,j Tae pfot t ?t j' -, v Mrtieai . 7 TT'. -7T- t J ' - .. KV .. t J A. T,' . .,.. . i - ".-'J. XfWerrMW ' j'-' y,A.vv,t-? - -fc " f- CJYfCawKsaSaf i awei -r sv v ..' .i.,r rTTmtamSn; .iTAoSSiW.- Oevarameat, j . ( --.' B i - T taJ j 'wwf,iW- iffr?', w Ki . M IM' MtlaaM' gift sat1 pen emw-'ar'awejeBnBj rgaw emt Bernai ' af t(Mf at' hto sella i ertiaamta 'aai JtahaAiawisVto-; altoariarthat taa.-.WWtH - i- i.TTa"" t&m V. - r fjinr " 7 v;wayyTs ,'v eneen,nna tkeaTVCetae. asaaaaa ia ,i,.? aw Twhlwalasaiwaa tf'! 2 aympatky.Fltkl HladeBkairaMiaV ,& fuMd; to; 4ey WiuViaerw;.: hK'yjffiwMtfe-?ta1 ,iiii wMeaVwaalrtaS7,M mai'v'i'.u:iS'! aJS.4rf.fi 5rWBl'Y;i i ' jj i JTi.I.K- ..,! a?.eajyawampv. ', '.Hf jjf -'PrAaan fcEaVdrulS ik-i t&;i!tyiiiitem uion isa.aaeua errras.avni taf.T.1r toHewpliyihAVi. etwrWaeBBe..''-,;., ii,i'ii'j'jii2icisiaa. t.t . wa'CBBBBaT apTPP. iae 'dafein' lk'hll-f! fWWWW- R& ;.v-Tke:Olti'' fn'fjiaasa Wt ;- ' r$ . " kJattBsIa K IL...tt i,,.V 4C