"Ti&r' It .H lit- -r hi? u FFICIAL NEWSPAPER lOF KLAMATH COUNTY v ! ,, c-. , A HM$ t,-. rc.'i",Eii"i:iiH.v xtv. . i. M Mi 1 I v iff till l '.a 4 4a Wiaswwwia ft ThlrtraMf Vir jfo. R.4MI rt ' r. ' KLAMATH FALLS, ORJEGONi rS ATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, ltU - - - - - . ammmmmmm mUimJ mj ' jvtiiji . ' , , i - , &w$tfwi w..n.....mssvwmm..m, '- --: ..- te. - i.?lA'--?fbl!t.iiir.v ?. . ' PHUNS THREATENED snL,STSOf tA mm l nriiriiirr. nun GERMANY GRAB ' I WITH RENEWED WAR the wireless JJtiA J ' ENEMY M TOLD TO HANDLE PRISONERS MORE vw TENDERLY OR GUNS WOULD BE BROUGHT I INTO USE TO ENFORCE DEMAND WILHELM HOPES THAT THE "NEW REGENT" WILL Vk) ARLE TO GUIDE THE GERMAN NATION IN A SUCCESSFUL MANNER (By Associated Preti) AMSTERDAM, Nov. 30. In response to a threat by the bruisft armistice commissioners that the hostilities would W be resumed unless the conditions under which prisoners iv iiiviiiK iii mic miico mice ncic i vuicuieu. a ucuui w;i offram declares that everything is being done by Germany I to aanira the orderly return of the prisoners. f Y u sign, uuk ine regular iranspon oi me returning pns- ; oners is now assured. tjrnn.- , - LONDON. Nov. 80. Former Emperor Wilhelm sijrned a formal abdication to the throne of Germany at Amer- ongen, nouana, yesieraay, according 10 a aispaicn to me Wolff bureau at Berlin, from Copenhagen. The abdication decree expressed the hope that "the new regent" would be able to protect the German people aganat anarchy, starvation and foreign supremacy. The uee of the word regent is commented upon here as possibly significant. Cir,t('KI,M)H WAUNH- 1'IIKHH THAT UOVKHNMKNT W, Ntyr llr.HI'ONKHtl.K POIM'ltOI'AtlAN. DA !KWH NOW IIK1NCJ HI'HKAD UKKI.INr Nov. 30. A group of In (lupondoot fioclalUt democrutn closely Idotltined with Au SDurtucus eloinont of Dr. l.tobknecbt. luvo iIomR con tro'l of til 'the wlroloiH KUifcns lb flurmuny, and uro now trannmltttDi prupj?nila undithcr newt, accord lug to tho Uorlln Tasoblatt. . Chuhcollor Ebrt .Hnao, .In. behalf of tho'Rovornmcnt, warn the presa of till condition, and dcelurei that the Rovornment Will not amume the re- Kponjillilllty for tho wireless .Informa tion thut Is being sent from Germany, I f H MHS HKSM NEW 110 W0HU6I OFKIOflS FOOD ON MID MMHON . MINWTBR MQ4BVKD l IN'KI.VKNSA. rAtlKNTH MR OtT- .-.. T.hK NVMHKR TMie fiVHHKH UfCITY. VtiOViM AM CIU1HO TO WATCH THKIH NMMMRORIIOODS. With a vlewvef securing It pea-. olble, more helpron the teaekera of the schools lMtMlway of nuralag the Innuenia caeeajta the conMaalty, a meeting wis heM'by the City School Hoard thui mem and it Is expected that the High Sekcol Board will nest this aftornooa fer this purpose, i. , It Is pointed vout that' the eater TO BK TRY1NO TO WQMC ON tsYMPATiiisW or AlililS WV- rum,!toT BXHAVsrae HllIW ZURICH, Nor. le-Food coadl Uom la Oerasaay are by ao sieaas'ei critical aid urgent aa Foreign Mlalet- er Solf , twM lead, the werM to be Here, aceerdlag to laforasatloa re- eelred, qensiaay baa wengb, food to taat ubiii Apni li, toe army reserre stores are Placed 'at the neeale's dlaeeeaL gcucy here la of. jo serious a nature State October, Usee stores We aet tnai orery peesraie meaaeninet ne ; oees toucaea, it is secures. ..j. .. AM,k k .. affllcied. A aaaiber of the teachers mmw CMIM LEFT i", v; , iWWVMV. IIKI.M1ATK TO CONKKIIKNVK IS (illlSK.N WAHIIINttTON. I). (5. N'V. art. An official dlsputch from Jupun has announced Hint MurquU Kiiiiikm:Ii1 HalonJI, former Prcmli-r hus boon ro- deslgnnled to tinad tbo Jnpnncsa do- I legation lo (ho peace conference. Viscount Knto who was ut first re- punvu as ioi'iuiiiik nuiiiuji, niu iiui bo ii member of the party. DELEGstlON TO puce mm MAT BE SMALL BRUSSCUi, 'Ner: 30, Belgium must' Wi tho left bank of the Scheldt, US tkla demand, should be mads t. the peace .conference, It Is 'IIII.KAX AltMV MOIIIMZIXG UUKN08 AIIIES, Nov. .10. Dem onstrations ut Antofogastu havo us- iihiAil biipIi Miirliiim iirnniirtlnnn Ihnl greed by all political parties In Uel- h- chcnn KvorMmcnt hM uni tho glaai. ' TB'semepident has talked cruiger cuptuln Vrut to that port wttk iMx.,dlpleaats, ministers and with troops, according to reports .V-t'- iT '''. a j At . ii fpnm Hiintliifffi Tim Hntt and annm! imww paniameni, aaa mj n , - - -- agree m this Mint ' army divisions have been ordorcd - ' -' i - . . . IHUUIIIfcCU. bjo ur as tae paym"1 or lowes coacemodrBelglam reckons her loss 'nneeMliy a4 ll.OOO.eoo.OOO francs. M'AXIIAI. IX MOVIK WORM) NKW ROCIIKLI.K. Nov. 30. Mrs. WASHINGTON, D.jCNor. 50. lleth Fairbanks lias been grantee) an RseerUfr. russels that Belgian Interlocutory decree of dlvdrco from wS?D?WHOB "Mny referred to "an unknown rohrchTrg Hda..re,..woman" co-respondent. , whs epealgerMuiity, njr -- $--, f. t WM7TNANNIUCA.V. i v-rfp'sri Tiri,,' wym .a "(V- KM)I HH'KH WIMi KKKI VV TIIIH YK,ll HrtulllMflTnM n H. Mnv Sfl W. 'tSHHiaUS UNSKTTI.KO. Iarj(Q totjltn tta domea(lc dsmands "H4. ' - ' - Iwlii-kaoB food prices approximately -, '- ' -....-. .1 tTTr, , Jat their present high levtia ,at least - SM0VA4O, .0iMe,-.No.,,.o, No Uurlns lho harvests of this year, t SMsiiwssltsM Mil' U received! .,, America will be called 4m J frl5sgfirVfrrer the , few, .t jssst'Blne'o'f.the Buropeii'f' BlMBmrfeMBJMfaiaBi sSUMlSHBir Baiimfr J .! ' Paw ntiinif mnnina' II1M sllbMn.J'M piZucki e:-!7"T"".':, zxrjrzzz ::z"Tii .- aula SB get "-. .--- -".f'VI, l' m T y n WASHINGTON. U, C. Nov. 30. The Impression Is growing among those who have talked with President Wilscn about, tho poaco conference (bat tho American delegation 'will be limited to three members and specu Inllon of.tlio porsonnel'lias narrowed down In theso names: Holiert l.inslng, Sucre tgry of state Henry While, ambassador to Franco mid to Italy under tho Mc Klnloy udmlnlstratlnnv Colniiol K. Mx. House. TUcrri has been nn announcement an d tlioro may be none before the I'rosldont uddri'sscs :congres.;rtaett weok, but lji'was said hMi-House callers ,lud beenrglven te ubderstMid I these men would, be. the American en voys, ii.aisQ was inuicawe very ae finitely that reports of'thePfesldent having 'decided t'oslt' at the lieace table himself ros a delegate 'were un true. Hegoei to; take .part In the great preliminary meetings of the hoads of the associated governments and to tee ihe formal conferences uudor way, not as a delegate;. In nddltlon to the accredited dele- gates trrere will be a large party,; in cluding, bosldcs military, naval,, dip lomatic and economic repressnativesl specialists In the mutiltullnous ques tlann to be dealt. With. , Among them will Tie men of hgh ranK, prepared i participate in ai cusslons, that will take place o'utslde of tho formal conference a'n'd In peal. lion, below only the acredlted dele-. giter, wio, It Is, assumed, 'will take ambassadorial rank. ' k and others wb were so fslthful dur: ing ine nrK.eweep oi iae enseeee, are worn out,br:tbelr coatlaneoV efforts and otbertv.must be found to take their p")aese'Aay man, or woman who can sffre a,rewt6oursvot ue day to theeekse, flw MiMi'ti lbi nU immetfaW nelsiiherbeed e-Sf tho Hospiisi;' b "K i VlVWti ; nre,miw. eesaw;bes reportedik tlwrr.sisarM-au-nouueement 'yesterday.' ;'vp'a UnderUker,EarI Wnttleeh, whose exrerjence;wlth tbe.dMMs has been citssisirrs.-;' bellevee) ttsit'l'tbe seeond outbreak' here Is Miel'"m6re contag lows Jietf.tb.irst:' He.polnu to the increeeejsi'BSSioensH eases in oeca fsmllr Mevldeaeebls eenvlctloB. ' r 'eirv' " ' ' Tti. s " . s-mt'&sj: 3 . two irsuiaf iiitslMaiUi . ; -. ' ' oStm wpiuckKX. Attorney Carlyle TbSm is III at his home on Third near 'Jefferson. Mies Kdith Kutenlc Is also III from the same office.. Both have the Influents. SWE8IM wn war lips ' 'lilT-L JSSS 2iSa,L ''SfvisKf'W v PTiinFBjT'nt iisin waaBMsjry L flllflB fSBB BTB , t . UBeBBBSV'. ST " - I llltf SSI B' I.IIM,l bBtsHSMeers . iljSjw iwUeSWia MR R. K. WATTKNBVRO NAMMU d) OOVKTY mSTORfAN.'' M J . . 't qoinmsioy will shoctw WAR 'RSOORIM Of WORSJObS. Mrs. R.' . Watteabarg has bees ap pelated; 'War MletortaB for KUmeth Coaaty to'eo-cfrate with the State Historian,' MBN)LCerBelle MarrlV'rsi the fUt Cosaetl' of . Defense ttilmi. plIlM aireeerd of perseeai and msBtty war,' aetvltles of theeouBty. The work will be'permsBeBt aad win be cerftedresi;by tke.Stse Ubrory if It shofMV'&MMMed.by the CewV '-'swiii raiiy will wsamm BE cohfileoTO RETURN ( I '-"ftsA'" -i'K't '': lil I la I f,v v'ISi MTMMmamLUf s-I'lwii' 'T'i esassS' th srX'sr3Si'a CM 1 1 jfiV..M I'l-A-CTl Mm, m,-Ww -flBJ Sbf 4Sjbs wdf j SBstalafm' BJge ' . ir'Vr i'T? " m , i t-, '.fefal a -oam r t jXm .two mjiasBW,TDeyurm.Bi4ttv v: -, V-jUKJ ;.v.i;r':.'.v;vi ' '- ''V u, Uflat. WIPITBOl e; II PW f iwij; " nr-i ORROON Ao'RrCCJl'.TtRAT. COL LSOB. Cerraltts. Nor. . Baikcri la Oregon are taklBg an salve Inter' est la club worki- more Umb'1M baaks havlag agreed' to kwa meaey to boys and girls fbretub work la the eomlag year, acWdlag to K. C. Ser monr, aUU club leadsr. at the eoltete. ".'Baaks vthrBout the staU bare loaned f 4060 tolOOO to club stem hers this year, with which le buy plajs.. goats, sheep rabbits, and feed," says Mr. Seymour. "Some baaks have fur nished boys with good seed com or the money with' which to purchase It." KLAMATH foLK SEND MANY GIFTS ABROAD ,' - . a About ope hundred, end fifty car tons contnlnlagt Christmas gifts!, for tho boya In Franco hadIBglaad hve been sent out from Klimsth' through the American lied Cress, aceerdlag ocieurjv 'Reverend R;Wt."Law to Secretary: , renro h " '-'ft r i;Auv irBBBBBBBBBBBBE'.IXU. .?TT i 'VtmSmwm m'tiuf itnw ' ; adBJd ta Ike aaaamit ef Csr- "1 "-inclent food auppllesrw- theAmerlesa l -, -- - -' -r --- -rv" i - people, according tq.aecreiary oi as- rkulture Houston, m !W' MT. - . ,f. .i..- v'MaV ywm'WtW'wn A .M ;MAlf AND WIFK ILL Mf,, and Mrs, Fred McManus aw both III at their home on Michigan Ayeau;wUiiai'iFrii". ' v The packages for tlis hoys rir this country,' In'tbe ,Nvyier:.w. SlheHs; ara.BaHir'M'R(Ota. t 71 'i i .i aiiiiutri MKRCHANT ARDSWirS5i;b 4t ' ' .' UAW.V WITH ilXVLIlEXXA. ,,;Mrt and,; Uu.UrmU WASHlNOTON.Npr. 30. With tho vBsslng of Uerasaa pea power, the Impelling strateglefe.'iwn for kee Inx thetmaln streadkk;uf the Ameri mm avyf massed In thj Atlantic .ocean nolloager exists, rNaral; of fleers kira aa'tM)ato,th'erefoaV;tkat, sabstaatl ally oaeairof the'imry'a mala fight- tmmtrimhth- w4ll'M laSte'K raarwiali. tBecret'arr iWaiaasFkaa hndleated that a'generai rearraa'gement of the fighting ships u toVbe expected. He gave ab! Inkling of wkat is .under coa sideratto'a, ( however. '." , Pleas' are' renorteS afoot for revlv. lug theoMRuropeM'-miuadroB. WHk thm' infiraaiifl Miuiulyillv a th .-WW BOTW. . BH . .WniH.).,, W. .WW United States ,vla Rroedue to. the wr, ana .ine expanwBeT Mercaani ma. rlns, It Is rardsCsa "probable that a, definite naval, forM.wlir be main- aias jBurpeail ;watera hereafter. AfdHJh,,', ( x7if&tU p DIES iv5v:iV',' .. It .1ttait..Jtii. 'TfeiLMU-l.- hWM-,(MHe4;ky,9aJ ii passed Stay's; aifht, tha.'.ealid Wi liAmflaM'' SMTVeVs-S BAjy. Isflsii'.ikaf'M il. 5T.HPVL1 .???''"' ? wm-a atirl-S'la .cuitet' w''raasr. flWf'0 WAR HKRO WAS KNOWN MEWC Doaald McXimmoas, who. was re ported killed la tee easaaKy list yes-" terday, waa a brother of Fraak aad B.?;, MeKtmmoMV; fafweriy of tkts city, aad was aaqwa; to, maay aero, where be had visited. His home was la Mokler, la Tillamook Couaty. WILSON TO. AEPRMBB. "t V v OONOfteW MONDAY. -, .. rf. .;----. :.,V " WASHINQTON. D.,C.. Nov. 10,-i rrswssat; wiawa win aearess tee new Hmioa W.Coag4reos. oa 'MisaSay, afteraoea lastead sof , fotlowiag the usual custom of detverlag,,the ad dress oa ike secd dsjr'of.UhslaeiV sloe. V-,', . ', i, '; i-& llRCSt MAKIM STOPS fONWasT.'" WASHINGTON, ,D. C, Jtor Hisi- maerfwiae ot eer outer, "erff ages stops tealgkt at midargatftkru oui'the eoaatry, '' ,.; ' " .;,,', -a. i' 4 .' - VMITS FROM ARJaWTA.-S MUs'.OIadrs Wteherjtohwefrom i)oupls7 Ariipaa for aeaieaed risit wita aer auat mrs. u.w. aauiraa. .qssis'rel vi-r rtS&i:-' eerda mast aot aerish aad khaM ef.CtsT-i'war service muM ,W;wrtt- tea frem tU sad sstheaUs ireeoVdo .y..i'-l . . ..7j' .j-'-:' sea wsasaieneB win etnre M netic reeord U aot i-r - '- - ,,v'. X'T orotnetslaerrtea i .. .r1 ,v. ,. i . ssMa kBAia ek-s--i. fW'W!.' 'St' whleh baa - UU k,uU--a-a-ul"" or life to war' wort TC," ; Mrs..WaUMburg has sppeiated' committee of sis' to. serve wH-T.aer.s a Coaaty Historical Commisslea; tbo mamhere' of this Commlssloa .are 'as follows:. Mrs. R. R: Watteabarg, O. O; AppleaaU. Mrs. fC. C. Hogue, Mrs. Jeaaie Kara. -R.' H: .Oaabar.;Mlss Rdaa Wells, Mrs. Charles ,Oerssiee: At'.-a! meetlar of the Ceatmleotea last svealsg, local h let oisi, were' appointed' la each, coaunuaity; of .thsi ceSaty to co-operate with the Coaaty CommiesloB la furnishing names u. mea la service, their records, letters aad ellppiags about the maay local war activities. - , j Pablldty will be esseatlal (a this work aad the orgaalsatloaKwlll-aeed msay velunteer.werkers. The Couaty Hletorlsa desires that evsr peraoa la Klamath Cbuatjr'wM' eo-eperaU with tBeCeatmiaetoa U glviag aames of mea la service, aews; paper ellppiags eeacernlBg their, records- aad. all other iBfermetiW tka will eaable us'to record as aseurately as possible,, Klamath County.'s war activities. ,-. J : jtrpwA-TF-.s-W; mm:99m, M- i'', "i f t. PaFFa !.s"sf SSFTa SI-BwmtRai WSWI iiiS iF AffJerffikttHSrvl!fe' V- SSSWar.;'-'(-w);'-..Jfi jj,- v, . Ji4g:: :, W2? k2l' u ijii' i"i:. -4-": ' W-WWItRTTOR. I Cw mf - .. ... C . r- i -w. . Lfc.T ." ,. th-rfta--- ' V"" - - Q-aswl'-lareh.r :;'-;-.' :TttWr1hi laierTM'aBaa; iv, I.MwpKtkfH .., SUIUKgpmj,. ' , : if.'c----::'. ' . .- HUMS RELFJSf HLLUMXKD ii ' -V ember -Ha as.Mt.TM saslaatie C , - The'- kitted ta MtJs' -"v , v i ai?4 --M eat. - w.,w-rt.,wip "wwfl.-. . .. --J.- j -ttf died at ether " eaasaitN'lVtesmai'iiltl'Wa . Thws "rwar fidar-rtmssrt '.awsiis 'If' i'- S5f!!, "' Ih Ta wsaafc-iss IF! in hsSIS h -a-aaii-nii aaa jwveasiar-a-s '. 4aaaaaw' wsas-a aseai . aparrammmmsiBt - - baek' at the rate;: eSV.tar huadrsd .-.,' -l J-r. .'-; ..'iL ' . aa. ' .-Sn! weiisesje-peT.'sswasaaasaKesiasa.f-tw . iU(.-i --. ..-i- aiTr beea' mustered eouatry. The release af aa'arSbaga of t ,.-i- .....;- ,.. . --. V... J.V, !-fi" r -r ; i,1-'!-".'' -"-' v r-.w "",'''"" rr i VMe. jiMen.ti ceaapslataia --. -- ,--.-.,-- . 'WyWFSFtmm. '.Av-.i'J iiua,i-v.-'.i ,wf Wi ass af aa arajnams of oae.thoasaad i;: AMBRICAN ARMYIOK OCCUPA- TION, Nov. 10 More taan amllMoa aa'd'.s: half priseaeN 'of 'Various aa tieaalltiee have' beea reUased by the Osrmsaa.Yaseerdmg to"'"' eethnstes based upea,repOfU;:ireeelved, by tbo Amerwaa tairo army; ' Of, thUnmber 'approximately Jfo,. OOOwllI pass ihru the Amarleaa lines, aadv will'bs'ffd byAmsrloaas. ost of; the aartsr: of 'amillloi prisoners ars Freacb, ' RMlish,;, Italisav and Amerleaa -soldlerti'The army. asY slstsd.by the Salvstloa Army. thelY; . -A.. aa4 Um Xatghtsiof 'Celumr eSSSar-Syftay ' cw ' .;", y .'J, .1 ... '.,,', BVOAAR RelTRK7rj6m .. T T- -' -W ,- --T., '.-, 4 .V WILL R MORWrUall. e v r ;ni v :.:wt i-m -mamirattea:tkraetae'eeaa;, ';.wHISbeflaVdelBas1ta v- waseasear,' isiavtia aaswiii.iteai w of ;tbe arrival; of, Cuba's Sugar ' ,erep: la Jaauary.- Tke freetrlev. e iraas: win w Si-1 ,.;JK!ff'.W: . -J 'edjla 'aetlea. W Wft toTsp' ." '. , - Prlvsts AlbeVt jWTtaa, -sRaai 'klliedal'W-eHH jl Prlrate'amee ,R.VWforjiaMj:v ? VS .MecksaleLeHer Ci;ReWNbfe JL PriVaty. .Martin " .'HaiefprsiM. 2 MH "ae Kwemaaiwawsv a. i e.A-'i ...; l":s .'' ,".".-."." .."f.M'TiU'WN ecflwpweagaeMiaww.iaa.eoa- jpweea. are amonf ,he, atow;ieMat:'yitlms d Ion of 'Mr.-Hefsw., ,,. da- l . ofthelanttsya,eMNaleyr " -"j eped toiberery eHsej,fcV fc. IT Vl..Tr,- .-TT-.T'ir Vf, aloLmmbaat(bM''beeaVaatMk' tfea arrival ef- tkaarmy Jof oeai'pivi' Uea'..,'JTke ausetloa ofvfeadiMltsvi forjMprlsoBers'is ,tsj.rag':AmV'-.j'i(t' waasponj,; lasmitee, owwgi,w,aaj.aat. WJl!v ffjRSavls ',' i .MBnra eMisat!l: iiaVT' L4BaVtl I. imJtvmVM,, .; AXf - I i.i v-' w - JiiiJ'j.li2S-Ji- "VJM.' iwsffiGr5: c Hv &mm? ytYv'.;,.'3.f Mr.'i7r.! , ,-? . rf ,:sji'a.r0ssutkr'eMBW. kV'aa. ' ; . dtt'arreatlhsrefollawbuTlBw i er,'hta:oW:piaMs: arty -i motaMU BaBBaWauBBBral) BJSbMHaijr smmammmmajY aammmmmmjgjpap-e-a, m wmm ' ffj Aa kaa a-.jBl.tlMt utk '.- ;-, !-.. t lupmsu.mM sMdiflal aest ItaaVe new lines of eommualeajioa IMuimH'lW I. . " - I ' T. s "" ' J'e '-' -iL" !'.' ;t ii-.-t f -t-" rW.wJlfiPSt--w. aa;.Baeaea pa.favaaafwpavj A , i e MWt; AisWMsa' .ara, aatttujinnkar wmm. , eaek day.'from tkslr baM'W.safaUeftLadUs k . u- . -1 1 -a ,i- v . oa t .-. ,-.--..-i? tj i".- nr it l-..' . vi:nUa ft BBWa-i re'M;-. viVS'pv-v..'.. . '- V-r" 7A ', ' F it'vWiMiftEL ''I'l-'?;: ."i'W) -'. . rf ' . itf l .(.J1-. AI(.V'.-- ' .. t, -i '..'- - . . .. W ti.ft ih '.. , . V. 'i.''- il'Hai'' s..tt ... ; .v? -; r.. j;aall?':V f $'.'