"i" ,, ' A.tf.V a' J (El?? fgjigjtittQ ferald f UPMym i OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ' "'-'-S.V. MVtftf'fiW'M I' ' -f r. arl 1U1TU rMttl'rii OFFICIAL? NEWSPAPER fVM Ur Awunnin vvunil OF KLAMATH, Thirteenth Year No. H,4m ... . , imi KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1918 Price Five Omm. "" W ,.. . sari , tfe fyttt. '.1 i,sj!f'! lf.?k'1U ""vm .rn.wra FALLS' $?&' S3fffl EX-KAISER PLANS TO REGAIN THRONE j J . S, ' 9 1-t ', .?$ ',' ' .?& - k J . I 4 V t v LLOYD CEORGE SAYS GERMANY m PAY REDUCTION IN POSTAGE MTES "BEAST OF BERLIN" IS PLOTTING TO RESUME HIS FORMER POSITION, ACCORDING TO RELIABLE REPORT ALLIED ARMISTICE DISCUSSION REPORTED AR RANGED AT BERLIN BAVARIANS STILL WANT SEPARATION FROM GERMANY POSSUM HK.NATK I1XA.MK COMNITTKK MAKKM MOVK TO LOWKIt FIIIXT CI.A8H HATKH AND ABOLISH (INK I.NTIIKAHK WASHINGTON, I). C Nov. 29. Tliu NQiiute finance committee Imu ap proved the .repeal of the Increased pontage rate and abolished the lone Increase on second class rate, to be effoctlvo on the enactment of the bill, and reducing flint class rates, to bo effective July 1st. wAflfr - rr.v'yynririnnnrryinnnrtnnrvinrinnArLann-riyuxiuuijuvuu DHY-OLD K "FLO" VICTIM Hl'HBAXD LAYING AT DKATHH IIOOR. HmW.MIC HTHIKKS FEARFUL BLOW AT FAMILY IX THIS CITY. 4 I N1ICTS n u M QOUBTFU L (By AaaociaUd Press). LONDON, Nov. 29. The Daily Mail says that the for mer German emperor now contemplates an early return to Germany to 'reclaim his throne, according to news re ceived from a neutral source of high standing. The revolution is now being managed by:oflkers. of the German high, command, with a view to causing the event ual collapse of the new government and the triumphant return of the emperor. Mjt4 144 i n , r 4 , tf NEWCASTLE. Nov. 29. Premier Lloyd George de clared In a speech here today that Germany must pay for the coat of the war to the limit of her capacity. He said that the submarine pirates must be punished and that whoever devastated the lands of another country would be responsible for it. The authors of the war ehoul dbe sternly dealt with, he insisted. ' HOLLAND REPUBLIC IS NOT PROBABLE AMSTERDAM, Nov. 29. Representatives of England, France and the United States will arrive in Berlin shortly to discuss the question of the armistice, according to the Berlin correspondent of the Cologne Gazette. COPENHAGEN, Nov. 29. Prince Maximilian is favor ed as the first president of the new German republic by democratic circles. LONDON, Nov. 29. The liberal party in Baden has issued a proclamation demanding a complete breach with Berlin, according to a Copenhagen dispatch. PARIS, Nov. 29. It is believed that Bavaria will prob ably ask to have separate plenipotentiaries at the peace negotiations ,and will claim conditions of a separate peace. LONDON, Nov. 29. A meeting of the Allied leaders in London next week will be preliminary to the peace confer ence, the Daily Express says. Colonel House and Premier Orlando of Italy will be there at that time. LONDON, Nov. 29. Tho Berlin htI'IIKNT OKHCKH ('AMI government, according to a dispatch K I)BMOlllLI.KI from Copeahngen, aaya that a mes- ace has been sent to tho former ... .. . u.ii. .i....nHin thn WASHINGTON, IT 0, "-- . . -, - NKW YOItK, Nov. 19. Holland Hill not become a ropubllc wlthln-tbe life of tho present generation, ac cording to J. Tlieo. Cremer, the new Dutch minister to tho United States, Mho has arrived on his way to Wash. Ington. Itcccnt demands (or the ab dication jnf Queen Wllhelmlna, the diplomat mid, were kecked chiefly by support'eroYOelterTrooIalri.'a pro-German 8oclal-Democratlq mem bn r of the Dutch. lower house. In cidentally Dr. Cremer declared that tho common people of Holland had been pro-ally thruout the war. . a i AI'I'KAL FOR COXTIXUKD ORKtiOX HHIPUVILDIXO, I Mrs. Ida Matilda Hefner, wife of It. R. Hefner of. the Klamath Falls Postoffice fore 'passed away at her home here at 5 oclock this morning NOT LtifJALLY KXKCfTKI) UX- LK88 CJRAXTKD DY ItKHl'OXHI. BLK GOVKRNMKXT AQKXTM, HAYH COMITROLLKIl OF INFLUENZA WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 20 Government war contracts Involving hundred of millions ot dollars aro rendered doubtful In status by the following a brief Illness of the 8pan- decision of Comptroller Warwick or Ish Influents and her husband I , the treasury department, that orders BAI.KM. Nov1. 29. The Governor Iiiih niontcd to the President to ree Hint tho wooden shipbuilding con trnctH be not cancelled. Tho Governor la, strongly oppos cd to the suggestion that the Oreg in and Washington wooden ship dis tricts bo mergod. DEATH CALLS MAN THIS AFTERNOON Nov. 29. A formal abdication of himself and tho comploto demobilization of tho stu- formor.crown prince. , " n ,rn'n,n ' ,T ' 'log units In hundreds of Institution, COPKNIIAGRN, Nov. 29. Former has boon decided, says Hwretur lln Bmnn..ri,..tu h.. hnnn Informed ker. It I announced that this wo.k by the Vienna government that ho will start Immediately. must eave Austria, duo to tho coun ter revolutionary movement there. OftMGON CASUALTY LIHT Private Paul A. Duraon, Ashwood, 4 AKMIHTIK IATK Arvld Nelson, who' was brought la to the Isolation Hospital Tuesday from the Strahorn Railroad camp, suffering from pneumonia, passed away about two oclock this afternoon. Tho deceased was s III when he was brought In that very little was learned regarding him. 'He was a member of the. takevlew Masonlo Lodge, and thU order has been noti fied of his death. There will be no funeral arrangements until an answ er Is received. 4 BOUND OVER FOR ' - CUTTING A TREE For cutting down a tree, which It wus alleged did not belong to them, Walter Donart and D. Duncan were this morning bound oyer to the ap- iion or i ne urana Jury oy justice N, J. Chapman. The complaining vyltnorv wus, Virginia X. Wood of tho Matin district, Tho dsfendents wore presented by Attorney W. H. A. Runner, very low with the same disease A girl child waa born to Mrs. Hefner yesterday, which Is reported to be doing nicely. , Mrs. 'Hefner, (who has resided In Klamith Fall for five years and who I well known here, wa twenty seven years of age. She wis born In Os burn County, Kansas and bad been married Just twelve years yesterday. Two little glrle beside the little new baby, survive her. The deceased waa a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J, Prathor of this etty. She was a mem ber of the MethajMit Church and was prominent lntbe Order lof "Maccabees and In the work of the Woman Re lief Corns. (The funeral arrange- menta have not been made at this time. The' sympathy of a host of friends In this city goes out to the berleved family Isl Its stricken state. II DEATHS . "FLII" IT 1 1 FBI i MERRILL have not been legally ezocutod untoss tboy were actually granted by respon sible government contracting agents, and unless the contractor with the war department had submitted a fo'rm of cancellation' under which the pro posed contract might be abandoned without unjust loss tfj the contractors. The approval of thousands ot war contract ha been refused by tho comptroller, and It l believed that new legislation will be necessary to permit the framing of agreements for, cancellation. HE MnniilFY K'4 Iffilllllll I lll''M III T T I 1 M I I Tt 3 fiaTtA nri" nil BITS KUMdrAKtU vm A AIIPFill A'K i-'I-'.-: ill Ll'l ..x bUiLKIiUK OTCDUfMO 0 1 L I 1 1 L II 0 1HOLATIO.V HOHPITAL AOAIV VthVKU WITH PATIKXTH. TWKXTY F1VK XKW CASKH IX CITY YK8TKRDAY AND TODAY. Two deaths from the hospital from Merrill one night before last and one yesterday Indicate the fearful toll which 'the Influenaa la reaping from that section. Richard Tarront, who died there yesterday, was twenty nine years of age, but little was learn ed regarding hi family, except that he has one sister living In New York. He waa burled, with D. W. Murphy under the auspice of tho Catholic Church this afternoon. Leslie Pardue, who also died at the Merrill hospital, leaves a wife and family and a mother In this country. He was employed aa a sheepman. His funeral will be held at two o'clock here tomorrow. Reverend Hamrick of, the Methodist Church will have charge of the service. McAULIFFE BABY DIES HERE TODAY lO AKMIHTICK DATK t Tt iik isaiifliiwi w . Prlvatafaeo. H, Bnglelldlnger, Hill WASHINGTON, n. C. Nov.,l Wttle Jack MeAullffe,. the eleven ImW, mUalng In action. , 29. Rxtenllon ,of tho armistice 'month old chUd of Jack MeAullffe of Cpral'vDeaW ' McKlmmen,1 between Germany and the lntt- jniy., idled, this morning ar 'eight - UmZi2iA i. ..tin..- I m Biatfli anl ontmite nailora .ocjock at the residence of K. V. Men- AMERICAN CATHOLICS WOULD FREE IRELAND Private Walter FJelachbauer, Oaton.U until February tartly will be ry, following an Ulnese of whooalag t Kiuea in action. Private Claus' nyNygren, Portland, killed ,(a 'action. Private Peter. W. Peterson, Junction city, Killed in actloa. Sergeant p.'jfaraer Nell, Portland, . el.j iai 'ji..... e .innounced. arrordlnu ft a re ;icrt here. Thl action la nc ceisary InasmuvU n It now ! l far cortaln tli'it tli Initial He ,klon of, thenurco conference will' be delaye-l, ' SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 19. Sponsored and signed by Archbishop Haaaa, Bishop Caatwell and Bishop Qrace, and bearing the plgnature of all the 800 Catholic pastor and priests of California who are Amer ican ltlieni, Including the president of Catholic college and the provin cials of the various Catholic religi ous order, a petition espousing the political freedom of Ireland, to be presented by Senator Paolaa to Presi dent Wtteon before thje president leave ror tne peace., conference nas been forwarded tosWaahington,; Similar petition from 'the Catho- cough, and. pnou monla. All members lo belrarcby and, priest In every Ho of the MeAullffe family have been ceee of the United States are being sick ar Bly and tho chll4 wa brought signed today by1 approximately 10,- io tbl city that he might nave store j 000 prelate and prteets, to be dls care. The funeral arrangement will patched in quick Mecesalea 'to the not be" announced until member of I White House Is support of the appeal the family arrive from Bly.! ' ' I from the San Fraacloeldlooes.' '' ' i IKK LUSTED TO VERY END (II)' AttKoclnted Presut). PARIS, Nov. 29. On tho evo ot the signing of the armlstlco tho Ger- ,msns carried out their usual cruelty and pillage In the Mesleres-Cbarle-villa regions, according to an Inter view with Albert Favre, under se cretary of state for the Interior, in the Temps. , The former German emperor and the former crown prince had their headquarter In the region of Metle res for more than three yeirs, and the district was Intact until tho morn ing of November 10. On that morning the Germans re moved the Inhabitants and carried out a systematic robbing of home and buildings. In the afternoon the enemy batteries directed a heavy fire against Mcilcres1 and destroyed half the town. During the bombardment It was necessary to remove the 200 patient in the hospital there. The bombard ment atopped at 10:30 a. m. on the morning of November 11, a half hour before the armistice ent,tnto effect. This destruction, M. Favre adds, was carried out without any military aim and Its a now proof of German barbarism. General von Arnlm com manded tho enemy troops In the Mei lerea' region. Mm. V. J. Morgan, Lewis Morgan, Wllma Morgan, Avid Morgan, Tom Tracy, Mrs. .Roscoe Bean, Perry Gregg, Manuel Gomes and' Francis Gomox, are among the new Spanish Influents patients, which were tak en to the Isolation Hospital for, care yesterday and' today. The hospital Is now filled to canaclty again after being almost cleared last week.N Twenty live new cases oi tne imm ense lnKamath Falls and Shipping ton within the past two dsys are1 rat ported 'by the City Health 'Depart ment today". It la apparent that a second wave of the epidemic has de luged the city and all the preeen tlonf jfjtoB were urged upon rttt cltlsfcisnPtheiearlier crisis are again diKlsrad., necessary: . FtestrSssUhtof the Ankeny, Ranch Is reported to be very jqw.All' mem bers of this famllynre down. "" The families "of Charles C. Whl more and Russell L. Griffith are both down with the dlseise. "'' Assistant Postmaster John JdeCalJ Is able to be out again' for' assort time each day., , ' . t A'l .?. S&i n .y?t -as ?v,'fl. - j: . i Lf . I ' : ;t'i .Iftfil SKXTKXCK M OOMMUTMsailO LOW? 7 T IMPlUHO.MKKT'MYCAJJoa,t: ,; rfiHt.. .1 T, !JV 1 .vWia lexuniTTii'H. LAsabsi tMA. m m j I 31 KRSTOVlOMT.OX. jfofctfyf.. " - Li. HYMPATMfrnO'J . w ."J'lV.l FOB ' )V " ' l' FL " TIOX. vXKWwTMAIi 4n ATii ;". Jfiscw ii HvmzM w sBwasavrf ' m !" . i." -'- . . t -m Jr yry,j Kw..,rmubtm B)Y FKDsHtATlOX Of M. SaVi.ife a A 3 eraor Steeaens has-, eommaM .ttke Jr: ? ' sentenee- TtowmWMWM r-uV SAN iriUrfOMCfltr AjUJtoJt ' h fate otThossBr'JMeenels iw saf;2 , eln'doukC aoreraorsWeefceae liseV .'' commuted senteoee.MaMej Im-': i"i , j4 J. fTJ MM FICESM IN HUSTHM t FORMKR KliAMATH RF8IDBXT PAHHlM. f ' .i 4nt, Mrs. William Moron, a former re sident of Klamath Falls, died nt the home of lior mother, Mrs. Belle Palm er,, at Plckerlng'ton, Ohio, November 11, according to a letter roceivea here yesterday by Mrs. Grnco Chin tell. Pncumonlo following the "flu." was the cause. Mrs, Moran with her husband and five hlldren left Klam ath Foils by auto.ahout the middle of September 'for their old Offlo home. J'hey (resided in Klamath Falls for six or paven years, -their homo being on Crescent' avenue. -All of the member of the" family had emallpdx while enroute to Ohio .and very shortly nfter tholr arrival. there, Mrs. Moran was stricken with "flu". H VIENNA, Nor. 9. (By Hie As sociated Press). The food situation Is still a .general topic of conversa tion. It'ls evident there Is plenty of food In the hotels snd restuaranta for persons who sre able to na' the equivalent of from two tb five dol lars for each meal. The poor have been unable to obtain rlco or macar oni. That this clasa of tho population Is still alive Is due limply to tbelr endurance. According to .Dr. Walter Otlt. an American, food conditions were never so bad a now both in Vienna and the countrydlstrlcts. On the farms there still are a certain number, of bogs being fattened with milk. This milk, Dr. Otis said, really was needed for the clckbut the farmers earned more money by feeding It to hogs. Ho added the milk supply would ceaso as soon a tho coldest weather sots In the middle of December. . John Arthur Weiss, another Amer ican, says thero is possibly enough food for another two months. Speculation In food (luring' the war has been one ot tho cbelf causes of tho poor suffering. It Is said that Archduke Frcdetlck, uncle of the former emperor, speculated In tho milk produced on his largo (arm near Vienna. He Is a fugitive and his palace n the Albrecht Plats Is closed. prlseanteatnd: whether ,jt eslledt for; Dmf fta'w ried esvt is feewlm oWni V-i'tidJ,' 'MMimid -v. -. ... f i- . ... '.'. . oiaxJl. i .r4S 1 ea at tne (auretor ere:mnii'SiAv; Sfq or MooWWf,',1 isUea imiM. aWa-UL i: fi" day that he"woTulo rathef: be hanged j, Than S'be,' condemned Wa' Hvac, ,.. , ""' .., ' -'.r'w?, vy-nt :i The actloa of Governor,' Stephens , i. I Uc Ukenjollowllis-eal,.; d vesiigauoa oy ,joan Densmre,i.air..,,riV ectpr. gaaeral.of.ibe;fodrnMiaplr rx'i m.Wi -B.t.i -1.A .V.-t'HLl.l A -' wee, Mvevew sew .aswa fjvn ' vvftevsnsaj . t v . - fraud In'' thV coavictlen , of Moehey; !& ior sum in i ne nai Btrge.,i'e r iJ.'.),, oan r racuca , rrepurrcmH rarsee. if ttt. Ibor leaders have fenght, In'everp'' ." conceivable warssave Moaner Hnee' '5v f'h.I his first conviction. The easehaa w w.l been one of thmy hsrdMtfoeht fa ' v '(1 t - h T .UM the history of tf Calif ornU,CorU, 1? niti"nMSntAkAa w. .. . MM wjwi")VVMmmi mf . sufli' Vj,3 'nv Washington' K ,1 ICE NOW COVERS -,, . BIG UPPER LAKE The big Upper Katnath Lake isr now closed with ice, according tq re! perls from Sblpplngton today, Five steamers are In their docks for the wipter. earlier the commutation of Mooney's- sen' fence does not In any way settle the labor. Frank Morrison, secretary of tf& tile Amerfeaf Federation ot Labor, (ttp takes thn Dailtlon tint "the allesml .'-V perjury In connection with the con viction, makes a new trial Imperative. nT-iS" P M v,W r'K H 1 r't Aaata '. IS HELD ON: fj ' nflair niiir : 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I'll I 4 -i! BL.Bi av Kr . a tllj DUUZ.L UflJL j M?l 3 ftiw-j.v , yvses i ... I ' i?wj .j. i V s . ;.t- , '.'',i For aiding and abetting' the prp4 VjEJjl Kreucer ot Aleomi iva 'this jBortJ-A lug Jiound oyer to the ctlon" eftht , fjl Federal Grand Jury unar jmnmpM y ti.nnn l.v.iTnllrd fllatui CommlsslonAW 4 T 'I , ' . .. ....Mn.L' jl-w.V'' i er lien u. Tiiomus. juihshviitd. ,;.-, KUtenio aua i to raise thlsU JWfryM.'Jfeitilte wnnMnFtruniontal lb serurll for'tlfe party'of nlanswj .w.iL k. :: .Theforaiutlnii'sVabe'jifila WU. I jJtt"WL..S'mftfJ -i. lil JXMd. J. aKBBBS , Tne lake 'la. closed this year urneerrneeecoo am jwvpitj JMMt l jgrnj thaa usual. i lffi.TaSortffUh.Aki 3iEl . .'Kiwsaw tav'H m7insaEdsy -. f3SF i 'atsuams '& S U& jj &. i.l - &:&& rffriTiTMnTi?r"TWMfffflsift--i 'jwmRimmm