&r ! Sty? ugttitQ Hri jfFICIAL NEWSPAPER Of KLAMATH COUNTY UAfa fid 'V, j KV4-W; $W3! w- OFFICIAL if&irt.YJV ,QF' . KLAMArUM .: iiMi4r&Jr;-;i "1 Tfti roiASt.Mflwt thirteenth Venr No. ,47l KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1918 rrfewFIre : m. BAVARIA BREAKS WITH HUN LEADERS . , - ' T" ' v ';' v l' ' '" '''"'' TV.-... .-ri-L-LRa-LrCivvut Wfk' HINMNTFOU OFFERS SPAIN JICHEES RaiUad RnilrW W ROIMIAIID ITWMy : i I vi iiwi lit i iii inni nnii inn flruLUbi nnu FOR THOSE WHO CAUSED WORLD WAR PejTSlR DlrTKULTIKH IIKTWKKN HOUTII AMKIIICAN XATIOXH HAD REACHED oi.NT WHERE CON HILARS WERE DIMMIHMED NEW YOltK, Nov. 28. Difficulties between I'cru um Chile, which result oil Monday In recall of toniulur rep renontutlvcH by each nation from the GOVERNMENT I'LAXM x ,irlnclml cl('c" nt "K nulghbor, have ' boon overcomo hy nn apology on tho part of tho Peruvian .government, Carton Cimtrn Itulr, cnniiul-goneral of Chile, announced here, , A cablegram Informing him of tho I Peruvian apology wan received by OKHMAN lR4JTKMTIK(i AUAINHT.Kuls, accortllug to his itatement. , I from tho Chilean mlnlstor of foreign (affairs. The meiwaKc, tliu connul iiHucrtcri, I authorized him .to announce that the Peruvian officials udnjlttcd than In VIENNA RHINO TO TRIAL AM, THOSE WHO WERE IMPLICATED IX HRIXGINU ON CONFLHT ALLEGED "ENCROACHMENTM", i INTENDED TO WREHT GERMAN TKKRITOfUJM TOAIEICOE OF NATIONS t .. WILL IIAVK REPRESENTATIVE AT MEETINUFEDERa'l TKADK COMMIHMIOX TO SEND DELE GATE ADVIMERM MADUID, Nov. 28 Both House of Hpunlih Parliament have approved of the principle of the League of Na tlona and will name a Spanish re-preventative. Rosy Local Prospects Robert E. Strakorn, in Answer to Roquott, Submits Com prehengive , 3y t nt Regarding Problonu of Devel oywtto Jkj Confronted in the KUnutlV Country in the InvnofUntp Future ram rme LONDON, Nor. 18. Divntlit, lint brokea with, the Berlin Oavmnincnt, according to a Munich mcosagi from Copenhagen. LONDON, Nor. 18. A Coimnhag a dispatch aaya that Vienna Govern- nt Intend to bring to trial all per sons, responsible for the war. Includ ing Count Bercbtold, Count Ciernln, former Kmperer Cbarlea and thc Auitrlan Qraad Dukea. ZURICH, Nov. 18. Foreign Min uter golf haa addressed a note to the Allloe stating that the retirement or dered by the Alllea haa now tciiched the third etage, Increasing lu the Rhine country'! and went of Prum, between Manlg and Sarrlgruemenuir, and comprlalng Sarrlloule tind Atrre buck. He Myilt aeema ponlbto that Ihla Incroachment mar tie mado with n view of attempting tka annexation ofj meie terrHnrwa to Alsace-Lorraine. A protest of tilt members of the Ger man commission to be considered by the Oermaa government makes the moat solemn protest against all at tempts Intended to deprive Oorraany of these territories. making public reports of outbreaks against their citizens' in Iqulque and Antofagasta. Chile, they had acted on misinformation. This was furnished, hViialtl, by the Peruvian consul at lqulUt. whose authority had been cancelled for this reason by the Chlloan government. MISTS To the Editor of tho (Herald,' Klam ath rails. Oree-M. My Dear Sir Rorarrjng to yorir request for ang etlola on 'the Dree- - i WA8IHNOTON u. c. Nov ii 'ent bnslnesa outlook and steps wklek . .....ii r. . .. . ino rcaorai Trade commission will should or might he taken in tne la nroooDiy.oe represented among the ,8rMt ot tBe Klamath conntry, In aavisers or tne American delegates to the peace conference so that the Conferees may have Information on foreign trade. JohnValsh, the Corn1 missions a'ttorney haa been mention ed for thU place. FACE FIRTH OF PASTORS OHHUON CAHUALTV 1.IMT I'rlvnte Irwin Maxwell gwart, .New berg, killed In action. Private Henry, H. Brne, Enterprise killed In action. Private Lctf arubbe, Yamhill, killed In action. Private William Watch, Orotlmm, killed In action. Private Llmls T. MeMibon, Portland, wounded slightly. Private William M. Connor, Portland missing In action, , Private NelU H. Johansen, Junction City,! killed in action. Private Bert K. Velilat, Roneliurg, killed In action. Private John Anderson, Ralner, kill ed In action. Private Wilson H, Rothermol, Aslor- ii. killed In action. formal John T. Bcohll, Ktneno died of disease. Private Clifford K, Doollttlo, Port iMd. miMing In action. Private Milton J.i Harper, Oleudale, mod In aetlon. Prlvato LMnard L. Brown,' Hlllsboro, imlnrlalMttoii.'-3 l - ' Prlyau don. :.Welk,-ramhlli, miss- fsp .'JnBs MfJfAXD llf!lt:iUt W1T "FMJ" Mr;'tayi who operates tho Pas time Billiard Room, ok Main Street r,,;x:i neariWihth, with Mrs. BaylelW re f Iwrte4i;;.Hh-lnflena,at tbslr Jk m m ,fi NKW YOllrT, Nov. 28. One fourth of tho Methodist r)ilscopal churches In tho United Hiatal lire without pastors, it was announced hero todny by the Joint Centenary Commltteo of that demonlnatlon, In making public plans for a campaign to recruit 53,1)00 religious workers. The recruits 13,000 of whom will be clergymen, will bo utilised In help ing to ralso 180,000,000 (0 ndvance the raiiKO of Methodism thruout the world. The fund will bo In honor ot the lOOth'nnnlvcrsiry of tho found ing of the first MethodUt mission In this country, The war'a great drain on Method I.H educntlonal Institutions was Htmwn ov tho report that from 4 collegei and universities of th church, 9,017 mon had gone into military uervlro and 6,187 more were enrolled In the Students' Army Training Corns. Candidates for the ministry being drawn from the fore going student group, It was enld, there are no men to replace pastors who hnve retired nnd chaplains whoU havo rone abroid. Forty thousand of tho .workers now to be recruited will consist ot Heiconessos. medical missionaries, teachers nnd laymen. They win man the hospitals, reboots and churches to bo established here md abroad, nishop Theodore 8. Henderson of De troit nnd ibe Rev, Dr. J. Franklin Ream ot New York are In charge of the recruiting campaign. STOCK WH IN MIL VALLET SOLD Frank (I robs, a well bfnown Klam ath stockman has Just completed the purchase bf the Jeff -Wilton hay rancli In Upper Langell Valley. Tli Ik tract la composed of two hun dred acres of land mostly devoted to tho raising of wild bay. Most of the trie) was homesteaded by Mr. Wilson who' Is one of the County's pioneer stockman, thirty yeara ago. Mr. (Holm win operate his now ranch In addition to his Rim Rock stock ranch about twenty mllea east Immediate possession will be, given. Tho ronslderstlon of the deal waa not mado public. . 7 CALLED HOMK TO ASHLAND. Miss Minnie Walker who baa been employed , at the Sugar Bowl for some. time past waa summoned to her home In Ariiland this morning by news of illness ot several .members of her family -with lafluensa. CARD OF THANKS. Mnr. C. A. Brlgga wishes to thank her many frlenda for the aid and sympathy given them during their recent bereavement In the. Iota of her husband. CHl'RCHJLL' WILL AID LKAeWE Of, NATIONS. London. Nov. 18. ' Winston Spencer Churchill, minister of Muni tion! said In speech here tnat no would do everything In his power to make a League or nations n reamy, but It (would the no substitute, for the Supremacy of the British Fleet. FIRST WDMW AMBASSADOR APfNTED an BERNE, Nov. 11 The Srst wont to be appointed an ambassador, bat been nominated by, the Hungar ian government for thepost ln,Swt- serland. She la the"Hungarlan writ' er and paclflst, Roslka Sshwlmmor, who now resides In SwltxerUmd. Ma dame Schwlmmer has; aecepted tho nomination, and wjll beg her'dut; laa ahortlv. u r . - Madame Roiika' Schwlmmer e president of (he. .Hungarian Woman Suffrage assoclatioa. Ska 'kisbeen' credited with being the originator of the Ford peace ship Idea, 'and ,yt'f one of;the pronUnent' flguret ft that mission. view of the many, changing condi tions owing to the early close of tho war: While I believe we, havo some dif ficult tlmea Immediately ahead, and many serious problems requiring sev eral years for adjustment, I do not thlnh we are duo (for anything like the trouble which have heretofore confronted us. I am ono of those who believe that any country thai could accomplish what we havo In tho last eighteen month can, In even, a Kahorter period eleai up. the obstacle wkkh will oppose our promptly en tering Into long period of wonder ful prosperity. Aa to local action at Klamath Falls: As there Is a movement of gigantic proportions already In full swing thruout the country to pro vide employment and homes for onr returning soldiers .and the other rail Hois who must quickly be released from war and war work, tbe Klam ath country should Instantly take stock of what It has to offer, and then prose It aggressively and per sistently thru channel which are al ready being provided. To this end I would auggeet quick reorganisation of your Commercial Club, or some other appropriate agen cy, possibly year Merchant' Associa tion', aa a medium thru', which such public matter can bo handled. I would get your most public-spirited and llvaat wire la Immediate action on the following, among other thing: let Urgent adTOcax.of the whole sale or complete drainage of Tule Lake, Lower Klamath Like, and Up- par Klamath Marsh, If thla la feasible, Instead of the piecemeal method here, tofore followed.' Thla would quickly provide about a quarter of a million acre for us above mentioned. Id I would asserabU facts upon and pre all other reclamation possi bilities, Uko Langell Valley, Yonna Valley, tho territory to tho east and north of Malta. Recollect that thla Is th day ot Mg thing, and that pro ject and OKpendlture regarded as premature or large a tow 7oar ago, will be accepted aa timely and within much ler financial reach now. Id I would, pre hard for recog nition In what la soon to .become the greeteet road building on ot all time, Mot merely million, but. billion of dollar are going to bo agent within the next lve yeara on bnlMIng high way. Plana will be formulated and work laaugurated far quicker than many roallso. under gut of aece Ity for furnishing employment for many ot tho 15.000.0M people who are aaMtoiaow b engaged either di rectly or tadlroctly In wr aetMtl. Klamath should on , thfct movement got a- hard aurfae r4 OMnoeflon promptly, was ui.rtm io;bw7, and g lot. of wort on.tatorlor rondo. ' ' ' oVMt;UlngM WdoMo behak ofUho lumber tatoreit to In lUMtlw'ronllaatlon "of";v Mori thanl now obtained out of thl yaot roaouro., But-the lumbormoa ar weH organised, and I tab H'thejr. will laaugurat all nearraUna'.to"' got mand soon to spring up for all lumber product. Whatever agencies you adopt to roallso what you should from this un precedented era of development and expansion .they -will And organisa tion work being pushed everywhere. No doubt Oregon generally, will be foremost In this, and you will but have to fall In line. Here they are oven seriously considering voting a high a $100,000,000 of state bonds to reclaim all of arid Washington, amounting to about 4,000.000 acre, and the' program for roadwork I very extensive. In fact, these thing are being proposed by serious minded men on a seal which would have boon called Insanity two years ago! Aa to our railread: WRh the bogy ot govoramen't operation and possi ble government ownership out. ot the way, tho prospect voUM.bs brighter than over 'before. 'ATrbeJ!cve this handicap la ono which will be placed la the way of early removal, I am quite eontdent we will mahe substan tial progress on additional construc tion during 1111. All this, of course, provided we havo a continuance of the co-operatloa nromteed (and to a largo extent given) from .the start by the communities and Interests having most at stake. But I will have more to say of this soon. Sincerely yours. ROBT. E. STRAHORNi ULTIMATUM IS HANDED TO HUN. GARIAX GOVERNMENT. NHOO. TIATIONSf BETWEEN ' COUNTRIHS SEVERED. TWO VICTORY' DAT MERGED WITH THlKIVINf ' - -s, i L . 4 - ,M a COMMUNITY , OTHER ' . ' L TJ i'A , -'t i ' M .5. ' WvAA (c-. j ira. s. f-.r " BONO 8KRVICBH AND J ml. vSW EXERCIMW vCHAHAO.jr7.ft'sV'F X PARIS, Nor. 18. Roumanian Transylvania has 'proclaimed Ms In dependence and sent an ultimatum to the Hungarian ''Government asking that all political, administrative and Judicial departments Inhabited by Roumanians, be handed over. Hungary ha refused and the' Na tional Roumanian Government ha. broken off relation. -,- mumn'Mm ran juunfMnat'Aiir -- THE GREAT DAY 'ii f-a - .. N 4Vx- ,iV?. WABHINQTON.-D. C, Nw.vfW -.tli .. .-.i lr L'.X?'ifr. mis ii victory umj Thanksgiving, (manlty HTha1 lrlav and fnmim'llv mjm m 'mrwlilim' are country, come vadoi the observsneo f t. '' tunltr krUS&Z$$M 'rm .being 'held in ay parf;o:.tlMxlir ,74' . Greater rtUudtba) eait. ,v ', . 7u llirii a.l.,1.1 - " ' - ' ' .' . mce;or tb;deyVA L)?&; ,; ' . -t y ,y.: ,. Mnti i,n .1 THANKSGIVING SERMOKf , t , By REV. K. r:1IIiwIWICH4. J.'? nwaaaje ' mmUtm'-"UUBUiwU'h,k:',r' the Lord; mfa.ti?im&!&m? mmmtw?, CITY GOUPLE WOOED TODAY Thanksgiving Day In Klamath Fall waa featured, by tho wedding of Mr. Clyde Fox, of tbe Klamath Cash Orocery Company to Mis Nora McLean at the home of the bride, 176 Crescent Avenue'. , The ceremony wss performed at two oclock by Rev. E. P. Lawrence of tbe Presbyterian Church. The couple were united with tbe ring ceremony. About fifteen guests were present and they partook ot a Thanksgiving feast following the ceremony. Bcrlptwe Ob, lve jthaahf unto cajl.upoh kk)name; mahe known hi deeds antjitst;tho goopi. QOger uato God the aacrllee ot thMkjglgs)d:jy thy.vow unto the Most High. - " Y 1 Enter Into hie gates with thanks giving and. into hi courts wRh pral. be thankful unto him. and bta hi nam. Forth Lord I good, hi mercy I everlasting; and hi truth oaduroth unto all generation. Praise 'ye the, uon. Overflowing gratitude and thanks giving to God. our Heavenly Father, ought to be the spirit of every heart at this season. The. cessation of war and the' outlook for peace coming aa It has at the .usual thanksgiving sea ion, multiplies our ordinary causes for thanksgiving to' aa unwanted degree. To be rare, hundreds: of thousands of our boys are still aero the water, many month must ensue before their return, the dellcat prob lems connected with working out th final term of peace and adjustment of difficulties among the nations' will Uko patient, hard, serlba thinking, but the outbreak on celebration day ji j, .i... :.-v -i .L- .. j unwrvu mm shucci u& Mtv vrvia.iiBU o . . 'a mmimi a tun.lnn waa at one nlail. fTt mxt "" ?". r.K:-.r- ,, ". L' "- - - -i .- - . m.mt .. n ! jf'msiat Ight.o toreei' but. that wouht'havo naught .It ibnk;o-R'hd M fjb' ).7';,- rtshteousness'of our'eaurad-th;'T.'L':;i J that Xi'UyKj&liiJXImjaiibMltoSlS 1 oMsloMoM"thar;jiatk; ndibS::'. '$ w wore flghiing nerred ar ntSsMe,: 1 and every. saemberot'hm'eakot,oat-Tf: t'' 1 I . - T .. ,- r,.. . , .y ,.J.. , SI 'I 't nwimn imw Hwi.miiiHwr'".:j .. -., ,. -, . -,, ..-. .j v.k.',f.i . tag men, aaa tne. million ofoArpoo fi.;,,n ;i Md.-4l?(th.Ibs'eY. do'hi part, VK adVnm.twJIU)g'.(''-Xj4.r give themselves In thupram's)C, jfcK?, riaca.to "go overl;'the'iop,'?,,or.irr.j ', pondl.to any call of their, leadersV-' ' Von Hlndeaburg said it. took jtars.;;! ZS years 'to make, German soldier.1 but i ,' ;';' UUI7 ll.UIUUIUIIU'UIUO H,AMnMHi, :WI T- omiir.. inn mr nn imnMr !! t t .-.' all' the eagerness and energy of. a'iit(7 y1'. life Into htad41'bocausq.;n'oji0 worth while purpose to-'ggntfwwr,vO wanted to get In and'di htoipa'rt'qulekuV'.Vr-' mmmn " r z fc.r.'"f a. 'v -rrr-.T .-. 1 'i wnat a-urpno n wm vfp;iT:4 ', . Qormanvf ore 'whon?4'S rV- K-v?: rhjrrynd wSiaBV the :Mnni last. Juno. J,t'J.; Mdhard th massed Chateau bridge over whesthey.were e: ana nna weir w; Bad themselves faci VICE ADMIRAL SIMS . TO RBCWVll'pitOMOTION. Washington' d. c, Nov. is Vic Admiral Sims, commander rof the American Naval force In Eur6pe alnce the United State went into tbe war, haa been selected for promotion to the rank, of Admiral, when a vac ancy offers next month tbsuthe re tirement 'of Admiral Austin Knight, commanding the Asiatic Fleet. Rear Admiral Cleave, Chief ot the Convoy service, will be mad Vice Ad mlrl. HOOVER WOULD FEED HUNS IN THEIR TURN PARHi: Nov; !; Hrbr't Hooter l' hor dlccuMliig the reportton inen't of tho dlsposaie foodstuff. HI plin. would be to glva the food lrt to 'the Allies than the neutral and then the enemies. J L-i M. . .-. A . hootm- wania a uumiuuwiuii iu thoifull measure ot bMflt forth I meet la Bruateto to sxamln the mer- hwh owry vtii ' ! H or in uormsn requesd step Is thanksgiving. Dr. Newell Dwlgbt Hlllls said In a recent sermon; "The spirit 'that throb and pulsate la the allied pe plee today U not racial, national or based on selfish Intercepts." Mt.n Jolce Way not over the defeat of our eaemle, but over the triumph ot Jus tlce and the vindication of a (moral universe. Our people have come' to gether, not to feed the flames of ren geaace, but to strengthen the forces ot. truth, freedom and good will. Our Joy Is not born of the fact that our plans have succeeded, but that tbe plans of God have succeeded, and that His government, thru righteousness, ha not perished out of the earth, We need to bo thankful today that It the plans of President Wilson and other American leaders together with the noblest leaders of Esglsnd and France, carry In working' ou the term ot peace and plan for tbe League of .Nations, that war, shall be no more. Mlllttrylsm shall be. no more, never again shall th peoples resource be wasted; la piling up mu nition nor hall the man . who driy tho.'ptew pay. th expense of h sol dtorwho McowpelM to,flght. .In tnitloai tnttMbaU-betacrMl; No nig bullr nation Ilk Oermanrean ever, agtln trample upon Belgium. TorrbrUniaad frbjkt.fulns between nation. are henceforth outlawed. . !t.'would;be a moral -tragedy; If Amr!a ahsiild' now 'turn to'Wuntlnn and' pwlijlMUrUowB might wo ta secret or its itupsnauoua acniart; tadrd'n'tor Uv'W& .. -V .- w only flfteen minute before. 4' With ."- :,M magalflceat. courage they, hurled, back' A; o.; Ih rfaailavhnaa nt n'rnilBl aMUit . .J-''.S..' turned.i.e tldeVar. i&$$ 'M 1M ralole a(i thank God! aUo.V-VLiii. tnai taw ed for wblggest f.allfwm,wH;' ,.f.;,vt iqe greaiei.giTWsQi.Hiue;, tf .v VfcV the world ha ever . wttnesred. Jn .m" drlvo attar drlv. aot,MlyteMbarril.v Loan campalgD. but ., actual flying Vlf without getting any monsy rrn;vy,'i?iil'! the people .trpm'eyerjr corner, otj tho, Wmfii land 'have gone overr the top, glrJbigV; SM' oftlme hilariously. -A, driva , tqrsJ&Ml y 4AAAAAAAA . .I.a TittA rkmm ,.tl WlA't'Sli Y, M. C, A. or 1170,000,000 for. or,AWi5.S)?i blned war actyltlea has-been covr4 MHmSi without hardiji a ! shudder; .Ac'jbi andli?, i$$$l plans tor helping, nndr.sucarfig et,-$ M wounded, sick, sultorlng, , .fsAtauiwMrV',' J ,. i iy stricken, devaslated. rulndpeopfei and regions have tae'cirledJihVjrfexA a NAiMirSIl! HTiK.! ' i.. luiinitr rr.Wsi "v if. ::a?si:ri before tb war,,,but;rsUy,;:ViV'' was, dwllcatedtLulehi'H'.S; , i , wlthv M.oqp' UiuMm hrtWira'.J 'forMrtlc.-,.3-i3-Miga roomcenter;.r.wwag(;nmta;v7.';i ', on a tremendous ijeaio. with 1,000 beds was' a tutlon hospital France', fJres twinsand; endlw alYHV.Jf th.marrel;pf-thvwbHri ad.M A'me.ricr;u;othpr " . 'n T. ,' -r i ' !.- '". t" A.hk women;- hot upw-'" ; apid Cr( be. ,kw tbot.bM. ofMifm,Wi awns stand. ithm Mm',fljMMSsS'1 ' "' 'v"' .--, - , e -& $m&s z & ..! 4- h:j n ij.'