flppMp'ww,' m"' tt "i l,ft: ik'W :r.t, ;ji'."...''"; i iv -.trWil. ;. lv '.-:K.V '.!. "4" AJ:5 iw;-?.!' " : U& '. . .'-. 't'W SiBiV- uvy,frsi' 3 " '", ejfc'aa OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY m-jAxKuSm 0P UaaaBBBI. nB 71 KJMAtH ITl' . Sr .V, A. M, ,-;, "!W" !M J ' i. ' -. "MS t f ' Thlrtiwata Year No. n,l7H BneaaeaUnUafalafaVal matmmmm BU' a;c KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918 ii. . -vw.rjXu,WFV '4 aUta r f-rtf ' jniii mi' ', DUTCH TO KICK " fSW '? l ' ' ,, 1 ' ' i li tab mtartadaV 7T' "' ''M rM&' ,MEP.y v .V ''.' aaMaaai ; - ; MaHiaHHHiBaaaHHHaBaaaMMaBBMBaaaHaBaaaaMHHaBHiaaiHBaiaiHaMa irtteh. afaaTM BfaBagaa aaVaYM ata. aV gaaaaaaBaaaaarBaBaaaaBBa laafauw a,- aM 'Ml i aanaaaaai - . BILL FROM HOLLAND "I . i x - " ''"?? &&&vk.'M Mk- '''"'WMWMWW.W.IMMIIWMWM REVOLUT(0N.CITY's m m M FROM NEW! SOURCE ON t IN RFRMANV IM ntnu IS IMEWH T mo eitmvii will iik at iikihjt TO tlllKKT WOUMIKII MAN FROM Till! THK.VMlKH WILL AHMKMIILK AT HALL AT HKVKN HKTl'RNKI) COMMANDKH FROM t VKROCN FRONT OATHKIIH ARMV AM) 1'HKI'AIIK.N Mill A COVNTKH HKVOLVTION COMPLETES IRK TODAY IIANIIH J IN- RHPORT TO JUIX1K KUVKKNDALL AND IH DISMISS. KO FOUR TltVK I1ILLH ARK MAI)K I'UILIU Ht'NM HAY THKV CAN'T DKLIVKH ROLUNO KTOCR, 1'KH AHMIN- TICK TMRMM, ON ACCOUNT OK OIL MHMtTAQK IXNDON. Nbr. 17 The Dutch I'rt aiUr Mm ittled that William llo BtaMlUra will have to leave liol'.aml a klaveliaac' there becomeTpeflT: out (e Hellaad. AMSTERDAM. Nov. 17. Ooncril Voa Der Marwlu, former alio le Camp le Kmperor William aifl Inter rommeader na the Verdun front .na arrived at Treue with a big army and appears to he preparing for a Mnutor revolution, according to a sensational Ilerlla dlapatch filed on Novwmbor, Stat. LONDON, Nov. 87. Foreign tin Inter Solf haa again nnkod the Alllvl mlllgatlen of the annUtlre ronilU lliiaitiind requeitod perinlMloii to delay the delivery of railroad rollltw lock until February tut bccnuie of the dlfflcultlea earned by bad condi tions aad also ob account of lack of lubricating oil. ',(, VAHVAhTY I.IMT Private Ouy Baatman, Hood Itlvor, klUwl In action. Private" Robert K. Carter, Coqulllo, died of dtoeaae. Private Harry Melby, Mt. Angel, died of disease. Private Andrew Johmon, Portland, missing In action. Private Fred Hubler, Halfway, mlai- Ing In action. Private Walter Nagel, yurren, died from airplane accident. ' , Private Lord W. Ivle, Balem, aoverely wounded. Private Bliss Btlllwell, Ilrunton. ho- vsrefy wounded. Sergeant Lawrence J. Bchnoll, Port land, wounded, degree undeter mined. Private Jay P. Oreea, McMlnnvlllo, wea.ded degree 'undetermined. Private Dwlght Hawsrth, Uandon, woundsdi degree undetermined. Private Alex Qny, Bandy, missing in action. , Private. Delbert, Dorena, missing 'MIIM.'-.' Tho Hrnt Klnmnth boy to return from tlui war 1 oxnoctud to reurh Klamnth KiiIIh on the train thin ovon- l"rt. Hoy I.uwIh, who was ona of the first young men In thin country to volun tir IiIh services to Ihq country fol lowing tlm outbreak of the war, who saw continued service abroad, ntport- ml mlsHlnir. nml tntitr fnunil anvurntv wounded In n French hospital, and who has been under medics! euro In different Institutions for the past tour months, will reach hero tonight, nnd will bo greeted by a host of Klamath Kails enthusiasts, who ara arranging to be at the train In full force. Tho young man Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Lewis of Useer Tenth street. He volunteered'1 thru the re cruiting agency of (he losal postmas ter. v-Kvsryone Is urge4to.prtlclpste-ta the reception at tho 'depot this even ing. Those who go are asked to s- seinblo at tho Hotel Hull nt 7. o'clock. Members of the Women's Iletlcf Corps uro auked to form nt this point. The grand Jury for the Docember term of court finished its dollbera- .' ' utit.uimi.il i 0RM1 iMfMED i & PLANM WORKKD OUT FOR CIVIC IMnUM'KMfNT BODY I1Y COM MITTKK Watli BK PRKflKNTKD AT MKKTfNf FRIDAY- EVBXINO To discuss plans for the organise' tlon of a County development body, I'liniT kmnnr nn n ' liiirti isinum "" i:rt&iiW$$$- nunat ntir CULLED FOR ATjmSPITAL tlon this sfternoon. and was formally , representative men of tbla r.lly are dismissed by circuit Judge D: V. Kay-' asked to meet" at the city Halt, Frl EAST BRECON en LEADER In HlNlMNaWlta DBCLAHKH GERMANY IHIWKRLKWi 'i -- MNi; Nv. 17. Field Marshal von HMsmrg. socorsUg to the snitntls4ai WMTiife;.nM.tele sa.MM.VsvsriHasa; as- rtsMn1siiissaTly. tiwtv Uf &&. the nraiMMsee and of the lateraal situ Mtfirhi In iMiaitjei to renew ight . The Oeman mlllUry isader Knstern Oregon representatives to tho legislature are put to control the orgnnUatlon of tho houso thru the election of n speaker. They want an Eastern Oregon man, but If thoy cannot do this, they want to throw their united support bark of someone who will deal with them, and elect him. That Is 'the substance and Intent of n letter sent out by K. I. Dodd of Umatilla county, under dato of Nov ember 15, In which ho called n meet ing of Knstern Otcgon members nt the Pendleton hotel on the evening of November 20 list Wednesdsy. "this meeting bos been discuss ed some," Doild says In his letter, "and I urn railing It for tho purptose of organisation of our forces nnu ninklny plans regarding the speaker ship and such matters ns we may be Interested In. Mr. Denton O. Bur- dick ofv.ItodniomUseems o have a good chanco lb bo elected, and we hope to agroo on his support and hnvo'n definite undemanding as to tho coufre wo shall pursue. I be lieve In. organisation wbero the rights of all are considered and to make our wcrk this winter most effective we should bo In a position to assert strength. In the event Mr Purdtek cannot win, wo wnp.t also to bo In n, position to nociue, u possioio, shall bo elected. kondsll. True bills were handod In against the follewing: Donald Robinson, for the theft of $100 In Thrift Stamps and $80 In cash from T. T. FavlBger; L. A. Da vidson, 'assault and battery; John 0111 and Herman Oarttand, theft of auto belonging to George Bleha, and Ar thur Varnum, statutory offense against Bertha Pickett. Not a true bill was found against Kd and Maud Hallsrasssult with a rock on K. L. Hopkins. The December term of court will Convene here Monday, December 1. HUN FKDKRAL COUNCIL HERLIN, Nov. 17. The German federal conference has adopted a re solution declaring that Is absolutely necessary for nil Herman tribes" to dsy evening. ,d - There haa Wen considerable dlr- ctisrlon of the need; of some working unit of this Rkig during the past tow weeks, and a committee of prominent business men 'have been at work formulating plans which will be rub. mltted at this fathering. It is peintMiout that the war is now over and tremendous problems of a local nature present themselves to the community. There to Iw.iuJ to' be a glgaatle:move for Industrial, agricultural and commercial develop ment thruout the Western country and these wheare quickest to pre pare and take' advantage of this si tuation ara gslnaVto1 be the ones who reap the greatentbeaeflt 'CALLING FOR VNrrY. The meeting! Frid?y evening. Is -' yjii-- .. - ... m. Tfsa "ii - r' k " KLKH THANKMnVWO PANCR M FOHTFONRD Owing to the fact that the latuensa act In unison for the maintenance of ban haa net been lifted, aa had been Germany's unity and , to fight oil se-: expected, the dsaee previously an l.arntlst movements. Inoasced at the Elks Temple ou The National' Assembly . will be . Thanksgiving night, Mas had to be summoned speedily. 1 postponed until a later date. , Wrthycornbe Proclaims Thanksgiving Holiday miTUDE OF who the! ultevfai. ;,. GERMANS HAD PLANNED TO ' -. DK8TROY HELOIAN PALACS ;PARI8,.Nov.".a7.-irThe Oermana had laid plans to bloW;up the Palaee f Justice InBrussels, according to a dispatch to the Bolr from Brussels. In the cellar of the palace four In fernal machines, plassd there hy the Oermana, have been found close to some gunpowder snd ammunition.' SALEM. Nov. 27. Oreffdn's governor hu-iet apart to morrow as a day of prayerful thanks. Hit' proclamation follews: ' N ' , "The dark clouds which hovered dyer the entire civilized world on Thanksgiving day last fear Have recently lifted, revealing a clear blue sky that promises sunshine, prosper ity and good will among nations and individuals. "Oregon, the volunteer state of the Union, which has given so freely and generously.of its men, money and ma terials, has the basis for special gratification over the noble part ner sons piayea in accompiisning tne nnai victory. We have a right to rejoice this year as .never before, and to mingle the .voice of music with that of reverent prayer by singing the songs' of victory, of home, and of thanksgiving. "But, hr our happiness, we should not forget that hun dreds of 'thousands from the very flower of the; allied na tions have madethe supreme sacrifice that we;murht enjoy the fruits of victorious peace and that countless others, are criuDled andmaimed for life. There will be vacant chairs at-the Thanksgiving tables this year, and let us render tnanxs unio ine supreme ruier ox cne universe uiac inose soldiers of democracy have not suffered and died in vain. Let us also thank divine providence for guidance over a Christian course, and for endowing our people with a spirit of patriotism and national unity mat nas inspire us w per form our share in the re-ectablishment of world peace and the universal recognition of the brotherhood of man. "Now, therefore, I, James Withycombe-, governor of the state of Oregon ,by virtue of the authority, in me, vested, Ti:. CASI At IHOL4TION INSTf. TUTION WITH ONLY TWO NUR8M MAKHS SITUATION DR rLORABLK. ' -f A strenuous call for help for the Isolation hospital here has been msde by the Board or Health to meertho new crisis which haa followed second outbreak of the Influensa. It la daelsrad tndav that thra are .. . . . now only two nurses on duty at this nlghjt, Instltutlotf and that these, owing to the heavy burden that haa fallen upon them are nearly exhausted. Four now cases were taken there this morning, making a- total of ten now being cared for. It la believed that there are many in Klamath' Falls who could by making some .ulf asc- rifles, come to the. aid of these who stand la such great seed at this time. Fifteen new eases of the dlsetse are reported In the city tulriMrnlna s ' f DlWlfl ntO4 TtlT-' AT AMERICAN HOUSE SHEEPMAN IS tUSII :4 s ;w BMipiir FROM STRAW BSS ! ' . MX it I'll'i' W. ,m . mr. si ii ii - -, m - BY -ORM l,gl'''iI:nVl'-I-' "ktr: . '- f . . ' j "- u.ww. twm.ma-mmfm.m-. sTJF ixrai ' hfBSIHILI,. FOl W, ;'ssrKmm, w w y m II 1 1 I'll If rJgf ; M immmmmM .. sr.v.sTfy. ',; us. .sr i.sf ss,-v STOCKMAN W TAXBN AT lioWINO SHORT ILLWsWS t 0 ., i The death of Daniel D. Murphy, a well hnewn steskman, from the lata Msa.eaiie m n great sheck te his muyMa4s la ttto ,.eemmunlty( UUn mernlw.. Murphy" paseei. away, at the.MerrW Homer Stanley, who passal, nway at the American Hotel nlgbt before last following a short siege of the "Flu" waa burled yesterday by Undertaker Earl Whlttock at the et pense of the County. ' The.deceased waa n single msn.snd as- far aa could be learned hud no family connections. He was nick flvedaya. No facts concerning hie previous life were, leirned. IHMSbVNb W UvlWW,' mrm Wfesfsse n sx en sjsjss nnrsaanssy ew war , wets srwv JTfW ''1 mnan Thanksgiving Day, and call upon the pepple of Oregon to suspend their ordinary labors in order that they may give prayerful thanks to Almighty God whc we' worship for the blessings' and liberties, and. honored privileges that have been bestowed upon us and upon our great wealth :'IV K 'i 'tMifrW URGED 01 III In view of the continued serious condition of the epidemic in our com munity, which demands that we teep public assemblies under the ban, so can hold no public gatherings for Thanksgiving, we would urge that in every home, and at the Thanksgiving dinner gatherings in particular, the spirit of Thanksgiving be carried out In the fullest of spirit. Never haa the world known so many eauaea for thanka giving, Individual, family, aa n .nation ,or In the wide world., "The barbarities and outrages and unholy ambitions of the Teutonic f oreea, have been quelled. Peaee Is ours. There Is much to do yet, hut let' ,us thank Ood for the cessation of warfare, the victories which mean so mush to Christian nations, and to all' those who love peace, Justice, righteousness and the spirit of human brotherhood. Pray that the tremendous and intri cate problems yet to be solved may he worked out In the Ineat spirit of unselfjshness and universal good will, and that the American people .may eontlnue Ue uasellsh, lavish ,glylaf and service wnieu win Be neeaea, w aaJial' fottewiag an, lllueM.otoatE fourjer fve days. . - Tin dsssaisd was IT years.Mt.ace, havhMleease frsm Ceanty Cr,''sn Iralaa'd,''sW 'yeejrs.agei' -lie, wkit his brfUerWM aseeslatsd wHh'Oaih tala L'lDy Applaaate tar Mmrai yann la the aaes.liaetry at aXraw.:saak east :oCMUa. and the CasalC AnrteaaU 'wan: later nwrmsr nsar Sms Seataa thuausalnmaasBai " ' "T'.JTT, .i SFawea-saP. j A sHffH.fVussMVOCt BVMsm'H .IVMsl ksjHsaad.etaer parts ofUMjaar- flamannnnna'aaamBaBnsBWV anannmsa ama anam t Wmmmamawl of taVaaS aawa, aad wMrain'ala jsaMl SfOtW-fJ Father Haga: MaiahaH.; SJA. Z&tiJZ.' S"W ", Lmrimmmmcmmy,'m:--! mmmmm vje.-'ra.i :hj . ,-'-v,'ji VaaaaaaM'. akaa -,fxr,Wp.T.tT' fr2T -M'S-J .. Hri'1r5!rrP ' " - , an uallmKsd dearie. if'stUor'seatas to1 comeAthsit tM. strkkeaaadmferr lag peoples dEurofvmay.; 'aasr cored sadrebulit. In private ooaver sa'lon. la .words of grace aV steals, aa4 Bt hefamlly alur,, let fullest espresstoa .beglven of heart, thank fulness' te' Almighty Oag." ' MINISTBRIAL AgVOOIATION, B, P. Lawrsaos. .Secretary) FOREIGN. SEEK STQCK EUROPEAN WASHINGTON, D.,C, ljJ RepreseaUtlves of Buropeanyeount riee'have arrived la the Unked States laveetlaatlag haras preUmlaary to the. Burebaae of .eattle .to 'restoek depleted herds la war, torn Bnroaa; With the devasuted .ianaa to ha supplied with ;feuaaattoa atoek of American breeders (ths future priep of both dairy and beet eattkt'eheaUl hriait saod profit . etoeki foreslghtsd enough .to aoM an- ta their herds.- ,,. ; . Professor O. D. Centre, dlreetor of the O; A. C. aateattoa aervtee aays: 4 "Aa sgeut of Serbia, now la tala country, haa already aeked or.st eee bead of eattle for, SeBvfry aa on aa traasaunatte snipping eea- dlttons render eKpeetatteassfe.'' , "Japaa baa a rspressataBm -listing Into Um4 Uveatee2iisBaaea with a view to shipping breeding cattle to Koran and Stfeerln. ,. li Hollaad also le .reported'; tavtba fied ta asaks purtaases for.eaporL. "An ludieatlea of jpsslble prieee .for- registered founaafoa ,sadssajni is seea in the prlese'reesatlypald ta an anettoa sale it regmterad eattfr ta Seothuid. The Bverasjsjprieeff all stock sold, including-regis tared bulla la reported to baveibasa Mill a. head. At anoaKaaMof milking Shorthorns the averaga price tot'' 9k Head sold was tmi. ' '. MEN HAVING UQUQR PAY HEAVY PENALTY L,(wAaWOT3it. - &, ,jpjZ.tM raaaytffiissaaWn 'Wkatfar ha win ha smnfaaaat m&M aiM'aatJa-CV 'V uWfAM Himhsil saiBsnt gkaamfeir WK -eW: 11 ftn iltjil ' psM MrajasaasaBsaaaf ' 'vi m'mr r. . v uSRaJ(SJBSjji. . A -Hraasy;'Bjevetassjn)i sawassjsK . , jiuuta.'M.laataMar aaamv " SSaBFSiSBP.,wWi i sw vmaw i '. scrBsen.i. " it ,x John Oliver and entries Bull w)jq were srrests at Psllosn City night before last for ha'vlag lleuor In their poseesslon, were'' brought before Justice N. J. 'Oaapaian yeeteraay jrfternoou ' and , fined;'' ! rdolUra iW.'WrTft.M haa I anilBBJasT aSamanZatt esstsr (juslee Ch piaia Ula.sibr' aaaa. Rhodes was feaadi 'ha vaa; nwwJS"j ssjsBBBBBjsBB) u aaSBggSf hs'tSss .wmmammMA guilty, to a latmllar esarge sad: wW -t--.L.i-i -,.-v.v-r-t..t vm ii ....,.i.rn.iFn..n-:.u,.v 4 assa;':as1aaa as aaat hassV IsinaaaMl sas aaP aaiaBai Sw .ai FfMlsaai-winiaiswaww aa wasgns ta-taW-arga'Bteat-tha aaaa niinhag thesea he easaMR,te tBttesas, eaeeatlva,eatleo,.' aa-fta , taem to)wtovmU?tiio aeat ' Mr;. iWBseaVheJa lha JU.H " -T--.-- .--.- aUag., W1 1 Vf aeaa, ' BjaBSPBWawsaii 1 apr - aafa apaavn , &M .' abi'hfc;a4';rfaaa Bat, i v v?a ' '' v-'llavMallaaMa ir'. lUfet ''.". 5 P aaaHlasl'S mWWfaw E aaasf' -'v." Baiuatr-..fl 1. "W Ul 9 i1 . ' i-- ;u.tf-''V aLKMr'Nor. . iTSaa'.laUsi CHausWsfc CommhBaos has lafor the ublk Servlee- the hearwg.jPeeemjMMr-Tl;!.. roniaac vcnaesrning.-.saf ,rwa.wvBr , . y '. the' SauUera.lMMiMWMx Csllfcls. has bWesaeUed.;;,v;ri ' I, ' Ta'JUartntayi;;Ta;hB?-'',V 'ulua'rav''th!Klaaiatk':Falal'''aiU'. r,v jtWtorS'Chant'isrC ''. ntar naaaataaa arasaaialfa atSear M ;t .-riLTir; J:rit-Z31iiZJ;LJ?i'':A$ laUT anMaUaaaWf, I.HB smasBBTi-iaHBaaamjBV.JVafaYSB .ns fKhtvaaals''M'tkiUBamalh''S''n"; Fhlis brsah sad kssUtersaeetisd .M'Jz a ' ISiWi... .- .'titfaalaas-alaTii iBaalaa ' iT ' IIVH l)RDa( WWmm$'jmmnmam mmmmm ' matter JoT.''dJastsd?.lfiM;,ha ;v , -a tsrdrJaKlee to thU (Hstrtet.Ma the A; WAliTOrirtp :vi v ..: M iV , ?! .yvnV'. : z.4mis&w?tAi.Ai .f in 11 '..mi nimaa Mliamii a i..ia yji 9 , 1 rm Oea,mbeeh aWaa'u'issgi! h;beea',Tekjf m'wt k jr f t t - 1 ' ''. iiiin1.1. ii) ii e 1 " " ' m. Ji . Ztii WM UmsAiMa tlaw. . '. i '"cu.jiWi 'Mi. vt 1 1 ' " ; tiv .! Kt ,r, &y y. 3 s.. 1 'fi immxMM. M: :i Xi ..& ;:- && n u;.f .?;,? i'-'"i .vw JW t'i' v' 1. UiVU Ct-.i ' ir; r'vp-?7