' J - frICIAL NEWSPAPER F KLAMATH COUNTY Ifclrtcrnlli Vrm No. ,11,171 TURKSWANTAMERICANGUARDIANSHIP E PROPOSAL IB IN FRANCE ritKss ok Constantinople riuiKs American' huper i- MOX OK l"OI.H:, l'l.N'ANCIAI, AM) EDUCATIONAL MATTERS PRESIDENT EXPECTS TO III! AWAV ONLY HI.X WKi:KH WILL UK ACCOMPAXIKI) 111' ALLIED AMBASSADORS WA8HINOTON, D. C Nov. 26, Tho President expects to bo In Europp About ono month for tho openlngjut the peace conference and tho prelim inary discussions. No definite limit hii been set, but ho cxpcct.1 to bo b;,ck within six weeks' after ho sulls from the United Slates. The Itallin Ambnssador Count HI. ffllaro and Ambassador Jusserand uf Franco and tho American Peace lelc' cntes will cross on the samo ship. Thero was no foundation for the talk of tho censorship ovor tho nonfi ot tho conference and Amorlcan news paper mon It Is najd, will be Riven nil the facilities possible for transmitting their dispatches. CON8TANT1NOPLK, Nov. 26. Ihe American control of Turkish Gendarmerie and Finances Is l3.ig urged by nine Constantinople uewj pspcrs,' vhp also proposo the Ameri can supervision of tho Hlucallouil )tom and tho teparptlon of tho Church from the State. It Is declared that a program con structed on theso questions will 'bo presented t'b the Presidont whllo In Paris. ITHUALTIKH IX OHKOOX LIST Sergeant Colyin T. Funk, killed in action, London. Corporal Edwin II. Deetr, killed In action, Aurora. Private' Hani J.' Hanson, killed In action, I.nglers. ' Private Melvln S.. Iverson, killed In action, Sllverton. Sergeant Oustav O. Corhart, died from wounds, St. Johns. Private Albert Uno, died from wounds, Portland. Sergeant Arthur John Cronqulst, died of accident and other causes. Hillsdale. Corporal Chas. A. Drown, died of ac cident asd other causes, Athena. Private John M, Pyrlts, killed In ac tion, Gardner, Private Edwin Smith, killed In ac tion, Timber. ' Private Edward Morln. killed In ac tion, liaker. Private Leland T. Fenn, 'slightly wounded, Nyssa. Private Asa a. Krumlauf, missing In action, Garibaldi. Private Wm. L, S, Battterfleld, mlss tng In action, Junction City. Private yiar Dow, wounded, degree undetermined, Astoria. Oarrett Perkins, previously' reported missing, returned to duty, Gate MAY MAK WILSON Glif? Cuptttng BURLESON HAS i RATE HEARING AGGRESSIVE ATITUDE SliqV.V IIV pnti.ir service commission over phone it isi: gets dei i mti: hesulis SALEM, Nov. 26, Postmnslor Burleson In 11 telegram today con sented to a hearing b) the public service commission on the rcquoat of (ho Paclllc Telephone and Tclo- graph company for nn Incrascd nito In OrcRon. n. i ,. n..,i..nn f..,iu,,i complaint! of tlio Portland and other stale officials. SEVERAL SERIOUSLY ILL WITH INFLUENZA Two new cases of tho Spanish In fluenza were taken to the Isolation Hospital yostcrday afternoon. Jqhn Brook who was taken from the Nev ada IloomlnK House and who Is re ported to bo vera silk and Tbtodoro Plerron of Pelican City. Two other new cases In town were reported this morning. Fred Smith and family, who llvo on tho Ankcny ranch near tho Summers School nrr'eportcd to be In very baa shape.'all eight members of tho fam ily being victims of tho disease. Mr. Smith Is declarod to be ory low. H. J. Lincoln of tho Underwood I'hard macy Is still reported seriously in TO BE DRGED WASHINGTON, D. C , Not 26.- T Adoption ot tho metric system of wolghts und measurements for tlio Unltod Stutes will bo urged upon Con gross by the American section of the International High Commission, which alms to bring obout -groater uniformity of commorplal lnw and regulations and more stable financial relations between the United plates and the South and Central American republics. The American section holds that In view of probable closer commer cial relations between North und South Amortca, It, would be of Im menso value to business InterobtB to HUbslltuto the meter, kilometer, coutl meter, lltor, hectoliter, hectare, gram and kilogram for tho yard, mile, Inch, quart, gallon, acre, ounce and pound. ROSY FUTURE ORANGE, N. J., Nov. 26. With the coming of peace on oru, of great prosporlty Is at band. If tho business i men of -tho nation wu proceeq , wi ,niH.nrB in tho future, declared Thomas A. Edison, tho inventor, In a mm t n m METRIC SYSTEM CONGRESS EDISON SEES statement here. . IaMERICANS COMINO HOME FAST Edison, who announced that he en,' pected "to be mustered out of Uncle LONDON. Nov 26.A steamer Sa.ra's tervlce before long." endewlth troops wl leave .for America wZ an ap?eal for business men to every day this week. The Mauretanla Willi ail ai'i'sai . t--j. ,!, II nnn flvlno rnrns. "speed up" their sales organiiaiion.' KLAMATH FALLS, io .HMD T ME TO THE RED LAG SOCIALISTS WHO. DISPLAY 1 HIS i;.MIII,i:.M Aid'. MOllllKD IIV HOI.' IIIERS, SULOHB AMI MARINES IN M.W OIIK Ni:V YOUK, Nov. 20. TLo, dem- oiiBtrntlon of tho soldiers, sailors and marines who atlncked tho sothllsts who displayed tho red flag at Maoi- son Square Garden nt a meeting last DON nlcht. weto cbaracterliod as an nct,vo""' "" " of "rodilsm" by tlio police commls- doner. He said the police can hnndlo the socialists, but are reluctant to i Interfere with uniformed men. TO FDR THIS YEAR LONDON, NoV.'JC (nrltlsh Wire less Service). A nputral correspon- dent wrllec to the Morning Post that ho has receded a letter from Kiel ln which this eccurs: "Wo ore better off for food this car than In tan. mere is piemy of grain and potatoes so thero will bo no shortago" The Post comments as follews: This only confirms the belief hold In nutl'oritatno quarters here mat the conditions of scarcity advertised r In Germany's dally whine about the armlstlcq conditions do not exist. Out of their own mouths, or those of their rulers and newspapers, before the collapse, the Germans can be shown to hno tonfessod to hao sufficient supi)llo3 to carry them thru tho win ter." GERMANS PEEVED OVER ENrORCI D HI'XIULATIONS PARIS, Nov. 26,Tho Berlin de legates at Spa have protested against tho rejection of the request that they bo granted n delay of two weeks In oacuatlng Luxemburg Lorraine and tho Sanr rcplqn. The French have considered the protest groundless. . . ' &OTICR ' k The Sixth Rainbow Regiment Is now boing organized. Each boy or girl who sells, or has sold 150,00 worth ot war stamps since the firBt of October Is eligible. MARIHAOi: SATURDAY EVEXIXQ Tho marriage coremony of Hoyt I , Raymond Sprague of Klamath Falls, and Miss Bellcjlardenbrook was pro formed by tfio Reverend Hainrfck of tl b Methodist Church Saturday even ing, nt tho Pastors home on Hast Street. Sri'.EL DISTRIBUTION ENDED T'HS MONTH WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov, 26. The allocation of steel by tho ltjdus- . . - 1 I .. Ml k. .lt....H.lni...l tin cries noarti win uu uiotuuwuucu cerube 1st. SLIGHT LOSSES. IN NAVY WASHINGTON, D, C.i Nov, 20.- g , war .. " ' , " ,olal -""' ..". ---- -. " r- HANS SID HAVE FOOD bREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2G, 1918 uiJMiJXnjrtunrnrM'iryv-ri-r" ain IBIG STOCK OF HID IN TOWN: on icints mkk sue crssruii Ull)S LAST NIGHT. LARGE quantity oi'Hwirr goods iii:i.n as evidence. Nine cases of whiskey from Pelican city and fifty four quarts from the, Argrl,cg noomlng" House on Second t t,i(j resultof uncx,)ecteJ ; f , ,.' ' w. Federal Officer, Price. Itccob and De puty Sheriff T. E, Griffith last night. Police headquarters at the City Hall looks today llkd.tho store room bids of n saloon. i John Oliver and Charles But!, Ital ians at Pelican City wpre arrested in connection In tho raldjon their house there and their hearing was started this afternoon in ihe Justice Court of N. J. Chapman. The culprit In tho Argraves raid was Roy Rhodes, a locol jitney driver. ' who Is now lnlhe city Jail awaiting a hearing. That n land office boot legging business -was being carried on in both Instances Is the belief of tbo officers In vlow o! t'.ij- .fig hauls made. Tho Ocm Rooming Houeo near the west end of Main Street was ( - without Result J rjJJY MAN ENTERS INSURANCE FIELD JnniM M. Wntklns. Jr. formerly in Tho Mecca wiu open on December l3t a Real lstnto and Insurance Office at 621 Main Street next to Goldsmith, tho tailor. He will rcprosent ThS New York Life Insuranco Co. r.OOOYAMSI'ES COMING MONDAY WASHINGTON, Dj C, Nov. 26. Tlio steamers MInekaJda, Lapland and Orta, are bringing 7.000 troops home from Eng land, and will probably arrive In NeW York December 2d. E BE MODIFIED SALEM, Ore.. Nov, 26, Insplreaj uy some or me iraiernai insuranco societies, It is probable that a bill will bo Introduced to bring (ibQUt the re peal of the fraternal Insurance laws. A movement that ft now undor waj Is especially directed against that law gojernlng fraternal lnsurancq so cieties, wljlcu, provides that tho state shall have Jurisdiction and suporvls. Ion ovor societies and make such ex aminations as tre stato may deem no cenary from tlmoto time,' The contentlonnt trco who hope toverase tho law from .the statute BOOZE FOUND ASK FRATERNAL N NC LAW booits Is that there shou'd be no statajdld run inooth surely "worked out In, siirervjstqn relative jo rates and they rinim iVm ,,mnpnt law tnav forcn some! of the societies out of bnsinocs or dp- ' . .. mand changes In their operation, TJiq1 law vyhlch Is under fjre la 4 miodlflcs tioivof what la known as the ''Mo"bUe law" una waa passea uy jno (egisia' ture'of 1917, . Herald yxxnjjMVAvjrirurwvvwvv-,vvvMi-i'i,i,i,iJ LIES L TO BE LOCATED HINT THAT I'EHTlLli LANDS .NOW' heing reclaimed i.v lower KLAMATH LAKH .MAY SOON IIP. THHOW.V PPKX What may be taken as an Indica tion of tho early opening to settle ment of tho public lands now being reclaimed from tho bed of the Lower Klamath Lake a few miles south of this clt, Is the ai rival of Surveyor Tred Mench from the United States Land Office at Portland to make a survey of the lands that are sufficient ly well drained for this purpose. The survey Is being made for the United States Reclamation Sen Ice, Mr. Mench Is today In conference ylth county funejor, J. C. Cleghorn. It Is bellccd that parts of five or six townships can now be surveyed. Tule Lake Is being reclaimed by clos ing he gate at the Klamath strait. where it is crossed by the Southern Pacific Railroad Dy this move fifty four thousand acres of fertile land will fcventually be brought under pro duction. Some of tho land Is now sufficiently drained for pasture, vael A portion of It Is privately owned while some remains public domain. A National bird recene covers part ot this area Survejor Mench also intends to Suriey some of the unsuneyed lands In the Kern tract Jn the Keno dis trict. OREGON FUEL PRTLAND, Nov. 26. So excellent Is the fuel situation In Oregon that dealers aro complaining because there Is so little demand for tbelr stock on Sand apd mines are complaining be cause the dealers are putting In so few orders, according to Fred J. Holmes, federal fuel administrator tor Oregon. This state of affairs 13 duo In part to the abundance of fuel resources close at hand, partly to the laying In of early supplies by the consumer and partly to the balmy November weath er. Oregon is probably the most favor ed state In the Union as regards the fuel situation, according to Mr, Holmes with plenty of heat for overs - body, DESPITE DELAY Mr. Orrlu White anti Mre. Gertrude Bovey, who reside about, six mUcs south of Merrill, Were united In mai. foi.tca tnflt Tili?l)t hv Reverend E. P. MARSH BUG IBS SITUATION IS NOWSPLENDID COUPLE WEDDED liwronce at his home on Third anOMNU MUKt'lVILAU Jefferson. The old adago that true love never. 'ttaht Instance for the couple while on thoir way to town had the misfortune to break their machine and had to 1. .. .idt-ii-. Pfi. send for aiq to roacn me ciiy. p ceremony was priprruca at nine gcloclc, The' groom Is a rancher and his bride lived on a homhtead nearby. OF ,t"iiiiiii'i,i,ii,i,iiViViViiVi"i"'i" ! KLAMATH MEN RIIV I .kT PHONE SYSTEMiP R 0 P 0 S E i i. It. ItOIIEHTHOX OF THIS CITY TAKKS OVER Ilf8l.NF.SS IX COX XECTIOX WITH HICSSIO HIIOS. DIX.-KMIIKR FIRST. Announcement of the taking ovei of the Lakevlew Telephone System by J. II. and Joseph V. Hesstg and Mana ger L. R. Robertson of the P. T. and T. Company of Klamath Falls Is made today by the latter who leaves his local position to take over the man- agement of the Lake County work December 1st. The new company which will con trol several hundred miles of lines will make -an effort at once to Im prove the service which has been more or less In the hands of the County stockmen, In the past and has not been operated by trained tele phone men, . Mr. Robertson has been located Ip Klamath Falls for a number ot years and has been Interested In the civic lire of the Coro'munlty. His place here is being taken temporarily by J. T. Frlns the msnaeer at Corvallls. The 'Hesslg'DrMhers are Veil known In Klamath County where they liae been operating telephone lines for many years. WASHINGTON, Nov. 26 News paper publishers have asked B, M, Baruch, chairman of the war Indust ries board, to continue to enforce re gulations affecting newspapers and to continue restrictions In the use of news print paper by dally and Sunday papers until February 1. Baruch an nounced today that he has the re quest under advisement and that he will announce his decision later. The publishers' war service com mittee, in making these recommenda tions, explained that the Industry wants an opportunity to adjust Itself to changing conditions arising In the transition period between war and peace. Baruch said that until his decision Is made the existing regulations will not be altered. AUSTRIAN'S HOLD OXE YAN'K PRUJOXEn. NEW YORK, Nov. 26i Clarence W, Young holds a world's record. A statement Issued by the Red Cross today contained this Informa Inferma Informa teon: "Amei leans held prisoner by Aus trlans, "One." ' Young Is the one - Tho Red Crot-s Is arranging for his repatriation, along with tho 252 American prisoners In German camps, AT SUGAR BOWL Havjng operated the Sugar Bowl lunch Counter'and restaurant for two years and seven months, Mrs 'Y.nlin linn Initflii nnnAiinivail V J. J, Keller has todqy announced her In- femiuii ui uibwiuiuuhis uuituwi here and will serve her last meal to- morrow, , She declares ber Intention of taklna mucU needed rest. PAPER MEN ASK RESTRICTIONS BE CONTINUED " ,".-,j i OFFICIAL NEWSPAPJBI. KLAMATO'JFALUH Price Fire Cat. BRITISh SINKING WARSHIPS I t SUGGESTION' 18 MADE TO AVOID lS. POSSIBLE CONTROVERSY OVl'.tt DISPOSITION' OP PRIZES SCR-" i RENDERED BY EXEMY. ,1 W INTER HEI.IF ES hlTI.'ATION OP ALLIED SOLDIERS VW NORl.d RUSSIA. .BOLSHEVIK! ACTIVI TIES DIFFICCLf. v ' WASHINpTON, P. C, Nov. 26. Naval officials aro surprised at the suggestion from London that'the nav- t al vessels-surreaderel by Germany ' be sunk Toavoidthe pos8ifiiiyf"of"' "" 153 disagreement imlmg the Associated nations, over their disposition. There has been no Intlnatlun given -, as to the United States policy In this tesue. , If the Versailles conference decides, to prorate the shlps.accordfng to war , losses the Untted'States would obtain only one destroyer and one armored crulsef, ARCHANGEL, Nov.' 26: Winter Is now setting in over. the whole nor thern Russian front. The rivers are iced over and the Bolshevik! gun Doacs naveoeen rorcea loiwunaraw, , but 'they have mounted- big . guns r along the frontier south of the'AHIed ' v armies. , "'-'..' The Bolehevlkl forces are receiving J? heavy relnforceme'rils."1 Tnejfreejeup '" . brings relief to vthe Dlrii front for'i c. the once- Impassible swamps' are now . frozen, maklnghushwhacking flapk v 'J attacks now lmpossi . LONDON, Nov Mv-Tbe Russian BolBhevIkl troops Unve crossed the River, Narva on a broadv front and entered EBtlionla'botwceii the Gulf of Finland and Lake Pelpus, accord. ing to a Stockholm dispatch. HOOVER' IS N0T:i WORRYING OVER Y LONDON, Nov., 26; Herbert Hoov" er, Anglican food admialstrator, who has been mentioned as the potslblo world's food administrator, win jg) all'tlie European countries and, jf, n ...1.1. ,Vn fnml ,n,il r.il I,r4 lt tVWh GERMAN Nl before completing tjls plansfor hand- , Ml line the food situation which, hns arls-v'." ,W 1 en from the mdden pdlng of thot qJ war. Hoover so staled -when he; arrived. here In company w)th B-dwara f. , Hurley, chairman of the JjnUeiJ, Stat4 "hlPPlng board, Both men 'fQ were greeted hy a croivd Awwtljj , cans when. theynrrJ;fd(from Soutbip'y amninn whpm thev landed from the. ... liner Qliroplc wirjtw In tlio day, ' f K, ' Hoover VeeUnVWP?W has" no plans ior- isH(SK"jpwBi'.wr Inasmuch as thes,e pa?jt (SjjStUturo . consideration; .it' jr,, .' t . i . ',& ,J n . 1 A .& tar- "-' GS Sa -el . J r' w f l . v "a i v. J!(I T sV "SH ". . 7 ;" 11 1' 'V J- " $M drM fe5 X- 1 11 i .. in f i. ,t :. tK ,1 &4nA -t&