;-c"i ' '.of STlf lEttetting iterali Wu OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF JOAMATH COUNTY M "'iM.1 1ft . .. &.ivbtim&&vMtV. -i!i OF IUJIMATh" FA11S J Thirteenth Year No. a,47S KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918 - -.'', A l.f -rj- -1.?- " .,...wi ' Wflirfc'i f. . fc.WKjJCa,Ca !lV(, ,?, n,v"j m &9& M " ST.Tfc NEW REGIME BEGINS THRU GERMAN! ' . rJV.V jrrrpaaaarWraaaaaaaah ----" - - -- n -l--l-l--ll-g-(l-u-inrLn ruriruirLnjxnAAAAJUUTtrir umrmruAAAnAnrvvrurumnjvuvvu 1 4j MOVFMFNT TDWARn 0i OUTBREAK loe USE CHAUTAUQUA IS M(IKAR0lliil SwHnr DEIIT 0FTHE"FLU" DEVELOPMENTS MHUGED SSSSap REPUBLIC IS MADE: ofthewtion strikes town spectacular fori MOVE Till MAYOR STATES THAT SITUATION. DISTRICT ATTORNEY FICKKRX ELLISON WHITE COMPACT II I V' Ol'wlH '''' Ik AGAIN ,m'uUAYK AS TO KNOCKS DOWN EDITOR OF BAN ROOKED SUgt SIX DAV FRO. 111 Jj .f I JalJVff MARK IT INADVISABLE TO RK- FRANCISCO 'CALL STARTLING ORAM SOMETIME NKXT BUM- "M IJ ll'IsftlV Vf Jp.V rV MOVE HtaYfRICTIONB. INTIMATIONS , MKR, BATR DECIDER LAWK. R J.! I 'V lA : '-i ' "' 1 illlllil'IJ:lH9' '. - bii wMwmmw .,; mat Kiamata rails win uti a I llj II U'IIbUI'VU Chalauqua pot.on by thai Ellteon '"'M TOwlMffilJSjV.;! - " i M!.k.'j i j - tk-h'w: m .w ' ,r MTHMTT lft If ADR TO IRjyiMI.-S'A'Jl . -'M- . M. .y )i '1bM m ?m .( SATISFACTORY AGREEMENT REACHED BETWEEN 'SOLDIERS AND WORKMEN'S COUNCIL AND THE GOVERNMENT WILL DEFEND AND DEVELOP THE THINGS AC COMPLISHED THUS FAR, AND SUP PRESS COUNTER ACTIVITIES I'KKMHIMU RKI'URMOAN,MCAUt;H TO UK 1NCX)RI6RATKII AT OKCK-WAH HKHO TO RR PVftH. Kit KOR HIUHKHT HONORM COLUMUU8, O., Nov. 25. The campulsn for the cloctlon of aeneral PonhlnR (or tbe presidency of the Unltod States In 1920 was formally launched today by the application to' the secretary of stato for the Incor poration of the "Pershing Republican l.omie." '- (ByAsMciatcdPmt). COPENHAGEN, Nov. 25. That an' agreement had 'been reached between the German soldiers and workmen's council and the government is officially announced today at Berlin. Thia agreement provides first that all political power is to be in the hands of the German Socialist Republic and the foldieri and workmen's council. Second, their aim is to.defenti, and develop, what has been accomplished by the ' revolution and to suppress all counter revolutionary activ ity. , Third, the executive council in Berlin is to exercise all functions pending the election of representatives to the ex ecutive council or the German republic. Fourth, the cen tral executive' committee council is to appoint and dismiss all members of the various legislative bodies,of the repub lic and of Prussia until the constitution has been estab lished. Fifth, the council must be consulted before the cabinet appoints assistant ministers to the sixth convention of deputies drawn from the soldiers and workmen's coun cils, which, are to be summoned as soon as possible. ' LONDON, Nov. 25. The newspapers here regard the German aorreement as the development of the greatest im portance, tantamount to the overthrow1 of the Ebert-Hasse combinatioa and the adoption at least theoretically of the existing Russian system of council,-which is not dominated by Uw bolshevikl at present. , Soiw papers, on the contrary, think-that the step is a "big bruff.to.persuide the Allies that old Germany is de funct;, while others think that the menace is exaggerated to impress the Allies with the difficulties of the enemy. The following casualties are re ported, by the -Commanding (leaeral of the American EipedUlonary'ror res today! Killed la action - 36 Died of wounds .., Dlud ef aecldeat , Died of dbie Wounded, Severely . Wouaded,.deaW undetermined Wounded allihtly .....! Mlealac'i action .-.- Prisoners j......', .' Airplane accident (.Pollowlag Oregon men are lltted: '. (Smay and Monday) U PrlVatt Traak Mitchell, Oarlbaldl. dial fram aecldeati Pltrata k Mlltoa roster. Harb,or, wouatfd attahtly. PrlVita Truiton If. hock, naie, lasias la action. PrtVata Raymond Crosi, Elgin died' illiwaae. PrlVate.RenJ. H. Hauilyt Tuatatln, wounded aavaraly, Prlwrta Oa6g h. Albln, Phllematt woandad. 1 Prrrata Heary Cooper; Richmond, kliM,iaaatti; v . Frfvaia Ned Millar: raft Rack, fclll- I'laaeiia.. 'I HUGE ROAD , mm fob Kill HI ia 571 y9BJ OF FUEL 1ST ti: sot 171 II ?1 BE OBSERVES asu j -'- tz .s r - .. , Pf4a!Crt'H.,;KJBmali; fct- adarsaTaValr'Troulidad' ' YlwaBtM. "Howard, .fortland. .J'' PROM" AatttANR Maai; M; VnaWw'Md haa return fiwavf T fck wHh her awtkar at aaa 'AaMa.- - , Puel'coniorvatlon must continue, although war has endod, according to Pred J. HolmoJ, Oregon Fuel Admin istrator., Tbo state bn never been called upon' to observe many .of the stringent fuel regulations .enforced In Eastern states, on account of be ing peculiarly well situated with re gard lo fuel sources. But waste Inexcusable, and; by contervitloa me. thodp of beating,, not only may fuel be saved for future emergency, but money saved as well, H -i FARM LAND CHANUBB HANDS Alas, pavla baa purchased I, raaah af 1S4 acres, from P. B. Campbell and R. R- Reames, A Victor Ooe and Qabrge- Furber are reported to kave purchased 175 acres of laid In the Midland district from D, R. Campbell and .. R. NEXT SMI SAL.KM, Kor, 25. ''Provided the Interested countries will' bo ready to do the grading It will be the policy of the sute highway commission to complete tbe hard-surfacing -of both the Columbh River and Pacific high ways nut yetr," said Commissioner Booth following the passage of a re solution by the. commission request ing the counties Immediately to' furn ish It wl(h their grading program! In qrder that tbe commission may formulate Its hard-surfacing policy. ''Under the lw the counties must do the grading, and as soon as the in formation Is available the commis sion will make up .Its hard-surfacing budget," continued Mr. Booth. "Be sides the counties Interested In the two highways the commission will ask for the same Infermitton from other counties in order that It may apportion funds fof, hard-surfacing for such projects sails advisable.. "Altho the commission haa not reached a definite decision oa the subject It probably will be Its policy to forward ho road contracts aatll January or February. I feel that such a policy should bo adopted for three reasons. First, because of weather conditions; second, because both the price of labor and materials will be lower and, third, for the reas on that It should be, the purpose of the commission to give preference to returned soldiers In employment on highway work, 'and. before thea most of them will not be back." The commission' will have f 8,000, 000 available for road conatractlon next yea'r, and approximately 1,11, 500,000 for the next three years. Sev er j. delegations will appear before the commission this afternoon and ask for appropriations.' WOODKX 8HIP RVILDINO ' - HTOPPKO AT PORTLAND. PORTLAND, Nov. 15. The wood en shipbuilding yards of the Portland district have received orders canrell ing contracts oy the government oa ships not yet-begun. thirty 'six of the Spanish Influeasa reported by tho different uhvslclans In Klamath Falls this morning and a considerable num ber from the outside district, .Mayor C. B. Crlsler declared It would be Im possible to open tho town until the condition had Improved over' Its pres ent status. The Mayor' believes that to. throw the bars dcSrn nowj 'would be liable to bring about a situation worse than has existed heretofore. -Ho reports that Merrill, which; has so far escaped the epidemic almost entirely, now has twenty fIVe cases, fifteen In tho hospl- 1ml and tea In private homes and that here are' also i a. number between Klamath Falls' and Merrill and bet ween Klamath( Falls and Ktfno, Tho city Isolation hospital here which had only one esse yesterday, thia morning" haa. four, Miss Ollle Humphrey, H. SVjBailariTof'tn. Pell, can Bay Lumber. Company office force, Archie Klncald of Mills Addi tion' and Ben DeLan from Kirk. Mayor Crisler declared that five mem bers of the force of the city postof flee are it home with the, disease. It was expected that the town would be opened by tomorrow or next day and that normal conditions would be resumed. , i , Tb'e following letter from the State Officer regarding the necessity of precaution has Just: been, received at the Mayor's office. . ' "One of the peculiar thlnuH noted about the present ' epidemic or In fulenxa Is Its wave llko "movement. Observing, Its course over the east. when It first appeared, we find the first Invasion mounting rather slowly and .with not many dShths. This Is followed by a lull ia.wblch the eul deaalc seems to be uder controf, then there Is' a suddea flare up, wide spread, much more virulent and a very, much Increased death rate. It is Because or tnis peculiar pnase mat tho health officer should be extreme ly cautious In deciding to lift the ban. "In making this decision, the Sur geon General warns ns to consider condition rither than time. If, there are Infected arena. oa either vide of your district, thoVour district' may bo clear, be very guarded In your decision. If however, you find them, clear,, and your district has been clear for throe or four days,, It will be considered sufficient Indica tion to make such decision." 8AN.FrtANCIBCO, Nov. 20. Ac tlon,..by the Iron Trades Council op posing a strike In behalf of Mooney, and a grand Jury Investigation of the fToderal investigation of Densmore's report that Thomas J. Mooney's con viction was Irregular, were expected developments for today. Following an assault on fidltor Fremont Older of tho San Francisco Call by District Attorney Flckert, who knocked 'Older, down; two detec tives were, assigned by .the chief of police to guard Older, who was prom inent in helping. Dens-ore get hU data. Older has Issued a statement claim ing that Judge Itenshaw resigned from the Supreme Court provided Older would; not publlsh,the story of the bribery. ' ..-" T-: r--i FLU TAES VICTIM . , SATURDAY EVENING The death of Clarence Alfred Drfggs.at the Reed rooming house at .812 Oak street, occurred Saturday evening followlnar'an attack of the Spanish Influenza. . The deceased was 27, years of age, and had been employed by Dave Mc Aullffe caring for sheep In tbe Mid land district. Ho leaves a wife and two children. Mrs. Uriggs mother is expected b,ere tonight from her home near Eugene, and the' body will be' shipped there for Interment. e ALLEGED BOOTLEGGER ARRESTED SATURDAY Thomas J. Drlscoll, who wast ac cused of furnishing whiskey to Daniel Weeks, an Indian of tbe Klamath res ervation, was brought, before United States' Commissioner Bert p. Thomas late Saturday, and bound over to the action of the federal grand jury. It was alleged that the .defendant gave the booie to Weeks on Eighth street, near Main, about 2:30 p. m. Satur day. Tbe bonds for 'the .defendant were pluced at $500, which he haa, thus far been unable to raise. White Compaay, sometime deit sum. MAP im th -" ""-" --.-'' :. :. i 7.: rv&m h. m. mcraaoea; wao.aa oeea ia we clt for several days working oa this matter in the Interest of the above concern... , ), k . , k-,y Tbe coatracta call for the alio11 of six huadi tteketeaad thia hae:beoa guaranteed ky; a. haMred. or ; snore ---.-, - i - ( p, wo way v 4 WiJ A six diy aftiraooa aad evoaiac program Is eaitadfor la the eoatraeta. Tbe date of thaaffalwjll bo'daoidod later la the year. . ,r Mr- Mtfaaa. loft today for Mot- thai- CWliiaia poiata. where he.wlll coAtlaue thia. work..;. . 'Jf? TT. ,v .! S.'JT .'.r.7? "KARLr UffARVART. ., ,p &&&t&iui inbb- runui.wmuummii W, WASHINGTON. D.4 C., NeTi,S-f The hearing of.the.kppoals of'awgoae V. Debs aad others for viomuiai tM Espionage act, .haa beei sot for' JatMU ary, th by the Sepreme Coart.t '" v ... piruKT iimTMn la-nmucw SHIP ORDkfaS CANCKUiWl 8EATTLB, Nov. 25 Several Paget Sound wooden shipyards received air egraras from tap emergency Sect cor poration cancelling coatracta for wooden vessels oa which the work a not began. Orders tor Between twenty and thirty' ships were can celled. BRITISH SQUADRON, .' 5 .LEAVING FOR KIEL .' ,.T, .....", ii22"ZM2z2uX2?Yiv ???".? tt?zv?,sz&. , -V- - MC'J'JiiUW'(; " ATJalaaB aTWTTBstrVUT - aTVll --- wvwwswsw II y stm :.nJ'rifi'4'l"i aBvpraTSsamnvlrVV T anPssBRftawanPaasaBfe ! aanHnaSaaHPBBMRsanF JsaH '.,,. HiTAVilVM MA1TS''ROftaWrTMeaSBr . HMV'OVMt : lAthMsaUL Wr t?."V W2Jfti.ft: IVi B bLP. VROH ; Aaana-I V ?.'I..S'J!T-F. il "l.li '(" " fS " '! lUtiaasHMsa- ( ., imJrw 0 it trs-'n.i ti V." -rs?rrtr1'TT-?-': SSSSSmSSSSR r-V??v'w?3?f!f': eM Isaovphtaatdsdytao '. 'tJf'liysf-, 4.VI ". "!.... . las ins minis enamel v. , . . ;y j n77r-1r?J-"tf''ri:.v 7: ' . J.. A-TMkaMMMWahfeRJi af.'r- .rk.a:;mratohM triM "of the'CMBeU;v kay" ak. i tTyU-UHhM.M-m H - 'ft-i ...-'-(? '.V-'. . vl . aVMIMBW ''V.Ji l:'-r !'''', ,h is' '---.- " W'iMA It I HI n I ;'-'J aFrri-. a aiajlaaajai-... .,;, f. . ' '. w nSnTaBaaf i -r wy - eaBii- t,ijiV( -J, -,tm -j.. IMrpapeei or aMiea.oceupauoo. i? t- . VIENNA, Nor; tK-gMmwt.' K R . tit rA . i ALUED WARSHIPS TOUR BLACK SEA Raaj mas;' PARIS. Nov. 21. The Boapkoraa haa aow boda cleared of mates,, aad (ha Allied warships hjtva catered the Black Sea aad visited variovt porta. . 2 r-p' VILLA AGAIN ACTIVE -ELPASO. Tex., Nov. 15.,-Blafcty Villa followars have set are to the Villa Ahmadai eighty miles aoatk1 of Jau'res, after wrecklag a railway traa by aapNaloa. ' ' ""' 'ABROAD TORE COT IN HALF WASHINGTON, p. C Nov, 25. Secretary Baker said' that tho war-de partment, plans now call for the re ducttoa of the Ameriaan expedition. ary forces to approximately thirty ivwioas, or unn-aau me pre 19m streagth., Further redactions will be made when the situation warrants. ! aaifi r (V WOMAN LOSER CWysIXK FRANCK Orant Faraum, a 'farmer 'Albany. Oregon, boy, haa been'kllled In action1 ta,rrHct. , no wh,, mis ui .airs. J. I. Beard-of this city,) , UUVH NKW RANCH County Judge K. II. Bunnell has purchased tho McMillan tract of 47 acres near the Altamont ranch. Tbe consideration was In the neighbor hood of $150 per acre,, according to report, SUIT AGA1NHT EDITOR , DIHMIHHKD SATURDAY Tho case of W. E. Bailey vs. Editor Oeorge nradnack of the Dorrls Times to secure wages for overtime, alleged duo tho plaintiff, was 'dismissed In the Jusflco court of N. J, Chapman Saturday. ; . PEACE PRELIMINARIES PROBABLY AT PARIS. LONDON, Nov. 15. A gotUla of mine sweepers have left Firth to clear va passage to Kiel for the Brit ish aqaadron, which la expected to disarm and intern tho remnants of the German aavy. peror Charles-sat Kc! told an AssocatedjPTrMi eht todiy that the;danger; sbevlkliaYUa ASttiMjywi i and isald there waa:arssia assistance irom.ine ".ii.,v. : c H Y 1' mtiEmT rerv:'sBiestt-".'. . ' ' -i r. i -ii- .tlrW l 'Tj the Allies. . ' "V. Americana aaaV-) , B VO'.-Y HISHREOI PARIS, NoV. 25. Tho conferences on (he prellmlnsrlen of .peace will probably bo hold In Parts Instead of Versailles owing to the superior ac comodations. Only the formal con eluding sessions will be held at Versailles. WASHINGTON, D. C.Nov. 35. Dispatches reaching the; state depart ment from Stockholm tell of terrific bolshevik! massacre at Petrbgrad. Five hundred former oflkera are reported marked for, murder, aad for eigners returning from, Interior Rus sia are said to be In grave danger. ROAD BUILDING MATERIA! , SOLD WITHOUT RRBTRICTKHn . '.. W'. '-.' The national fuel admtnietratloa order of May 13, restrictliigrtlwaala for road purposes of aaphalt, road binders, , road oil, 'tar, bjadsrs ,.ai(d dressings has been cancallea, aid' shipments of .'these maUrliauiy now be. mada without special permit or filing application with theVatate aignwayaepanmeasr' - ? , LUtUPU TlUU rntiiun bunnn II I I ? bvb sTaal 1 1 Ivl.l sfimyW UUa slrSaavl 'l jsk a a aaastTaa i oustw ':VtfoiUrt-J iittJ ZJll'.'SiK&.'fl' :iw:Hi'i.l cmwi- IT.- mmw bbibs ir 'i- ;,i SHKiMI . ?, t W&A aii mi vV.. ' V .l,'al a ilUV jBttajT-leS II - ft aj 'Ml' of ho former, ermaareaijvjK. WW Tuiiuuvl!. iJi.-.. i.lJ'.ViZll'J,! ! i v ..v- --i'-'). 3. trm',ii PARIS, position peror, "Tho government of .Hoiiana aaa.'V ; alwaya the1 power, ttfj oxpel nivUJrM lhl. - lt tt GsatltanrasrA tfMW -,.-.-, , -- -'--j--rangJii4rraC?fif wk The Tcmpa admits tbatJHelUud; iDtefM i receiving me aaiser, iuia,o,'iinrr'viT ; Siuoa wuiid ii n ,i nuy n y. a was going ' fusal might lynched at a ''Nothlag can wauie' he; ouise'fei,0 Kail aliA wmmm isiIia stisii(4 . dtvat HatfilKX V.tr.:'l ii" r."?i:r rzifssiVff?, exlf Jence ln;'a countrywhlcVwojiJil Ml'vf pave ionium muvi'vuuoBvo, IKS" ff5JftS?aiitJ been defeated.' . ,r&J. '-tZMM t ... 1 1 ' ' ' "If yiltlain laplarecl pboan tbe allioswlil' know, ,wh'ntJhyfouriil to do with him. ILJho w ;cond,(teTO JVj to me, ,"WWmHaw government will have n.opD0ttlr:.(, .:, to show .the dopf;,rapjj iaat byaho-ardoi1, ItMlsPlayaJa Immfki Wj Jl ni.i 'sr-:: let! mm&i:n artrMrG.'WWJMr,t r.?r.?, wT-'H'.TMi imnrmiTinr ran sasai , r.r - , tor i.u .rs:.ri7-' . a "t , - 1 35is " ( , V v .m I 1a 1 w . t ' ii L,., ' . . L'fe'C. :sto iSSa V- II j:i i M. .,.. &Sk. ii' Avmj . ' . :. .jp is.nia .'iiiift.wi,i.:rj '. wt s