'' V, t " 4, ,tJ',VM. 1 ; :. f.' tr'r" MMBMaMMaaMriHMiHHMHaMlftMHiaaHMf 'i VVl -1 ftTICIAL ;1WSIA?ER OF KLAMATH COUNTY 'kM? tyVf 1$ t -I iHM ?ysa stagSF'-- JMtt! -Ml ' 1 1 K. 1. I I V k 1 . r ' , i I llfltui .. . Ir . . . 'a - , -.s .... , .-."" y ' . um-M. )v y . . ' - w- - - - - AT BMwT' ' iYliimkhr.hii ',..! . .(BfliiB; -- r,. A-lARki .,!., .ei i'. sat .. w i nitmvmv ' . , ,! r ' ! -mnr.;. .. ,, i s-f':),B:rij xi aw BR 'I SaLm .Mask, 'i '! .. .a . i'jkiik . - '- ensr, smr "j . ww , ruai W"aU, tiH I JUT nm I SnnnnS SSnnSi -USSI. BS, -SS riSnk UW 'euaASUBBtBm .nafeinsak,. .BflSMMrfasnb LSnkft.Ba.L. Lh,,.nnB.jL;MSnsn:..i!?V I iplii i icr i iiitfi: . srw&TmwmrmmmKmm& lhyr',hM8 . KLAMATH PALLS, OWXX SAfURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1018 - ' jnWSwim II M mMmm niinlilifl 'm mi n m H IfHf A 1 f All' 11 ASgnBJ nanm uS Ssl sM Ssl Aa An H nm. AY w-nVAm nav . B , &' H Bfl BH. V M B A M'lii KvJ.li'A-xi Iff I It I II II I U I W Itl'iL m'-vJI I I II IV III IV II II ltll&i mvbk'h wc hh. ima m.-:wii -, i m b-h h.h - ma;' I r 1 h I M 1 a (-( ' B '1 : B llllifllwllll Aft w ft i TM :' &: I wm H. L MFk a mr at m. aH K 11 llm. .aw bWI w& awI H aV .v. k. 5 aWI awaI awaLH aWI awI awI .aT . am Am aw7 .aw H H awI WA aW WM 'AV 0 V vAVAv W AAV AABAAA AWW' AA fliHI AwIwAWaWaHH'' fllB IaIIaV 1 pBft WjB ' Saw)wAWaIawAWAWAwJ AWAv flABflAWlHAW aIai AflAr IAWA' aIai ftAWi aIs Bftr AWi vi I s to 1 MANY AMERICANS COME HOME SOON -j MAYOR BRLIKVMH THAT RK riaiMrr uvumd iNn DiiiDnm mdcvtab! HTRicnom can bh hkmovrd wui"" i nnibnvnv viabvivk KAKLY PART OK NRXT WKRK. MC'HOOL OFKNINO VNDKCIORD ASKS RELIEF IMMEDIATELY WOULD RE TURN TO PRIVATE BUSINESS BE TOW I SHOUT TIME ONLY TROOPS NEEDED FOR OCCUPATION DUTIES WILL BE HELD IN FRANCE LARGE CON. TINGENTS SENT HOME SOON (By AtMcUUd Pratt) . WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 28. Secretary McAdoo hu retifntd s Secretary of the Treasury and director gen eral of the railroads of the United States. His resignation will become effective on the appoint ment of hia successor, January 1st i , McAdoo has asked the President to relieve him how, that the war is over, so that he' might return to his private lwiinstij , . --.-,.. -...'..., WASHINGTON,. D. C, Nov. 28. General March has announced that authority has been given General Pershing to send back home all such troops as will not be needed in making up the army of occupation. Pershing has indicated that the following units will not be required : Divisions 81, 84, 88, 89, 76, 84 and 86, Coast Artillery; regiments 46, 47- 49, 60, 76, 76, Field Artillery; brigades 65 and 108. The following gneeral classes of troops will also be re turned, Railroad artillery troops, Army gas artillery troops, troops of the tank corps, air forces and divisions which have be broken up for replacement purposes. Orders have already been issued' for the return from England of air squadrons, construction companies and sev eral WNAppnic and radio sections in tne saiimaxers ae UchmenIn'the Handley Page training station. The moVements of the enemy troops from France are to be expedited, March says, .and he added that they "will not sneak&ackinto the country, either.", He said the American army of occupation is now head ing for Contents, the center bridgehead on the Rhine, where they should arrive December 1st The British will occupy the bridgehead at Cologne, and the French that east of Mains. Amsrican troops In Italy will remain there for the pres entit is announced. . Th ffmnHiiiattnn nf thn forces at home is oroceedinff steadily. Several of the present camps may be abandoned as soon as tftey are cleared oi weir occupants. LONDON, Nov. 28. Several thousand Americans saued lor home yesterday on tne liners lainnensnH una Lapland. The stirring scene was cheered by throngs. Although no definite date wm Hi ed for lifting the.Bpanlih Influinu ban oa'KUnuth Palla," Mayor C. B. Crltler Indicated today that It con dltlon continued to Improve aa waa expected,! thle move would be aono time early neat week. Tbla would not Include the op)n lag of the achooU, for which no open ing date baa been euggeited by the authorities, but would permit' the operation of the moving picture theatrea, pool rooms, and allow public gathering to aaeemaie. The Mayor beJIevea the move will be made not later than nest Thursday and possibly by .Tuesday or Wednes day. -. nj" vmm MUtto, vnmt vmM fl. L. STfVEKS Mv.' iii'M NEWIillDEi HAI.EM, O e .Nnv M -Oovirnsr Wlthycombe has sent a lettnr to War den Chas. A. Murphy, of tho Oregowi state. Penitentiary, asking him, to re sign from that position, and the gov ernor announces that, be.cre the Srst of the year, Rotiert L. rltevens, former Sheriff of Multnomah county,, will take Murphy'a place, aa, head of the state prison. Governor Wlthycombe, today confirmed reports that thle change waa to be made at the prison Mr, Stevens' haa accepted tho immhU ment and wlH arrive Ja Oregon from New York in ti early part of Daeam'- ber to accept tne position. Tho ejev- enor Mld'teday: ' i ' ' t ' "I. have had a number of eenfer ences with Warden Murphy 'to see' ir expenses could ba, cut 't down, u it seems this It; not possible, so I Redd ed' to make achisafe. I'hgvf.jtverjr high regard for Warden "Murphy as a TO KNVOHCN SMMAMK TRKAT MRrfT w'TinpmnajL IN OKRMAN HANAnX " W LONDON, Nov. 11.4-The Times, hi discussing the . eaftutif en .during the war, calls upon ,'Um allied gofern- meata to oompel tm.Oermaaa to treat the prisoners totlsslr hands- without nbuse. It says UMt'ths loses la tho war are the gmtest sjaeaAstaUe barbarlana carried, on ware of ext,er mlMtlon. -a '' i , "Now for thai rat'tlSM. It aays. "wo begin to' ionrn officially at how great a.cos the Ttetarf has been won. Our eaanaltiaa "'laiBa'sjBOMt.ta'tha enormous , ngnfe', it t.tit.f Is. rTai j Base tae (bii nmny asennew the easualtlas c!emr"aUimf and.tha ...' wj:-i''fc..-Li' u-L.' "F"" "W.JMJ ,'pavi v added '' M0I1TEB NLUONMEH i NATIONS TOTAL RnVORTHO RY OKXRKAL - i -! . -.Ji .Jf I: ' ' WStt psmehHi easaarles n Wre than7 double tia awtkt, wihji popu.wUM of New:Wwlind-r.of,tna 'ft&tMMWmmz&mjmla lertiasrtn'paaaiieai'Mvaarfwswpedslnih' any n. ine wfM:xcenrvaMoa nn NewTbrk.' ' f tires now, whan the'Oennana are whining and slamorlag.'fot the modi flcatlon of eatlas laaeemsarably nilMer than thaae theyfereed upon Russia and Rumania, ther show net' ther:ntty'vaaf eommonV at idea'ss to ward the helpless ivletlau still in their power." ' - r ' 1 . r i UKK CflARJTYt IT COVRRami . ,A rhfDLTITVDR-'.OV SINS The Irst snow storm -of the yea Is today:, laying. e mantle f white over ,tha,,yaUsy lands ,etrKUmaak Cwnty. vy AMhangk it hicappeariag earlier ttaa usual. It .'Is uot.ua wel come aa It' comes beTora the ground la, f rosea and will add In asaklag the ground for asxt years orops. . - ;. - RXKAUUCR HAD .MOARIHNa YV tJV svpruRs MARCH IS asaVMn.'CABVAlVnHS IN NORTH RVSMA NOT TfKT SS OVRRD. WASHINGTON, D. C. Nov; Il- Tha total American1 cssusltlss up to tha time of the signing of the srmls ties, Geaeral March has announced wars, killed and died of wounds J, 164; died of disease, 11.811; died from other causes S.S04'; wounded 17,I5j prisoners I.HI. Tho msrlcins took 44,000 pris oners; 1,400 guns. .Tho.AnMrieaa eaaualtlea la Northern Russia have not been secured. Tha following casualties are re ported' by'ths Commanding1 General of .the Amerleaa'Rtpedlttonsry for- It. tulati ' x 1111. IslkS.'r SSaaaM ' r A tflB sssusBsnn) -mn sawsawmsBBHiuHj www Wouadod eovorely ..;..... ,170 Wfna4ed-daiaVTit, ;,,. iijsiaiCttr'w in aetla. ffrJL-- ,1ST BSHAjBHTB HMW.WMHMWHMttW.mW 4kV Mad k wwfiUXlM.v.-: " ILLS wm&i mmw COyNTTHIUS TWatt sueeeaknl. wmUd havelsivuHdateS I .. " - w-l i - . r - - 1 (flawsiac-lastao nallotia. It wm also hare, .autesaatiaally.aeatadVPsa KoMaher aa ieommlaalonf (or Um tormeaviring'nant June; - , -' . --. r. RX I 30ANHAORN. Ner'II.Aeeerd tag tlstUs)dTtses, snasmous stores of-foow atkdta ware found n tho eaa- tla oTUia srmer OeraMSi emperor m Rerlm.'i'A msmbor otafea soldiers' CIIM E BUI ' f OH t ' i IHIHII W .. ... , fm-Hmmkn f; HOLOIKRH CARTONS MUST HK IN NKXT SATURDAY. Novsmber SOth Is the last day sat for bringing the Christmss cartons for boys ovesess. Bvsyons who has a caiton.and. bis not deposited it at (ha Rod Cross office should do sp Im- insdlstely nnd those who hvs not. yet received their address. Isbsl from . -V i i iRNOCRV -, man, but I believe he Is an idealist W workstsa'i eaneR' m 'authority and that hU tdaaa will not work oat , gutaakmt that she vlue of st ths atata nriaon. Waste In lbs, tha food normally wouM baisoToral nwaiMii HniwMi.a wi . ,.... u. .;' t- M.;.-i.-'. ir;, -. r. rrnHlB i HUT Bamra Marpaj; u ir sign. I am dstemlaed' to' have a stats penitentiary that will bo a. el Institution as far aa' poaslblsv M to put Oregon on tho map tor, atata prisen: administration;" ., . Former Sheriff Stevens, who has been appointed' la Murphy V place; served Multnomah county three times as sbsrlff and la credited with hsvlag msde an excellent record. Heiaara recent yssrs boon connect' wjih a, manufacturing establlshmsat In.Ncw York City, ', -i r EXEMPTION BOARD t t !fii to ha ife:-nT'wWon lhat they may'bs ssnt off'ln time , u 'wowht llth, for a auaorsjoriio i. reaun r?1' V""y-r"j. ""r . StruMertotlt VusfaTcoaVItt, which (saves Hoboken N. J., with tho ys that noUtlM tor nasslnauon for canoas ror "'" r'rm,"rrz nutk'tmuMliiUmiiftmd fiisd'so (hsy may get" them in time, (or u'efrle wUtbe UP to Maadav avaalak., I 4kLiJSai SOON THRU , .v , KAUNA i ' ! i ' A r J "-i .liU'wsairataerhsrd oajvA. XaUaa, Mayor, of MaUa; to MrT SAShalrmsa ot-ti aommtttoa lor Mi. nrostaet on the.. last HbMMfAad puhhpraeinK ws,orrttM4asnd theoihata his wife get all tho credit' ,l.i, , No douHska deservea.aiiot it, but at any rata ths rat;Mbssrlption toa bonds sraditod to hlarwXaliaa. should, havs been srsdMft to both A, aadi Maria Ka)lM.u fjx- Hi" "' i v. ' '";.? 'm To get four bears la on day waa th experience of W. L. Frsin. -a weU known resident of tho Rsswlek dls- triet. who secured his trophtss to tha mintaas of tho Spencer and Clever Creek .Country.' tFrala left, hu home Sunday morn ing with hia aaddle horse and dogs In quest of Bruin and although he was unauccouiful tho Irst day, ,hU Ydogs icuna :rssn iracas oany.tno, nest morning. Tho irst animal treed proved to be a cub, which was shot and the dogs soon after located the other and tuo cubs In nnother tree. Vraln shot tt mother who then came down the trer after the dogs bat-sue waa killed by another shot before she eould get to them. The. other two cubs wore then hilled and the hunter 1 4. tola back Jor a. wagon, In, order to gat hia meat homo. - ELECTION HELD TO BE U cmci'iT ' gvpoir rvaum tm. CLARAS .AnfRNaMNG .Of CtTY . CHARTRR WAS, NOT. NMCHeV MARY TO UWAHtaC KUKTriON 'J PORTLAND. Nov. II. PrssMwc Judge Tucker and Judge SUpleton of the Cfrcnlt.Court have overaieerthe aemurrar oi;.;. HMisy, wno had sssd to anjete tho elty ohuiala fronti esrUfying the'reenlts of thssleoXon of Novsmber Bth! ' ' Haaley, ,as.,a, taxpaysr, aas'satsd that tha aUotlem,was void, be cause the sKy ohartar had not been ir l amended f. lealarm to tao'lasmls tiro, set' csmsmmgfsHy 'Matlsg wivcifuas. vuan al imm " rMiMr'"W psaaa tne supersede fare, sash ft' Aftl af tJU laciaUtaM t )'.-itf .'.'.' :- rswamuoas aw v .'' -'. 7 . i .tmasMUMrai in- i fi - nil iBBTS adkiam '; B V-J a tho aRjr elietlen. K I MTIMDJf : iiianiMBirii nVlrlmllL Rflnuiiio TO RA CRPBRrTJL .AM8TRRDAM, Nor. II. Dutch oAcers aayf ths former kaiserln cheerful at all times, and avoids any refereaee to ovenu transpiring to flar a'fcM i Hollaaders gsnsrally believe he has signed; ,na;; formsl abdlaatloa, but merely came to Holland for personal aafety; and will reside hare, if per mttted, uatn Uis Osrmnp. national as sembly dseldss upon the future form of goTsrameiK. B.C.SUML ' VAAAdsMaa0wMMdsMpsjaS4a fc-yyySfVVVyiVIVytlVljVtVX, t V J '4" p' FLU DIW MIT LQKOONWWTS CISlilSOF PORTLNDCITT RFRMANY bf i iftfi . IK mam . i s ihiibtfr fi Fimiii hfi n 5ft, W M:r H BIB1 w. '.?'(v n :i?7. fi jnviiiiriSawri&rfiri ; :uav'As)mriRfsApn 3 COVamifMuwW.-:laUVAAlAiA r'eraaW sksauMmaM aSBammils I jit ". i .iZ' 1 I!1 JSSL hTa FssnisBsw. j .v..,f sssasnlBssjSSBsV . .4 w nHHMiMni ' .ssxsnssss, tagaush' MTSbM BSJ ljfcnaf Htt'sisaaaf'nmn fftdnsakHiV ftassasAf' ,- -. . . '-'. . " -' . 7i " SOW FINISHES! ' V V '' ww'd, V HaWE L ., S Tbr iW-fdgiva,,iJoJV yq,s?W5ir IOMUtklOUt'flHawntlhmt Ooorgo Humnhroy, who sen that tM V WtiiraUoVkW'siertw L-'ltt..-..x..f-. bbtob. . Dina m sssduW'hiUO's)' flaal work of thU bodr. which hu.O lag for Waabli had so rsspoMlble a ahsre of ths war .only two atofs'i work, ia fast winding 'up the 'rental lag dstalla and will' be'flaishedW tha sth bf naitabntli; f f ''' mt IS 1 HONflfl FUGS n; The difficult task of awarding spa c'tal'honora among thedlstrlcu'pt Xiamata County,'1 when every sectM of ths Cauntyiwaat over the too with a anbataa'Ual nurgta,,ia oolng mst'sy thaJtating.Commlttso oi ta Pwutth JUIgrtr UanrCaaspalgn, wMahst mpyag.m ftMl sawton. here, today; A number of" honor flsis have bosh rsivsd and wlll.be awtrded to .the There will be no more work in the surgicsl drosslng room st the Amer ican Red Cross In this city, . The allotted task, for . Klamath Falla waa, completed yeaterdsyafter noon'and aa tha war la over, It Is be lieved there will bo no more; call for activity ia this depsrtmsnt, Klamath Falls workers, are proud of the record they. have 'msds In this lino, hsvlai .been placed . 'on tha NorthwostHoner,' roll n account of tea excellence or insirsrrsris. Tasslnoere tkansi of' tha 'leaders Is extended to the many workers In this department during the months of the war and especially the faithful few who have attended day after day in tha extra rush of work during the "Flu" epidemic, gl 1 1 sdminl.silii lnu !.: yt ,': fit!" i" sikrv;tf- i.,- S'. itMvAwA " .ors4f sVos)lsor--W;sastrflL ' 'j 'ilailialniftia'issssifiamltaawil :nd;aM,'H. toanstuie;t, 'ss , govornmsBt wlU-emssTk 'for 'aeatnU:-, ', Sr polnts'accordlni to-'oiros9a."ta4 " ' sk mm prasBMsnr n marwn wa.j '. ThU thalaraMst Lw. ,.-- 'A.ai-A- .A-J..... vaatloa of Atho 'AwmrteanSaasialat'fe ,, .: , - 7 . . -iT j - Mftaufawturtni' aimetaUoa; wWeli i - -. ..--I 1:''''. ft, juu cmM Rtrt, JiTSi. ' , 27iVM ." Jfc'ii?' S HUNS WOiIiD vVNIRM - ( H, UNTDON, NaT.,U A CkipMhagen dUputih U tha Raeaaago TalagrapM sa.Rpelsrnack!aiid eihs'. Oe r sian conssrvs'tive polltieiaas have aih Mssad.tatlMtMvarsmanV'niMotnlH iiLi-ii. viiv '.i. .vi'vi.'-.-.'.;-!)., i.-.wii.i iiiirfi;t;i--'i-l lnbhe recent drive. The 'oomwlUse Iud4ng srossiasnt nontrals, so.wrss- fifwm ratiDfti ovtr insj uiu 01. ! ,sjmsjsMVM.i ok biwii m m TfAS. 's i xr ii ' i . a,w. wiwhjW 'rViA: itfffi: 'VI' t'. 4. I ..-, V" .TAi,- ,-!- ' POLW BJO&A TOWN OF l?OASf ;' AMnTRRDAiHa.sVilV.tsSrMgj of Posssi and a great peit of tlwIlJltM mce.of PcUlsRMUseine4isk-t,;3 , aseordlng tta-AwWgrisxyAS? - f .ft"wa?Ms .Poles In the ,soldlers and' l'$M - ..iu.. b':,:.i.r'iflv rhf UrAgMISMIUH MT W, BjsSw)U rVt hands, waerts. The workmea' the reins, of power, and areformlnr a legion, They are, munitions aad.provtaloas. WW tonasssssion.ofj;, Mjft ifcmn.?H' ";,i;w( AUWi nvife d cum npnee IIUJII iU uiiuuj : IT INT R Ml TFn Nil Hfi I III (IHI I rll im. iiiaNiisiiw, nim .smew- -iA,v,ia, :.' kor. aiJr-More ihaiMMi?,rtl .." ''..... ...ti-iiiZ-i?,KlCT;l ivvivuv utjrAuu1- gi) ivvmimw.tt3tuiJijV-'-LM the armUUco' (M.a1)fsnsW ,t. NEW YORK Iah tM sm KMaMfVf!hnHfj kL.rr.'----.i-a'.- t&LW, gsysjnvsw msimu sacs sjaisnt wsmsw. sm awsswrssmrttj. arrwi.-J,.- f ;& XPSSlwffivPI f!!!ff:2H whUh,asV.uTwd7 if:i't.-f-''ii'ti1Trlti.-.y, A ..'i.iuj.'i-t.'l!'!.. .'"Vi- IU ',".. 7v,:1''.tV' W .' ' tae-w. failed to ausscribelulr tarnaflaMtlgwTbF Oermy,darta Singn)nWWPM o e 'MW W5fr8" vv " ? , flW ?VtW tl VnWlS-siMom. lad . . .: . .'.fCvv.af. i tad. B. P. LAWRBNCB, nscreUry. ". ...? ' - . i..v!, fk ! i,jrMVw:.iw.(iwiA... J V A v ut.t X