"ftll?T.,pV " Sf 1 I SBSJiv .anaBBwaw. '' ' '' "" 'A """il ' i t Qfi y ,; V ' to . official Newspaper of klamath county ;T Thtriaeatli Year No. H,41H 1 ' ' I I'ji iiiTfeaBBnawaaajaaBj Tnr:'itiii ,' KLAMATH FALLS, OWEGOfl, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, ltU ff'l ' J - ' V '1 fiftf) , ' dlt . .ay I a v.. ,;?.a:-TU, , H 2 - . - . . i .. , , i J , , i. , , " w t ) r l.v &' .u M, GERMAN SURRENDER MADE TO CEREMONY OF TAKING OVER SUBSTANTIAL PART OF THE GERMAN NAVY ARE OBSERVED AT NINEtTHIRTY ALLIES WILL PROTEST HOLLAND'S ACTION IN PERMITTING FLEEING GERMANS TO CROSS HER TERRITORY (By Associated Pratt). LONDON, Nov. 21. The German fleet, as specified in the armistice terms, was surrendered today to the Allies. The admiralty announcement issued says.. "The main German fleet surrendered at 9 :80 this morning". " The British grand fleet, accompanied by the American battle squadron and French cruisers steamed out to accept toe enemy's Datuesnips. LONDON, Nov. 21. It is understood that eight German battleships, six battle cruisers'and eight cruisers were sur readered. There now remain to be surrendered two bat tleships and fifty torpedo boat destroyers. x i PARIS, Nov. 21. The Allied governments have de cides! to tend an official protest to the Dutch government against the violation of Holland's neutrality as a result of her permitting the German troops to cross the province of Llmburg in the retreat from Belgium, according to the Paris newspapers. LONDON. Nov. 21. One .li- m,u a.. ...uu u it nii i i 7 j the' Allies, Struck a mine and Thv following casualties aro re psrted by the Commanding Oeneral of the Aaiarleaa Rimjdltloaary Vercea: Kllladln action f. 360 We4 of wounda tia DMVar dlaaaaa US Wcnudad severely .... 91 Woundad.'deiree undetermined. ISO Wrnaded slightly . Its Missing In action 134 Prisoners 7 Died of accident , 3 Following Qregon men listed: t Wjyata Lorenaa Berg, U. Grande. ' klnadila action, rlvata Ira U. Whitney, Wendllns, killed la;aetlon. ' Private Isaac Tall, l-prtiand, woun. ,dad, dagraa undatarmlned. Private Ora.C. Sergeant, Wood burn, Mlsstng la action. . " Tt two Indians held 'for bootlegging f Oaetjrs Crane and Daniel Woeka .,k, kMk.,.u tt a. rh. ! loner' S.ri To. Thomas thlk morning V J, riandara, a federal officer of Portlaad, charged with Introducing mr Into tha Klamath Indian, roaar vatloa. Both were' bound oyer to, the satiM of tha federal grand jury in Portlaa. J. IPIandera, Price Re aak and Fred , Hendricks were the "'- (um ' f -ar J i " itn ' il.To ieaal filaaa 'li,."T-'"-7r! ''VT.t ,' aaadltlinl eeafwatlag lnabaBBBatefara of -Siaa' la ..tha Tilaad aaaraiapeelai meet tags of the Weet- era Ptae nfaaafaeturera1 Awoelatlaa, " tai'aifaaiaMiat'thaf, aasoeiatlea, and 'a(ia'aaaaatehaaM'a(,tBa''Waat-Brieoa -."T".wTTT"T-7'i TTT'.Vi !,..' ''..'. H'. t e?n.:pBe iaaar,faaa; Boar,mwrp,1amw .. - v.. . .,- wtMibaaaMtoaaakaaeeemmaiMlag ALLIED GROUP " M 1 German lieht fcruiser en route nAMnan &. ...at.. "CV "co,' w w sank. ELKS ROOMS OPEN FOR R.C WORK Owing to the poor irentllatloa and heating" facilities of tha Library' CUb roomi, the lied Crota.work which hat been carried on there will be coatin ued thru tha winter la tha. banaaet room of the Elka Tampla, which has been kindly opened to tha ladles for thla purpoie, While there will bo some change In tbo character of the work to bo dono, yet the need Is tremendous, and the definite calls will continue to come, eapeclalfy for all klnda of rat' uge work, No worker should think for a moment of letting up In the work, but plan to give even mora time, If poiilblo, to help meat tba ap palling needs, the extent of which we' wll not know until the Internal eon- dltlom of the itrlckoa countries are revealed. Tuesday and Friday after noons will be the sewing daya, as he"tfo"1 . i "" muw wnu nT "' Wn ' tko Club rooma "p"' "? " "- nr i w place ROHR HTOKK8 IS AGAIN IN MIX-UP NEW YORK, Nov.'ll.-4-Roe Pas- tor Stokes Is la trouble again. Be cause of a ipeech she made here Sat urday to Amerieaa bolshevik!,' ia whkh ahe(attae.kedJUe,iea4,fAHhJof Praaldiat Wikioa. antteaiat.will ba made to have her ball akhar iwaad or substaatlally laoraaead., A copy of her sneeea' will be forwardedto JudgeJ Vaa Valkeaburg ia Kaasaa City, who tseateaeed her to tea years, ta federal OB a ehana of violatlat . tke - i V ',. . --''" sail aaaawg aav 10 taa npraaie . . . .. a ii -, .vl . ' '' ''' ' '.'y-ywicw ejnBBBBiBBB mmmmmmmm .IVvA jm .BMaBBaW BBBanaB aaBBBw .aBaV MtfaarM, aawawav?'.aw4. .:v .WaaBaV aUtr , K KKi HANDhl) MM IK ana anaawwBkaavBaRl BL ' .anaV'naaanv '.anaVaTa. v BafB,AnBaSar mAr Rf Raa-alRBL ansA -JBL wamr M'AtB Ram BBBBl aBBBBBBHBBBBBBwBBBBBBBl BBBB1 tt anam BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB V bbbbbbW' MBB- aBY BJ BBhB .Bank B .aaaY anBBBWVBVBB4'.v.nBY ' ' " . . -7. T" 7 a 'i . ."W' aw-Siiaw.aawri'B Bwiaj4ji4j4i4j4jj44EajivM4aJea CON Q WILL CLOSE PRESENT SESSION TODW Bi COMMITTOR PMOBINQ NKWBURY KLKCTION, QUITH, DRCLARIXO THKMHKLVIM NOT PROPKR GROUP FOR TRIM WORK . Washington, b. c., Nbv, ii, The present mmIob of congress will adjourn this afternoon, WASHINGTON, D. C Nov, il. Proceedings now before tba senate election commttiM coatMtlBt tht -letloh o( TrUmta P. M.WbUrr, Me ropubllciB candidate horn MkhUiM, on the croand of esceMirt tapitiU tun, ba abaBdM4 br tM4 Of ilx to flve tt wu decided Improver tir tbe w- Uttng committee to laqalre lito iU eoleetloa Of a aeaatbr id the kttt conxrou. NRW YORKi Not; tii OoTeraer Whitman, who waa. defeated for re election by Alfred B, Rmlih. the democrat , OB th fac ei the rotdrM. ;hat aBtoaaeed that ha weald aayly for a jadlcUl rerlew f rojaetad bal lota ( arar eahty of the. abba, .v V. ii The flrat. case to coma before tha !MW Ju,tlce r '" tor u iv,IIe dUtrlct, N. J. Chapman, la ea of aa UBBiual nature, te wklch'Oeorga iBradaack. editor of the Dorrla Ttam and Merrill Times, apsaari asalaet his former emploire, William R. DalN ay, eaarslM tha Utter with throal of injury. . it la repoHed that tha ntdlritltr, who has been llflag in.Sai PraaeUro for thb past several monthi, return fit recently and moved a part of hla plant to Klamath Palla, with tha lev tontlon of onaratlag here, Tha wa- ehlnery waa than attached by Bailey la lieu of wagea alleged due. Tha case Is belag threshed owt la tha justice court this afternoon. Tha defendant la represented by Atioraoy R. C, Oreeabeck; " ., -j AUSTRIAN COUNTESS STEALS R.C FUNDS .WASHINOTON, Nov. 31. DW patehea received from Prague by,tae Csecho-Slovak laformatle, baraau aay tkavtha Austrian artatoereey at the Bobsmlaa caplUi has been volv la a graft seaadal Coatees Coudenhove. wife of the tut Austrian mavutmnr at HkkaaiUt, 4a 'aiii'tii hva w -?..- 1 W" vVT? ?.W.FW." " nv tnmia,r eat Mas- aaait ata&'artMa ataum w lummi v aav ww varv bhrw money donated for the wounded tkru tha Red Croeu orgsnlaatiea ta(.wlilck uha wu presWsat.i Arrested with her wre uouai fioeuis,' vaaai vvoiaea tela, Countees-Westnhal aatkOoaat eea Taaffa, all promlaaat taaaiWrk of the nobility. t ;";. , Tr'e BMPatehoe tall a grapliie story of the revblutiaa la aWbamla. whieh fa ii'daythrew affjtbiAasrlaa'vaaa- MRS., aa . oW eTTUlWTWPIl 1 1 Mrs. 0. A, KraW'ol tbla.etty' baa. been apipaiated'Couaty Field 'AaaaC DORHIS EfllTOR ,. IS PMFF IH CASE TODAY emmaammima far Klamath Couaty by the 17, rFaoi1 1 MMM A4AfUylA000tt000jA0yt000iMt000t0tm0t0fl00l0l MAMMMMMMMMMMMLMdMMWWMWHMWMMWWW. A . ! M1MIS0N SBrOOES HERE IS MIS ' Ml AS WRLtV KNOWN HAD .SSRVKO AS GRANO flJNCTION, LOHT CROP ' biMppeikisUht cabted by tba less of a big era(jW hu ranch near town; la' bellavaal isiara caused the snlclda about tkrWfnildck thd,af'teMoaii of A 1 - .- -M J 1 ' 1 - I Col. M.'L: AMaon, h.Wbll known clll ten of thM'dwArict, fhSSB4l;iaa coBmlttad at tha corner- of IfSjlii aHd Cbriglr Ardntt, Hair thb wbas'end Of towM, tha-tin-fhMttVifceai ahoottnt himself tnrt the mobtb M ih bhllet'eomlna oat tha tacky nfc-etdi Col AllUeak came her with hid wife and aUnShtdr saVtral ydhrd aJ front OMM Jfaictkw. ColbrMdt. Wberd kd had sehr'rt as Mayor. Ho lainrrtfdd herb by his .wlw dt'dgktafj'fttri' NiriaM Bdriai , - " an T np-T mm ft 'A '.rW POwTkAStER ASKS THAT ORBSON COMMISSION . f CONMDBR NRW CHKDULK OF RATRfl RGQVLARLY, P1LHO WASHtNOTOl()ip.'."N0T. 31 nBiSnlnlnntar flaWsnamnti 4nWtaam4jSl kalsl nfjajBHaSBammaj aRBPpejaitaWmjSawBJVBi awBBi wind tha OragM Pwhtla Servlee Can BlaatawVsktac iaaqaaalmalslM to aaMar the naehadte M rataa of the PaeMc Tetopkaaa and Tetegrapk eempaay as roemkrly Sled, so that that nuiy ha aa'teUrrupUoa of aerv laa ar -lees tortbaogorernmeat, and that taa employaa awyjnot be daarir ad of their ageweraaseo. .. POOR OONbKBVATIONh -, t NWND UNNRCRBTARY. i v PORTLAND, Navj 1. Plaas for f pause aara camaaiga tapcaaMta aon eervaaiea of saW, leather :hava aeea dragped, aecordtas baadvleas reoeiv ad at the offlea'al tbe'SUta Couacll f Dafaaea front Jaaai s.oraves, head of taa Oeia'cll !NaMaaal Defease la Waahlagton, DO:i " jwiawlag tbalawlag of the armta 'aUNCHIlaV : ill MAtO 6oiil4i m SflUSKS BUM AUIHUHItU GtBAli : f . la-ifcS?rt. 4..teM.w. .iisd lata aoaiwacabyitawiNatloaal Council .u... A-jilim limi' tha ;..' ,. .. " ..t .. .-; cimpeiiaii t"aer,twHi ptampiaa; and elaeslflcatlaaw ehoes(1 u ' ..--- H fftaHBataJnaa ll'aT 1SBII iBnl II I B I ' flf ffhdl number of etylee, eeler of leather and varletjrf flnlfwlll;eoatlnHe thru th Pring ssaaaa-iaf : 13, however. Caaa'OHincilatatPateaas la Oregoa iMva.aaaa aotlRawja taa,ne'w ruling ky.iaa toeal ofrteata State' Conn. atf0eMSK J! l,y ' ' . V IrMffl .CASE ".V45 WRAN i Nov.-,? II.. ' ;-a- lesaaa'rraiar'j' ?aaa;drlffU; wa-trladaad easWVas j Vbj QasRWayaJj aaitlfaTooVarMKf tfaoMrlwa' inw rAJiiaaBTr ibbIiW: W.n."!1 " BK..VVTT MU ;lananaaitaV aa 1 . aaaBBaaaaaa a 4'. u ' a;,aaw trial,. PRISON HEHB IS INVITED TO SAY FAflEWf Li K , It T T J 4 RBMMNATMN ASKHD UV OOVBRV v ' ' NOR FOR ALLRGKD WASTR IN COiMMaWARV aRfARrnIRNT. idcalmt vnws waammsvu 8ALKM, Nov.ll-OafataMr Wlta- yeentba had Writtaa: Warden tttfryfiy of tid Ut feiltawtlary, askblS lt hie resignation. Ha wUI appoint Rob ert L Stevens, former skerlC of. Halt aomda CnSty, Tha gaveraar la said to have a hliil ragaN for Murpky persewally intt be lieves ha la aa Ideallat, add thai hla Maaa.will aot work out at.ta frlaeat. "A wasia M tha cemmlaeary depart' meat la largely tha reasaa t asked him U resign," he sail, an ' M)lvtitKWrntlcrKl)tO RBOONSTRiCTlON MATRRUL. '' WASHINdTON. Nov. iJTk railroad aamlnktratiAn, in coajaae ilbi with tad way deaartaMtt laaa elemped the lid ow expert wbieh'aray held ta be aoa-eeeeatt a reeorJ) atvactlaa twarki V ' AnTtoaneemeat- waa aiaae by stha ralroa admlaletratloa that aere attif ab'pemiit wlii bejesaedfor Im mediate ' avareaaa' aioveatsat aalaea tke eammodlty la shown to be a char I - acter which will aid la rebnHdtaa tha waNara seettoae of Raraaa; .'t B , I WASHINOTON, D. C, Nov. 11, A aew series af war savlagi ataaaa aad certificates, will be pat oa aa by tba Ualted Stataa geveraateat earl aaxk year. They will be for aa aggregate amount of M.'.ea,eM3. known aa tha aerlee af 1311, aad praetleally ia all respect will be la- sued oa tke same terms aad ia, tha nam's bmbbst aa theaerlea.of 1311, They will mature Jaauiry 1, .1311 oae year after the series af thla year. .The thrlf t.aUmpe aad cards aow la una will be eoatlaued la 1313 aad will be exchaageable lato, the 131b serlea. of IB stanips, thna eaabllag echeol chltdrea sad others who have aot yet filled" their thrift tarda ta'oa- UIB lawreei mnu evaaipa mwn year. . - Aaew sUmp'of $5 maturity value, blue In oolor and beariai tba head of Beajimln Franklin! apostle' 'af aav. lag aad oae.ef the fathera of the peet- office departmeat. will be ready tar distribution had aale early la Jaa- LUWJr' .., . V'- t I. M' WILSON ACCUSED OF IMfROPER MOTIVES WASHINQTON.vb: C, NoV. llV Seaator Watson, republican from Jb dtaaa, attacked tke Presldeat te,.a epeeeh here .today for taktas ovar Mm cable andeapreasllBea. V f Ht BUM1N MM I WWitnC'MB) eaMea tojeaaarses aewa of wkjatwa at!,the; paacs eoaf eraaea. V as jt-.v -t Wirtf-' UEAMR OFJKAT10NS mJ ,. .A.Rl Aw 1 J-mrI?.a. t .'kLSTJ W-'SB tw?- f'iH WASHINQTON. p.p.vtT,n Master Reed of Mlasoatl veloid ,hia oaaaaiuva Wm mbbhbvi aauvaa.aam daelarad tbst aav arraaiemeat whieh wouw eaaeejtaa DBKea'Batap'ia;aa embroiled lat Ruropeta, aatleaa waa HE ISSUES 01 is. sirs FOB iEXTrfJ ii-ft ' I I ,,'! o MMMM vJf V,- MAYOR RaXaRVHS WIRR 1 'iNR'IVANRINal ''PlACRt.'' c - r ." u w . t !w CITY.. ODARVV rORTAIi5; AIR ROOTR RMURVRO PLANNRfXT ,rv-tv 7 ?-. r ir 'rvr7iy l . -,H ,,-., Vt'hl ; ah aaramaaa. nwac nraaa I A - - . J" -.i . 1 . r-w'ji ji - ''r-n - j'-;! u ". banag HaadtbyT taa WwDaWt- meMlaaieaguawl.ireiahriij al.kvkaairCHalar. .' && UMiaiiaat CatgaWl m or cmw ir a is aere mvvi vast eaai ba aeaarad for b'k- 1 ! ' . J Tl -T t I- Jl. ' - . - 'V i '. -.' S '"- I . t - f, r-J r JTJ1TJ;, bmh MtiasMHa w aJM, av a aajaaaH' aa.aaawiaaMSIaInfra-i amato toiSeattk. Ria aai,l wbMbeVfri' i. Hiaa-d,b. .maaai'ta- fUaM'waali'aalr eae ! ,' ,w,.p .!. t tt.ia'iSlS ?r'.ft'i t ..! a.- ...,. A-. vJawf'' a tt -a UV L L .- unaiar,Bi,avt an anarawva , 4-,- t fi . af aaaaaal ?.ittttrR)w:s mhmm naattt "aMhatft BffaaBBBJBJ aBBBBBHB) WVPaBBB taaafaVa'stvaV .templatiaa tha all, routee oa taaveaaat. from Saa Fraaeleee,, 'vH-i;,i NRW YORK.l4av.ril. Preaarar ttaaa to ehln at aaaariy aaUappreaf maUly 113,333' teaa of foadatafaj . fraai tha Ualtad Stttee tar. the; raHH of tn drtllaapcaamUeafa Auatrla BOw'arB'niaarwari ' aow 'are' uaeer way) t V, V V 1 YIRNNA, Nav.'ltt (by'taa Aaeai cUtei Prees) The altaatloa ia Ytaa- aa, where "the Iret. Amerieaa eorrea pondent, thit of tha Asaetlated Prasa, arrived laat week., appears, ta be'that there le more talk taaa,dlaorder., wltbj urgeatraeed for bread. .esaeelaJly for the poor of ABetrla. 7 Taa eorrespoadeBt was aeeompaa- led to Ylenaa by oae'Freach aad oaa British army oftlear, v t ' Farmer'Rntaarer Oharlee. whaaaa i ' ' 1 ' ' . T .ft I i f "IKHIalf bbwbbbi im iiww'iii r""',.-"l.,". ". nwiaap j jjl. -T?,,. :. m-'A'x r i. . . .s ,a RLM;RBnj aalabHabmaat at.alf prebabhj Partlaad., UBjgaaywf. ( UWTED STATES WILL fiELIPTE I 1 1 8 B 'l aPLa BT&aff ' BBaaBafaTBaaAaaaf N lfflr.ni 1-nttBlf ' j V .,)'''' ,,VTa; retired to hts eastla. at. iRekartaaa. Rlgraat 'V U 1 aaiertad'by UttSoelaWArfelttr lehortai Seltuag. ia Itvlag oa the shortaat.ra- jeoas saa poserwy aaar; ee "BTCe, with his wife aad faatMyV .. Tka'faraMr royM laaally has beea uaabW to 'obtala meat, milk ''iad bread' U tha aelahberiag rtllaiefor 'aveata. havWka waaaamt.daaa.' :i , They have beea obliged to aaad away all their, SOservants. y'it YOUTHFUL OFFENDERS 1RQUGHT TO JUSTICE mm? uumi n Altho bo. real arrests were made; 'a IKSSS ttM&ifa??iw nrnvwasa 'tarftt aWaaa?aa Ivm.nwsbeatkMtr.olf m:vm mixm. WiMMwm&mftm lvR;aam;K"m .lib i.-i ' ..b.;'.....-;, l.it.Vi( .t'? . '.i' - lyl'. '...- lawiBMvwnpami'WT. Blaaa ocviaatOralaaBSa ih aay as pa aaaeaia tar w at praaabia twtaa aaya & m aaffataV'e" S, t MMMAIMM "'''MaMaaaaniBaeaaaa -T. XsWW.;ij&?f-W,J..' -r i. rIafnVlm::Wtafrv1 RaRJARRV millllll.. -iMBn ?' warn il ni II 1 1 ,.,' IT1 :Sa Il nKI I II l'r I ITl nH ' -l arJaiiHIlR ' sTSJjbsT . ia r SBWt BBW BM1.SL' Bl BL . Bl BpiB JBBkBBBBa tffl Saaaaaa. Il'l'7 lltl til Vtslnl "'-'rj i ai '.' avar a? vavarai a $& ' T " f-;. .4, .;-'. ; .; ;- '. .r A. af;;. : 'imtm9mmiitltAmai,ijmmtm.. ' SiWnt'i rr'VijSiiv:-V;i ;, ii, yvj,- f. ik,, r. t- , iV;yw. .'W R'RP iWlSSI jaaaaf IH .1.3,4 ft?-.-: '.:aat.W -.eva. - ae "Is- iaalVrWa t,ct? ;rj v3MtirT5 aBaaaM-aaBB. . aaavaBiiaaBT daraaa aaa 'at taa aaaBav'aBBBaaaaaav .' 'jpaajaaaajaR ..angtJI Pi. aJvamW' SSM 1 -.'' ''" C? 4,J ,J-. ,,v ji.. w - TM:-aewa:::arabaAmeriaaaTralief;. temporarily eea)aaaa 4i3. acrJaaity ' ovar the poHtleal droaki.'-'1;:. ....4-zr fi 'V-y -;.- RaJMS,1 ? MW &HW.4aBaaR wm aaag.apM4aha.aNf.af iaR 3ia!.iii -ai VSi&ffky"' 'W V'' ), STpri p- 'V ?!P . (kalJaa. aaBBBtaaBadaaai VnaTataHaf 4' ... .T ?;Wj22Lbi Amaav Reaver .wiMf aV-iaiaa&kte two . v -yrewiy r?:?tLSiV Vyt. T :4. Js tl ;-7 ".ri. IT.- r-Vv '.sl ' iaa JiiJLw ABfJ'BPSaa' nam RBftJ. JR3SfJRBaaBBaBj ajasaajB 'Baaamr- - OC. RaavfJ'i fAWWaBFaawa iWjBra) BWenerg mmsmmmx sbva Hoover's dlrbatlea. ' fcij'.k'fcUiV.JIl.'wMM-a 'poia'tedtUa eaar.; ,fa!Ra.;. . aauiBBB - - " - .ww ana aiaaa -apai aaa, a 08x1 .be taa ajwaa-aaa; Maim. cans' L T ."b- iA.lrt-,1 . tarajMvtoabtaiaa.a eecBtwVwUl taka hat- AA: 'Bt -'Oa .' A . 1-aBwwkjBwawaa a w w w, , w W ter't&x!.tr;i,w) tHW.4,vt,t. .. naaawEI nmnavOfl reia inaaaiiaataa .mjvsi X - i aaiastbarolyWeemaaMBtalllad .;., v -t ! . ii . "ar thaVtema 'aaaer' I .-B-.-5 Ma' '.. rut. iLuv ..' i"w iry'scamlaerata-a, UoaliaMtkT- aBBaaaaaaa raJFBaaBaa eourt. (AaaiiaiiirBiiaa, , , :' hU l'4J ,i4 i.L - ' '.L."., aal aaaMaR'hlav .' "Saapaaay BBmnar zr " ' ? , w,i? t ' Ca .' . -. f.(t .i, . ' Asu mm aswBBBBaaav aiaaaai BBBaBaBBBaaBma f j 5, 111. c jl. araawmar wawaBBaanaai Tif u .i. waaraaa. aaaswBfcwBb "r"-? 1. v ,.' -:, 4,. -ii?--. A' wS:;iTr. 'ISJi.lSlivWi'v ' .: .1Ki ",