W w w "J'V ' y k,T.. w "i 1 THa? 1VENIH0 HEKALD KLAMATH FALLS, OKKOOrl WWDWWWAr, NOVEMBER SS. hflAflBklfe ran 1 4111 W& itajL&J, jf?Ufl ;5M likfu 'MrCYt . jfe!nifTM :, ie i. ni? Ma t"B eitvaV J V " UILMIII lflDfllilJil1 3 i i ? "s " V . ' nrvfirniiiijp ur btniwino ?mm i i JtfciV W- . rfc it lSl l "-$, A Afr Vr,'. , .i;i. iv . 11 I J" Jj. -I . ;- T ' VaBHINGTON, Noy. 10. 8cna- t, lOriBI 1QT lHBllun iuiu intl nuaua ' tke nation's breweries this week wilt ( v mowi that German propagandist are ,; still nctlveln America, In the opinion of Senator-King of Utah, member of "the committee. j Wln ma ervii guns iiiub iciiw the doom of German ambit long all- nniMntiili la thhrceuatry. which ro- !..rvTr.:7... ,..- ei: i. u . ,auue in anauuag ine cnarter me German-American alliance, hare ac eompjlshed a great deal, but the pro. pagandtsU are atlll active. v "The campaign they are conductlat now will endeavor to direct hatred agalnat England and everything An-gto-8axon. "Tho new cry will be along the lines that 'We mtut organise to keep our mother country from being crush- ed.' " Leeo Great CosMrrees b the Csecho-Slovaks RECREATION It filU the heart with Joy oftlmes, to contemplate In proas or rhyme. tho wealth of humor which the land icems sticking full on every hand The witty writers with their puna, Md for a few hours. Kins maintain Juat bua our sides, the sons of guns. 'that Inaldlous propaganda Is on foot,' And then these fellers with the shows which It not quelled, Is bound to be a convulse and strangle mm who goes. grave dinger. 'John Bunny, e'ro his passing date, to King, who has made a study of brought tons of Joy to poor aad great, , German activities In the Untied States, while Charlie Chaplin, still on earth. waa head of the committee that In propels us up In clouds of mirth. veatlgated affairs bf the National Ger- There's jokes of every kind aad site, mea-Amertcaa alliance, resulting In tho some fall flat when once they rise. the society' charter being annulled. , There's smiles hung up la every Book "The Investigation will be very for hlra who has the time to look. complete, and will, I am convinced, But If one wants to laugh a week, a shew the German, propagandists are ' snorting, howling, ' splitting shriek.. stilt active.' sa'td King. "Unless il( It one has time to shake 'and roar, am greatly mistaken the disclosures, until hi aching aides are sore, we'd win he1 startling. The Investigators . say the greatest Joke ef all, la Couaell wilt delve late tke activities t brew-1 Meeting, CMy Hall. Ws.wlth eHeced Geraaaa sympathies i V Frank T. Gaather, watchmaker aad Jeweler. Pine watch repairing. 128 Mala street. 16-6t JkjpJ maaaaaaaaaW? WiSJaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaMWK &3&llaBBaaaaaaaV gjK tMi?savJ'ikllfeBV WEIaflsat haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHAHia L aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaml 'maaaaamr -aaaaaaaaaaal H t aaaaaaaaaaal- (aaaf saaaaaafi aaaaaaaaaaal :rmaaaaaal' t aaaaaaaaaaal '1aaaaaaaaaai; saaaaaaaaaaaaOisaaaaaaaaaal jurors mm p DRDECEHBEH OkTHOMAS O.MASArTYK Dr. Thomas 0. Masdryk Is presi dent of the congress of races subordi nate to Germany and Austria which are now trying to break away aid es tablish themselves as nations. The congress met In Independence Hal) at Philadelphia to formulate claims aad make a statement of the aspirations of the various races. ,ta connection with the purchase of newspapers 'and along aaaay other The defeat' ef Germany ea tke bat tlefield and the campaign against a BUT A THRIFT STAMP TODAY. t-snaaassaasaasas m -,K. t " . M r' tr y 4 If' , u h- y V, Vi?' ' , -i .- , . ,-. v( ,.'-n s Y. i, y . I 7. yHtffrft SeHOOL SHOES jiM&m ' Kiddies ! r, r. v . i i ,r '.-; i3 H- " lfK eJsmsaaijssW VaM laaVVJaWf l,ht, flPeMiflR faf4 Ml M Watt 'vaS'-aatmsaaiattH ato teatfk aM aaaaaiijHaaaf sjmaaaV pfwaa vV:.W:sjrfca aajj ajaggj. s fpajasjja fBBLfaBJaf'i sT-y -lii) U . rt - ,r r. T3 aaaaaaaMa sSaTbkeaMsa - -' R JsaaaaaaaaW "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaC aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV aaaaaaaaaaaamai aaaaaaV' saaaai BaaCjT Jamav LaKaaW fj "'( ' LaaaaaaaV if 1f aaaaaaaaaaV W- "r a A f-Gkr -aataP eys Mhm am aM slaea. i WILHELM'S FORTUNE MELTS RAPIDLY COURT TERM The Jury Members for the coming December tern of Court have been drawn aad are as follews: . W. W. Whltlatch, Merrill; B. 8. Orlgtby, city; Thos. Lyon, Merrill; C. W. Utta, city; John Siemens Jr., city; J. S. Mills, city; Prank Howard, city; J. B. Short. Olene; Fred Apple- gate, 8 waa; Caas. steeman, Merrill; Jet Wilson, city; F. H. Gofer, city; j W. J. Roberta, city; Dan Dotea, Keno; J. B. Mean, city; J. B. Mason, city; W. B. Brown, Lorella; W. h. Train, Beswlek; W. M. Denton, Mer rill; 8. R. Low.'ctty; M. E. Real, city; R. A. Kmmltt. eity; T. C. Norrls, Port Klamath; Bam Padgett, Keno; R. II. Walton, city; Uyl J. Griffith. Olene; Joha HlbberU, Bwan; L. B. Dawson, city; Joha A. Short, city; J. N. Stiles, city. HHCOND BOND PAYMMNT IN IrUM TOMORROW Tha second Installment on the Fourth Liberty' Loan Bonds la due to morrow, . The remaining payments are duo ai follews: November Hit, 10 per cent. December llttv 10 per cent. January lth, 11, 10 per eent. ' January SO, 1111, 80 per cent, BUYS CITY HOME Ambrose Tlschler has purchaied a house and lot In Railroad Addition from Annie Goodrich, The sale was made thru the agency oT haffey. A. A. Me- Austrian Ex-Emperor Would live Private Us v ?: Iwaa). i Count KaAilyl, pro.M.mt of the Mm. nd, Nov, 10. garlan national council, nnya aui (My Associated ,Mtl.l,i auii...1.Mj ur.nr.Tn, oniimiaiini . v. . ' .,... vuuini . nnvi i.. Former Kraperor Charles of Austria, brack despatch rwcnlwd licroasaaT u, - ..III III In VI.HH knaflHHMIll I flfttMa Um IwImI..... ... ' WI1U II Bllll III III IV" the throne In an autograph who is still III In Vienna, renounced! ciaree ha wishes to hu , , J" ph loiter tocltlien. ' ""' ACTION FOR COI.I.KCTIOM MAHRIAUK MO'XHK IHNUKD ' W - flBaaaaaaaaaw aarejajaai BsasjsaBBBBasaf sjaav asasapaj mti ,R'ly$, J iiSii;.. .r mm slesaat east eeW Ma as CaMreat'e Msaw. Yosi ea ssnaVare4atesrWlcaaWewMsetl(yhs i . AfJern Shoe Store' LONDON, Nov. JO. Count Wll helm Hoheniollern Is now .nearly broke, except tor considerable proper ty in the United States and Canada held' la another person's name, the Dally Express ' Informed by Its Am sterdam correspondent. The ex-kalser's 151 palaces, cba- teaus and shooting boxes Ja Germany, having been bought with the Oerman people's moaeyv probably will be re turaed to the nation by the German Socialist rebels now la complete con. trot at Berlin and In every other city land town of aay Importance la Ger many. The former emperor waa one of the wealthiest mea la Germaay, hut his fortune hat beea clearly diminished dartag tho war. His vast aumber of shares la the Germaa ahlpplag eon reraa are aow practically worthless. It is recalled today that William II always laslsUd apoa his aoae mirry lag weattky womea. possibly with a view of a day of reckoalng which ho may have foreeeea. Prince Ittel rrltt'sswlf. nee Oraad Daehon of Otdeaburg. aad August Wllhelm's spouse, tho former Prla eess of Soaderburg-Olacksburg, are amoag the wealthiest prlacseses (a Europe. I Thos. Michael of Dairy Is substi tuted for J. B. Maaon; L. W. Cope land of Fort Klamath for 8. B. Low, aad Ous. J. HMyard for R. II, Wal ton. ' ' The December term of court con venes oa Moaday, December Id. No cases have ao yet beea set. A wedding llcenao haa been Issued by County Clerk C. R. DeLap to Jay II. O. Kmpen of San Francisco and Mis Marie PUrkaplle. A. War Stamp kataor awiy. a day keeps tho RETURN'S. FROM HOOUK RIVER Mrs. J. T. Norman returned Mou day evenlag from a months visit with friends aad relatives la Taleat She was accompaaled on her return by Mrs. Barrett and Miss Gardner, who will visit at her home. MRS. B. K. MARTIN ILL GEO. W. BRADLEY, Mtr. 727 Main St fOTICBTO RBKH8TRANTS Notleo la hereby glvea that all physical osamlaatloas are dteeoa tlaaed.' Those who have received ao- tke to appear before tho Local Board I for oxamlaatloa will please coaslder ;saca aotice to appear as canceled. By order of the war Department. C. R. DE LAP, Secretary Local Board. Mrs. Ed Martin haa been taken sick other home oa th aad High Streets. She baa been worhlag atreauouoly during tho epidemic hero carlag for cases at the Isolation' Hos pital aad It la believed that the strata of the work' haa caused her lllaew. ' ' WsaaaaaaassBsaaaanKaaaaaBs i ,T?""f . '. I BgBPgsaasama ismaasst t ; u , tJ ,a---yM"MisBiBiissiiMiiBaiaaaBiBai i t Uij mmglmwmmmgmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWmmmmTm Hb. saaaaaaaBsaaaaaaaaaaam . laRaataatfaaVsaaaaaaalsS -a i msfkWmtm, XmmWsnamw frWmismmkwmimviwamm '',-; v I asjr saasaH FlaaVMiaraBaaawan aJPaV MIHaaVSffJslaaaamhaaaaaaaaaaaLilliiB (.,..'1' ' jl'slA-fJ'' dRflHflll 'wflHalfiflvn" ' aHlBVsaoilHlw . n saWVJ-Al l'nVilmIj&firo. -y, I BaamaaaaaaC I WiffmmMSSmTSESSSm&BKSrSflBmmmmm aaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaHmal ' p. '"'' v ' B,,, maaSmaaaaaayKsamVaaaaa B aaaa aaaaaaaaaaaafTTMaiaaaaawsam I aaVllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam 'W lsi aaanaar A?4eVsaaaaaaMrt rm BsBHH F ",'kl "-' fUhv-"' faaamfful I I LBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam ! ' 4yt WU jM ffj laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam f i aammr aaaaaaaaaC-aaaaaaamaW ssaal amV s-akl aamf i H amm amal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam J aaaaaaaaaaaaaataamff I aVWal I lsaaPVJaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam " aanaaaaaaaaaaaaawB ' aa. I I -I Baaaaal 'saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;HfraVB , I I I I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam H 11 . IT BIH .H B H B m B BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 iBVBVBVBVBBBVBBBSASBVMVBaMVBMAVjBBBBBi bbbVAbbbVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBI . t i . aaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaassm ., v'Ot i r - . -i . - s' n i ii ' II ,BI wm " , LsMSh Wi lj'. m'j t Ji JBf W'?S Ht 'W.i . V'' W e tfOTIOQ e i . Under tho djroetloa of tho aa- deretgaed. a Hot of tho Klamath rails slackers la tke preseat e Ualtod War Work campalga e will ho pubUohoi. Owlag to looal eoadltlou tho lists will renal opea this week e aad payments aay bo made 'dur- e tag that tlmo at tho keadqaar- tors la the city hall. Executive Committee, Ualtod War Work Campalga. Ktam- e ath County Council of De- fente. e . No. ?. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP first State k S.ris Buk at Klamath Fall. In the State of Ore gon, at the close of buslaeaa November 1. 1MB RESOURCES Loans aad discount ....$1,0111,711.50 Overdrafts, socured and unsecured 6,402.11 Bonds and warranta ' lll.fllO.SO Stocks, securities, Judg ments, etc 4,3.ll Furniture aad fixture.... 4.8G3.S0 Other real estate owned.. 17, 164. Ml Due from banks (not re serve banka) 3,558.01 Due from approved re serve banks 141,040.74 Checks and other cash Exchange for clearing house .. . Caah oa hand ... - Total .'. 11,378,131.15 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In... f Barplaa fuad .. Undivided profits, less ex penses ana taxes paid.. Dae to banks aad bank- A suit to recover 1188.05 alleged due on n note signed April 1813, has been Instituted In tho office of tho Circuit Court Clerk bjPthu Internat ional Harvester Company ugalnst James Cole. Attorney fees of Kcventy five dollnra nro naked In the com plaint. The plaintiff Is represented! by the firm of Rutenlo and Yndnn, SUIT TO COLI.MT IMM.MlliM Aliening that a hole left' In the highway south of town by the de fended for a long period wns l-ftplnns for Natrullatlim 0'f All. carelessly uncov.trod ami thai li. plaintiff by ati...li1K inu, jt Z thrown and sevoroly Injured to h an extent that lie Ik nimble to wtn and his boon ionii(lti to mC large sums for imtlru ntlenllcTiB action to recover 83,r.o ma beHta. .itltuted by Edward Hinlth miI4. Ktno Power Conipiiuy thru his Attar. Vi ubb iivuiior nun i;nniiljii, NATUIIALI.ATION IMTMHIff Vhe second Monday of .!..... April, Juno and Hiitimbir an iJ AI that havo been not Circuit Cmm i Clork Allen Sloan for lirarlng of Ml- s'84.86 10,314.44 47.154.86 50,000.00 10,000.00 No oao ever got rich merely by sav. lag moaey; Yoa must lavest It.. A good way to Invest It to to buy War Savlags aad' Thrift Stamps. Deposits due state treaa- StrfjjT tlllMlHiaOtltlMll ladlvMual deposlU sab- ' Jn CO ............. CiMllUr clucks ovUtasd- Hl IHtH CortlSod ehecks .. Time aad Savlags depos- Notee"'aad'''bii'l's'"'bv vOatpiapfl Bills payable for moaey borrowed ...... Reserved for Interest and aaXfJal mnminnMtiim 11,431.88 888.01 10,000.00 885,800.17 '14,413.88 8,154.48 185.780.10 78,117.81 1 I 45,000.00 684.81 .11,178,111.06 0Us)i State ef Orscoa. Coaaty of Klamath, es: I. Joha Blemeas. Jr.. Caahler of the above aamed bank, do solemnly swear taat tae aoovo statement m true to the beet of my knowledge and belief. JOHN SIEMENS. Jr.. Cashier. CORRECT Attest: ED. BLOOMINOCAMP, , J. W. SIEMENS. As 8. EPPERSON, Directors. Subscribed aad awora to before me thia llth day ef November.U18. BERT B. WITHROW. Notary Public. (My eommtoalea expire Decembur 7, 1180.) o TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Two ycuag mea desire Elorf SvJT AfttT work'oa steM raaea. Baquire' 8446 Darrow ave.. mum Adaitiea. te-it FIT YoMira in Arctic tr?T 13& nrF Pay-Day Saving... Thm tit to consider ojMning m account is not when the pay cry r lope luu dwinalled to' nothingeit. 1 Money spent is gone forever. If The beet way Is to separate frea the earnings Uiat which it is prac tical to "put bp and deposit it ia Savings Account b this liutr tio-L OiurearsrecetauMndUieaiUe tian of the pay-day saving habit First State & Savings Bank ' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WANTED Plato sewlag. to do. Slf Mortlmore st., aear Mkblgaa ave. Owl Cafe AMMMMMMMMMMMMW W j: The Gift That Never Grows Old tf -WIA Christnias abneit en us, why delay getting a Victrola, that preeent el aU big ebe will give ta nattch pleasure to so ntany people for so long a titno. ifeelUntr as nuuuras lln'ftne ones a wsslr as savlema raJae aavsm. Sixtv ia. mu:. . .:. , mC ' -' Wjjij Hn.,f Siwf- VM i. u-i is "San V:,kOilWNJSfM S aWWP.VlBrrA. i. JrV- VnttStffifflJ Jkmlmm mflWiwmtmi'ii amamVJ " .aaaf f ,.l-lT.j;.tF- A. f. T , 'f - ' ' t ' j BU WSi --4 7t r7' vgftir.rreinv r - v n t A , . y ' l -r -Vnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam IH aniTtA " m. BmmmwmmmmmmmmmmiimmTr ---r mmtot " nn&tein :,,.' . , ?j,.iv r rr.yjasi, .' .-" ?;vnAAwivv ' ' r"il"ff ik'Wn J- . 2$W Shepherd Piano Depot . THE STANDARD MAKES . f ..tV.'tfAV , ltDiWWfortonWo' t i - ,- -I ,f &$ 4 ' i ' V laasles Men MlJatfaaBBmat Try Our 25c MerchanVt Lunch... Daily WU' v. m. H M j-r 1100 taaai aaal BL' iuwsvnr &&iitL rmm iivrnm . y?w:A ',u'r alt f t. T" !. JflW9 tp mmmmmmmmilmmm BBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBE y ' V 'BBaBBBBBr IgnnaaV A)2lnnnW aBBBBmf Sisfmimm) JnaBBBBBBaanaW JmW aamVV lt'9naBl 7JbbbbNb J V Cfi fcf aafcesBBBBBB BaV Mi v ' waaBBBBBBBBaaVl ' .JaaaamV. ifi WiT9' 'eBBaamV maBamV ' " aanaaaaaaaf gVBjKlVBBS jnjpjjpjjpjjgagagagagaW BEaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEO saaaaaawar (, aJaagaaaaaaaBalSaaBaaJSSa naBBBBBBBBa BaBBW .gSBBBBBmBk- agma4.nBga.AmM sbbbbI Brnal BsWSavVwHBVjseVarsrsm I uuiiouitist aiiBnaaan QW After flva years eiplorstloa of 'the hirreh wastes of tho far north, Vila Jalmur Stefaaason, discoverer of the bload Beeulmos aad five row island!, thaa returaM to , civilisation. Maiiy times It was reported that the Stefan. jOPWparty hid perished but the ex. ,"!." f "" wimi iruHnie eeveiopj edafterks got back. Keaeajeetr. covered from a serleWaluck of paeHaaesia, ' Hot Dishes Prepared , at the Table : With an EUctric GrUl on your table, you woulaa'C need to go near tho kitchen to prepare the daiatkat and most appetising dUbee. - 'r Wouldn't it be convonHnt and oasy to sit doW J and scramble your eggs for. breakfast just as yft want thorn, and to have tho, bacon crisp, oputtwiaf s and hot? K d S ml An Electric Grill wlH fry Hf,' broU steaks K cbopa, make griddU calces, oU. It can be ottaebad to.ayUm.4k4emlaaaT. . ' f .rt-BU..' "..'a W 11.- U.aiU '&!LmZL ' .-"K ,.. . . . s mm tvv, Vi - t. Galifornia-Oregon Power. '-r 4 : y ! m A iiiiMmi&tei LL?jm&y:K&&.Mfr