'"T 7 V'1 A1 11 -V , :.,? "wr F'K.-nr'f ' 'f J ' 'I 4 wnrtiwiiu AV.Ncn'KMnKnao.iniB Fourth , i Tin foUpwIng linvo) aiibscrllu'd their full quota to tlio Fourth Llbcr- ty Loan. , , HII.DWtRAM) PRECINCT Hack, Prod Ioulo ,... L'aUhan. Joseph, I', ft Olrtlc Ciirlnon, Chaa. 'A, ... Dotinoil, John II. , Prtiw, Jssse N, ft llntul Kxort, Kmll A-Mnry Ilnrrls, Jnmea Klackus, Tbeodoro Mnrgnrut llorlon, Jackson ft Holcnu Uiriii, Jainee L. .,., Mlchuel, Thomaa P, ft Surah .... MIMa. Harry1 L. ftMlnnlii 1'nrkor, Harry ft' Cluru Hlxluy, Leslie J, ,.ti Hitter, Oeorge ft Knrollno H'uock, Ward ....1 Ilobctts, Thomaa A Bhaver, Haiti . Hlmmers, Chester ft Uthn Hmltli. Joseph A , Smyth, Utorg ft Marquct Vlorra, Manuel ft Rosa Wann, Daniel D. WIkIiI, Jaaea a Wolford, Benjamin E, ft Anna .. Wood, Riley ft Ueesle I'INK anuvK PRECINCT Adami, L. O-"..... Andorsojr, Roy ft wife Andrews, Cbarlaa Anderson, Oeorge Ilower, Walter C. .....P.... niibey, 0. A. Rreltenstcln, Rlrhard I. ft wlfa flradliury. Richard E. ft wlfa .. Hradbury, 0.ft Ellen Brown, Wm Buyera, Edward K. ft wife Campbell, AubreyvR. ft Eva .... Cartlile, Samuel J, ft fiortha .. Corpenlng, frank ft wlfa Cunningham Thomaa II. A wife Dixon, Handel ft Birdie Drew, Chaa. 8. ft Ivy Klllott, William T) ft Mary Cvaalkbff. D. To, Chaa. B Oiddla, Bruce .., .'. Qllmore, aaiea P dray, PrankS -.. Haniea, P. ft wife, L. P. ft wlfa Harrla, Clarence ft wife , Hlljnrd.Oue J. ft wire Ireablce, S. B..4 wife ...... leeablce, Calls,'. Jobaoa, D.A June, Dlctf ... .... Juptell, Charlie' A - Klnimaa, Ror Lewie, Chaa. C. ft wife , - Mack, Chaa. ft wife Manhill, Albert L. ft wife Mayn, Prank v. McCombi, David ft 'wife McKemle. B. K. ft wife, ft It, h. Milter, A. N, ,,'. , Morrli, Jamea Kflwnbam, Jamea K. ft wife ...... Orr. Marshall g Peel, John B.,gr Cora Pudoff. Hike v tOO 100 CO CO CO eon ino 200 no ioo 200 no no too afoo co no Reader, U. K. ft wife ' 100 Rliwdaa, Pedro t 100 Roborti, Ira i f'n Bhort, RurreH W. ftwlfe ,... 800 Snow, Charles ft wlfa too' sohrikorrjf, ;..'.; ., ro 8tmrt, T. 'M,y .,....;, 80 8wlfj, H. t.."....., ioo Thompaobj, WH.' i.. : 50 w "JP- IS FORTRESS OF uu, TOOK REFUGE FOR FOUR YEARS.REPORTED SEIZED BY REVOLUTIONIST t22mLLv VV3ffiift'- .. 'V , r 'toiJfrv i3, TTTTT" irtJ?&ti&m?i&WrlS$ ' .aTngsi: f-y- . , , ?& - v-jfv t . V iiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBVsiBiBiBiBiBiamBiBViBiK.' MJiwPaaTafc'fRvaeaas an. rv voa r..i' : l.'t.' uc:iriJsmLiiimmnm 49-f.-:umKM;'iLm7 tr t aiaaHaaaKitlM ''' v '' Tot -r - i :H,0,71.57, ' LBBHbkfi : 7Uhimiis.o.u,'i.ci.W'tho.. aaaBByfV It IU lfeaeiipssfVs Bank (ass Item Id) I, l.tpl.tl ' .BBBBBBBHBilll m"M ' i-iBBBBBBBBBBBBuCP4BflBMliPWir & f- vV cVu:Av-r"n;'-y;: saalaaaaaaaaaaasaaKa-saaaVWanlPr:sBnaTJbrSUH my .- MmmkM & i-llslst a 1 ss T-ii Ik U I -. ,V.1 U ' anHfl -" -BBBBBBBBBBBWlrliBiBSiwiii tfm frvwnrlTmWtVA-'7:" ': LBBBBBBBBBHIttKliitSMWr J''' tpoMwQm' ; v'" u BnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBtxanBWJKtfsWF t. - " -':x" -T-M -:?-mivJf. Mt..r. f ,.J t ititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititit. jjj r v AasrMiiH :. TmiKrimLt - .. is..ic .j. r iit i m ww b mbbb iHHBBBBfTi : t p.-a . -; .bbbbii bu bkb bibibb. rf mSmmmim 1 1 '" '! ",,. - '- -;k -m. l.rr 4 V.-.". i,r.a.ahSM V'PiKiiCtaa'-VWS', .')' r . ' .1 ,, 5b?ETT?.I1:. ' aarmakiiC''.BtfciaBllfe WVJW.&WttXEtt?$kLL ;'VA ., ., iMMifW Jlwi rtsfdjts S ',.- SSLl!SSSi&LiSi ,',WBia-iiawa';;couicij.iHrt wMM0 WMhW t . &U ' oSSmmm & nn3S&!lW&Tw ltimi 8.;JaS;ialand, fortre';,beh.4 jfiMMA fif$$IS&j . tia-.MfWtvs 8 MtoSi&ilVBS forinoVshWlfourHrs;Sl hlghclljfavsms.i'strsliM;! lriiil.'C ,., 'l,9l8RwiwW 1 Kk-'jl! usa"ZIIJrJiir LL7sJUBaaa4ta:'Unlts 't ., ji S,i'W C'-; ?h'TB2M t-lMa'faVf-lt-l Liberty j Loan Blue List Titriiur, Wullcr & IMuu ico ViiuAntworp, Edward W. ..'. 100 I Wnrron. W, W. & Muttlo inn j Youiik, l), KIIIh &. l.lda lt ,... 300 Ziiclinrliik, Kill, & Miiry .. iir.o l)nnloln, Prod .' ifii) Odoin, J, V 100 Wolbt, llrudloy ; Kin 300 MT. Mlil PltM.iM.-T 3" Allen, William, It , ; 20u llilln, John .a !' Iliilln, Mury, 10 itnrims, John Hi & Jonny .., r,0 llnutb, Hurry ft (loorgla f'0 illiiinonitoln, Alhort r,0 l!oynliln 100 iiiown, Knr a 10. Caldwell, Cecil O 000 1 Choytie, Alex & Cryntnl r'0 Choyno, Win, M. ft Mnry f'0 Cheyne, Itobt. ft Pnnnlo 11,0 Cinno, llunler K r'0 Dawtun, l.osflo II. A tlefle ...,.... IOO DehllnKvr, Bum P. ft Kreda rl DUon, Thomaa 000 DUon, Junes r. a Mary K 200 )x.i, Torcy Jt M:tol .,..., 300 Dixon, Hoy 200 Dixon, Pcrrln 60 i)ohn, J, W I Khohalt, (leo f. j Klllott, rtuiKol J. ft Mary 50 , Eotnun, James K. ft Cora, no' Akom no Knman, .Robert M GO (llenn, Mrs. P. J r.0 Orlfflth, Kvort W. ft IJIIIe 100 Orlfflth. 8tcuhen ft a race 300 (Hlitlo, (leo, ft Minnie, - 200 lliimlirlck, Clian. C 000 Hatch, Arthur I., ft Anna ........ ' no Hill; Clurcnco, Allen ft Stella .. CO llcnloy, 8oihln 8. ft Jmes T. ft 400 Moti no Huklll, W. II S0nJackion, Chns 50) Koontf, John ft Ids S00 1 Lotto, Frank 8. P., M. &., ft 1001 Nellie GOO J Kotla, Chas. W. ft Maggie ........ 100 I'Cflier, Herbert ft Oroce 100 ; Uwls, Walter W. ft !xu)se ...... no too ioo 1 ho 50 60 1 60 200 200 400 100 60 160 50 000 100 50 CO 1i 760 700 SO 100 100 800 300 60 50 ISO ISO '100 890 60 too 160 100 SO Manning, A. J ;.. C00 McClellan, J. 8. ft Dalle 50 j Merrill, Evelyn CO Miller, C. W. - S001 Morrison. Hi U. ft Sarah .,.'... 100 Murphy, Don .. , SO 1000 Newton, Hardy 8. ft Thomaa W S60 100'Nylinder, Hans ft wife moo CO ' Noll, Louis ... ISO inoo. 100 200 no toy 150 O'Connor, Hugh ft Dennis . Patterson. Warren ft Myrtle .... Putllo, Orace ft Ruth Pepper, 'W. M ' Phllllppa, Herbort P. ft Ivy rtetm, K. C. t- Schrlncr, Ernest, ft l.ucy, M,aud ft Arthur ft J cub .'. 8ceJ, Juy ft Addle Thompabn, Guy ft Mary Stuart, Budle Varnlum, Kills Wattora, T. II. ft Evelyn ...". West, L. A- Balllo Williams, P. O, ft Ida , 100 50 100 .60 50 100 200 150 CANTEENS KHTADLWHKD Over 700 canteen atatlona have been eatabllahed by the American Red Cross on the railway Unas ot this country and at the embarkation points, to furnish refreshments to en listed men when traveling tare tbs country. HELGOLAND, BEHIND. WHICH GERMAN NAVY BmmEmmmmKmmismmmbi' j ,jx- itt " - ammrr.n.r" 77; ,hsni aamuuMiuutmmmwmmmmmmm mmt r i. hj.' m p.4 j 'i , j. r., iv lUBtftvuY u .-kf.'ii-" v Ay t h l-v e r TH EVEmW'HllUib.. lESW LONDON, Nov. SO. The flrat Am. I orlcnn troops to depart homeward as r'Ja rcnult of the signing orihe armls- itlco will -to 18,000 men stationed la, 'i EiiRland. The' American' army ex 00 , ....III i,i tkn ll .l.lntna n( theno Holdlors homeward within a wook and to havo all the men- on their 50 way back to , the 'United States ten 50 days Intor, Tho plans for' clearing England of American troop are Incomplete, but It h; desired to remove Uiese men Im mediately ns some shipping Is avail nblo for this purpose. Moat of the 18,000 men aro helping the' British air force-. Tho American hospital unlta will bo, left In England until a policy for cdrlng for n future cases of illness among the Americana haa been decld- od upon. ' i ' The belief Ik expressed at army headquarters that very few Americana Will be left In England, as It fa thought that the hospitals In Prance can care for future needs, , ' , The purpose of the National War onviniia cunmiuiv w iu vmiiv stm I array of aayera who will by saving, re leate labor and materials for 'the use of the government In tho war, sad who will lend their savings to the .government to prosecute the war. FIiVHH YOVR KJDNBVaT OCOAsV IOKALLY IP YOU SAT NKAT REGULARLY. 1 No man or woman who sate meat ' regularly can make a mletaka "by 'flashing tbs kldaeya occasionally, 'says a' well known authority. Msat 60 forma uric acid which clogs Us h.diey 60 pores' so tbey sluggishly .filter or V ' . - - strata only sort ot tho' waats ass potaoal from the blood, then you got sick. Nearly all rheumatlem, sisaft constlpatloa, dtoalassa, 'tlaapleaasasa. bladder disorders coma from alagg' Tbs moment yoH feela dul acas In tha'kldndya or your back hn'rts, or If the urine Is, cloudy, offsnalvstnll of sediment, Irregular, pt paaaags ot attended by sensation of soaldlng. get about four ounces of Jad aalta from any reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoonful' In a glass ot water bofore breakfast for n' fsw daya and your kidneys will than act flas. this famous aalta la mads from the 'acid of grapea and. lemon Jules, combined with llthla and haa been used for generitfena to flush clogged kldaeya and stimulate them, to 'activity, valso to neutrallie the aclda ta nrinsao It no longer cauaea Irrliatloa, thus anaing oiaaasr aworaera. Jad Salts la, Inexpensive and can not Injure; makea a delightful offer vescent llthla-witer drink .which, all regular meat eaters ahould'take jiow and. then to keep the' kidney a ctoan and the blood purs, thereby avoiding aerloua kidney. ro'mpllesUoaa, Adv. t 4 s FROM ENfiURO IF BUCK HURTS Drum nu oil tp 501 i '" ( KLAMATH MiSBBimmiiSmmmiimiSSSm (, vaanir.fii;iDi ..1 ' tp'i't Jf,ty; At report op Condition, op thb FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1 , At Klamath Polls, In .the State of Oregon, at the close of bual ., - noaa on November 1, 191S ?' 'RESOURCES 7. " , 1 Loans and discounts, Includ- , 'wgc.llncounta B56,S47.I d Notes and bills "rcdlacounted -' ' otner than bank acceptances sold) (8co Item 67a) 2--rOvard,raft, unsecured IT( H.'onil (other than Maa. but inclndlng v. . ceyiMnitcii of Indebtedness) t . . , n .U. S. Honda depoalted to ae- , . J ' , cars circulation (par value).. 180,000.00 .' bk tT ftV tlnnila m A .tlMBtaa fndsbtcdneia pledged to, ad "en'rs U.S. depoaita(par value) t 'V.'t. Ilonda and certificates of tnftebtedneaa owned and j 'LlbeiifLoan Bonds t n, tlkirty Loan Bonds, a Vainer cent, unpledged (e Liberty Loan Bonda, $, i, ' a';:,4H per cent, pledged to I . .,aeene postal savings deposits 15,000,00 y ae)e'aecnrltle, etc. (other, than U. 8.) t ' . b. BBs(other than U.S.-bonda) a to aecare poatal deposlta ....:....; e '.Bonds, and asearltles pledged c, r ' as sella teral for state, or oth or nofoslta (aoetal excluded) or MU payable ,. .., 10,000.00 o Boawttlea other than U. S, bonds (not Including stocks) owned unpledged '....'.:. 55,248.40 Total bonds, securities, etc., oth- .' ' srtkBa.U. 8 .'....'. : 8 -8tock.ot Federal Reserve Bank (50 per esnt ' efMbscrlptlon ... .....'.-...., 10 a Vains of banking house, owned aad tnon cambered ,4.. 11 ParnRnrs and fixtures ...v.............i 18 Resl'sstate owned other, than baaklag keass. 18 Lawtnl merve with' Federal Reserve Bank.;-. IS Cask la vault aad net smonats daa from Na- II Chseksoa otherbaaka In the aame' city or town as' reaortrag bonk ...................'......... 4 "Total ot Items II aad 18.... ilS,10S;i4 18 Cheeks, on beaks toasted onisMo.ot sRir orr "tiiral'sf reportlag . bank and 'staer ,' 'eaon ' ti-ii' , - ' lnjranaaaj a a Waimmtlnm (atJ Uk II. k due Horn U. 8. Troaanrsr 22 WHtevteaaCerttlestea JttBlniltw. amVlancl a BsrwvBisoee-y-' we Total, ,ti ,r a- LIABILtTIKI It Caattal stosk nM In ,. V" as ra'UBOiTiaea Brnaia ss,b.v , b Leaa current sxpenses. later- J '. . " set, and' taxes said . ll,0S7.rl) 17,162.82 ' SO Circulating "aotea outataadmg .:..r.... ...... .-. 100,000.00 , '12 Net amounta due to National baaka . ... lS.IOf.SS - 28 NetamounU due to baaka, baakers, aad ' t trust companies (other thsn Included In - Item 32) ' ... Total of a 82 and 'i, v snnjert to Reserve (daaoslts payable y,'m within 38 'days): ' 34 ladlvWual dMoalU subject to check .. .1. ISI.SISiSS "- at uenmcaiea.oc tnepoaii answ ieaaiaa;a ; rr; .. v,) , aaya (otaortaaa lor money oorrowes -......'ee.ies.au , -VFiWBWi w-mn ....,... ...v... 87--Caahlers cMsks outataadlag ....M..I.......... 'tl-yptate, couatyViir other municipal dsssslts , aecured bf pledge of asset at tkla bank:.".. 40 MiMends' unjasld i........;.........,.... Total of osmand deposiu (etner taan' s y . bankdeposits) subject to Reserve, , ItemsYS4, SB. 88, 87",V'S8 ' " and '40,'u'!: i.....' 885,288.00 I .Thaw ,. -.-.' . after jwrs notsnd postal .deposRs snblect to Keaervo (payable, or SO 'oWs.' or subject; to SO dayaor im nllliL'ud uul.l utlanl' ' ,f 41 Certificates of ssealt "(other.thaa for asoaey s J - rk" .r.k.biB - . wowmi.;;..;,...;...-. 4bb m. i' a "i?m i . -riMH HTHM If i' Total of Uano deposiu aab , ...i-' V,tv ?''jcttelasefTe.'Iteaia41 , . AV . -. - lf-. va,l"1&;".v .:.! i " ' ' " aarlag.): W ". & OtOnksd 8ta deposiu. ! sf u. 8. diss;ratng sResra .r.....i ....;.',....-- J2;7il.l4 48 a.Baas lx.rfs-red without V lateral aecitMty for aame 88--LiabUkles ottksr,'rth'aa those FALLtORKOON.. . m 5 '.. ............ r Liberty 88,802.86 897.644.9lr ... '. ' 8,98t;i8 ' . -r. it -yj i n 10,000.00 1 un- f 70,000:00-- 180,000.00 1 M, t, ........ 8,760.00 . isjco.oo, say- . ' : 20,000.00 81,248.40 8,800.00. SO.OOO.O, .11,808.81 880.01 S7.47S.M lll.lll.ll ' ' ii.sii.ii: 1 t - !t ' 'sea as1' - dfaWwelfV - . Tuamn aaB 4 V c & ......'..'.... ,.....L" l,0M.ii k and Thrift Btamaa ' . i 'W , V - i "T a.ite.ae , vw ' r-ft; f i, Kt. . i U'i .. v............... 180,88:0,s ;i.ooo.iii jft ............. ..... 21880.4S H S3 47,857.03 V4m nji BR BB (other than bank AenosMe) , ..;.........,....... ........ .r .a.- ; 7I8.IIW io.ooo.oo 884.00' ,' , W V ., w: savings) 4(-V t ' - ,SJ . f- - BBS a.ai' J ....;. .........;,.,.;.., io ,sp f .p ( " r." V ' B ft aa ......,-.'.- aVtVAV.f t f . A n " . -Hr" WWtT-1 ,' x -' ,'" i - . . -r. ' .-r i ' .TVStf- wlacludlagdsssalU. C ,. ( ?' turnUhlag sol- W , .';..........:... lS.MM9 ,aboT0' aUted ; ,' '" y' ' . . .v..-... , w TSIl ir -n, " .," jitWVMW1lVl 1W' 1.U..1 -c. . Lotal Red Grow Activities -'. ' .' ,f mAAA0lm4mmmVm1&mtmmWmWWV Those present at the' Library Club yesterday wore, Mcadames, R. E. Wat. ttnburg.iW. H.; Sloughy E. II, DuPaUlt, Belmf . Carlson, ena Qyllltch, A. ,W. Plel, T. W. IngerXen. t Surgical Dresalng, Tuesday, .Mea- dnmes, C. C. 1OWC. B. Crlaler, J. 8. nanourn, . v.. Kvan.i. Ruth 8. Addi son, Mlis; Anna'1 Mae Johnston. Tu'eaday Evening, Mrs, J. H,.Drl. cojj.Mrs. Ceo. Chambcrllti, M'rs. Ruth 3. Addison. Miss Mary. DeKaendorter.' Miss Jo Drlicol'l. MIk Eltlo Stansble.l N MUSIC HELPS CURE HIIEI.L HHOCKkt) MEN. LONDON. Nov.. 'ao. Music jasj been'1 found to be beneficial' n it he treatment of soldiers suffering from oiioiirmwvri ihu iitf. iiiBi-ji in ymjgw tried on'a systematic scale with the approval of tho Army, authorities. i, It haa been found'that alnxlegnaa both-dlrectly and iHdfrectlyTa'Won- civriHj cttraiiTV BiiJi:,t-fiiU'(Bvr-jBiir.ii number lOf'jCases' on, record, lai;whleh a man who has beenjanabia to speak) auddenly joined iln UhVths'aJngtng ud m recovered hkt soriieh'..i''An'at'.- fort Is being mass to srgsnts regawr (MnglagtrsimsgJlnall MaoaHmli. he-,:thr&.ara;ehall-ihoeM saaas.s ;' RUNS TO HOU ji! J' !( Jys&i VNATtONAIi coKwnewrs K, '.--V ' fi.1 -F". 7 ' . . -,,'.JBBw JBBBBBB irMnTimvsrnmo'-ogoMMtln OersMn 'govern met(asseeta nVJ' .$ h- . . Z r-'i-i t..'J rfiy." h Purchase a Thrift Mamp.aoforo rs-; -,j ilring. "They workJwkUt lyoii attato', jjTSsTrifjEM , ,i. laWjAaW88frip':' -- VI in ta Coaaty Cnrt of tbs State of c-rssn.i.isr.'Maawi,oo?ww, lathe Matter of tto mmw wm mia .g.TCse,-?ooaia l"1 -' ;BrBa..Patasa1ed. .. '-i.1 'NoUesisBorsby rsn tdl':tkoi execatsr.ottno abow sstato mum his fiaal aeeonattkaroWi, jMjtkatPoi wht,T.iaisyal tBaBoai1 of 1:80 a. m-eeJdraVMr.Vboabesa.B-aerhrl aaM eoart as tho tlaas tor Mortag oja Jsstlons M each seeoaat; aa ths aot- J- Dates (,iao '.wwaar .oxj. f- ' BBNJAmU avv .8-1I-IQ.I4-I7-4; ',,i brftJ - - &' 71-" ttC . ' i. .K i nJuiiuii' H VaaV l.nitni '! riTii lull. ' n.u.J.-4.... '-vv;J'A:'i'lf-.,,.t i IB mn W..miw..)-I.7l ma: You are hereby. repaired to ap pear an4.anawsTtns'uompiaiaf,l.ia tho above eatKledreanrt aateanes. . --- - ---- - sla '?,?!? -i jzzTrmtCu-zr Of. IBS nr..puim-wm);v.w;w.w wm r,'." i .,".. , t- Judgment agatast yon for the earn of ax.a mm. -- - - .- .- iaid TIb taeVeorapVarat. aad tor ixa.ss Muirnsy"S(eesBBB.BBBi;Bvssi to this action.' 'fcV, A .MMW Z by, aWlestlon. by 001' Hoa,?b. y. Kaykeadall,JadgsTot tho above eatlt'.ed court, mads '.and.' saterod; on hag each publication! forfate'saeeerf aive, weeas .in' mi srnBi;.nmHii ins. I Oeto matin l9U.'"-$S!t:, ?$WWM l" "c AtA.'Ak'iiafaitia'S l."1 i ", V V-siaoBt '' .r.fl Iatke;cireuU'.Cs'urt1of the : State of I'. - --- .-.- '-" " ,lfJamlosa;,Plalntlt,f , W H afrOMHai, wpBigswaaV. MU ,Wea i area ant t-vw ---- 'f BBaujAri vM.I . nBBat latMlaAB' W JICJMkwK ,MdQn?Jalu llnthsaaiue-of tas.gtate of Ore iea: "Ton sre herebyireaalred to ap pear aad answer the eomplalnt. la the above 'aatltlsdL court Vend vcauae. on or, aof era aix, weeks; from tue AatajBf Stha'firat.Pttblleatlon'ot this summons. and "lt you fati to appearand au awer;ilh0' plaintiff. wUI takeade, cree and Judgment, bgalaat yoUVfor tha'aum ot :if60.00 wlth,:intareat at I, per cant tront, Aprljl;!!,,? Jll8iiatn paldlx and. foreclosing !ttho .mortgase Bfonfths NRUINBWVBeo'.. T.17 BmR: I." .. WMM;. andNJ4 '(NW I Catf tnrnAV'i' raBBBsi atna brtfiubllMtlen: by ordar acRoi -Jnl ... mmW-'m-'. . .'.' - ? . . .V. v. Kaynenoati, juuge or ins aoove en titled eoarti wade and entered', on' thf 4 th idawiofJ Ootober.1918. fotbeotlna k X.LIIkM.. . lJil.u;uW. .u,'.,ia j jvnn m oiecuona ror a nauonaiieoaveaiioaM January MyVvalfasBSa' re- ! I. t f - ? x 47 W. MMft mSSmmY ft ' I ., .1 ,. la 'the cinealt coam'OfiiuoBWKB. ! County. Oregem.'rV ; I' . YS.-.--.fcVi.,r ' f.At. . rt;, Frank .'Jamlaoa and, Oraco Jammoa. , .J j .. , i .. ' -,r: i i rat , BBBnesiw ta ,os. b mm' m, rt'p,'.. 1818.. and tBdrtaatpabll Ufnf iBjifaata a( NMaB.bBF;Xa. ? iTi P.aiiAj:i, iyglE-rWi BanBBfannnVBBsBBaBBBaBBBaV ;' '. IF' riK B ''"1 There k aothtoYtliMinMM1 'B ''V more onnronrtato aMa?nVftt 1 " .ti.f-'." M-iWi.:' 1 Brash he. u or stock BstnnH il ..''liasEaiaS- 4 '. .every, kiaa Mb .iiraah tot) i - . I trv'( tii i ti :-r ' A if - -'W'l"' .J. .. '1'bJ'J''wi'i. VJu1 : nana, ihh wwiwt tavwyjiw n M'K7" T : .Ion... Tt;y W' W in' i' v ' ...-.". ; s.vvra t.sr. ' v.variet,'aA'aee4e'PB am ? J -Jl , iv.VrWttlM6:tf. 1 '"SSk.MSSil tf ItM.WBBt l '' "i.imhi'm W-AateaM l ..nvpiwi.p 1V VA . :. .".'',:. .t.jrtt. ' Datsd. at B thBil8tl8ar 'ix-a. 5 : vrA-pmgn i. 'Vd L. aa '. i 'ZSZTLrlBiMaiffiSp i .lajWHT F MsMaapaVajnr 8nlpiffKiAg k1sXTlXaXyan' Ak - A aA A IT If , IB, BS BBBBB-BBBBIBB; .rrKOKa naas) sp or ainpirs .,, mass lMrliu wmssm Ml 2-ngBBBB w BalBanBBBBBakfytL : ,m.fel.W.Ml 'CSaJSBHmiBO'f'nBi' - uBsfl "BnTaaaiaBlKaRr9BBalBBBrB0Bl f WSialaaBBuDB3HRaBBBH -,H flkJCMnJwBBBBBBH aSSlaanV-, 'jSc.'&kSI Vfaaara1 BaBatBBBB aaBBBBam aBBBBM'.'TJ'- '"is ' ajwm -lrSJajana-aBw---M. . , gu sS oonjansaaaBB-BBBBi aBBBBB-aa-Bi. .fcij ftU"''i'i, -4 V -' J7 .bI . . BT I t Bb :PHmjimf ' ;.t fe Ji mBmmtf&it m ;-. ,-u..-...-i,is?".,ij-;epwr l., . ,.j"i'. . 'I.) I'1 I1 ?e"Jar,"l IK-'' (Brm't '-1 a'w-M-' . K "."ti'""" i'BR,fT, . .. M.HI . . ' 0VJI. U 1 . A V JJ.V.. lr.TV . ., .. .1 M.-JkB:v.; t5Hflffii .'B-RINI (BBnCBS SBB I a; ' ?: '! u ijffljfeej .. . . -.!, 41 1 V I ... i It.TJg-lar -l " enaaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBaBBBBa V.iias ' Srgoaa)?Wasp' H V; TT- .lli'";.l'. t JVvaavraBB TJUfBITUBJ-W; Vsntnl bV'WHH8JKIbVbTaBMbi lawlWuhVafeHQ,rJHoBBaal r artPtasnRW'canBi (T.ibM 7 - w .? ., ll p II T.I.' . L L ''. (-1 .. ' iY Mi --