wmm p mmmmmmmmmmmi ... . . r ,tw ., -w.,,'.1 -vr-i '.i;rivi i ,:, jm,'dWiiJn,M.:y ,&vhac. .rvbnwe: herald, keamath falls. c '."'ir Evening Herald NMaMHMMfMMMMI 17T7 yt-i,' L'J. y.- ";; F ', .t'O - W' v fft wi',i,.v wv liftMfe 'ah., Atl : (. P: a " .ft IV llT.I ft i"1, .'". '.."'-'v fi Uti- 'iVI noiir -nam Bwanay, ow raldl PUMtshlag Company ,ef raits, at US, Fourth street. . f'--. j i .! !x MV Mi ..ie'nt'thrtomcB t-KUW- Ore., for transmission ,ura as second-class matter. Wrj BbBBBbw - 'jPBMsnt SGNAL MENTION (iv,7M scv k a j 'h. ' m wwTTUs pomNim on j j-ocaii haitknisos I ifllMIMi kttUnV nl VU imi- ivn'mnvnif &$ ioljftM AMt.COMINOM OP I-OCAlrtH.kjt ' ?l'i''iS,f ,fV'-iVlJl-jl.L J1.." t.ai rn.lt In mv F.. 5-i.i v v., be notrotherwlso credited In this pa 'nrfl aid .also local) sew.,? published herein. V All' rights ot .'republication of pe cialt dispatches horrtn arc alio re served. iaBaBBe53Ca3B5aaaESSESS3BBE3BaaBB3 ,lVRDIKRDAY,'NOVKMBlCR SO, IMS sCUsjidAdrj. . HWII HELP WANTED MWMMVIMMMfMMMMllWlflfW MUllWiinUU.i. sana. VarAmftfi fi ai, ,raacK;' AKraacto J.Bowae, Boaaa Sb" v . ' i tW" . ielj.tr fif," WAMtspr-Weaian toy do .waahlag M' '.botaslsoaBiag. Phoao ai.t 1M jisi;- i vfMMJAiiung nnntH JfiijnBjUW; . I.- v . aa ivtaae or eooxiag. n .W? ,-' oamsfc 'rofaroaees faraiehed. iw&!frmmmi '" .( " . i 1 - . . I- . .:-(' wantid-wm ;r iiffiaas ,W, . -V W Albert Keady Is a County Scat vi sitor from Bly. D. n: 'Churchill came In yoitorday afternoon on business from I.akevlcw, r . k ,l ' ' . VMr. aao Mrs. C. C Dlnisiore wsre amoux ttho train arrlvals'jMst night Wdrn Chehalla, Washlnkteriv ,r. :. ! ' A ' ' , George Anderson and , wife' are down from Chlloouln today on mat- llkr.f !..lBa Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Bradnack nre hero for a short time from San Fran I). Iliuigiou, (. Qurry, I., a, Jpn-, kins and II. 0. Btotlt 'dfo reeonl nr rivais from uVshlnud. They are re gistered at, the Hotel Halt. ' j Mr. and Jlrq. (f V.r.6osley wore amurir tlui Conntv tvai urrlviila In ; this city from Fort Klimnth yetter- dnr. They nro registered at the Poll- cau Hotel. i , i XIU H. Duffle, wire and children, of I.cwlcton. Idaho and tnorgo C. Duf fle ot Pnsndcnn, California, are tour OAccrs Criiuril In HuirvM Atrcntft Rtport ff?!y.rAttgffJ -H clico. They are stopping at the Hotel I lit visitors In Klamath Fail. 'They ....iii....i.,Ji i ' ii i i i j " ! i n in '"""'i ""i i 'Br I . . V .' MMBM-I M J Ti.ll msi ,.'& t r.iia tBH.a"' v . a .a Ifie Wuinek 16 Inc. "Kii iv$Bk i A& Main Streel KlaAiftth Falls I 'i lKiVC f rr ' pn,'"'i"""'"'M"M""M'MH"TrraTTTi T P' " -m I WE HAV RECEIVED a double ship; MW-m X T J ment of goods, and rather than re. I i NABlllllllllHAJt A. . U .aV 'k" WfA T t'-BlBBBBBBBBKVf .BkU. I 'laKbm m, T LiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKuH'aaaaWaBiaaaaaPv' bbW Hall. ; (are guests nt the Wlilto l'ellcun Hotel . i . fl . . 41 1 k t r "f " N ' , , j' ,waa'trarai matting vAlaart "r .: ta.assM ,fi'3.rrc!s,. rANTSD raMioa .hrmhi ara. a. ;.aYiHassti- f-MWqTg.-. r ,t ' " r At State Pen fgALEM, Nay. . If GoTaraor riihmmk ItnUa. f T."t"W T-. .-- - -- as a.ratultof a asetork. Us l-t r V &!'7-",,Lu'r rh VJ-fcJL. .MAN AND.W1FB wHk two ekiMraa. Z.ikt- lwaaU'sAaMi'rak;'-'asr e v 'if, Rmmm aoacs aaaaaaa aiHraaaanrai j v,'itr,.".rh-j. ... nw 'Kl' lit. x(Tf..van7- '(Vlm", tosTAWProwp; 1 ' s , -,A - --" - - - it. BBBBBBK" BBBBHWB f . ' J)H '.,' , ! II I. ' '.-Wa-iWilat watak r i warHPlat.av 1 aiLv . -i- '. ISM ratal t u;'.L' . ..kaaa -'-' am"mA Vkkktltella' ! lunra to dk wartaa.Haat irtkM- ' ri . W , 4fl .wtOl aaMaai'.;K. 'WilBxsgiss; "i . 1 1 l-fc -A t'i quiet lareatlgatiaa.whlch ha baa keen ssaklag'1 tor asMtka 'it' the Oregoa sUtePeattaaUary, tkat the rapid In crease la' the coat of operathHi at the arteoa W u eaaaea tkat are arold- " M - K m- .- aaw, jjvaraaa waas. , Murpay win j ha.aaked.to'reslga and hie successor) "" ""aagemeni wlilVWaWoUttad.' If' a' chs.ge la J """? .ship If ho makes a' 'chaage until ine attorney general nas maae.a nnai reorton the ' Investigation, slnco to do so might, in Its effect, ho'ai reflec tion against the Integrity Of tho pres ent warden." la the main the governor has not Interfered.' with Warden Murphy In his management of the prison, but turn them to the wholesale house thev have instructed us to dispose of them. s J We offer them to the public in lots of one case of k kind, at the following prices: Hokca solid pack Tomatoes, caso of 2 doion .. i Tho can .i,.l. aeeessasseeees ! w i . . $5.00 ....22c Selected stock Puroo Tomatoes, case of 2 s1m IAJO NCINT Charles K, Hughe's report of the aircraft inquiry, made public My At-torney-Oenerat Qregory, recommend. suggested some Kwtirbaaatlralraa a basis of "": " ,K' !'..v ",cn "f. n" " the ftaactal auiagMmit of the aria. ," ao un!er 'ww " ,ne &.&R fJ? .WW "f"- '.an it.,i.'Br,un.-a tht kh ,ttri!an "" yurt martial ot Colon. auaa; taat aeiiaer maraay aor anylv .;'. . . ;. atnar' maa cmMst-M the lieraaaed "" ""V-" uc suesnons aa ,ue ULIis- i2L-:.- - 'k governor nas made. nriH v . """l w nasvuvi wardaa will reatala i&t kia aoai' Thai . ovarnor kamadtklsnownss thej The amdent mnn cHrrtm Are. We. aotterkawlll fallow retotlva to War. 'aeckleMt aad keallh lanuraace. 8ee j4.V.rhV ' n ''' ' . ' CWiceta.JtHsaah. . 18 'j- itii.i i.jki V ""i Jr'T UMMLta Ska aMi'Ukai ltril S.T. OWB.B VVi T WS j AIIBH. Ml mS & ha - -i - 7 aeeai Sk feTrl5ra5VlftTPks. straat taelkaWTf Wr,: 'IP'ipmi"" . wg tw'tWsw?" Kil-i -tf '- 7TBamaTas8T"jr.' iaSolWa ffiK .' ' jjiKSJSftBJiJmiiimitik ei laWi RBTJi ' .qy yyyry g aBavB ajawaaras MiiW " : IJL'1." .'.f atw.,w aaktec F - HEOn , . '"ITii'Ittai.-. K ' -: TlAflW latitats artssd reoiia Kr. -y .l: P--' :? -"-.:' - - A-s. " fo .'.yafaaliM Lv ' WiaiiaMtaTt AlTiwTliairT't'rir laaaasaat... ill f . ,mBmiK Wamaih. aaett s- t vs:.;jf-v.fto-i;sALEr -;jr . ' j ' .'"-.. .. are etnac, 'that a1magUwiH'kimtde1ror'theMTsraor ..Get , standard inmrance fotlcy dropped a aaiark .totto'.aftoetft.aif,-" cfcUc9 ,8Hh agency. 13 wklla wawraal' ewsatloaa have eansed i gg ' - y I aiail tkooUtoilnatV taUau tkalioVaaaaat tMpeaJteatl- 1 wtllkothaoaalaefj, asMfaiaaataM aadaa'eoeti JO mm air ekaaaW to .'aaeai'at. , : ..u ; .tii'1 " "-.. '. Rvl .$4.00 Can.., i .:....:.: :;.i7c Van Camp's Pork and Beans, doze ....J.$1.46 t $1.35 25c Kara Syrup, email cans, each ...., .....21c Squab Tamales, 2 cane for ...;..... 25c Rod Seal Cleanser, equal to any on tho market 3 avsU9w Va s ss esse . sees e . KV'C Van Caanp's Soups, assorted kinds, deeon tm " ' iwocaneior....i... eeeeeaeseeeseseeeaeeeeeeeaeatsaaaaeotaaeassees el Edward A. Deeds and the crlmla al prosecution of Lieutenant-Colonel Jesse Q. Vincent and two other offl- cers. ueiore ne became a member ot the Aircraft .Production Board, Colon el Deeda was connected with tho Day ton Engineering Ijibrstory Company. .Lleutensnt-Colonel Vincent was vice-' president of the Packard Motor Car! company or uetroit. We have just received the new erop Walnut, the best nut 'in point of quality on the market for several years. m aW pVneaaCI ee ssss see see eeeesteaese aWC BUT, A THltlFT STAMP TODAY. ipailao Maoikfe bean aa lareotlgattoa.,v Without a vary' aarafar . aoaaMoratloa ot, the ta rw of lObadltloa that craasadifneaMtaa.at all lastltutlaeS. a vtk' WMto'PoVfR is aot fair toy that the laereaalng tho priaoa ara aao to misman- 1 ., If $ u C .... UMMUM )'.-l aV, i.ii.!Vi:: wmrwm '" ., ..CT mvmf ,wa- :.; i: r? gy, atogle, with stagle kameosi.Ba- WWt ?:. eeen; street or.akoao itr.?j?ni fV. lMt JFOK'iAf J " .PIwaogTapk. eaeao tor ' w"? i'p'.-i,v""""Mi " waiia .,,y-irYft&r. vrfwr .10 lAlil , Okaap.vfor iaask,,oao i , ,;,aislrjawi,CeiairtalOraM jMaao. ':,lMWiUlhTM$, Mania Heasi. ".ameimaTMaTCMMeaaaaaaaVaVaeae TV 7tWv Ei ? MlSaUalJtNEOUS " .IflBotlnU ,i 'ilar.oiiotiHid. Ckiaa t boor.nMalro'of rtaaslaJ. Bowae, CkiM WJrfK, '" AMu1, WAMTBO-To'kay oeo desk. Jan. S llllJ t t:- v. !aafe atll ' . V. aVHUaValaB,aB M alroa ,''-. TII0S BB-.s. f-r fEta IrTTXii src-i f aaifci M"X' ' P'.'A-oAa! .ff....imii h :im ' ' hay aeooad band trao 1a flood eoaoHloa. Pkoao l:?v., " . .,- ' ftMiEl VHkVk UM.ark . fftofe jW HMr. aadP0K yovxcf BKlXOBAOt r.arq- .i Ft' aowaWM owoTor, , Mm laoraaaod eoota are'fsr out of. aofUMAtottboao at other laatHuUoas." ", siOororaor WJtbyeoabo.baa.Made ao aerai !, imuhikuoi ( ibb cost or operattoa at ue.paaiteatiary. on tba other band, bo. baa beea as out- spakeo la his praise, of the morale at Jasmatton-aad'( moral eon dast of aCfara aakjo'trom the riasn- '..'. alraaWardoi MUrphy erodJt..Ti'aloa'Ila.aaMoVfromeaargsai ot'.;stft'4t','tho;;rtioa , la 4eoaaeotlei' , wltt tho dletrtbution of parotea which eaaeed tho; govaraor to oroor ,an, jn- TpaiapinB1,ay ta,nayay- ueOOTai Brownf ;i; tkla affair. 'tha; governor bag . I aa,. raspeetor, of 'persona and ttejlavasUeiUoa baa beea all, faata. XATVKA! COIX)K, GLOHS AND All KAlI I VK KMt T 1 Common garden sage browed (nto a Heavy tea with sulphur added, will tarn gray, stroakednnd faded hair beautifully dark Bit IiizurlaBt. Unit , f. ..; ., - ' - r ?-" i - '.( aowaw, jtbatl. cw applications Trill prove a revels. lTBar wek"litl Plae iVVttin '."JV. c;'.ij-a 4t " "II II l i j' ,'f V CLOflflED FROM. ' A;C0tp,0tl(CATAfmH' abPiCua . L fit. I M.'i a- V Air Passsges. . V, li ill lis i ii fit 'Jl'VWiAl V'Jl -i "- T What relief I Your clogged nos iBa irlght iip.he air passages' Sas''lMaaSM''eIai,p-.ailaia IVtrfafr.Namore haWkiig." ag,' vsBKeotuil discharge, head- .'drfMea'atiruowMag'for : Wstfrat lghtour; ebld'cr caurrh .! -a.. tJ -.,- ..-.F.-.-ia f-i- ,. - -, ' ; ' r-.'Ot.Btajristurfed.iMpl-.'Get g wwll MUa af JHy's Qraam Bala froai you iow;B(iii4ii(wia aMTiaWSal ala?aWala ATaOlValHP (-H?PMa4raa.UiriitWry .1 I..I- .,.. df !- aoaai.iaaasaa -nao artwrnumaa-; maawss ftrtngypii.'la-tsat relief; slva,taarlacsno, official or employe rroaiBo proae.liiTBe laaietmeat or. a oraser grand Jury, came aa part of the iaTeetlgitlea. .'aad aaw the' Marlon eeuaty, graad.' Jury a InVestigatlag tho'adjonraed atv,prajMt('tbecaasa of .the Jllaosstot ,oa'e member There ara those t'whe believe the governor will .iaaka' ao.cbaago' la'Vbo wardaa- ttbn If your hair Is fading, streaked or gray. Mixing the Sage Tea aad Sill I.Utr recine,'nUhome,'tufu.h,;8 troti t!esome. .'An Seaslnr ,wny U to gut a 5-cent bsttte of Wyotb's Sage and Sal. phur-Compouud tft uay;drug store stl icsdy for Ute. "This )' tho old time recipe Jmfjrovedj by ( th'e addition ot other Ingredients r Whllo wltw, gray, fsiUd hair Is not sinful, we all desire to retain cur youtUtulappciranco and attraclt-e. nesf. By darhenlrtR your hair with Wyeth's Sage and fii)lphiir Compound, h'fV.nna fan4All tinrnnan If Anam I. as. nsturally, so evenl. You Juki damp en n sponge or sort, uruiii(witu-it,anj 'law llil.1 kr...ah u...M U.I .!.. int.- lm IUIUlt jum UUIIillSKlH. One small vtrandjuta'time; by morn-' jng all gray, iinlra bave disappeared, and "after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark. glosiy,,oft and luxuriant. ( This 'preparation la p. delightful toilet rcquislto, and IW not Intended lfor,the cure, mitigation or pVuventlon or aisease. -Aav, Hi S1WE51 V A-akatalaTaaa.1 MB Mat flak ' . a aa a. a. .M I ..LkfuimtTiwiiP III I ' III Bill I " I afl 1 I H I I I A San Diego County Pure Strained Honey, lb. - 33 l-3c . , Hie Wuinek Co Inc. 426 Main St. Phone 34 Klamath Fail . p : ' AaWaaVaC'afffcatyk aff- -aftfc A jl. jA t i ' "" . .. ' -T V,--, ',! .. . . ,S .. -X.Ti T.- .T-"7. 'i'Ti JT """"" "W"w " a T iii . . ''V'lFlvJrat.ll. 'JU 'JEj JLa VT .. ;vaBaWmaVMaVBmaaaaaaBaaaaaaanBUBmaaaaaaaBBaBBr- , li'M4frnA. .-a',,tn' - It i ' JuiSii' . l 9 . aBaffOaVaSBBafJl ;ip .if j am aVawwu vJ'.iPliiiiik', rf;lsyu4bat.'averjr, rffsT.rihMJheef Chickens and Turkeys . ...... Highest Pricei Paid for Hogs,v X T T i THnOWS, WALKIXfl CANK AWA HKIXG RKMKVKD OF RHKITMA TI8.U-OAIH FIFTKEV iHlV.VM. - " J . "Whon I flrst started. on Tanlae I wa so crippled up with rheumatism thai I hud to use' two walking sticks In ordor to get about al all. But, after taking four or five bottles, every pain was gone, and I have' actually gained fifteen, pounds besides." ' The above, statement wsstnsde by William Choate.'j West Riverside Ave.'. Spokane. Wssh. recently. "Rheumatism,"; he continued, troubles Tan-i bad suffered from a bad stomach for twelve or fifteen years. I cealdh't eat scarcely anything but wha'tYgas would form and almost cut offmy breath, and bring awful, fulnt wet k feelings, over me, T,here was a terrible hurting la the pit of my stomach, and If Iven- lured to eat anything eicept the light est food It would, almost put me out of 'commission, ' ' , f'Thlsv,wBs mycoadftlon b little over's) year ago whea'l, made my pother and bfotherTbver la Iowa i visit. Boon after.I got there My troubiosj got. worse; y My' kidneys I started bothering me, 1 had awful palaa la the small of my back, aad constantly had headache. Then alar- ted In a siege of rheumatism which I wl aever forget. I waa laid up for HOOKK HHIPPKP lytX MEXICO MEXICO CITY. Nov. JO. Aa a re sult of prohibition laws recently six feoatha aad waa flat on my back' enacted in the United States, manu- "was onlyeao or many Isc relieved me of," I. -for severs! weeks hardlr sble tn I move. It started In my legs, then got (ln my arms, and the pain waa some thing awful from the tlpaNof my fingers to my toes. "When I did get up I was In such a bad shape L.had to use two canes In order to get about st all and this is tha fix I waa la when I got Tan lac., I read the statement of n man In. tha paper one day, that fit my case exactly,, aad decided to (see If It would do me' any good. iWell, to make a long story short, Tanlsc sim ply did wonders for me. Before I finished my second bottle, 1 threw y canes nway, aad could walk as good as anyone, aad oat; why, I neVsr bad sueh an appetite. All tha sourness left my stomach, my head ache and headaches dlssppeared and I haven't had. a. touch of rheumatism to this good day, Oaa of those 'bot tles of Teniae I drove 10' miles to got, our loeai aruggmt oeiag out at thai time aad I would do so. again under) tho ssme circumstances. Ita a rail pleasure,for me to recommend Taaiae aad I will gladly toll aayona-personally what It has, dons for me." .Taaiae is sold In Klamath Falls by the Star, Drag 'Co,, aad la Loralla by Jamas Mere. Co. fncturera and dealers In alraholle beverages are tsklna advanlaae of ' of all the Inalde organs. opimrtunltles offered In Mexico, Cuba, and Canada and. various 8outh Amer ican countries ns a market for their product, says the newspaper, Excel sior. Reports from border points say Jarse ousntltlaa nt h.,.. ... i crossing the line aad ara sold at low! nwncti crasnk oatta. fermentations, gases, wsste at! aeidlty aad glvaa one a splaadid a petite for breakfast While yoi an enjoying your, breakfast tha wator aal ' ' phosphau la quietly extracting a laatftf vot'ume of water from the bloed'aal getting ready for a thorough euMit of all the Inalde organs. ' The mlllloas of people wha Mi bothered with constlpstlon. Wheal palls, stomach trouble; others aba, bava sallow skins, blood disorders sad sickly complexions are urged to get a, quarter pound of limestone phosssaW from tho rhug store. This will ant very llttiej but la sufficient to i prices, Several leading manu facta rera are reported to be takjng steps to establish breweries aad dlstlllerlea In this country In place. of those clos ed In tie United States. Start TomorrovY and Keep It Up Every Morning at la the-habM of driahlae a alaa ka .aaSaa aaka' "as oi net ajar aetata nr OaV AlRPUiNC DETECTOa FOR CHILDREN it 4Hh iC a Xv a-.uet oneep, , niaes ana reus. 4, f. ?f? yb , py .-$, : ,,.?.i m ji . k$ - ! fyv. ; ... 4 (. ) '. . , - 1. . v Kii laaMAth, M'aadTa-lVB,e? 'V Ai . v a."" araa BiaiBBB.aia .. r a'iai'Miiiii ' 2 i'-: a1 . .' ai ak Bnaaaaaa ' . B7 j 'naftiiiir. . av . .-!' a y n AaPajaak;'''aaaawr ' ' ' aWtVaaaV' ' ".aaVaBS1 ' .am aaaJSaaaaaai aaawaaMa. 'AV 'aiaaBaaaaaP '' H AUBBaaaaaV' .aUBBaT atatatataaBaT I. affataf ' aatatatataaV 'aataar7' WVS VMaaaaaaBAaaV 'aaaaaaV' 1 'BnaaBaaBaaaHaaaVfr aPaaaaBBaam f l ' BBBaaTaBBaBaBaBaBaBr rfStBaaa-T,':'rf .aaatea' 'WmV'LJM HnaalH' 'HllaaaUBaaBHi ' ' aaBaaKlA ''-iJaBBBnaBBBBBBBBBal '' ' -HlyQim BBfaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaaaTlHaaaBaaBaaBaBaaaaaHaMM' ,v ".M.-L ,:v' .' i r.j ft It By taklna'a suaaaadadaadi;' tachlng s cardbosibatatto oaa'aa'd! AMafi m 1-.il.-- C' avaaJlA.lataa... J,V -". M.-.VL - 4i.i r atflvntflaialltam IJX Ai.-a.-sW r-,-v aaar-iws 'trr . .fliiaraa: WHlWirtKwm m subject of Inside breakfast. Adr. bathing A i passengers and Baggage ANYWMHRIG I.V THE CITY; QUICK SERVICE mCABONAHI.E RATES MtONB 1S7 WcsteriTransferCw, 5- V We're aot hero long, no let's make put stay agreeable. Let aa live wall; cat well, digest wall, work well, alee well, and. look, wall. .What' a glorkHU condition to attain, and yet, bow rary easy It to if pan will only adopt tba morniagnslde bath. folks who are accustomed to fael dul( and besvy when they arise, spilt ling headache, stuffy from a eold, foul tongue; nasty breath, acid stomach", can, Instead, feel as frssb as a daisy by opening the sluices In the system each morning and .flushing out' tha whole of tho Internal poisonous stag nant matter. ' ' Everyone, whether slllsg! sick or well, shouia. each momlng,' before breakfast, drink a" glass: of real- hoi water with a tosipoonful ef llmeetoee Phosphate in-k to. waah frcw'iuja' tomach, liver bnd'bowat. tha B-a-i. ous day's lidlgstbKwaata, seai bile and Polsonous'texlps; thus eloaaalaf ; sweetening .and nurifylaait -ail- alimentary, csial before iwkIbi imm food lato the stomkshl.. Taa'ialia-"-; hni -,..! i..,lHii7y "7 "T"T, ?.l ',.- L-mi!1-----aijBy(;p SaaaBBaBBaBBaBaaBaawEaMiaaaaL. . 'B v TfcC-BMo-S B-STlTul ;bimd',BlNlis aMfaf. ol ah 1 MILLER 0 aai s ' iiaarr . h . . ... ia 'aa u m IRoeflof of All m w.'dj . ?,' ' eaaw w. t "Coiitrilcto- mf j t -i v.M,i- - . -Mr? l J laBBBBBBBBBaBBBBaaaESaSSmaBfJ , . BaBJaa1HaVHM(HHnHHmamiaaBaamw"""Bv-t.'Wf' I I !! 01 - aaaaaaaaaaaXMIK I I '" Hugf, Ml K" 'lll,'.I',T( vA.i.i V, 11 .- ltJI ..V ; Ikw Glv Urndrr ' SvT- . .Ja!l Mela saaa'x Mara, tauad e ivW'asrefully. Try i'V'--fW!il''fW?',j 'kiwr--MSk, 1 "'t.i yfflil iVf ' .Pi J j U 1