rvvtefeffi ;& " i r. pr.Aflfi.-V'flftic gEl?g uentng Herald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NIWSAPA OP KLAMATH -- - - -f m i , , ,$M Thirteenth Venn No. 8.4TS -" ? s r ,$ KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEM1ER IS, 101 , V ": :ft FRENCH REGAIN MIR LONG LOST LAND $ SJ5 w WELCOME"1' L ? "9 WHILE OUT OH Ur I KUUC5 EXTREMELY HILAROUS CUCRMAN BOLDIRRH HELL OKP ALL THEIR LOOT RKPORR LEAVING BRUSSELS ODD STREET SCENE WITNKNHKn PART OK AMERICAN ARMY NOW ON RBLOIAN NOIL AND PART XBARING GERMAN PHONT1RH LINE MULHAUSBN, Alsace Lornlit, Not. II. Na words caa picture tke Iriamptoki eatonee of tke Preach troepa late tkla dtp. aor express tho psopls's wIM Jap. nowera, tobacco aad cakaa waro tkrowa to tka aetdlors. Tka oceasloa.ot Jop waa udlieaad when Ray. Cettl, deaa or Muihaaea waa overcome kp kto amotloM and dropped daad. i PARIB. Nov. II. Tka olraaa Iroopa left Braaaala paatardap. Extraordtaary aeaaaa war aaaaed kaforo tkalr departure. WUklai to kava moaoy to homa, tkap aold everythlag wit take tkey owned or kad atolea. Some laid ob ject out or tka sidewalks and cried tkalr warea la loud voices. WITH THH AMERICAN FORCES OP OCCUPATION, Nov. II. Oae part of tka Americas army of occu- patloa kaa moved forward Into Del lam today, wklla tka remainder of the Ilea kaa awaag ateadlly forward toward tka Qermaa frontier. WA8HINQTON. D. C, Nov. II. Reporting oa tka march of tho Third Amerlcaa Army Into Belgium, Gen eral Penning kaa aaaounced that on t Thuraday Right tkap kad reached tka une or Eeoaviea Borbey, Mara l Tour, or near tka Qermaa border. MANY ATTEND GOWEN FUNERAL YESTERDAY 0)emmmmmmBB Tka commodious rooms at tka Oowea resldeaea paatardap were taxed to tka utmost capacity to ac commodate tka large number of sor rowing Meads who aaaembled to pay their mat reepeeta ta tka comrade who kad lived ud worked among (kem far ao away years. Tka ser vices vara eoaduetsd kp K. P. Uw tease. Tka leraj trlbutaa waro ua usually aumeroua. Repreeeatatlvee of Ua Katakta at Pytklaa Lodge, of kick, tka dassassd was a member of loag stsadlRC. Mtad aa pallbearera. . . AUiRaUVVsUAlM . CAJrCBsXBD TODAY. Pkyolaaj eea.taatfoaa tor.tke teleetrva ,, teate ea'talaw date, aistrdlas i a messsgs re- calved hptha leeel Baempttoa Beard tkla aiarmlRi. Tkaaa wka.a) kava kaa, already summoned for aetr oaaariaseloaa aaed not a... A ...W wWWWWwWWMVlwwWMWMWMMWMMMMWMMWWMWMMMWWa) NEWREVOLUTtON METIS MUTINKKRH IMRIHR llf. HPIHATIO.V PROM EXPENSIVE PIRP-WATKR 1TY NOW BUR KOUNDKD RV GUAItDH PARIB, Nov. 18. A revolt occur red In Mela on Novomber 10th, and tho soldiers' and worklngmen'a coun cil waa formed, according to the Matin. Tho Ocrman governor ordered a cavalry charge, but they fraternised with the mutlneert. The Influence of the council proved Insufficient, and the soldiers got be yond their control and raided a' champaign factory. They became drunk and began to use machlaa gmaa and the civil guard retreated. Mots Is now surrounded by armed guards, and -the population la vary ansloua for the arrival of the Preach troops. ATHEN8, Nov. II. Reports of a ekaago of regime In Uulgarla aad tka proclamation of a republic there kava beea received, but the oRclal coair mstloa la lacking. Tka reported founding of a repub lic la believed to be a Raw move to ea eapa certain respoaslellltleo Ir con nection with the comlag of peace. KLHMTH ELKS TO CELEBRATE Tl The Joint celebration of the big Allied victory and the lifting of tha baa of the Spanish Influeasa'lR Kla math County In a huge dancing pirty on Thanksgiving night here Is now being planned by the local Chapter of the Rika Lodge. The music for the affair haa al ready been secured end elaborate ar rangements for a high time are under way. The dale of the lifting of the epidemic haa not been announced but) It Is expected by every one that tha normal conditions will be resumed be fore that time. SEH "FLU" MOTS HERE STILL SERIOUS While there are row only nine of the Influent at the isola tion Hospital ksro now, a number of these are ao serious aa to require aa much nurse kelp aa at any time dur ing the epidemic, according to reports from that Institution today. A num ber of the nurses who are teachers In the public schools here may kave to report sooa for duty aad It wll be a problem ta flad others to take their nieces, llaay at the nurses, soma of wkem kava keaa on constant duty far! a aumtk are practically worn out with tkalr etreauoua tasks. Little Ardlea Leach, the infant chUd af Mr. aad Mrs. J. A. Leach, la vary III at tne ootpuii now. hw tha fatkar and aotker kave Buffered attacks, kut kava nearly recovered. Joka Bradbum'was brought to tka Hospital tkis morning. H. J. Unoela IB1C f8"1" m U "' " PHONE MISE FIGHT GHOWS Wll FIST MAYOR BAKER OP PORTLAND TAKES VIEW THAT PEDERAL GOVERNMENT M SETTINO ASIDE LAWS OP OREGON That the Paelf 1 1 Telephone A Tele. K'aph company In Ignoring tho pub- !! service commUMion aad tha cltv authorities, la raisin? Its schedules of rate is proceeding under federal au thoilty la Indicate 1 in the following Utsgram recelvcl Raturday by Mayor Haker from J. C. Koons, actlag pest mister general: "The Pacific Telephone ft Tele graph company haa keen authorised to place lato effect today row acke dule of telephone rates." This message was aot regarded by Mayor Baker aa reapoaelve to oae ssat yesterday ta Poatmaster Geaeral Durlesen asking tkat tka proposed In crease be keld up uatll Ita legality could ha determlaed. He kaa tkerefore asked tka actlag postmaster geaeral ta ha mora epeet fk writing kirn today aa fellawa: "By your telegram aaylag Tka Pa. eifte TeWpkeae at Tetegrapk eompaay kaa been authorised ta place lata ef fect aew echedule at telephone rataa,' are wa ta undaraiaad that tke govern meat la ky lu aettea cbaagiag tha ntoe for telepkeae service la Part laad or tkat tha government la merely authorising this company ta effect a change persuaat to the laws of Oreg on T la other words are yea permit ting tkla eompaay to taerease rataa thru the utility of law of thla state or sre you settlag aside the lawa ot Oregon? Our people are stirred ta their depths aad wa tatead to fight Pleaae make your aaawer specifier" la addltloR to tkla telegram Mayor Baker aeat anotker oae. to Senator McNary quotlag la auketaace tka mas. saga aeat to tka eettag poetmaater geaeral aad adding, " would appreci ate it if you wttj aaa tka poatmaeter geaeral aad otfctr autkorltlaa aad aa oaruiR daflaltely wkat atsad tka gov ernment la actually taklag aad wnal right tha govsramsat kaa Ir tka and advise we ky wire." Fid Off OF DRIVE FINOS Twelve Thouaaad dollars la tha tot al reported tkla saaralM far tka Unit ed War Drive la Kwatatk Oeuaty kp Cbalrmaa A. B. Baaaraea. wklek leavea a balaaoa af elgkt tkouaaad ta be raised durlag Ua mat day af tka drive If tke desired' aawunt la to aa secured. All tke workers are kuay today la aa effort to wlad up tka eampatfa wltk hoaor to thla laealltp. . e WAR TIME DRY kOMSOW READY FOR PReTafBeWT. WASHINOTON. D.' 0.. NT. II.- The Senate today taak Baal Mttaa as tka National wartime pretiMtiea bill wklek la affaettta aa July tret and eeatlRulas durtas tke deaaektH- latioa period. Tke measure will a ta tka Praal deat for kla approval aa Tkuraday. Th ProklMUea adveeatea aaaMdaat. ly expeet tkla appraval. woopm WWWMWWWWaWWWWMMWWWW ) ra n E SAMVBL OOMPEM SEXVEB NO. TiCB THAT POaUtER WAOfl OONBITIONS WILL NOT M i STORED WTTKOCT PKJKT LAREDO, (Teaaa). Nov. !. Sanu uel Oompera, prealdaRt of tke Assert caa Pederatlen of Laker, la tka elee lag k'ours of tka Paa-Amerlesa labor eonfereacea ksro Saturday, served formal waralag tkat ao geaeral re ductloR of wages Ror Increase la working koura after tke war would ha accepted wltkout a kilter flgkt kp or ganised labor. Ha leaned a statement Inaplrad ky a receat utteraaee of William M. Barr, president af tka National Poua der'a aaaoclatloR, tkat a raduetioa at wsgee aad longer koura. would ha tka oaly meaaa to aaakla Aa)erleta saaaa. racturera to eoauaua to, eampeio win foreign laduatrtaa attar) tka war. "Notice la gtvea kera aad row Oompera aald, "tkat e 'Amerleaa people will aot be foread pak kp aitkar Barr, kla aaaeeiatiasafiaM, tha aawnaaa ta tae uanan. KLMUTH MUST HIHHir TO MEET W. S. S. QUOTA ' Klaasatk County muat take a mlgkty brace durlag tka next alt weeks, If aaythlag like a decent record la to fee made la the nutter or the War Savlag Stamp aalaa. annrta raealvad tadey from Port. land ahow that the total for thla dia trlct Is aaw I165.BM eat t tka quota for le,00. Tkla la oaly a little over aiitr oar cent aad tka time almost over. Tkla .report plainly ladl eataa tkat tke people af tkla dis trict are aot living up ta tke algaed pledgee made last summer aad tkoee wko kava let tke matter allae.aloag to meet tkalr liberty leaa aad otker obllgatlona akould keep ta mtad tka fact tkat tka fuada derived for tke kaky bonds are aa vitally aacssasry to tke operation of the gavarameat, aa any af tha ether aourcea. It la to be kopad tkat tkoae wko kaow tkem- aelvaa to be la arraara wlH Immediate ly take etepa to put taeawelvaa la U4 clear. Oragea aa a etate asaktag a proud reeerd, asaay of tka Oeuutiee ketag over tka top by a wide margin already. Klsawtk Is dawa muck etaeer to tke bottom of tkla list tkaa iaaealraMe. EXPECTS Mil Vr.A, A. Souls of tbia eUy tale Uw medlaal deaartmaat af tka mill tary aervlea aad waa araarad ta be ready tar departure ta flMaaa days. -Altkoagk it la law reaakeh tkat asp rmm troops will ke seat aeraaa tke water, tkere will be a etc sail far ae dleal aid iar a loag time ta eaata N It to espeeted tkat auap ta tkla da partmeat will yet go to Praaaa, m SOPPOSED by m LOCALMCTOfl 0IERSJSS00I WILY' m APPEAR TO BE wvnma covrt puRrusas to RBVIEW CAJM WBSCBl HAS BoTEN BaWOMB CALIPORNtA COVRT MANY MONTJBI WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. ll.-r- Tke Sapreme Court kaa retaaad ta re view tka eaaa oLTkomaa 3. Meeaer. wka la uadar aeateaee to die for tka Baa Praaeleee aemk oatragee, aa De eemkar 1IU. SAN PRANOISCO, Nov. II. Tke Supreme Conrt daelsloa today kaeeka tka mat prop from under Maaaap as cost tke possibility af aetlea ky Oar. araer Stephens, aeeordlag ta Moaaap'a sviUntfe FOOD HOLES I SILKSMT ,oenci PORTLAND, NaT. IP. MAa all wklta kread does net aeeaa tkat mo read will ke gtvea at reetauraata aad eatlag plaeea aor daea It meaa tkat tka koueewife eaa aaa ate flour," aald W. K. Newell, aaewtaat food admlaletrator. "Wa kava kaea keeleged wltk taqulriea ever alaea tke rowb of tka all-wklte kread kelng agala permitted waa made public, aad we wlsk to make it Impressive tkat tka reasea of tke ekaago, la due ta a akortage la aalaaal foods, for wklek tke substitutes will row ha used rata. er tkaa ta aa abaadaaee af wheat. "Maay people thlag tkat tka ataa lag of th,e armlatiee aad; the aawa of Ua rekuatloa oa augar aad' wheat noar Mgainaa that the raad mtuauoa la improved. Tkla m a muUke. The Europaaa aHaatiea kaseaise wotee every day, awe aad asere kaasry people appear as eoaqaered territory Is entered. Eat ao mora aad above all waate nothing It you would be a real American patriot." R. W. Chiles, ehalrmaa of Ua hotel coaaervatlea received a telegram from Waahlagtoa laatruetlag Mat ta ta aa way permit kotow aad eatlag kouaea to aarva more kread tkaa Ua former alletmeat ta aaek peraoa. i e OOVNOHi kOBPnNG TONMeTT Tka Ctty Oaaaell will meet la re. gular aaaaloa at Ua Couadl rooau toalgkt. Tka matter of aaeleetloa of a eouaeilmaa far tka Tfclrd Ward to fill tka vaeaaey eauaed kp Ua raalgma. ttea of I. R. Strakle, aewly ataeted Mayer, will ke Ukeamp at Ule tine. H. B.Stllta kaa taea appointed aa administrator for Ua esUta at Ua lata Lillian H. suits, wklek will ag gregate ketweea I MM u t,. 0, B. Hunt kaa keaa aamed aa aaa eutor for tka astata of Marp U Hast. Tkla astata aggreaates aomeUtog evarlMI ' a MNOPJDfATBD WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. II. Joka W. DavU kaa keea formally acmlaatad ky tke PrtaMent sa tk Aatfrleaa mkaaaado' to Eaguad. Aleiaader King of Atlanta kaa been aomtaated at rolkltor gvaeral aactaedtas Davtar MEflM WMMMMMMMWWMMMMWMMWWMMMMMMMMAMMMMMMMMIMMMMMMMM IRRIGATION I FJSTKIHTH COUNTY COVRT SATURDAY POT O. K. ON PROJECT TO WATER PBRTILE ACRBS OP UPPBR'LANOELL VALLEY. Aa Important atop toward Ua Irrt- gatlea of a large part af Ua fertile laada af Upper Laaaetl Valley waa takea. Saturday., wkea.. Ua.. Ceua- ty Court authorised Ua ealltag of aa eleetlaa for Ua argaalastlea of aa ir- rlaatlea dtetriet ta Uat sootlea. Tka petRlea waa lied ooverel weaka ago, aad Ua eoart, awaag ta Ua fast Uat a rameaotraaoo waa Sled, ppatpaaad atvtag a deaaka aaawer until turn tlsaUea eeaM ke made. Memkere of Ua eoart doslarod today Uat Ua pro ject appeared ta every way fcaetMe aad kigkly dealrakte. , There are over Ifty dUferaat raaekea ta Ua upper valley ooaaootod wRk Ua oatorpriee, wklek fevetveo Ua aaa af Ua water from Clear Lake, la CaUtevmla,, wklek la aaw Tke raslasaatlaa aatvteo. wklek eea trala tkla water.- aaa made Ua raaek are a prtea af 111 par aero aa a ! pear paymeat, wRkout tatoraaL Ua to dig 'their owa eaaal ai Tka vote of ata-taatha of tkoee in terested la required far Ua etaaalaa tlea of Ua dtetriet. aad R la believed Uat Ua eieetlea will carry ky.a aak ataatlal majority. Tale will arekeMy ke held aome time next moaU. Tkere a-e ketweea 11,011 aad:,IO aeree embraced ta tkla project. Laada wklek are Irrigable from private Sprtage are to be exempt from the row district. WASHINOTON, Nov. II. Seaator MeNary haa aecured from the eapltal lasuea committee approval of Ua flie.oee head Issues, required kp Ua OregoR klgkwty eommusioa far Ue eompletwa af alae deferred highway projecta wlUla the atata wklek kad heretofore feaaa aald Ua ky tke com mittee. Approval bm abb keea glvea ua leeuaace or paee.eee woria oi arafarrod stock ky tke Charles K. SpaMtag Lumber eompaay of Saiam,. Should tke akova report prove oor reet It will proaakly maaa Ue Im mediate adeptloa af soms of tka ktak way improvomeata reeommeBded ky Ue State Hlgkway Oeaimisawa last aumaasr. , i EJSSING POUND TO BB OONSTITUTJONAL LOS ANSBLBS. Nov, 11. Wkea tka eky eeaaell af Loag Beack at tempted ta make kiaaaig la pakUe a mtsdomeaaer .It aeted arbitrarily aad ta TlMatlaa, of Ua eeaatltutiea. ae eertas to a leolalea, readered kera yesterday kp Superior Judge freak R. Willis. Tka dsstaisa waa glvea ta a aaaa appealed from Ua pellee court at Loag Beaeh kp a aaa wko waa, ar rested for aa alleged vlotatlea of wkat waa kaowa tkere aa Ue "aatl- wiaABma" nfjyneo IIEKPECTED FlUn IW: " am aak mm mwi aaC a a1 HIGHmTMRK THRO OREGON W PROCEED ex-kaiser: . gVlEflllff lal .ataVlfB''. U Kt UK 10 GERMANY i" if 1 t cs GENBRAL OUTLOOK LPOR BONAL SAPBTY UT OSJAPtTBRS BOM NOT APPBAL i - TO PnTNGABXAN GO LONDON. Nor. II. A-CuankaSi, i t . w I' A , , ?'' learae Ue4 WHIeam.RikiswpMira ta-- Y ;l toads to retura to of dmturkaaeea hi MaMaad,; HS A emW awSBjBBH emwavaMH eTAwaBjBBBBWBBf BBBjBra BBBJ la likely to ke paraalttad to retara.' j Priaea BMel Predorlia.'eeael tka' BPJPaBBpBar SBBRBaBPAsmj j BBBBB sajea'waaBRBBaBaB) away avBBP eomraaea a( Ue Potsdam ssrrissa to plaee Uamselves at tke dlspiaal of Ue aaw geverameat. v kAMSTBRDAM, Nov. II. Tke tor. mer Oermaa amprasa kaj arrived fa Hollaad, BMktaa; Ua trip kp alrplaaa. aeeordlag to a corresaeadeat. . BASBL, Nov. II. Tka Huagariaa goverBmaat kaa ardered Ue mshilsa - tlea of troepa oa Ue pretoit Uat Uop ' ; are aeessaary for tka malateaaaee of order, aeeerttaavta a Prague dwaatek. j- Pour classes kata kosa.eaUod.,aad i Ue Slovaka are amaag Ua troops ate- v 1 I LONDON.' Nov. II. dlaaatekee say tkat f oreiga Seeratary Solt kas eaaouBcedjUat ke wUI pro-' pose to Deamark tkat plskaslta be keld ta BVtkleewta-Halstea.U'deelda waaUerUat territory raatatatOar. aaaa or Daamk. , LONDON, Nov. II. Porataa rotary Balfour told Mte koass af meaa Uat tatermaffaa at Ua aaada of Ua Brltlak govfaameat la to Ua eteet Uat tka daM)KKata aoUsp a tke kokjaovik govmmeat la voaa af extermlaatioa by stHrvattoa. murder ' aad'Wketeaale eaeeBB af all wka do aot support Ua rif laia. "r LUMBER OUTLOOK ,A . IS ENOpURAGING ' ,k , - ' PORTLAND. NflYVsllfOattaUata f , . AV. ... ' . .hV 1-.k.. I.. ' -'. reanM hw r-i (ww- v . i . l dustry upter ue rafuie, pease w uruied aa aasmauaa at lumaor pw.v. ., aet atw aald.R. H aVintatdBraalr.Ms daat ofUe-West Caaat M'fWI asaoclai ilea iRtam'BaawmaKaeeaei TOyM "Tka ladustry of keen ruaptag ft war ttaaas; It' armaai. tats tho ' BMeklae wlil ao' VeaBP 9f9wwmWw&9r 9U9 fiiiiiii..' ' -. a laeia.swo wmrmm -A.f-.y, ia Raw'taraiaw-aa'LlJi;'V;T- wamUaraaasawmV .W. i 'sadwtri-at.i'j "." ,Wi.?,W, "W VLlM Heart WW'"t iWP?PT rf . , i A 'i u I a n j& t ;? J? il r' vM ." "V.. .1.1 vr -flijillVR " . .'..! ' - . I s y . t t'A A.il m mma I i 1