y . .'V.li.' ' .7 MVl.ljfir.TWi. l 1 JW1 Ml.! h A " ..r'i.'jfr'Vf.X , -M, ffl?H;;i ' iijaa& Mtvrjua ,i ir.vin;- OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY :4 I J 'W.iitfrt-LjWMUKf.-i' OFFICIAL NtWSPAPlbl OF KLAtfAjH wFAlii3 Thirteenth y No. ft,4M LilJ &M ' W W WJi ,w, Ssflf KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1918 ' avfM ryico Flr i . .' "i v - ii vfi3K- na "W. w-tffil NVWil ." 7J 14 G V.JH ...... .....III . , ., .,, ,,,,,,,,,, .,., MERNAL TROUBLES THR EATEN DUTCH ASKED TO ABDICATE first freed drive honors emly today to mms ARRANGING ovKfwvmcmtmi quota dy a.one of county's best known doehnt want. All the ap- II llfl I'lll L1 ".' l SUBSTANTIAL PER CENTTO CITIZENS ANSWERS SUMMONS PEALS TO COMB TO UNCLE, U If III I 1 I l:' -v TAL FOR COUNTY IK NOW NINE OH GRIM REAPER AT HOME HAM GERMAN ARMY BEGINS ' " V" -" M V' " T '5? ! "fe&. Ml ' . - "v.r, K.j if THOUSAND DOLLARS IN THIS CITY EVACUATION OP POLAND All III IT P 'JN ''$$ Ml 111. il; 'J'l' .-A', I I HI III ft Ir II ,tl ? mi it h rn M jfBI BBI tfff tfff BBT BB tffl . tffS tffS. wan a r B , , 4 DUTCH GOVERNMENT ISSUES PROCLAMATION URGING CO-OPERATION OF CITIZENS IN GRAVE POLITICAL CRISIS AMERICAN MISSION WILL LEAVE FOR GERMAN HEADQUARTERS TOMORROW AMERICAN AIRMEN LAND AT COLOGNE (By AMociatml Pim).' LONDON, Nov. 16. The threatening attitude of the extremists in Holland, who are demanding the abdication of Queen Wilhelmina, is causing great anxiety at The Hague, according to the Daily Express. THE HAGUE, Nov. 15. The Dutch government has is sued a proclamation urgently appealing forhe co-operation of the citizens in the grave political crisis. The proclamation says that the majority is planning to seize the power, and declares its determination to maintain authority and. order. 4 LONDON, Nov. 16. An American mission, com manded by Major General Rhodes, will leave Saturday for Spa, the German headquarters, General Foch has an nounced to the German high command in a wireless message. The mission will consist of six officers and nineteen sol diers. The German command is asked to give instructions to allow the mission to pass. WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 15. Secretary Baker has cabled his congratulations to General Pershing. He prom ised the war deDartment would endeavor to expedite the early return of the expeditionary forces, so that the coun try could welcome its soldiers home. 00,000 OK THERE TO BE MUSTER KD OUT NOON CANDIDATES IN OFFICERS TRAINING CAMPS OFFERED RELEASE WASHINGTON, D. C. Nor. 15. The men of the development battal ion will be the flret unite of the army to be demobilised, Secretary Baker announced. There are about fifty thousand now In theee battalions vbo will be muttered out m aoon aa they arc- given tbelr phyeical examinations. WASHINGTON, D. C. Nev: 15. The Government Ceaioriblp Board announced the Immediate discontinu ance of the Preea censorship In con nection with the cable postal and land telegraph line. WASHINGTON. D. C. Nor. 16. The War Department announced that candidates for, commissions In the Officer Training schools may be dis charged from the army Immediately If tbey desire, otherwise they will be Placed on the Inactive list after re ceiving their commissions. Increase or the total of the United War Work drive to $1,000 is reported today at the headquarters by Chair man A. B. Epperson, who Indicates that some of the outside precincts are yet to be heard, from. The Chelsea Lumber and Box com pany was the Drat precinct to report going over the top In this county, the quota for this industrial plant was $207, and Its final report showed 1347. The Topsy precinct has met Its quota of $46, and the Crescent pre cinct has also passed its mark. , m BIG TRACTOR USED FOR HAULING NOW The sudden loss of one of its best loved cltlsens has today cast a shadow of gloom over this community. E. W. Go wen Sr. was called to his last rest shortly after three o'clock this morn ing, at his home at 305 Pine Street. It hardly teem possible that the WA8HINOTON, D. C, Nov. 15. Secretary Lansing has announced thai he has acknowledged the receipt :. ' 1 . ,l1- oi ooiis message, asaing me nowon ing of the peace convention," and had requested that the Germans not con- SECTIONS OF MM BE WD LONDON, Nov. 15. American airmen landed Cologne, on the Rhine, on Thursday, it is reported. at MNMES COPENHAGEN, Nov. 15. The "Politikin" quotes the British attache 'here, Colonel Wade, asserting that the Ger mans in publishing the terms of the armistice omitted six or seven articles, including that one relating to the Allies providing food ,is necessary. eSSHSBBSBBSaBSsa f . BSSBBMBisBBmaSBBBBHlStSStSBrsaslB The following casualties are re ported by the commanding general of the American, Eipedltlonary forces. These (lets art withheld for twenty days, by order of the department: Died of wounds A - 33 Killed is. action. 333 Died of accident and other causes 6 Died of disease h 373 Wounded severely M Wounded, degree undetermlned....l73 Wounded slightly , 33 Missing In actlon..- ...,lll Dlsd of. disease private Wilbur II Blonaker, Ada, Oregon. IN fRDHN NEW, SENATORS VOTES MAY BR CONTESTED. WASHINGTON, D. ,C., Nor. 1,6. 'Con.UnU el the nleeUosM of .two re- PHUIeanlSetwters, Truman Newberry f No new cases of the Spanish In fluent have been brought to the Iso lation Hospital hero for the last two days, and the cases now being cared for there, aro reported to be getting along as well as could be expected. Mrs. Cecilia Bogardus, who haa had charge of the nursing In the County since tho outbreak of the epi demic and who has been III at her home during roost of the week Is getting along nicely. RRBCUED AFTER BIXTV-TWO , HOURS AT SEA IN OPEN BOAT MIAMI. Fla.,1 Nor? 15. Cantata 8AN rRANCI8CO, Nor. 15. Elec. triflcatlon of the rallroada In the mountain sections of California to effect a saving of approximately 3,. 063,300 barrels of fuel oil a yeir waa recommended here today by p. M. Polsom, fuel oil administrator for tho Pacific coast. The recommendation .waa sent to Mark L. Requa, director general of the oil division of the fi'M administration for submission to, Wil liam Q. McAdoo, federal director s;en eral tf railroads. The Initial expense would bo $33,; 013,000 and the Investment would re sult In a return ultimately, of nine and four-tenths per cent, Folsum es timated, rolsom suggested that cue Sicremento division of the Southern Pacific be electrified between Rose vllle, Cal and Sparks, Nevada a, dls. tence of 167 miles; the Shasta divi sion of the name company between Oerber, Cal., and Ashland Ore., 216 miles, and the Ban Joaquin division of the Southern Paclflo and the Santa Fe between Kakersfleld and Sangu, Cal., 138 miles. 'The saving In such electrification would approximate 14,913,300 a year, I'olsom estimated. The use of the big caterpillar en gine for hauling the cinders from, the Shlpplngtoa dock .to. the new Pelican City road, instead. of the.. tracks. Is annouAced,today by County Road 8u eervisor Tom Dixon, who declares that, by this change about 40 yards can be 'hauled dally. This will be an Increase of about eight yards over the previous operations. TWO AIRMEN KILLED IN TEXAS POItT WORTH, Tex., Nov. 14. Lieutenants William Cacurdy and Al bert Meyers were killed here today when their airplane fell 4,000 feet In a test flight.. I GIVE YOUR LIMIT ' GEORGE ADE M.L of Hlchlgaaand Oeofge Moses of New 'ream and twelve other survivors or HtaMMrs. are temetted In the pro- the small Amerlcasj steamer Yearut SSSiSl!Sm oC Philadelphia, which sunk Sunday conimltteeV ' l0 Bll,,ra llnd, Wived BntMt. iA th. asktlast of both hve alter ss nours in an "i &' .aIi '!' lass as tlskAB 'da Nm reeeived. Action has been'de- ferret for Ua present. Viva members of the crew aro lleved to have been lost. LAFAYETTE, IND.r Nov. J5 George Ade, author and playwright, U critically 111 at his home at Brook sad physicians despair, of hi life, He wai graduated from Purdue univers ity in 183 and from Yale In 1805. i-- Nil e NAVAL ARMISTICE e . PROGRaWMNG FAST 0 -,.' e PARIS, Nov. 15, Tb naval 4. 4 termr of the Qerm'an. and An- trJan, armistices are 4 rled out rapidly, ' The time has coma when we are privileged to express without rellgt ous distinction the fullness of our ap preciation for the God given services rendered to our boys by the seven or. ranlsttlons now clmblned in n Unit, ed National War Work campaign. It Is up to us to do our share by subscribing as liberally ea our means will permit. The boy now serving under the colors gave tlielr all that we might continue to enjoy the heritage be queathed' to us by the founders of this republic,, We, of Oregon, have In the past shown our patriotism, loyalty and gonVroslty on all occasion whrn called upon to do our share In up holding 'the principles for which our beloved country 'entered the war; and now that victory Is iiHurod let us not ceise to continue to rrovlJo for the wants of our boys, who urn entitled to' all that a gwiful nntioi can give. When a solicitor for the Uuitod War Work compalgn calls on you greet him with a hearty welcome. Don't delay him with unnecessary questions. You know his mlviloh; subscribe to the fund all your ra.wn will allow, I'timltttng htm to continue w.dinut f'y on hla heavenly eriacri Having noui' your du.v you "111 t'e rapiV In the consclouvtu'ss .if l.i v Ir.tt uiir.fi jour part lu the world's great rarm. The fact tl.it the wnr is tpparentlv i-nl"tl should be no rwaiou for any parson not subscribing a liberally woujd bad peace not bejm concluded, as every dollar asked for Is needed tp earry on the great work mapped out by the seven'organltstlona caring for Allies. . at. . . I i v . , LONDON, Nov. 15 The (German army has, begun the general tvaena. tlon of Poland., ( It ,1s reported that the Carman troope In Warsaw have been disarmed and arrested, as have all the German' civilian la the Pol Ish capital., j " r , i.) I' lttlSffl1."IBEF"RI,,i--'' mntm mil OFFICFBS X ' , ' t , , ., ' familiar figure of Justlco Oowcn, who fine their appeals to the United States yesterday was attending to his official',,,-. but t0 .ddreM them also to tho duties and conversing witn nis irienas on the street will be seen no more. With his passing tbe county has lost one of Its most loyal and upright cltlietu. His acts of kindness and generosity will stand out long In the memory of his friends and neighbors. Following a short Illness from the Grippe, Judge Gowen had so faiTe covered aa to again be out. He was taken ill again late last evening, pass ed away early this morning due 'to heart failure. The .deceased was born In Boston, Massachusetts, seventy years ago last March?- He 'was the-"-ybungeev-ot twelve children and with his mother widowed at an early age, be was ob liged to undertake life responsibili ties at a much earlier age than most persons. He came to Madison when a young man and epent .several yearn there employed by the American Express Company and tho Western Union Telegraph Company. Testimonies from representatives of both these companies, still preserved show the efficiency of his service. He came to Oregon in 1884 and to Klamath County In tho Fall'of 1887 Shortly after this arrival, he located on what Is now the Doak ranch on the west side of the Upper Klamath Lake. He. was elected Sheriff In 1890, winning tbe Republican nomination over 3. T. Henley and defeating H. 8. Webb, the democratic aspirant. He was re-elected to the same office In 1893. Those were the days when the dollars were scarce in Klamath Coun ty and pioneers tell how Justice Oow. en, who was tax. collector spent, a part of his Salary In assisting his hard put friends to make their tax payments. During the last few years he has held the position as. Justice of the' Peace in this city and hss also spent some trme in buying and snipping out live, stock. Mr. Gowen Is survived by his wife and one son E. W. Gowen, Jr. now in the service of his country in France. The funeral services will be held Sunday at 3 o'clock from tho home. REVOLUTION HPnKADING IN EASTERN PRUSSIA. being Mr-4 , the needs and comforts of pur gallant American' soldiers who once have car- BASEL, Nov. 15, The revolution ary movement Is spreading strongly In east Prussia, tho Revolutionary governments of Mann. Helm, Jlastott and Heldenburg have summoned tho Grand Duke of Badan to abdicate, ANNOUNCEMENT The Woman Rellof Corps have a number of knitted articles on hand, which they would like to rench tho Klamath boys In Franco rig well as here In the States, for Xmas. Mothers or wives of "our boys" may uipn ap .Mkatlon receive articles for their chrUtmas box. The announcement made yester day that tbe requirements to pur chase substitutes, with wheat flour had been discontinued was nnexpect ed, because In addition to our' own people In Europe there' are millions In the war-devastated regions that will have to be fed, and mainly from tho United States, '.The release of shipping consequent on the end oi hostilities has, no doubt, caused the! modification as to substitutes, but. the brake will necessarily be held on In a general, way for several .months. It is estimated that there will be somo change In tbe sugar regulations by December 1st, but whether up or down doj4 not yet appear. The cards Issued n October are 'good for No- vembor, as Is generally known, and provide for three pounds per porson, and are not returnable until callod In by public notice. The local administration wishes again to compliment the people on thelrc heerful compliance with all that has been required of them in tho conservation of food, and 'Will .say that the office 'will remain open from 8:30 to 12, and from 1:30 to 4:30 each day for tho present. O. C. APPLEOATB, County Food Administrator, HUt ADMIRAL .BaUTTYOVTMaV BRITISH. JfAVYUTLL MJPCT 1 . -W . '-4'V " . GERMAN" DELEGATES vOr;taaB 'STEAMER KOENK2BBKRCK "' .j'i' i fc-WN . ,; .-t,.' . .Tr fe ,8 ' A ft . . ,. ; V '. r ' ('. U GERMAN .SEAMEN ;NOWOfFOS: VIKa Rfft'OLUTlOW. ANRy.WIMi. 1 .!. in tt .-. V.VJNWt ,,- " f rJ a1- 1 'W'.l I3.K'Sft.'!lrlS!5?'Js' ' !t MEN ASK. M6DsWAtipJr;U Jb'J.'".- . t nxrtM-iM XT 1 r '"tvV ft . : - M. V-4 . : craWtKoMlgsierg.1whlekfMteemtAi;. ing, the. Qerman deleg atesilto'amiBgS) ;f "si f-r r th ' nral-term-of -.'ana 1st lea. Tin pected Jo' meet the British" warshltw todfy. 1 vl TuVHI r 'I 'ii and will be; escertedto.a poJit Olfl at sea ,' where' th,ev GemaadeleSatee f. ffVjff i will ma Rli. iifmlnl UmiHii 'mkiil r ,'- mander of lbe'rYtUgnft'dAf' Orman-Deatsatisaaas'ateethiat , ,.- uruniDuitei rearMto oppose in revolution, nnd reinstate" efllcers.Tnii- J-' ' cording to a copennagen dwpatoa. . It was resolved to fly the natfoaal; flag Instead of the red flag; , ,)r.r WASHNGTpNi DC.rNor.uili. ' Any reply which is, made tp.ojefwlrjs- Iab nnnAnl nrltlrammaA in Iha' Ma. M" r;. frvrr " ::.TJCu77?,T!ts, i iuo..uerBHB.woiuen 10 sin. wooarow--', Wilson, fof aid Ih.seearijig raodIflea-V,r tlon to the armistice ..terms, will. ..lu..- w'..v!,j.2.2r..-. -v . (.i. tiruuauijr bu iut JipioiaiH) esisw-, ygi. .71 . . m .: ..iW &! ?.. i-j: - - ' -l'.,. ttA f : z n '-7, a . rrijia vti .'r.i ri'M ,imt-m--)r! IIMIIIKIIi.lJ Ji f C m -m i -J V rflUNEl last ran M m w . C, I PM h -' w y KX-KAIHER PIANS A LIFKOF SECLUSION MANY KILLED IN BRUSSELS AMSTERDAM, Nov. 15. Ninety persons have been killed or Injured, In rled the Stars and Stripes to a glori- the street fighting In Brussels, It Is ous victory. reported. Amsterdam,, Nov.. id. count William Hohenr.ollern, tho former kaiser, plans to make his pormanont residence' at the Achllleon paluco,,bn the Island of Corfu, It was stated' by well-informed persons? Corfu, the largest of tho Ionian Islands, lies In the Mediterranean, off tbe cost, of Albania.. It.'jta u bout ,40 miles long and has an area of 277 square miles." TuoiUland has beauti ful scenery, and, the climate, is mild. . - 4-; VICTOR DAY MAY, DK CREATED ' AVASHINOTON, dV'C., -'iffqv. is! A Joint resolution-,'dcclarlng Novem, herllth'a national holldapr', to be dVa- IfffintArl ?fl 'Vlrinrv nnv.' hna liaW . wvy .www. "" , pw ,w introduced In tatlve Hicks' of the house,! f c . n.t k . .. - ' !... rrnnK n. ociuuiui.anu mih irwi fc . filmnsnn wnrn.mnrrlml at tlin honiA at ,......-.. ..-.- ....,..-. , . --. , j. j-runK Aunms,, on isutn sireei.-iast.-, f. rick of tho Methodist fchurch. " , ,.f(j Both brldo and grooni have .been A' t . . . i -. In, the employ, of Mr. Adamapf.iwvv.jy.' Ttieir wcaamr came as r-)ti . . : i' V Jli vt oral months. a, considerable surprise to'manyVof their friends. Tbelr future "plans have not, been announced, Previous to bis groom the rancll city. i . Wi W MT. 45 1 1 t. S5X employment by Mr, Adams, tka;. 4jw was employed for'flveyea'n.'nt JffiJffl of "Lum" Short, near.tBlaViifc, 'i -It ). W &X I FORREST PIEL 5AYS5ati SHERMArVP A letters Fprrcst PIefl Evening IIerald.and nowva; oV the: 36lst Ambulance ?0 '.' - I- v ' ir ?' '--f.' .r, fnncq.irp.n'rwa ine npw;.BB Hint .sarjod TfieRtprabaMthj aaft j Knowx.uai.,oarwwirHisBaiKan i the hbuse.ibwnspr: VoxxMXifiWilfiutmgm of'New YoVk, a'membW hto Klamath; FWiisma naval affairs committee, Fourth of,5ruw.V'.?t "' ' rifh mvvm v