, -J ... V ... -J,'. V'V (. 151 ,t .,(, (, ffitrv7-..iPfflB rxLVvs i.s.u. '!( OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY 8U. mmhtg Airraid -" ..iynitaUm.-nt.t V' ; LS?''X! iilHHBK- Mf MsnCSt . P aoaBBawamr ,vf:(:iw: mm ji Of ,ttvt r -t-tt: j. .'j- tt tt JW ;v UttliHJ "."v Mil. sUJWamapl!; .fvVf.vviSai, b1 . - ''",. ' . ,, $&'$N$W& Thirteen vo. mt , KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, .118 ' ' . W, AMERICANS CROSS GERM AN FRONTIER ,'W(XW(XMWWWIWWMXXWMMWWtoWWMWi GERMAN CITIES ENTERED SUNDAY WITS KIN HUN SOLDIERS STILL COMMITTING ACTS OF VIOLENCE ALLIES TO USE PROMPT MEASURES TO STOP THEM PROPERTY OF PRUSSIAN CROWN TO BE CON ' FISCATED CREEL WITHDRAWS VOL UNTARY PRESS CENSORSHIP (By Associated Prow). BASEL, Nov. 14. A dispatch received here declares that the former crown prince is with the troops at the front GHENT, Nov. 14. It is reported that the German sol diers in Brussels have mutinied and are pillaging the city. If these reports are confirmed a flying brigade of the Allies will be sent to restore order. MIKE I HEAVY ! ma m MUCH VKT TO BK RAISED IN THM DISTRICT' LEADERS CALL UPON PUBLIC TO MAM LAIK1K DONATIONS LONDON, Nov; 14. Von HindeabW. remains aa su nreme head of the German army cemmand: He has urged the. army commanders to lead their troops home in order and discipline. WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 14. George Creel has an nounced the withdrawal of all voluntary censorship re quests under which the American publishers have been working during the war. LONDON, Nov. 14. The property of the Prussian crown will be confiscated, according to a German wireless received here. All the entailed nroDertv of the Prussian crown will be ? laced under the administration of the minister of finance, ersonal property will not be affected.. r , COPENHAGEN, Nov. 14.- The Polish troops have en tered Upper Silesia, in Prussia, according to a Berlin dis patch. LONDON, Nov. 14. The German soldiers are commit ting acts of violence against the inhabitants and destroy ing and pillaging, contrary to the terms of the, armistice, according to a French official wireless message received here. The Allies will take steps to end the violations unless the r. lii. i i j ucnnaii nign commanu uucs. PARTS. Nov. 14. The American troons have crossed the German frontier toward Metz and Strassburg. Mar shal Foch will make solemn entries into Strassburg and Metz Sunday, in the presence of President Poncaire and Premier Clemenceau. The following casualties are r-YOUNG ARMY OFFICER port y the Commaadlag gsneral oft IrAi' i7Kr the American Expeditionary Ferces: TAKES LtHJAL ORlUE. The campaign for the United War Work Drive la two thirds over, we are expected to go over the top by Raturday night. Up to date only $6,000 haa been given. We are ex- pected to give 111,600. Thla leaves a big dlscrepsncy that mutt be ralaed. The giving to this cauae means a ionl sacrifice. We 100 per cent Ameri can! of Klamath Falls are going to be found la tie yellow lUt when It cornea to the real aacrlflce ualets we kick through. We bocst of going la the blue In the Liberty Loan driven, when we only loan our money to bar Oovrra mint aadget a trat claaa mortgage la return. Now are we golag to fall down on a reel give, a real aacrlflce when our beya over there are at ataker If you .are In earaeet aairaally. want to "make a saerlflee give, give, give at once aad lift Klamath County out of the yellow alough and save" us from dlagrace la our atato. . When a man or woman worker, one who la giving hie or her valuable time, approachea you with a reason able amount which you are-supposed to ilvn, don't aay I'll give a third of II or any part, looeea up and, give' more. Ha the time, to save Ihj boy and you will get 'the good as wall aa neirt la in inj nam Epperson, Chairman; st SUBSTITUTES DMffOFF mwm MMMMAMMMMMMMAMIMMMAMMMMMMMHV tliey If your place. A. n, ' K. Bugarman, Advertlalng Manager, Klamath County. ' Lultr DQIGiIiIl DC" 1ST BW IIP LOOTED UUIDS WELCOME EBWBJ.THAT FLOUR suBevrorirm Akta no longer NBDBBBABY; iBjRBt'EIVB BY COUNTY AnanpSTRATOR No more Soar nketltatee are to be required, and thedays of eawdast foods arc to beeoBM a memory. The eighty-twenty rale waa cancelled to day, aad the flatten of rood Admin istrator CaptahvO.C, Applegate will be substantially lightened from thia date. The following message waa re ceived by him thla merning: "Blghty-tweaty rale abaadoaed. Consumers may pvrchaeo require meaU without substitutes." S. A, T. C BOYS TO REMAIN FOR PRESENT .EUGENE,' Or., Mr. 14. The 8. A. T. C. at tha Uatverajty of Orejaa will be carried' oil the'eem aabetere dur- lag the neit fewdaya aad until it la .decided what is to bo dona durlag the' I04ey period of the armistice, ac cording to a telegram of laatructloas received at the ualveralty from the war department. ' There was no Indication la the telegram aa to what will become of iho, 8. A. T..C. after the armistice period. The students of the corps were all anxious to know whether or not they are to continue jln the serv ice, and the telegram received parti ally relievea the situation. H 1 BHTFJH6 OF mm. MUCH DMCVHSED QUE8TION OV WHETHER POWER Of PUBLIC COMMISBION. EXCEEDS THAT OP CITY BROUGHT FORWARD Whether the recently announced telephone ratee ia this city coald bo legally collected ia case the public service commleeloa of Oregon sally authorlsea tha taarease, is a- matter aow being discussed by many ia the city. Uader the franchise granted the Facile Teiephoae aad Telegraph com pany by this city thla raise is not per mineable. Section eight of the fraachieo reads: "The ratee tor telephone ser vice wlthla the elty of Klamath Falla shall not bo increased above the ratee oaistlag at the present time for teie phoae eervtee, which are aa follews: Individual business phoaes, tl.te nor oath; party llae, It. 60 ;esteaslon, to eeata; tadhridaal residence phone, tt.00, party llae I1.J0. extoasloa ooabi :ap- aot uatll the exchange naak l,tf .phoaes la.aettvo aorrieo.eaa aa' lacrosse -bo msde. at mam L0RRUNEWO . LSACE FAST i - aBRMAlf AUTHORITUB, AM - '.J HOOTBs) BY, THE CMOW1W t TB3BB&' BUOVBIl BAHBi FOB) EUROPE TO-FBEB BAIia 8TARVINO. aENBVA,.Nev. 14. Orost eaUa aiasm la prevattiac to Ataaeo-Lor ralae. Theueaais' of Oermaae art loaviag these provinces. ThoOefmaoj auUoriUea art Mac hooted bp'otfte erowflo. TBe rreaeaaaa jmoneaa troops are oipeetod dally. A WA8HINOT0N. D. C. Nor. M. Herbert Hoover' will eal for Burepo probably a Saturday at deata request ;t dlreet the the starviag, psiais. ho whether the German ahall.be doaa aat a'eaah or orodlt la. He.eapistaio rotara by Cartel mas. , fjtf i ammBfl SB JB ammek' BBa ' dflt igpj ggav f amaf ' aaamml t i I llllvllU Ul ' ''(V ill r n i a' i ii a ' --: mi ,9 9 W, B Baa B B B, wBl B;w fl jjii riiLL ilium mmmi i .. - 1' emBaexoaaamw AVi . '" ..' . JJK VI" oamai i-.i.' i..f' f:? TDM FIST Killed In aitloa 3S Hied pf wounds .v. H Died of acc)dent and other Causes ....'. Died of disease Wounded ssvsrsly Wounded, degree undetermined Wounded slightly ..... ! Missing la aeUoa ..... HO Private Elbert 0. Johnson of Port- The wedding or Sergeant Ernest McCullura of Fort Stevena and Miss . Wilms Florence Lyon waa performed 100 1 by the Reversnd B. P. Lawrence at 79 the Preabyterlan paraonige; Tueaday 114 avanlne. The groom la well known here, where he resided previous to bis en listment at the outbreak of the war, ltnd and Drover. C. Vckley of Enter-, Ha wjfe u K Langell Valley girl and Prise, killed 1a action. the daughUr of a .well kaowa ranch. Prlvatee Rufust O. Sells. Rlvertoa,'.. hr that district. .' . . ij-. t .-. .. . ....i-.. '-.- ------ oa obi NMei of Asurie, auioa ia ctloa. u -i ... The future plans young couple have finitely, announced. of the happy not been do- MAIL BTaUOm SINKS SAN FRAOISCO.vNov. 44. The i , PASTOM FAMILY ILL. PaclJe Mail tteomihl'. eompany'a Members of tha family of Reverend Peaaaylvaala auak at tha dock at B. P. Lawreace, Miss Alma, Wendell, iQulfue, Chile, yestsrday, after bura-lRuth aad Mildred are having light ig to the water's edge. ' attacks of iaflusnsa this wsek. - . ii , I. WABHINOTON. D. C, Nov. 14. Oermaa aad Austrian prisoners of war will probably bo utilised la re building territories devastated by the enemy. Thla waa oao eoaciuawa drawn by officials, here la aeeord with armistice terms meted oat to Oer maay aad Austria providing for re turn of allied prieoaera "without re ciprocation." 4 High authorities coulrmed'the.oe- llef that enemy prisoner weald bo put to work. ,, That this course ia jusUaed la view of the damage doaa by the eeatral powers ib oeeupiea termenee m also by the fact that, aemuaytook thousaada of Belguaa- aad' Freack Into bar own country to work daring the war,. Ia the thought advanced here, Atao'Jho drala of war haa re- ated a ahortage of maa power In Bar land, rrance ana veiginm euca aa will make it aoeasaary; (or their troopa to return' home te work aa rap idly aa posslbls. a V PARENTB ARRIVE TO , IN COUNTY 01 V'lUT IWjCK PAUOMTKR, Mr. snd -Mrs. Holland, are, aero,! froaVHolMad in. Joeephlne County jfo be with thlolr daughter Vera, who bos been sick for sometime at thoIiola ilea Hospital with thr SpaaUh la fliieasa. She waa brought to Kla math Falls from Algoma, The second precinct In Klamath Falls to Jeadlag la tha drive for funds now belag coaducted by the ualtod War Work branch la, this County. Workera from thla dlatrict have re ported aeveaty per coat of the quota allotted. A total of six thousand dol lars, haa been reported' thus far, with maay dletricte yet to bo heard from. Bpragua River and Midland are the only outside eections that have indi cated their progress thaa far. m NOW COULD TMBSB BOYS , HAVE BBS, FROM BXAMATH? Portlaad. Nov. 14. "Why didn't you bora wear your "flue't masks ss ordered " ( This was the question put to a aumbar of. Eastern Oregoa drafted oa, who arrived: lB.Port)tndv Sun day oa route to Camp Lewis, tha men having - entrained: before the order eaaeellrag the general ealls waa 1 celvod from the provost' marshal' tea- ! . . . . . "We. are peering our .masks,'' put ia severarer iseoniiMB. 10 prove It they, pulled up their troaeara-aad aura' enough, the muta, -were tied around heir logs. ( A, quottio as to way, they wore them there brought tha atawer, "tha order dd 'a'ot say where' to' wear ;thom;,,v' " ' . t ' t The;asea. vera' neat home Tuesday moralag afleir having been housed 'at the Imperial Hotel Meaday Eight. which time the graatees shall have the right to taeroase rates for tele- phoaes aot to exceed 10 eeata per month la the baslaees dlatrict aad cents ia the residence dlatrict for each 500 phoaes or lees added to the exchange." As there are still lees thaa 1,000 phones In the city, the raise is la di rect' coallct with the terms of the franchise. However,, la view of the recent decision handed dowa by the public service commission, following the controversy of the cent railroad faro la Portlaad, the terms of the franchise are entirely subservient to the rulings of tae commlastoa. The Supreme Court ia haadlag dowa the decUloB took the position that a mualclpallty was merely the ageat of the stats, aad that ovea tho a fraa chieo might have beoa granted prevl- oua to the creation of the commleeloa, tho mualclpallty, la issuing a traa chlse, was msrely acting as the ageat of the state, aad that tho atato, there fore, had the power, thru the com mission, to mnke rate ndjustmeata In conflict with the terma of such fraa chlee. It la apparent that with thla ulti matum, tho time epeat la framing city franchises for corporations, as regards ratee, la entirely wasted., KlMflDMFT HORSES BOUGHT or EXPRESS CO. Fp ofras ?:&Mm rs'?'.'-.n.iii .. SM"3r .' Mf' ( i)?XW(, WABHINOTON, Nov. 14. Fraaoo will join wHh tho Ualtod BUtao hi giving any relief to Germany that'M along the llnea of justice. . " J Thla to the staad of Premier Clem eaceau oa Dr. Solfa urgeat plea to Prosldeat Wllsoa, aecordlac to 01 lee to the Preach high eommleoiea to day. . "Aa, the situation la, Oeratauy,, la helplees, wo wUI do oar loot to 1 victaellso her aa anted aayoaaa af ford," the Freaeh premier eUted. "Tha transport queatioa la a vital one. in relation to, tho foed: oapply, Oermaay to golag to, restore aU tho engines nnd the 150.000 railway oars ukea from us. Thla will aot;taelli tato her owa revletueaU9oi "Oermaay waited uatll tho mat moment, whoa oxhaaetod, to oapRU' late. HPRUCB PRODUOnOM PORTLAND, Nor. II. Upraco pro duction for slrpwaeo haa stopped. Orders havo reached all camps to the aorthwsst stopping the faUlag 'aad ronstructlon, work. Shlpmeats from the cutup plant nt Vaaeeuver are alao at aa and. Two car loada of horses for the American Express Company have been- purchased ,1a tho Klamath Dla trict In the last few days aad are now belag held at the Tingley ranch awalUag Inspection before shipment. George Maaalarwho waa for maay yearathe buyer for the Wells Fargo Company hss purchased the new lot Tho aalmals vary In weight from ,1100 to 16Q0 pounds aad are fine Imeas. . MINNESOTA GOES DRY, ST. PAUL, Nov., 14. Official, lad unofficial returns from evfry county la MtnnetoU Indicate that aUto-wlde ftrohtbltloa was adoptsd at the recent election by a majority of about 1000 votes. HUN LEADBBB PLAimBP TO CRUSH BBVOUmON i .. ' ,:.' 1 r-urfAiL'itu.3i.. -2fc,ii:'.is;iiiriii.,ei-; ivtf B'W'tlMteleel amaasaJa -ci"-'-'- h&i '' h: ..e.exew amw'mtssnvi v r. nolisvod lakal tinaWwaaaBA''ietv'- ,n ' XaSaSKaBBloSfflFS WF9fmmmmumtmmjimmf:iit'9: ., i f Ti.Tcr.WK '.r .-i r .---v r iii:Kt.-AiiiiA9Kf i r.L"1" sr('. TT&tt!- v"r " .-D.:c;;Hov.,-id.' , bm ' askodelai'PiaeaooMt''' to ' rrr .wwww m,o naasosep wymr aeo his good eeseos with te AKBos to of the Tarkmh . ,'tO' Bafamtt'aasaaal . i.l- .jLB.ri ..jLf"-- , ! f fM eeeara msaasiaiHB .at,' mm TaiwJekr :.v anatotiea tormd. -r - -- -- toroaa-taf ,atraaiBBig , 'f, roatbanv''" ' lft ' r ' v" v . 1 J BBRLUfJ: Hot, lalHy. aemSsm st ar r:r-T -.. a n 1 sraieer Kseatasbers! aaA'ao;aaa'''sa... ' , ..' Mmr.i': taraap' whb oarers oc m jvorkasoa'a aa4 isldlira' TrmrnT ia lbs 'Birm'sai' f- .h bom M'lBMet'tBeBBbBMOBtaerrett ofr vx. aho BrRbA;admlriay 1ai iiiiig the , the armletleo3 -Mf "i: " 1'v "M ,", & the armlotiee: LONDON Nor. 14. The t prhwo'.te.iMt eaot. Ho ta s4Maaatrlst wKh a doaoa aUUtary ' 1 1 - ur. TT4MMWVI4VFTI, V. V., MOT, I .--. oaolal iafermatloa has, roaehed'tiho oepanssoBi taat tae termor orewB prlBoa haa beoa iatoraod :bi Houaaa. a. v a 1 ,- ' . ,' j 1 ' i Wi vw . 14 . -f" Lix A COPENHAGEN. Nov.' 'H. Tele grams foaad ta tho palaoo1 of the (Brown priaee show. R had boob pla sod to aend leoal troops from tho front to Berlla to attempt to ernah the revolution. 'as CENTRAL EUROPR IN TROUBLE WABHINOTON, D. C. Nov, 14. Reports have reaehed tha atato de partment that the1 sltaatlM tar Oar- iny .aad Austrla-Huagary has aa- proslasatoly roaehod h," otato of aa arehy, due to tho eoadaot of tho ro- taraiac poldter. I ' . i-iiiaeii .1.J,V' i'. v- KV ' ' ITAUANB BORROW FBOM V. 8. WAiHINTON.. C.:;Nov.a4. A credit of le,eee.M for Italy; aat beoa aaaouaoed by tho troaeary'do partmeot. Thla maer beoMd mostly to pay for too foodotafle ad war sapoUeo seearod hi thai eoaattr, c. p. mm u- L -Hut , '1 bTT bTbIIIbbbbbTII'wI rl 8 II l! lllllmflll I I' II (bT I II VBrlWIveV ' BBmFoU n iit Am ' ' m P.ia' y'h 'i1 .)' ... l . II Oscar H. Breaaaauui, who;forttho ' 'ijf last osvsral 'year., baa held'thopoaV V.' fM tloa aa aseletaat atoaogor of tao'Co)By'Vpv rorawr oregoa Od topoelUoa ferthooatlre take aia bow doetos 1b ?r ...u. Jtit ------' -- WP O W F neaton laawir aim late ewxseev'-av esy we'. Msard. .where' tBo.V. mitoiw fr,T,iiii -.( drawer' vmmr&M&wm ha. iuet ho4B;BsoBWftivMrtG 'm&'mjMm 'rA. . i- -ni.a - , :'t A' , , ..'-?f- ataraBB I'kkt Ml ""- T-.S UUIhlUl be seat hero ataa. "A&'tey. I - BhmBH torn eewr.iaioa. 4lAJf.JM Jji&,2