v-j .y 'V . - t.'iRT'-.., V ' f W. 'HNJIJ.W .(Hvj-ifwr "wrt V'lMfSil ' . yi' M7-j5-rtrf 8J VF THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WKDNKHDAV, NOVlCMlli:it in, lB W. tcH m: .i HiMM AriWr i?v Yjav m.-" c ! Vn.'V 'lui.-'.V .. t -JK IV n .I'll I T.H. ,vi S-. ;,;47WrTtffleAf."' V 11V Si-Vri riaiulk Walla at STmJT'lk srarv v: 4 IfcV $ '-aeoet Seadar lehlag CiMWf Of Klamath Fella, a 111 TwrU etreet, 'TBaterei -TUT peeteaee t "kim. atk Fall. Ore., far treaamtselea Un the tails m eecoad-claeeBtatter. l5 ERSONAL MENTION UTTIB MMO.MHTS OX LOCAL AXlPKNINQfl AMOKG TEE BKOPLB or TM1U CITY AND VICINITY. 00100 AND 00MINC8 Or LOCAL FOLKS Babetripttoa termt by mail to aay atdraetvs- the United states: , Oaeyear .- :...... .I.M OnOilPOOtk -,-J..,-. H INMBAV, KOVEMBEK It, 1S18 IS BcnhrsdauMAin. HELP WANTED WWMMMMWWMNMlMMWIMWIMWP WOMAN WANTED to cook on nick fe 'aad' take care of cklld. Address W High street. U-lf .'' FOR RENT MMfMIMMWWWWIiW Joa Ball U a county teat visitor from Modoc Point. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Wolford are la toura tor a few days tram Yalnax. E. Ivory' U registered at the Hotel Hall from Allures. A. 8. Sweat la la town on mattera of kMtaeas from Worden. Mike Deaoraa la here on bualnees tor a abort time from Chlloquln. Mra. Will Hasten Is recovering from an attack of the "Flu". W. T. Norrts I here looking after business Interests from Port Klamatk. IMMMIM FUKNISHED APPARTMENT at Ore- eon House, Klamatk, near aw I t LOST AND FOUND 00t0m000ww"wwm FOR SALE Made bad aid auttreoa. : almeat aew; cheap. Apply Apt 1, Towasead Flats. It Kins; Gray Jr. are registered at from Odessa. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Parka are re cent arrivals from Ivan, Oregon. Thoy are registered at the White Pelican. II. E. Hangor, who has been suffer lag from a siege of the' Spanish In fluent Is reported to be recovering. J. O, Qoldthwalte and son J. O. Jr. are guests at the White Pelican Hotel from the Modoc Lumber Company at Chlloquln. R. D. Fletcher, J. Pats, J. Jake, J. O.' Anderson, Tom Crontn, Jerry Ah ren and Ned Lanere here from Dend Oregon, WIDE SMALLER By 1 HIHCHINE W. II, Todd and family, who have been residing on Amansanlta Avanua and James straw Btve left for Portland where Mr. Todd tne HOtCl Hail .enact, to work In tha ahlnvanta FOR SALE : ,. MPWVOT. WMVMMMMMMIIIMWMM FOR SALE Household goads, range. bed,"ehalre, mirrors, library 'table, ekbfeaJer, plants, maale reek, pet tares, shovels, took .etc. lei Bar! aad Alameda. erJ. F. Magain Co. ' is-tt -; t i r n 'FOR SALE Moga v.an'.klMa-l C A. Bratlag raaeh, Merrill. x It-It 0.,H. West 'was among tke arriv als yeeterdway from Medford. He la a guest at tke Hotel pall. Luther Holbrook patd the Couilty seat a buetaesa yesterday from b,ls raack la Poo Valley. 'I. aCsteeteraea la la town looking Ouy Merrill came In yesterday from Merrill to attend to mattera of busi ness at tha county seat. He reports that there have been no cases of the Influents In that district as yet. after matters ot Wordea district, basJaeas from 'FOR SALE Belgian hare It-It dees. 1BBJ. FOR SALE Flaw ami breed aewa, at v owfjPgeWWgdBWaU. 9MM9g gOS SUMS Wm j otty.. P. a' Cerieo. ' l4f FOR 1111 ALE Podge beat eoedKlea: all lor calek aale. Apoty JUrrt Bafchtg Company. lMt MBCMLuamaus FOR BTdgRVtCB 1 HeMem ftalL. Til ll-lt i i ., . f.4 v e PftfBACgaSR CAI H HBM , BECAIV CONVICT " , ' , i , '' .,; SALEM. Nor. lt-Tko Eet.i Wt .- ,of tsi e ttMeUodlstelMrsk . at MoNata, - f wko.letato spsslal agoat wttk e Oepaty Skartt ;Hakbard, foaM ,tko, assagtd eearlet 'Cbartoa e MeOrew kldeag la a bara sa , flaewamaa Coaaty, aa4 otatar- e 'MMai,-. e A. Rr Collier of tke First Natloaal la 111 at kle kome wltk tke In- fleeaaa. Mr. aad Mra. Elm Baldwin are here lora abort Ttett wlU relatlvea from Lakevtew. WlU Baldwin of tke Baldwin Hard ware Company to amaag tke lateat veettme ot tke Spanish laflueasa. miumm -rssss.r?' wuliu in WILHELM i 1. "v ' -i eaWrgH eMtml - . CHeo ea-VaMoi War Weak fampssmil W , W aam pe treat fit) to M em toot tsSnnmsdi bwk. lajwjsst omr wsilsaa ami be eesivkmd. ' JJ-lt AM.'CLAJrOrOOO. -o- t eEVEt y CflVEl , CHre to ratted) War Weak Csmaaalaml m oivai t-? asvut -a - aEsmfmmmmmam t ' mmmm L mm PARIS, Nor. 13. Some of the Am erlcia army chaplains have been com pelled to use army canteens as bap tismal founts. for lack of better equip ment to baptise the soldiers before going lato battle. So far as known WAS t0 netnod u an invention of Will- WOaelm II., Oermaa emperor aad IM c- wver or Chicago, a Young Ktag ot Preseie. men's cnnstiaa Association secretary Sola arbiter over tbo fata ot seven-! " '' ' natloaal presl- I A - .- M. mm .. I ty mBHea mea, womoa aad ektldrea. ' "" ol lu" B'gma nsppa mpsuoa rsmmaadsr hi skier of the Oermaa "iierniiy. r. Lvere estaombed a amy aad aavy. aad aa aaek aapromo wibwibs awtioa near e rroat . wnica oaa nuiniax more man a root, , a., an . . . a Overterd ot tear gjagdoma. six """ ' p rormeriy (MMM ? MTM' ""1 " 71' -' i .. at. ... isnoa nBiV mwaagaai fftMUUlai oaegbrgh ejaAVimer prmsipaiwiee. taroa "rroa tewas" aad VZ. Z-V ; one "ttlskslsad." a lasts l.tmilat 1 MB toward tke treat, aa army chap Vtrtaal awaatr at tat Tte hum' wandered la aad offered to bap- maoa.wKlxa total froattor leagtk ot AIM ewner ot dopoadoaeloa la rart.1 ?m?k hl" Mi 5-.tfc c1ap u. .....-I1, . ancoTerew ibbi neiaaa ao altar aad ao baptismal fount. "I'll fix that," aald LevereLsnd he LONDON, (Corrcion"'cnrt) of the Associated Prase, "AmorlOMlll be come within rmu.1 of Cnglnml g n day and a linlt nml the tlmo !ll come when an Ktunlilitimn in ew York will -see l.h I.oniloi purer the morning after its uuhllnillm." nsld Handler Page theSlrilnnt lonMnict or, recently." s He uroDhealod thnt Immediately on the declaration of imnro It would be possible to begin nn air service be tween Marseilles and London with a single stop at Paris for nn overhaul and taking In gasoline. Mr. Page centinued: "Constantinople could be reached In twenty hours, Rome In twelve and a half hours, and Marseilles la eight," he siild. "Am 100 mile serlro could be run at a profit, both for mails and passen: I gera, at a rate but little In excess of that at nreseat In force. "I base my calculations on the use of ot a medlum-slsed.mschlae maklag ada-ttep flights of 400 miles. Each would carry 4,400 pounds of revonue- earalag load. There would be flrst class aerodromes at etch end of th" route, and another la the middle. Secoad-clasa aerodromes would be provided every 100 miles. "A'mlntaium service of sli mach ines eich way per day could be pro vided for a capital of under S00.000 pounds. The annual cost would be under 600,000 pounds. 'kh Hie Winnek Co., Inc. 426 Main Street Klamath Falls OJVKt GIVE! Give to Valted War Work Campaign! tlte aay of tkd boys wko aad ioet been , baptised aad waated to be. Some of oaa parts ot tbo globe .aggregating 1.0S7.U aaaare miles aad 11.660.- eaa'.ti... w - t MtM a . a. ..a ... vm. no iiacKea larte hum wua EtalAaiaaei t?f raajtsait lea tka AAtaB mm WUaelm HeaeaseUera by "j "., " "" 1 "T "T1" """ tke onto of Hi. Faopto. 'ZT'l iTl "L "JZZZ" I wwien snvpi ectvaa) waygai Jptajml COVNCIL rUfUUCV aXFHOIlT Tweatybsa.r saaeetlc. v(!'-). RED CROSS DISTRIBUTION 1tieB AeaaealaitB Bavil PoAen m. ! JggVBtr.jr f wot . a I mawiivsNi nana wiwam av MM EM ji mt?.7t mZ . T . "'"idlstrlbated la roand numbers 1.000. dlar. eoaacu kaa booa formed at the 000; iW6Bt,( 70000 , .' treat, aad will submit demaads to nnn -.i... .AAA ..,'.! rr .. w - -- -.r -.-,w---,-. --vmmmm-w--mw. FleM.Marakal Hladeabarg. 1,600,000 gain ot socks. 1. , rwm wua iw mucm hcat wguCH v h v , ciMtB KinurmvaL nm arm , -, t 7-. - - - - - ?. f BACKHVETS . Moot folks forget tkat tke kldaeya. ? r -.' , y, Al( s e suapty meat aeep yoar KMaaya jf aared eleaa, aad tke moment yoa fee) gft'afba or paia-Ue kldaay u , iw mm nww, mw iBaaa awe eteej' . ..god. aad need flasklag oeeastoaally, tT' ' - SL - ... . .. .. -. -, omo wo aave oaoaaeae aaa aan mie . aaa t- h. . WIJ.. . Ijvry i -j -awn. " rntMiN iwuhii toraea Uror, acid atomacks slseplessaeas aad . Dni aa niaair aiBoriwn. V( Too; elmply mast keep yoar kldaeya i . M- If -----'- -'- ------ -. A T.J is iaMa'froat aay good'drag store bare, WX aak WtaMeSaaarHl ea'a-'-lua "wi. V fr belore breakfast tW a few days ,A?, saw yoar kldaeya will tkea aet flae, (f.Tkla'tamoas salts U made from tke ' f aed of grapes tad lemon Jake, com (" fctaJ wltk lUhl mmA la kinlu. .. ;,fflaak;eeged kldaeya aad etlmuUU X. .tAoat'to aormal MtlvUy. It also asu- XtwWaaa the aelda la the arlae bo R ?; bo; aaagor Irrttatea, tkas eadlag bUd- ir mar uaavaeam; . ' " hlMki Satta It karmlees: laatpeaslve; f gakjMeMf9itrJefeneseaatlJtkla- yaa4MM('Whlek. everybody aaeald K ,aaavBow;ae) taea to aeep taetr aw- if y awsmasomti taoe avowiag sonoaa eoau t,lm....m. Orfil ' . ' '-v-v: A "iaioW1loh druggist aays syEEF BRBbrrsb, gsEBEE? EEE fFeeTaw aeEeyamg EBE Eajaajaamy aaj oEaaj l mmmmmut wLtaja, trnabla "Pf ojaBraaBajBpvgaajaagaBRj emeeapafgr eaves'vgepBrv-xf) ter The Wheels of Industry Must lEvolvE Raors rapidly and sTcct ekiUjr row than crvtr befor. t Tha) tMwd for Hecrasd productioa is Ml ogjy treat, but fro wing; the t. EEC at thtj dispooal ! ths lnuLggaa mygtorisOydtoEhiihgd, f ' r tlThej oaEeksrs f tkU Iaadtutioii WsUtt the) BEMHaSSS BME mf tJUs CSaEIMEity t lnow that tkgjr ara avarrsady aad will iag to ojstaad avary Eacaisary kalp ta UfitiBUta InigiBMNM. YICoRfarwithus. Hopes Women Will ' Adopt This Habit As Well As Men of hot BbEl juktaB-Bi t-fcga fE9Efl amViriaBBB) aaam aaaaBkBafligi akAkdaBl aaaa-an Eammajajg aaBaamyg gawajan IMK VM lwV TEN PKH CENT TEN PKKCKNT TEN PKH CENT TEN ' PKH CKNT TEN PKH CENT TEN PER CENT TEN , PER CENT TEN ' PER CENT TEN PER CENT TEN PER VENT TEN PER CENT TEN PER CENT Happy, bright, alert vlgoroaa viracloas a good clear akla; a aataral rosy coawlexloB aad freedom treat ill- aesa ara assured only by cleaa, bealtky blood. It only every woman and like wise every man could realise the woe Jera ot tke morning laslde bath, what a gratlfylag change would take plaee. Instead ot the thoasaads ot sickly, anaemia- looking men, woaaea aad alrla wltk pasty or muddy eomplexlona; la stead ot the multitudes ot "nerve wrecks," rundowns," brain fags" aad pessimists we should see a virile, opti mistic throng of rosy cheeked people everywhere. An laslde bath Is had by drlaklag. each morning before breakfast, a glass of real hoy water with a teaspoeafal ot limestone phosphate la It to wash from the stomach, liver, kldaeyl aad tea yards of bowels the prertoas day's In digestible waste, sour formoatatloaa and poisons, thus cleaaalag, aweetea lag aad fresbeniug tke oatlro sllmsa ury canal before puttlag Mora food lato the stomach. Those subject to sick headache, bil iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism. colds; and particularly tkose wko hava 5 TEN X PER CENT I a. I ty l . T aaaaa m M aw 4 4Zb Main dt. The War Is Over And We Are Going to Celebrate Wednesday &. Thursday J. FridayS:;. Saturday fey i 10 Per Cent ""-." every piece of goods in the house, except sugar, flour and contract goods, fir cvh lily. Those having accounts with us, will be accomodated as before, but to obtain the Ten per cent, cash must accompany the order. GET YOUR SUPPLIES NOW! TEN PKH fliNT TEN PKH i!NT TEN PKH CK.NT TEN PKH 'KT TEN pkh n:.T TEN PKH CENT TEN PKH t'KST TEN PKH CKNT TEN PKH CKNT t TEN PKH CKNT TEN PKH CKNT TEN PKH CKNT TEN PKH CKNT TEN PKH CKNT The Winnek Co., Inc. V A Phone 34 Klamath Falls 1 : fkiSlWWJkJWWWWkgWWWWWWkWh-w. Local Red Cross Activities AMHHA COAL COMING HOON CORDOVA, Alaska, Nov. 13. The llr.t shipment of Alaska coal to the states U expected soon to take place. It wilt consist of 1,000 tone from the mine pf tho Alaski Petroleum nml MMMMiMJaaiMwajmiia)MaM x Those present at the Library work room yesterday were, Mrs. R. h Wat tenburg, Mrsv E. a. Cummlngs, Mrs. W. P. McMillan, Mrs. H. E. Momyer, Mrs. A Dalnter. Mrs. E. H. DuFnult. Mrs Lens Qulllch. Mrs. Myrtle neck.1 nero' Cordova will ett, Mrs. A. W. Plel, Mrs. P. W. In- gersea. . t Get standard toearaace aollcy treat the CkMcete a SaHtk ageacy. II CHra to Catted War Work Campaign! GIVE! GIVE! Give to United Wpr Work Campalgjii l Owing to' the small demand for lea la the residence district, we have die- Coal company In the llerlng coal fields. v uy oarly next year. It Is believed be using Katalla coal exclusively, Tho coal la said to much cheaper than toal ran be Im ported from the stntcK. Give ta Valted War Work Cam; GIVE! GVK! NEW PHVHICIAN AIIHIVKH Dr, G. A. Massey arrived yfiterd.y from Salem. He will ho aaioclated with Drs. Truss and Hunt. Mm. Ms- soy and children will follow shortly. Or. and Mrs. Truax will leave by aato be a high grade anthracite and will In a few days for Los Anaolen. whirs a . .. . " do aeuvored on Alaska cout they will apead the winter. a pallid, sallow complealoa aad wko ' continued the regular route of dellv are constipated very often, ara uraed ?. c r Pb wh ' la lo obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store which will waated. Klamath Valley Warehouse no r urwarumg uo. ix-u First State & 8 Bank Savins V MW 4. BjBaa,mmagW,tMMia. v Jf ar,i A? KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON cost but a trifle but Is sufllclent to deav onstrate the quick aad remarkable change la both health aad uppeeraaoe awaiting those who practice lateraal saaltatloa. We must remember tkat Inside cleanliness Is more Important than outside, because tho skis dms aot absorb impurities to eoatamlaate Ike blood, while tke pores la tho HUrty 'eet 'of .bowels da Adv. ' , WHY COUGH AND COUGH AND COUCH? Dr. Kiag's Now Dtsaavarf rtatovsg tbo daatfgr of ' nggltat Give to UaMed War Work CamfMlant 1 - GIVE! GIVE! Grro to UaHod War Week Campaign I WAKEFIELD SULUVAN Oils, greases aad gasoline ;alio Peasylvaeia .Vacuum Cap tires best for wet weather, 11-lt, Coughing until lbs parched threat grows psinrul should aet bf permlNed. V It should bt relieved' before it eslas 'tsdwey with a dost ef Or. King's Jew EiKovery. . r The same with s wld er, breachlal sttsck, Millions hsvs ut4 tWs well-' known remedy for hsW a century regulsrly without theugbt ef change. Bold by druuiMt slace tfN, Anall- Importiot sdjuntt to any family mcdlflne cabinet. 60c aed .E. ' Tho Burden of Caaitlpstloa is lifted, comfortably but aesMvely wa.jou treat your bewelt with Or. King', New Life PJlls. The NvsrgM busy, dliMtlon imprevss. thetirflyi silo- ikTa U rnd'iMM bile. .Qet a aoNlt todsy-ittri the day light, fe. Ill H H NOSE CL0QQED FROM A COLO OR CATARRH AH Cream la Neetrib uaoa up Air Passages. To Ah! What relief I Your clogged nos trils open right up, the air passages of your head are clear aad you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, mucous discharge, head ache, dryaess no struggling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh soae. A Don't stay stuffed up! 0t a small bottle o( Ely'a Cream Balm from you, druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, aatlseptlo cream la your aostriU, lei It penetrate thru every air passsge of the head; soothe and hea tha swollen, inflamed mucous membraae, glvlag you Instant relief. Ely'a Cream Balm la Jutt what every cold aad catarrh tufferer has been a . J .. . -a- teetiag. us just splendid. Adv. HowEUctricitylgWianiEf tfcaWsr Mothera. Wiiyaa mnrl riaiisorrt f ra f 1 Save More Time and Money For War Work J Tha Governmsnt asks you to pava alactricity Immwiis, fusl, tin, food and moaoy. Try tha fol lowing sugff astlons In your bassa. Thay ara P provad war consarvation anasiaTas aad lassan the worrias and aspansa of houiskssputf. DONT usa wasteful carbon Ismni his tha eco- nothical "MAZDA" I UVN'T light tha kltchoa ntngo to boiL fry or toatt do it at tha tabla with tha Elactric Grill and Toaster. . DONT worry about washing aad ironing save a day a waak with tbo Eloctrlc Waihing Machina and Elactric Iron. , J If you hava alactricity in your homo audca it kesp housa for you. It givas moro oconomy, afBcisncy and conveni.nco moro timo for war work. J Ask your olactrical contractor tjoalor today how lio can help you holp win tho war by tha mora offoc tlva usa of your alactric sarvlca. A VVAR TIME SUGGESTION .2a,.?VZ,!y7,tJ!rF" ,kt wWaiaa glvmg be Sued to itsef al articles Give eltrtrleal aa-rlsart linVHlMal mm m.1 aLa . - - - . . rL.'mrrrT' "" " " ap osim snissaenaiu caa no con- The employed during tha Holiday 'He90--WM6' EAKLY. . California-Oregon Power Company il-: J Ba--w-ar. . , ' -l Y 'i ism tj'm WW s4i Wl i '- vlt . A? bI ' .,? ta h , VI tft !