OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY SEfrg jEurmng Herald ttWil twi! r,,ftifHV.i TWEBBSMffl KUWIIII Thirteenth Year No. ,4o5 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY,, NOVEMBER 12, 1918 RED GOVERNMENT FOR GERMANS NOf rjuiiw i:'? v. t . .rf '-.!. '. :s i " ' nmn? '1 1 1 rfMMMWWMWMMWMWWJMWi AUSTRIAN EMPEROR TUN V T ON E GENERAL STRIKE CALLED FOR VIENNA TOMOR. ROW HINDENBURG WILL TURN OVER ARMY TO NEW GOVERNMENT REVOLUTIONISTS NOW IN CONTROL OF NORTH- ERN FLEET AND HELIGOLAND HUN SOCIALISTS AGREE ON CABINET SUIT TO TEST. CITY LECTION II 11 eaiasantenmmap DIFFICULTIES AT PORTLAND' IN DICAT1VB OP1 POSSIBLE FUT t'RK TROUBLES. CITY ACTOR. NKV WANTS PRIRNDLY SUIT. (By Associated Prats). AMSTERDAM, Nov. 12. The German socialists and independents have agreed on- a joint cabinet, including Phillip Scheideman, Hugo Hasse and Richard Barth, ed itor or the Vorwaerts. t It is declared that the new nrovisional government will be all Red, that is, the bourgoise parties will, noHje jermit- iea co oe represemea. LONDON, Nov. 12. Emperor Charlea of "Austria has abdicated .according to a Copenhagen dispatch, quoting private advices from Vienna. A general strike is to be called in Vienna tomorrow. Victor Adler, leader of the Austrian socialists and for eign secretary in the German-Austrian cabinet, which was formed at Vienna October 31st, is dead, according to a report. AMSTERDAM, Nov. 12. Field Marshal von Hinden burg is not in Holland, but still remains at the main head- Siarters, and adheres to the new government, according to e Wolff bureau of Berlin. Crown Prince Rupprecht has not fled, as some reports have declared.. , Id order to tMt out the legality of the recent city election, and have the matter definitely determined before next Spring an action brought In a friendly manner by office's recently elected, would be welcomed by City Attorney R. C. Qroeebeck. This of flcUl Indicates that la such an In- tance everything could be settled be fore the Spring election date. His attitude Id takes la view of the trouble which has arisen la Portland where a great difficulty le belag ex perienced, several suits havlag been brought and a number of the old of fleers refuting to head over their keys to those newly elected. Mr. Oroesbeck points out that the lawa goveralag the Portland situation diff er In many lattaacea from then of Klamath rails, but that ovm allow- ............................................................. ...... 1" ' rri PtHEiSt OPPOSED 01 ' CEWSSION : .x PUBUC tHNtVlCK BODY PEEVED at pacific states CORfOaUTMN. DOUBTS STATE- mknts warn. 8ALEM. NaT. 11. Proposed la- cresset by taw pacific Telephone m Telegraph esmpany la telephone rates cannot beeaeje' affective until they hava beea approved by the public service commission, according to Prank J. Millar, chairman, and the other two members of the commission who show resentment toward the at tempt of the company to advance Its rates without foMowlag the usual pro cedure before, the commission. The telephoaa company filed a new tar iff Increasing rates to become effect ive November II. and appears to be proceedlag m the theory that this li all that la necessary to gala ad vance la rata. Chairman Miller pointed oat a fer al order of (ho commission la ae ry before rates or any, puue utility caa be advanced over existing mmm E OF AUTOS to 1EMWIED n-taatvaaena vaiimi! wan , qvwmjtm suimw- Ufa the iltqatle is nick that " Jill, na prpvtdad a legal decision would add greatly to P " w- u BOt the tecurlty of the approaching ad ministration. TO MS IS FEUD IS result of an W AUfiTRRnAM. Nnv. 12. The entire German northern fleet and the island base of Heligoland are in the hands of the soldiers council, according to a telegram from Bremen. WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. If. Herbert Hoover has told the food ad- mlalatratloi that the Nation's obliga tion to help provide for Europe until next harvest will demand further sac rlflces of the American people. The use of substitute flours can bo aban doned and mora augar caa be expect ed, bat the fata must be saved and simple living la necessary. The following casualties are report ed by the Commanding General of the American Expeditionary Ferces: Killed la action Died of wounds Is8 Died of accident aad'other causes 7 Died of disease MB Wounded, degree undetermined 107 Wounded llvhtlv H8 Missing In action 176 Wounded. Severely s Died front. Wounds Captain Chas, H. Aborcromble, 660 E. 17th St., Portland, Ore. ' , a SOLDIERS' WELFARE BODIES TO BB UNDER ONE HEAD NOW All activities with the welfare of ealhtfad men outside of eampa and caatonmolt herotefece conducted In- denandentiy by the Y. MwO. A., tho Jewish Welfare Beard and Knights of Columbus bare beea placed under the supervision of' the War Camp Community Service, by the commis sion on training .activities, ,and that service becomes the cWagency ora tally recognised. NEW CASES OF FLU APPEARING Six hew cases or the Influent were tiken to the Isolation haspltal here Sunday and one yesterday, according to an announcement this morning. Among the new cases are Thomas Meek, Manuel Francis, Lavon Colvlg, Albert Jacobson and Mrs. Leach and baby. Miss Evelyn Apptegate of Swan take Is now stationed as nurse at the Hospital, ' Some of the local physicians are of the opinion that the crest of the eulderalc Is passed here, but It Is gen erally admitted that the situation Is still serious. KEEP OUR TRASH OUT OF HIGHWAYS. Persons, who In tho future violate the law regarding leaving trash In the County highways In this district are going to be prosecuted to fullest ex tent of the law, according to County Rdad Supervisor. TomDIxon. who de clares that a large heap of tubs, cans and olber refuse were dumped by nma neir the'Vsrner Ranch a few-miles from town and that a num ber a runaways haye' nearly beea started as a result; ' WILLIAM TO Mi INTERNED ,- AMSTERDAM, Nov. If. It Is sttted on good authority that -William Hobsniollern will be Interned In Holland. ' NEW YORK, Nov. It. Fearing a rapid rise la the death ,rate from tu berculosis, aa a result of the influon sa epidemic, the National Tuberculo sis Association has Issued a special statement warning the public of the danger. Experience la previous epi demics hat clearly indicated, the ease- elation points out, that tho death rate from tuberculosis may be expected to be Increased by at least 10 per ceat within, the next two years aa a result of the present epidemic, unless prop er precautions are taken. Influent, It Is stated, greatly reduces oae-e phy sical vitality, and lowers ono'a retiat- aaca to disease. This opens th way for tuberculosis, v Thr surest ways to prevent tuber culosis aa a result of tanueasa are tummarlted by the association aa fol fel fol eows: , 1 Stop working and go to bed Im mediately. Do sot resume work un til the attack of Influent la all gone. f Have aotblag to do with patent medicines or drug store "treatment." Put yourself under a doctor'a earn at onoe, aad.eontlnuo under his ears un til cured. S Have your doctor examine you thoroly to tee If any tlgnt of tuber culosis are present. You cannot tall without an expert examination.' t 4 If free from any trace of U bereuloela, keep aa by tuActant rest during convalescence, ana careful iiv Ing.then and afterwerdt. ' ' ' a if your "cold" aanga on,- or there art other iadteatleaef .tuber- culotlt begin aunjeal tretwat-without n moment't delay. ' tho practice' of tho commission to at tack proposed rates until the effect Ive data' arrives, but at that time If complalat la made or tha commission Is not satisfied with tha rates, It 'Is customary to suspend them for In vestigation. Commissioner Buchtel Issued a atatement declaring the proposed ratea In Oregon are of no legal force and effect and are uncollectible. "Further, this commission hti fre quently held that service le par mount," be said, "and In this In stance It appeira to ma that It might equitably be made a condition preced. ent to the request for advances, "In 'this connection, It might be atated that, after listening to the tes timony adduced at the- recent hoar- lag. I am by no means thoroly satis fied that tha solo and only cause for the deplorable telephone service Is daa to the alleged financial straits of tha company." - 1 m VICTORY BOYS 'AND GIRLS TO PLEDGE SLACKENED DEMAND FOR GOV- RRNMBNT STEEL WILL CAUSE BIO READJUSTMENT. MANY RE BTRICTIONS TO BE REMOVED. WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. If. The -manufacture of passenger auto mobiles after the January first date, which wat fixed aa the time for a one hundred per cent curtailment, It now likely to continue due to the tuddea collapse of tha war and the conse quent lessening of the government'! steel demands, acordlag to an intima tion from the War Industries Board which will publish a list partly re moving the rettrtctlena from the non war sctlvltles-aad readjusting tha In dustries. jm-nm nmmufsnunm BBi anm gg, ga m nam ganj taj ga bbj mnm. nm sm .mam . UtKMAN MtLLIUNS . e '.I V v APPEAL MADE TO PRESIDENT TO HASTEN PEACE s ? . . ; t NEGOTIATIONS AND STAVE OFF FURTHER iM cc. DISASTER BY STARVATION CLAIMED THAT MUTINOUS SAILORS WOULD FIGHT ON RATHER, THAN SUBMIT TO , MUNHEARD-OFl -..IAi Kl -, vl , 'Vl . . 'I ,' SI y "V 'UJI, -tA . OLDER MEN ARM RBiiKASBD BY DRAFT WASHINGTON, D. C, Nor. It. The draft Boards have been ordered to atop elasalfyiug men under nine teen) and overjthlrty alx yeart and to withheld their questionnaires Mk7mt. need-not .All out their quasliMnaJroa If reeelved.' "" m GERARD WANTS WILMBLM TRIED IN ENGLAND NEW YORK, Nov. ltV The extra- QKajtMu) 9m slWBjMmf BBjHVuWOv from Holland and hit trial ha on murder charge are nrged by f ee MM AMBnBBWaVaBOl W awttMH n WfmM M Enroll with tha Victory Boya and Victory Girls. Thla meant that yon pledge to earn and give a ttated aum for war work. Yon will receive a Victory button, also a banner to hang In your window saylag soma one there la enlisted for victory. Be prepared to make voluntary pledget, with cash payment If pos IUST1 FAILS TO KEEP TERMS OF MMISTIGE (S By AnwOciBttjd Prat) 'w . v . !MtttJ or tW htf9Mi,inihfi nuwa MbJtJOtwd to ttWBM ttUsdmaBtrnjabt to rsjRdwr, isw GtMnMui pof U fWv Bptslidto YVllaoa. i v "v 'V ttV" mm ' ..&. i ..1 W '' ik y. j 1 vri Fortjaaai Sexratanr yjfrwWmUm warn ntops to ovsreomns Mat i ,ve u. 1 JL , .' 1 !mmmm WBMBJ'eBnfsfpO lly . f iWi'JJ.A" .( mT ' --' - .1 iMnnMaK VtanaRtsV -, y .tnj ,.. mm,', mmm -; ;.i VA- 'V t ... Thmj kv calkd on ,tk tmiltjn to nlAsi, .AWgt'V L'i wacte iiMiiX'V zollwrn, tlto fonsMW crown imimb awd ettrnW milifA who sought rfug Utsrau . H -r ;b"$: '" -'Al w RECOVERS FROM OPERATJOK . Mrt. ioeMee're, wid.-, recently underwent an bparatlon at San Fran cisco, hat returned almott entirely recovered and will toon occupy, her old place at tha desk of the Western Transfer Compaay, , OtmliSlMBH thtvn, Do rt)urejtt your nojr w nave a mmrra ntnon teaysthmayaramenthm WtWMtw Pot tSeUnltedWnrWork Cttnpal(nevartlMtA. LONDON,- Nov. It. Aa tofflcltt Italian message says: "Austria la not complying with the naval clauses of the armistice." The wireless message, presumably aimed by the Italian naval command-er-ln-chlet, reads as folio we: "To tha authorities la possession of tha Auttro-Hungartaa fleet: "The 96 boura laid down having elapsed at 8 p. m., November 7, 1 de clare that soma of the naval clauses stipulated by the plentpotentlarlee of the allied powera and thd United States of America and accepted by tbe plenipotentiaries of Austria-Hun giry have not been complied with. "Information haa not been supplied concerning tbe location and tha move. meats of Austro-Hungarlan ships, Maps of the mlaa fields and other ob stacles have not been communicated, Tha merchant ships of the allied pow era have 'not been handed over. Tbe pert of the Austro-Hungarlan navy which it had been agreed upon should surrender, bat not beeq surrendered, "Tbe above facts, constitute a com- pleta breach of the agreement solemn ly stipulated for by the armistice con vention. "THAON DE REVAL, ' "Commander-in-chief, Italian navy." KLAMATH FALLS GIRL . HONORED AT SCHOOL UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Bu rsa, Nov. If, Ella Doing., of Kla-I Kith Patyi, haa been chosen vice ttetldent ef the Associated Student peVlaat night at a Joint meeting of the student council and executive board. This It the first time that a woman hat held thlt office la the history ef the university, -( Tho Allkrd warships hire) Mtrwd to DgudgWlt, aJ th Britjah BBVtU fore hV OCCMpUtj AlnBMonTSttm, Tkt) mn ntnti mt Am ---'" - - --. . cnauMtJ in Gwrnaaaj, mmA arioceW of frictMMi bntw tlto Si flhilitBry authoritios rbm! tho aoMitm'WoffaaMHi's cscU to Northom GonhMtoy ar niiBisroiH, . .t ifevlJ tf "r -a i ,teF . - t"M',.V: LONDON! Nor. iZGnnmamT kna Wllnmm to avMMM tmtmmMAUtmMm tmm Am mu.1.. mt A -mmrnUL. cLi euraunujaj immtiBianswy lur oaw opotUBBj of, ptJBCB, BasfmXBn ,tf Hon, thoro boimff a prMlaff claiif tr of tnnnasaooroaf -'V- ,VI LOCAL PUBLIC IS.S.SHLES H TOO m SOLDIERS IWE EIGHT BONES PEflSON V Ing to tho latest report from national war aavtnga headquarters, Total talet hare passed 8z5, 000,000 and now are Increasing at the rate of na.rlv linn 00 ArtO mnilk' Ohio still lead the stateU te : largest monthly, and aggregate, salefi. W, but Nebruka reports .higher per cap; 1 1 ' While no detailed report It yet WASHINGTON, Nor. II, Enough available by tbe aggregation of work, war tnvlngt stampe now have been en who are conducting tbe United 'V,u.10 ra"" """" w every , w wn.i'n.i. 1. .1.1. .it. ,h. i..j dlvldunl In tie Unlted,State,aecordT War Work Drive in this city, the lead- . . .. .,M. nn ' . m '.; era of the move feel very much en couraged with the support which hti been given thut far, With tbe tremendous victory which haj been won by, the Allied force and all the principles for which Amer ica hat beea fighting to thoroly clinched for all time to come, It Is to v r be expected that too public in the fullness of Its gratitude will pour ,out an abundance of funds sufficient to provide' all poaslbla comforts for the boys who have offered their Uvea. to aUke It poetlbW. ' " The drive worker are allbusy men who are giving their time" to, thla work gladly without rebampente, but their task wll be materially lighten. ed If the public will meet them hnU way by making It a polat'o tee their precinct "werkera'and t'ura'la their pledget, fl li r&l m ita sales., unios iaienaya .eeaveas m . Vf.v.MWW. .o,.n. ,H,.r ,? which waa more tnan an otnar tune, n ji and' IU ntr capita sales wereM-tci .H,l ISO a rewfli. "aar"a" tTn'tWi record is proportlbn" ner have ..u . I. AK AUl' iV. ?wf'WwnSas:T i u.-- 1 r. .. . mi 1 &JM0VMFA WASHWOTClV? The ,;tfeuMr;a4yjltni manaeaiw 9wufj UMuranof niHawj aamaaa Uvea baVt 3S1 lyw -ii.-:. V ., I fA u 'ft ri , , .Wl 4. !