., . .. mv 1-VA VT 'W t iy"rO Mtoro d m iw f JX- MONDAY, NOVKMIWK ti, ,. tWl KVKWINQ HK1ALD, KLAMATH FALLf. OK100N v . t .vtf ! v ' 1 HWV' V Do Your Xmas Shoppin -. 'J y. L u 1 For the Men, at a Men's Store vs SA t' hi i i l I ' M lT ( v I i IJl'A, jl J" IK..V3 .M'u. VJj, IVtfV&& 1 "jl v, l.'V .' wiitf IvWA i 2S am lrfiri a;k irniif ia mm 1 'dwr?fV "'Sm Buy something useful this year you'll find just the EARIxI things you'll like, things tb Men Will like and appreciate, at Leading Clothfcrs and Hatters K. K. K. STORE Klamath Falls .Oregon LABOR LEADER AND HIS SOLDIER SON stISK? i?lMlHKnSi lVi s" asssmaaaaH :v?'rjBlBBBBBBlBi - vS?' aEEEwMHBa- ' ,7'"i WaaaaTr 'K.tfaaaaaaaaaV -'',;iaaasri''iv- KV'iiiiiiiil tHIaaaamlHaaaaastj3S?aaaaa ",. - .?-:bk' n - u".i:.."i. " in- i KIHTHIS RESPONDme TO WW Mil Canvassers for tko Uatted War Drive, wklek starts over the Nation today, were oa tat streets early tkla lanilact aad from reporta siren oat from those at tka keed of tka mora, N thm asM-Bt mmiu rainnm frAti th. Mw local aeblle la ladleatod. I I" leatere Tka prasstag aaad el tka toads was tka seek a Coaflrmlag tka. aaofflclal an aouacemeat of tka County aad Slat officers elected laat Tuesday In Kta- eMaa.ae oki jkWInlala MaMlMfta . I computed kara Saturday ia alton be-ftr? ', t ' It rem ' TO UNCLE SAM IMPERIAL EMPIRE OF KIIMIIY VANISHED (Continued from page,!) NEW YORK, Nov. 11. France, at tar tka war, will expect to have kelp from tka United States la the form of money, material and snip. people thought the Hetchatag wae be. Ia boMbardeil aadithouMada rwaheil to the Miaare In front of the tYimn lrlar'a palact. It waa later iWw-, mined that other halldlajce were and er flra. BsJri I sJji aajaal Oampara, atariaaa Vaaaratlaa 'of. . ;.. " ' ' i ft of tka V" il Laker, haa t .mr m jila part.ia 6maUU labor-kH-ta War but kaaflvea to Lmmw ajamaei qaaiaen, jr. CaBBSamPOHi r B aVLBaaaaatiBCBmBvHaw .BKaaaaaaBBaaaP' BEaaaaaaaw I .flEEEEIBlEaHEC JEWlbBBE' Vh1 I' WBBEHaEbm amSr , aV a EVPREEEEEEAEftftftKLABBBBEESET BBB A r I EHbht r Em wmmSr II lalEEElKlElEm. 1 JEl ' v-a EsB,-" PBBBBBJ ekaHEflBlETET WwfaV attfcEat jf '' I v '-' o M't Pvmaaaaaaaaahw -" i BJmSBar,ini "MEWflBmTBHMaffMi 'I u GOOD NEWS t For the Young . Wmw going to hvlpcwkbmtetlMaMMHafcftJM war by aTcring sons umimmI bargaiM fa CWI dram'. SkoM, for boy. .ndfirla. WcaajMtMto pricMhora, but ask you to con ui mm! fawotfjgal for yourself, and we promiso you a big safag fa Shot forth. Children. p.Ta 4rriAi rklUU.l. J LS.L -I 4 A- L JUL I J fraCSlrf" '1r, "" r"1" " win p tsi r. wc pajT'sair uus woax. x ". wktek are bow betas ralaai la aolat- ei oat la a ataaaasa from Heary J. Davteeea. ckalnaaa of the Amarleaa Red Craaa. wko kaa aat aaaat va waaka la areaa. la aaaaert ef tka VaRaf War Work eaaaalsa. DavHiea'i telastam raaaa: "Havtas aaaat aaarly tvo waaka amoas ear bmb alekctaaek al Uaea la BasUad, rraaee aad Italy, I kave aad efaertaaMy U- akaarra work ef area relief ersaateatteae. ,Cartala ly avary aaaatar ef aiierieaa 1 Craaa wKkle the VaKat Mataa. aai. nidaad, to all other aarU of the wort. aad all eHlaeaa of tka Uaked SUlaa woaid eoatrtbaU to work.of tka eav oar orgaalaatloaa if tkey eoald aaare elate Ha lmaertaaee. Oar aaarly two aUBloa mea are far from koaM. la etraasa laada, aad aeed, aa mea aev er aeeded before, jaat tka tklasa tka Mvea ergaaUatloaa aapply. I am therefore, eoaldaat tka eatlra Red Crow, coaaeloaa of.lU obllfatloa. will co-operate witk eatkaalaam aad 'teal to the eomlag eamaal-a-" ' a TODAY'S CASCAI TY.UST Tka fellowlag eaaaaHlea are re ported by the eommaadiag saaeral ef I tka Aaarlaaa BBpedKleeary fereee: ,KUIed la aetloa til Died of woaada ...... ...,..........I0S Died from aeeMeat, ether eaaaaa I Died from alralaae aeoldeat , I Died of dtoaaae : II Woaaded aevarely II Waaaded, decree aadetermlaed .. Woaadad sllfhtly lf MtoaUg a aetloa'.... IIS BJHai a Aettam Prlratee Baech M. Neyer. Poodle- tea. Ore.; WUUaa If.-Morrow, Pert load. . , Give to the War Work Caaaalga. Mroribatwaea Oaarse A, O. Haydoft add t-OI'K.NHAOKN', Nov. Il-Armnl. waa made plain by Andre Tar-' to a fruatkr a tle I'rln r.,h ki.h mm.i.inm.f nri owMi HearkB, wife of UieXiraiMlMm of Havana wae woaailnl ImvlBK Manlrh. . .w ,...... ..i-L.f-e". Preach high commlMloner and , " MearkB. wife of t !fi&2&?2 ' Praaco-Amerlcaa war af- -' " ", !i. "SSI1 !" la the Preach cabinet. Iheanwaa.he waa I I PawllAM Im aa mAAmmm n Ida iaeA.1 mmhmw K.Vb Riper, the latter taklas th . ., ; . ., xfltiCH. Xw. 11 IIwmm. of .lT?i! iL"tMTJ!!r. "'- opad America troop, would ??? IrT"?: ?' la of oae vote. All other coaaty eoa- teated offleara ware woa by aubetaa tlal majorities L .The Mate OfflMlt ware slvea a heavy repubtteaa' majority ikraoat the Coaaty. ,,"' Pollewlas la tke.offlc!a! eoaat .v.M.am Ooa.rt Martka K. Beta (a) ..'. Prod W. ktalkoy (r) , V. b laaatBr lieoa Ckaa. L. McNary (r) Albert Slaushted (a) Oewald Weet (d) .'...'.., Jamee Harvey Orahaa (d) K.J, Kaaott (r) c, Max of Hedea aad all the( lloar'Ho mialatera have.realKed. eayii a -patch from Rerlla. PreeVrlck Vtom IIS llll i toss; w relieve the labor Bltuatloa. He aug seated that American technical unite a tli mnAAimr wlfk thalr iuiuflw meat would' be able to help reetorelV1 " ocltl,4i l""r hl!;i,rf,'',1 --.,-,.j ... k.n ..- deflaltely rerocalaea aa rnaarellor. avvakvw rwmnw wuiiv wiiikin(. trMeaortatloa home. Show your loyalty to thoie who are flghtlas for you by your contribution to the United War Work campaign. WANTH WOMKN AT THK PKACK TABLK. W.kli im n. nupiavu .,v. aaaio x O. P. Hoff r) ....:... Divld P. Matoa, (d) Paulina Bears (a) .. Jattke Rai H. W. Rvaas () .. Charlea A. John (r) ess 11SS 10T Coart ISIS IT 114 IIS ins NEW YORK, Nov. 11. Mm. Carrie aire to Halted War Work Campaign! Chapmaa Catt, auffrage worker, be- , llevei women should have aeata at the " ' peace table. ' Aa preeldent of the Na-' tloaal Womaa Suffrage Alliance, ,ehe baa Mat a communication to all Na tional women'a orginltatlon urg ing them to itind together to have women adequately repreeented on the peace commission. Home Morale... , In tlir Klrcniimi. tmr p aoeil moro Nttiurniciil, rilura tlim anil aloiMtro rlglil it I Immr. Mulc l tit tmiiir Mhnt will anil Hppir In l kmnI looking. Mmwuin ap, plri up )uur hump life ty grtllng lliitl iln ly. rr-plaaii or Vlclmln. ' .Muilr Malntulnn Morulr. SHEPHERD Piano Depot Sett ilmtr to 1'iMtolHre CARD OP TIIAKKH Oeart to flHrwaacy j I wish to' thank all who eipressed j sympathy during my bereavement. 1 ...... ....... ....... Ore to UaMoi War Weefc oivai OVBt BUT A THRIFT STAMP TODAY. f " " "Ml aUdr-eu lJ'VRi'S! .t AC Lyary-F: J-'rAv - - mm t.jMr'ZMKiU rrtifi(f4..rV-, ). GEO. W. BRAD ttv,1'v'''T''vr r. "!" M r I II I ." i . 727 Main St I. B9B--BESBaW--aaaall " BBaasaaaau bava a full lfaa af tba fapas Shoe Store LaW -S fHWa- aataf M W" aB EHJa-asaV . aVSaW J Jntk earn, here's a Bua arml and seventy mmions, Keep the boys on tbeer teai another year." That's the minm jap. fcs saadtog to your Und. sauay when you put tha United War Work Cam. -al-aa Aausv aUa-a """-"y .x ioatko of Prank A. Moore. Bennett wWwJB . i Campbell AMeraoy Oeorse M. Brown (r) (d) ) I. L. Caaaoa (a) ......'........... V Boat. Pafetta taaaroctlesi J. A. Churchill It) ) 1601 Iaes A. Lush (s) .'..r IBS of MMoaa of -ober CHESTER A CLEVELAND ' Praak A. Ounther,' watchmaker iua jswsiar, ivitawiij ui umhbuvw, i aad saw located In Klamath Palls at ttOT room S of tha Washington house, will 174 shortly move to a Main street Iocs- uoa. ii-si 0. H. Oram (r) d) 1411 Augusts Nlhula74e)... ...... i ill of Pajblse SorvMo iHaHeJfMakatba National Sacurity Laagua John B. Johaaoa (a) Prod A Williams (r)d) Soot. Water Drralsa Wi Mag Burgholser (s). .. ...... Percy Cupper r)(d) ....... RsoswsolaUvea Biot. District. Deatoa O. Burdlek (r)(d) . Ceo.'H. Merryaaa lf)l)0 r..n, voBcor ii'........ p0UNT-4JlMJBM ".wn. . ,160 .14I4 or I. . ' 111 ..lilt u. ill .t.'me in i" Charles BBesroolept.:.......;,,, 711 Oeo. . Humphrey t B0 Chas. C, Low ..... CoaOHT Csork C. R. DaUn ......,.:..... HIS Eugene V. Henry-' ' Ml Coaaty fTeaamMsoaer An Pordyce .V. .'.......'w. 1 P. H. MeCerasok '.. Cowosp C. T. ,... ee..et.ee."e DSriay ....,,,.; Cesusty Earl Whitlock .:. - io. VMEfPWW Yfl9 Mvs'ty .feeeeeeaeeee.seetei 1414 1610 SS4 J -w-w-w-IN ' aaaaaaW!7- l aaaaass'l aaaaaaaaBiaaav?W4ai' aaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaHb t aaaaaaaaaaaaH laaaaaaaaamaaiMaeaaaaa.. (WRIGLEYS , EJjB tEj Ef gE)V raaEaaa E B assnamaaaaaaaa ' BM , H slBBmBBBBBBSplrBBBBI eBeyV Jk wHB mVlXaWaf a A aaaaaPT'aa4mafT i blamaa!aaa" ElEaaaaaaR We will. win this war Nothing m rai maffurt unfi itve o ai.aMygr Much of tha suecass of' tba National Olve those wko hero BMde freedom Security League la Instilling thruout for the world tke'eamrertrof life by America tba prlaclplei of prepared- abMrtblSirto'tlM'VsKadW.r Work aea aad aetloa la the war Is due to esmaalSS-" &?$ WAS. ft U Ht PHclty director of "; ,'"" ' e may activities of tha league. NowtoUatlM,teBWaeaprags.. He has spread thefame of the orgsnl Hagae, 101 WWHe MdgT' ' 'l-lt satloa over tha World. j atMk aaaLaWaaBs-. eYa flMHW aTBs8B R -ataPaa-aVaVaTV-Mak-. 1 amaaT-i -glrTTmtT-a aa7rmrTaMIIHHBWar-a-aara-a7 Bf pafVanf Aftrt Our tef or getting WRIGLEY5 oi;r e.re tr Vffl v yH m l Ac K t-itjitrft ,0