'lit MONDAY NOVKMmm 11, ItM THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON II IP. w.r .TTTTTB3giyo,.. A sJHQpPP1? jSSP'VYni s Close Harmony Under Fire THE men had finished supper, and sat around In listless groups. Even when a shell went jcooming overhead they showed no interest They were fed up. on this war, , - v A little gray car chugged up the hill to their camp. Two war work men stepped out, carrying between them a curious long box., "What you got there ?" asked the doughboys. "An organ." "Well, can you beat that I" "We've come to give you a little entertainment," said one man. "AUflgntr j "You bet it's all right," answered a young officer. "This gang hasn't seen a soul from the outside world for weeks. ' Go as far as you like." r And they did. They sang the new songs Just, over from Broadway. In a minute the whole camp was singing them. Then they sang the verse of a good old close-harmony melody, .and the crowd roared the chorus. "But haven't you men got anybody who can sing?' asked one of the entertainers. The response was immediate and a whelming. 'Sure wo have! Oh, you Shorty I Come on. Happy! Give'i that 'Perfect Day BilU" And then things really started. "Would you know, it's the same gang?' asked) therAmerican officers. For two hours it lasted, and then the visitors packed up their organ. "Come again soon and send more of your men,", said the officer. "We can't get too much of it!" "So long!" yelled the men. "Good luck! ' Come again!" Wherever there are American soldiers overseas, these organ isations are carrying entertainment to them. Movies, concerts, lectures, local talent, even full-fledged comedies with a truck for the stage, from, the simplest sing-songs in the woods to the moat elaborate program in city theatres, everywhere free entertain ment is provided to meet conditions. r aA"- Sweeping Changes In t Rates Planned lmA WASHINGTON. Nov. aporttnt tup towards 11. As. an . what I right und In the oubllc Inter wiping out I wt may prevail." The now-acales apply only to claae rates, art distinguished from commod ity rates. Under class ratea move tlon DroMaaa uatr.ilv.ir t ...nhii.h ' of high value, or df mis- new scslss of eltaa rate. In five tone,' "" amounts to a variety of tnruout the weat and eoutb, SclCntlMe"t'n,,t,on,,; for flt Trttir, Per,d fleslly'wsrksd wt and based, largely n",k materials of comparatively low - -'." ' (jrattiA. audi n in.l. nrlrlr. 1umlir. ob eon or transport won ana, density looel freight rate discriminations and many sUtsa,,th,rnllroid admlnlstra- value, such ajr coal, brick, lumber, gnln and live stock, moving regulary In big quantities usually are hauled under commodity, or specific" ratea. ttates vary on ciassee, lato which, art grouped articles. In accordance 'with their value, difficulty of handling, und other considerations. The five, tones are arranged rough- of traffic. The propsssdjscaloa, which will be , subject' to;lssgt consideration before ths tsrotots'aomraerce Commission state commissions and, railroad traf. flo committees befpro adoption, would cause slight advances In ome rates aad'rsduetts la others, without any sasral fluctaatlon In either :dlrec- lv according to cost of transportation Um. ..' " ' nid density of traffic la eeeh7 On . Advantages, of tho aystem as set I Induces thsjoutheaat, ons'thsBorth. forth by tharellroid administration Mississippi valldy states, one the are that It wsald give all shippers southwestern states, togtb'er lth raeUaallir tkeT aame ratei for sivsn'the'CsatMl pulas rsgtm;,oa Us la- dlstaaee,:rssrdle-i of. whether their trrrabuntaln we-tern-territory aau plaeos of susissss are situated at one tne rsciiie cocst. polaU served f'sy several roads com-' The prevailing scale. ia'Tesss: bas- petlag for traffic "with the lure of'edon the Shreveport scale, whisk was special rate; imat it wouia promote ( determined oy tne interstato. cosa haullag. by, Usphortet route, since fierce Commtaon, ' l ooutldeied charge la BMeral woutd be based 'oirvndard. or:100r cent. Foraxnm hat) fa would, permit fre lncllassr would. apply-tne same ratea as la t the, 100 percent . lose, provld lag allppiag interests. Would agree to adopt the so-called western classl iication,by, which articles are group ed Into various classes. If these In terests , prefer to retain the existing soutbeittern classification, a special scaU would be applied, which can not be compared In terms' of percentages with tho standard scale. As an. Indi cation of what this scale would be, however, these charges may be cited for hauling 100 peunds: First class 88 cents; second class, 58 cents; third class, 68; fourth, 44; fifth, 35; sixth, lo; diss A, 84; B, 87; C, 30; and D. IT., -Tho proposed rone scales would apply to both Interstate- and Inter-! state shipments, and consequently I would supplant the dlstrlctclasa rato scales now enforced by many state utilities commissions. The new rates would not apply, however, tb ship ments between eenes. Bxtotlag sched ules would cover these. aiVKi GIVE! Otre Tie) VsMed War Week mileage; tact operatioa of .commercial competition sew often restricted by stats rate t.. rrfsri, aartlealarlr la the southern sUtas; sad that k would simplify tho cstcalstlOB of charges. Objectloaa are expected from many stats eommtssioas, whose rate mak ing powera would be limited, by .the Hi, tho chants for l.aullngi 1"0 loi-.idn, 100 n.lios, .are ns foljewj: First class, 51 coats; second class, 49 cents; 'third class; 41; fourth, IS; fifth, 87; claes A, 80; B, 88; C, 17: D, 16; and E, 18. .' This 100 per cent scale la used 1b two aonea. One la tho Paclfis coast, Including California, Washington and Why you should give twice as much as you ever gave before! 9hs Bsad k ft a. sum 709s mater than any sift avsr an. Tb Oovannnsnt ha fixsd this aura a f I7upuv.wu BvsivkMtothsssBevoaoraaoUatlomslMeans.tMi tional csrhpslgw k aawd. UnltM Arosricarm do glv twfct m bbocJi m tw baton, asr SMr not aajoy during 1919 tlwttt 3X)0Itscre-UkBullllnfa IMO Llbou aappJyfcng 5,000,0Mbmmi iam 1S(U UauI. mim at llnalaas Houasa IBB l2rfiM atss Stan 15.000 BU.brotbsr Na 1000 Athletic Directors MiUkmordoOmofiiooMi actios; from shippers who find the Oregon. The other Includes most of readjustmeata would raise their Texas, Louisiana, west of the aflssiss- ritoa; from producers who might dlJ. Ippl, Missouri south of the MlMourl cover that relations of their rates to river, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and the those of competitors would .be chang-1 plains atatee of Kaasas, Nebraska, sd to their disadvantage and possibly North Dakota and South Dakota, from some railroads who fear the oro-1 The charsea la the tatermouataln mottoa;of ahort hauling would reduce xone would bo 180 per eeat of the their traf fie when they are restored I standard scale. That is, It would cost to private management. Advocates 80 per cent more to haul the earns of Us bow plaa propose, however, to material consequently sauller revea rstata stistlag ate relationships be- j ue. la hold to Justify this higher rats, twees rival communities or nroducers The lntermountan tone would la ss aiach aa possible and to make the ' dude Arlxoaa, New Mexico, Colorado, chaagee gradually In order not to dls-, Utah, Nevada, Wyoralag, Idaho, Mon nipt akipplag osadltlona. j tana and extreme western sad south' A almtjar sahsms'of rites la now, western Texas. Mag workeeTout for tbo territory! Is the north Mississippi soae oist.ot the MlaslMlppl snd north of lows, Wliceaaln, Mlaaeeota aad Mto- ths Ohio aad fotomae rivers, and will; aourl porth of the Missouri river be aaabuBced shortly. Outlines of. rates Would be 76 per coat of those the eealea have bees sent to the Inter-' Is the standard xoae. la .this tsrrl- stats Commerce Commission, to state ( toPy. trsfflc la mora dense end conse oommlsaloas and commercial orgahl-(quent!y can be hauled cheaper, satloaa for study aid criticism , In .tbo routbeaat, Including all "Director Oenersl McAdoo la not' atatee east of the Mississippi, and waddsd te any theory or any ached-south of the Ohio and, Potomac sx um," said a railroad administration ' cept Weat Virginia and tho Northern aanouBcement. "His purpose Is to part of Virginia the railroad admin bring ob a full aad Intelligent dls-'titration proposes two plana. Oae, cuealea of ths subject to tho end that. federal administration NOTICE,. To iwnflrM. Car OwasrS: Having purchased ths garage for msrly sfsratsdsy ?.. Dodge, at rosrth . aad KlamaHi;.sar aim. IsVfs give ths very best ssrviee. .Try us. wakbp-ibujU at.Buiaiivn. amtC ovmt AAAAaAM . -v.-" ", m iJLr?2TAlfi;SSKi. f-BiaaamtMmrm:i TvTftirHE t'iVvi MirfrMsmm Order, J .V iisTo1 W,i ahoMliI avail yovritelf of MiOfc;, ! ronvrnlrnce whkli1 our parcel aj.'--i,f, parklsg sad prompt shlpmess;BB. '? , ara holAies wi41i W... Hestd as a K:'L4 'trial order whew yam nsid draar f HimaMSi. Imt . J1 - i ax rs Hljfl-. 1 v.'.. tr. Oirs to VaMai Wsr Wsrk Camps Ism I GAMUTS a. as. todlpwBB, LEGAL NOTICES UVWWVWVWMMMWM"" wrvnrm voci la the,Cesty CosrV of hs Mats sf ,orsges-ior,se www ' BIB.1 a la the Matter of ths stsls of Robert w. rwumw, u '. . -. Notlss to hereby gives, that the un- - J la ih. 4t.1v nlBteS aad qualiisd admiaistrstor si .ths above ntlOedsststsTsad that aU perMas havlag , siatajs v agalast ths ssM se Ute saU iflisBt Um'ssbm to this admlalstrator. properly vsrttsd aad wits vsaasere anaeaes, at taw ram of H. MMautasT, attorasy lor said alatA las. ammi .siaBBmlal amVllMammT msj asm i ejsarai sewwewe i - ath raUa.Ots4raB.WBMt iTths ths BBdsralspsd has ssleetod to t . . , - & a. M .aIi 1.. ciaiass' io so siaaowtos wmw . months trsm ths ssts or tais bouss. Dated October SS ,1118. (Blnl J. M.' POTTMR. Admlaistrator of 'ths .stots sf RaVAftefC We FvtttTs 88-4-11-1S-8I - ' .f LEADS CZECHOSLOVAKS ! I 'mBamtsttsmtsfcr-r " T"T ' - BB.B.B.HRIIB.B.B.HBU4 jBFKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHrSBBfsBr VsBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm mBBBBBBBBBBBBBa aSBBBBr BBBBBBBBBBBHSBSBBBmar ' 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWlBBBBB"JI'aBWr ' ' 'mBmBmBmBmBmBmBmsMPilftrf!' aaHMMl fPT asBM tsm acM .sffBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBmBmffsBBMiaBml bsfan. Ths Oovsmmsnt has fixsa this aura at fi7fl,w,ww. WBBBBBBBBBBBaPilr-riaBX-Ilmfsmf BOM kl aatct Of HI amaV ' SBBSBBBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBrxtv A . ' ' iSPfsBmBmBmBmmBKsmBBV.Wfls J" .v " ii emffBBBBBBBBBBBVaBBBffKVtlPiil .n pn ft mBmBmBmBmT.xejK9mFt1.flU''a scrstoriss" -., fcM( 1lmm,WimM&$Ml$S3F n tiwtm f ' ' Bmmw mmmmEaa,isaB ".auir,!ii,fti'ri' it Bastmi KmMmmm-rdA , , ' If BBBBBBM fjmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBkX-T'. ' W BBBBBKl . BBBBBBBBBmSBBBBBBBBX!,5Bm'wV si bbbbbbbm immmmmmmmBjfevVvsmv.m asm, vpn.- emaBBBjB, .VsmsmBBwemWiPsmBW.mBmBmB. . MBBBSaBMLBSm' I,, JBBBBTSSL ' "aBBBBBBBBBBm,y seaaBRiewwirBBBX' ' B' BBBBSkXeji. mssmsmsmsmsmv-i4rimsmsmsmV4sv. , l. fifSSjA BBmfBBBBPet':?iIBBBPf:'' 'iHF BbbbbbbbbEv im. jmBmBBmmio.M-,xiiBiMiiiK(f-v-iaaia---i- nC IsamTeP .., mBBBaTmeVTiiSBBBmBBBBBBssP ' f i'aw' ''''" I Now glvs to malnuilntr Morals thM to wtaoing ths war! C II 'IJaBt''iMV i . "- t .B.Mnrsm..imzJmwMw''rti - .slsmBmBmBmBmBBSABmBmTa;V'SmBB GAMPAIGW ' jBBlflHiii i iSLV BBBSSV jdSVCX iKnfsS I ' n- I ih rbkjaSBmgSflifl (BBBaBmSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmSB apgLms V" eVaWvsvsP LaBmssr i !f bbbT BSmaBsmBBBBWlBBBBBBBBBBBBm ( Vi" v t . I mtaBmBBssmBmffsVs" S? 'mBmBmBT-l ' ' JaaVajT!mvM It mm, 1 . tH A,H ' . -.... m..r. nTsmrn WJV f I ... i.' i i. ' . 2K ' ri . r, A -r sr mm i rB'BBBsa in bbiti rs bbssbt um. U -...,.-, , , .t tl J y-t . , ' X A r TUp KIkSX NAllLMAaL DinilV ,'' BSStodeammaaderelsJileisOsseho-J Austria aadths Oemaak aHlsa. jroncaio Ib ths'Cswtr Coart'oc ths Msto U OrsgoB. tor ths Cssaty at Klam ath: . ' r ' " -. la ths Mstter of ths Bttots of Alata g.Aleiander, Dsssassd. . iNotlee Is hereby givsa that ths aa- dsrslnsd has been duly appelated admlaistrator of ths, shove entitled eeiaie, asanas auiy qumiuea na sues. All persona having claims agalaat the ssM estate will prsssat thsm to tho BBderstgasi at Us oce of H. M. Maaalag. attorasy ,st law. uoomw bsUdlag. Klamath falU. Oregon, which is ths plaee ths aaseralgasd has chossa totrssaset ths baslseae of ths said estate. " That all clsima shall bs properly vsrlled, together with vpachera at tachsd..aa4.mastss preasstsd wlthla to msaths' from ths emtovslf this Botlee. ., , i ; ' . t Dobs at Klamath falls. Oregon, this 8iKOsp.sc oetoser, iti; - .. L. ALBXANOait; AdmUlatrator of Us Iststs sf Alma 1 B. Alessader, Dsssassd.- t.i ' 81-88-4-11-1S 3fl s M&imRM L-L Ml jMarsKM wni ... IJH '?:,. i-i. ' -oamjjf, wufnvm wmtm t -gamg cA ?, v ': 1 - u-fr --" 'J- JB--a yv'-',. I lisV', ' :'l PJ ' TLfc- TV: PSM. ' -amr ' p. .. " -i T- -'. 'ij , J, -J. ij.i. aul.u-L-. L.Ji tali GIVKt OIVKt dive to UsMsd War Work OIVKt H OIVKI .- I v.CM .:w:m 1 tf.-i i -t )-r. i.iu f -j.'feS r 1 BBaBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBB , '. K '' SMMeaaBBBBBBBWsaWsBBWt '. .a- J .1 1. V. J vS IFMsajiire .:?yi-.?.OF :.' .Af-j....Vi. ?V11 ?. v Y.'JTr ,-.i jr ' ;-t-va Ztritl tiif '-.!. I. ii r -'- iC- -- L.--.. ' f-.V f TJ'X" ' JVTI r'V v. . y-v. ItoilvEstoilSsi IsamsiMsam. 'W .VVrl r ' "y- " 1.-T-.--P . ,,-v . ."v Jr.vAv--,- vr W i f.7!iJ - " J2 . -.?1X. " ' 7"-il jxi. f. : - . d hWVi n.ibo;iV.jJvtV'; . . -j"!-, wt.,7i.v j v r-vr: untmurwi -sK .J1 - iT "'.I-i. oovixaiBwVBibiiBsi H -fV.. ir. " S"i ijiiir.SLii'fir?-; ei MtJNKAIi sWrtM 713 Main Street rt rT- .i ' r-V - - -U' ess. r VJ v. BBssssZlmBelsBSSam)?' profmiionaT'cajSiSv J j'J . v - ..t .Ui .Vij 4. , Aa '- NOTICB Departmeat M Us Iatsrlor. Ualtod Utee ladhw ' Jerries. Klamath Ageacy. Oregsa, Ostsssr 81. 1118 Proposals wUI ss rseslvsd at ths'sMes' sf Us sbove asmsd Aaeacr uNHI 3 'slock p. m.. November 15, 1818, for na turauaiag ot aorsss. mares ass sreedlag osttle. boss sad shoes, tsid stock U to Jss purchased for Us Klam ath ladlsas oaths Klamath Reserve tloa, guts of Orsgoa. Ths riaht ia rsaervea 10 reject say saa an sms ts accept any part aad reject Ua'oU sr ,aad ts walvs ttohaleal dslsets,sa Us latereets sf Us Oervios atsyJre- aslre. fellews: be psrehssed Winn yoo tlvw Arable, yea raslss sars thst svery flffctsr hss the ehssr ossms torto of tbsss seven orianiaatlooa svery atop rf ths wsy from hooto to th srss semi ; back ogpin. You provldo him iwith church, titottr cnoenua school, a dnb and snatbJetk ftold-sod k4wlsds that ths folk bao. Mm, hoart and aoull YahavskmiyxwcPt)ttoBuppJythsirBJiyskitos S Now givo to mainuln tho Morals that k wtaoing ths war! UNITED WAR WORK II J .Mvt t . Ostorsl. Jasaph-HaUsrassbeen. ttovak, armiss U.Ue' wr'MaiaM """ ' ti-tf . "' I X . . . i.. . . .v - u aider sf bw,jw Osssho-I Ausuia aad 'Us aermkaie alliee. 1 m There IU . ; CATTLB 8 and 8 year old heifers. sBsroxl- mately 1.000 to li80a-head. ill to 8 ysajr old hsitsra, apprsxi- Btately 800 to 400 head.' H Milch cowa, not over 4 years old. approximately S head. Oood young breeding ewes, approx imately 850 head. ' " r Brood bows. 8.' , Pigs, approximately 80 bead, fl.MlllH mtmlmlktit IAA m '. .AA R iii"r-i-' .;w,f : ". v ., r 9 1 years ora, a apsaa, to 7 years old, 41 spans, ItC- .etVCUMSBsW. itVJ BBBBBBBBBBBmBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBSBBBBBBaaBBBBBHBBBBHiBBBBC 1 LT - V - -, ems n? CITV AN COVNTV AhsmUOrt , w COMPAKV. lasaraacs r SITMaia Ies ami Real Katats Xosss at 0. to part r i L 'H ti -A i ? i "' ?fc. "'-r-.v ? -TS 'i"U M' ' irfVi' vt. Ay." - "' '" - ---lh -111 ... . . . - 'Ft iif t"! DK. F. K. UODDAIU) ISMS 'A' Ostsopsthlc PhreieiMs, arsjiiB-iy f ,' M uai. A - ' ' ---- ' t ! V -ww - -. . . 55M (svsr K. K'K. itors) V- - l '; PbsMMl .. ItovtessvtJMBl )' 1 '.i' . - ri rTh rial (WaanBthUo MaaU 'iJ8i.A j' -w .w- .w-wwwwjj-, i' tr -' . ' -a ,fc .,.-.-,.., - ,.! r,. . ' cian ana' surges .ia subsmu r; -1--M1 " "v - ,' ? " v.iJt.i ;v?v :"MB , Qeldlnga, weight 1,800 to 1.500C 7 years old, 41 spans. Mares, good brood and work stock, I18OO to 1.500 pounds. 6 to T years Mi e spsss. . ,, h Nojmembsr sf Coagrees (81 oHst.1 U 1108) sgsat or employee ot the palled lutes. aovsramsati (II But. U 177). shall havs any iatsrsst. di rect or ladlreet. la tbs faraUhlnt of hi ewes. -uy)perasei.- psrseas. or CBorstioB dsslrlsc to hid os anr. o I of Us ahsvs BMBtisasd stock, will isrsiesBs. larormaiioa oa applies a to Us'lassHstaaSaat of tfca lamatk IsAtaa Bahoal. ' Kliaialh re. MJlh .-- -r" "i'7JrZ i wm ft CATO- w rniiSilii. -- ---- J. M. Nesvaj. Bcii aajtontesTTi: n.Mr,??j RKCKARD RltNT sRVIOai' rivi- -' ;V-:;iM ;? Ar; .j .nr '"'" i,Vm Sk . r'i j". trt ' !$$$. PtlOBS SO Cg;:J j v ' Kinht UhmmAmir .' ,t -r'iii .'!i.A v.- A i('Vl fS'. aeM y i)(pi:iTiin DaeVtletwi -S--JX A-.'. "irEr nnm, ;7ifiii2a ' .sU. whUeUsi iv.iw.r r-'wVrih.1'! r4. rtMlaW, IL .....tlij-t 'A"" .Ji.ELIV. Vr'S.saai aei" -w - - -t - (. ,ji7i v'4-HvitiV-Vv . -. a ii -t ' I i i.' t . ' . 'HS, n,.!lA'4-i .. tWH,.W ;.'.