&'WVJ,f' y .' ' n Jji. ft r A he t , n iv j-f ii ) IS Vii L'f Ut k. v' 1 :r I .i. ' 7U .'i.'-i s . r r. i to l'i..tn JCi.V. (t !.? 41 my rr k' . L.J rrMXSSOT.T'k V . L A 2-iMM ' wjt 3fls3i re S-'j-rfjtfSfif 'U ft , '! MlfEying Herald &WiW. air A castas. H45. 7. 7.Jm Mi """ MfjWi ' ",lnbllshed dally except 8unday by Tha .Herald 'Publishing Company 6f V r KMmeia rails, nmo rouni linn f ftiterod at the postofflce at Klam ath Fall, Ore., (or transmission thru the malls ns.aocond-claea matter. Smbeertptlon terms by mall to any address In tho United State: One year ......................S.O0 (Me month .......... ........ .10 1 MONDAY, NOVKMIIKR II, 1UI8 Herald's Classified Ad?s. "HELP WANTED essaaayM jww(Wi wsnnaasaa WOMAN WANTED to cook on ranch and take euro ot child. Address 435 High street. H-6t FOR RENT Vtaa! FURNISHED APPARTMENT at Ore con House, Klamath, near 6th 3 LOST AND FOUND LOST Between Midland and Klam ath Falls, brown leather suit case J contains clock, sheepskin vest, paper and other articles. Finder notify Ford garage r regard. -3t FOR SALE m00000W0w0W0wAwA& FOR SALE Single bed and mattress, almost new; cheap. Apply Apt 1, Tewnsend Flats. t-lt" FOR SALE Household furniture: fine range, heater, rugs, tables, chain, book shelves, chiffoniers, cur corner Earl and Alameda, or J. F. Magmire Co. ll-3t FOR SALE 100 head old ewe, bred, will lamb March .lit. Phone 18F James T. Henley. t-Jt MISCELLANEOUS ALFALFA SEED Dry laid, long stem Chilean; the famous Surprise Valley seed; sample and prices on apaileaUoa; order early, as" demand h great ana sappiy limited, c. . Atkinson, Cedarvllle, Calif, grower, 3-lla GIVES GIVES fHto to United War Work tet a UM CMtcote A thmHk .11 A to United War Work CTanaaalgat CARD OF THANKS W desire to express onr sincere gratltade to oar many -friends, (or heir kindness, extended to va daring UM Illness and death of onr beloved wife and danghter. Fred M. Gordon. Stephen Bennett and Family. dv&to United War Week Gaasaalgat GIVKt G1VEI C Otoe te UaMed War Work Camaubpil WAKEFIELD SULLIVAN ., . Oils, greases and gasoline ;also reaayivaaia vacuum cap tire beat (or wet weather. 11-lt. KAT' LEW MEAT, ALSO TAKE GLASS OT SALTS BEFORE . ' EATING BREAKFAST wmmm on KIDHEYSBOTHER . .. Uric add la meat excite the kid ney, they become overworked; get , sluggish, ache, and (eel like lumps -i( lead, The urine becomea-ctoudy; the bladder Is Irritated, and you may l ', be obliged to seek relief two or .three ' timesdurlng the night. When the kidneys clog you must help the: , ; 'flush off the body's urinous wasts or you'll be a real sick person short- " lyl At first ycu (eel a dull misery .;, ' in ins niuney rcKiun, you sutler irom 'r,.i "ff-v. , backache, sick headachfe. dlulnaea. l1- - . ..... . I . . m :''' ' . stomach get sour, tongue coated and 9 M ... T . . you (eel rheumatic twinges when the weather la bad. Eat lea meat, ,fi i inu in oi wnmr; iu gut irora muj fruraHi iuur ounce oi tfim aaiu, eiko a tablespoonful In a glass of vater before breakfast tor a few days r'.tll. '.' r.T. ... ...... ... v-; a -1 ana your aianeys win men act line. ,;?-&.. 4 fnis lamoua sana u maae from tne lv ? acid ofaranea and lemon1 Juice, com li'.i ' -4 ckln&if nrllb llthla an A tins hiun ttmLA iVi'SLy'' !?-"- . ..- : -7- - . ..rr l ' i-) . ' U i generatwas tocieaa ciogged xia- I1'".'!. . li(u.n .llnnl.U thin in nnvmal ;..i,wf M,Mf t UU.W-. say they sell lots of Jad folks 'who believe la over i I-- sesame: nirMttMin .wane it la . -,. . . " i . . '. . ... - . - )Ri-s ' iaOT traahhV-rAdv.'" t Ur j . ; ' aoUvltyalao tot newtrayae the- adds .'' iiafrrttaMoVthua .aadlng bladder Mk , M . rtMfMfve, cannot In- f iXa. nnWBsnsBJLr BO WL. HO lOSBWaT IB H . OlaTOBi L v,.rjauas ;. a eeugMiui sffeneseoac t. "Tt ii. .. tBMklBBnmaaBmaVskBk Jialal, I ,'aikt. ..... . i, ' pr. vvwi teV4,nnWi'4''tkMiutA luala 5l jK29mrrmmmmmwmwm'mmW9 'A "- "' ri'-i--'1 VWiMt.; Jel"r.' " "' 1 .. i j .Vi k; y. tl ERSONAL UTTLK MWIWTII ON LOCAL HA1KNI!NOfl amono mi raoPLK or im cmr And vicinity. OOlNoa AND COMINOa or LOCAL POLKS IU Chas. Hunt It In town on matter of business from Worden, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Qutgtey are here for a short time (rem Med(ord. W. V. Wltcher It In the city on S business' from Alturai. Mrs. J. O. McDowell la a recent ar rival from Central Point. Attorney Walter Van Emon spent the week end In Chlloquln on matter of business. Carl Harks and Cecil King county scat visitor today (rom Mer rill. Cecil and Pansy Conley are week end visitors In Klamath Fall (rom the Lorelta district. R. C. Spink I down (rom Idlerest on Spring Creek (or a short business visit. l The aad news has ceme to ns that Mra. Fred Oordoa of Chlloqnta has passed'rom tau lit. She leaves a huaband and two amall children, one a baby o( only a (ew week, father, mother aad two listers, besides oth er relatives. Mrs. Oordoa had epeat most of her girlhood In this commun ity, aad had many (rteads who extend sincere sympathy to the i bereaved family. Mr. aad Mrs. Stone ot Klamath Falls were gaeeta at J. T. Ward's the last ot the week. Most of the people who had land leased en Tale Lake are well satis- fled with the patcome ot their crops, some ot the barley yteldlag over 80 baahel per acre, aad other grata la proportion. Quite a large amonat of hay need a few days ot pleasant weather to laaare Its betag pat ap la goodaaap. Some of the children hero war fat vlted to spead Hallowe'en at tho home of J..T. Ward aad wife. They had mneh sport balldlag boanrss of Russian thistles. After tiring of this amasemeat they wen treated to dalaty refreshments, with sellable decorations for tho occasion, all hav- lag a jolly time, aad pronouncing Mr. aad Mrs. Ward aaeeatertatners. Quite a number ot targe beads of sheep are already eomlag Into this valley to spend the wlater, where hay has been purchased to feed them. a GIVE! GIVKI Give to United War Work Casasalgn! PUNISH HIS SALEM, Ore., Nov. 11. Qoveraor Wlthycombe will ascertaia whether any law exlau la Oregon wherby pun- labmeat may be meted oat to per sona slandering or directing malici ous attacks agalast men la public off Ice, The governor endured much of this kind of abuse during the recent campaign from mea who were oppos ed to his re-election. "In my opinion," said the governor, "It U time to call a halt to such tac tics, and I am determined to see It there Is any Oregon law by which a man In public office mny bo protect ed from character assassins. "In return for the large vote given me and the confidence tho people have reposed la me, I shall give ay very best thought and activity to the upbuilding of the state. I aa parti cularly grateful for the vote accorded me because of the campalga of slan der and misrepresentation resorted to by the opposition. "Twenty-five thousand of ay Boat loyal supporters are now la servlee la Fraaeo aad ay tlpe aad eaergy1 will be devoted also to worklag for tholr welfare' at every opportunity." ' v Governor Wlthycombe Is tha flrst Republican governor of Oregon to hsueceed himself. Scores ot tetecrajaa aad talephoae meaaigee have reaehed big desk congratulating hla unea aul Meeeaaiaue eaapabnu KlatwrtsfHrtj News i SHASTA VIEW . HBTO mm THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OEEOON MENTION H. M. McFadden I registered at the Whit Pelican Hotel (rom San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ed Propst hare left (or Scappooee. where they expect to spend the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Holland are horo (or a short time (rom Holland, Oro.p w- "" l'""''"- ot l' "w" They stopped at the Hotel Hall. W. ai. v . H. Smith, who will Install milling machinery nt the new MnllnL, ,. ' , ... . !..- Ill u l J t a . i huh, mtii, nas arrivcu irum ouum r. Barbara. Calif. Ed Mcnroom. n Mtitnman fmm Vistula. In Bastorn Klamath County. la In town looking after business in- tereats. Silas Obenchaln waa In town Sat urday (rom hla ranch In the III the transportation coinpnny that the Daain, where he la apendlng most of ptanca will bo enulped to carry pna hla time these days. i nongora, mail niul exprivs. It Is R. C Bradbury waa among tho' county seat business visitors Satur day from his ranch In the Qlone dis trict. Mr. and Mr. J. H. Wise, who op erate a hotel at Fort Klamath, aro pending a few day In Klamath Fall. They are guest at the Hotel Hall. Oeorge OHIeld spent Saturday In Klamath Falls from Merrill. Ho par ticipated in the official canvass of tho recent election In hla official capacity as Justice of the peace. VDUHG PEOPLE T01SE Victory Boys! Victory Olrla! At tention! Persona aader tho age o( SO yeara aro given a quota to raise (or the allied drive, separate (rom thai to ho raised by tho sealers. This aaota Is S900 for Klamath Coa'aty. As schools aro closed aad bo meet- lags permitted because of epidemic MOLLIC Federal Judge Henry p. Clayton, who halls (rom Eufaula, All,, sen tenced this Ruaalan eighteea-year-old girl,' Mollis Stlmer, to (Ifteea years .. . rt N FORMFESS i ' EIGHTEEN-YEAR-OLD GIRL GETS 15 YEARS W t 'mmmWL f?e WBgsBgsBgsBgsBgsV QSanKaV fV r- aBBBBM' BBBBBBBBBBBBBa, BB sMfdsfajP 1 SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBSBBBBBBBBSBfaa aEJH BaMBasnnnnnnnnnnnnnnABBBsnnnnB JlleBl amaaaa aUBntv4IH A ?'' annnnnHaV 1 TlssnnrieglsanaBV1 - BBasnLJi-1 1 V BfafBiAfBSL 1gsmTnnnnnnaBBHaUrAsBr "' r ABasnPlt. ' JiBa"M Bsnk. .AMmmmFvFjiStfmimwBWl'l. w.ssnnnnnnnnnHW. .anasavBBasaJbrV V 'd r asZnntt,,,fTdBasWBaBaV iJnamlaHaSaTai sBaf snnnnnnnrBnnnnnnnnnnB kuUUUw kwrnmkw BBBainmTsmM' JMMiMiMWIiWIm, mmm&mlmmmimmmkmiimhymmuuuummm iKBBnninnnBnBV IB7 ktBBBnnnnVaBrBBnnnnsB 9 ' SSBBaMBBBHJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBml H WimmiWWmWw:mLwm -Wn f mmtii: .r..--., yciaaaaanr m,, ''S'itwMiSL 'SfcdL. iwi Sn S-MITi ItlL ROUTE II MB PORTLAND, Nov. 11. Portland mny oon beconu) th IVuifl: coa'. iMiitl'ul of a groit trans-iontlnnii'al nlr touto. With t!iU lov In mind, ' loAlrcraft & Munition company, of .. I i'ucimo, I'oio, win nrnvo wiwiui n thoV . ' ..... within - I"' "" "M J .-. - J chiuo ot n 100 note trnct of land suit- f ablo for a landing plnco and where i branch factory for tho manufacture t nlrplnne mut rub engines may be in ected. The company of which Mr. lliick la prraldont la eniiltnllzeil for 13,000, 000 and It la stilted Id tho nurpoie of rmimrd that tho trip ncrou the con- , tlnent wilt bo ninJo In 26 hours and that brnnch factories will be eatib- llshcd acroM nt each station on the way tho United States. The (are charged to take a portion across the continent will he $1000, but It I aldw.( of tMl dHt mlod HU, cnda that this price will be cut after tho ., ..,, ,uv nr .nu.in.i nil lino haa been In operation for nilrae.hfd tofelhor wUh ten per cent of Mall and express will bo carried nt ',, ni.. .,.k.h.,i. i,. i,Mn tho rato or 25 tonus nn ounco. and m - K. -- Uuck confidently expects that In tl" ixt fivo years his planea will be do ing 200 miles nn hour on' their trips across the states. ot "flu," thle has not beon pushed along. However, information will be given yon aa rapidly aa possible. Everybody ready for n good, sub stantial subscription. Mako It all you can give. It la time for u real Thanks giving offering for the peoples of the world. Qet out your pocketbook and be treudy. Edna I. Wells, Chairman. Local Red Cross 4 Activities .'. Those present at tho aewlng room Saturday were: Mesdames C. II. Hes ter, J. U. Ueckley, M. J, Nyhan, O, O. Darke, W. V. Qrob, M. Arens, L. E. Sullivan, Miss Jennlo Johnston. 5TIME.K la prison on charges of being a Bol shevik, an anarchist aad a general radical acting la vlolatfoa of the Bs. Plonag Act,' after her trial In New York Oily. JatABv c-.j Carryinf a Coal Cake, Naw British Manufacture geKdansnsnssnsnsnsnsnsnsnW nsnEBmSnEBBBaav nBBBF Ys3asnsnsnsnsnsnBl nWansVar W 7nBnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnl EasnT nR- 'ShsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV nsnsnsnsnsnsnslnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnlnsnsnP Housewives of England are rank ing their own conl'now. This Utile fellow la carrying off n cako to dry In the aun. It waa made by hla moth- - aV -miii found practical and economical, FOP, INCREASED T PORTLAND. Nov. 1 1. Tho stand ard loaf, of bread, ninilo with 80 per cent wheat flour and 20 per cent sub. atltutes, may bo changed aoon to con tain moro than 80 per cent white wbeat flour, according to a telogrnm from Herbert Hoover to W. II., Ayor, Oregon food administrator. Tho now relaxation Is merely con- tcm plated, and Mr. Aer states that the Information received by him this morning does not mean that there Is any chnnge In tho substitute' rules aa yet, but It alraply. follows Mr. Hoo ver's invariable rule of kcoplug tho American peoplo fully Informed oh lo his plana. Tbo public may bo assur ed that na aoon nx tho situation warr ants the food administration will mo dify the wheat subatltulo rules, but until tbla b dono tho present rule will be followed nbsolutoly. "In view of the now situation cre ated by the Austrian armtstlcn, great er safety will result on tho Mediter ranean aoi routes- making an in creased ncceaslblllty for tho Indian and Australian food aiippllcv, eton If lormony doea not quit tho war. This should make sufficient wheat from theso countries avallahlo dur(ng tho winter to reduce iho amount of sub stitution In broad In tho allied coun tries and to ullow the substitutes now being reported to the nllles'to bo ut.od for dairy foods, of which tlicro la a great shortage," says Mr. Ayor. "This aamo situation In roods exists In the United States and would also be Indirectly relieved by rolaxlng the substitutes used In wheat bread, Tha nltered war situation would thus en- nhlri us In incur a n hollar nilliiiimanl I botween humin and animal fooda, GIVKI GIVKI' Give to United War Work Campaign I GIVKI GIVKt The prudent man carries Are, life, accident aad health Insurance. See Chllcole A Smith. 13 GET AFTER THAT COLD RIGHT NOW Got tlAt aftor tt with bottlo of Dr. King's Naw DlsMvary She never let a cough er cold or can 5 I'JPP o until it grew dangeroui, lbs luil nipped it when sli began to talfle or ceugh before it developed seriously, , Men, women, and children of every, act have used this preparation for fry years as s prompt reliever. All ages are using if today becauie of its positive mulu. Oenereuasii boiiles. 60c and 11.20. Coattipation Corraeted Dr, King's New Life Pills tonight sacaa clear boweli, a clear head, clear thinking, a day well beeuri In the morning, good dlgeeiion, clearing skin. Mild in action but sure snd comfortable. At drug stem everywhere, 23c. CHANCES ID Mil HUH ra WE THAN WITH THE AMERICAN AltMY IN FRANCE. Nov. 1 1. Compnrod In tho (lormnn soldier of today who be foru tho War Wan supposad to bo civl Used, tho American Indian of frontier da a Is doclarcd by nn American me dlnil officer to have been hlxhly clvl. lined. Tim Indian nover protended to be anything but a savago," anld Iho mor dlcnl ufflcer, "while tho (lormina hao boon protondlug lo bo ponre lov- Iiik mid liuninn for .tho past century." Dollborato killing by Herman trnoVs of Rod Cross workers engaged In tholr work of mercy on the battle flolda his aroused Iho wrath of Amer ican army officers. It I asserted that nil during tho Marno battle, tho (Ion tiinn avlntoitr swept low over field IrcHsliiK atntlnns, pouring machine gun bullets Into the medical unlta aa they totidfld the wounded and drop ping bomba on hospitals, altho tho Red Crosa Inslitnli waa In plain view, Everyone Should Drink Hot Water in the Morning Wash away all the stemaeh, liver, and bowel aeleena befere , breakfast To feel your best day In and day om. to feel clean Insldo; no aour bile to roat your tonguo and alcken your lurntli or dull your head; no conatlps- tlon, bullous ntlncka, sick headache, coUK rheumatism or gaasy, acid stom ach, you must bathe on the Inside like you bathe outside. This Is sally more Important, becnuse the akin porea do not nbsorb Impurities Into the blood, while ttio bowel porea do, saya a wall known physician. To keep theso poisons and login well flushed from the stomach liver kldnoy and bowels drink before break fast cirti day a glass of hot water with ! a trcspoonful of limestone phosphate In It. This will cleanse, purify and' freshen tho cntlro alimentary tract be fore putting more food Into tbt stoia nch. Oct n quarter pound ot limestone phosphate from your pharmacist It I Inexpensive and almost tasteless, ex cept a sourish twlnse'whlch I not ua pleasant. Drink phosphated hot water overy morning to rid your system ot these vllo poisons and toxins; also to prctcnt tholr formation. To (eel like young (oiks feel; like you felt before your blood, 'nerves and muscles becumo saturated with an ac cumulation of body poisons, begin this treatment, and utxne nil, keep It up! As soap and hot water act on Ibe skla, cIcannliiK. sweetening and purifying, so llmestono phosphate and hot water be foro brent. fast, uct on Ibe stomach, liver nnd bowels. Adv. WITHSHCETEII IF MIXKD WITH SULPHUR rr DAIIKK.NH HO NATURALLY NO IIODY CAN TKI.L The old-time mixture of Sage Tea nnd Sulphur (or darkening gray, xtreuked and faded hair Is grand mothers recipe, and folks are again using it to keep their, hair a good, even color, which Is quite sensible, ns wo nro living In an age when a vouthful nppenranco Is of the great est advantngo. ' v . Nowadnya, though, we don't have the troublcaome laak or gathering the sago and tho musay mixing at home All drug stores sell the ready-to-use product, Improved by the uddltloa oft othor Ingredlonta, called "WyethV Sago nnd Sulphur Comuound" fort about 60 cents a bottle. It I. popular because nobody can discover t ii.is boon upplled. Simply moisten your comb or a soft brush with It and Iraw this through your hair, taking ane amall strnnd nt n time; by mora. Ing the gray hair, dlaappears, but whatdeMghta the ladlea with Wyeth's 3age and Sulpjiur Compound, u that, "losldcs bountifully darkening the hair of tor's few applications, It also pro ducea that soft lustre and appearance of abundance which Is so attractive This ready-to-use preparation wad. Ilghtful toilet requisite for those who doslro a bore youthful appoaraaoe. n I not' Intended for the cure. uiM. Wii TORN R UK MONDAY, WOVKmukb 11, , ' Tho llun inlnnrs iok. 7 alrotcher bnnrcrs h .luUfciv . Cn bnlant soldiers. y M fo "Thoy actmi i,,ui ,,. rata," declared .... A.tl(,r,cnh Ty officer, "dxcept that in , J?.' ' h the ,i.r,ig,, Jrl''ll ' ?":y"n; mm iiuu mi cnniiin, (,u, ..,,"" outoflliolrmn.hl,,,,;,,, er. in their , eN and n"? ' ? merad'. The (BI1 J.. I'lwdlng attltudo iMho , !' ,a some and doaplcahio 1Mniln.J,h '"'"Klriabu,.. GIVE) IIVK - l uive lu.uniieq War W.nk : .QIVKt (VK! CREAM FOR CATArru ' . OPENS UP NQSTBK4 ToMa Row To Cot Quick an frsai sad'Celda. IlVeS! In one mlnuto your coKgMj BOilrtl will open, the air paasagw of rs. head will clear mid y.m can bretti. freely. No more haw king. sttfmi blowing, heiiliiche, dryness Ms truggllng for breath at nlgbl'j ,0 cold or catarrh will b0 gone. Qet a small bottlo of Kly' craw Balm from your dniKulit now. A ply a little ot this fragrant, aitkei! lie, healing cream In your nwtrlk It penelrnlea lhrouKli every air t age of the head, soothes the liflta. ed or swollen mucous mcmbrai it! relief cornea Instantly. Its. Just fine. Don't ,ur tBff up with a cold or nasty catarrk k lief comes so quickly. Sheffield Silver to Be Proud Of... It Is a heavy deposit of pure sil ver on a hard whim base, dlaV cult to dent, which give It longer wearing qualltlas Ism ordinary plato. It permits tat finest engraving, and lb pal. terna have tha beauty aad ar tistic merit of sterling sllnr de signs. In chop dishes, meat plalltn, vegetable dishes and other sol low Ware of I his charaeisr, Sheffield has snnm ndraataiM not possessed by sterling stiver. Upp Is showing beautiful atw patterns In Hhaitlold allver. Frank M. Upp JEWELER 511 Main Street Official 8. P. Watch Inspector. The Cofflmon-Sene tMihif Material CtMit Blocks Roofing of All Kiaa. W. D. MILLER Contractor passengers and Baggage ANYWHERK IN TUB OtTt QUICK 8KRVICK RKASONAIItK RATM PHONE 1ST WetttnTransferCfv If New Cry 17 W arante Our Wert i Sklrfta and Cellars Utu?t Wo alMv.vwii silk, wool, fl erodaeas pry earefuiiy. m ohm amj M eoavlMed. Oerariif1 art rlfM. aMM IM. "P'i i J ij 127 Fourth StM of FlMt Natwng' mr- iaassBsmnsBBBSSSB a tipn or prevention of disease, A4t: j"K ' "". "7 VP.- . ' .1 " J f.1 " w ".- H'V-rf ? TV 4 4. - " lit" ' "''' -rd "Vv&Wm n j juassBsl ,', y -.. Bsasl