ViiOJWj ? w J'afi- ftftte.' u.iii J. -- w'sist.!ihiju..i . w,m m 1 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OLlf? lEinmhui Brrnffr i Ji.'Vtti, OFFICIAL . NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALli TMrtrrntlt Year No. 8,101 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1918 Fries fit. 'oky, saBam--- ------ - - - ..... H mwmwM H HL IJH Rk f-9RRRRv RRRH RRRRR? RRRRRRRRRRj RRRRRRRRRRRRw? bsbbsbbbm aBBBBBsBBsaBn ffsBBsBsaBT aBBsBBsBBsBsB ffsBBsBBsBBsBBsBBsBBsBBV bbsbbsBsbbj mBBsBBsBBsBBsBBsBBmV mBBsBBsBBsBBsBBsBsaV mBBsmBBBa ffsBBsBBnT bbsbbsbbsbbsbbsBssi bbbbsbbsbbsbbsbbsbbsBsV H smRH sbbbbbb? H BA IBA BB rB V HH HA - aBaBaM aBaBaBaBaBaaa aBaBaM H aaBaBaH aaBaBaBai RRRlgeaBaBamf H bH aBaBaBBBa aaBaBBmf i HHH H rH bbbbbH lH. H rH rLB HH rH bbbbbbI mumn BHV H rrH rrH aaBaaBaHaaBaaBaBsL aBasH aBaaBamal aBaaBamal aaBaaaB aaBaaBmf aaBaaBmai aBaaBammr aaBaaBmml ' B BBaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBama BaBaaBaaBaaBaaBBml RBaaBaaBaaBaaBmV RBaaBaaBaaBaaBBal BaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBm. BaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBBw BaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBml BaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaRmaBaaBaaBaaBaBW maaBaaBaaBaaBaaBBn BaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaafl BaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaV aaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaal 1 aaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBBW aBaaBaaBal aBaaBaaBBmV. aaBaaBmmi aaBaaBBml aaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaf aaBaaBaaBaaBBai aaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaBT ''- B RRRRnmaal naBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaVr BaBaaBBml BaaBaaBaBBaV BaaBaBmai maaBamaal BaBaaBaaBaaBamaf maaBaaBaaBamaal. RvRvRvRvRvRvRy-' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaf aaaaaaaBaaaaaamBB aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamK aBaaBBBBB aaaaaaaammV aaaaaaamB aaBaBaBBB aaaaaaaaaaaaaBBB aaaaaaaaaaaaBBB BaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBBBVV H aaBaaBaaBaaBBmfl aBaaBaaBaaBaaBBaBB BBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaV aBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBal BBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBammv BaBaaBaaBaaBaaBBml ffeaBaaBaaBaaBaaBamT maBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBBBB maBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaBBml maBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaW BaBaaBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaaBaBaB1 maBBBBVaaBBBBBml mBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBav - 1 . H H Bv H m H 1 H H H H H H H H H H H H H 1 H H 1 m r H BH H H H B H 1 'B BbbbbbbI Bbbbbbbbbbbbt 1 1 , tans m lmm HB VBBBI I " ' bBBBBBBBBBB1 WBBBk , '' r ' M. . V vWM.4iA Tim.M: vv.T,:m fcla VI. i ' 1 w. ;?m fit1' v. 1 :.j .,Ji v -,ui . '. ! v.. P) ' tt(J T-r. je?yrffl . .B', .- ii w tv ;c V,H ' ' M MH t i! J.W ii . K,.- IMf." 6 '"Jii.S 1j. l jiJC ? .. II A,--.-4... COMPLETE VICTORY FOR THE ALLIED ARMIES TERRIBLE CONFLICT 0- WAS STOPPED TODAY ARMISTICE SIGNED AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT. GUNS CEASE FIRING AT ll O'CLOCK TODAY, J HUNS TO SURRENDER ALL WAR SUPPLIES-ttES-' TITUTION OF BELGIUM PROVIDED BREST LrrOVSK TREATY ABANDONED t HUNS RENDERED HELPLESS THRU ALLIES TERMS THKMKNDOtH TOLL' TO WHICH OKllMANH HI70MIT WILL MAKK IT IMIKMWIUliK VOn THKM TO AUMS TAKK VI ABMH , WAHHINOTO, U. Cuity. 11 iWamMkfi tcrma to whkh Cler mwiy htui mpwed InrUde the amirMi ilrr of 160 anbmiirlaM, no dentroy rrt S Iwllle cfiilnrrn, 10 ballkwhlp II I lull t rmlxcni and other mUcelHui roim hlMt all alllrtl vutrU In Oct- imin ImmU uro to be vrrendcreil. AMERICAN DRAFT GALLS SUSPENDED I The war aadad at 3 o'clock this morning, Klamath Falls tine. No shadow of doubt remains of the authenticity of ,thr Aiiim immediately, . . , . , . ... .1 t .l J t .i. Tho (Irrmnna will mirrcnder 0,000 the news, which is issued directly from the department atKUll, moMt nMtMno aooo ' .WashingtON ! loui" Hnm crx, a.OO Oalrplanra, 8,000 1 & la mi MA AIUI u akl III . a J J IB""","a1,S ""ivyw nMuna aj- ine areaieet conaicc in niscory nas come w n cna, m (MNI molor 1,10,.. autocracy with its despotism and oppression are to be ban ished from the faca of the earth. WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 11. By order of the Pre ident, Provost Marshal General Crowder today cancelled all draft calls, .which will result in stopping 252,000 taien who had been called to report within the next five days. Some men in Eastern Statesjcommenced entraining at6 o'clock this morning', and they will be considered, in, the armyuntil demobilized, unless turned back .before reach ing camps. - ' All men who have not completed training will be turned back to civilian life as far as practicable. Calls for the navy marine corps will not be affected by irrmanv i t notify netrai conn the aimistice. Secretary Daniels of the naw deDartment. ,trii iimt they arc free to trade with ' announced that there will be no immediate demobilization of any part of the naval forces All draft boards thruout the country will continue to classify registrants of September 12th. era, without reciprocal action by the Alllr. In connection with the evacuation of Hie left bank of. the Rhine, It to provided that the Alllea ahall hold croMlngM of the river at C'oblent, Colotino and Maycnce, together with bridgehead In n thirty kilometer ruillHx. Ttie right bank of the Rhine and that held by the Allien U to become neutral ntnt, which the Germans are to etneuato In nineteen daya. The ArmUtico la for thirty daa, lint, the 1'realdcnt upoke of the war "routing to an end." The, Allien have neceaa to evacuat ed territory, either thru Danatg or the VUtuU River. LONDON, Nov. 11. -A napplemca- tnry declaration to the anuUtlce term waa the effect that, if Th rir n waiv Innla. who were not contented to frind down tko within their own.rwlm, but thirsted to ' - J-' 71"' ffS'SSi Ct the whole glehe widerneath. their bonds of slavery, ve been thrashed so thoroly that they have lost the sup . port of their own vassal, and are now fugitives skeltering m every direction. Right has at last prevailed over might WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 11. The state department announced at 2.4 this morning tnac tne armistice wrmi had been signed by Germany. The war ended at 6 o'clock this morning, Washington time, 11 o'clock Paris time. The armistice was signed at midnight last night ' ON TH ESEDAN FRONT, Nov. 11. Thousands of Americana with their heavy guns fired a parting shot to the Germans at 11 o'clock this morning. LONDON, fW 11. The Canadians took the Belgian town of Mom early this morning. WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 11. President Wilson has formally proclaimed the armistice signed, v. He issued the following proclamatien: "My fellow countrymen The armistice was signed this iI has been accoeaplished. It will now be our fortunate jluty to assist by example, by sober, friendly council, and X material aid in the establishment of a just democracy Aruout the world." LONDON, IWt? ll.-General Foch has notified the Ger- commsader that the Allied troops will not go beyond ww Hiiereaeh at 11 o'decktooyuatrl further orders. . ' , : . WASHINGTON,. C, Nov. U. The President said; "The war thus eemes to an end, for after having accept d these terms it will be unposslble for the rman com. ad to renew it Armed in(peralism will end its illicit wbitkms engulfed in black disasUr." ' A total of 4.000.000 men are already under aims, over- The niorea of conl and Iron and the jw,as nr a hnmp. nnrt nlthn tht nrmistiVp has hppn siirned. "'"r."' ?T. ,1 " tuntAt may be a lorn? time before American forces can be rer "" " "" " " "" 1 n j tj. j mil 1 1 i. There In to be Immediate repatrla-VH,leu iruiu riuucc, nuu auiue auuiiauiitti uicii may ue ovut TWD-THIROSDf IMPFRIAI HHjmnsjn 'vr m mmii . tm m mm LfillUiJ LLnuLU Imllrl I llJan JXMI . 1 Kri """ X - J 'U 1 ; t-i r- f,' lir A- ftw-l GERMANS Me MAK E HEAVY RESTITUTION WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 11. The president an nounced that the armistice terms includes the evacuation of allied territory, the withdrawal of German troops from the left bank of the Rhine, and the surrender of all war supplies. u 1 11 i m w 1 i. 1 tho aernian battieahiM are not haud. k uermanv must aoanaoii tne ireaues 01 tiucnaresi ana ed over owing to n mutinoua aute, Brest Litovsk must make financial restitution for the dam- ... p.WVm rr.c ... r....v , w.w ogg oy.ncr armies repay ine casnxaicen irom me xNauonai 1SXi:SSXSrSl Bk of -Belgium, ancf the gold from Russia. The German troops are to retire immediately from any territory held by Russia, Rumania or Turkey before the war. . East African forces must capitulate witHin a month.. . MOST BIDDERS ARR MKN UVINO IN NEIOHBORHOOO RKkiapr. 1NQ TRACT. TO BK AGAIN AB " VKRTISBDf V ' j : "' , Slkty-(our.out.r4ka.i7Hiw,lr,r: Crimea. tfacrttloiKNl'-Wrr-e Tula Lake In tke oatkaaatara part of tke codnty ware taken over for year under tke leaae plan offered by the United States reclamation .serv ice, lait week, according to Project Manager J. B. Bend. These tracts of newly reclaimed and Irrigated land were submitted several weeks ago for bids from the public. They varied In size,' the average ' being about' )0 acres. The prices paid varied from 60 cents to something over '$5, the average being $2.25. Nearly 411 the land was leased by persons' living In that district. It Is probable that the remaining lands will be again' adver tised In the near future, and bids op ened about the first of the year. In previous years this land, as fast. as improved, was openea wnn iana drawings, but It now seems probable that the government will "hold' it to give the returning soldiers' the irst preference. It is proving to be tke most productive' land in this part' of the' state. 1 "i 4 . l 4 1 . "n tUhmMtl "rijv. fUHjl v"i1 T.'tt'M -I i"J AiIl . A " d i. . . ..... WV&& w ' wrt ITT) fc I KAISER TRIED TO REAEHTHE 7t). y,v' SKyflUVjf'HsrJ. noii or, oovuMSm RKVoLimoNitrra , ' OOMPIiKTHOONl KRNMENT. '. 'jt)nifemixAiin ' ' VK'-ir'- if " MAS FLED TO BXH.LAND. nrar - 1 . j1 1 1 mmMW :ri MS-iM.SiSSSSf' I - KK k raOPIiK MARCH IN:8TRKKT8 BERLIN WNOISa x-r; ' "jHAli'SlS. ...... .... J",'t) Aisr.'-. i-Aii-ivw urvv . ...ftrt'SKJ 'tlS: -SF&i. 17: : rW-tfWl QffJ... j-"iV '.'ja. L-lr 0 tUHtniUM r- r- w"W"AV. ,'.".W wAMbNOTON, prWmhk aiseateh from tma&,,l $& mm WJhW, Hixoilem.'rrlrVi 1 lolmml eewtoxcaHleJmmr, ---dW t'tiecht. - 1 - "rifk iS'jH'.aS ., L . 'UW'i ffvejjj .. ' ' i$sfe UOU'N WITH "FIX" C, D. Chorpentng of the First Na tional Bank U confined to his home with an attack of the Spanish Influents. T HOUDAV TOPAT, 0 -i THRUOUT NATIONi DRAFT GROUP LEAVES FOR CAMP LEWIS Eleven KJamstn CountymsnjCon- v Mituiea wnsi may do me last arait WASHINGTON. D. ,C Nov. group to leave for a cantonment 11. A, Nationwide celebratiog eAap jrom this county today, and holiday has been deelajed. - rae Edmumdl Brewer, e SALEM, Nov. 11. The Gov- '1, ' ernor Wltbycombe declared pko.Uwn.XtorioTtlLJOTi, Cecil day a legal holiday, ' W." ,,uu wwwi v? . jr iwr, nuaoipa niscnoa, ivaa' rns(, Rtchard Vouchatxer, James Sullivan, and JEJstlll Wlrtr. They go to Camp Lewis at American Lake, ANNOUNCEMENT, t BRITISH UNES COPENHAGExS Kow.t l'il ,-..JMl '.iiLfc.v etalea a,re reported aWurcly lAal hands of the revolntlosdata. l.lV ZjPA r ' . . ' V AXAjI 'S-iL' ' IfARW, Net: II. The m-Sb tuattea laa follows. Ja PraJWlle'VJTinjrrfi J.' 1. . ...i .fc- .-1.11 aLT!i,-i,v i ww rat In MU?terwkwd,frm,- per. In Bavaria and BMltsjMhessjgj I republic royal and i, WoIuUpsTeported. a;r- XOVfel 1 ipumio naa oeeai rorsaca ! nriMnwK '.iVtiViri ,,, .. ..... .. iT i -.. i . .1 i .1 I i irinl .miT iiihaw ...3.K iiuiiunsuiioru. uii uiuvb iuh nuu i.j.h.u. wi iviwiuuwwi .. , i vi w--Ttl, Field. Marshal Hlnd6nburg are in n1 ports are In tlie hands of reroluUoM.r ,,- iWY'i troli near the station of Eysten. 1st naval units. - v ''vis'lv ' sMvebfsoeWae.-TIieiJJ $ ;. family of OldeaMra; ysaanee. .,, .v.'WS awaiting a decision of the Dutch gov ernment, according (o a reliable re port. v The blinds on the train are down. The former emperor was on his way to the British lines to surrender whan headed off by .the revolutionists and forced uk S's;nJi . -. -.. m.1 w-i.!1! - VtJIf r YB. minjioa, o. -fTO 'fTW.imapii kfti'-f v.. tag took puwe.ta.uenm 9WJW2ml& and eight pTcIprk. Saturday night aprt JlMm a violent cuanonaao was jieam wh ;r. . -the heart of the rlty. l', A revolution In In full swing aatyA yj . "MJi. .frJff.l W to seek safety In Holland. f wtw ,row '" "'2?uT&2fw AMSTERDAM, Nov. 11. Tha capiiai, accorwaa ; - .rfl'i'ff.gwSl orown prince, Ruppreckt,, and blV tol''"0?ftJ??r??2STffliOT ataf have fled ffom Lie. where the ,!MfK! garrison has revolted, tt !s"reported. H???. VWS&2Efyt m " woaaaed before we'smwifaflieefaiVyv ; iimMmm a ,ii.vncni'it.v.iiu -w .-,.....t.. ....- n..r. . , ' J S,aWUNC TO PM0MiE;e LONDON ''' .vor, ,it' ? Vt Fifty Christmas label slips have been received from overseas ( the Red Cross Rooms from boys having no relatives here. Any one wishing tosend a box to a soldier boy Is asked eromen.tBarJln,')aerd(aa to to call at the Red Cross Rooms procure the cartop, s Hlndenburg has placed himself, ' and thq Gorman army st th dl- position khacw people gov- iZaiakirx' iwm and , a' BerHdlapatah. , , j. , riT7i.gliaas-i ffv. vrrrrsTTPsntZ" 7&i!-Z7JZVX'iuiiiid. BBaBaBsfaBRA tl 4 T&iWjtlll i!ffff - " m BBataBaBaBaBaBBst aBaBaBaBkV maBBK TmW W'ViSil vf : jjxMMMMMM X. 3i