.rs&d8W -." .i :irsi)nf,vrMKAi imwui W? iEuettfnn ffigretlfr tmJUH'iifl m OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER i k.i'A OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY m OF KLAMATH FALLS Thirteenth Year No. JMflA KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER, 1918 Fries Viva Calms? . w fMKm R a it . trA mm t fi IS KAISER ABDICATES DESPOT OF EUROPE LEAVES GREATEST DESPOT IN HISTORY OF WORLD HAS BEEN FORCED TO YIELD PLACE OF POWER "BEAST OF BERLIN" GOES DOWN AND OUT OFFI CIAL NEWS RECEIVED FROM SWITZERLAND GREAT GERMAN FORTRESS IS TAKEN BY BRITISH TODAY ENEMY ARTERY SEVERED PARIS, NOV. 9. THE ABDICATION OF EM PEROR WILLIAM HAS BEEN OFFICIALLY AN NOUNCED FROM BERLIN, ACCORDING TO A DISPATCH FROM BASEL. (By AMOciated Pwm). LONDON, Nov. 9. The British have capeured the fort ress of Mtubege, and are pushing ahead to the southward. They have crowed the Scheldt River in Flanders north of Tournay on a wide front. WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 9. General March said the capture of Maubeuge by the British marks the sever ance of the last German artery to that sector, and makes it impossible for the enemy to shift his forces to meet a new attack, The niMty-first division, comprising the Pacific Coast troops, it now on the heights of Ardenarde, on the Scheldt River in Flanders, operating with the British. Gral Peiihing'a First Army has advanced thirty mues wnnin uie iwh. cik"- uj PARIS. Nov. . Kurt Eisner of Munich, a promlaeat newspaper man and socialist, la reported to be a lead er In a revolution at the Bavarian capital, and mar be chosen as presi dent, If republic Is proclaimed. IIERNE, Nov. I A BorJIn niessago says that tha groups forming a ma jority In the rekkstag have agreed to present at the approaching session a plan for election to the relchstag and lower houses of confederated German states, by eaual. direct, se cret balleta, tetlowtag the principles; of proportionate representation, ana without the distinction of sex. WASHINGTON, D. O;, Nov. 9. aenera! Marea characterlied the pub lication of the erroneous announce ment of the armistice "very bad for, mum oi turn iianiwi " the military nragrftm of the United . . m w States." "For Instance," he said, "In New York, the stevedores engaged in load ing the very essential supplies for the expeditionary forces stopped work and did not return at all on that day or the next day, and the army food htpmeats were thus delayed." March remarked that Uie American army would be in France for some time, even when peace was deolared. The fnUewlag eawaitles art report d by the'' Cefaaiaidlag., fleueral of th-AxifsBdWKry-fes KiiietWfteWVtf..:.---,;.".- M BUd.'et Wfkid ?.-( ---1 uiea or eaeMeat ana ataer causae r. Pled of dkMiee. ....!.. ' Wounded, degree undetermined 3 170 115 4t 1 woudHfhur, ,Heeeeeeeettte.e fruone 'it',M, HIS THRONE - Woundod uovorely I William M. Griffith of Roselodge Is lilted as died of wounds received' In action. - HAD WRECK NEAR CHICAGO AtlltOltA, III., Nov. 9. An Kost hpund special train from O-mp Grant carrying tho Camp Fans to the foot ball Kame nt Chicago was wrecked six mllen east of here today. Threo were killed and twenly Injured, It U report ed. FORMER KLAMATH MAN PAHHBH aw " The death of A. a. Will, formerly connected with the Wood-Curtis com pany here, at Folsom, Calif., was re ported to J. J. Furber by phone to- day thru Gard van Kiper, wno w in California., Mr. Will had been In iu muwi"'"' -- the general merchandise business at I . a..la 1lamnfh 11(1 Folsom since leovlng Klamath. Ho loaves a wU. but po children. MOVIK ACniKW IHKH SUIT NEW YORK. Nev: 8. A verdict of 1108,330.07 hw been returned aealmt Mary Plckford by a' Jury In the supreme court here In the suit of Mrs. Cora Carrlngton Wllkenlng, lh- j n...t.i,.-.i an. The suit wns based upon an alleged violation of a contract between the motion picture sUr'and Mrs. Wllkenlng. uATTLs RBCoviaw Faojf -viv HKATTLB. Nov. 0. With but 104 !BeV leasee of. InHuensa reported and no deaths; it Is expecteo me .n .k..trM. achools. churches ami other publlo meetings will be llftod here ... .h. n..nt' weak ut hMst Seattle u remala med and next wee. cbjaro n cjoilig, orders. WM DRIVE TO BE LAUNCHED HERE MONDJIY public ahkkd to cooperatk WITH CITY WORKERS BY PHONING THE AMOUNT OP THEIR DONATIONS The big drive for the funds to car rr on the war work by the seven rec- jognlscd branches which have given so much to soldiers here and abroad, will begin Monday morning. Owing to the epidemic now preva lent, It has been Impossible to h?!d meetings before the opening of the drive, and It will be Impossible to cull gatherings whllo It' Is In prog- rek. so the workers are going to be handicapped, but It la believed that I the recognition of the worthiness of the cause Is now so general that quick response will be given. fTUo goneral canvass of the city Is under the direction of R. C. Groes beck. He announces that the pre cinct caotalaa are as follews: First Precinct, George Ulrlch; Second, Miss Laura -Hammer.; Third, William G. Hagelstoln; Fourth, W. C. Townsend; Fifth, Mrs. John H. Martin; SUtb. O. J. Ksketson; Seventh, John Brett; Eighth. E. M. Chllcote; Ninth, Eaola Hawkins, and Tenth, B. C. DeChalne. The efforts of the workers will be greatly enhanced If the people will co-ooerate as much as possible by calling up the chairman of their pre cinct and making known their dona tion. KLAMATH IIOVH HAVK HAILKD FOR FRANCE. Mrs. Jnmos McClure and Mrs. H. F. Mills have Just received word that their sons Louis J. McClure and Frank Mills have salted with their Regiment for France. Thov have been stationed at Fort BUI, Oklahoma for about four months after which they were transferred to Camp Mills, New York. They are both In the! Snd Field Artillery Batt ery U. ALI.1KH IN CONHTANT1NOPLK WASHINOTON; Nov. 9.: The al lloc have entered Constantinople and aro engaged In demobilising and dis arming thoTurklsh .troops, according to military officials here today. An Allied military commission also has' reached Sofiat tho Bulgarian capi tal, and la restoring order there aad disarming the' Bulgarian troops, It Is said. , ANNOUNCEMENT - i Presbyterian Sunday School schol ars may receive their Sunday school papers If they will come to the church between 9 30 aad 10:00 A. M. It win be aDDreclited If they bring an offering as supplies have keen order ed and must be paid for. OOODAHD FUNERAL TOMORROW The remains of. Mrs. Fay Ooddard, formerly Mlsa Verda Jsrdlae, who pissed away this weeklfti tea Fran. Cisco; will reach Klamath, Falls to night according to a message receiv ed today.- Arrangements for. private funeral have hew nada for, topwrew at two o'clock. I BOND EUJCTIO.V OARR1M ThaBchoo,l Bend election for tha Mills Addition. School site held here yesterday waa, carried by Vote of fourteen to one. EXTRA i i I (By Associated PreAs) LONDON, Nov. gv A Gorman wire. leas mwiw receivea win aucrnooa i state, that tha 'oem,.. Imperial J " teas message received HiIn afternoon Chnawellor Priaci MaxnUllian has tau amid the iTellowtac decree. "The Kaiser and Ktag haa derldeil In re. aosnre hbt throne. The Clinnrellur will reemla la efftr anUI the slttta. tlon eoaaected with the abtllcatlun of the Kaiser, the , reaonndag by the German Prlacee the throne of the Oerman empire, and Prussia ami the settiaat ap of a regency, havo hern settled. For the regency he lateadH to p polat Depnty Wiart as Chancellor aed proposed that a hW be brought to es- tabUiih a law prerldlng for Im mediate aroeiaVHtloa of general kuN trace and for the censtltational .' man aaaemMy wkdrh will settle f laally the fntnre form of Oovernment of the Oerman nation and those peoples which might he, deairoes of coming within the fenfire," Signed. Imperial Chancellor LONDON, Nov. A telegram fram Copenhagen aaserU Kmperor WMliema soa-lniaw. bake 'of llruns wkfc aad hie earceseor, have abdicat ed. The RevoMtioa la now spreading all over western. Oermany, aad haa reached Cologne. The Rerun Bank la reported to have stopped payment owing to rash. . TUW is BRANCH OF MOOOO LUMBER COM. PANY BUYS TWKNTY THREE MILLION FEET IN SPRING CHEEK UIHTRIC7T. Bale of twenty three million feet of timber In the Spring Creek Unit of the" Klamath Indian ' Reservation to the Williamson River Logging .Com pany, a subsidiary branch of the Mo doe Lumber Company is reported completed yesterday by J, M. Bedford. wno nas coarse oi am uwusr u i Klamath Reservation. The price paid, wat three dollars and a half per thousand. It Is report ed that the purchasing concern will lqg la this tjmbor bet all winter. a i " MILLS .ADDITION LAMBS AID IN PATRIOTIC WORK. The purchase of two .new sewing machines, one second hand sewing machine, the rent of two others for a year, 'tor, me mum Anamun n rrnmm haadauarters aid ft donation of 97.IO- to the Klamath Chapter, of the A. Ri C, waa no result oi a Danca. at .Mills Addition In Aiigust by tha Wir Bakings; soctsty there. mAMTAinwtn a rebort turasd'lB to the Red,Ctes Mrsrfed,'Nltcaelm.he deaated the use of one sewing macn: laa for.itaeHea xnam, ur, .The Mills Addition War Savings Society, of which Mrs. F. A. Will, is presjden and Mrs, C. F, Batsertx Secre tary aas-'Oeen wora "" " gaalsatlon on different, patriotic matt art aad has nude a aWeadid record ran HIKED PROCLAMATION It has come about that the people of the United States find themselves compelled to take armi against a foe that threatens the liberties of the peoples of the world; the lives of wo - - ... " ch,,dren' P?ll"'i at all free men. To belli to establish of all free men. To help to establish a freedom from this oppression that the world demands, It Is necessary that millions of the best young man hood and young womanhood of Amer ica must go 'overseas and separate themselves from their accustomed vocations and domestic Influences; This, naturally, means a mental and spiritual hunger for those ties of fam ily, society and church that are dear to the hearts and close to the deepest feelings of every American. To sup ply this void In the lives of our mil lions of soldiers and sailors, the Unit ed States Government lias authorised these seven organisations 'to look af ter the welfare of the men la service: Young Men's Christian Association. Yoang Women's Christian Associa tion. National. Catholic War Council K. ofC. t Jewish Welfare Board., War Camp Community Service. American Library Association. Salvation Army.' These seven organisations have ac cepted and discharged this trust la" maamsr that haa coamaadedthe adf til SKIIUID PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OIIILLH PACIFIC STATES COM PANY FOR UNSATISFACTORY SERVICE. ' Ratsos In prices for the privilege of existence have been so steady and re gular during the past two years as to have become a regular habit and the noting of an increased cost In a com munity usually brings out nothing more than- a painful sigh on the part of Individual. What will probably arrest the at tention of the seneral nubile tor seri ous consideration however, Is the ra dical ralio In the Telephone rates, now about, to go Into effect. The following extracts from the Morning Oregonlan of November, 9th are self explanatory. Telephone rates for exchange ser vice will be Increased In Oregon, Nov ember 15. according to the claims HE RITES THRU OREGON made before the Public Service Com-' caJcui,ted to afford the relief esked mission, Irrespective of whether theFurM were preMnted from state proposed advance is approved by the commission. This unusual situation Is declared to be due to the fact that the telephone service Is under the con trol of the Postpfflce Department, which has exercised, the power or tho Federal Government to enable the company to make an ad vance which the company asserts is necessary to enable Improvements of service., The hearing was one of the most extraordinary that haa been held by the Public Service Commission, of Ore-, con. due to the arraignment of the taleohone 'company for' IU poor ser-1 "vice by tha eoauauaioaers, am slod of Its Justification. rpy,.toe attor ney tor the company, and the. great In increase 'In rates announced by the company to, be Imposed upon, pat't ron under the. material advances to be made for service. On the next group of cities, the rate for business service'! 13,76 and f 8,- miration of the world, and the eternal gratitude of every man under the service o(the flag. And, whereas, the privilege of giv ing moral and financial', support to this wonderful work, so closely later woven with the lives of the men la service, has been given not1 to an In stitutional government, but to every individual man, woman and child In the United States: , Now. therefore. I. C. B. Crlsler. Mayor of the City-of Klamath Fails, do hereby proclaim to the cltlseas that, during the week beginning Sun day, November 10,; 1918, they be atow attention, lead effort aad strength, and give liberally to the fullest extent of their means, to tee appeal for funds that ahall he made by United War Work Campaign for money needed to "carry on" this won dertuj work so auspiciously begua. Durlna the next year, which la un doubtedly to be tha meet critical yeei In the war, oar men In service mast experteace no laterraptloa or modla catlea of the extent to which this morale-makb work has entered late their Uvea an brought happi ness and courage. To see that this dees not happen Is the part of jtheee i : - t .i-. oi as wish oar eoxa nave, toil, at koaeaii ' , Safefe by me this 9th day et Ne- WK ' . jc. u.'CKiBLnK, nwyer. 36 for stalls or two-party llaet, In cluding Klamath Falls, Ashlend, Bead GranU Pass, Springfield. Cottage Grove, Milton, Prlnevllle, Heppaer, Tillamook, Woodburn. Mllwaukie, Oak qrove, Corvallls, Residence rates In these cities wilt be S3 tl.50 aad 13.15. ' . Chairman Miller, of the Public Ser vice Commission, at the begtnnlsgj or toe nearing yesieraay, iook ocw Ion severely to arraign the company for Inefficient and wholly unsatis factory service to the public. He characterised the service furnished pitrons as absolutely bad.and cited numerous incidents ana circum stances with the minute details of failure to obtain answers to calls, how central failed to respond, or to secure connections for subscribers. The array of deficiencies wes based upon Information resulting; from work of Inspectors' of the depart ment. Low wages paid for the trying work of operators was also declared an underlying cause of poor service. James Shaw, counsel for the com pany, said 1n reply to the statement of the Commissioner, that the bitter new 'of the Indictment to the repres entatives of the company was In the fact that It U true. Admitting that the wages paid '.had been too low, the attorney eild.lt had .been the plan of the- company to adjust wages, but In nnla. t"n Jn an It wnlllirl h nflCftUaTV to obtain higher revenues. Vlth the purpose of securing authority for ad vance a areat deal, of work had been done compiling tables of new 'rates Figures were presented from state ments of the auditing department, to demonstrate that the exchange de partment of the company had been loHlnc money. 'creating a deficiency In that branch that had to be made up from the toii-uno earnings. 1 . ' m r YOUTHFUL DESERTERS CAUGHT AT ROSEnUIlC! ROSEBURO. Nov, ?. Hugh ,Hirt on. of Colvllle. Wash., and JamVTa- Dun oi usmuruoK ' a f." .; which they had.' taken In Portlaad, They are 31 and SS-years, old re spectively, 4 " A.c. .' k The boys said they dtd uo" ko army Jlfe and "thought thyepuld gt - . mm iu; ! r-m m m a r- m.m z BE C L E Aft nrrnnen Tt'imrmav arte i . w. - ..TOr., .J . REDUCED FROM! ie,eee TO S SQUARE MJLES MORgJ - i ,' - ij GAINS MAD: vn is nun iiVii nssiiiil ' bmi 0FEN1I VrKf . .Mlllli . GARWN'ARfpW3kileanlJ'.,t ( uK REVOLUTsWfliTg .VRRYT ACT. it.inana(ienTnVtramvana r j-VVH - .xxtiK 'MS- I -m . . tT ; in - - - - --. : - ' -"V-M t- ai J.'t. ri "ri.j.i .an fr,i.-yii.&!&ytiXm7: m VWT-, nw.wernMmyj.5Jinste-- ,, orlagthe Allied ArlitlcVvterBw;Jthr' British, French and'AmerieaniirwIee are carrying, on ataxk.ef freemgike i French soil from' the' nija"de' ;$' . .' i uv wrriwrj wuivu uiv '"? . i t VM nM.unlA.1 In IPrattrA'tiHM'tuwtia'iA frrm ten thousand to. twenty five iimidred; squaremllWana", theOeifv man' have been driven stifty.,,fcuV. relies further from' Paris: during !e Allied, offensive:. . ' The revolutions In Germany have spread especially In' the north. .' ' t - .'4. COPENHAGEN, Nov. 9;-The api rising In northwestern. qermaay la reported to have spread, "to Hanover, Oldenburg nnd other'dtles. y ' pit ,-5, PARIS. Nov. O.-TheFreaeh arm ies, have resumed their forward march along the entire. front today. yf,'- ., witu tuli iuBRinims nrt thr . op'niMtnnMT Kn'v' Q -1'ThaABM-J lean army east ft the MoueeVrlvsr has continued Its advance despite strong j machine gun resistance'.' WASHINGTON, p. 0. Nov. OThe Navy has ordered Miscontinuance of all Sunday work In the navy yards and other siioro station of navy Production la now exceeding u.th'e reqiilreraents In most, essentials;,,;. , 1. tur ,', WASHINqTON. t). C, Nov;, 9. No,,, word has'been received .by Foch from "" the Oerman hlKh command since 'the courier started back thru,, tho Amsr- lean government umiaeu iam iuu, - ,ir. K$.. . ivn. '.J News, a former listed the war, inramativi for'aveVT.$: UUNbraAi R w w ffwrHWi : avw, ' ' v1i(TnwviHM,'rT; npn ' x '; , , "A,..ii'Ty-".''v".i c-'jl. . -tf"n va -tins m J.ftl - '."1 4 i 'Kit , J' . W vim - :j : r. ' Tt ; .i' .S5 ,m j W " ATM -2 A A m . ifM f:a r a ' Zflfo ,.i i-'M v.VVI 41 " ' m , .. al "all J. ", 1 vfJ'