i KM LWt. n ft OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY ' flf hi JPit4s aJtlN Fsa i """" KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBERS, 1918 .MTiilw g... - ' - - - .iUv.A-iwy . -. " i ' M '' , x, .'k ";i ' ;' - i rfii iiiw.aaaaaaaWaMa.iyiail,iMl -'----TinnriannAh.rinai.mn.ijxmnAiLL-mnnn.nji.fuia-1-nn-'n-yTn if' RFP1Y MUST RF WSITORSSEND CEMT1 INDIAN BR01NS MWtTINMILL KAISFRTfl rMADE BY MONDAY insiwioiis Tpniis w mitonubile FoymioNABDICAJE - ikcorrrct JtmPohT ov vstmu ? :'.j ?P f'Jii I J.'15 HKSftAGH HKNT TO InTRRIAI. i. MACH1NR OOKH OVKR RANK MODHRN UP TO DAT' P1AXT J I I ' JuJ ?f'4) '' CHANCKLLOR FOB URTHKH '" fcW" K MCKWARD INTO ,, WAT. PBAoncAIXV cOHPimi Ht I I I Ifl I I K K'll WW TIK IfATHIf.1 riiKMtlURR EX. -' . 'I . RRR ..,.? am. niriiiu Biran .r aBBraTTaaaan aavaav j wm - aaaaia m ma mm a iaBb . a a , at -aaaa a.a ata . aa, aaaaaw aai a h v kb . - CKIVKD IN; Tt HOVHB. I MIJMBAIIt FOR. MACHINR RISCOVKIIKO. '' START TO ORIND ftdONl 1 OvL r , 111 nil Itflll . . v II" II I l-IIH M. I"J J - '.'.a 1 1 w ,11'U II I ! T 1 ' GERMAN REQUEST FOR PROVISIONAL SUSPEN- SION OF HOSTILITIES IS REFUSED CON- FERENCE ON AT I O'CLOCK TODAY AMERICAN AND BRITISH REPRESENTATIVES ARE WITH FRENCH LEADER FOCH ONLY EM. POWERED TO ACCEPT TERMS Washington, D. C, Nov. 8. The German armistice del egation entered conference with Marshal Foch at 9 o'clock this morning, French time, the state department an nounced this morning. It was also officially announced that if it is found that the German delegates must refer the terms of armistice back to Berlin, they will bd given 72 hours frorm, the time that the decision is reached, Tn which to answer. , An official dispatch from France emphasized the fact that Foch isjmpowered only to deliver the armistice terms to the uermans, and to receive their acceptance, and tnat peace negotiations are not the business ox a military com mander. Any suspension of hostilities before the armistice is signed is declared to be out of the question. PARIS, Nov. 8. The 72 hours within which the German reply must be received will end at 11 o'clock Monday morrning. Foch will have with him .during the armistice conference an American as well as a British representative. LONDON, Nov. 8. A German proposal for an immedi ate, provisional suspension of hostilities has been rejected byFotli. -vita's LONDON, Not. I. Whan the Gar man uUnlpoUatlarlM Mat- Foch to day tha Allied coMIUom wara r'd and delivered with tha formal 4a mind that thejr be accepted or re fticed within levant? two hour. Af ter Foch had refused thalr requaet for the Immediate ceaaatloa of ame, tho delegatee wlrelaaeed to the Oar- man Imperial Chancellor, ntklR that a courier ho eent hick ae boob u pea albla with Inatractloaa. HCHOOI, KLRCnON , ON HRRR TODAY NEW TORS, Not. 8. MUlloni of AmericmM rtUaed today that they uto celebrating the hjf the publleatloa of Slapatchaa declaring had been algned. teaenU from the tihfc war oftloea ahow la still going on. had aad of the Uatted Praas that tha ari ORIctal French aadi that tha flgl j eai . An election la being held today to vote bonda far tha school elte la Mllla Addition. Tha elte waa decided ape. at aa election a few waeka ago. Tha polk will ha opaa at tha Ceatral whoel. aatll 7 o'clock UIb vavaalag. RANK.NTATRMKNT AaWSB). , FOR WOVFMIIRR'FIRirT WASHINGTON, D. C.Nor. . A aatloaal bank call haa bees leeaed for Friday, November let. Theee are for tatemeats required from time to time by tha goverameat. KRK.NCH MAKR RIO OAINM Parle, Nov? I. The French, have reeumed their advince along tha whole front today apd captared Big- gly weet of Sedan. They took f!teea hundred prlaonera yeeterday. . WASHRfOTON, Tha PraaUeat aa D. C, Nov. i aaaouaead I. that FraaUa abaalaWj kathtag la balBg withheld aad tadtraay aawa regarding tha arm UtleeUijha aaHaaaced Immediately upoa roaaapt', PARIS, Nar. .Tha. French and Iirttlah gaTaramaaU laaaad a Joint declaratlM aaaarlag tha people be tween Taaraa raaiasiaad tha Paralaa Oulf of aaaletaaea w eecurlng full aulonomy. COSTLY CITY DOffi IS SOU Tl 1SIR1S Tho fatwwlag eaiujtlea are re ported by tha Cammaadlng Oaaeral of the Amarleaa Kipadltloaary For cea Killed la.aettoa 161 Died fram aeeideat aad other MMaaa , S nied of dlaaaaa S Wouaded, dagraa uadetermlned Mlaalag la aetloa S3t Wouaded Slightly "... 1SS Followlag Oragea man were Jlited: Frlvataa Nail W. Beat of Milton and Kmeat 0. Slillaas of Gold Hill. klllatlMK aetloa. PrivaAa Rarl J. Nleld, Portland, died from aeeideat. Private OoMa O. Hyde, Aatorla, IM fra;afetdeat. ( ' ' ? . The epacloue Johnaon residence la the Hot Borlon 4Jdltlo which la pne of the mo it "costly homes la the city, aa purchased today W V Hill Hunter of the Saw Will Knmnocnng and Construction Company here, from Alleen I). Johnson of dan Fran- cos CO. The sale Is reported to have been a cash transaction, altho tht conldern tion wee not made public. Mr. Hunter m 'expects io move Into hie new home In a very few daya. He announces that the now saw mill at Weed which he haa JuM com. pleted, will be etarted next Monday CELEBRATED Tha eelihahtlaa which was so thoroly eomiMaeed aarly la the day yesterday, waa aoatlnued la an ap propriaU maaWar aatll far Into tha alghti aVsaflraa appeared la coaspl eaoaa plaaaaaajd fire works llghteaed tha aky aatlj Um waa email houre.-"' It waa giaafelly realised here that the araUatlaalwd aot haea signed hat tha peotla eaiebratad the event which .wa hadrly eipaetad. PAIGES Qllfi V. 'IIITIflllicATII T- iMiiuira ll Aa the result of a car starting to run backward Instead of' forward when cranked, Henry Wilson, aa lad; Ian on the Klamath Reservation ).waa drowned at Stelgers' landing near tha Williamson River Church early yes terday morning and the river bottom Is stUI being dragged for hie body. According to the report received, Wilson lacocpaay with Daniel Waeka aad Oaorga Crane, two other Indians, had made a mistake and taken tha old logging road to the river Instead of tha route Intended, aad on Mad lag their mlstike had turned rouud to coma back. Tha engine balked aad they apeat aomo little time "try lag to creak It. It flaally etafted backward ad Waeka, who wak alee la the machlae Jumped la Ume.ibut Wlteoa waa carried with tha machlai over the ateep embaakmeat IntoHhe '. 1 . a . . --T-ii mmp sinr. in car waa later, aB(l'draggadou.', i - ON II RAJSE "EDDIE FAT" in PUBI'IO OICTTINa FVLIi NKWS WASHINGTON, D. C. Nov 1. A Statement Issued by Secretary Lans ing today 'said, "I am requested by the President to stale that no Infor mation reached this goverameat con, jcerning tha armistice negotiations la sHMFT : . . France haa been withheld, that m .. - - - A. I . . A A. AS- AaB i usisiaiu biay maj roanrunaw vaiatemeat io ic mriv ) vf '' 'fsmaai. fajkamaiaU '. n. n. -Nar. a. .a. falsa aad that aa aaear aa denaiw ae ',',: ', v "..".. . - ai .-, .'. -."-"t"... .-rT.T- r(lBmmaJW,!-cia.3dBJS .----'' .m. m - . ubih vBser wttm. - 1,1. . - taa 'Movaas- v. aaea rtrn'mini """?r"v'- ar draft aalta-lidliatad'tSat a mada public by thegovaramaat, aurt a,. mava waa aaftlMa. at 0 leaat the Oaraiaaa, aaaaatad tha armlatka Urma aelara tha movamaat to tha aamaa bhIm. 4 a e .; n COI7NT VOTB8 TOMORROW i . It la announced that the offlolal eaavaaa of tha Tuesday election will ha bald tomorrow. CHJCAOO, Nov. I. Rdward Jaa- eph Fay, a world aotorloua crook aad bink robber, knowa aa "Rddla Fay" has been found ahot to death 'la aa alley hyro There .waa a bullet wound ia nis neau juai aaiow ua, ntvii ear. Th- pcllc'e believe ha waa Uata by a niember of nla owa gaagfo)Wwlair aa argument over' tha dlvMea at loot. F.ivk career of crime eataadt all over America aad parte of Kurope. Ha became lataraaUoaally kaowa fifteen years ago when' ha wu arreet- ed la Parw with "Mickey" Oleaaoa, also of Chicago, far robbery of a Parla bank. They were aeateaeed to Devll'e Island, a French prlaoa aarrouadad by cliffs, aad Fay later aaeapad. Ha waa the first crlmlaat to make a euc cessful break for freedom from that prison. The police eatlmata that Fay had stolen more that tl.QOO.QOs from baaka thruout the couutry. Bo great waa Fay.'a aktllaa a burr lar.that his toola to opaa baak(aafea ware brought to tha aiaattoa of the V, s. Govarnmaat. Durlag aa la vestlgatlea lato poatefftee robbarlaa tho commltte waa ehowa ,ha easy It wia to aaea, ea tea ; with; U imala- meata.Fay, uaed.K . M t,J-.f-' ,t ' laeiaaec.. ia in uei . ar rfaaanaa WaUs wth'vaa;takl' Caii r .. r... jtv,-. .vni. aago; poatoutee.ia viiii was uaat amouatiag to7t(aa waa oauiaad by maaaa.ot a'tuaael dug'uadar'the vault.4 Otheris were Paerli'Nattoaal bank,.T5,000i Japaaeae-Amerteaa bank, Loe Angeles Ill.eaO,' Saa Ma go, Cal.. postofflce, fM,el Rich mond, Vav postofflce, flB,0. WASHINGTON, Nov. g. Despite peace preapecta A'artcee- geaerallv thruout thal'nlted.Statee are ahowing a teadeacy toward a'fartt. upward ?v-n.ent," acccrd'aa-.to the fedrrnl rifiive aaard'a i monthly review of I'tt-laaea eeadlnaa a' reported by ageata la each federal. reeerve dU- trlet. laeraaaea art aartleutarly aot. Iceable la commodity ttaaa aot affect' ad by the goveramaaU price f Igtag program. Maay manufacturera aad otaer pro- dacara ard reported followlag ,a cob eervattve eourao ay keeping only email etocka oa head, la preparation for aew aualaeea eoadlttoaa after the .war. ' x-- Rlatacprlcaa aad credit Inflation, tha hoard aaya, muet'te oppoaed. by etrtctly penonal aieaaomy, Despite war aeaaomy propegaada, It appears,! aayataa board, "that aaaay claaaea.ot the population areatlll apeadlng their curreat" laeomoa aa freely aa aver, BetwlthetaadragUe fact that pricea today are ata-rseard figure because they have aot yet embraeed the aa tloaal duty ,o aave aa a personal ob- Ilgatloa." SBOW YOUR OATITUM '.BBBBBBV ''sbbiTbbbbbV BBBBmam aam mVmmmWfrL M : M T r ' adR D gaaf 1i-!Ni. FtT ,'mV 1,. h kl YatmIJammAvWay Wajn'Oamalgm toyaMtMtsmfj ovar aamaaraajj wajaaai aajaav aaammi ffamBaaja( SiTfJSOiWO aaW Warm amcof k fMarte laaap taw v , The flrat Impulsee tc; the average' i'ob wh'ea getilag the Joyou news that a flnif peace settles tnt with Qermany Js Imminent and that tbei terrible war I, hi tat over, would probably be that thlo aUo means the end of the wur vorkcrs efforte to keep up the .n ir.'.lt or tho army and t ... i m ooya .mm now -is noma in a oln't time. Short reflection however, will be aufflcleat to bring the reallsntloa to all that although the hoatllltlei may be about to cease, It will bo a matter of many waeka aad perhapa moatlra uatll the maay detalla of a listing peace can be concluded aad that ua tll tbla baa been, brought cbout all the 'men at the front will be kept ready and waiting to uphold the ad vuutege they have gained. Moreover, It ran "be readily won that at tlmea when the eoldleri ore kept In the aorvlce without active flHhtlng for a long period It will' bo fr more difficult for them t. krep up their custom of clean lit In than when thalr services ware required la the trenches, i Tbc boys at the front who have ,i.ide euch a tremendous sacrifice to brlnr , about the glorloi (tldlngs which are bow momentarily .ixnectcd tic going to need a raonstcv sum thru the Mivon recognised brancher of war v--.-i k, In fact la declared by the lead ore that the biggest end of tbe wel fare work la yet to be done urnt that It will probably cover a period of yeara: These facts should be taken Into consideration In the Joint drive by tho.aeven branches ofxservlce starts Monday Nov. 11, and each and every one should' be prepared to give as never before. v There boys have bought and pl4 for tha blggeat boon to humanity tha m could poaalbly be made. Tbey have completed a job which will mako It possible for future generation to live henceforth free from tbe grind? lag heel of a, desperate oppressor. They imust police the ground uatll the lid which la ahut "oa the Kalaer Ig locked, elamped aadsealed. Don't feraet .taeaelttle taiaae whea the Uaelajpearrte'come'Uru,'.-: t tarn ralla are reeelved Uey will aa ia- wmm aad tha opereUoa atthamW will hamim. A ItAa Hunlt (In. peew..waraaeee ammeaai ,ta aai waa compiew ey iaa .saaruaarofa)- ere a few aumtha ego. It la ajeaeralty aeRaved. that ,thf ptaat which waa leet tailll waa' par. pertrated by tha, I. W." W. argaatav tloa which waa active hare at that time. The splendid new reinforced con crete flourlag 'mill constructed by Martin Brethere of thla city -to; re-: placa the plaat'deetroyed by laceae$ orlea a yair ago last July, laaajw complete with, the exceptioa '(k'JiM rol'la which have beea ahlppeelVfTom Kaaaas city, according to Coatraetor W. D. Miller aadar whoa aupervMoa tha work haa proceeded for tha four moatha. It la aaUmatod that'Ue mlU will eoet about fifty thoaoaad dollata; la addlUoa to which aa elevator ot aaarly 300,000 buehela haa ad.j The phut, which la reported-to beof ill dally barrel eapaeltr. a patteraed aloag taemost a: Haea la every partlealar. .'. ',l..'."vi..' ..'. 'I !';, 5 w m ..m . alffM. .. v 'i..'Mijf.ly"i ;, - ;t--"' S',,.i 1 ' M i immmAXmm r't. m! bus m BE MEASURED gnsiE ,.-. n ' W:, ImT AamaJCAIIOlf Ml J lUt. MaMUUr.' mm r -"trCf r-.x'ifi'i f 34n ft't: f--i-iI JORITY rAWlmaVITtaWCal SPBT- 7 - ' -j yjijiUwHwy RYIlf !.-': '-; , u'l VtMmWr..' ' . JW ":.'JJf , T . j."i ii,i:ii v'v infyf-f,fim' i ! i teaaaw ' aaLaasaaf m ee vi IwMfnmrMmmmmmmwVtij -'- .amrmaam4l'.amBBBmi C: . i.'-v;, i t:, sass aaas aaaas-r r t. ,rb 4V'tiiri.s.i. i:id e. i.i- I 41 fj .smBavnWaBBgt wsFaar . aagHaWaaara aaaaaaBn mWM . ffp;A Vt :-r ' ;) 'J; BaaaflBBBfaVmBBB. iL V S ".."""TT :. .jait Of W&t 'U' I . 'i v -1 H . V r xii l t fMk. T -!- '! ' iaf i"Ti..tTT,i" koM ,4iit'(f LONDOW ataJarair ' partiea - --. t, : .'.dW- : mji a WW wMhbt,ert abdjkatlea s A. BerHaM MWt H :??-- Siii;,ay i"rJ!WiWi KOB;dtt?v-''',, :i'.a.ai.. Aa ." 7 mejBmmBBBBBTmBBBBT ,' ' IstRss jr'V..- J mmmrtmt;r&y: , V " . I c- T.'. i: 19,:' Y 1MM IWICSHW,. wu, -flllf U'-mm, v. J . 'i1 "E ami" w!' ivr."i.v".ry . ... ear tomorrow. . y, ..,-:: v&ii'ani. r. ter.Wmzmb . OOPRNHAOBW. -Nov.S Prteer j T.,.i.".iTr, 'j t. . ".ii .iiijji,.:rf fc It III Rf rilllaatB al rnihaaaf i-f aa-mM t "TV I "'- . J - -- F" . " "? ." i mj'L 1 ii Emperor leftKlel,Baafauls;Btim1e;,y' " " wa luve ,w ' JMWprjmm "jnm ,t y : woa'pureaed b'y'Kartaaa vfctmh:''''. .,-do..-aU..t'hi'tK Brains are aew to be by Inches aad fractions. sHaee ef ficiency haa come- to be tha aU-fai- portent factor la determining the else of the modern employe'e pay eaeck, and since the army la.ltterally taking the measure of mlllloaa ot aoldtere, tbe demand for a labor saving device for the wholesale task aaa ceme lato existence. , In response, Dr. S. C. Kbha, form. erly oa the faculty of. Stanford uni versity, and bow at Reed college, haa Invented a alldlag eeale for aseaaurlag a man'a meatal ouaclty aa easily aa a tailor would maaaure off somudr cloth. He expUlna that tbeellde will ehow, among atber tillage, the differ ence between a person's chronological age and his mental age. By a few mathematical twists, his capabilities and shortcomings may be scientifi cally determined. Ha explalna that Industrial establishment and the new army order have neceeeltated a method of saving time la making the teats which formerly .were difficult and of long duration. luiTvuniu v -, -'-i.-'- la aow Pletel'yTwIhe;alBetfe:tfa'lr , reveluttoalets. ,,Tbe Reelfleg Witts-CK lag;oa all the shlpe' It reported Si$$2-r NDONNov JtMm rfan towa la .asaawirSli' 4aiaaV& ' ,. .?f th.: r'W8t&B$r$ i'u :ands rM Leg is heaase oa the "ilMae there. '. 1 rrlla dlspat? nn: t that '.'the third?? ,'i M ' .fi'r- . '."it1 .riiiAVC r nnartma rnniiMi raHBTHI to tea SOT- " y,. -"-"! ! '.-:. -T3TT. XT Jr-ri --.',( Ci.l emsseat". &, . yi i--ft.-. -. vr ? v Tea revolutionism have cuUtae . :( aorth, aermsn railway line' aoHlh ofn Flenaburg breaking' eammualratMaay ' & from the .north wttn Hamourgv j. - " LONDON. Nov. 8 ciVBinia. duih.ih joined reported. &; A..-r m andrTJbilthavadMJy JWRSilSyl the. Qermaa; ,revolutloau!;H.'hi;xViS'PiJ .. Hf.M'i l.t. '. .H .VBJ' 7WiiHlVfl? 1 w 1S12- Ji!.'!1- '. 1 .VI ! wWXi&'m&W-. if ENEMY DEVASTATES "V .V Wi . !J. Ul iV.i COUNTRY IN RETREAT RRinSH STILL ADVANCING r LONDON, Nov.. t. Tbe British forcH continuing their, advance cap tured two vlllagaa yeaterday between Moaa and Maubeuge, UKHMAN COVNOILB. TAKK GKRMAN POMW COPENHAGEN, Nov. . Tbe.Oer- man porta of Bramerhavea aad Cux haven are In the,handevof,the.6ld (era councils, .---. -.ut I mtwrnx v .vu.ji Tiwfiwwi(iiQfctif f PARIS, .Nov, l.-Mt-;.. Margaret is-mrmwm who le laFranee, wlllrleave for Vec dun wlthla a few daya; to au foif'the Ameneaa aotaieee. ; -'r .5 A fu f"i I, s WITH, THE AMRRIQAN.; ON THE SEDAN. FRONT, (Ry. Asaoctote1Yae).tT.i(&?Jai, In their retreat west-of the Meaee.7mi.ff9 ' ..'- Ji "i - ' .aJJ .f according to reports ;reaoing TAB lcanv headauarterftha GeraWf ,a qestroy lag property aa.cuiHaa aa irntm eiiuivh the roa-Wave.l'VAmer-Js,K";,;i iraa, aviators VeporiedKtottatM the highway fri)iB,;staii;.aptrrft- to Olisy-aurHohlera lal,bloeked.feyerJ.;: fewf yards; .by;,traea; aofaalhX'i Mia ,ariitin'Baataa.4aUBY.a :$k .'XT, mmmM-i? LA Steaay and"etan4e,iBoriBMsad.' ,f aorta trorn'oriifto thfa?mfi,K!f J.fl taararMtmgtaWBamJjtt ajiBnu'.' : ,-s j jr -.'.'j-t ,.rf. : f. 9t S ,-fV FWUm mte&i.m'Ai twtev mm '&mz ansa eny.dlvielea wwilWSJ nBeanji ... K u f .; j :,-ii. ,. ,a.j,ii j -1, t vtvis... f ! .7Mtva-t wi.wvjit . ; tJrtf. V. -""," J.-' ." a