"tf sssffii u I I OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH, COUNTY Sty? ttmtmn Hmp s k-c'Aviv ?'', urrrciAL n AJ&fr Or KLAMA Thirteenth Year No. A.4M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1918 WspftKiP iMmM mfMmi m I l1e'ltv'OaBt. -? "'A Mi rfi BBiajBnajka-' ' "'; GERMANY GETS HER CHANCE FOR PEACE MMMWaJWbJMMhV AAAMAAAAMAAAAAAWWWWW ARMISTICE TERMS BUS1HESS KEN ARE SENT TO HUNS UNANIMOUS AGREEMENT REACHED BY UNITED STATES AND ALLIES ON TERMS BY WHICH THE WAR MAY BE CONCLUDED BELIEVED GERMANS WILL GET NO LIGHTER TERMS THAN THOSE ACCEPTED BY AUS- TRIA MEANS VIRTUAL SURRENDER OFFER ON WW H n FOLLOWINO KXCOUKAUKMKNT t 11' CITY COUNCIL. FUND Iff ItAIHKD TO IIUILD ROCK ROAD TOWARD PELICAN C1TV. (By Associated Press) . WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 5. The issue of peace or war rests with Ganaany now. Tha amUtice terms, which were unanimously agreed upon and signed yesterday by representatives of the Allies and the United States governments are expected to. be in Berlin before tomorrow. ' The temu have not been published in detail, but mili tary men 'are certain that they are no less drastic than these accented by Austria, which strips that nation of her war-usaldnf machinery, and compels the evacuation' not only of dm occupied territory, but part of her own soil WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 6. The armistice terms which will be offered to Germany have been agreed unan imously, and signed by representatives of the Allies and the United States in France. If accepted it means the surrender and immediate end of the war, leaving the final terms to the dictation pf the victors. The conditions of the armistice follow the outline given by President Wilson of what is required to preserve su premacy of the Allied amis and to render Germany power- . ( j.A.J.tfkAa1 ibbwi fr LONDON, Nov. 6. The Allies have decided that the Gergjiiai must apply to Marshal Foch for their armistice, Premier Lloyd George stated today in the house of com mons; AMSTERDAM, Nov. 6. Berlin newspapers say that me reicnaxag leaaers nave uevmeu wm wcc id v msww- sityror the abdication or emperor wuneim. LONDON, Nov. 6. The Berlin Tageblaat says that a demonstration was held before the Bismarck monument Sunday In favor of continuing the war, and a resolution passed protesting against the acceptance of a humiliating peace. In order that tho city spur of the Bhlpiilnct'on road from the pared highway to meet the county Improv ed road at the city limit, might he covored with cruahed rock aa aped Mod by the people In their original vote before the highway wa con structed and In order, that thla pay roll might be available to Klamath Folia during the coming winter e- on, butlneaa men of Klamath Valla laat week railed a turn exceeding five hundred dollara which the city council at a, pievioua meeting declared waa licking In the treaiury to carry out thla, program, and tend ered It to the city with the reaueet that the work proceed m rapidly aa possible. Atju prevloua meeting' when both the cruibed rock and clndera had been discussed -for thla road. which la a atretch of about four block, It waa Informally decided that' the chance of getting clndera this Pall waa very small and that, only by uilng the cruihed rock could the Pelican city reildenta get back and forth over the new grade thla winter and It waa Intimated to bualneaa men luesent that ihould the necessary difference be provided, the work would proceed. The money waa there fore pledged, the council ao Informed. Tho advliabllltjr of placing rock on tho now grade n't thla time of the yeur wji then taken up laat night by the Council and the question referred to County Burvoyor J. C. Cleghorn, who voiced ihe opinion that the road bed waa probably too aoft for thla kind or eurtaclng and Intimated that the clndera might be placed acroaa the atrip for thla .winder' travel and a permanent eurface pot on In the Spring. Upon a motion It waa de rided to proceed, with the completion of the road, the manner of Ah mir facing to be left to the deacretfoii of the Mayor. RESULT OF ELECTION DOUBTFUL FIRST KLKCnOJf SINCE NATION ENTERED WOniD WAR. ROTH PARTIES CONFIDENT OF SVC CESS. hi M The following caaualtle are report ed by the Commanding General of the American Expeditionary Force Killed In action Died of wounda Died of dlieaie , ...... LONDON, Nov. 6. The Bolihe vlkl government of Ruaalt la report ed to hava handed tha neutral mini ten a, note to the, Entente Ppwera "king the opening of peace negotia tion ao thtti hostilities between the Alllee and tha Sovlat Government w d d ievere y be ended. Wounded, degreo undetermined - Wounded ellghtly AMSTERDAM. Nov. 8. TM Vien sjuung in action na Bute council baa appealed to wo .prisoner German people of Auitrla declaring that the country la In danger and'that the army (a breaking' up In dliorder, 134 75 108 210 7 48B 44 1 Following Oregon men 'are Hated; Prlvato Quy R. Durall of Inde pendence and locator C. Reeie of New '& m iw his scone "FLU "IUSKS The Boldlera are exhorted to vol'un- burg, severely wounded t"Hy tola the Qerman Auitrla army corps. ,r SBDAN' FRONT. Nav. 5.- -The Amerlaua have throws 'conalderable ion acre ike Muij Riwr. ad Bka: tha rIataae .of th.,eilny, They are pushing toward Stoaoy. LONDON, " ' Msv. . , ThTe , trawM- yieMrilsr.;tasw, ,'m Oheajt, ad,hav already eurrouaded that tty os threa aJ4aa,, TM;ntr il bUTe4vt'kT VMSSlS. Corporal W. Walling of Waldport. killed In action. Serroant Erneit -Durllngalne, Foreat Orove, wounded eaverely, , Private Fred Bhlen, Aurora, alight ly wounded. RBPrBLICANS LKAD IN KANSAS. TOPEKA, Kaniar, Nov. 'b. Early returna Ure Indicate a victory for Allied .governor Capper, republican over oi wimam Tnomiaon rorvu. n. eanaiur and 'tor Henry Allen, republican1 for Governor over W, C. Landown, demo-rat; The "flu" maaka to Klamath'Falla have not proved a huge aacoeea thui far, for aome reaaoa. Whether the looal realdenU place little filth in their efficiency' or whether they be lieved that tha preventative waa worae. that the malady haa not beam dennltoly decided, but thoea who braved the aniueement of their frlenda during the flrit day or two after the requeat waa made, found nq following, and they inortly nfterward abandoned them.. The Evening Herald "office looked like a maiquerado ball for two or three dayi, after which thlaaa' agnln auuroed their; normal oapect. Oreat efforU were put forthto nduo Nate bttarbeln to adopt thla covering, tor aithotao on believed he would take the dUeoae, It woe honed that nre tana piacea wouia act aa n niter tor hia candid exprewluna wheni iki linotype broke down. y It' waa evident that the only way ta aecure the adoption by the. general publto to thU meaaure 'to by cMy ordi nance, aa haa been done' In many et the Urger cltlM. - j WA8HINOTON, Nov. 5. Mllllone of Americana today arecaitlng their balloU in electkmrhlch will' decide whether the Demsaratlc party la to retain control of Cengreea; In many i atatee they are electing governor! and In practically all atatee are electing local officer. Today'a election, the Drat alnce the United Statee went Into tho war, cornea na tho ellaus of a campaign which haa been attended by many unuiual elementji. Th Allied auc eeaoee In France, 'the German peace offenalve. tha Fourth -Liberty Loan campaign and;the tafluenu epidemic all have dlvldod the attention of tho public nt tho mum, time. Leader of de'wJocraU and repub lican have declared they are con fident of aacceeajn today'a battle of balloU. Thoeo of the leeeer orgmnl aatlone nlao are hopeful .of gain. Being elected tadsr. In. thVeonteet tor control ijf i the next Congree. are all 4 SB member of the Honae of Re preeentatlvea from all atatee of the union except Maine, whoae election were held laat September aa well ai forty United State Senator In thirty three "state. ' The outcome generally I regarded aa .clone. Representative In the low er bodir, delegate from the four ter ritories Alaaka. Hawaii, the Philip pine and Porto Rice also are to be chosen, nit ho they have no vote. How close Is the contest for con trol of Congress Is npparent from the present line-up In the House and Sen ate. The membership of the Houie now I: Democrat, SIB; republi can, S09; progreislve, t; Independ. ent I; problbltlontat. 1; aoclallita, 1; five seats vacant. Total 435. There are SI democrat and 44 re publican now In the Senate. , The principal democratic nrgument of the campaign bad' been that Presi dent wiiaon ahouid have a Congree of hi own political faith to Insure co-operation. Thla" the republican pokeeman have opposed with the ar gument that republican In Congress have loyally supported admlntitr tloa measures needful for the war, and that republicans ahouid bo elect ed to deal with Important ufter-th war reconstruction problems. In today's balloting, particularly In .the southern state where' demo cratic nomination Is equivalent, to election, the elections really are for mal ratifications of nominations al ready miae. About 100 democratic ONE PERMIT TO BUILD ONLY IS NECESSARY N! CRY COUNCIL AND LOCAL OFKI- CIALH OF BTATE COUNCIL OF DEFENSE GET TOGETHER ON f DIFFICULTIES , FLU SITUATION AAAAAMAtfWWMAMlAMlAAMlMMMMMlMVlMMMAMWMMMMWMMMMAMW v0'' At B'W m'-i c: rri i.T ik . ' it- -. '''yivii ; j i . m 'W m nrn inrn FOE (Continued m bosjo 4) SOUTHERN SCIENTISTS FIGHT HEALTH LAWS LOS'ANQKLES, Nor. B. Four per on, chosen from , .gathering of a eor or more whoattemptel to hold asrvtc In the Ninth' ChUrch of ChrUt SolenttoU' here Sunday.were placed under arrest by, cUyV policemen and oaagea wiia violating, a health ordl nance. - ,.r Tho. arrest were;hwd because the authorities held that. an attempt to convene a congregation and hold a enures service waa In contravention 9f the health rules 'raeently adonted to. aid ta 'auppreasing th taffua4 OntdOMMv ,$v,r I Tho nroeeedlng were quiet and or- derly.,Two men who evened the door to to crowd nnd two.woaen ta tho coagrafatloa were srrtttss. token to the poll Utloa,x regularly hooked and released on their ''. rooognta maso to appear ta ari 't u i If durlnf the bitter cold nighU ot the coming winter, you happen at any time to see a forlorn auto run ning without n driver thruout the city street, honking mournfully "Lissle want' n home." or word to that effect, It will be well to call up Immediately H. H. Edmund and no tify him thnt hi Ford ha broken out. Or if, on the other hand, Mr. Ed- jmundi, with tearful countenance, ahouid bo seen hurrying thru tho street by- lx( or eight ta!wart po licemen, and cast Into the dungeons beneath the city jail, It will be real ised at once that the defendant haa broken tho term of hi permit, and ha been caught keeping his machine under his shed. t , No matter how much rheumatism aho may contract ta her Joints by ouch exposure, nor how much her noee may run with the Spantoh influ ent; the rule is ef hard and fait by the City Council, which lt night re voked a former permit given Mr. Ed munds to build a combined chicken house, warehouse, wood hed and garage, and In order to comply with the ruling of the State Council of Defense, which, deem the .construc tion of garages non-essential at this time, gave blm permit to construct a combined chicken house, warehouse and wood abed. It la apparent that about the only safe measure for Mr. Edmunds to ndopt Is to have a good dressmaker manufacture some good warm sleep ing pajamas at his earliest conven ience. In order that Lissle may safely weather the rigorous season nhead, An apparent mUunderstanding be tween the City Council nnd the exec utive of the Klamath County .Coun cil of Defense regarding the Issuance of building permit was threshed out after a lengthy discussion, it having developed that the city, having had no communications from the Council of Defense, had issued permits whlchJ did not Include nil the restrictions of that body, making it necetisry tor th builder to aecure hia permit from two aourcea. The cue, of. Mr. H. H. Edmund, who desired to" build A mall (tincture on the rear of his lot was the principal one under coaild oration, and It waa brought out. that thla' matter had received the atten (Ion of the Portland Council Detente office, which had beep in wire com munication with the mayor regard ing it. City Attorney R. C. Oroesbeck raised the point that the California rulea of the Council Defense, Judging from press clippings, were more len ient than those ot Oregon, and he de clared his Intention of finding out why such variance' ot rulings should exist In the dlterent.states. Permits ta the future given by the Council will probably be made to conform to the rulings of the Council of Defense, making It unnecessary to get them from more than one place. t VERY SERIOUS 6 1 CITY HEALTH OFFICERS TELL OF UNPARALLELED CONDL TfONS IN. KLAMATH FALLS. WHOLE FAMILIES AFFLICTED Four hundred eases of Spanish l fluensa since ..the outbreak of the epi demic here, with eight deaths, new cases developing each day, and the constant danger of the further spread of the malady a, long as It exists here, waa the emore report placed before the City Council tost night1 by the city, health oSeers, Warren Hant and Mr. Cecilia' Bognrdns, who has been working in a dual capacity aa a city oflctol and chairman' of the Red Cross Influeasa committee? The serl ouraeeo of th looal sltuatloa was dwelt upon nt groat length by both oncer, who. told of whole families down with tho disease, with bo on able to look' after .tho house work. - . Rvea with tho 14 nurses new em ployed. oaAwho ore workiag many hours ovor tlmevthe tores is sadly lnajlequate.to supply the demand., A move will b mods' by 'tho Red Cross today, ttawos!th available. aaaf: her of theMVnWtt'eo. 1 Mr: Bogrdured a detailed re port of the work that nod been' done under her supervision to dste, which was very favorably commented npon by the Council, and a motion was passed to provide her some paid as sistance. A request by the Red Cross Chap ter thru H. D. Mortensoa was mads; asking what' definite financial assist' once would be welcome by theCbun cil, and this matter was discussed ot some length. Msyor Crlsler offered to bavOj thla data ready before the itea uross meeting mis evening. , swill GMJteJ by mm. . .r-i .. i-.: ritjs ". wn HiTwmiKn wtia 'pMur'Ti) ". auf.m .b -sv.t.nMi nmH - - . ?., i. ... .. . i .-....-. t'-; -.n.t " i .rami THE. oUaNBTAllcn 0 GKMiAir ' rfmrancAttomn TUB TANKBBB BVltiB FVMTICNNT. ..V J'lCtH "l-V!.-(." VJKt' i-illfIA'i, ' v f m' ' ,Lil i mmtmtm mwmi ouawaa. vssna .., ... , -, ."Ti- - 'W JOS' ''i ..tv u.o am MOMhii'.rv . '.i n - - .SfiblM ' 'rr?t&mJi&M$P):$ "1 S it -AV 7.-J,.if V . "li ...l (By aniilaailOBsrf,. fcvl riiTim-m$miX tier; tr. a. niateat 'th;MBs.;'Jl'A: -': dlsUaesVsf'Mi ntUes. 'tha' .ni'oaistsrr MUf MM' K.WIHIK1 ' ,f - ' J' rw't m mm FINAL EJlLi . usriiHT PROTBGE OF LOCAL GUILD PASSES AWAY IN FRANCE. Ssd new ha Just been received by member of the St. Paul Episcopal aulld of the death of little Yvonne Blrbn, one of the French orphans adopted by that organisation several months ago. Members of tho Guild declare, that 'the frequent letters re ceived by the child have'endoaed her to those who have .been trying to moke her life more pleasant and that h'er paiilng will be mourned by all In the Guild ' , .1 8. H. Strong, who wo brought In from .the Barnes Lumber Camp on the West aide of the Upper' Lake to tho Isolation Hospital, October SOth, la the lateat victim of tho dreaded Spanish Influents hre.v He psssed away about ten oclockUit night with the Pneumonia which developed from the, Influensa. Very little was learned regarding the family or earlier residence of. the decesied aa. be wis delirious most of tbe time after being brought la. He baa one brother M. C, Strong living near Tacomo, who was notified by. wire of tbe sad news, but no reply has been received. No funeral' ar rangements hove been decided. Reports from tbV Hospital were to the effect thai no new cases were brought in up to noon, today. ' ' - FIELD MARSHAL SIGNS 4 FOR EMPEROR CHARLES COPENHAGEN.1 Nov, 5. a" Vien na dlapotch soys 'that Emperor Chsrl refuses to sign the srmlstlcs conditions, declaring that h no long er wtslie io"exercie uthty a aur peine commander,? It la declared that hi Sold msrharuin4 them.2 ROME. Novf -fB-i-ItoHoB aovt ol .yessfUhave loadsd troop on the Dellaatloa tolsnds of Lisso and L' gosta. An Italian battleship ha alio Una4 irooBt.at'Ftuat. , I, ".TT'.!7'31r4y Botweea toe otso m-;-.', rivera.ths' Oeraions or iwMhdraw'liig I toward ntartaaavd'XoiteoraJ FlWMsroal Holg Uprwlng a .. ..... .:j .u. ijii;!. s.'.'rr-' Freaeh o&fcmmutHtml4" Avlanei!.v '?'-Jp: 4irS:- nb,W , 7 Oh'saifto .now ylrtusily 'iioWd,by; th French, Bisas.oodAiMHeaa. The Allied cavalry Is said to 'be oper- . . h ;" i atlngln the outsklru of. the city." 1 1 i a 11' - t-r i'-'J PARiB,fjkVWii: i.d, : Amerieoa forces olMlolrt;thf rov vance, north'' of 'the 'Argeeiae' toreetf' hTedfcUUlyIoeed-tsStBaFvgo,l:f one'ot ths mala line it; thVXtaruuuV retreat. oa tao Ameneoaswsss ,os the Mouse' ore now wKMav toot mBast"- .v, of tho .main Berman eetmuatatloi2'-k ; , Tho AmerloasayM th B4s;rrjar y,i nave Drongni aanra.ii iNnni.M;j( . plane In thtoyardurtagiWhich',. lima mo AmvrieP" nn . ,, 2Ei' u-;t -. PARIS, Nov. 6. Tha. Freaeh her; gan their attack .again sasceaaiuiiy , on both wing of th battle front. , . 1 '.. tl i WITH THE AMERICANS ON THB SEDAN FRONT, Nov., ..S.Btttar n fighting i in progress today,;aliag( the Meuie. The Amerijooa'ava j . crowed 'the river at BrieuUos ,oa i pontoon bridge conitructed gander Are..' Tbe German are, blowing up . their bridge mm thy rotreo?. . Th 'iMiifiu. tisvM tiiliu'ika town of' Pouilly nortnwei"of StomajP."''. ." 3f urruuuueu. '. 1,, . ' Xl .k.. xnmnnlliul hii fUrmmMT- 't cesses have compelled tho Oerraans to make -new withdrawal at Myeralr vim The French have adancj3 ' ag flva mile front between the'OlM sjjd the Aisne rivers, and ore attactlng gn ?. today; They have pntrite4 .tho Hundlas'.llno on-VfilaakItairaat i, between Sinone and Chateau rorela,. pr a DaMiilaa-'the '..aor-ibAfW iftiuaui. London. NotBMo' British W.t " . ' ' ii i... JA..,-!.ii'.t on. .onensjye .jpuimrnvvfmimns;- UtnmAimMim&MtM&m ot.l;.oq';MTwW! f WJ'MV t J.'S.,l!(tTT'" !. v:J' WMi&simi . r . WfJwgwWMS wr..wi;wti H-W!!.W1Z, Wtc'j . . inaini.." . a- rV ,V, .anT?anBU9riia7 .J-X " tr -f 'X'w .-.iJc-fcTi isSi-j.av..,?. . " mmwmM ,,i ll $&)H$t