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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1918)
rTT IP"' '(.asss"-"- :A ''ft Si Jl 3wfc& 'rt'WW;. An'ffLfrf 'V. IPPICIAL NEWSPAPER Of KLAMATH COUNTY 4i fMrtcentli Year &, S.404 HUNS TELL U. S. -) f -v. m j- v 1 fl4")lL T 'f i.'"' 't;1'5flmvffp ' ., 1 i ' I a mf sawafg - ' gmatut aSam '.aa aaa. - 11 ni w 1 wmmmmm n mm m .r s";ssbebbh: .isr: m vaavva' : aa am . - am a asa ass Bamr am vBavam-taa; aa aa am aw am aa aa .av-vaa aa' aa, aa is-sbt 1r1.4utTuv1iVLE.i1a -wm j.vs.iiras haaaw' Fr "ar 2SmaWBBBT vBBSataKdBBBfc dBBP.KfBB-fBBeBBS fBPwBBBBBft l afaTV A gVB faaaUmV AA' ' ..- fr .i.--ff dyy.;.,?.- VA JtEiM 'j ijfilllBllgllll" " ' ; Atiaijl KLAMATH FALLS, OMCON, WFDNE5DAY, OCTOBER 30f 1918 p IWrf'l 1 5! t A KAISER S ON SHELF i . . ' . IT. . B 11. ?V v. if te in mim wwwww I""" '"" ' ' - i--i-i-i-i-iTi-innni-ii-ii-i.nn.ari.n.nnAn.nA-uTn-- '--1 JTJl' . ' '! t TUBKET ASKS ."M : B'BEPEB', 19 BOM AUSTRIANS ' y BlIIIP HlllaU.ISlPP'tSli j fHBBUlv I BlMUBBIII UUII I ' ' ','ki" flLLILu 111 I U III I llfu IH.1 1.1 UUILIIIIIIILIII ufllllflILL HILL l llir II hlllf m mm t mat ism ram sooh be done UNE ALONG AVKTRIAN OIRKCTH PEACK MOVM rh(M ! 1111 It' OK Wll. ACTUAI, RVMNG FVNOnONH RIC CtNDKIW1 RBI.VO IHWCOHT FROM TTJ V ' lj I '11FVS AT 1TALV. RVM MJNWnM ' igj M UNPM II-Wb- GAN IN PKAGLK MONDAY. 1M. VPPRR iJlKK AND. ROIXRD ON I flT jj$ 11.11 'ft&M TKNDKiwAiuimcKorrwiTO jjoAW iJiniw y rutA tor moriai hymrold torn from nkw highway, .to rr part I'.U'LJ 0;JL;& W"'JJ- :jkmocpmmcmwm bviwinos. of statk Rotma latrr. iiiftiW riif'vU J 1' " . II 111 II II l-ail?fife.i1 ' I ' i'.i!UTrjiiJ'JI .) aai an. V .. ,jai .w ,JhW REPLY TO VIENNA GOVERNMENTAL ALTERATIONS IN GERMANY DE SCRIBED IN NEW NOTE RECEIVED BY GOVERNMENT TODAY AUSTRIAN SITUATION IS NOT YET CLARIFIED. ARMISTICE TERMS FROM WAR COUNCIL ' TO BE DRASTIC CONDITIONS (BjrAMOcUtedPMM). i WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct 30. Another note from Germany which has reached here today, supplant the last brief communication by reciting the governmental changes m uermany, u tviacnce inn me xaiser nas oeen aepnyea m mu power at uuuuiig war unu ivcvuung uence. The Germans do not address the President Dersdhaiy. but send the information to the American government, ap aamthriWvfntataf that with the transnussion of arniU- dce and ptatMj pleas to the Allies, the stage of personal ap ptali has passed. The note says that the actual responsibility has been transferred to the relchstag. It will probably be forwarded to the supreme war coun cil at Park The President is now working on 'his reply to the last Vienna note. He is expected to inform Vienna authorities that their request has been referred to the Allied govern ment. Officials still regard the Austrian-Hungarian situation as far tmm starifled, and they question how far the govern ment ofvTehna is now qualified to speak for any one. The Armistice program prepared by the supreme war council;bjs not been reported by the government, but it is known js.fator terms equally as drastic as those described oy ine press aispaicnes as agreea upon an vereauieu, AM8TORDAM, Oct. SO. A' Cm Uatlaopl dlipstca Mjra ikaak Turk r under peace itfatlatlMa Ra) fe vlted the Allied fleet to Dardanelles, A saall body of troepe art to m landed to auperVloe tke deaieMllaa- tloa. The .Ruaelaa foretga mlaleter T pltcherla la reported to bate addreef ad a note to President Wlleon eay- las "As a-eondltloa of amletleo yon demanded of Oermaay tke evaena- tlon of occupied territories. Wo at ready to conclude an armlefleo on this condition and ask wnen yon In tend a withdrawal of year troopi from the Marmaa Coast and Arekang- el In Siberia." LONDON Oct. SfcLcowat And raasy baa resolved npon as wJUel direct peace ,aesjetlatlan.s wRk Italy.l it la reported and baa entered diplo matic relations wltk members of the Csecho Slovak f6veruaoat ta Fatia. v 1 ' WITH THI AMRRICAN8 NORTH WBtT OP VdlimiN. Oct. 10. The Americana have captured Alacrevllle ud advanced to tke northward where uiey Bave aeUbllabed a new line. ITALIAN HHADQUARTKR8, Oct. 10 The AuatrtaM are still retreat under an aver laereaslag press ure and It la believed that the stuck will become overwhelming aa soon a the eaUre Allied force can enter action. v It la also espeeted that the Aus trian munition', supply will soon give out. PARJg, Oct. !. General Debeny's rst army gauKd m;' auccessee In eaclrellng of Oulee which has sen uader way for the past tkree Th,o Fronek kave progressed kmg the Peron River ud captured "ny prleoMW. The following eaaualtlea are re ported by the Commanding General ' the Amerleen Kipedltlonary For- Died of dlsesse 41 Wounded Severely (In action)' S Wounded In actloa degree undetermined 1 Missing in action IB In hands' of enemy S Private James C. Sheeley of Red mond Is listed as wounded, degree undetermined. Private Hugh B. Olbson of La drande Is listed as slightly wounded. RtTTRR FIGHTING PI SOUTH OF VAUCNCTRmtaa. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMT, Oct. 10. There la bitter fighting northwest of Famar, south of Tal eadeanea. Both sides kold a portion of the Mont Thuoy wood. an HOSPITAL M OPRN FOR RRGULAR RCSIN HEW TMKt mi !. Colonel gaBlaas eaaig4BjaoB4 gika eMamPfJk bp aVeBaBsila f'RwPvjejtv mjqufMjfwmum warns srifMi" Seat'WUee mmmh for reUrn of a eSmMammmYamvi' Iml ammmlmfgaaBamBl ewSawSsamansnaajr om (Sgapamsmmsnma rSBiSmtlon.Hi aa ad' drees pablieaa eome of Ik eleetw, hedeeUred, would aesare "ear allies that Amor al determined ta speed up tke war and insist on aadondHlonal sur- of the eaaajy. end would aouoa ea Oermaay "and her vaeanl aaaeaa" taat tkev weaM kave to Seal aaaSfMaS) WRk "tke reeolau and straJgliliiMi seal, of" tke American noeabilad kot merely wUk tke ohoeure aajiaoees and waver mc will of Mr. WMeai." t Deewilag that "naif the leaders of the.. President's own- party .opposed ata-waag. be, bad 'eesamlitod kbaWf v . f f. . ":.." "i.T-aW ?f "CPPENHAaRN,.. Oct... 30. The Cseck" National Committee took over the functions of .the local govern menf"ln Prague Monday, as the final step la Its auccesafur revolution there. .'J. . . f '" "" ... ceairoi to re- InDertal aymbola were removed from SueM aa OUt- tha va'rlnua hiilMInn mnA- thmt tha The new County road from the city limits lino to the Pelleaa Bay Mill Is now belna carered"wlth dadera fast as they can be krnught from the upper Lake buaYers at Odesea and about three hundred yarda of the stretch baa been completed. The Mg roller la at workpacklag them down tef war "maaeatas".1 ri DEATH GUIHS U NEM 'i MIXER HILL 7"" aae Klled la action Died Of wauada .Died of AesMeat aad other USHBB ,,,,, aakf(ifte WMofdlae..,,,.... i. wounded severely ..,..........w.,.. "ee degree undetermined; S aa aBjBBHHBBBsn Aatseafe anfoWaaftifc CttffamrOaanMnalliM The followlgg eaeuiWesWare rat-' frHl by tbe'Commaadlnii fleaersl f the Asserfeaa atapedlUoaary Por- Jerome Burton, a young man liv ing near the Miller Hill School house six miles south of Klamath rails, nassed to hU last rest at eight o'clock last nlaht. following an attack, of the Soanlah Influenaa. He had been aiek for about one week. He waa married and It la reported that other , "J members of bis family are sick with ' ."the same-disease. The deceased waa born April, 10. 1191. . , The funeral, arrangement nave aot been announced. Thru aa error, tbo Impreealan haa gone abroad that the Klsjaatk Oeaer al Hoepiui kaa been turned Into aa lalueaaa Hospital. It lat there fprp announced that tke Hospital m opened for genergl kuslaeee aa In tke paat and operatleaa an4 otker eaaea will receive their usual atteatlea. The maaagemsa propoeea ta ear far aay eica nureao wno may reganei such care and If aeeeaaary, to them. J. W. Stemaae.' NEW CASR8 OP INPIA7ENSA. Mrs. Charles DeUp and little daughter are III wltk the lanueaaa and have been removed ta tbo latloa Hospital. Mrs. Brneot Orva of the anerirte ornee nag several bars of Burt Hawking family are re ported III with tala disease. . r LVRKR NOW Wm. Lubka. a reeMeat 9t XlsaaMk County for nearly thirty years, la now employed at the. Northwest Stool Company's Shlpyarda la Portlaad, la kelping build ahlps tor where ke ia Uncle Sap. V "i 67 ttl HI 17 K'M la aetlo TRIAL OFvFRKNCH ; TRAITOIW ERGVN. i f . ''d Of VMlamatal ' " v aFaBgaBB aaaeaeaeeti r PABia nut. SO. The trial of - PramiarCalllaux aad hie two deput- statement "attributed ijlH kaa bHua In the Preach Senate, court circles. PREPAtUTfONB FOR ELECTION Preparations for the eomlng elec tion are notieeaMe at the Coantr Court House these daya; Deputy Clark' Charlee DeUp hw been knee deep for daya lobelias; tke, different oiaaga ror, tae various preeineta aag Sheriff HumphHiy hag aemmeneei dellverlag the supplies i to the oat- side distrlet,- sUWEf. TRYING SO FAIA BAeW. " ' , ' 'I, ' T " v LONDON. Oct. I Bmperor WMV Ism baa go atteatwa of ahlieaWag, kut Is willing. If It Is for the Boaa f the people, to ordain that his rights ikali be reframed, aeeoralatf to a to Genua thai heade of the repablieaa or- gaamatloa a aaagress eupported the adbilnletratMa whan a declaration of war waa needed.' aad whoa there was a aomaad for the draft,, whoa the army waa seat oversees, aad whoa reaalred by taiatloa or by beads. tbo former president spoke at a meetlag under tbo naspfcee of the repablieaa elub at Carnegie ball to adveeate tbo election of "tke ropub lleaa atato ticket hare la New York aad of tke republican congressional ticket tkraeat the Union." RobagJag what ho termed too "ser enity of democratic leadership, thai Colonel eatd R waa "small wonder that la the cloak noma of tke koaee the bitter Jeet circulated: 'Here'e to Mr eaar. tiaat ta war, drat toward peace, teas amy he waiver!" 1 Reeeeveat criticised the general sauna, of the admlalstretloa thruout tha.Nrar, deelarlag: "If Mr.'WUaaa kaA MaJI aaaamt tat dwrogard poUtles, ke weald at onoo kave 'eeoetrueted a eoalltloa. bob- partlisaa. eabatot. ealllag the beet mea of the aatloa ta the highest aad most faapertaat osseee under him, without regard to politico. He did nothing of Unkind. Ia tke positions moat vital to tke eeaduet of the war, aad la the posit tone how most, Important la eon eettoa with negotiating peaee. he re tained or appointed mea without the altfhtost guess for the performance of thotaeka wheee sola reaemmeada- tlaa waa a aknple esgeraeas to MrWSeea peneaallyaad'to Mr.;1 Wfleea-a party sach eBSWwTSBSl VSJBjSJBJSBBjBBJ''a VBSWime CaatraattBt th Presldeat'e appeal wMJh Llaeeln'e "outright refusal, uvea la iho darkoot daya of the Civil War. to apply aayTparty tost to.Staeee for oaWe," Ua Ootoael said that Lincoln "aJpealaS to an loyal mea of all parr tlea, aad racked-that eaadidates fox eoagress aa judged, not by Ue eUad- ard.ot adhereaee to hai pereoaal aa aalaletraUea, but by Uelr aaeoadk UcaaJ MSport the war." j- ixU, ateetloaofia republican coagrass. the Coloaal'eoaUiuedwouM'belua aeretoedabroad aemeoabM thatiHW PvaOermaashad aaclneaato and boe- eaovlk' r.ajasl j!Oerasaija 'aoelaluHs eoaM no leaser , bo counted upoa aa aSMMat gas tortous toaw. that the agaUtgntaj. sad aot the rketarlHaia i. Klu.. , Mr.Wgiinit terpratea thai PreelT tM'agttadmig. of repsbllesa of eoagress as baeed oa Uetr demand tkat taaRetenay. waste tvoaiaiaoa oa pngm g ,vV : NEWOFFICE n city officials nave token the oath of as fast aa they are'laM. r- v fidelity to the new Csech etate. County Roadaupsrvleor Tom DIs- J.'" J ...'1'" l-.v.. .. i-.J un unwi.ii im v.vajaws tnav n wvam be necessary to.pot.eaa larger force In order to get the" road covered. bo fore winter seterfiu; but arrange- menta ra being 'made, to do thle. Thle road fill bo completed later on to the Fort,Klaawtk road aa a link In a sute hlghwayWu aad south. It waa recently ienrvayod by State Bngta- wvr . n. ovta..waaa Hnira wwmiw seated thafSJtVmeaey spent la Kla maU Coudty from the eta million dollar 'htato read bond ieaue. voted two-yoara again - TTT7 m FOR RED CROSS wn, . -w , - TheTCIamatrChapter'A. It. C, haa opened ,u headquarters oSlce In the Wordea building Just east of the present Red. Cross .rooms on Mala Street. It will be the beadouarters for the Chairman, Mrs. H..D.' Mort ensen, Ue secretary. Rev. E. P. Law rence, also of the Home Service, Mrs. O. W. Robertson! , The Christmas parcel work, for the, boys oversees will also be handled from thla office. The Chrletmta cartoons! are now on bead ready for distribution and may be 'aecured at thla office on preeen Utloa.of the Red Croft sddreee label from the soldier boy overseas. In no other way can -a cartoon be ae cured; Tbeae cartoons may also be eecured on presentation of the Red cross address label by relatlvo or .friend to the Chairman of the Red Crenjkbraach '" y.'of tbo outlylag aiMrtcsswnttructioB leaflets tell- Inyo what you may not put lato the'' package and facts, as to weight sad. psktag. may be secured at the office hera'or any branch or la the Gulden Rule Store, Moe and Co., Wlaaack'a and-Rnharfa and Whl. mWe'or the Star or Underwood's Drug Stores. The office will be open every afternoon from I to 5 P. M. at present. 'A telephone will soon be Installed.' m ' s i . i NEED TO BAVK FOOD 1 GRRATRR THAN RVRR NOW. v V, '- n,-iA - mm i y v.oA' ml i r-ltf,tj-ii!f jits, vansuauinv -V1.'1 J... i 5lt wits vry.K . ' I t - ARMT- WlUitVBOOyf Ell PRM I T , -Kl i TOWARD TAGUAMOCNTO. 7 ' V , rt, ALUHS,CMKK1 MOgUCNTAaAT;r' l f'f . nkar xuiteMnrifMnMte' ;'1 ' .vj. cAyr o-.j.i5rf:.' . i Wll. HBAka IUmMi aaai auau ' i mm mf -atrLr.:.' x. -,! IIUa in aMBear,,Tr.iv.r . CjU J?C$ii Ti ,i"T - ., J1. 'W 1 ' MANY,AND AUSTRIA: ' tf'&T A i . '.' ifi' - :A'rc.YTtt.:3 tS.4St-?fr f ",-' . tJ . if V fta t .! . " ! ""Jl .: (Dateless JHeeesy AeeeeW atedPfees) V. -.v- en HINDS f By a deal completed today aad-be coming effective November flrat. W. H. Hawklas has disposed of his dairy Interests here to Aaa.Pordyce and the Cornish. Brothers, who will ope rate In the future uader the name of the Altamont Dairy. Mr, Hawkins' hss been In the delry business for the past four yeare la the local field and haa built up an exten sive 'list or, customers, but the eear-t-lty of capable help haa caused him (o mske the change! "The considera tion of the sale was aot made public. a JAPAN MCNDH.THOOPS TO FIGHT BOL8HEVIKI. u . K-.H.'Ol " i ...OaaLyoar, ga. (&ZZti&rJ:3r amfeewaanatSi ' from the, Ieeaso ,i, 'witk . 'znr. vy. i. V"-rj -",Ttr.'C ftM:,U ; T.y(thaJtallp,wtu$ Ink aad Preach tag wiU tke TJV . are iflakt-? , &A' rtisnir la T irsasmrs " ' ' J A Tk. TH"" -Vise's SnjW- to bo a braaek ia'.tWAaetrianaleael .V ?s eeetkof.tka;PtoYoViii:irA. : ... r- The Drlaonan'thua'far takaa a urn. ber more than twenty thousand. Ref 'V-' porta aeeni to weicate taat-tae Aus trian resistance basweakeaed-great- ly 'after the. flrat ruahjof the Allies fv h 'jr. ! & Vu AfI and the o enemy . nsteaee.Lmayi'.be crusHea smok ine eeaier.of ,ino naee. , m. .in ' v -ir-i .. .it i ii. Allies are wssBinar eaatwawa. v ' i,n r da'a;.tilii-lto I letrUek'f.;,:aUde I: - '"The HlllUry Situation forms no adequate reason for relaxation of ceasorvatloa", says Herbert Hoover. Federal Food Administrator. "On the contrary, Europe developments mske emphasis upon this conservation ef fort particularly Important, becauae evacuation of occupied territory Im poses on us the responsibility for ad ditional civilian population." rr (In-other words the people In the territory taken 'from the Germans Must-be fsd. Further demands for foodwl!l come whenever fighting ceasasj 'The world food supply must be carefully administered until the next' harvest to prevent actual famine in parts of Europe. Saving of all food ,bv America, must therefore be Intensified to sunnly. bread and meat to, kuagry Europe. am VWaWXS FUNERAL POSTPONED Tke remains of the late Cecil O. Weeks did -aot reach Klamath Falls latt'.nlibt as wss .expected and 'for tkts'reaion the funeral services have Mea'postponed until ten o'clock to morrow morning. They will be of a private nature and will be conducted by Father Hugh Marshall. TOKIO, Oct. 30. Japan has sent two divisions of troops snd part of a third division to fight the Bolsbe vikl In Siberia. Colonel Wada, aen- lor adjutant ia the war office made those facts known offlclslly, to cor rect any Impression that the Japanese army ia mobilising on a large scale for operations In 8lberla. He added: "In order' 'to enable those division In work to tke utmost efficiency in an wide a country, It was necessary to provide for them additional artil lery, aviation corps, fleU aad wire Itss corps, railway corps, poatonn uettaiinns ana aoroe otner rontin gents in the rear," and. have gained a hugejnomeatem. r.Tsp ' durlng.the'psst'three'daysgow n sfe sscm. probable UMrtJttgVsVRjIeyLS' days may aeoitho LwhotaMuBtrlej'-lVAj!1; army fronting the Pfavefln retreat fe'fcfy toward the .Tagllamento. -J v feV Farther, north aneyweet thefAllletY, HM Thafu' "A .? IA -"J- Wt mwrr are reported to beeadvaaclag.J' British Bear Vales-fcanes 'are vrmiy in caeca, iBH,'iaj BHHBsii,ka lesst. Th,e, Allies "do ,not appear to '"' bave aucceeded in bresklng1 thr'u' the -Germans lines defending, Ghent. International conditions in' Ger- i t-s)7.l bany and Auatrla appeir to be rapid, rh ''" iX M i iT, , .'A ,it " "Ji X.iirl "7 Ml . "l ; s? . :'fii ir T m y crowlni werse: Maavhave beeei killed In rlotinr at BudaDei'tThe'' V.tW, population Is declared. to be'ln a pa'.1 -r-'0' i -A the banks are being stormed by'de- . i-. - f posltors. tii ??. a w:m FUNERAL VlltP'trft LLOYD LOW, WEAftS SERGEANTS STRAPS News of bis promotion to Sergeant has Just been received by Mr. snd Mrs. C, C. Low from thslr sob Lloyd, who is In the Field Remount Squad ron In France'.' Lloyd writes' that he haa traveled over a greadeal of the country and la within hearing of the rumble of the big guns much of the 'time. Ho has been thru a aumber(of ta(lr raids and gettlag many other' Interesting experienceo.'1 W ,' J . ' i -ra i i .' u BARKUKiIN';FOait5akY. ,. SEATTLE Oct! 10. in V dense fog early today, the Trans Pacific liner 'Mexico, Maru rammed and .sank -VV"il TOWER ' T T ' WiPV taatmaaa gfjieakm AtavtSm mm aPXfll 44 .l VTapiI wm hnn Bap." f ' 4-A Angeles, Washington, m Oct. Itt.l of the death of Private Raymond ? Tower, of' the, 128th fSpriice 'Squad-k fluensa Pneumonia, 'Deceased wag;.,u J, born on December 81stt 1887, 'laf'T pM AtklnaonrNebraakn, where , het lived 5 fm until 1(103. He.camoith hla par- $m x County wblch1haa.lrtK.--il home untllJuly 38th. lllf.MvKMH' i -wss assigned noJimlMtorywi!, Tim..IlkS.1H I, .'.'U. 1,W ,A $1 ents to Klamath been his when he service, VIH . .w v. . Mallni parents, and, the7?llowtngtbrotbsf anoT ) "' P'lJiW'fi.w't X., .siiisapeia ;..l Wi ' an.lV.Te. oaw" jwm hos',Mra.'-Bert'OVST;oI math; shd.PfiT.rt'Wrold with tfeaAiW 4 The remain, .will ima l... ..M.VTJiv'.t' i' V.L-J rails, '.tonigni ana - rjiA. iV, Vt; the 1ik-foVerJAj EUlo t Bay. filial wf.loet., diat KkfbW 'V i .. isJMSM.hWr a. . 4. m K r&r J t&L'f .