THVnWDAY, OCTOIIKB 17, loi, THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREOON W ;. JZHfti r . W . ?i . l.::WS"BWawSa.i HaMM OF ' NOTICK The omco of tho Lnkovlow and Merrill stage lines la now located three doors east of the postofllca. Phones 283W or 239R. 10-Ct DUY A' THRIFT 'STAMP TODAY. NPKCIAIi Imposition 4-pleco glass scls Hill. butter dish, sugar bowl, oreumer, nnd "JollKBTOHB VUHNITUIIH CO. HUT A THRIFT STAMP TODAY. KrKif',yft-Tr,,,.Ti Vwl",r. t5 GARDEN Buy Another Bend n v ERSONAL MENTION TW. 0. SMITH M KDTTOR LtTTI.B HtDRLIQIITS OX LOCAL M.MVK.MNOS AMON'n TRK PKOI'I.K OK TIIIH CITV AM) V1CIM1 Y QOIKOH AND OOMIX(!8 OF LOCAL FOLKS V .. , PabUeked dally except Sunday by The Herald Publishing Company df Klamath Falls, at lie Fourtn airost. N II IN aafaammmmmmW' 1 t I . Entered at tha postofflee at Klam ath Fatla, Ore., for transmission thro the nulla aa eocoad-claaa matter. abaerlptlon terras by mall to amy address la the UnitedJStatee: Ona jraar ............ ............f B.OJ Ono month P TllVIWDAY, OCTOIlKIt IT, Ma) HcnJd's Classified Adrc. HELP WANTED WANTED Experienced woman for Miami housework. Call 205 8. L. E. DeMott Is a bualnesa visitor at tha County' Sett from Merrill. Mrs. Ike Kent came In on evening's train from Roseburg. lost Health ortloar Dr. Warren Hunt Is confined to hi home by Illness. William Pordney paid the county seat a business visit yesterday from Lorella. Fifth street. 15-St WANTED Woman to do washing far small family; have washing machine. Call 36 Eleventh street, or phone 7J. 15-Jt WANTED Box factory empleyee: S twin band rcaawera; 1 circular rip sawyers, 2 Orcenlee cleat machine op erators, 1 head car loader. Factory Btaam heated, will run all winter. Apply at offlce of Lessen Lumber ft Box company, Susanvllle, Lasssa connty, California. 2J-1 Pat Calohan Is In the city looking after business Interests from the Dairy dUtrlct. - Jack Horton la In town from his ranch at Dairy attending to matters of busli City School Superintendent It. IL Dunbnr lins returned from Port land whore ho has been on busltwM connected with the coming Allied War Work drhc. Robert and Joseph I'ulntcr woro among tho nrrlvnls Inst menlnjr from Snlom, They are Kiiestti at the White Pcllcm llolol. IT m PAPEDTC, Tahiti, Oct. 17. Liv ing conditions In tho South Seas are quite the opposite to the popular Idea ,rnnc)cl In books of romance nnd udxenture. Instead of being able to j loll under tho shnde of palms and WANTED Saw mill employee. Cap acity mill 40,000 feet tarn hoar ahtft; 1 edgeraaa, 1 screw aottor, 1 eaat hook deck maa, 1 tog haalap aad poad maa, 1 off bearar, men to Madia umber, ah tor aigat aun. MU1 will operate two ahlfta aU wia- tar. Plant ataam heated. Apply, at awo of Lassaa Lamoor at Das aay. Sasaavllle, Laasaa eomaty. cat- Horala. . , 11- ...LOST AND FOUND. LOST Betwe Malta and Klamath Fall, aa automobile geaarator. Flayer plaaaa aottfy Jas. Worlow, Ma lta, aad roeolvo reward. 1-St LOST Famala Scotch CoUta 'pP. boat S months old; I2.S0 reward far taformatloa leading to raeovary. Notify Herald omce. U-tf mssammaammmt FORRENT FOR RBNT Faralahod Waaatagtoa, aar Fifth. 411 lt-4 ROOMS By day. Call SS Mala. weak or month, JMt If 17 i FOR SALE FOR SALaWOao taaaa saareo. yearn oM. wotght-aboat 2.1ft. . oa wtu eolt at atfe;r0M aotwrk aaraaaa; eaa axadaMkar wagoa. Plata ;aaM,f-U Avow tmeter: ' S-bOUom dlec alow; om foar-aeeUaa .'lever harrow; om lS-dkM Kaataeky drill ;om 14-taeh steal beam walktag - alow; oao 4-oectloa packer or roUor; oao trailer. .Taxmatafmalmeot new, aaviag aaaa bom hat a row weefea. iMairo J. H. mangat. Ml Joforaoa atrooL ' !Mt FOR 8ALB Water power waahiag , . aaaeaiao wiia wringer, um twiea; raaaoaable. Fhoaa 111, or eaU 111 tghth atroot ll-lf MISCELLANEOUS A WANTBD To bay .100 to ! toao of damagad alfalfa. OfarflOaar um, su eaaa, Balance u oays; asast -Have eorral rooai, water aad ptaao for apaa of horaaa. Addraaa X Y , MoraUL t-lt - .iij 11 aaesa NOTED CRIMINAL ESCAPES CUSTODY Word has baea received' that Nor- , rio M. Fyroa. a aotorloaa criaUaal, had oaeapad front a deputy United tataa aurahall at Aaalaad. Pyroa' waa belag taken to McNeil lataad to aorvo a, 16-year term. It ia believed that Pyroa la a German agent Pyroa ia 19 years old, altho ha ap pears to bo mtfch older, on account of as gray aair, ne naa gray ayaa, u I foot 7 Incbaa tall and walgba 1S0 pounds. Ho haa scars on tho middle aad ring finger of hla, right hand aad a each arm above, tha elbow. Ho ia kaowa to have gone under the allaaea ,f Moto Ralney aad Jhoaaa Red Manager W. II. Pnfkei of tho Kln-'nln tho frulti there to drop Into ninth Dexelopment Company'a mouth, tho dally needs only nro lust night to look after tho com. obtainable thru tho medium of hard pany'a Interests here for n few dnjs.l l0" MtInK, If ono doslre.H to llvo ac- 1 cording to tho standard of the white 1.. u. Bi'emore, unrry r.nRio nnn ,nnlli , ng oxpenslvo i In any other " " " " -., 1 uaiwn pnrt or 1110 world. from the Fort Klamath district to-i amh i ii,nu. kn i..(.. n,..i day. They aro guests nt lh0 Hotel iuro for some time. "It Is tho last Floyd Lovelace, a recent arrival """' Plnro In the world for n man without from Roaeburg stopping at the Hotel Mlia Mabel Thomua from Montnmio cn,ll,al to cone-" Consular offlcorn Hall. , has accented tho i.osltlon or icirhnr. ,m0 n regular form warning all In- nt tho Keno School to take the Plico lu'roringalnst altemptlng to sottlo of Mm. Annette KalenowUkl, who ro-l,,cro l,n,N Provided with ample slcned rocentlv. Mlsa Thomas iln. int . were are nut row omioriunt commenced her now duties. H. D. Manning came In yesterday atteraooa from Mad ford to look after mattara of bustneaa. Mr. and Mm. B, J. Murray have r taraed from Hoay, California, to apaad tho wlater moaths. Mrs. Robert Clay visited tho county seat yesterday from tho Clay ranch aaar thai cKy. 3. B. Casey waa (a tho city from LaagMI Valley yesterday attar 'baataaaa latoreeta. Sheriff Oeorfro Humphrey, Dr, C. A. Rnmbo, and William North hue re turned from n hunting trip In tho Union Creek dlstrkt,on Upper Roguo Rlter. The pnrty had all the .success which tho law allows. J. . MeCloUaa who operates the' lOBoral atoro at Mt. Lakl, transacted baataaaa. hare yoatorday. Mr. aad Mrs. J. Cahlal are register ed at tho White Pellcaa today from Portlaad.' Kd lattoa a farmer oa the Kla nth River aoath of town, bought aapplleo from tho Klamath Falla mar- chaata yaatarday. mt m William Crawford of Chlloouln who looking 'recently underwent nn operation nt the Klamath General Hospital, has so recovered as to bo nblo to lcae that institution. His wife arrived from Cblloquln yesterday and they will re side In apartments hero until Mr. Crawford Is ablo to return. UD0I FORMERS LONDON, Oct. 17. Chocolate bars eaatttalag three other highly nutri tion feode wheat, ants aad ratslas, tha trat aoaalgaaMat of aa order for 1.100.909,, similar eakaa for tho use of .the Amerleaa Red-Cross In Eng wad, have Jnet arrived here from aa Amerleaa factory. Tho confection will bo distributed gratia to the soldi ore. Each bar to oaetosed ia a wrapper decorated with tho Amerleaa Hag aad th Red Croaa emblem. A small card iaaldo aays tha package to a well-bal- aaced emergency rattaa, equal ia food value to aay oao of tho following; Two. lamb chopa; two eggs: two plate of ckm chowder, one glass of Ilk; two baked potatoes, three ap plea. two ordtaary capa of cusUrd, or two helplaga of boaaa." t a standard taearaace policy tho CkMooto WmMk aaeawy. 12 SERIOUS HUES HI START M M DULUTH, Minn., Oct. 17. Seri ous flrea have developed In the vicini ty of Hcorath and White Pine, act cording to Information received hero from those towns. Solona, another village a short distance' away, Is said to be 'menaced by the fires.' The towns are about CO miles southwest otDuluth. Flc trains aro awaiting a call to t.iko the peoplo living In that neighborhood to safety, should danger develop. ST. PAUL. Minn.. Oct. 17. Re ports received hi tho adjutant gon erol's office hern stated that the town of Men rath. In Aitkin county, wns burning. Lnwlor nnd Aitkin, farther north are threatened according to tho renorts, which added that a high wind has struck up In that octlon. tle.3 for obtaining cmpln incut. Knmp Cook stove at '96.0.1. Tel fort! Ilrm. 14-3t The American Red Cross haa six teen convalescent housos In operation at base and genoral army hospitals In thts country, with contracts algned for simitar buildings at the other 29 hospitals. SICE TEA TURNS GfirHfl M IT'S GRANDMOTHKII'S IlKCIPK TO imi.Vfl HACK COLOR AND LV8 THK TO HAIR That beautiful, even shade of dark, glossy balr can only be had by brew ing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul- XKW RED qtOSS KKrilKT.tRY. phur. Your hair Is our cbarm. . It makes or mars tho face. When II fade, turns gray or streaked, Just an application or two of Sage and Sul phur enhances Its appearance a hun dred fold. Don't bcthcr to prepare the mix ture; you can get this famous old teclpe linproted by the addition of other Ingrodlcnts tor no .cents a large battle, allready for use. It Is called Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound. This ran always be depended upon to bring back tho natural color and lus tre of your hair. Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Sage and Sulphur Compound now because It darkens to naturally and evenly that nobody ran tell It has been ap plied. You simply dampen a vponge or soft brush with It and draw this through. trio hair, taking one small strand ut a ttmo; by morning the gray hnlr has disappeared, and after an other application It becomes bea tl Revcrand K. P. Lnw-rcnco has been ' fully dark and appears glossy and las elected Secretary or tho Klamath I Irons. This ready-to-uso preparation County Chapter of the American Red Is a delightful toilet requisite for Cross to take the placo of Mrs, R. R., those who desire dark hair and a Wattenburg, who was compelled toouthful appearance. It Is not In give up this work on account of tended for the cure, mftlgatton or school duties. prevention of dla Adv. THEY MOVE A FRENCH "SIDE-DOOR PULLMAN" BY HAND n. .' &A GASOUIfM Mif.rtit m m " a iiiiii nasi JN'aaa . - l-r vr s .' . A.J , W . fc .l"1 .' Wu. 1 PAYS to iBrvastiGAra UJl - I . ;.v'' Baforov buying lire msuraaco. it ' uh', U1 eW yon nothing to find oat what .itfM Tho First Amerleaa life liVlBjr aaa to oarer you. a IXity Ulrieb, DUtrlct Maaager of Tho Mat- it ' ami Ltfo; tf ipr vt r f VjuV' haral Ta nalaa n nti TA', wife aad your pocketbook, laatall tha Y, VHMr iverosaaa uaa naraier, eneap wttmat fml knawn: flti any cook.atova; tmptoto install; costa $16,00 eom plot., ,Damoastratlona dally la aay reataaraaE ia Madras, where 1 ua my js-inca range, F ti Mi.ijtUoy,i,Wni.j..yturor' '&x. .V vvaa nv. i w tvCoaaty ooatractflSO net proflt oa iSfff $omtaty ImMHlmmm ertd: 'Paya for tho invest imSK MmtSJW, iw, oaa'tf OaU II ta yout L JTTrit'!,T3L ,. SWBllllBBBBBBBBBBnVJ ) I afebaB-aaafeaa- IL m m "Keep the Home Fires Burning" fllt'a on their Hps a they ing u are leav- H But it's in their hearts thru the long nights of waiting and the weary days of fighting "over there." fi Make your subscription to the Lib erty Loan today. ; 1 1 It will help show the boys that we are keeping the home fires burning, and burning brightly for them. First State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON A H-K-K-Kiimt Itlnu fur K'K'KhI) . ' It certainly would ho u ,iand .present, to give her buforu ynj join tha army. It Jh u Kfl ;BJ can wear nil tho time, illK ,., endure for u 1 1 let hue. ' Upp's Is allowing many ,B.. ful rings of 14-kurut cold, with .diamonds, pearls, rubles and mnny dllferenf kinds of Bollll. pruclotia stonoH. Tlmro Is n . most unlimited choice n .L slgnn, Whether you want the rlnK for mothor. sister or Mweutliusri you will find upproprlnia de signs here. Hot ring, 13.00 10 iis.oo Diamond rings, $:,', t 2o0v Frank M. Upp JEWELER 511 Main Street Ottlclal 8. P. Watch Inspector. Aroma, Strength and Flavor kafl'Tvflfill I W5TyluR ga are blrndml In perfect propnrllona in Crenrrnt Cream CnfTcr. It mnkrn a rup of Coffee with the UK A I. rorToo taitle. It Is packed in nlrtlght tins, which Insures Its freshnos. , 1 lb. 40c SIM. 7Cc ' Ask your grocer (C-32) Just to Remind You llnvo the sinragw batter) In )iiursala tpilrtl anil Nll,el tomorrow, snd be urn In burn il In prime condition) " cooler morn lag mnkn the engtae trunk hartlcr, lunger etenlng Ikdrts ahlne longer, rmalm more utrragtk In the battery. Y C1imm attention to the rlerlric jttrm will give better aalisfarllun and save you dollars. Wo are equipped to give ou the bast aertltn, when yiw have Hrrtrlral aa toMohlle troablea, nt the WIMard Hervlce Hlatloa. Link River Electrical Co. 7th aad Mala Ht. . The pradrait man carrier Srr, We, arrlilmt aad hewlth Inmuranre. Res Clillcolp Hanlth. II BUCKHBQ1 vku. u. aj. fvt. off. MY SMO Acknowledged the standard Army Shoe on we uust-and small wender: "Extra Service Every Sts ' Coaafort Every MinuL" That's wliy it is being worn by thotuands of men in all walks of life- mifiSS wimtikvii vvaaa, fw,fflll JgVsWMsssI iT'Wum DRINK A OUtS OF REAL HOT WATER ' IEF0RE BREAKFAST. x ays wo will IMg4l 9WMV Mi IT(e)H 1M AVeM N1MM1 Offlc. Mea lilksrs Motorm.n Attorn.)'. Farmers Conductors raysidaae Orcnardl.u Hunt.r. Look for the name BucKHtcirr ttamped on the sole of every Shoe BLACK GUN METAL OR INDIAN TAN CALF For Halo by DIIADLKV SII'I'I.V CO., aad K. K. K, 8TOIIK. $6 to $8 .00 . aaaataBBBi t ai amajBamaai. -. bk ir aaraaaaai 'JTin'TrST'Lr ' J!" 1 l -L - n HV KB I J. MCT1?0MKWli0lii0M rs'ssKaJTii. L.'W.KWC&'RnBaSaaai CmlW 1 f SStSiam II n:mmim:!r- " l-Tha Froaeh ear, the kind of car known In tho United Rtntcs by men w'jo tra el on them aa a "aide door vary little thing in-comparison with, tho American is the kind or frolght car the Amerl France aro naiag, aad this photograph ehowB some of themnushlng one. This ona la aolaa from , A. atorehouaa to tho frost loaded with good things that organ'zation has provided for tho soldiers. danltiiry "silence hum of lato a irnpld stride with results that are el untold blowing to humanity. The Ut est application of Its untiring niesrco In the iHcniuineuiliilinn that It I. si UKtimiry to attend to Intel mil .units tlon of (li drnlmigu s)stcm of the nil 'man body us II Is to the tlniliu of tb jlpoiint. Those of us who uro nrriKtumrd to ftol dull ttin) heavy when e arise, jupllttlug hondnche, HtufTy from a cold, foul tmiKUe. nnsty breslh, acid it' ach, can, Instead, feel ns'lresli ss a Idamy by opening the rliilren of the jhjHtiin each morning nnd Hushing out ithe wholo of" tha Internul poltonoui Htignaut matter. i Kvoryono, whether ailing, sick or noil, should each morning botora 'breakfast, drink a glass of real hot (water with a tvaapoonful of llmsstone . pliciiipliato In It to wash front tha Idav'a IntllM.HM wait, taur bite lid IT S Xl IP IfiniMC Vc'l'ol,onou lna; thus cleanslu, a y WUA IVIsVnC. 1 3 tomach, llvar and bowels the previous . sweetening aad purifying the entlra Is no respector of kldnovs noad hin v. .1..... .. lallmentary canal before putting more all classes, re- ClOLD MEDAi. H.-,i.m rui ... food into the atomach. Thesctloaef gardless of age, sex or conditions, A Immediately. Tho .(,.., t...ln empty stomach Is wonderfully IB- majority of the Ills afflicting pooplo oil stimulates the kidneys' relleva. v,,n. t cleana out all the sour today can be traced back to the kid-. Inflammation and h.m. ,L '"!!ifermentatlonB, gases, waete and acld- ney trouble. which hnvo m.....i 1, ? . .7 Uy nnd gives ona a splendid apptttto The kidneys are tho most Import- until tomorrow, n-'. tor breakfast. While you are enjoying ant organs of the body. They are the gist today and Inslsfcon his sunnlvin. hot w,t,r ,nd " phosphate on fllterers, the purifiers, of your blood. 'you with a box of OOLD MRnai ' your Dr"f"t the phosphated hot If the poisons which are .wept from Haarlam Oil Capsules. la Vwimtv iwter,,,ulet,y ,,rwl,Df l"eY0'' the tissues by the blood are not ellm-i four hours you aho..i,i ..1 1." ..u.Junie of water from tbo blood and get- vigor returning and will bless the day ' ,?!J7dv. lr noroun flu,ni" ' you first heard fo OOLD MEDAL "'Mn! ,BM-"f"11' ,.,. - Haarlam OH. r MBDAL, The'mllllona of pooplo who are bo " L..4 uiaf 11 aJ wniMssai andillaV IT'S NOT YOUR HEART; Kidney disease persons. It attacks Inated through tho kldneya, diseaso of one form or another will claim you aa a victim. Kidney disease la usually Indicated uy weariness, sleeplessness .nervous ness, ach trouble, pala In gall atones, rttica and lumbago, omr you ieei mat you have eunut rmr""-i ;,",' it.fuA uumau, connnua to tuba . n. .-.- .,.itfr...-.-.- -- ... .c despondency, backache, atom, caiumiea h . ". . others who have sallow aklns, Pie?" $ , difficulty when urinating, 'first-eia.. rnHi..'l .f ..'" e!.p'n 0Iordera and ajekly complexions art ty the loins and lower abdomen. dim, .i.M .7.... . F" OK ,ino . "Wd to get a quarter pound of Haw . ' , gravel, rheumatism, sci. a .. .....".!.. . . 'stone phoaphato from tha dfiiS orf' "'k -" 0a S.I1D UriaTIBIll Hnna.a . . , . . ..aaiA VT in Tk T' OOLD MEDAL brand. Three .,. AU tbeao derangements are na- Money refund. if thl l!,!!.BSS: c,ant taro'o signals to wyn you that the you Money refund.H ,r .:' vV""' ' o make ' M" "ol HB crank on tho suMtet wy little, but is .- 1 aayeae a pronouaeal iblect of Istwwl "VV'fl ".'mSmry'i lUtloa. Adr. X.At? J MihWX ' toJI, H'i;.t' , A u'itta if . 1 ,..' V S4, LnBJ 1 L?? daiMi'Kr''