mi . hr , i Hj OUf itumtmj Wimm ''7 .3 r 4' y"1 OFFICIAL- NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFF.C.AL 'ifewArw OF KLAMATH vfAttS f-vsn (.' Wt n.WMt.V TW iT- : 51 :fg Sttfr Wn Thirteenth Year No. tl.ll'l KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1918 i 1 i.j' V? tfifaC wiittMW?SP'- k.n ' rTv,v,iii ixL - . n 1 1 : ..V'-J'.ir'viif:Mev, .,.... I. MI in- ... , tvv, . . - r - " I j. g M 0ta0B Ba- . . . " --,. ' ,V! . V4v hi v rn am am mt r w w bb w h nsmam r ea p am w t ar-ams s p b p p p i bbbb-b Bl Si Ml am W 1 r i I .rn I W WB1 " nla W VTl T f - fM . B-fw.r- Mr M am -am M 1 '; A am M ' B ' ' Ham. v ini aimi-i i-Li LH,LM .Li imi Li iui m n Jtm. -iuim.--. 1UU111 VTUIUIT 1 HE. U1E.1T1 1 LULLrtrdLV) ' S' .... vyvi-UJ 'iWj; A ' . - V-S.il' -.. ' -, V AAA J . A. A.A.A.. BVMMMMMmWWtfMWMMMW II German SEVENTEEN DIVISIONS GERMAN DEFENSES IN WEST WRENCHED AWAY FROM PROTECTING SEA GIUM AND NORTH FRANCE KING ALBERT MARCHING ON OSTEND WITH ARMY TWENTY VILLAGES TAKEN IN OPERATIONS YES TERDAY GERMAN .LINES CAN NOW BE FLANKED BY GENERAL FOCH (By Associated Press). PARIS, Oct. 17. The whole German army of General von Arnim ,comprising seventeen divisions, is in retreat from the North Sea to the region of Lille, having been beaten back and overthrown by the Allies' attack. Today 'the retirement is assuming the proportions of a rout The fate of the German defenses along the Belgium coast seem sealed, and the Lille industrial area has been entered. by the allie dadvance under King Albert on a thirty mile front. The extreme right wing of the German defenses in the west has been wrenched away from the protecting sea. Hencfeorth the line which has been buttressed by the sea on one end and the Swiss frontier of the other can be out flanked. The enemy is powerless to retrieve the situation. The German resistarice is crumbling except in the Ar gonne region, where the Americans and French are fight ing desperately. The Prussian guards are dying but not surrendering in their attempt to-save the right wing. - LONDON, Oct. 17. Lille has been captured by the British. Over twenty villages were taken by the Allies in Bel gium yeaterday. The British forces have now entered Courtrai, eight miles east and north of Menin, and the British forces began an attack today in the Cambrai sec tor, where satisfactory progress has been reported. LONDON, Oct. 17. The are marching on Ostend. LONDON. Oct. 17. In ImtIw LIIU, the OernMi did not ot Are to the balldlai- or c-une anjr explosions Thtra'la io confirmation of the re port that the kalior aai abdicated or that Qeraiaajr haa caaltvlated. AMSTBRDAM. Oct. 17. -The war la eoBiai to aa ead la each a meaner aa ao mm la aormahy dealree, m the Berlla Vorwaerta. During all tacea 'terrible Veara the aim of oar e erU aW Mr'aeerlioee waa to pre veat aueh aa end. ' The fbUowlar eaauallea are re Ported by the eemmaBdiaf geaeral ot the AMericea apodltloaary roreea: Killed la aW . 7s Mieelag la actio ...'. --. V Army In Retreat Rom North Sea to Lille NOW IN RETREAT IN BEL Jl Belgians under King Albert Wounded aeyerely , 128 Died or dlieaae 39 Died of accident and other cauaea 3 Died of wound 11 Wounded, degroi e undetermined .147 . 10 Prlionera .....r. Marine Corp- OaMaltlea Ktled In action Died of-wound ,. Died of dtaeaae ...,- .'..... Wounded la lection aereroly ....... Wounded, dnree" undetermined In haad'a of enemy .... . 81 . 8 :. .100 . 8 Mining la action 1 , i i RKTURNS FROM FRISCO " Austin Hay den. haa returned from, a builaeaa trip o Baa rraaekiea, -w T -- i . p-. . .. , m -i-Ti. v? ATTEMPT WOE REVOLUTIOfi IS Nlffl URGED rANKEESWD ;; m i mrnTV im k ' i - . ' k via a. . rm T" - j... h HrNiHPK mrkm: i-HnyrH mm in I If UUIUIlllMIILi IIUII lllal till I l-U IU lllflllL. UUUU I lllIIUII U'l IkL n w"'1 w W. L DE12ELL KUAMATH VALLM POMTMMTKR MOMCITKD FOR VNRXPWKD "WAR CALL" MAN MOW IN JAIL UNDMR UONDH To the Klamath Fall loMau-er... I am girtac yo fair aa4 prectleal waralag that If yoa valae yew life more than a IhoaMad doUan, If yea do yon are like m bench of grafter. "I am rIvmjc yon tea daya te ae4 m $ !,, Maleae yea caply with thto, yoa diaamraUe grafter, yoa wHI wake.aa) la hell eoaw mora, lag before breakfaat whea yea are leaat ecaeettag lt. Doa't AwklMte mae foelUh , haredoae. to their aoreow... Head aothlag bat eaeh ad remember that tea aaya la the limit, or yoa wW thiak yoa are la the haada of the kalaer... I am eae of the baarh... Now be eare yea doa't forget... All atall wal reach me Edward H. Martla. Odea, Ore. Care at the following addre ... Signed I Kdward H, Martla, Odeaaa, Ore. Care Pellraa Bay Lumber Company, Camp Number 3." Thla high handed attempt at black mall reached Postmaster Deliell a few daya ago, and It la aeedleea to tato that that official waa more or lees orerwhelmed at the nature of the request. While at all tlmea "ttrlr Ing to please," and baring' a desire to do "whatever'o right" on all occa sions, he could, not help bat feel that his rating bad been orer-eetlmated by hie new correspondent. He Immediately, however, looked thru all his pockets, extracted hie col lar button, counted the sum total, and found to his dismay that Mr. Martla could hardly be expected to accept the amount as 11,000. A par tial payment plan then gashed thra his mind, with the Idea ot paying ao much per week for the privilege of bis liberty, but the Idea hardly em ed feasible, ao he determined to place the missive In the haada of the officers and get their advice; 0a being notified of the matter the sheriff's representatives at oaee brought In Martin, and have held him here pending the outcome of the af fair. A complaint" haa been- aworn A complaint haa beea- aworn lalnit htm, aad lie to row under 1 -ef 81,000. H deetored he out against boads wished no legal representatives from this city. e i STAMP QUOTA LESS THAN HALF RAISED r- October la fast drawing to, a close and less than half the pledged- quota of Thrift 'Stamps haa beea purchased by Klamath County, aeeordlag to Chairman J. W, Siemens, who ladl catee that the total fer the alae aad a half months to only f 117. lll.ll with a total to reach of i,000 be fore January ant, It, la .regretable te etit that a large number who have ,-made their pledges have not kept them," Is apite of the dire need of the goverameat for thla meaey. 'Itle'to he hoped that the reeldeat- 6t Klamath County will take a da- '.ed brace la this matter from; mow on, and make the name kind or a. showing at the ead of the year that haa been, evidenced In the other war calla. ' 1 1 Tiifiii niiiiiim mi nin initi nilinn niiiin raMifr "wt-ftiii I UU 1 1 U 1 1 HIM HI IH 1 1 HI II 1 1 I III HI III I III! I lllfllu Ivl I II 11,1 . -l 1 1 .I'll J mnu nunuinifl un did luhh nuHvino mnn m ivt mm AGAI.NHT TKITTON Ol- I PRKHSORfl MAH IIROKKN OCT IN SKVKRAL RUMANIA niHTRlCTM IN PARIS, ' Oct. 17. Outbreaks agitnst the Oermans have occurred In northern Rumania in Moitavla no cording to a report from Zurich. The population suddenly assumed a apatlie attitude to the German authorities. There have been clnshes between the peasantry and the Austro Oermaa forces In several dUr trlcte. OSTKND OCCUPIKD RY THK ALLIK8. ' ; LONDON, Oct; 17. French 4 Cavalry patrols reached Ostend today and returned with a re- port thatino Oermans were to be aeen there. Admiral Keyea.of the Ilritlsh Navy landed at Ostend this afternoon proceeded by mem- ' bore of the Royal Air force who laaded this morning. draft near thirteen WASHINGTON, Oct. 17. Final re turns from all states show that 12, 966,691 men registered for military service September 18. This waa 187, 886 In excess of the estlnyUo of 13, 778,758 made by experts In the office ot Provost Marshal Oeneral Crowder, baaed on projections from census .figures. Texas was the last state to report. Ita.regtotration aa announced by Oen eral Crowder waa1f;31,474, aa against the original estimate of 546,187. With the flgurei i compiled the total number of. men who have been regist ered since the United States entered the war, Including those registered June 6, 1917, last June 6, and' Aug uat 84 aad September 18 Is 83;456, 081. $:' r ?-T HUNS ORDBRKD TO CRASH NIEDIJ8H DRVAHTATION AMSTCRDAM, Oct. 17. A Rot terdam paper sayathat Germany has ordered her armlea'to cease doyaatat tag plaeea ,ualeea absolutely com pelled to do so by'mlliUry necessity. BASKL. SwitaerJaad. Oct; J17. Barea Burian, wha waa, thai "Austro Mnnfton 'foreigarmiaieter. to now most optimistic regardla'g the proa peeta.fer aarly peaee, He said: " "There is nothing ia the Preal- deat's reply to frustrate such hope or delay IU rwrilntlw., ,,.i ."A conslderable,nodlioati9n in q'armaByal.C9nstlt,lng'1inade will meef the murreaieato;" he said. MILLION MEN IH NOW LIH THAN TWO THIIHM RAIHKII WITH 1HIIVK NKAR KM). NO KXTKNTION OF TIMK. MOIIK LOANtt COMING. WASHINOTON. D. C, .Oct. 17. "Germany Is bending. Mora pressure and she will break" said Secretary Lansing in a statement today warn ing the Nation that the war waa not over and urging that the Fourth Llbr erty Loan be made a success. The receipts are now estimated at 3,- 600,000.000. ..I ! . .j . mpAiiaa Hlnvil fnat tTiitr. WAUia be no extension of time .for ubscrlb- Ing for the Loan. He also, said that the Firth and also the Sixth loans would bo necessary regardless' of the ; i .. .i ... . ' .i':t. outcome of the present peace negotla tlons. SLAUGHTER OF PORTLAND, Ore. Oct., 17. Thru Investigation for IU annual report, the Oregon Dairy Council has. made alarming disclosures wltli regard to the slaughter of milch cow iu Ore son. 'On January 1 ot thU yvar there -.vera 337,000 milch cows (n the fcUto and September 1 thoro were but 175. 000 showing a loss of P2.O00 cows In eight months, Thoro hn been con Rldorablo slackenliiR of tlil.t ulaiiKhtor alncu tho Dairy council has made plain to thov dairymen their duty as jiutrlottc cltlzons to keop the animals nltvo and glvo to tlie pooplo tho sup ply of milk so alarmingly Jeopardised. "Th farmers nnd dairymen are much encouraged by the Interost shown In them by Senator Chamber lain, Senator McNnry, Governor Wlthycombo and Congressman Mc Artliur." said Kdlth Knight Holmes, oducatlonnl director . of the dairy counclf'tnlR morning. IIR1T1BH VJARUAIiTlKH FOR VKAH HEAVY, NEW YOnK, Oct. 17. British casualties from January 1, 1918, to Soptombor 30, wore over 700,000, In cluding killed, wounded and misting, ft was announced horo by the British bureau of, Inroa&atlon. The figures covered 39 weeks of actual fighting. The lowest woek for caBimliles list ed 4186 Willed, wounded and missing, and the highest week listed 40,000,- The casualties, since October 1 have not yet boen compiled. , TRAIN .WRECK. IX RUMANIA LEAVER FEARFUL RESULTS LONDON, Oct, 17. One h'undro'l persons wore killed and 200 Injured In tho derailing of the Bucharest ex press near Platra, Rumania, .accord ing t'n a. dlsnatch to the Central XerfB from Amsterdam,, Quoting u, dlspatVh, from Vienna, ' " 4 U IS ISMMNG . . " - . ' m0 I k f ,4 Lh ''W:-''l OKHMANtt CONTINCK trkat'from LAON rvvmari AMKRrCANS CAPTCRR TWO TOWNS NORTH Of IrOONNKI lOct 17. Over the 'entire front of the Oue and the Serre where the (Jermans are being drtveafrem the Pocket aortk of Laoathe Fyeneh have malnUlBed a; conUet wk ihe enemy. "V ii'A l.UUHUl )aNajkecmMJVaiMa1serW of ;Tinir-:i-cz.i-j.i i imvh .mil. mrtk -f Tl Twti .n-T . ir-ipi. ' i.- .4.c - w..j-,tl,.; ri a f s T-r. Trrr: . . . l-i --! U f LONDON, Oct. 17. The Serbian troopa are continuing their eaergetle campaign for driving outthe Aaatre- Germana.who are. remaining. ea-1 the Servian eoll.,They have eaptured thf town jft Alexlnata eh the Moraya River, fifteen miles aorthweet of Nlsh. Thirty two suae have' '.been taken. " ' 4 L :ti MONTEVIDEO,. Oct. 1. .(Come pondence or the Aaedeteted1 Press). There have been eeveral evideacee during the past year of the develop ment of a closer relatloaahip among the South Amerleaa republlea aa'ia result' ot the .economic conditions that have grown out of the war. Be fore the war, each South Amerlcaa republic dealt directly with' the Uni ted Statea and European countries nnd paid little attention to tta neigh bors In a commercial way. Thla baa all been changed and these republic are now finding that they can supply each- other with goods In exchange for thinga they need, u ,, The latest effort In thto direction iVthe organisation of n South Ameri can International Exposition,, which Is to be opened In this city on Janu ary 36. for the display of cattle, agri cultural Jand industrial exhibition. Each South American republic haa been asked to aend exblbita nnd, also to nppolnt a jury .to form parrot the general Jury of awards. The, exhibits of cattle ana agri culture will. Include machinery and Implements used In connection with cattle raising nnd farming' kvoach of the countries nnd 'the Industrial exblbita have been,' punned '.a as to Include everyblBgthat'ta manufactu red in South iereai' . Tbff Committee 'of Honor swill in-, elude theJPreeldent of Urgguiy, the members "of the! cabinet, .the' presi dent of 'the aupreWeeeart.aud the, dlplomatle, . repr.esajvea of the MikllMtl whlnk :kjI . ! klsVi A v' . VUUHIIiai iWUIVH BVHV 8iWhB v, 5LRRIAGE USQ-IsnTOKJ ' A marrtoge lleease aaaba touted toiMllabf I letaa,'1 to ,i weri&BMtaaa Laiea t,Hlu'VHa v. trmumm, WaROiPHHG soirryiosEi i,Vl 'JiJ Pi T:r. , WIII.W aB , I"J7 I era Sri I'l I I "VI'sT I II 1 Itl Bl g. If I'll I ' HI T 'If I'll l.'l IbII W lal'll'lll I I lltJlJll1 I I I I I I I II' I I'l I'l I ligV.llJ i Ui ii'i tH Wl m ';. WTl W - Jl 1 I'l l'lltll' .' tarn 'Ar:B'BIBv Y.M , 1 ,7. - .wm r4 May.tf'vr.v . . - . :i -J-.V "t'l, , ' . HI M --- J" 1- W 4M, I UVU-t' ' l '.H. J t, , , tiMiJMZ- I TOCAL FOR COUNTY, liASTNKlin ,'.'.;. i:.-'.i'i :.".;.,..' f f' ','-. '-! "KLAMATH ;M CONORATUIiAT-D rJ ON RIWCLTS. , -jj. -1 .' .' 'tvj-, Cifi.v:t& ,v r ' & i ($ ' ' .f SOUTHERN PACTFKJ 'COMANY Ti. :xvi, wv -(, MAHHS lA'i.neavvzr i-f'i- 1MCORD.' U- H! i,' 'rn, r'LTtmNSI:0VBBOimiUieQV6TA -r"i AMtkR) WITH SM.SS, h' 7. - -i, ", ill r. A. 1v zrrrftX vJft'.fikJ.i '."' 'iw' - " 'I' te ' ,MMk..VllllI rial '? its- ' ''.r BaakaoftWOoeatr, . .,'V4flS-3 at.,ne. cloeeef; bunfdneeey, , ' .. --..', .., --..---.- . 800. wee to Ue -Baalai ethe-Ooaatr, -;tur feejiprond of, the record, made by, our :?-Y v .m t-iwb; - , h . -. 1 -. eUment " aad eaalook.' forward wMh confidence to thoiVwho' havi''ttOt' ret dpae'their ahareVtdowitk; f'pto'"f now. we nave a leiearam.rromn -' -8tate,vChalrman'ithtoA meralag -"urg-' " Jt (.HBla'ta'ralu.Br'affeTia.tha': 1eMtve7ebmyvot4he''largelr,eitI;';" it is-'lmperatlve YhaV'thlqeallttoer J which have' tlrelr quotas';subscrlbed ? should go on'to rarth'er efroVts.- ,' H, you have' mei.. your, personal quota you have done well '.and may be excused from "further, effort, xlt. t not howler, you Jbave'leia than forty- " . eighrhoura 'now to(gtlnto the clear -t an'd'it 'lajun, 'tovyou aow''Jnet 'as.'much' ' aa 'it, would be Jf ;bnr. county jouoto ; ' were not raised. Don't -neglect (your V last enDertunlty. No'ian cafoaaet - 41 niajcountrys.neeu, sna, me -excuse .V, vn.V tnrwni af ih"rl'iix ni'm.li win not u.orf:' pm&'f i4 ,.ArthurR:toonvChalrman;.)) , impressye.recora naa 9Am l.v tk. AMftln.AU nf ihA'Qmillt Aa lmpretle, record '.has been . V.. HlMV g h..W ),! .WrfWV . M .wl.' . -. D.nlfln rKi-v' 'taX Vlinilh van . hvi.- j .. County. It shows'tho patriotism1 of the men of this .organization Is 100" per cent pureraerjean. 4 a ' The. rating committee putthe men, r 11 w IV1& mv wuni mmji. invw.' .v,; Now at'the'eiididf.'the arlvethe'tom'-? ; nkn- haa tiirned'i;lri 'a list- flhowths! -r. that' thru dver-aubiiurlptlon they have' . rolled up a total' "of f 12.560 wlth'-a; quota of 35.300;' 'Wo 'doubt If'any ' organisation of the county, wlltmakej a nner recora.cn no rouriu iiocny , jf Loen. ' -' '!''' ,''"W - 'This awouat -wm 'me'tved rVfter-'.r;); hanklnat hours.veaterday and' la'to'-be&l; added tta "th'aVnrevtoks't total .maktnr'): - - j ji'-.. !-. -vv.:(- r-i.-. I noari- a-i.nn.flHn. . u y. , i.;.-i ""-v.'.-A,.; r r - vya'f. MThe rollowlpg ameuageibaabQen jpe- Rl Cooklnahara urklB-1 fort to make up for Hie' shortage lnd-' "Tbe goodwor.oriyofir8elJ eal your associates In pu(tlugpv,ejoiMI' ty4overh;!iop'aidid.nii4: Theprlnclpat metropolitan .eeitra,l ... ."...'. if .-.. i-;.ii,ii--t''.,iij . cated In other,part.ofilthe,Natton. Hmh "p6rtland,!,dctVl:., 't-1p "Arthur R, ,Wi'lon, Klamath, Fal.te;'.';, tnaiwe-a; -eoeJrot.naa;e-'. , . In mklgquotp'a vbetaiiegVofCthe stram of'prlousilonna'and of eefjt- v, iaxai oil lair'wttrtMoJU' aa daafril ' J i- j .n.s ' - fi. t . A2i. i?A?:4.r:( taiista; .KTne.re iwperam forjour.cnn j.mg!'aotivl sadi'ralfling: .JM', wrderUhit'tl llsi ..-,i -...: havatu' inaoeaeMey viaaj-pp- lagaam.j'.t Vv iePt-0 $ "I- wtr- v IrM wh n V 'd Ktl ,1 l"W rn f- iv. v. -! V ' H i.i , -Ji i m Vi J.y.3, :. .r-y ,.- ' ;'..it : :fm : v v , ttir ' u