3' -'"w j &,. 1 ' -.-.. - ""At tf "i,J?l Eiif , rxt& ." 17 41 I iiviNiii.i.i. A. i . . ... -. OFM-iALi.ii.warAft,K OFFICIAt' OF KLAMATH COUNTY OF KLAMA lj 1 3 V, v Fwjl ' !.- T. U.TW..WlV PY n . i'V,niV ' ' Ttilrlccnlh Vw No. 11,440 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1918 - J f;e -jut '. omalgia? . a , J, ' - -. va,r- - " UVi . 'Si .VJPJaW: ..'"A. 'wi- , t . -iL.r ttk''. - f-i . wwiafej j Che ISitttt Itoitir "!"!""""7llnM4r i.A ww. ai7. isam s" ? fP - - . . ... . . ,--.. ''Till ' ' "" "" -'it4R.u UNITED .BSaB BBMBaBBl --, a- Jm LaBBW'aVakaaBaiBBl .Bk .BW a HMMKa kHM - 5MES WILL lUNIINUt WAK E 6.s,', K iJ J. (jii1" lliaaaaattlM aae ENEMY ACCEDES TO EVACUATION CLAUSE REPLY IS RECEIVED SATURDAY NIGHT BY UNOF FICIAL CHANNELS MOVE IS AGREEMENT WITH REICHSTAG MAJORITY WOULD HAVE MEETING TO AGREE UPON THE DE TAILS OF THE APPLICATION sOF TERMS. , AUSTRIA-HUNGARY IS INCLUDED (By Associated Press). WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct 14. The Gorman govern ment, in reply to the recent note sent by President Wilson, accepts the terms laid down by the President in his address of January 8th and subsequent addresses. , The text of the German reply was receiVidSaturday night thru unofficial channels. ' J The note says the responsibility for this step toward peace has Been f ormed by conferences, and is agree ,ment with the great majority of the reichstag, and that the German government, in accordance w'th the Austrp Hungarian government, agrees to comply with the propo sitidn of President Wilson in regard to the evacuation of occupied territories. The text of the note follows : "In reply to the questions of the President of the United States of America, the German government hereby de clares that the German government has accepted the terms laid down by President Wilson in his address of January, 8th, and in subsequent addresses, on the foundation of permanent peace of justice consequent. , "Its object in entering into discussion would be only to agreejipon practical details of application of these terms. The 'German government believes that the governments of the powers associated with the Government of the United Statit also take the position held by President Wilson in his address. The German govemnient,in accordance with the Austro Hungarian government, for the purpose 6f bringing about an armistice, declares itself ready to comply with the prop ositions of the President in regard to evacuation. "The present German government, which has under taken the. responsibility for this step towards peace, has been formed by conferences and is in agreement with the great majority of the reichstag. "The chancellor is supported in all of his actions by the will of the majority. He speaks in the name of the Ger man, government and of the German people. Signed by the secretary of the foreign office, Berlhi, October 12th. V ' TYPHOID FEVER I CUIUS VICTIM 11 IMG Thonaa Devrow Stllen, resident here for tee put fifteen year died tlili mnrnlav t hla home In Mill AdUltloB, follewln a two weeki 111 now 'from typhoid Hever. ' Th. j... -'. .!...' wAtina .man' nf MB UKHrWH ?""m """- - twenty Jfht.yaara and. leave, a wife and one.chIWi, H? U nleo aurvlyed by hla pother, one Uteind four brothera.y; He came hera from Nor4h Carollka. ' ' Tha; fu'erJvaervlcei will be held tomorrow afternoon at the Whitloc Chapel, at' tjsth and. Pine, . ...vvJrinnj T? BIG MEETING. a ,.i ...im nff .Iia lHllana flB I A UIB " "- -" the Klamath Reeervation on.jinure day October 17th la reported planned, by Clayton Kirk. av well known Indian who li In the city today. ' 'Matters relative to. the proceeds of 'timber sales and other business prob- lama will be UU for dUCUSllOH. Mr, Kirk, who Unemployed by 'the' I Modoo Lumber Company, reports the ' Installation of a new gang aaw at .hat niant which will materially In- icieasa ilia output of the '. H HI NT llll 1 i i 4 &&" ITTTT! 1 1 fiB ml I w 11 I " r' OFHCIAL WHITE HOUSE w - f- - (EXTRAORDINARY OVERSEAS SERVICE) , WASHINGTON; D. C, Oct 14-THE WHITE HOUSE HAS ISSUED THE FOLLOWING STATIIMErfT REGARDING PEACE TERMS PROPOSED BY GERMANY: ' v "THE GOVERNMENT WILL CONTINUE TO SEND 250,00 MEN WITH THEIR SUPPLIES EVERY MONTH,1 AND THERE 'WILL BE NO RELAXA TION IN THE PROSECUTION OF THE OFFENSIVE GITTLEUND VAHTtTRKH OK COUNTY STILL FULL OK STOCK, IN SPITE OK J ' y TUB BK1 SMIKMBNTS AUUUBY KXPOKTaW Twenty five hundred sheep belong ing to Jame "OKee, aa iteaHva1 sheepman bare war brought In this morning from the Odessa ranges' and loaded on tha cars for shipment to M. O. yierra at Banta, California. Fourteen cars of cattle will be ship ped tomorrow, seven by J. C. Mitchell to Seattle from Midland and aevea brKdson Foulke to Oaaelle, -Callfor-nla. Forty als car will leave for flan VraHarA Aavlv this rnk. In .Plte of the Immense'.hlpmenU of stock which have been leaving dally for the past few. weeks, there Is nn enormous lot yet to be moved, Judging from the crowded pastures cen In the country districts.. . FIRE BUG f SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. H. Iden tification of footprlnU lad to the con viction In Sacramento laaf week of Warren J. Davli, .rancher of Elk creek, Olenn oounty, and hla. harder, Henry Hulett, on, charges of aiartlag fires on the California national forest, the United States forest aerrlce offl cea hare nave Just been advised The two men atarted 's, ftrea Octo ber IB, HIT, In anAeffort tb flear a traU.' FaetprtaUat the' acena of tha fire" were Identified ai those t Da via and Hulett.end of their horaea. Blxty two hundred acres worn burned over and 14,800 worth of timber was des troyed, the, forest .service reported. The first trial of the man reaulted In a disagreement fbiit 6n retrial they werf eonvlcted. October S. The forest service' alio 'reported that Ed uurke had bean 'sentenced io an It monthaiternrai McNeill's Island penltenttilur for Starting a fire near Upper, Uke In tI7. Tha evfdeace' agalnat hint waa Ml.lected by C. T., Braratoa, Bipaetor.:fer. the orast,aerviee, u ..iA ?T TURKISH PBACR 7 a : JfOTB RRCWVED a, ( 2'. v. " WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 14 Turkey fa. long delayed note ask- , Ing tha President to Intervene for the restoration of peace haa . been received here. ' SHEEP GOING wr' DEVASTATED BT OUT RAPIDLY U 1 5 1 K I LU CAUGHT BY OfliNT r'ai .1 au aaai i l&OW NnWMNNESOTIIS BYEIMY 11KRMANS IIUMAKIKQ 8PKKO Rti X)RDM'TO OCT OCT OK. TRAP. llfOaiANH ATTACK OX WIDE , FRONT THIS MORNING. 'KCBLteWT I'WGREJW MADE, LILLE 8ALIK.NT THREATENED. ARMIES PAYING NO ATTEN TION TO PEACE TALK . (By Associated Pre) DATELESS Tha, Oermana have abandoned Laon'nnd the whole St. Oobaln region. When the Huna began to fall back out of the bag In w.hlch they were being slowly caught, they went with astonishing speed. The French encountered no real re sistance until they reached the Loan- LeFere railroad, i The jtallans participated In this advance. WITH THE ALLIES IN FLAN DERS, Oct. 14. Tha British and Bel gian forces attacked at dawn today, on a wide front In Flanders, driving In a general direction of Ghent and Coutral. Tha attacks seem. to be general from Comlnes northward. Tfce troops of three;, nations went over the top after r erase) bombard meaJ'Veily, and CUara hf no doubt baithat, the enemy waa taken In great 'surprise. " Tha'atUckers-are making excel lent pragma in 'the Belgium coast salient from which the Oermana have been moving war, material for the past two weeks. , V Every foot gained here also deep ens the Lille salient, and auccesa mains that the enemy will be obliged to evaouate the region to the south aa well' aa the north. 'The Allies wpuld have, attacked before, this had the ground been ready. 'LONDON. Oet.JU.' The British forces are pressing" in today on both eldaeoUheDouaff!JV " PARIS, Oct. H.The French are centiBHiag to keep: In. conUct, with WITH THE ALLIED FORCES IN FLANDERS, Oct, 4 4. The laerraans appear to be prepared to retire from tha front V ' " By tha fury with which the Allies .''S. LMfl.N S i " IMMMMtMMMMMMMAWMMWWMMWMtl WwWMWMWWyWWWMWyMwyMMWMWMMMMfc.'' V. STATEMENT EFJH FIRES ONE THOUSAND ESTIMATED x . DKAU AND liAIUJK MKVTIUM W STATE IN RUINS AS RESULT OP MONSTER FOREST FIRES. DULUTH. Oct. 14. A Ursa sec tion of rthwaafeni MStnesotas e In smouldering ruine with-a death Hat estimated at one thonaand pe eons, aa a result of forest flree. A dosen towna and cltlee have been destroyed. The entire country north of Lake superior between Duluth and two Harbors waa In flames Saturday and the fires menaced Duluth. to such am extent that the Home Otfarda and nillltli were called out. From the best reporU obtainable today on the Spanish Influenaa altu- atlon In Klamath Falls, the toUl number of cases' Is now about twenty five and tho officials and Red Croat representatives are working assidu ously, to prevent the further, spread of thla malady. . ' It Is urged that all persona who) have had complete or partial training In nursing register with the Red Cross Supervisor of Nursing, Mrs. Paul Bognrdus either In person or by calling her phone 70. Thle nurses Survey Is being con ducted In order that the government may be acquainted with all those who have any knowledge of thla pro fession. Assurance Is given that thla registration Is not for military or naval service. attacked, It Is evident that' the armies I ore not paying the slightest attention to the peace talk, Some of tne Den English and French troopa are at tacking., j. LONDON, Oct. 14.. After captur ing Nlsh Saturday, the Serbians took possession of the enemy's position north of the town. The French cav alry haa now occupied Bela Palanka. ' KAISER WILL NOT e ABDICATE THRONE O . BBRNB, Oct. 14 The Wolf e News Agency of Berlin sued an official dental currant report that Emperor William intended m uw EPIDEMIC IS ' IN PROGRESS io auuicaie. .T.uraaawt' wasjgo,1.aiM astern polats has WaVai . .. ., . .a." ! HHH Mai '' ,m Luuuun bHtLd ru ATTEMPT TO SAVE THEMSELVES FROM DU- J ASTER IS SEEN BY THE ENGLISH IN THE' , ' i GERMAN PEACE MOVEMENT LODGE WANTS NO TERMS EXCEPT "UNCONDI TIONALSURREWERMONPARTOFtNEMY. " WILSON CONFERS WITH CABINET " r" Tr (BA,..UVie1Pra4) - WASHINGTON. D. C.-Qa4.Gmny,s reply to the Prt(kmt rwtcUl V''K identktl with they text rtKiTtdSlfsu a?jv' "' After Win dtUvcmd to Untfa. th PritMmt ctikd coiifffMsfwith Unstef, HmueV' mmimmmv,, ' " ' After Uit conference the Prt-jident waa kift tioirt to hla study.v.Jik4elkvaxlh wm tukkl ys.d LONDON. Oct 14. No armlgtie unkshi MOMuNaBtod by a German unronctttioiuU 'suiTehder;; to t ' note inhe commenta on thepeace.aitttation. ' V "vSi The nemninini ha in that nrmsn miiMmnt In otMn naU ' .- . gmaqona inereiyan tnaeavor WASHINGTON. D. C..Ot traduced a resoluttoh declaring it to .be. the aenae ofthe senate that no further communication be' had with Ger- ' many except on the question of unconditional surrender. WASHINGTON. D. C, Oct 14.enatbr Ashurst of 4 Arizona, after conferring with the President, said: The. President will take no actionthat wilj weakao in the smallest degree, the'succestea pf (he AnMHrkana and the Allies in the field . Oh, thecontrary. what he'will do will rather strengthen the military situation. , LONDON, Oct 14. The resignation of Prince Maxmil ian a8 chancellor is now, probable, accenting to reports from Holland. These quote ing the chancellor's retirement m PETERS MEETS DERTH News of the death of Corporal Kay Patera, Killed by airplane iceldent In France, September 16th oomea aa a severe shock to. a boat' of frlenda here .where ho had resided fernwny yeara and waa well known. Detalle of. hla death have not been learned. Peters waa a mechanic. In tha Avia tion uorpa ana waa one or ino nrsi to enlist whoa war waa declared. Ha waa employed at tha Whlta Pelican Oarage and other garages In, this city, and also lnLakevlew where" hla father resides. Ha leaves one sister la Arlseni. Petera received hla promotlen a abort time prevloua to hla death; KHBROaWCT RATH ON V ' ' APPLBS AORBRO UPON. "OiIBTHEBE baa Is- ,eS .WAaHINOTON, p: ,C.,; Oct. 14. of the , As. .emarsMCf freight 'ratf'of f'lvld mperor ,dn "thla season's crop of 'applea from -MI. a als a "'l.Ti.j . M49,o afraMHSon. h yiaaeM (ivVMT- ' 'MP"' ft . . . i ' . : ' Baker, Dtnkk Ihrt Cxt4. v - - " x ,nr .'.." - . .aa- t ' --j '..r -.k'. laWii qtmswit. Vy-'' HWWi 5V'' TmeBBvsmimBienmBnBi t- ) j-mi J( 14 -Senstc Lod ha -.t l.v ) , i P.. the Berlin nfjweimpeis aa sat is regarded aa inevitable LOAN HEDGES SH, A total of IfiMeft UtMrabecrip-t tloiu for .the Fourth Liberty Loaala reported today for Klamath County by Chairman Arthur Wilson, which leayea a balance of 1.I00 to be raised before the close' of the cam paign. Should the proper reeponse be ahown during the closing daya, Klamath County will bo enabled to complete her quota and.'go'iw.tha lop wun 1 raipicDHi lawin, ' H. CANDUIATB IS.OCT FOR ft sfBBSBlI J a-." ." '" .' 4THWAROCOVNCILMAN, Charlea date flee Ward eated by.'A kl-VunJar-vV Din. j " Mr.ColvinbejibeHiden the clerical fereeat: tb Fall. Pcii Wf aM U neJr, i .d ..t iha 'ar nW 4HeSalil . ..... 0,. .tw..,.,; Colvht' ma&M:!m:(m , of .C6unoilsMnV.feHtb;:if'.H, . which .allfcja iaw:va. .:, WfWmrmtmim wBla! .h-''-'.J'lraibejr.. Sui m&tf&&mi& Timm fia'SKsSsr.-jJ 'A ? &. "1 t " '. v 'l ) O-VaVll m v ""- y . JjmF;&Ai& V. ..i . . oT&gag,iA:S