N k V "(".. C. V .Ir ' ' . . ' . . 4. i" ( .?t V , 4 : KS LW. Ltl 'AV 4: iV j f V, - f M " . aj.T.r'- - wv r . 11 ; m. v c . V. yMw--? . .v,, c t :v rmm rw"-i W"ws.p&t ir-a-N iv y$&W mU.mML , Lv''r r- T, Fites&rcuiii! OFFER t ..-. W YSawlBY This is n reproduction of the In- dustrlal honor pennant red border, four blue stripes and tho percental 1 ...,..... . ... . In red. This will bo used thrnout the United Stales In the Fourtn u- erty Loan Campaign. ii is a now development upon uic ,ro of our pwle, 11 WM ,0. community honor flag. All business nurlan'a note of December, 1116. firms or organisations will have nn Tne gt-p theB Mked WM ot a Try honor roll and when 7!i per cent, or vagl0 character. The conditions moro of their employees or members wero not dMcrbcd but pnr Indicated have subscribed to the loan thoy will )n brolJ(j nM. bn furnished a card or emblem for .., ne courte of th, drri0pmet display In tholr windows, this em- the conduions have become crystal blem to Indicate the percentage of M(, Durlnf February. March and employees of the firm or organise- Apr expMi,ioBa regarding tlon that have purchased Liberty ,j Md Jutl ,. witBnt aaaeaa Bonds. Each Institution winnilg this UoBi or coajpaaMUon cam Into emblem will be permitted to purchase currency, thru their Local Liberty Loan Com-f .flubeeauently the Idea ot eatab mlltee the permanent cloth Liberty' iUWlf tB utsrnatloaal coart of arbl Loan Honor pennant with tho per- trat,0B Md a jeUo. ot.armamoat centago marked on It Indicating their WM diMBit)l ad further, tho prta final standing. dpm, of tntiom of tho mim pro- Thl ladnstrlal honor prnaaat was clamed Md n.an,, tt, principle orlgiaated' by J. H. Burton vf New, WM Mt forU tltt .eonomle ara . Tork, who planned the honor flag .cbohi,. oppression aftbr the wnr eampalga and to connected wlthth mrut be prevented. Oat of these UhertyLonn Committee of. tho Trow- .,, prtBC,pI, mrot8 tB, prmmt ry Department nt Washington,. He pr0Im. mm trade marked thle. pennant In ..A tBtM VQinU t w u f,. I1" 15M"e! "- ?lBM ?" H. war accepted by Count Caernta righto theretoto the secretary of the. (fomer AMtrtM foreign MlntotorK uJf"f' . . . Un speeehea and Utenrlewa aa anlt- Th eommanlty Liberty Loan boa, ablt 4, (or pace jiegolatene, ? , tto.Fonrth Uberty aBd naar ry u .ppreval of Lee wm he ymtur to Ust nwd to tbt 0enBail .. uj wi. tho third, weept that It will hoar tormitf , tB. ceacpuo. ot tho ni tons ban IneteU of three. It will (x.toait) t,,, ftlf m. ke awarded to all communities 01- prteaion. ' ,!?(r?f,r-.,,cw JV"6 a ' "Th followed tho mwe nolo M a Mb. star, will be given for acn;Popa 1i9niMt WBOia prop,,.!, u Be per cent overwbeerlptlon. 'fondamentil Ideas wero accepted by ThoomnloymenLef thto Intenalvn tw fonB,Bf M aecepUM koato. WT"iPB,, " the, com- 0aly PrMidMt witoon ii lie not ot mentty honor fine n Industrial JaMary 8, ltl8t Bto lf honor; pennant to expected to bo n -,d Bj-o. .a kitas mm. rest factor In vastly Increaalng thofe,pla, wWch ,ubatantlilly leebMetl ft"? "a'Wyw"."' " " v,rt ? BANKS CMMR HATinWAY TfciWvW'r'.i.'ii,ii win wi.'propoeaU apart from reerv re ed on Baturday October 11th In eel, hratlen of Colnrnhns Dny. Four hun. dred sad. twe.tr six year will then hav elaaeeeV since : the new world waa '-- '- I ' r an" , ' v rwrehas n Thrift sump hefore re-1 Urtag. "They work while yon sleep," mmmm v L f nO MtnnrO " awweeaejw) the most eoeajr negnim. a aV(--( well as the moot hosmtsfnl of """""""""""" . thnmaa arts.' Where to Acquire the Seme! Mr. & Mrs. Kilkadahl's School of Ihgqni . Moose Assembly Hall - School opens Tuesday, October Oth. St80 p. m. sharp. Private and Class Lessons Classes. Tuesday and Friday. " Social, MewAay. , . 1 . farQuality?W& JVo.dirf You'll Ukely find it .costs you even Itss Mto:P, II (4.vops. Uriaw. IOU . ' n.7 PEYTON a a 1 m' 1 w s'i 1 . . wm iteai Ajraveiy -onewing nug fA .1-T.f j i- : mJfr "w,w'. wmwmmmm r.v r THRU DEFEAT AMSTERDAM, Oct, t.An eluci dation of the peace offer of the cen tral power Is published by the Vien na newspaper. The article, wnicn Is explained as emanating from "well (Informed circles" reads at follews: "It Is first to be emphaalied that this step by Austria Hungary, Turk ey nnd (Icrmany Is not to be regard led as a decision taken suddenly un 'dor stress of tnllltlary events. It con- stltutes rather In the history of our peace policy the last link In the chain d continual evolution. regard being paid at the same time he Mnt ,,, . opmentg Germany. y ..As g known, the point of denar with the program of the eentmt now ert. , Conot Cserln nnd Coantvei 'Hort Una' desartke4.. Pnaldaaf Wllaaa'a rdlng1 certila polals, as a s.Habl " 'O' ABtiro-nnn riaB !fMn 1 lb Oermnn "" "' uesrr.iwi tneir mxuv ude toward these proposals In a slmt lar manner. It should b noted ntoo that It waa always Prealdnnt Wilt who occupied himself with n eon crete peace program whlht, th' fl la nasi ts aHl nor bocmI dlsttnmsnt to ' holds its flood, tat ' ufying taste a long, - i..'"-l long time. ', . . . . ,7 ten fitrfkir-tMi. whmm itt At W, , Hit0fthit thn ftibif c withtut mttrm e$t. , RDAMD ", rr ) . Sjnjgr , 1 waaajBa W -I .-ay i 1' TMB aWBHtHO teate adhered to. It Intention ot, centne Then cam Baron Burton' last prospect for n preliminary ( cusslon y the Miiigereni power. . ' Pb. nMwail waa 4tplk4 anr President Wilson not. however, with the Intention ot cutting off , peace dlMUHldn. because In hi speecfc of September 17 he again reverted to It nnd In nn objective manner et forth tha neceaelty of a Just peace a poic that would, not n on sided Lbut Just' to both sides, nnd thn ful fill the principle of eeual Justice for all parties. It became clear that It was possible In thto manner to com near to attalnlnng peice, because th principle ot the elimination of any one aided preference provide for th solution ot n group ot difficult ques tions." m0wm0000W0WW0WWWi0AA' Local Red Cross e Activities MAMWMMMMAMMMWMIMMMMMh Those present at the Sewing room yesterday were Meedamee J. N. Guthrie. M. J., Nyhart, Jo Evans. B. M. How. Ray Telford. Nellie Halley. Gilbert Fleet, O. D. Bark; Kdnn Van Sickle, Jennie Hum. Chaa. Martin. M. Hanks, L. E. Sullivan. Mia Attn Ralph. Suralcal Dreestan Boom. Mee- ...- 0 a wjv. 1 t . ml aiwj. w. i. vvwMiwr. w. . iww, . H. Red, J. L. Raboara. L. L. Truax, A. A. Bllmaa, O. W. Robertson, W. ll. Robertson. Percy Bvnn. r -1 i 2COTICB Th Women's Foreign Missionary Society ot th Methodist church will moot Thursday afternoon nt 1:10. at tho homo of Mrs. L. K- Phelps, lit N. Ninth street. MUNITION WORKERS ' ASKED FROM. STATE PORTLAND, Oct. 0. Oregon will b called upon 'to supply munition plant wrkrs to help mnk up tk Ions lnth destruction ot th Olltos pto phut nt Morgan. N. J. How any' am wlM b required 'from thto stmt to nt menUond In ad vtees reeelved by Join K. Koltock. seeeretary of th But Council ot Doranss, but Fraahlln K. Lan. chair inaa of th field dlvtoton'ff U Conn tr or National Defens', sanouncos ihat canstus) munition fnctorle sr now short lltlOOO unskllloi tabor' r,.asd gratr numbers are. needed for army construction work. Tko federal mplormnl buroin Is n pMtd to handle th actual fllttarof tho stats's quoU for th munition ptaW v ( m ' U OUV A THRIFT STAMP TODAY RURAL CARJUMR EXAMS ossswmnBwaaams The United States elvil service has snaouaced aa namtaatloa for rural carrier to bo held at Klamath Falls October, SCth Thto rout to a tri weekly, service, dtotaae of round trip S0.I miles. Th pay to $78 per month, and th carrier 'must provide his own conveyance, either car or horse vehicle, as a peters. Ordi narily th trip wKh a ear to easily served la a forenooa's trip. Appll eaato must h within th ag of M to 40. and women aro eligible to thto servlee. UatlTth result of tho exsmlaatloa la kaowa, a temporary oarrtor to aeeded to serre th rout. . Th pay to.th same; Aayoao wishing to tak tk rent, temporarily should mak appltoatlon to tko postmaster at Klamath Falls at ope. IMPROVED RUSSIAN lKlj lEgammml xm Irw?rmmmmmmBmy;;Kr s BitMl.if 'mm.t..wirr:M-iB,:rxtilmiwi,xmik."i).Mn:..mmmmmmmmmmm m-- - . n.m - Thto Strang looking boat Is known Suagari, near Harbla. Thto city to on HK1ALD, KLAMATH FALL1, OREGON GtMml Got? m WatchM Education of AaMrican Wovrndod Soldltrt in tho Tranche 1 . , w . - ' ' -a t-jill J"" "mmmmm r m r "f- amVJm i I ' Tmmml Amm. ammwL BBBmftV maanax wannnaav. m annnnnnnnnnnnk v .mm mmmw m ammmmwmV ' Wmmmhai ammmmmhv M ammmmmmmmmh iE7wBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBmmmmmm amsaMSaw mamBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmamBi BJanjW BmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmamBvv sssLsss9km BBBHBKnVBPr?2,i mmmmmmmmmSSmSssTSm&iJMSSKaSSmi .BBBBBBBBBBBBBHtlTlK smamamamamamamamamammamamamVjInAmakllam i"3mF yaKtmamamamamamammamlS mBmamamwrnamamBmamTmBm A m ' &'7 tmWm JOmCrmamammaml ' nm-mmmmmmmMJllIlM SrsmmmmV smBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmamBm-V' ifsWmammJI nmrnmatBr ( mmMBkmsmmnsWmilBMsWt Thto photograph shows General Gorges, Surgeon general ot the Unit ed State Army, st the Walter Reed Hospftal la Baltimore, watching the Ill LEAOEB IS 1 FAVOR OF I LONDON, Oct t. In announcing' s ho Rolcaetag. hjf'actloa la mak-j lag hie peace overtures with' the Al-I lied Powers, Prince Maamlllan, the new German Chancellor said: "Supported by th consent of all duly authorised persons In the em ntra. and by eaaaant 'of all our Allies , acting la coacert with us, I sent on I tho aiht 'of Octobir i-B thru th mediation of Swltaaytand, a not to the-President of thO'Valted State.! la which I requt4hlmto take up th bringing about Sf Peace and to communicate-to this' end with all th belligerent states. 'The note will roach Washington today or tomorrow. It to directed to (he president ot tho United States because he, la his .rneuag to con-1 grots Jaauary S, 1018 and In bis lat er proclamations, particularly In his Now York speech of September IT,! i - . '- 1 . prvpaaaa a prvsraaaiur m poaco'wklch w can accept a a basis for aegotlatloas. '"I'-navo taken thaa stop not only for th salvation of Oormany and Its allies, but of all humanity, which has bam suffering fpr years thru th war, - ' '"I hav Ukea'it atoo because I be lieve the thought ragardlag th fo tur wel being of tho' nation which wore proclaimed ir r. Witoon are In accord with the general Ideas cher 2J5 WILSIIN TERMS CRUISER OMRIVER SUNGARI, NEAR HARBIN wmmmBSfl sTamBwKQw3mmK miflBSSBm WSfc3WA.!.VSafc4gjtoUiWV aa a Russjan cruiser, and to said to be guarding a bridge on th River of the centres of th Oseho-Slovak power. I mmmmmmwmmmmmwmV mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmV mmmmmmBm m Smnmemmmmmmmmmmm ammmmmmmmmmnml HI re-education fit American rldlrs I wounded In the trenches and Invali ded home. The photograph shows a wounded man learning how to make ! rugs. ished by the new Oermnn govern ment and with that of the over whelming majority of our people. 80 far as I am personally concerned, In ( earlier speeches o other assem blage my hearers will testify that my conception which I hold of fu ture oeace has undergone no change alnce I was entrusted with the leader- j ship of the emplre'a affairs. Prince Maximilian sent a telegram to Baron Burton, the Auatro-llun-garlan foreign minister, snylng "The glorious deeds of our armies and the determination of our, peoples to' defend' themselves In loyal co operation with their governments will, with Ood'a help, lead us to an honorable peace." Dressmaking, tailored work; also fancy work; reasonable prices. Call 1087 Main or phone 75. 9-U t The amount of goods sold In the post few days proves that people realize the economy of laying in 'a supply of auto gootU at this time. 7-t TELFORD BIIOH CMKAOK l.VDIAKOLA ladlaa War Bong Record Hhepherds 8-ft Large auto leaving for San Fran cisco Wednesdsy morning would like parties to abare expenses for trip. Pkone 187R after 6 o'cock. 7-3t We can now do your collar sad starched shirts, Klamath Superior nwiv o. v-ifc Dr. F. R.' Qoddard will be on his annual vacation fronvOctober'lst to October 17. 1-14 There will not be any meeting of fll tttul'a Rt.lju.nnal fltillrf lnmii,Mw afternoon. mWmtH 'llWIIHTBANTHKAIIiTO t UVT gVKMTK)All Twenty four, men are reprtl hy tho Losal Exemption Board a not having yet received their quesll) natres. It should be brought to th attention ot these men that It I up to them to get these at the address given at their registration. Th fol lowing men aro listed: ' Olon F.. Illlkoy, Arthur K. Cobb, Jsck 8adoskl, Carl V. Anderson. James Arthur Shlnsr, Wm. Henry Sparrow, Vlclorln Tacclnl, Anond Vorsto, Fred A. While. Thos. D. Kl line. John Blone tapper, Jerome I. Llsotto, Axol Theodore Johnson. Hans Walter Jacobson, Jbhn F. Hoop er, Thomas J. Drlsroll, Vlck Carlson, William M. Hums, Cnrrado Con truccl, Gustav William llnhn, John 8onrca Cardoso, Archlo II. Ilarileit. Shoes Must Fit Shots, to bs satisfactory, must fit in avsry initancs Fit Your Style! Fit Your Pocketbook! Fit Your Ideas of Quality! 'Wfw "H SHOESl! mmm"mBwawmhBw " Hu1,s MamaPaV 4Mmmmmm sms' mmmmmw rK Sgaa-W ! BEnl itriJBHiBHwiwimWwr awEffmffftrJ'mtJ Worth Investigating Whtn you buy shots nowa-days, it is not ths siraplt iprobltm it uttd to bt. It is vtry nccesaary that you obtain good quality, for shots cost too much to takt a chanct. Wt hav a complete Hat f man's shots in all tht ntwost lasts, as wall as the constfvatiyf stylas., .Sat you whtn you art in need lf,a go.'lomf'wWrtnf shot. . " Modern Shoe Store GEO. W. BRADLEY.Mf r. 727 Main St XwsaSSSiawawSSBBi Cm WWDNIMU)AY, CM7TOIIKK II, Itt Itihsll be th duly of Very r. latrant to whom a iiif . lim been mnlled, but who, f, ,omJ reaavBf dh am iiemunnuy I'lTelved said queallonnalro, to apply ( (,,, tacal Board for n, rnnv 11. . .Failure to rocelva dm noiu,, ,b1 UOKiuniiairn mil 1101 exciUu tilt n, gtstrsnt from responding within (hi lime iinm, nor snaii u no ((round (or xtenslon of time. ' 1 Are you saving tor yourwir iilon. buying War Savings Htanipn nnd u ing rer joroii anu your rountryt TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY n maaMSmwanssrtrisJrbswmii s 11 mm FOUNIWatch fob mii, jmTJ tooth; tadgo 171, liuiulu iriM office. -:t FOR 8ALR 1017 8ALR 1017 MiumoIi ,ur,a r; good condition; r. good Umi car, goon coiviiuon; r good tlrni Inquire Winter's Jcwolry hiiim. s.ji BUT A THRIFT STAMP TODAY . ius vsBBaaaj The Dawn of a New Day fl Back and behind tht sordidntss and wtarintss of tht War, men tf vision limpet a treat light - Freedom f tk WW World! H Tht accompliihment tf this end is ths dtfinito task that wt as a nation have sttforoiurstlvts. Erery true patriot will support his Government and will Und his money to tht fullest extent tf his capacity. H You., can purchast Bands of the Fourth Issue through this Bank. First State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ) ll A.1 L - ej sw ' mh M .