Wednesday, ocTonrcn 0, inis THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH PAttS, 6REQ6M . 1 t rAcn Tmiasal 9 i iiia1!!! EVERY AMERICAN SOLDIER IN FRANCE KNOWS WHAT THIS SIGN MEANS 4 !H5L--A tvu.'la'L:ir m'aaJJffir .k t..c.'-'Eit; .',.. w : UAiu;wxxai'u'iaunuJa.vam-l Kvery American soldier In Krnncu can read (iiiffK-lunr Krmu-li tu till whit this mIrii iiinutiit: "Do not u L TOIJIIH, CKNTIIAL PIIANCK, Oct. 9.-(CorrMiomluncf of tlm Assocl-' atcd l-rmDAlung thu railway rout ( and the groat mitloiml high- SPREflQ 11 ways of France one . nillo nfternrgely dependent on thU highly de mllu if the new tulcKmph uml tetn- sloped army communication, which pliant, lines set up by tin Ar.wtrlcnn ' not cily.. Joins our own army but army, with squads of lluracn In I ''M,P "P the l"on of l,Hl unltJ ktmkl stringing tho wire and Inylng out new lines. Tliu toloitrapli offices all thru the war, tones are crowded with kbnkl-unlformvd opinitor and ii personnel of Amurlcan offlo-rs and onllsfed men. It was one cf the extensive -terns middotily liiHtnllfd on n huge scale with the coming of the Amorl- tans, spreading a vast wlro network over all Prance nnd rculUing gov- .. . . iniment operation of tuliKraph and telephones on forelRii toll evon fore It waa under way on homo soil. Thl Is military' nervo syftom Is not alone telegraph and tolepliono lines, lilt cable lines acrona the channel so thnt American ho.iilqiiarters In France can be In ImmedUto Inter- PafaTjBPBSsgaiEwTngi! iMTtl HfanaBamnSL gMBaEIIlPPIl,! arLlfcm,arWaBayaFem',TJaaa?pya l"l ggr2amagmB'1ByKMBjMiiTLi maaaaamaM-araBxam' snyianaBaM I f l3rsaaaH famJ This Range of Possibilities This Mectrlo Range will do everything that any other kef of cook stove wUI da nnd do It better. There la no waate of fuel, na the heat to concentrated jnst where It to wantod and to ander Instant control. Shrtakagei la food, to ntoo lew.thaa with other atoves. Neither smoke, fame nor ashes are given o by thto rtectjro range. It totherrfore, the Ideal aejalMaeat .for the kitchen. It J to always ready for Immediate ae at tara of tho switch and coota 'nothing for fuel whea not actually cooking. t Voa wUI be aarartoed at the low eort of eledteUy rae """; der the "Combmatloa Cooking and Lighting Rata' flxad byithe Pub Ik' Service Oommtoaloa. , Wa wUI be glad to eaatola thto rate to job and! caa refar yoa fa many aattoftod eaatomera In KUMh F.tts whoaavo takea advaa. tagopfM.' ' Or we wHl be glad to demonstrate la yoar owa homo If jroa aro la. "tereetodv v y Uiyornu-UrefM """! over thero wltliout carrying your mask." Tho kIriiii havo boon placid at Innumerable plnceg along the west urn fiopt. rr nmn with American olflcInU In , London; wlroloa rocclvlns; and send- I in; plant for detecting enemy ex ' t hanRca and carrying on itir own rad io worn, cuunoni nnu uniiimii rui I era; leather obsorvers to worn when! t forms may .Impede military opera' Hon, nnd all those modern methods of rapid comunlcatlon have I riTJIHO IUUiaIVIlulu tu NUIiaiu I .. kftH t aaSf dltAHall lal 0 lJ a B Bta It l.i a completo linking tottituor of tho army, front and rear, tieadquart-' 1 elf, staff and line, keepln-t tho com- minding officers In contnnt touch 'Hli uvcry division and ivory other " '" the nu.e ' of VMm; tlons. llie.lllUTonieni 'Jl iruiia nuu the nctual fighting of buttles aro mmmana. It Is something over r.00 miles from the French coast to the battle line In Kastern Francn, nnd thrusut litis iltance there Is -t complete ayr tern of 10 and SO-w'lre Mi'irlcui trttoarnph lines, llnklnrt thu oi.orto lth the frontt nnd nl.n spreading thru the vast ramlflatlon of ware Iuu'.hoi, camps, hospltalsconstruc- (Ion shop and mllltMry Jestabllsh' . . . menu or nit ort extenatng rrom be-'porls luluni to the firing line. Tl.cre In another multiple line run- nlng southward toward the Medlter- rnnoan and over to the Spanish front- ler- These are the trunk lines, extend - inr cjear across rrunio nnu, unig f wef toapuy tiioRo main arteries, every dlvfs'lon and branch of tin army tins' ttt own (olograph and telephone llnee Keep lr up conitant Intercourse ,witb Iwutlqiiarters. InaVery nrra occupied by the army along the front a com pttc sy.Uom of lint run back to u witch board central- station -f ram leKitncnt back to the brlgude, brig trie tu dlvlalon, division to corps, corim to Headquarters. -r On tlio flrat day of the. big battle nbovo Chateau-Thierry when the'Ama ...i'.. i .. ' -jLiuJ m.;uiih uuhuii inair laiseui ariTv, (here were 17,000 messages 'avera grhg over 60 word, each all tho way from an extended report on ;aa oporntlon to a short' sharp order for, some new move In the swIftly-Baeylag drnma. Within six weeks slnc the Amorlcam had got Into action, the communication .between frfjat ul rear had quadrupled, and alt weeka ago had quadrupled over the service on April 1 when the American acti vities were beginning to get In mat Ion. The culmination of the great bat tle lata In July stirred Into Intense nctlvlty every branch of communl cation,' with order flying to'haspl tain, aupply centers, ordnance warks, and to the training and rest camps for the steady movement of fresh troops. By the window of ticket ogkela tho tea jre wM MM the Travelers ammo plate. Thai to the company that leada the world la accMeat and health Chllcote. I An advance of IS per cent la an ported on tin In the near fatare. Von will really nave IS per buying now at our rloalng-oat sale. 7-l TKLFOHD BHOBV OVKRHKARH OONVBR8ATIOK THAT LKAIM TO KM RKCOV KKVt OAINH M POOBTM l'I have already gotten eack'aboat eighteen pounds of the weight I loat while akk, and now my health Beams to be just perfect,". said Hnrry V. - - r . rmuiKsui WHO GAVE niFomiix Horlocher In a recent coavenatloa .. -.--,," HoteL 104 Colum- D,-,treet. Portland, regarding tho beneu ne BM d,rWH tnm ti tti Jof T,nltCt Mrf Horlocher la a wall I known carpenter and to employed by tne 8Undfer construction. Company of Vancouver. Waahlnaton. "On the Sdth day of list March." explained Mr. Horlocher, "I waa tak (en down with an atuck of stomach l poUonlng ptomain potooalag, I be lieve they call It which, almoat ear ' rled me away, and since that time ' until I- got Tsnlac, notbrng I would eat agreed with me. What little I did manage to ant wonld aoon aour. causlag gaa and terrible pala aad .misery. I lost my appetite almoat entirely, and often Juat tho amell of anything ' cooking woald' make ana dreidfuliy alck at my stomach. My food evidently did me no good, aa I fell off from one hundred aad eight , pounds to one hundred and fifty. I JuU had to lay off from my work, aa I felt too weak aad exhausted for aeverat weeka to oven ,attempt to do anything. Just oltmbtng up tho ' stairs to my room would exhaust ma, take all my energy.' I waa coaatlpa ted all the ttma, had headaches, and nctlcad that. my. aorvaa were going all to pleceo aa I couldn't get a good night aleep. Nothing did ma any good, aad. I had become juneaay aad worried about my condition. "One day while la tho Owl Drag Store I happened to overbear a lady who waa buying a bottle of Taalae, tell the; man who was waltmg oa hart tnai ane naa neon aurrenng iroai stomach trouble for years, and that Teniae wa the only medicine aba had ever) taken that did her any good. (Well, aha didn't know It, but Juat that little remark of hers sold ma a bottle otTanlae right then and there nd If I only knew bar name I would like tafthank her for, putting ma onto' the thing that baa given ma baok my health and strength. My stom ach feel now like It Is In Just as, good shape aa It aver waa. And such an appetite as I do have! I' belloVo I could oat five, mails a day without suffering a particle "afterwards. By using tha Taalae-Tablets la connec tion with Teniae I. kayo been relieved of coaatlpaUoa. aad I'm aever bother ed anymore 'with headache.' I now feel a hundred per, cent- strong and well, and am putting Iw.'fnM Urns at my 'work and I. certainly , do thlak. Taalae Is s great medicine." Teniae to sold la Klamath Falls bp the Star Drug Co. - . Advi XfiirniAm now favor WBKBAIj COKCF4WIONS. ' (By Associated Press). VAMBTIIIDAM, Oct. .--Count Tlssa, this former premier of Hun' gary, speaking at the reform con gress at: Budapest, Is quoted by the Berlin Vosslsche Zeltung correspond ent st the Hungarian capltol aa say lag that autonomy, so far as possible, would bsgranted to the vnrloua nat ional Hee fjlvlng In Hungary, that Austrma territory occupied by lUly would, go' to Italy and that parts ofjand at miturlty; one U,a simple coun- aalleta Would be annexed by New Poland, ' BUshVnTVTK FOR RADIUM FOUND OOtDBN, Colo., Oct. 8. Dr. Rlchafd B. Moore of the United States bureau of mlnea here haa an nounced ho had discovered a substit ute for radium, which he haa named mesothorium. He will explain, his discovery to the American Institute of mining engineers, which meeta IB Milwaukee, October 10. f Aa there are only three ounces of radium 'In the world's entire aupply, mesothorium will at once come Into wide aso as a substitute for tbst element 'la luminous paints, airplane dials, compasses and gua sights, ac cording to' Dr. Moore. Tho parson ot tao NaUoasI mr'tmwiijmtawA- Jatlaaa aaonnlltaa la n lnrMta aa I '"R "rogUlsr photoplay IB tC,,'''",k,B,- !,, ' '$. . Orogoa. for Klamath County, i... '-. ., .....-,-. ...- : tlfr. Rav la- eaeentlonally . aood. In-'WA t L.tu, pi.i.h uaa.'uha h -utaia . ik. ... of tha awrarameat la the war, aad war will load their savlaga to the govara t . k. ... nrane vm anwtiebisiw aaaav evaoe OER BOTHER TAftR'gAITS TO FLUSH KIDRYS AND NKUTRALIZK DtRITA. TINO ACIDS. Kidnorltad Bladder weakness, re- milt' frcm uric acid, says a noted authority, Tho kidneys filter this sold .from vthe Mood aad pass It oa to the 'bladder, where It oftoa re mains to) Irritate and Inflame, caus ing a burning, scalding sensation, or 'setting ap.aa irritation at the neck of tha bladder, obliging you to aeek re lief two or three' tlmea during the night, Tha.) sufferer u la coastaat dread, the' water passes sometimes with, a scalding, oaaaatloa (aad Is IF K mm GREAT COAL AND IRON REGIOffOF FRANCE AMERICANS ARE ' MOW HELPING TO GEY BACK raOMraEXaERMANrS FORCES ' v ' . -utRL jl Ji TnTflp-Tttrj ,. .Tfd Mtire Tho squares, to thto map from Bol gtam on the north to a aolat wlthla a taw miles of thoaew battle llae ec tabitohedy tho AaMrMaa drive show tao graai eoal aaw Iroa ,rogtoa of Praaee. Prom tato rogtoa Oermaay haa boea drawtag bar aaal.aad Iroa oaptllos that' bavoiuado Hpoaslbia At the Thtaters wiwwiji0ii00wm0AA0b In "The Inn of the Blue Moon," by Louie Joseph Vance, ;whkb to to bo the photoplay attraction, at,, tho Temple Theatre tonight, tbd boaatl' ful Doris Xenyon is called upon to assume two roles twin sisters waose parents separated when the children were Infants. The gifts are brought up In wholly different environment try lass and tho other a atallar social luminary In New York's luxury lov ing set. Mlsa Kenyon therefore las' a remarkable opportunity for .the dis play of her versatility. The result Is said to bs highly meritorious aad'. satisfying. ',-, In Charles Ray's latest Paramount nlKliin "Tha H Iras' Ifaa " anw'ahaw. Ing at the liar Theatre, thete tjsre,1 t -w --. ;VrT aeen the grouaaa aaa sine saowa at a real 'county fair. These ocensa were filmed at tho- California fair which waa hstd near Los Angeles', i.J .taakta. 'a.A JaamaU Awllklta sSta'aa uU .uuw.. .. -,--'- " October I, lilt, aad the last publl races, aad many of tho standard i fair to of tt- daU ot N,mber io, attractions, Including ova a balloon mi, aacanalon. It waa aotkeabla. how-1 JAY H. UPTON. ever, thsfevaa tbo totter l tailed to ...'. it .,: j- i.. an -.mj. a irrafr' w rnssi ' raiaaiiB iaaia- - ai. till coanany 'moved iato Its vtdaity.L (Mr. Ray to- eseoptloaally , goad, j c'u,f' " f Jwrif ; """. "w"' -'"- f- """ very profuse; sgaln there to diffi culty In avoiding It. Bladder weakness, most folks call It, because they caa't eoaitroj urlaa tloa. While It la extrextely annoying , nnd sometimes very palatal, this to really one of the most simple all- ' tnatita r nHrmai flat atuMt fntte ounces of-Ja'd Salta from your phar macist and take a tabiespeoaful at a glass of water before breakfast,; con tinue this for two or throe days. This will aeutrallse the adde ta.tke artae so It BOloagor to a source of Irrita tion to tho bladder aad uriaary or gans' which thsa act aormalbj agela: Jad Salts to inexpeaaive,' harmloes; aad is made from, the add of grates and lamoa JuieoeomMaad wHh 11th la, aad to used bythouoanasot folks who are eubjoct to uriaary' disorders caneed by uric aad liiRaUuaj Jad Satta l saleadld for ktdaoya aad eauoes ao bad effectowhatover. Hero you have aplsssiat. affar quickly rdlevea bladder troabM.-Adv. for her to eoatlauo tho war. Should the Amerleaa advance drle the Ocr maaa from If the war will be as good as woa la so far as It caa bo won oa tho woatera treat. For hero Rra, tha richest dsposlts la Europe outside of Russia. ' Tho' horlaoatat dashes' show tho sWoeaB''BW-s'oBr a searched, ahtotoKUaaath, Banarior Lsaadry Pheae K' i T f-4tJ; iiilijiiii iiiljil IUGALNOTI rtES M mWWWMIIWNmA-A-WMM r'"vnJMMONg' In the Circuit Court of Klamath Wi CountyOregon. W. J. Jamison, Plaintiff, '( i vs. , Prank Jnmtoon aad Qrace Jamison, A Defendants. , To' Frank Jamison and drace Jami son, Defendanta: In the name of the State of Ore Ore eon: Yon are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint in the' above entitled court and cause, eaor before six weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum mons .aad If you fall to ao appear and aaswst, the' plaintiff will take judgment against yon for the aum of It.l4.00. aad for Interest as de manded la the. complaint, and for tllS.00 attorney's fees aad his costs la thto action. 1 Thto summons to served upon you br nbUcatiea by order of Hon. D. "vVi kwkeadall. tnine of the above ..utit. -Lakii Tud axavad tha 4th day of October, 1118, direct lag such publication for six succes sive weeks la the Bvaaiag Herald; tho drstipublieatloa to of tho date of i J;A,tt02?7 ,or WtlaT.. ft Priaevllle. Oregea. v .0 S-ll-lI-ie-l-13-20 nvmtOS - .. .... ... . ,t- .... ,. r-'-vs. Fraak, Jamtoea and Qrace Jamtooa, ; DofaadaaU, To Frank Jamtooa aad Qrace Jami son, Defendanta: .la tho aame of the State of Ore gon': Yoa are aoreby required to ap nar'aad!aawerhe cemplalat la the abeve: eaUtled eoart aad oause, oa or before six weeka from the date of the Srst publication ot thto sammons, aad If you, fall to appear aad aa awer, tho plaintiff will take a de cree aad Judgment agalast you for the earn of Mtv.06, wltb-lnteresl at per cent from April IB, lilt, until paid, aad foreeloolag the mortgage upon the NB14 NBK Sec. 14. T.: 17 8..R, I. B. W. M.. aad NH NW.Ul SBU NWU. Bee; It, T. 17, S.i R.,10. Ui W. M., aad atteraey'a fees aad eocte. Thto sammoas, to served apoa yoa by aabUoatloa; by order of Hoa. P. V. Kuykeadall, Judge of tho above oa Uttod eoart. made aad catered oa the 4th day ot Oeiobor. Ills; directing each aabUoatloa tor sat successive weeks la tho Bvaaiag Herald; the rat Mbltoattaa nf of tho date of October l. lilt, aad tho last aubllea- uea m-ec tao data of November 10, ins. , JAY H. UPTON. Attorney for tho Flaiatlff. Prtaevtlle, Orogoa? i-is-se-.ii-t tarrtoory taken by tao Americana oa tao south aad tha Preach oa the Berth. The diagonal lines from St htlblel to tha bow battle froat show tho territory' la which tho Qermaaa la tho St. M atol saltoat .-laMavlwatok' 'tbawl.fba.ii iThaua. Z.. ."T ." ".','- .. .of them ware hoMnsfod'aad eaatnrad. ;fv maaaaBBBaaa Are a great help in t chocl life. i Ws'hivi jn s. T w" U cellentselffUl ing pen for ' RaaBrtalB1ff tvtaia.fltia ttfasaa-atame rtam' bar Ith. at'7:30 . m'. Work l Bats. "VBl( m., (j0vwNns aSs aflaafeWaT" mlam- : ".' .1 KNIORT8 OF PYTHIAS ond Rank. All visiting brothers wel-?! come. c. a. Cleveland, C. C' S-St TktOwNm "l i lUaaaaw raxaaa! LCsWlt DitCll. "',,' Roofing of All KimaV W. D. MILLER CetrActor. ,uDmUTnuaiuMatta rnvraasiwnnu asajjjm V! MWMWMMiiWw4WIMnMaMMWIIajiaaMaV . r ' - Cvaatyl qvB ; V'-1 CITY ANBCOUNTY ABBTaUOV COafPANx BIT, Mala , y Real, Ketato Leone at to S aor DK. P. R. OODDAKD 0tts)9MBsto lisWaalctaat. M bmosiii. cap. (ever K. K. K. Store) (Tho only Oetceaethlor nysf clsa anil 'Surgooa la Blsisssb Palle.)' ' , il' y - 1. f . me RCCKARD RBXT BKRVICC New Woolens SeUcl Yht New krvii&rf FtlSdtNOW Fit aad Nsiiat ''Orado'oif . " Workmaaahlp Guaranteod .' K' MKKCHANT TAILOR SI a Mala 84. Pem't let winter float nice, clean, d; a '4u ; tBASA WbTJItJW WBXfV gpTmaBll I iCT(M. i sxTToVaaBjBfJPBjW "j,B"H1" mjmBBWBBBj Bxaayas saaaaaaaBjTjj Xi-K" - BheM BO - 4 I) Ntattt Phono S4B I, t . - - - 1 ,, aaHBlBaaaaBWaWaWaWaWaWaWawawaBl .".'v II v LAROK STOCK OPfi D " .j! wmi Chas. J -ft, .v'l uzek Bjn- amaoaai ,.. zssm -I ,v ' trt'M ..m 5 v-( t If :' M 4 I I .1 c tLaBBBaBBBBaBBaCBB-MBna y '- ' ' .) k,r '"4. -yt f7ai . i' '.. . b !tV &VJh ?:!&