i&t WIS 7 ri4 7fWW7S f ummiw 3i OFFICIAL- NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY Thirteenth Year No. SIM CAMBRAI NOW IN ALLIED POSSESSION KIWIS IN PROGRESS TODAY TEN THOUSAND PRISONERS TAKEN ON VARIOUS FRONTS GERMANS RETIRINGYANKEES CAPTURE THREE THOUSAND MEN BRITISH BREAK THRU HINDENBURG LINE AT FOR- ENVILLt AND WALINCOURT ATTACK STARTS EARLY THI SMORNING (By Associated Pfe) i LONDON, Oct. 9. The city of Cambria has been cap tured by the British. Eight thousand prisoners were taken yesterday there and elsewhere along the attacking front. The Anglo American attack was resumed this morning onthe.,fn(ire M 11- - n I t 1 J .... ...mr-mtA ironi sown oi iiRmun&, hiiu rajuu ijiukicbo wh uismu. The attack was begun at 5:20. The British took Foren ville and reached the outskirts of Walincourt. - FRIDAY, Oct.1 9. Nearly 10,000 prisoners were taken Yesterday by the Allied forces along the various fronts, the Germans are now hurriedly evacuating the Argonne forest. The battle is continuing today on the line of the Suippe River, but the Germans are counter-attacking heav ily, ana the progress is slow. LONDON ,Oct. 9. The British advance between Cam bria and St. Quentin is proceeding very well today, with less resistance on the part of the enemy than yesterday. The German forces probably executed a big retirement during the night The Germans are resisting strongly in the American sec- in hut Vi Amarlton Inaana !l-n tint. VPI-V hpW. The tot&I casualties of the Americans of Germans who have been taken prisoner. WITH THE AMERICANS NORTHWEST OF VER DUN, Oct'9. -The Americans drove forward on the east side of the Meuse River yesterday, taking the town of Charny. The French and American forces took Consen-voye- Brabant, Haumont and Beaumont They took over 8,000 prisoner!. OFFICIAL CASUALTY LIST The followjng cmiuHIm are re Ported by the commanding general ot the American. Expeditionary Ferces: Xlled In action US Mlsalng In action 40 Wpunded severely 317 W of dUHMUM 61 Died of accident - 3 Died of accident and other cause 3 Died of wound! S Died from airplane accident 4 Wounded, degree undetermined 2 Wounded sllahtlr 1 Prisoners 3 CITY HOMK HOLD The Cogswell property at 'TIB Pine street was sold today to Mrs. Stella Mtng by W. 8. Slough. The consld ratlon was not mad public. ' ;...' WILSON'S REPLY ENDORSED AUROAP ,,; LONDON, Oct. 9. 1 dlph- . wc circles. President lls- on's raply to Chancellor Mas- mlllan Is regarded oa clow and w logics 3Hg iEuntmg are less than half the number (BULGARIAN TERMS I . -- .iiMi niim lt AKfc maul ruiiwv AMSTERDAM, Oct. 0. A dis patch received here from Sofia quotes tho Bulgarian semi-official newspap er Preporets, as giving the following as terms of armistice entered Into between Bulgaria and the entente al lies: The evacuation of tug territories occupied by Bulgaria In 1916 wbleh ' belonged to Serbia or Greece. Ra-establlshment of Bulgarian rile In tho portion of former Bulgar ian territory occupied by troopa of llif ontente, for Instance Htrumnltta. Demobilisation of the Bulgarian army, except throe divisions of Infan try nd four regiments pf cavalry. rnn.iinniMit to thp allied army of the arms, munition?, and war ma terial of the demoMliseu iroap. Capitulation by the Bulgarian unite stationed westward by Uskub when . . imUiioa l sltmad. Ihe t.iiOP to remain guarded by tho errata until further orders. t Drnrtur within a jnjiif oi Oer tn.in and Aunro-nunaum !-. HU..U nriA. diolomatio and consular representatives and persons of those nationalities. v The turks were not meutioneu in the armistice, according to the dis patch, KLAMATH FALLS, "SijsMMVjhMMMjsv , i INCH PRESS IS LEU OF PEACE OFFER ADDREMH OF (IMPERIAL CHAN CELLOR BEFORE REICHSTAG MID TO CONTRADICT PART OF WILSON'S PRIltciPLKS. WAHHINOTON, Oct. 8 Comment of the Froncb press on tho Teutonic paca proposals Is summarised In an official dispatch from France as fol lews: The steps tkaen by Qermaay, Ana- trla Hungary and Turkey Is a col lectlvo confession of the extremely serious situation tbey arc now la owing to the allied victories, A moa tli. ago Berlin would not have consent' ed to carry to far Mr paca mane vers. But this atop Maintain tho confused character that nil Germap proposals have born. This ont evi dently shows the Inward thought that It might succeed In weakening the allied peoplea' will or la setting her enemies against ech other. Ska will see thnt ehe la mistaken. "The proposals do not mention ac ceptance of, tha, Itk rt Jaaaajr ; sage fourteen points but only says the central powers would consent to take them as basis. This Is openly confessing that tha centra I govern menu would Intend to discuss these points and reluse them la soma par ticular or other pretending to accept them as a starting point. The papers note that the declaration made yes terday a( the relchstag by Prince Maximilian of Baden are In some s sentlnl points In contradiction of the fourteen clear causes , of President Wilson's mossago." VISITORS IRE . A warrant, for tho arrest of -Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Labor fpr alleged trespassing Ion th Labjtra promisee atBly, wasisaued at thelnstanc of Mrs. O. O. Labor, widow of th late Bly stockman, Monday evening, and the case commenced before Jus tic p. w. aowea, who left yesterday for Tacoma oa buslaees. Th causa Is being continued daring hi ab sence. B. R. Later Is a soa of O. O. Labor, aad cam her, with hi wife oa hearing of hi father'a death The conple arrived Saturday night irora seaiiie, ana ten aer rar m Bly ranch Monday mornlag. DR. CARTWR BPUHCMIO VICTIM Dr. Hardin Carter, formerly of Kla math Fall and now oa a receiving ship at New York City with, th Unit ed States Navy Is reported da just recovering from a hard siege ot Spaa Ish Influents. ' HAG LIMIT OF QUAIL Cbaa. Riley, La Bean, and L. Dav idson1 war members of a "party at quail hunters yesterday. .They report DKa unit, s ' RECOVERS 'FROM TYFaKHD , O, B. Dews Is agala oa th' strt following a serious slag of typhoid Fever at th Klamath General Hoa- pltal. .He la aUII vary weak hut to gilnlng each day. IRRE5TMR TRESPHC OREGON, WEDNESDAY, time to scrub . i INFLUENZA K BffiMD Mflil What cM? told th coaaeM ttury Inspector afanday night re garding existing gaadltlons In this city furnish ma, for reflection on the part of tha etttosms. whether or not these condltfoaniare directly re sponsible for 'tfes)'vaajldomle of con tagions disease spread over the city caanot, of court, ba directly proven, bat tha fact ramaaw that the epl- demlcls here, bad that the unsan itary conditions art sufficient to cans It. Klamath Palto haa one of the most healthful climate la the world. The air I naturally rart, dry and pure to an extraordinary decree) A large MMtanftkaaa AKmmmmm aitf1lMtlnae hifman beings and many livestock ailments, frequent' in other tactions, are prac tically aakaowa haw. We have a long haadlcap oa matt of the rest of the country for aa absolutely pure atmosphere and perfect living con ditions. Instead of making the most of, these advantage a bunch of us con gregate together, lefve our barns filled .with stable refuse, allow water to stagaat la celan, surround' our selves with various kinds of filth, HO WW) MM OfFMTO BELLIGERENTS FLEEING HUNS BURN; BEAUTI FUL TOWN IN FRANCE. ENEMY SCATTERS LIKE RABBITM BE FORE RUSH OF AMERICANS. AMSTERDAM, Oct. 9. Following ; aa extraordinary session of the Dutch Cabinet her It Is persVenily rumor ed tlmt the government to considering offering Its service to both belliger ent group, with a view to reaching an agreement. I With tha Anglo 'Americana near. St. Qusntln. Oct. 9. The Germans hav bow applied the torch to the,Ptote field batteries and one ot tbe beautiful town of Lot tin in the gen-, heavy artillery when they suddenly ral direction of' which the Amerl- J outflanked both ends of tbe Valley eana ar driving from Fremont. Th Germans are n6w surrender-. ing freely. On entire German regiment ran away Ilk ae many rabbit from at tacking Tennessee trooos. i INFLUENZA STILL GROWS IN SEATTLE ) SBAtfLS. Oct p. Health offlawa hav annoaaoad SIS new ca of Spanish Influonxtf since yesterday noon. All pub- lio outdoors well.oa, Indoor ( gataoriaga have nl tarred. ) TUR KMH LEADERS' RESIGN i LONDON, th Turkish Oct. 9. Tolaat' Hasva Prlemler, htk resigned and been succeeded by Tewing Hassa former prlemler according to advices received bare. VlnUtar of war En ver Haasa haa also resigned. . 4 M V UBKRTY LOAN , , -. NOW IS LAGGING . WASHINGTON. D. C. Oct', 3. . Th Treasury' Statemaat today says that "at th present rat th Fourth Liberty Loan may e) not reach th desired goal with- In th allotted Uui ' f ' ; 1, Vtdays reports from tho outside County ) .),' banks yet to be heard from. Herald $ OCTOBER 9, 1918 and then pay for tho care of patients In the pout houno and shut down our schools to ward off scarlet fever. This is, Indeed, a hard condition to face, but these are- tho facts as sub mitted by our official Inspector. It calls for radical concerted action on tho part of every enterprising citizen for n general clean-up, and the most serious kind ot co-operation with the efforts of the officers. Do' not wait for the Inspector to get around be fore taking action In this matter. Be come familiar with the requirements of the city health ordinance No. 296, which Is printed In this Issue of the Evening Herald for this esoeclal our- pose, and then live up to them. It Is' the evident purpose of the city coun cil to create a different atmosphere and to rofaln the Inspector until a different situation Is effected. But It wlll D0 BOmo time .before a com plete canvass 'can be' msde, and ev ery other kind of a plague may be heaped upon us before this can be done. The thing to do to to go right out today and make things look dif ferent. When the city has been cleaned, there Is Just one more'thlng to do keep It clean. T AMERICANS CAPTURE TWO COM PLETE FIELD BATTERIES AND ONE ARTILLERY IN FLANK MOVEMENT liAHT NIGHT.' ' WITH TUB ANOLO AMERICANS NEAR ST. GUKNTIN. There was heavy IghtlijK hero thruout the night. The defeated enemy was al most mnothered under the great de luge of steel and explosives from th'e British artillery. 1 The Americans' captured two com- South of Premont. OLEHESOLR HERE TODAY By a deal completed here this morning, the 121 acre ranch belong ing to Earnest Bru of San Francisco, was taken over by Earl Ttlghtmelr, who has previously resided in the Spring Lake District. Tho new own er owns 160 acres adjoining this property which gives l(lm an oxten- slve acreage. Ono half of the prop- erty purchased Is Irrigated. Tbe con sideration Is given as approximately fifty dollars per acre. Tho deal was made thru the agency of K. M. Chll cote. Mr. Rlghtmelr takes possession of hts new property December first. TEN,THOUSAND MORE PLEDGED YESTERDAY Total pledges for the Fourth Lib erty Loan at the city banks here yes terday, amounted to , 910,000 bringing the total for the County, up to something over 1108,000 with two ms mm ERMNTR BMRDIEN MUCH NEAR K QTIPTM INKlMRUr IUKItT KUaaSBTIOMt ARE GIVEN FOR PREVENTION AND CARE OF TROUBLE PROVING 89 SERI OUS OVER NATION Altho the nature of the trouble haa not been definitely announced', then are several cases ot Ulnae la aad around Klamath Falls which are strongly believed by attending phy sicians to ba th Spanish lnflumsa, which to now spreading over ,the en tire country- In order to guard against this mal ady the following symptoms aad suggestion ar quoted from a re cent Associated Prase dispatch for the benefit 'of th residents: "Because th tast'epldemlc of In uenta occurred mora than twenty five years ago, phystetona who began to practice madsMaa'slae lilt hav wot had psrsoaai rprla la hand ling 'a sttuayii'now spreading thru a coMMtwH;part,'ot th toralga worldi aad akaady appearing to some axieat ta .the, Uatted Stat. For that ran1 targe Owraral ry mm Bin ot th public health, service to issuing a special baltotta far all mad- leal mea who Mad for lit. "la order to reach physicians of the country without a day's delay, however, Dr. Bin haa provided for tbe transmission thra th Associated Press of th followlag summary of th methods of th control ot tho disease " 'Sources of Infection The secre tions from the nose, throat and res piratory passage of case or ot car riers. "'Incubation period One to four days, generally two. " 'Mode of transmission By direct contact or indirect contact thru tbe use of handkerchiefs, commoa towels, cupe, meea gear or other objects con taminated with fresh secretions. Droplet Infection plays aa Important part. ' '"Period ot eom'muntcablllty As long aa tbe person harbors the causa tive organism la the respiratory tract. " 'Methods of control The Infect ed Individual aad his environment. " 'Isolation Bled Isolation of In fected Individuals' during the course ot th disease. " 'Concurrent disinfection Th discharge from mouth, throat, nose and other respiratory passages. " 'Terminal disinfection Thoro cleansing, airing aad sunning. " 'General measures The attend ant of the case should wear a gauxe mask. During , epidemics persons should avoid crowded assemblages, street cars, aad the like. Education as regards the danger of promiscu ous coughing and apittlng. Patients, because of the tendency to th .de velopment of broncho-pneumonia, should be treated In well ventilated warm rooms.' " HIGH SCHOOL RECEPTION IB GIVEN AT MERRILL A reception was given Friday night at the High School In honor ot tbe Freshman Class. At the time when the merriment, wo nearlog Its height the lights went out. Then there was a scramble tor candles aad a rush to tbe obliging neighbors for lamps, so the good tlmeweni on until' mid night. Tbos present besides th Faculty and High, School" Students were directors O. W. Offleld and J. H. Hobbs. MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUED A mftrrtAVA ItnaaB hu lo "Edward Earl Rlteaour aad Miss Cassia Hamrlek by Couaty1 Clerk O, n, DoLnp. ,h" OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER t OF KLAMATH FALLS Price Five Cull. BELIEVED LONDON BTATK8MKN LOOK FOR SUCH A MOVE NEXT FEW BAYS. DISINTEGRATION REPORTER At CONSTANTINOPLE ENTIRE.syfmaV OF HUN DHFBN StVE IN WHST NOW THREATEN " -r ' '-v - HO BY WHBGE OF ALLIES NEAR CAMBRAI. CLIMAX NEAR. LONDON, Oct, . Th f pTi MlLJrlt JluBA latpets wea tafaraa- M AsMMMRa " Standard say aaiharltles an taposseeshm of la toraialtosi akewiatf Gm piogiasa et dtoaatearaUoa whicti' new 'extota 1a -' nln ' Dateless Dtonatchi By Associated Press. Forced from Canibrai.'oae of the strong pillars of the Hlndenburg system, the Germans are being dri ven back towaiM the French frontier. ' It' to apparent that the Germans have now ot the IllndonburK line from Cambral to St. Quentin. llalg has driven a gigantic salient based on Cam,bral, Into tho enemy, lines. Even if It does not grow larger, thto Is now a great menace to the Loan aad Lille positions add It seems pos sible that the Oermans will soon with-, draw from tbe. Loan massif a they ar being outflanked. The great offensive appears now to have reached a climax and the njext few days msy witness epochal event In the history of the war. The Allies In the region of Cam ascua have scored another success nnd oiptured many prisoners, valu able booty. R. G. DRIVE FOR LINEN HIS BEGUN The drive for linen tor use In Hos pitals In France Is now In Progress in Klamath County and all goods are asked to be, loft at the Red Cro. headquarters In tho Orpheus build- Ing. In order that the amount asfted from Klamath County may bo se cured and that the burden may full on all alike, It Is asked that ono arti cle bo given from each family. The drive will be contlhuod until one week from Friday, October 30tl. People are urged to bring In their offerings as soon as possible. " " " . .DIVORCE SURRENDER SUIT ULEDV'ja, Ytf..5ft5sl ... -v", An action lor oivorc ns ia -w Instituted In tbe office of.theClrcuU' W4A. Cqurt Clerk by MoUtfOarclaagalnatfre! Joa Oarcle. Desertion Is th.prKoHsfftill pal charge )nthq'complalu'liTMVv,j plaintiff to represented In CquMel; V-S&.'l K. o. uroesoesKj -. ''. .. iMlsll.Wl.il'i' J. r 0 , m , ft - v- i V i ) , v,g- ., TiMjm ,,r, wkixv,: y -wjf '- fn. th yttasmmy s&'tb&m