' &5&Mrtw J a .smmmt. ft y.M y't OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY Tlilrfwntli Yriir. No. ll.la.-J I BBtgaSM Oll g jguJgtttnQ Herald naBVTVMAB i ? 1 iPB '; ' 'ft ... urru,iAVt7, A art luimi K.n" B.HK HH ... KV ' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1918 JOINT ATTACK IN CHAMPAGNE SECTOR FAVORABLE PROGRESS REPORTED IN BIG OFFEN SIVE MOVE WHICH BEGAN THIS MORNING- ATTACK IN HEAVY FOG EXACT QUOTA BOM MAN STATE HIGHY FOn Mil ARRESTED FOR ILL GO nil IS RECEIVED WHR REMARKS FODTKLMATK FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS HAM ALREADY HERN SUBSCRIBED IIV KLAMATH, COUNTY PATRL OTH IN niO LOAN IIIIIVK FIRST BULGARIAN ARMY IS CUT OFF FROM SUP "PLIES BRITISH INVADE BULGARIA-PALES-TINE PRISONERS NUMBER 42,000 More than 160,000 bag already boon pledged toward the Fourth Lib erty Loan In Klamath county, accord ing to Chairman Arthur It. WHsob, who recolved word this monlag that tho county quota would be 1486,177, a reduction of about $16,000 under the amount previously Indicated. (By AnxKlattPd Pit) pinny from h main lino eomniunlca-1 Altho a large part of the people I'AltIS, Sopt. 26.--Th Kronen anil l" "! pulling It In a precarloui hv not vm mc.Ivmi th.i. .... ...... ...... ......III.... r - . VMW, g..W, Aliiiiricnn iruuiii ucgan u joint iimuck i'nm,ni. . this morning In tho ChampitKiiu front1 Tito First army lift the Allied ami im tho roglon beyond It on llui 't7 Tho Serbians havVnow reached east, tlio outskirts of !ihtlb,Lan Important Honnwed Gorman uttuckN north of DulRarlun base. tho Alsno have boon repulsed ami at n Tuesday tho Serbian also took ,ono point wbero tbn Herman i-ulnod Griidskn, southwest of Uskub, which a foothold tlioy wore ejected by a w,u" defended by Oerman troops. An coiintur attack. . enormous quantity of supplies and 19 I Kuns wcro cupturod. WITH THK FRENCH AH.M V, Sopt. ' 26. Tho Kronch army ntutchcil In HALONIKA, Kept. 26. The Bui thu Clmmpagno district In a thick garlans hiiro boon Invaded by the At- IMPLEMENT DEALER AT CLOVKIl LEAF TOWN ACCtVlKD OF MAK. INO ..DISLOYAL.. STATEMENTS. HOUND ON FEDERAL CHARGE. for alleged declarations that thl was a rich man war, that the United State should bavo novor got Into It, disloyal allusions to tho I.usltauln disaster and other statements of a kindred nature,, P. W. liold, hard ware and Implement dealer at Bonani was brought In yesterday afternoon by United States Marshall Prank T. Berry, DECIHIO.Y OK HTATK HIGHWAY COMMISSION ANNOUNCED TO COUNTY COURT---HTATK AHKH FEDERAL HELP FOB RQAD That the Oregon State Highway commission has made a final decision on the north and the south route via fort Klamath In Wood River Val ley to be a part of the Central Oregon highway, on which state fund will bo used In construction, Is the newa IRE PUPILS MIKT HIM CO TURKISH IP viimuii hi n CENTRAL SCHOOL M GREATLY OVERCROWDED BWRTsl ST. TO BK IMVIDINa UNI THIS YEAR STATEMENT ISSUED The fact that there am 140 pupils at the Central' school la tale etty. more than all the other baildiags combined, and that this building l now far too crowded for the beat fcv tertata of the children, kaa eanaed a readjustment of distribution by the to aiversidePALESTINE the pledges have been coming In to 'day In good shape. SUFFRAGE BILL IS HELD FOR SUPPORT fog, after-hour of Inlenso gun fire. Kurly Indications wore tint the at tack was progressing most favorably. Hod troops, according to the British olllclal statement. Tho British have mitori'il Bulgarian territory! opposite Kosturlno, about six miles south of LONDON, Sept. 26. Northwest of St. Itumltsa, an onomy base. St. Quentln tho ilrlllsh have contlii- , ueil pressure and captured cnomy I'AltIS, Sept. 3I. Tho number of strong points In tho neighborhood of Turkish prisoners taken thus far In Boloney and Arlcourt. Thry hove tho Palestlno offonslve aggregate llkowlia made advance In KlunUers 42,o0.. to the north of Labassoe. f . Oerman airdrome at lluhl. 25 miles southwest of Karlsbrushu and Ivalnvr Luutorn, between Mclz and WAHItlNQTON, I). C, Sopt. 26. The following eusualtles are reported by thu commanding gonoral of the Mnmihntm, hnvo been bombed by the American Kxpcdltionury Ferce: iirmtn air machine. WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. If Plana for a vote by the senate on the Federal .amendment have been vir tually abandoned In the midst of tho debate. The polls are said to have shown one or two vote short of the two-thirds necessary to win. Thorefore the leader have decided to delay, the vote until every possible vote could be mustered. this year be seat to tk Riverside building, which la larger than the Central building and has Isss thta the Federal authorities under bonds of $3,000. He Is nrranglng these here today. KUDHTKBOr Killed In action I Missing In action 23 16 LONDON, Sept. 26. llnports In of- Wounded soveroly , 19 nclal qunrtora today Indicate that Prl- Died of wound . . 36 Icp-Volea road ha been cul ut Imilut Wounded, dogroo undetermined.. 1 iivor, isoiuung mo first, liuigurlau Prisoners 1J SENATOR PREDICTS YEAR MORE OF WAR HENEYANDROLPH BARRED FROM RACE WASHINGTON, D. C, fiopt. 26. , 1.08 ANUKI.KS, Sopt. 26. "I ro Describing hi recent visit to tho gretfully but cliuorfully bow to the wxtcrn front .Senator Tlioinpmin of decision of thu supreme court and ex Kansas, Democrat, told thu senate tond my slncero thunks und regrets (hat tho general opinion ubroad Is to tho more than 60,000 Dehiocrats that auothor year will bo required to who voted for mo at the primaries ring Germany to her knees. Amorl- und by no fault of their own have en, ho declared, had "put pop Into been deprived by a clumsily worded the war" and started tho "ball roll- luw from having nny opportunity to' lag toward Berlin." ' vote for any Domocratls candidate Desplta the criticism In this coun- for governor ut tho general election," try of tho aircraft program, ho mild said Francis J, Honey of Santa Mon- planes are now arriving In Franco as leu In a statement Issued here after "rapidly as thoy can bo taken euro hearing tho supremo court of Call- of." Ho branded a falso, statements fornlu bud dismissed tho application niado In the senute some tlmo ago filed by Honey and Jumes Rolph of that In July only one battle piano San Francisco for writ of mandate equipped with a Liberty motor wus to compel the placing of their names in Franco. on tho bullot for the Novomber elec- "The truth is," ho doclured, "do- Hon as Democratic candidates for livery of those plane was not expect- governor. ,ed curlier than July 1, while, u u Honoy said tho result of the docl- mattor of fast, the first Liberty motor clon, In effect, was the re-election Planes arrived, was set up comploto of Qovernor William, D. Stephens-at and Christened on May. 18 last, and tho primaries. He said It was ob- they have been arriving over thero ut vlous the primary law should be am tho rate of five or six per day ever ondod so us to provent any person "loco." ,. than one political party and to fix The first five planes equipped with from bocom:iig t candidate of more Liuorty motors bad the misfortune a "reasonable und proper limitation he suldi to land behind the Ourman on tho expenditure of money" by or lines. He pronounced the Liberty on behalf of candidates In u primary motor as the "best motor In exist- campaign, ence" and worth Whatever loss had neon cause. by delay In perfecting ,,.., f l SINGS PRAISE DF RED CROSS MILIs NEARLY JNER THE TOP The Red cross organisation is about the finest thing that ever hap pened to humanity, according to the opinion of Lloyd Low, whose parents, Mr. and Mr. C. C. Low, have Just rocelved a letter telling of bis acti vities in France! , 'There are not suf ficient words in his vocabulary, he says, to do the subject Justice. He declares he is proud to see the way Kla'aiatk rails is supporting this wor my eause. Lloyd, who Is In the field remount squadron, has traveled over a grant deal'of France la the last few months and Is enjoying Ufa there e , . received by members of the County! "o1 ofeducatloa aad a number will court following a meeting of the state I board ut flalem. I Tho ntMmira nli lnin isi h. uom wss, given a preliminary commission passed resolutions n-'k" the number, of .paplls. hearing before ,U. 8. Commissioner, structlng their engineer to petition The dividing line will therefore be J. O. Hamaker at Bonanza yesterday, , tho government to co-operate, with'cnn' to llghth street, instead of and was bound over to annear before the stat0 ! Klamath and Lake . treat, as formerly. The a ' . I -... I ... . . . ... I .L- S. . I .. ..-.. wim mt bninu nvei nsHf tnis year was, aeout so. Tbe .tatai number now enrolled la the eKy schools k 626. Soma MUe aear the Ewauna Boa district wUI transferred to the Mills, seheet. The followtag sutemeai m I today by tha school beard: "la view of the (act that taa Cast tral schoel building la erererawdai with pupils It) beeoBMa aaeeesary to move the llao batwaaa RtraraMe aad Central seaaolto tgata street, tra teaehefk will be ant la at Rhror- Jd ffilM luir to eaea grais. "ftm about tho Iwaaaa Boi aaii tary aad; la thai aeJcabefaooel hafasis rag to gradee from oaa u sovaa. ta- clasteawjnattead aaaaal at.MtB, Aa extra teacher wlH bo sapaUod tor the MUla schoel. "These casagas will aa atatUva Monday, aeptember 80. By oaaor of the Board of Kdueatkm WIPED OUT FOURTH TURKMM ARMY.FACM . ANNIHUiATION , PRffKlNRM " n m m That' the loyatcrttzens of the Malta district are going to send their local ity "over the top" Uke a sky rocket in the Fourth Liberty Loan, I Indi cated by A. Kallna, a prominent worker there, who reported yester day afternoon that a total of $10,500 out of a quota of 813,000 had already been, pledged. If the Matin section is not the first In Klamath to reach Its quota, the rest of tho county has got some tall scrambling to do, In the opinion of these enthusiasts. HUNS MAKK CLOTH Kfl NOW FROM XKTTLK8 TRAITORS LOCATED IN AIUZON PHOENIX, Bept.,26. A detach ment of troops has beea sent to Jer ome today following the discovery of a dosea bombs secreted ta a salt cose beaeath a house occupied by Mexicans there. COLLECTION NUIT K1I.KD Bull for the' foreclosure of a mort CHINKS: DKVKLOP BIO IRON MINES WASHINGTON, .Sept. 28. De velopment of Iron mines In the region of Hiunwafu, between Peking aad go held against Vnote for 8790.28 Kaglun, I tho aim of a company be- hub been filed l the office of the Ing formed at Peking, of which part Circuit Court. Clerk, by tho' Central of the capital will, bo subscribed by Oregon liank agulnst Ed O. Judd tho Chinese government and part by thru Attorney noss Franham. Individuals, It It proposed to erect a emoltlng plant. CORVAUilS aXLDUR KILLKO IN ACTION WASHINGTON, D. C. Sept. 36.- Ruel; M, Boad of CorvalUs, Oregoa, la announced killed la action.. Ha was previously reported missing. s AM8TERDAM, Sept. 261 Gov ernment-becked propaganda to fatul- Ilarixe the German public with the dvsntsgee of nettle fibre fabrics is becoming more Intenso a the father' wad'a remaining, wool and cotten locks are dwindling In site. At Sehlendorf near Berlin there Is a large nettte farm where tho weeds, -planted this, spring, have grown to-a ...- ...... ,ti.i.. ...... ......... 1 BWU9 UOIS"i. till UOillU-KTUWIIIH business Is carried on under the nits- picee ot I no -'war kiw Materials" section of tho War Department In Berlin, and 25,000 person find era. ployment In collecting thoMpung plants In all parts of the country. At the present time there are In Germany about 100 nettle fibre tex tile works, where the dried stalks are woven Into cloth. One hundred pounds, of well dried stalks Is paid for at the rate of, 14 marks, while, the dry leives, which are much In demand aa cattle fodder, fetch 10 marks' for 100 pounds. The same price Is psld for a pound of dried nettle seeds. counties on the road between Kla math Falls and Lakevlew as a postal road. The decls on of the comml.nlnn on the northern route settles an ex tended controversy between residents of the Wood River valley and Reser vation residents In tho neighborhood of Chtloquln, .who sought to secure tho highway In .that territory. ' Recently, after a visit of seversl of the commission here, Engineer J. H. Scott, a siate employe, was Instructed to make a tboro Investigation and the decision made Is believed to be la accordance With his findings. News thst the state officials will endeavor to secure aid for Klamath on a postal road east aad wast comas ' ruau luuniuw t one oi neavy iramo and the long highway thru the thinly settled districts are very heavy on ina tax payers. DEMRRIirS FUEL HAVE INCREASED TO COMPLETE KNOCKOUT BLOW WINTER FO CITIZENS ELK INITIATION TONIGHT , The Rika lodge will inltltlate a ,grqu( of candidates at the regular mooting this ovetijng, There are also a number of melrberantp applica tions to be ac,ted upon by the order. VISIT ASHLAND RELATIVES , Charles DeLap and family are vis iting relatives and friends, In Ash land. v , e) MED1-ORD AIRMAN " KILLED BY HUNS . - - ' . MEDFORD, Beat. 36. There v Is no longer aayjdubt aa to the 0 fate of Lieutenant Newel liar- 4) ber, the Voting Medford soldier and aviator who durlbg aa air battle la France onAugust 11th ) lest, w seen to fall .In his dls-,4) abled aeroplane aahlad theOarO maa llaae. 4 V Q . 4 He died a bero'a death, being the second Medford boy so far a reported to lose his Ufa in act: Ion for his country,' The other,. wm Lester Jaeobs of the marina ) corps. ' '' 0 DENVER, Sept. 26. Denveife year old experiment in the handling of coal without profit for the benefit of ber cltliens has-been brought to a close with a record so successful that city officials are preparing to double the supply of coal available for the municipal yarda this coming winter. .Contracts have been signed which release the entire output of three mines, all within a radius of twenty-five miles of tho city, for the oxcluslvo use of the city's distribu ting yards. Miyor W. F. R. Mills, In announcing the program for the coming winter, states thst an excellent graae or tump lignite win be sold, delivered, at 35.10 within the elty propor and nt but a slight. Increase In price In suburban districts. During the past winter over oV 000 tons or coal 'were sold thruqut the cltyibureiu, and during the sum mer deliveries have averaged ISO tons a dty. NEW INJECTOR : in iiiinr-'Tifiu Ih MM- IIS1 III IIUUbb IiiUib M .t- -- - m SERBIANS CAFTURB VKLHH TO. DAY-ATTACK IN WBST M FA. v tOBABUB TO AM IBS fOBOUND ' MKL BY BUNS BSTAKKN " (By AseeeUteel Frees) rjfliiwn, mmw. aw.imm roerxa Tarklsa army oa the PaleaUaa treat m.vinaatty sarreandedia the' reaiea aastofiae Jordan river 'aid faeas aaalhUatoa byr Oeaeral t , Alleaby'a Taa total aamaar of Brisoaers tak es aae laer eased today to dl.tao, Aaaltlatlea- af taa Foarta army waaM. ssmplite taa cteaaiag aa af ' , taa.TBrkiah foreee ta Paleetiae, ac aaaatlas far. aaoaMt8M maa;' r- " - 4 -1 m s , , .4 (By Associated Fmss); ''. DATBLBM DHPATCH The'aeir Allied thraet ta the weet Is oaa front f arkieh has aot beea very active slaea taa Oanaaas failed' ia their advaaee , the Cbamaagae, offensive pa July 16.' Bast :;aBd- weatotWhslms'the Fiaaea-saldlers ,ars atuekkig. 'The DRAFT MEN URGED TO PRESENT CLAIMS (By. Associated Press),' WASHINGTON. D. 0 Sept., 26. Provost Marshal Crowder again by formal statement, asked men regis tered under the selective service law who" are now answering question aalres not to let motives of chivalry prevent them from .claiming deferred clasatfieatlon ,lf their occupation or tho.;statu of tlelr deajwdeats entitles them to'do so lie agal'a pointed out that such .claim can be, made by a taira person auu mat ino local ooaras are endeavoring to ascertain the 'true eeadRloB even where acvalm Is not made,1 the necessity f or expedttlng the work makes It incumbent uon regis traats. tovaslst. ! .-' REAL JUSTICE FOR PALESTINE RESIDENTS WASHINGTON, Sept. 36. Pales tine under British control Is for the first time In centuries enjoying the administration of real justice altho for tho present this takes the form of military law. in answer to an inquiry from -a Phlladolphlan, the British Embassy has made the following reply' regard ing tho legal procedure In Palestine: "Palestine Is under msrtlal law and the courts are conducted In ac cordance with international usage In occupied territories. ' Ills Majesty's Government however, learn from many Independent sources that these court' are working to the full satis faction of the inhabitants and that every .one In Palestine la. now able to obtain Impartial Justice from the authorities administering the coun try." V fc The new elty Saaltary Iaspeetar Mrs. Paul Bogardua'ia right oa taa Job, accordlaf to Major' O. aV.tjstslar who baa beea working wltauthm of- flclal during the past faw daya la a effort to obvUte coadltioaa which are In vlsIaUoa of taa City Health Ordl nance. Yeeterday aftaraaoa Mayor Crlsler aad' Mrs, aoflardaa madaa trip over the city rnspectlag the aaal- ury coadltioaa. aad tssulag aotkes whsre sctlon was needed. There were a substantial, -aumMr or taeea necessary according to 'tho mayor. WOMEN URGBD TO RETURN R. C. YAJUf mave la' from 'the, east of taeFreah.BosHieas. OraatpasstbUltiee may resaU from taa saeceeef al advaaee -oast of Rhelms as the Germaa commaakatioaa. would severed aad formidable enemy pc- sRIeas from Arras to Laoa would bo aaageraa wkb taa important soata aatnaaiM. LONDON, Sept. 86.-The1 British forces are Mteadug' their occupation ahaejt saa aea of Oaitteej aad hava aa?. eaytad Ttbariasi SeWaa'aad'Smaradl' Thoy are rashiag to the oast of' tha Jerdaa rtvar, where thayaW'sa; 9i teglc towm of Am- railways, A J - V- . -vi -. l C r. h. ATHBN8.laat; 36. The Bulger- C iaas are la. flight toward Valaadoaa with the British aad .Greeks pursu- !M. v ' , LONDON, Sept, 36 (Later) The , Serbiaas have taken Voles today. loa'ot tkdbaerate ,!otlw.adiaai A large aumber of ladles of the etty and couaty who still have Bad Cross yarn out are urged to arias It la to headquarters at oaee. or R wtll-i come aeeessary for tho oBeers ta call for It persoaally. ! It is declared that some have had yarn since May aad have aot turned In their articles. Oat of tho allot raent for 1360 pairs of aocks, oily 800 aalr aava Utm1 taraed ta aid there is eaough outfor'tBe compta- tlon of all these. p Another aUotmeat of yara. f or; 110 sweaters has beea seat aad. will bo here la tho next taw days'. 'r1.' WW .TRAJITKBBIAJK COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo., Seat. 36. Tbe"buldlng,af aaow trail' to Pike's Peak bnuadeci way , uader iho supervlsloa""of tho UaUed jkater.terr est, service. The eomphRad "frt of tho trail teaches aaarlr to taetiav ber line. It follows ,a aas'y.jrMaei but ilvec .travelers aTlew af'taa' shift aoeaie features .af taa realoa as the -bottomaess pit aad ta.sMt,wra.stiviUf oast of .tha 'Kmm WITH THE FRENCH ARMY, Sept. 36. (Later). The attack today . la aloag a wide front. The newa ia ex- eeUeat, aceordlag toofflcrs. Taa Freaeh have takea Servoaaad Na- varla farm, (Which haa been In QorA, maa haadesiaee 1114. v ': x LONDON, Sept. 36. The Freachj )s forty mtta'froat betweea Sulphe and! tho river Mease.. v The German abandoned their for- ward aoaftlons and offered little, ire-' sisteace. The' Allies penetrated for some mliee. u o ' Co; ii PREFERS BRIDE TO v,,, . s dt- a A SHAKY THRONE ' ' ' '" ' ' v' ' AMSTERDAM,. Sept. 36. f! ,,R.plylas,to:ple.lbat be desert ;e,l tao .orioo or aumoia oirta, waom'a-M, 'j racaatly'tniB. away;w(mryjd)- W wrowa ,rais fisrasi vjsBana ,Ml,aeeJerd;tMrwes'reaV' a vafUb;ashat ,haM , afw-;t&!wajsy-tr ' a, nt lA-4.'-kk;.u-UMJom:;"l' a. ' iiv :.. . . ..? I- ! v1r-1"i A'.WS (I, - tt 4 - , !" iiIa. .i.-'TVTVK. v . iSfs ':' i "it .'( t . M. w.' Ml