v 'ywV'iaMS. 4 r I JElj Emtmm Herald f v OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNT.Y wig w iwwunAin rAua; ? stt") 4fcaVft A tJaal A MM ' JM sVuVen'ssto- a. it i .ititil , .f.'A vfci Tlilrtrcntli Year. .No. IMUll v -, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1918 PrfM'MM nia fcii " vl - --. bw HMI -',,. k w "flr' )'') ' j .official Nrw.l ' Sk V VHssmVfl VH ftttttttM tjjjjW B IHB smmmV .kssssssM sssssssv ammmm -,sssssb .ima- bbbbb .sssw Ba I A I I IS ffl I 111 ll M MhM 1 1 m H W fl f W Til w W X P tt Pm'Wk W W ssH Hk H H a I K U msH sssB mmW sssH ssssssssA aW kxWW asH sssB H sssB H k I H msB sV sssH ' ssH H L aw sssH WWw kWWW sssH msB sssH H A sssH L i Iml M.llfl V I fl flm, Mfl fl. Ifl fll I HI 1 If I J m I fl II flfl All 1 B m H VjWjJjJjJJ W H H BB HBI -BK BBJ & K MH BBJ H H BM H BH BHB BBBBBJ BBBF BBT BBBf BB' BBV BB BB BB BAVAT . I bI I .III H I B ll h I b! H Ibb " B I II V I W H Hm V Hk M-B bbT I I. II By BBJ fl Bl BBS BB AB BJ BB BBJ HBJ BB BBI f B BBJ BB BBJ BB BB B B BB BB BBB BBB BB Bl BB BBJ BB HBT BB B B yBB BBI B BB BbBBB HVi bVM H BBS B BB BBB Jk B BB Bfe 1 BBI fl ABB F lflU, WJ''L-M H M m fl fU M fl flflF ' W flJ I B fl fl B AB I fll .fl ' fl J flKff w BMB B gB . jflflB BB Mr flBj B flflflF W flBBflfl Vk flBi fl& EA flAflX flXiL4r ALfl 'BB- - J - . w m .h , h HHMBB BBBBB BBBB BB ... mmv ansa "Jssssssssssi sssss w ssssi sssssssw sssss mmm asssv sssssa sssssssi ssssssm sssssssi tva vasssmssssi sssssv sssssssw mmvsssssssssw- sssssv sssssssi ssssa smi ssssi wasssmmsi ssssssi sssssssi mmm mmr sssssssaoamsi ssssssWoasw wssssssssv ssssswssssr aw bpjssu, sssssw .aw sssssssi ssssssi sssssssi sssssvi vassssksssr ' SERBIANS CHASE ARE SECURING BIG AMOUNT OF WAR BOOTY IN SPITE OF TURKISH ATTEMPTS TO DESTROY SUPPLIES LEFT BEHIND BRITISH GAIN TOWARD ST. QUENTIN BIG AD VANCE IN PALESTINE TURKISH PRISONERS GREATLY EXCEED 25,000. LONDON, Sept. 24. The Serbians continue to cross the river Vardar northeast of Monastir and are in contact with the Bulgarians, who are burning villages and stores of ma terial. The Serbians, however, have captured great quan tities oi material arounu rruep. The Serbians are now on the Gradsjo PrUjip road to the northeast, while to the southeast they htfe reached the steci) massif of the Drenska mountain ranjre. i LONDON, Sept. 21. The ill) the Mediterranean coast of Palestine and have occu pied Haifa and Acre. The Turks east of the Jordan are withdrawing toward Amman on the Hedjas railway. The Australian, New Zealand, Jewish and other troops are pur suing the enemy and have reached Esalt, lG'milesvorth west of Amman. ' 't ,'j. The total number of Turks taken prisbherwill largely exceed the 25,000 already reported. I , ,. n : -,tjf jj l LONDON, Sept. 24. The British Wnow pressing? in on St. Quentin directly from, the wjejti.. The British have made progress in the region eawor Vdrmaqd On the front west of Cambrai and in the region, north of Moeuvres the British positions have been improved. In the Arras-Lens sector the Germans tried to drive the British fromtheir new positions southeast of Gavrelle, but they were completely repulsed. I i LONDON, Sept. 34. The Anglo Greek forces In tho Doraln region Imvo affected a punctlon with tho Frnnco-G reeks to the west and con tinue to pjursue the Ilulgarlans. LONDON, Sept. 2t. The Ank'lo Creeks In Mucedonla have now roicli ei Hmokvltsa making an ndvnnco of tin miles up the Vardur Illvcr. Thoy nre now at lliunrll, throo miles north of l.ako Uolran. WASHINGTON. D. C. Sept. 84. Tho following casualties aro reported by tho commanding general of the American Expeditionary Ferces: Killed In aetlon 121 Missing In action - 24 Wounded soverely 63 Died of wouada , 21 Died from accident and other) causes ., . 3 Died of dtoease D Wounded, degree undotormlnod.. 3 Wounded slightly 2 I'M from airplane accident j lj 1'rlsonors '. & The following Oregon men are list ed : Privates Robert liernar of Flora, and Archie C. Htannard, 'Lebanon, Mh klllod In action. AGED ARCHBISHOP . AT POINT OF DEATH ST. PAUL, Sept. 24. Regaining consciousness for a few minutes now nd then today, Archbishop John Ire-, 80 years of age and haa rallied three times from, seemingly fat at relapses, " " " "" " " " ,4MWMMMMM ON E OF BOLUS & British cavalry are pushing I'ATIHOTH WOMEN OP f ItONANZA VISIT CITY Tho following mothera and alstera wcro In Klamath Falls from Donansa In pattlclpntn In tho Mothera Day parnde: Mrs. Jack Drbtcoll, Mrs. H. V. Lytlo, Misses Grace and Alice Lytlo, Mrs. Ada Parsons, Mrs. Qeorge Maxwell, MrK. Geo. Gillette, Mrs. Addlo Hold, Mrs. Daisy Hickman, and Mrs. J. O. Hamaker. FIRST 10U PER CENT EMBLEM Tho first "Honor Emblem" to he awarded In Klamath Falls Is now bolng displayed In the window of Underwood'a Pharmacy. It Is a one hundred per cent ban nor and means that every one In the establishment has subscribed for the full quota or Fourth Liberty Bend unsigned to them. , CITY SANITARY INSPECTOR OPENS OFFICE QUARTERS City Sanitary Inspector Mrs. Paul nogardus has opened an oMce at the mayor's office at the city hall and will bo there during the hours of each forenoon from nine to 12. All complaints regarding alleged umn,Ury condlMons in the city may receive immediate aiioafioa lephone number U 19, Thetel- TIN M.WWW..p.WW.,. ..mmmmmmmmm,,..,...,, FOR SEDITIOUS OECLMIONS MAN MMlMNfl. NKAR LAKK V1KW AliLHOBD TO HAVE CALL. ED ALLIED NATIONS "MCUM OP THE EARTH" A. B. Arbuatnr. dnelril hv Mi rn. ton to ba a radical pro-Oerman, wai;but tho HnfMt tawlraont which could brough In yesterday by Marshal possibly bo made ajid nt a rato of In Frank T. Uerry from Lakevlow. ! terest which Is vory 'satlgfactory. con- where he was bound over to the grand Jury by U. 8. Commissioner Edson Watson and place dutdor bonds at 15,000. He will be held In jail In Portland pending his Investigation. He la declared to havo asserted that the Allied nations, are tho scum I of the oarth and that Germany to the only country and that the derman people are the only people. He came to this section In 1907 and haa taken out no naturalisation papers. AT CO Nf EKE T WASHINGTON, I). C, Sept. 24 Steps toward the ataballslng of wago conditions during the war will be un dertaken here at a conference tomor row with the war and navy depart ment officials, who will discuss the methods of enforcing labor agree ment to be made between the gov ernment and the workmen and tholr employes. The plan will Involve an agreement as to Increase In wage of some low paid groups to a standard community or Industry scale. A million womeBywIII be affected. V ss REGISTRATION RETURNS CORRECTED TODAY WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 24. Corrected figures for Oregon show the draft registration returns of 108 883 compared with the estimate of 84,404. NEW REGULATIONS FOR ALIEN GERMAN WOMJt.N WASHINGTON, D. C. Sept. 24. 1'anaturaltied aerauawomsn may rot enter or live la soaes within half a mile about camps or prohibited military ' Institutions after October Fifth according to announcement to day by Attorney General Gregory. POOLE NOW AT HOSING8FOR8 WASHINGTON. D ,C, Sept. 24. United StatesfConsul General Poole haa arrivsd at Hoslngsfors from Mos cow. Socretary Lansing has ordered him to leave no more Americans there, )) TRAIN RANDIT AT J f "" "'." -" gaATTLB,' Sejft. 14. The po-. lice are today searching for the bandit who held up the North- era Pacific train near Everett last sight and escaped with sev- erhl thousand dollars worth, of registered mall. . " ' y ' ' MIHTTERS T0BESETTI10 NOW. FOR Cltlieniiof Klamiith county are tomatb lio glvon on opportunity to renew their allegiance to their Kovernment by tho purchano of ,a Fourth Liberty. Uond within tho next' few days. They. will be given an opportunity to pro, toct tho Union which Washington helped to create and which 'Lincoln' helpod to preserve. Tho most glor lous and splendid government which, the world has ovor known has called upon Its cltlscns for aid In a tlmo of tress. It Is not a gift which In roquested siaeriDK us, saioiy.- o one win be asked to make a sacrifice which will workwork a Hardship upon him. Tho money proportioned forKla- . . . . . j .. .... IS EVENING PARTY IN YELLOW DEMON CAR s WILL REACH CITY tltOMXAKK VIEW THIS AFTERNOON FINE '- SPEAKING TONIGHT Another big patriotic gathering In this city will bo held this evonlng at the Opera Ilouee when Judge J. II. StophenHon and his party of Liberty Loan Speakers will address tho cttl tens on tho grtut questions of the day. The party Is expveted in this after noon In tho big "Demon Car" from Lnkovlmv nml will snnnd llm time from now until Thursday at tho dis posal of the Local qommlttee, In the ( Interests of the coming Loan. Some mighty Interesting pertlnant facts and valuable "Inside" Information Is expected to be given out this evening. Every loyal clllten of Klamath Falls and surroundlng,.country should be present. Tho big yellow i-ar if on Its second tour of the state In support of the boys over In France. It was sent out by Erie V. Hiuaor of the Multnomah hotel during, tho second liberty loan, ind on Its return Mr. Hauser present ed the. car to I lip Iter Cross. That organisation hold n basanr about that time and tho crfr was sold tor f 10,000. It is now tho property of Mrs. R. II. Stewart. That lady has generously domted the'usc of the car for the present1 tour, andfMr.. Hauser will again pay all Its oxpcns.es, as well as those of the party. . Manager Klcrner snys that the! "Million Dollar Special", as the auto Is sometimes called, ,wll carry a billion dollars' worth of, pep and en thusiasm for tho loan and that tho visit bore of the Hauser party will warrant doc)arlng a halt holiday In the city and vicinity.' WANT ALLIED ANSWER ' SPREAD OVER GERMANY COPKNHAOEN.-Sept. 24. Ameri ca's answer to Austria-Hungary's re cent peace nolo and the sspeoch of Premier Clemenceau of France on the same subjeot-should, according to the Lokal Anzolger of Berlin, be posted on bill boards and ba, communicated to the Oerman people by the distri bution of millions of pamphlets. "No German man or woman who ! knows the contents and significance. of these declarations," the' newspaper declares, "'can doubt that peace is at tainable only either thru our victory or at the price of; our utter destruc IMge BaggS-UsVlt !.? 's . i issisissgjgjBgjgajaMa niiiiTMnVhif iiiniiTnniinni Hiuii uDtn 1 1 nibniainuiiL lOIWiETl WILL OPEN ON THE LOAN; county can be raised without difficulty If the peoplo iet themselres resolutely to the tank and follow out the patriotic tendencies exhibited at all the big demonstrations. We have not commenced In this country to feel the real hardships which have been undergone by our Allies who have ' heroically borne the burden slnco 1914. If some of these arc even tu- ay forced upon us we will without ( doubt adapt ourselves to such clrcum- stances, but thus far tho trials of a nation at war have been visited upon us most lightly, outsldo those who have sent members of their families forth to the battle front, Let us send Klamath County over the top In this Fourth Loan with a snap and a bang, and smile while we do It.- j'-nv $ -As" ', SEVERAL Dl COURSES -t ' -a it -t OFFERED Jt THOSE OTHER- lyoccwpuw iBimiNd day TIME FnEE TO ALL It ..' , Night school ut tho Klamath coujify high school will open Monday 'evening . . .... '. . .. . ..''.Wrti' aepiemoor auin ai cy.ociocic lor an 18 week term. i Work In tho following subjects Willi be offered: Beginning Gregg short hand, advanced Gregg shorthand, bookkeeping, penmanship, typewrit ing and commerlcal correspondence. Night school Is designed primarily for those persons who cannot .avail themselves of the day. privileges. Per- sons already enrolled in the day school work will not bo accepted for night school enrollment until, others aro accomodated. No tuition Is charged; The only expense Incident to attendance la the expense of text books, practice pa per, etc' In general, tho best work done by night school students has been done by those who concentrate on -sine or two subjects, and who make it point not to miss any of the sessions. Regularity of attendance, persever ance, concentration and practice 'are absolutely essential to auccosslnany of the subjects offered. Blanks will bo ready for the regis tration of students on Monday even ing, September .20 at 7:00 o'clock af the High School building, at which tlmo all who contemplate attendance, should be on hand. . i The regular sessions wlll.beioa. Monday, Tuosdaynd Thursday even ings of each week from seven to nine o'clock. VJ "V ' a.ju-v Any addltlonhl Information may be obtained upon nppllcatlonu to the principal at the High School building.' BAPTIST I.WBTOR t TO VISIT CITY Rev, D. W. Thurston of Waterville, Wash., will be here the, first Sunday In October and. will, occupy the pul pit at the Emmanuel Buptlst church. NOTICE The Si. Paul's Episcopal guild will meet at the home of Mrs. s; E. Mar tin on Thursday afternoon ai two , o'clock. .All members are requested to be present If possible, as there Is a great deal of work to be done. MONDI ll - I nn y vni wuumAa ' MEW HNS IE LIBERTY II HPEAKERH AND VM1TOM ARK IMPRESSED BY THE PATRIOTIC MANNER IN WHICH THEY WERE RECEIVED LAST NIGHT That the people of the Merrill dis trict know the patriotic songs of the day by heart and that they slag thea with a spirit that shows where their hearts are, Je declared by tho delega tion which attended; 'the epIeiVlld Liberty Loan meeting there last night. Kfe' i-i The speakers ColoaelTKiek HaaH- ton and Hon. L. J; Mmpsm'soW marked oa UelUHssisa laiereet evi denced W the'oWle iherf'-.aad acid R was ofWief the best Bieotlaga thef rhafl addrsMM. . Thet.MeMR. opera v house was crowded tjP'don, every body suag the aMM with a teat aid then wo rlWfeiiNH te the hMplrlag talks the eveahtg. A otiaaeat hlty.saeladhig tli Ueerty Miaa wtni?ra,.seeairoa, math-fUrarr,t,r rr -- Following ,)he,aieetlag, the guests 'were glvea refreshments at the, res- Klamath County' will have to buy a thousand dollars worth of War Saving Sumps a day between now and the close of tho year If tho coua ty is going to keep up Its pledge to the nstloa aad. meet Its quota by the end of the year according to County Chairman J. W. Siemens, who states that approximately fl 10,809 worth or the stamps have beea purchased here up to the present time. The County Quota Is 1238,000, leaving 1128,000 to be raised ps the remaining three months of the year, Cltlxena must wake up to thf neces-' slty of aiding the government la this very Important branch of government aid. Klamath must not be allowed to fall down In his end of the' work after the fine' record. she has made in other patriotic moves. FEMS FORCE WASHINGTON,' D. C, Sept. 24 Fire in the New Wlllsrd hotel today caused a damage of 8100,000 and sent many guests of national promin ence hurrying to safety. Vice-president and Mrs. Marshall, senators, diplomats scantily elad, dashed down the stairs, several wo- men ' (ainiea ana one inea to leap from the third floor, hut 'was re third floor, 4 . . strained NEW. PHARMACsST MERE '..V J. Frank Evans of LaOraado, Ore gon bag accepted a posIUasv at. the Star "Drug Company' here and has assumed .hi saw duUes, 11 SIDETfliiD "1 1- '. STATESKN OUT IN "NilS'' DISASTER M I I sbs 1 A ssP ssT A I 'isT TINCinKtAltNi mm ssse gas sjsi si, ;0tLmm UL lMSk I I I I '1 '' 'm " I I I Lb Ska ' 3 ''I" i "Aswvii ALLIES VI C TO RIO US OVER BOLSHCyjIU FORCES-4IG AD- EMADE jc: vf --' i i , v -.' At vv 9W i DEFEAT ef: central v.-? TOWERS .MkP4&M FAR SULT8 REACHING RE -UVJa 'a1' '. ." . ''L - ri if uj nm ocssiep iressp - , DATELESS! DISPATCH' The Allied offensive c all fronts '' are progreseirig'' ajkm cessfully: The disaster now N threatening the Teutonic 'ar miw in Macejamay change the, whoje'compliex- i ion of affairs in the IkasW. In the far east the Ailiea have been victorious over the BolshevikV and Austrian prisoners of war, .' f,f The Allies have taken Bls g'ovestchensk. pn2the Amur river. They havembved 126 t miles eastward atace" taking Chita and ive occupied the cityofNestiiinek. -' J L CAMP LEWIS, Tacoma, Sept. 24. Limited service "men are to be takea overseas for .the American Expedl-. tlonary force and In order'to conssrvs the man power of the nation, every tlonary force and in order to conserve man wno u pnysicany m ror comoai service overseas is to be used, solely for that purpose, according to a jeUar from the adjutant general's bJBcelin nounclng the new war i department policy received here.., ,' ' ' '' All bureaus of the war department are ordered to Immediately lake ap propriate measures, to provld or the maximum use of limited service wen, la the overseas service supply";. All1 organisations for the service of kip-, .. '. A-. ' ..,,' 14'Ja V DESK SO sent mm piles overseas may iko nuoiiiiun,w ,( service men as mi, toimmiiiimIiwjjj'j cer of the organization concerned Mr titles will not' bo prevented wvs.vVS ahrsical detects from theprom' Fr-V.vftv: Ac- f hi,liti4li:.v1AHW'.-Av jtiftW' - mMt.rcorp.aBf;44b4r.arsia nf. Ilka ehinatefSwfcA rsH Tall l i i Iml n ll I 'MM ! will ka iut1'' overseas ad limited'serfmeaealW I ed la the dralto UACUNteiBlaMb --1-. , CJU, '. v. il Mi".-'! ir4.