1 MHHiHHHlHlHHmH V ' ' F . Iftl,-. , .... 3MSiS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY tfA U-4w(? iy.vr.w9i ,'wvni ;:,'t J"rv?fl&j ?VT' ';: v .anannnannai a H 7 i. i ....v..? "TsnnnnnF ant .rfSBa.ennB , . . I I .. - . . .r i kt ..'n : ''- "i - J . ..ViteW I1 i,(1 v "AVremV - ' , ...W. ! aW'faW ffsl . f "?" H C'vV lannl -maT "m i sm 'sm. .. ,. t k t.wjtf vf.Ki.ri2j : ti rri iH:jifc ' tn rtssfcatiar-. w ."? "wsraiffl ssaj:. -r am sm osr ansa-'. lrL'.'",ji'X'H). ami ass ' ansa aaa am- asa-"' w. asi am,T,jBaa "-ast ' - aisr nrw AUAVU'bwa&i.iw l """"""i-rf .'saanaa F ennn) ana afansw - awaSBnasa' BBw HI' 'BUa : -aaa. EMC-BBsA.nBL' BnV BBU .Bfl BasaLi EBL Ssl EM am. SaV BaK BB IBM r ikwUlllin'J'rMM "" ' c v enaBBanaEi' Bnw BBJJ-t! En BB-"BPennp.,inmpanmnnnB; VVflBi eBsnV .kBkJP . m, T k BS i T A .r: mmT - -mmmrn- T ' rB "iHBiiHHHHHa ThlriMMUi Tonft no. ,4SO ; r ;' ? i zsasmBSBSssssssssssssBs-ssssssssssmaatam MWftin rAiaa, ufWiun, tjuuat, SLrifcMPfcK zo, lglg ; ' J t -nr, rnii , BATTLE UNE PUSHED NEARER BERUN """ """" """"' ""'" " .., .... ,,,,.-.-- Lia . HUGE DEFENSES OF omn pa p ; oiaM tain war tpm GERMANS PIERCED distribution saturm eve. fqd refugees nniTriN V S T GROUND GRADUALLY GAINED IN FAMOUS HIN DENBURG LINE-EIGHT AMERICANS KILLED WHEN HOSPITAL IS BOMBED GERMANS VAINLY ATTEMPT TO CROSS AMERI CAN LINE ALONG VESLE ALLIES CONTINUE PROGRESS IN MACEDONIA (ByAMOcUtodPnM). PARIS, Sept 20. In the enveloping of St Quentin irom tne sown ine f rencn troops nave carried Essfgny le Grand. The Germans during the night strongly counter attacked against the new French positions northxof AMf piont, be tween the Ailette and the Aisne rivers. Theert re pulsed, however, with heavy losses. The French have gained further ground northeast of Vailly toward Chimin 'dm DkmML, x ' "' 1 I4W ummvm, .T,r,v.fc, ,tii ' The Germans attempted to cross the Vesle where the Americans are in line, out were repulsed. LONDON, Sept 20. The British have progressed fur ther to the northwest of St Quentin, capturing the strong point of Malassise farm, opposite Legatelet Important gains were scored by the British in the Lent-pire-Epehy sector, the troops pushing in to the east for a depth of over a mile. The. town of Moeuvres, an important point on the Canal Du Nord, opposite Cambrai, which was taken by the Ger mans in a locaf counter thrust recently, was recaptured by theBritisH? WITH THE AMERICAN' ARMY IN LORRAINE, Sept 20 Eight Americans were killed when a clearing hospital was hit by 4 German shell Wednesday night. The enemy threw proectilee into this region on two successive nights, and finally-hit a large tent where the gas patients were confined. A large red cross on a wh'ite field had been placed so that the Germans could not make a mistake. The Ameri cans killed were mostly privates and medical attendants. LONDON. Sept. 10. In Macedonia Ukhlnskaya. according to as ,k. u..,., u. .,.., Jelal statement. This battle .- iidiuiui hhtii hinvn moit i front westward to the Cerba river and H fa now St mllea wide. The total depth of the adyaace la from 16 to 11 miles. Five thousand prlsoasrs ad eight guas have.beea Ukea. . ' I .SALONIKA. Stat. SO. The Brit- bk and Qreeks are attacklag the Bui- garUas la 'the Uke Dolroa region I ud are meeting a stlt resUUace, but have gained SOOO yards south of Dot- nn and Ukea 700 prisoners. . . ., TOKIO. Sept. SO. The T&eeho- Movaka from Ike' west andtkose rom Vladivostok; after affecting a Junction at Teeklta are cogctatratlng t Irkustk aad are aeraprlag for an dvance to the relief of the Cteoho-' Slovaks la BuMiW ihiIi. . The relief force will be commanded by Oeneral Oalda ,ths Caecko-Slovak IfABaW. PARIS, Sept,' SO. A aowsaaper eorrespoadeat says that tail tko- M Balaarla prlaeaeft Jrore,ii ine rear ea SapUmher isRM.-.kar- 9mtM TtoH to Prospertty Reh: JbepurtuH of th ratreaUal rtemy'B tomorrow sv.alag at I. ontlnues wtts 'ffaai tueceea. .mmmBBBmaama) LONDON, Sept. 18, iBiaerta.ra RUHla tke KaralUa trans aavanly "feated foreealed by Oermaa officers oH- was fought on Wednesday. WITH THK BRITISH ARMY, Sept St). The Auatrllaaa have coatlauod their peaetratlon of tbe Hlndenburg system and are now two thirds of a mile from BellU Qllae which Is four mites northwest of St. Quentin. WASHINQTON, D. C. Sept. SO, The following casualties are report ed by thecommanding general of the Americas Bspedltlonary Ferces: Killed in action MlaslBg in action 100 Died of wounds Wounded severely 1M Died of disease is Died from accident and other -....,.-- ' ' Wounded, degree undetermined S ;. No Oregon, casualties are listed to day, RBJUCKAH PRBSIDBNT VUUT8 Mn. Jeanle Burke, presldeat of tae asaeatbty at OretMi HJ 0. O. P. hall. This special meetlBg will be at 1 1 SO following a short aeealoa 9t the lodge. musical progrem ww be Ireadered, I'HKMDKNT IN1MCATKH THAT VKCtM HAM WILb CUNTKOIi PRICK AND1 OWnUMVTION OR HIS COTTON CROP. ,( Th. ftoMtort from the cottoa row.'dMjltl,tKl ..M0ihm D,y.. lB th. en lUtM dlKloMd tb fact -..- ,"' eoakmc tbi Praaiteat lid it clear, It. was bit lateatloa not oaly to fls tba prices for thbi jreara crop but to order tbe loverameat control of He ctUtrlbudoB. WBESTLEHEBE '. J -.J1 . f . , .' ?.;. Peter Buaaker, caamploa welglit of the world, whose welter k... quarters are la Baa Francisco la here for a abort time aad proposes If pot- sieie wane nere to stage, a wresuiag . ... . i matca ror tne aeasnt m ina kmi WELTERWEIGHT miHnnmuv Cross. Mr. Buiukes come here froajhave men la the service' are oa rec- Aiiurea aaa irom aere win goi i0rd. Should there be aay whose Camp Kearney Callforala where ha is to Become aa instructor iavtaw in..1Mtl(t that thav send them with the tor tne aoioieea. . , He Is accompaBled. by. his : little. pe pig "Al" who follows him arovad like a dog. - t x ' , Several loeal atea .hvetevldeacejd a desire to aaatst' Ja arraagiag a match durlag the wrestlera stax here, The cha comera. Ray J. Moen: waated la Saaaer. mploa la opea , to 'aaaer. all WffEBESERTEfl Cal., oa a, felqay .charge of UklaSl"' Bogardas, Mrs. McOoo, Mrs. Du his wife's moaey aad deeertlag' her,' waa yesterday appreheaded here by Coastable Prod Money. He was-suspected of belag here brCoaaUMe J, h. uamaDaii oc lunr: "" - "-' Jr, SKVKN B1LUONS NORM ' VOR ARMY PROGRAM. ' i V WASHINQTON., Sept. SO. A-tettT of IT, Sl7i7S7.00S.Stti tharwar partmeat'a estlnut of the hmount needed to daaaoe the lacraeeel'aw program'; ' The Hsjires, reeelved from the war tiepartmet, were'aaaouBCed by Chalraian Sbe'rley'of the. house approprlatioaa commfttee, who1 atld that wnea aaaea to tae si,7i,si, 773.87 alfekdr apprortrlat)d, they coastltuted the aaawer el owgreaa to the Auitrc-Hungarlan peace pro posal. CONORawWaiANS SOk ITOKTOek' CHICAGO, 'Sept;, SO James R, Maan(.Jr. Son of tbe Illhioia Cm: grsmaa shot blawelfu.Mday,iaJtr kilting; hU .pet dog. sHe WMFMty. years of ago aad suf fertt Inm ,tub4r- custa,v - . i .,, .j -tt NOtlCM y dlreotlea of Dr. Warm Httat, tho RireraU USUI Wadmes Orade. 7 aad at achaol will, aat, opea day of neat wfak. HOPKD KVBRV MOTHER IN KLA i . - MATH VOVSTX CAN BK HKRK TO RBCRIVB HOMAGK FOR ORRAT SACKiriCK MADK i , Fourth Liberty Loma campelca. la rerr county there ta to be a "Moth' ! Day" la which nothen.wlTM, ata- ten and children of men 'In service are to participate. ' It la hoped that every mother and wife la the county can be la Klamath Falli that day aad have the hoaor done her for' the sacrifice she haa made. i , Will you make every effort tola.; at the White Pelican hotel at 7 o'clock, for there will be a place for you In the parade and you will be proud of belag ahle to shew: you have a son or husband la Uncle Sam's Mr- vice. Bring yoar Service Flat. " Bvary one la ashed to be present aad loin la the smkIbc whkh la to take Place at. the conclusion1 oftfce IparO la treat of ttc-flhti MWmt: If aay have not omh1 personally . . . .... . . .. . . i . wiorviewea u owing 10 taeir ao- aeaco when the chairman called, bat it. Is hansd that thev will all make u vg0rt to come. --. The, followteg lUt of those who BtB Uo Bot .pp.,, Mow it to following details of tbe soldier or aaller: Name, date of enlistment, raak,' regiment or ship, married or etaghi.- to the chairman of the Moth ers' Committee, Public Library Mrb. R. H. Dunbar, Mrs. Quy Bat terlee. "Mrs.' Schubert, Mrs. W. T. Skive. Mrs. W. . Todd, Mrs. L. BJohaA Mrs. Oscar. Blaha, Mrs. Davison, Mrs. Mrs.. Ida Dowllag, Mrs. H. J. Hed- iand, Mrs. W. 8. Kestever, Mrs. C. C. Low, Mrs. J. T. Loper, Mrs. A. 'A. Mehaffey: Mrs. W. C. Moeaner, Mrs. P. C. Markwardt, Mrs. T. McCormlek, Mrs. Martin Nykart, Mrs. 8. J. Tucker Mrs. Fraak Ticker, Mrs; H. C. Tel totSi, Mrs. Harry Wehr, Mrs. C. Beck. Mrs. '6. C. Loreas, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. H. Oram, Mrs.McCollum, Mrs. F. W. !.". Mrs. mcmihsb, an. uarrett, Fault. Mrs. Plel. Mrs. K. Vaa Riper, Mra. Hilton, Mn. J. S. Mlltok Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Montgomery. Mn. Qo- iwea, Mn. Parker. Mn. Hall, Mn. Hare. Mn. iHotscheabaekar. bin. Ogle, Mn, DoLap, Mn. Dr. Carter, Mn. NItchelm, Mn. . Peterstelaer, Mn. Hetlbrowaer, Mra. MeOlare, Mn. W? SUub, Mn. DoaeMeoB, Mn. (Coatlaued oa peg 4) wm LIST .i ni i Monday Is the last day for filing prbtesM' before the County, Board of Biiuallaatlon wblch haa boea'la.sea sloa tlace a ' week'.ago. MoaAay." "" "' 'Aaaaaabr.j; P. UaraMMathat Very few; profsubsYabiajWid tats iyar,'.A:fhajrit, two-.'irilsiii'Xtrem tlmbewwaer..tli. WnoteraPacWo tMsV'aat Timber Comnay aa4 the oeth'iWley Compway llae pietee yatwNay. afternoons thru thek oHer way -Oharias J. rorgusoa,1li'(ia re- MfcMi.J ! A KAAk HUl k h.A tomorrow; to appear peraeaally be- tore taenoara. I UUII I llwll ImU I f ' : " v ALL KINDS or CtoTHINd rO WUI' f. EUROPEAN SCPPBRXRS WILL RB RBOBIVBD AT TMB RB CROSS ROOMS NKXT WEEK Nest week, (ram September SS. to SOth has been selected by the Rod Cross for the gatberlag of old elothM for" the use of the strlckea peeplea m the war soao'. ' ' Every kind of practical garment for bn'k seies Is. needed aad realdaais are. rtked to take aa lavoatory of the clothing that thayHavf ,m hand end determine what thev Haa. aava at this time. All gifts of tWkladmar be left at the Red Croasf rooms U the Wordcii .buldlat Those v who. n pond to.thto sail anfaaaured that their gift will keep some oae-trom suffering from tbf MMrkaMl durlag the coming wiater. V -f '- e Every klad of ajpraeat, for. all aad both aaaasT toanjaatly aeed la addtUoa. piece goods light. i asmtaa flaal BBaVatlMr klada of ciefioai whieVl6'"make ga menu 'for aew bora baMos, Ueklac, aheeUaff, aadHtaaketa. woolea gwMU of aay kind aad shoes of every sWe are asked for. Scrap Mather Is Bead ed for repilrlag'feotweas. Since theeletbeswrn ke'aubjecte4 to the, hardest kind of wear, oaly gar ments made 'of strong and darable materials should be-sent. It la use less to offer" to'an'y afflicted popala tloa garmeata of flimsy materials faudyl-.,eelorlB.!J:iMake.-: the -gifts practical., '"'i "f r,-.v aarffeats need not be a perfect condition.' A' haadred'thousaad daa tltute -women tbeoceupledreaioae are eager to earn a: small -livelihood by reDalrlag'glft clotblag aad nrnklng new garments adapted to needs with which they are familiar. -' ! . : LIBERTY LEIAN The meetlaa.for.tthe.bl Liberty campaign commencing tomor row alght, have beea daflaltaly sched uled aad will bo hied according to the folio wtarpgram: it,t . Saturday aigat. septemper u Klamath FalU. panda for mothere of aoldldn .'.alag S Jrpm steps of Blka Sample 8 p. 'jb,. by Liberty Chorus, MalinHeetinga; to do aaarossea by B. U. Billot t, and. -Prof. Sestoa. Dance following. Rocky Point for Odessa preclact R. C. Oroesbeckspeakerv f SuBday, Seat SS Hoa, L. J. .Simp- Bon and Major Jek-Hamilton. Hous ten's Opera' House, Klamath Falls, 8 Pira- .Monday, Sept. SS Merrill Opera , Simpson aad Ham- House at 8 p. m, lltoa. speaken... Tuesday, Sept. SI Opera House at Fort, Klamath, Slmpaoa aad Hamil ton, should have" part of Liberty Cho rus. ' Tuesday, Sept. S Houstea'a Op-' ere House., Yellow .Deatea 'ear aad party. of speaken, kedei-by Judge Staveaaon of POrtlaad., v .Tuesday noon., September It Yel- law-Dearoa car with party atBy, be- tw'saaulS aad 1. .- Meetlaga by all ipeaken at achoohj aad-mllU near towa. Stepson and Hamilton at Chllo- Ola at aooa Tuatday. 8ept, SI. - mm a li .' m mmm. mm? mm fl AM .1 HEETfHGSflKL NOt DEQDED OslCBnjl BRINOSIN MAN ACCVMBB) OP SwaMTIOVS T Aff INTamWBBUJra .WITH. ARMY RJKRtTITnra Hoarr C. Laaalerafarmer la the OleMdtotrlett' about 'is mllea from this' et, waft 'arrsstsl here yester day by Uaitei States Marahal Freak t. ery er rsruaM, eaarged with a vlelatlaar'bt aha ssplsasgs act. Ha waa broaghtlbeforeV. S. Comatla- steaer Bert Q. Tyaisas aad wHI be given a aeariagsauray aneraeea. HM benda wo',$e$.at.81IOO, wajth he M'a'ew stampUas1 if resse. ' -Lemler la aeeassd of making a ae- dHloaa apeeeb aS'Agamt II. and alsaJ of atumatmg t'SMeftere wtth tan army reernitaii '.. V tenee .If eeavtetMhrin ha ton yean Imprisonment aaSA tkte of 110,000. v fitr f Kjrj 4 r v BAN FRANCISCO, ,Sept.-S0.....Coi-oael Wllllim Boyce Bhomeoa, atultl millionaire mining man of New York, arrived la San Francisco oa a bualu asa. trip. , la tbe party with CotoaeT Thomp aon anvCoional Raymond RebWBi. another, nilnlng man who Is'lnterest ed la, the mlalag acUvlUos of Colonel Thompson, sad A. J. McNab, aa en gineer of Thompson, Nevi Colonel Thompson said bo waa here ta Investigate . the advisability of bulldlag a railroad at a aolat between vrcka aad Hornbrook 'and along tke Klamath River, touehlag valaable chrcme depoalU with the possibility of eiteadlak,tho llae either to Ore ceat City or Eureka. "You will uaderstaad," said Colo ael Thompson la aa laterviaw. "that wo are manly TavestlgaUag the ad viability of bulldlag thle railroad. I thlak It eaa bo classed as a war mea are. aad of course, must kava tha ap proval of the government. "Of late chroma haa beea discover ed la large ouaatltlee at the Cray Baglo mlaa soar Happy Camp. If. la our Investigations we find that It la a war measure, wo will ask tke per mission of tka Government to build." Tkompson said the line would aa about 170 miles long aad touch tha Southern Pacific llae at Horabrook aad the aorthweatera lines at Eure ka. Tke visitor la a prominent, figure In the iflnanclsl aad, political Ufa of New York. Ho kaa beea a director of the Hew York Federal Reserve Bank slace Its orgaalaatloa, of tbe Metropolitan Ufa Insurance Com-i pany, Rock Island Railway, Utah Cop per Compaav. President' of, the Kaex Hat Company., and nnnuroue capper aad railway eompaalee, spj , MACMWMWANTBD FOR UBMRTY LOAN iCBJORVS Car .owaen' and liUey.rtTen, of thw city are aakas to aoaata tae use of tlwUmaelpwto drtrenaembera of thb Uberty Loaa Chorua to' Sir- tereatpelnta at 'ika' Couhty drln the drivaabot'U begial Ail thsee wko will roapoad to thlo eeirara ask ed U'eammunleatetwHk R, BiSmlth at oaea. The Snt, trip ia to be on ' liTTr oiiifjriM rimni KDUtHTHRIKH NOWPOSSIBLE Monday Sight. V THIS CITY POtmCAMOPTROIslBB. l BBS ANB m& RIVB SCNBAV !fO:lASfc'S; MAnrvNTfLirurBjnjBjBtr. h, ft- !. 5fr- PAemMOBtc lumni s 'n. . . . i-i - -;h-1 aBMXB-ATVBSnrWiampMI ';AVj RANGE BY L8CUnnKV.lBSO7 PUB inOBBa;TO,aYU-Bfn'tc ' " , -vfil- Newa.that j fBRBBSM ! 'W t War. wm irrlfa fn'-TCMlsalB " ubaw mftM mmA Jilt UMAlk. ' ?-:Tn t alae thirty In, the,'owwinff, waore-' eelved by CMUraiaa' Jdjrtnnr ' 'Wllaok late yeeUrdajr .and prnagomea'U for-t H . .MB.HPVl' ef'Aho lane aver eBaBBajnanjnaaBBnjj eBVw nasnaaaann) jsnannnr'-t pietaei here today. zi;v-jsj'ei . J M.W'-W;3.Vv "O ssespana ,jeoe soiiwwsw ---- "' - r ' ! gollai i eannen; Machtae guns',' bomb-tire; en. aaa tasks, bembs: ma '. 'l; ' shells,. helmets, breast pwtaeV; much other eaulpmeat, .reaehMKhv S lk Walla Idlllll B' ImlH UftV '. .vs and must leave at.naoihl iT: Pullman coatawlas soldlora epeaken aecompaalea the trala.'. This Is the biggest thlag that over come to Oregon aad aoao tnnii - miss It" - . . i ArraasemsuU to have tha B3smah- Falls band on hand havef aeVawa, V ' aad then will be other varieties eV ; Mtrtotle-demonaStntlona by tha eKfc A-w seaa here. ' ' It la hoped aji tke newa of Uta vlalt will bo peimd along thra the counuy dlstricta ha Ume so that.aU eaa be. oa head as It will bo a nwot, unusual opportunity to set glimpses of life la the War Theatre, farmers are' urged to commualeato the aewe to their nelgnbora so that all may ba preseat l A largo Bumber of frleada aad woU wlahen of the Rev. 0 ,0. Oliver of he Methodist church of tbto city gath ared'at the church laat evening st'tke farewell receptloa tendered the eve of his departure for Y.vM. C. A. wprk In Franca. 4 An entertaining program waa pro vided la which were musical aumbera by Mr. aad Mn. Charlea Wood Wht ifUlm. Mies ClarnJCittiMMi.knj Pampier aid talkaVayRW. .0; ReVB. f. La'wreneeVl. prmmim- J --.-. 1- maTla' VSVaIbaI tA'tnMhlmwBBBBBmm antnai IhSUM'.' WlnMl vntsmftlull pare a;:roejtatj;i mmfmm ar.um avswwpwn,..: RECEPTIOIIFOR MINISTER 10 sHria.nan.weaa; m$,JJ-. hlfn ami SBA' nnjmf .. w dertake au nswareh; tar: ihere he haa'jn friento;.wh.;resjrat,!MJJ bat wleh kla;Mu la.BjlB.1 ;aata sbb.'.vm. .w TMHH..C '11 A .T(.l .x-n Oj'I 1 1 . H,. -VH . i AkH :f.l 11 rt.trrai -7' ""ZLffl ''fl m .?, w rV-l '.I 4 mil - f a. 1 - wtivskh &VM-: Mi 7 T"V f , I 4. MS'ntfM -.';. .v Jn- . O. 1T m JIl:.'rfl"k m ' 1 . 1 -r-t V' llIl