i I 8Tig iu ntmxj Hrald ki . r. vJt.I OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS' . Thirteenth Year. No. 11.410 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1918 Price Five Cent. GODS OF WAR SMILE ON THE ALLIES MWrMMMMWrWrWrWrWMWWrWMWrMWMW BULGARIANS NOW IN FULL FLIGHT ADVANCE SO, RAPID THAT PRISONERS CANNOT IE COUNTED MANY TOWNS TAKEN-SEfcB-IANS HOT ON TRAIL OF BULGARS BRITISH PROGRESS AROUND ST. QUENTIN FAM OUS AMERICAN ACE KILLED IN AIR BATTLE BY HUNS WHILE ON PATROL WEDNESDAY (By Associated Prtu). WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN LORRAINE, Sept 19. First Lieutenant David E. Putnam of Massachusetts, American Ace of Aces,1 was killed late Wednesday while on patrol duty along the American line. He was flying with another aviator when Sevan Ger man airplanes attacked unexpectedly. Four maae for Putnam's machine and were able to fire from above. Putnam was shot twice thru the heart, His machine glided to earth within the American line, where his com rades found him. LONDON, Sept. 19. The Bulgarians are in full flight now in Macedonia and are burning stores and villages. The Allies have advanced over 12 miles and their prog ress is so rapid that they have not been able to count their prisoners and check the war material taken. New regiments thrown in by the Bulgarians have been forced to retire with the others. The Bulgarians are defeated completely and the Ser bians are pursuing them day and night. The Serbians and French have taken the towns of Topolets, Potsishta, Beshilta, Medynetsa, Velotishta and Kasimbey. They have also taken the heights of Kuohkov Kemem. LONDON, Sept 19. The British last night progressed further in the drive into the Hindenburg line in the St. Sjentin region and have aimed at an encirclement of at town. In their continued advance north of Pontruet they reached the outpost positions of the Hindenburg line. The Australians have renewed their attacks and car ried a number of Hindenburg outposts. Many prisoners and machine guns have been taken. The town of Lampire has been captured, as has also uaucne wood. , Lampire is tour mues wesi ox Liecateiet. The Germans started an intensely heavy bombardment. uue yesterday eoutnwesi oi uamDrai. nevy uuuujr attacks followed, but they were repulsed. Putnam had brought down 12 machines, five in one day. He was a descendant of Israel Putnam. ' Die Bums ME ACCUSED OF fl CHANT Ht'AKRAL ItKINCJ HHOUOHT TO LIGHT IN WASHINGTON INVESTIGATION IS STARTED HIGT OFFICIALS I'HOHED WA8HINOTON, I). C. Hapt 19. An Investigation of political and pro paganda activities of the brewing In tereata haa been ordered by the ten- te todayr It la directed particularly t charges that the brewers bought Wahslnngton newspapers and contri buted unprecented auma to a cam paign fund. " It la also asserted that newspapers were Influenced thru ad vertising contracts and that money waa even paid to government officials and pledgee 'Secured from membera of congress. , Arthur llrlsbane announced lato yesterday that be thought the Wash ington Times received monoy lont by the brewery Interests. GOOD K FOR ITER IN MUM WATtcn CAN 1IK HAH AT ECON OMICAL FIGURE IK RESIDENTS t AGREE ON ORGANIATION OK district there J Tho following caaualtlea are re- N. K. ARNOLD HAH DOrtflrl ftlV kk PAilMSll1lHai flAHSkPlll , ... v" '""":" i " 1110 Ferces: ANSWERED LAST CALL American Kipedltlonary Killed In actien: n7i MIs- Noah Edward Arnold, who haa re- lag In action, 8; Wounded Severe-' sldotl In this city for the past seven r, 82; Died of wounds, It; Died of Jean.' I" "W lt ,B," n ' .. Klamoth Qenoral hospital. Hla death -IneVTMorZlan. - f complication of troub- Prisoners 3 """"" . (Bm, ,eavei ,wo onili one , ,ne arra)r u blowing" Oregon men .re men.'" " other In Houston. Tews. Mr. Ileaed: Arnold waa employed at the Big Wed of Disease, Private Sidney B. ' Do C0Pnr Wt watc" Etter, Portland. mtn Woiinrf.rf a i..' a n I Funeral arrangements will be an- ockerline, Estacada. nounced later, XOTICK TWENTT-FJVE .. MEN CALLED ' OCT. SEVENTH Twenty-five 'drafted men have been called by the local exemption board to entrain for Camp Lewla on Octo ber 7th. Thla call Includea tho rest of the reclassified men and thoso who registered after reaching their nnjorlty on August list. It ex bausts the available supply, except those rated for limited service. The men who are called are: Jo seph D. Poster, Otla p. Perry, Fred B. Meathammer, Wlnfleld 8. Haaklna, Denill H. Mlddlebusher. Sidney P. Taylor, William M. Chapman, Theo dore Revard, Lyle Johnston, Carl 8. Taylor, Louis Maaaarlno, George W. Klury, William A. White, Arlet C. Edsall, Ivan R. Ernst, Anderson Al len, Richard C. Vochatser, Qeorge P. Sly, Bdwln W, Brewer, Daniel Ru land, Lloyd R. Underhlll, William O. Bmythe, Karl R. Drown, Frank Brady, George F. Keateraon. Realdonta of Upper Langell valley who aro anxious to secure Irrigation .from the government water at Clear , Lake, and who are circulating a pctl I tlon to organlte an irrigation district mere, report very good aucccss over the territory no far canvassed. vIt la declared that It will take about fifty signers to enable them to go ahead with the organisation . Tho' Irrigation of this N huso tract la unusually practical and economical if the proapectlve water usem can be brought together on tho proposition. Clear Lake, over the California line, has already been darned and the water can be brought onto the land by gravity ayatem. It Is very prob- ablo that the aecurlng of Irrigation In thla section will have an Import ant bearing on the extension of the new Strahora railroads from Donnsa to Dairy an.duventualhr fhrS. Langell valley to Lakevlew. W w DMrats ENTIRE MY Fl HUM LONDON. Stent. 1 Baku. n Trans Caucaela. haa been-evacuated: " the Brltlah, who have withdrawn All Odd Fellow who possibly can 10 North PmI. mhla -. ... rfna u nall in tlA nrSMnt Bt the Odd to a lack of ateadlneaa of the Armen- Pellowa hall tonight to arrange for regular aervlcea Sunday morning, as ln troopa when. attacked by the ' services for Brother Arnofd who died matters of vlUl Importance an to be , raa during August, last night, PARI8, Sept. 7. (Correspondence of The Associated Press). During the recent American advance from Chateau 'Thierry, a Red Cross cap tain met an American Negro soldier marching towarda Chateau Thierry, followed closely behind a Oerman major. The Negro had transferred his pack from his own back to the back of the Oerman officer, and had also transferred the German major's monocle to bis own eye. Thus aqnlppos) the black warrior was par ading' triumphantly down tho road. As ha passed the Red Croat captain, ha called oat; "I say, look here what this nigger done fot," ANNOUNCEMENT All members of the Presbyterian Church are urged to ba present at the r GEJHMNS ND EO E KlIISER'STIILK LONDON, Sept. 1. (British Wire less Service) Gorman wireless re ports asserting that the dejection of raptured Germans Is due to fear of bad treatment rather than weakened morale are refuted by letters written by German prisoners in England. Referring to tho political condi tions In Germany nno prisoner wrete: "I should think thoao who have been deceived would bo pretty tired of It by now and their eyes be opened." Regarding German officials the writer says: "Tito next Reichstag election after the war will show these gentry what'a what." Writing to a friend In America a prisoner describes conditions In Oor many as unbearable. "Good luck I am not there," he says, "otherwise I would be no moro among the living. I can only advise you not to go back unless you are forced to do so. "It Is only for a mad clique of mili tarists who aro dragging our honest mmes Into the dirt and whom we are to curse for our pitiful situation but I hope, that the rest of the world will bring them bark to tlielr senses soon. "i nave not neura or my oroinor Wllbelm lately, pcor lad. he haa to fight for his mad Kaiser but I have strong hope that he will aoon becomo such a brave soldier n I am I hope you will understand." GEORGK PRAD.NACK WKDH George E. Bradnack of Dorrla, Cat. and Mtsa Harriett M. Bryant of Mid dletown, N. Y., wero quietly married In Grace church; Ban Francisco, Bun day September 1st, by Alexander C. Stevens. ' Mrt Bradnack Is engaged now In the naturalisation service, stationed at San Francisco. IE OF NURSES HERE FELT KEENLY SUBJECT M DISCUHHKII IIKKORK MKKTIXG OK INTERESTED WO MEN YESTERDAY AKTERNOON APPEAL FOR VOLUNTEER A sbortago of nurses at the Kla math General hospital and other mat tors of community interest were dis cussed yesterday afternoon before a number of members of the Women's Relief corps and their friends by Drs, B. D. Johnson and George H. Merry- man. It was brought out that the call for nursos at the front had been so strong that there were not enough left at home to cope with tho situa tion and a strong appeal for volun teers was tnnde. With a desire to co-operate with the city officials in' Improving the sanitary conditions of the city, a com mlttce of women la meeting this af ternoon at the city nail. ffl US ST. DL flLLU QUENTIN ifewweek GRADUALLY KLAMATH COUNTY SCHOOL FAIR ' 'ASSOCIATION ANNOUNCES SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY KAIRH FOR OCTOBER STOCK RAItCH HEM CM REEK SOLO By a deal rdmpletcd here today, Early Arant takes over a stock rinch of 160 acres on Cherry Creok formerly held by Tllman A. Swan of Tagard Oregon. The now owner Is given Immediate' posresslon and will use the ranch for eheepralslng, making his home there. The deal was made thru .the Smith Realty Company. Tho consideration was not made public. LENINE WOULD FORM PACT Wit H GERMANY STOCKHOLM, via London, Sept. 19. Ntcolai Lenlne, still confined to his bed by the wounds Inflicted on him by a would-be assassin, has sent a preliminary summons to tho Bolshe vist leadors to form a defenslvo and offensive alliance with Gormany, ac cording to lato dispatches from Mos cow tonight. The "Cxocho-SIovak danger" Is given by the Bolshevist premier as tho ground for the projected alli ance. Refugees arriving here from Pot rograd deny that fires have been rag ing in the former capital, but say that 812 persons were executed In the last ten days. Ten thousand officers have been arrested In Petrograd, the refugoes say. . ' EASTERN STAR MEETING GARRETT VAX RIPER PROMOTED Newt his Just been received that Garrett Van Riper has won a com mission cf Lieutenant In the Heavy1 Tho officers of the Eastern Star arc urged to be present at the Mason ic Hall, Friday evonlng. Sept, 20th at soven thirty, for a practice meet ing; ns the Orsud Worthy Matron will bo with us Tuesday evening. Signed, Nolllo Van Riper, Aesoclit'e Matron INDIAN COUPLE MARRIED The marrlsgo of Wlllard Lotches and Miss Wlnnlo Jacknon, an Indian cftaitle from the Klamath Agency dis trict on the' Reservation, was sol emnised last evening by Rov. E. P, The officers of the Klamath County School Fair association have arrang ed for the following Community School fairs for the year lilS. Bly, Mondsy, October 14. Fort Klamath, Tuesday, October IS. Henley School, Wednesday and Thursday, October 16 and 17. Bonanza, Community Fair and Teachers Institute, October 18. Matin, Saturday. October 19. Each school district In the county Is requested to hold a school fair on a day previous to the community fair. 'At these individual, fairs ribbons will bo'theonly prljstfegjvon. The blue ribbon wfnnorrlll be expected to ex hibit tlielr products at the community fair noarest them,'' Thevwraners of prises a.t' these larger fairs will 'be awarded prizes In the shape of War Stamps. The boy and girl grading the high est In Industrial club work In the county will be given a free trip to the boys' and girls' summer school at Corvallis during the summer of 1919. Announcement will be made later of tho grouping of tho schools to make up the community fairs. It is to bo hoped that the various commit tees can bo given at the some time. The officers In direct charge of the county fair plans are C. D. Chorpcn Ing, president; Edna I. Wolls, secre tary; H. R. Glalsyer, county agricul turist; Frank W. Sexton, county club leader. WHEAT FLOUR SUBSTITUTES DESIGNATED brought before tho eon rogation, artillery branch of the Service and, Lawrence of the First Presbyterian has been transferred to Louisville, (church at his home on Third. and Kentucky, ' jJefersoa streets. To settle the matter as to which substitutes on wheat flour aro legi timate since the 80-20 parity plan has been authorised. I will qucto as follows from Instructions received to day from Federal Food hcadquartora In Portland. The principal .substitutes nro corn flour, corn meal and barloy flour. U no other substitutes are desired one or the other of these must be taken at the rate of ono pound to each, four pounds of wheat flour., but If other substitutes are avnllablo and tho pur chaser wishes to take them, ho may purchase In the same ratio any of tho following substitutes: rice flour, oat flour, potato flour, Kaffir flour, ratio flour, fetlrlta flour, peanut flour sweet potato flour Indian flour and buckwheat flour. Pure rye flour or'moal may be sold as a substitute but must be sold In proportion of not less than two pounds o! rye to throe pounds of wheat flour, and no other substances than these mentioned may be sold as substitutes, You will note that corn starch Is uo longor to be regarded as a substitute. , This Yss been a mooted question and I am' pleased that the instruc tions are so specific. ' O. C. APPLEOATB, .Food Administrator for Klamath .v . "County. ENCIRCLED BY ALLIES BRITISH TAKE EIGHT THOUSAND IN DRIVE ON CAMBRAI FOjiTY GUNS CAPTURED -V A 1 i FRENCH WITHIN TWO MILES OF EDGE OF ST. QUENTIN GERMANS REPULSED. (By Associated Preea) , hJOtiOMepLiSLv Field Marshal Hafg's forces up to midnight last night had captured over 8,000 prison era, as a result of their drive on the Cambrai front .They also took 40 guns, i , , . , PARIS. Sent 19.4-The French last night continued progress toward SuQuentnu and penetrated Germanos itions at Contescourt, three, miles southwest of St Quen tin. , . . . A German attack on the) Vesle river where the 'Am erican and French troops are stationed east of Court Lan don, was broken up by the , French artillery. The French have advajaced close to Dal- lon. less ',than two mils from the western outskirts of St. Quentin. LONDON, Sept. 19. The Bolsheviki forces are retreat ing both on the northern and southern fronts, according, to a Stockholm dispatch. The Czecho - Slovaks still hold Samara, which the Bol sheviki claime'd fo have 're taken. . KUSS1AX ROYAL FAMILY SAID UURNED TO DEATH A ,' . .1 " - il ., i LONDON. Sent. 19. Tho former Russian Douagor Empress and Ihreo princesses and two Brand Dutchessea wboue names have not been reported wero burned to death about a month after tho Russian Emporor was shot, according to n story reaching London. Tbe story has been given consid eration and an Investigation started i ' ' .' : QUESTIONNAIRES TO ' YOUNGER MEN FIRST ' - Questionnaires, from the local d $ , Board are only being sent totk , new registrants between ' she ( , ' , ages pf nineteen and .hrlR,'sjilt4 , ' both Inclusive at this time. Tja,0)u i e older men who registered on , rnVfi Beptomber 13 th will, receive ' v v w theirs fat a late? datd. " ,' 5 iiR ' AftM '$( M 4 rfO. 1 k J'kwhkMMLA .