V t. V - K K f. V. ' , IrL 'V x v i , .- V . - Ui' v: l -)( V - l ''' . ,C.tf t tr h I. Vr 'a.' ?7 is. ii i J.- hi. y ijrV v rr,4ft? 4L" K. WjM'a '.iVr .i-" ss...rii HfiJ3& AJESl JEL y$$ .A. - l?::-&i'?H';-M " ijl: "i. u 12 -! .!? '' mtbij femexeest.Saaday by ARa Mareld Pabllshlac Company ot M SSL &.&.tl- .ft 11t tAMrih Mt vf MNMH wmtm, - .... . i I-.? ... i'QvTBilipM'W the. mtece at Klsm- '. .M ata nUi ON., ror irsnsmueioa IMjWmmMmWmu iwu by nail to any VU4tMm'M he Wlt Slates: ,E -A m vT BBaBaBaBaWBalaBPaBBaiWai""" , BT, , 'I MKtty. AUGUST IB, IH aBBBBBBB FOR i RENT Apartment of two raosM and oae tingle room, at tbo Orefloa Hoaaa, SJ7 Klamath. 10-3t ' ? FOR SALE FOR SALE About 300 tons of hay; grata. timothy and wild hay; 40 head at cattle: 2S0 acres good pas tare." Address Box. 46J, Klamath FaMe.. -t FOR RALE 85 young ewes and absat It lambs. 8. P. Low ranch. Men rand. S-U FOR 'RALE Banala. The Chit- I ranch. 8waa Lake Valley; on miles from Klamath FaRa, aad aboat eeven miles, level read, tress nesr Strahora railroad; 9M aeraa. ?e la eeKivattoa, 30 acres aaAsjassaa. the rest Umber aad pas- "aavs f all tag sprfag oa place , carte aa earn let: i -roots kease, with flrt- hara. exceptionally wall fcoaee, graaary, wood bearing apple orea- I am4 berry vaies, aad good garde '. tasMMM coaaecuoa wRh Fattt exchaage. Will aell wtlheat stock, hay small law. ate. Address C. C. , Klamath. Falls. Ore.. P. O. : 1-St "LOSTAND FOUND 9000m0m0mmmM LOtT LRU black female dog; left rmst toot white, whKe oa breast; m estlar. aaaed "Babe." C. F. RetaaaV Reward ofered. S-lt MTRAY Oae Tory dark brown aad- raaaet aot-MtrrM K aaaat Jalf M. M. K. Gray. Odeeaa. 11-Jt FOR TRADR Tearing ear, la good eeadeUaa.'fer Ford roadster. Call at Mtwtam raaeh. or addreea A. H. MMTtfa. f-t A RAROAtK 41 aerea. ail Irrlgat- -id, wMh isaet rant lea ehargea paid M mm; acaaii koaae, aara aad iraa- hoaae. bara aad craa utmmmmm, hi nm iwmtm, A-fj rroaa eeaoei: eaiire crop ioea am. J aer acre. "' esMBBStaisssssa ..WARCO, -MX SaOOTBR ANDY" frleea.- tha, Me War Tsac added ssflssssjssssssssjsmafamsjBvjaaaBBBBaaaas mim into m in MlRsTRNa BEAUTIFULLY AND RE. v aTlXMUMtlTS NATURAL COLOR ARB LUSTRE AT ONCE M. . ' 'Commoa gardea sage brewed Into amiavy tea, with sulphur, and alcohol added, will tarn gray, streaked and '-laded'' hair beautifully dark and lux- t ariaasi Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul- t - i. . . ?V I1 aRaaaRMeslBggBiS $ FOR RENT jfli f . mmi' WafUS TffiATERl TOM MIX x f n .vwiirw m hwwv, uvu(H, uu- ; sawaase. easier way is io get me remdy b im preparatloB Improved by tha addlUoa of other IngredlenU, Matiac1 about 60 cents a large bottle, ad 'drag 'stores, known as "Wyeth's Sulphur Compound." thus '.-; siding, a lot of muss vlfhlle.gray. faded hair la aot sin' V'.H J - ' 2la we an aesire to retain our yontn appearance and attractiveness. By arkealogyoar' balr with Wyeth's ri, f--i.aaa tell, beeaase It is done so aatur- ' W)K.a',M 'evenly. - You Just darepea a kM & '9ft.0T ft arUD wltn u Md drav "ViWT Vft tnrough your hair, taking one &$MmiMiitMvn ti par-hieoaMaaark.tgroasy.soft, and . tad,. yoa ' aspr years Wyeth's Sage ud Sulphur d Ja doilshtful toilet requl- la; Ml tataaded tor the cure r rraveniiosj.w aieeaas. telfJk'j' V 'liti. ":mt8Wu. - & ujajajrwat i ,x IsRltis sr vi9PHWM esM.''Bi KkmA (mStj News - - 8FRIXOLAKE Frank Gentry and father and Mr. Earl Rlghtmlcr left 8unday morning in the former's car for Twin Falls, Idaho. Mrs. John Manning left Tuesday moralag for her home la Eden, Ida ho, after a short visit with her par entt, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Reece. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Schrelner left Tuesday, morning for a visit with their daughter. Mrs. George Kelley, ot I.ewiston, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Hill were county seat visitors Moaday. Mrs. Mattle Reece left on Wednes day morning for her home In Texas. She has been visiting with her mo ther. Mrs. W. F. Reece, who has been sick for some time, but Is much bet ter now. Mr. and Mrs. 8cott Thompson vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Cheyne Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cheyne were county seat visitors Wednesday. - PLEVNA - - - Reveral of the women of this die trkf met at the school hoaaa Thurs day afteraooa to coatlaue the work for the Red Cross. Mr. aad Mrs. Goo. Ager, Mrs. ft. Mardock aad daaghter, Christine. Mrs. Geo. Hill and Mrs. R. V. Rat aad daaghter, Katharine, were Kla math Falle visitors Wedaesday. H. A. Talbot to hslnlag Jim Items with his electric plsat thla week. Chirch will be held Sunday la the Plevna school Kouee. All are wel come. George Hamlla bought a header aad blader combined. The grata la too abort to aave with a common blader. J. A. Bushoag la cutting for Mr. Maaatord thla week. grata Ratlee of FRIac of PctRtaa for Ks. rtaaloa of Leads Ft sea Rater rise IirlgaUea IMatrkt Notlee ia hereby tlvea that Sarah N- Biyat has Med a aetlUoawlth hoard of directors of the Rater- T"".irTIVBm1Vre2 . i eenaia taaoa aaswiaaner aeacnooa bo eseladed from the boaadarlea ot the Raterprtae Irrlgatloa District. The leads described la said peti tion are described aa the NWH of NWK and 10 acres la the BWtt of NWti of Secttoa S. aad that portion of Us NBK ot NB14 of Seetloa.3, lylag oast of tha U. 8. aoverameet Irrlgatloa caaal, all la Towashtp SI soath, Raage t, east ot the Willam ette Meridian, la Klamath Coaaty, Oregon. All persona Interested la, or who may be effected by such change of tha beaadarlee ot the district are re- qalred to appear at the oRce ot the board ot directors of the Enterprise Irrlgatloa district, which said ofllce ia at the offlce ot Charlea J. Fsrgnsoa, attorney at law, ia tha Loomla build lag, la the City of Klamath Falls. Oregoa, at 880 o'clock p. m., on Tues day, no id day of septemoor, ills, and show cause la writlag, If any they have, why tha chaage of the boaadarlea of said district, aa pro posed la aald petltloa,- should aot be made. G. J. HILYARD, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Enterprise Irrigation District. ' ll-lf-i H OUSTON' s Metfcaolitaa Aasasemeata HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DARK STAR THEATER Lewie J. Setsalck Presents COXBTAKCE TALMADGB la "SCANDAL" 'By Cosmo HaaUltoa, Directed by Cfwrlee Glblya TEMPLETHEATER Triangle Proseats MARGERY WILLSON la "THE LAW OF THE GREAT NORTHWEST" Abo Hearst 'Pathe News Latent War Mctarea aad Current Hveais Adsalssloa 10c and 18c MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTIONPICTURR0 TUHfsMYR AND SATURDAYS THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON o ERSONAL 1.ITTLK ftlDRLIOtfTS UM MrCAL HAIM'KSlXOS AMONG THE I'KOI'LK OK THIH CITV AND VICINITY. GOINGS AND COMINGS OF LOCAL FOLKS ) II L. O. Arens Is a recent' arrival from Portland. C. C. Merrill came In from Merrill 8aturday on business. M. Ketchum Is a county seat vis itor from Merrill. Andrew McKee Is down from Chll oqutn on business. J. M. Anderson Is a county business visitor from Dairy. scat M. Heard enmo In yesterday after noon from Lakotew! Andrew Wllklo Is here on business. for a short time from San Francisco. F. J. Chlsholm In n bushess ll-j tor In Klamath Falls irom auiii, uai. G. A. Trlnler from Jonesboro, Ark. Is a recent arrival In Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ccttcr are here for a short time from Ashland. V. 11. Hall and Ethel Warren were H. E. Stevens Is In the city look - Ing after buttness Itcrests from Dor- rls. Mr. and Mrs. H. registered at the Olene. H. Edmonds arc Hotel Hall from Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mitchell are down from Fort Klamath tor a short time. William Hugh came In last even ing to look after business Interests from San Francisco. J. W. Stakes of Missoula, Mont., waa among the train arrivals last evening. Miss Esther Moody and Haiel Bouscher are registered at the Hotel Hall from Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Reld were In town from their ranch east cf Bo nanxa Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Schumaker are tourist visitors at the White PWcan'8aturday were Mwd,me. a. Males- toaay irom roniana. . A. Aftedal, a Federal officer, ar-f rived froaw'ortland last night. He ia a gues sFat the Hotel Hall. Mrs. W. B. Maston left Saturday for a six weeks visit with relatives at Grants Pass. Mrs. Lola Hall came In on the train flitnnfav nlvht frnm Unn. mouth. She I. a guest at the Hotel R,ulh Pxu' V"f, ffleW- Edn Mer .,, rltt and Alma Wilson. Hall. . Mr. and Mrs. Chas Vest. C. That- Those present at the Red Cross cher and Hatel Eusted are guests at J room In Merrill on Saturday, Aug the White Pelican from Mt. Hebron, ust 10 wero Mesdamea E. Hammond, Cal. I Geo. Knox, Gene Hammond, C, M. GENERALS WHO WILL LEAD JAPANESE EXPEDITIONARY FORCES IN SIBERIA .aavRSs .MtMAitaisT LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamaV mf'MlrJMmW. M sBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsmaaaV s 'wnlijmMmX aaaavaaaaaaaaaaaaaV mmr tJrfMMMm aaaaamaaLaaaamaaamaaaVs' ' raaaaaai MmMmMmMmMVMlBmmxJmmmPMma MMMMMMMmMMlMlMMMMtMMw Bnmaaaaaaaaanalaaaaaaaaants-ttdaaaaV VaaaaaaaaaaaaVBatsBBBs'sll w ?Bamm BaaaflBBBBBBBBBBBmVaaaasBVw'tV LaaaaaaaaaaamsaHaM aaBBBBBBBBBBsTfamBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam iVmmmFTiv mmammW MMmMmmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMifmmMMmm mmMmMmMmMmmKmMWKxSmSSX-X aaaaaaaaaaVieaBaaBaiBaaaaaH sfTesHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanamam aaaaaaaVesBsmaaaaaaaaaaal ennnB Sllaaa isW IT' im tmWmWWWmwT LaaaaaaaaV aaaaaV M H I laiaaaaaB9i S amV W " a-auSKfi OaNBRAL.OTt General Aklyaaia, who commanded . the army of the north at the grand maneuvers In Jspan, will probably be one of tho commanders of the Jap- i6&v MENTION 1. T. Hetts of" 8u n Frnnclsco was among the train arrivals fast night. He Is stopping at the White Pelican hotel. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Oordon, who bae been In Lakolew for the past few days, reached home last even Inc. Mr. and Mrs.J. K. Pelton and Mrs. Q. V. Loosely came In from Fort Kit math Saturday afternoon for a short lslt at the county seat. C. M. Pettitt, who operates a ranch In the Merrill district, was In town with Mrs. Pettitt for a week end Mlslt. C. II. Harpst, n well known resi dent ot the Odessa section, who now operates tha resort at Rocky Point, Is a county seat visiter. John Shepherd nnd W. T. Elliott traded with Klamath Falls merch ants from tho Pine Grove section Saturday afternoon. Mrs. W. CmnJall and son. Russell' ..... 'were week end Ultors In Klamith Fills from their ranch In the Tule J Lake district. Mrs. Crandall former- ly operated the Washington rooming 'house In thla city. Mr. and Mrs. Kdson Fpulke and Edson Foulke, Jr., arrived last night from Gazelle. Cal., and are register ed at the Hotel Hall. Mr. Foulke is an extensive stockman operating In Northern California, Jack Elliott has taken over the op eration of a shift at the west side power houso for tho California-Oregon Power company. He relieves I, Vernon Keoseo, who has entered the military service. Local Red Cross Activities L Those present In the sewing room ner H Humphrey,-O. D. Burke, L. L. 8tcln, IdavGrlme, At 8toan, L. E. Sullivan and Miss Alta Ralph. Total attendance for" the week, (6. Those present at the Red Cross rcom In Merrill on Friday, August 9, were Mesdamea C. M. Merrltt. Geo. Wilson, D. Stukel, 'j. A. Brown, Joe Stukel, R. C. Anderson and MIMsses I ORNtaAt AKIVAMA onete expeditionary force Into Slbe- ' rla, and General Otanl, who com manded the army of the south la the maneuvers, will probably sbars the command with hiss. Y. W. C A. CARES The ordnance bureau of tho war department haa asked the Young Women'a Christian association to look after the recreation ot the girls at work In factories llko this ono 1 . mmmMBk.,,Jt,.K'MMmJ . 1 MMwm$$ iN vwaSiiU I 9KaW9& iOmrmj V, 1. WgAn jufrJaJasmamamamammasv. tF 'wasa RsHamP'afHM ' i ' rrrrrrHT 131' f Miti: RaBsssmaBsa3S!nsaiK mKmMmm ijti1fi8lvii irv w:-;IS: aaamamamamamamweBBBHamam jj?l V amamatWJmmaR5P-J PJMHVMMKIW)Min .. Merrltt, Joe Stukel, Fred Stukel, H. feel dull and hcay when wo arise, F. Tolle, Dan Colwell, J. L. Pope, R.'spllttlng headache, stuffy from a cold, II. 'Anderson. R. C. Andersen and '"' loi'Kue. na.ty breath, acid stoui Misses Audrey Tolle, Wanda Pope. . ". Instead, feci as fresh as n Edna Merrltt and Alma Wilson. At Falrvlew there wero only n few . at the Red Cross room on Wedncs - rtv nffmnon Mnnv .,. Ilnnvrl. Ing by going to the huckleberry patch for part of their fruit, whllo others are staying home with the measles. Those present were Mesdamcs Mc Cleltan, Koonts, Sarah Slcemsn, 8 E. Morrison. Herb Lester. Tom Wat-1 mV ,' D 2TlUlt t" . yne 1 Sllll .lima riAU, V.ti fl uin m tt.nl """" w "''" - - Misses vioia uneyne ana Myrue.rnn,i i. ,i, .imnrh Butler. At the Theaters l !,. .r. ... h .hni.li! h. told, let It be said to them at once "Do not miss tho splendid perform ance that ends Its run today at tho Orpheus theater." See Tom Mix In the William Fox photoplay "Six Shooter Andy." Thla is a play that is unusual and will give you a new Insight Into what tho makers of the country went thru. But more than that, It will show you the type of man ot big body and heart and mind, who did the work of taking the wilderness away .from the bands cf outlaws who roamed the greit West. Here Is the case of the organjers ot robbery and murder who sits In the chair of the sheriff and who Is only ousted from It when he meets a man who Is so worthy and honest and clever with his gun that he Is a match for the whole or ganised band of corruption. Tom Mix Is surrounded by a splen did cast. Enid Markey and the cle ver young actors and actresses, who are her brothers and sisters, and Sam de Grasse, as the vicious and brutal sheriff, make up a splendid cast. Money to loan oa city and country property. Sea Chllcote. tf MrCormick blader, good order, at half price. Other ImplemcaU. Far. mar's Warehouse Co. 28-tf Have you a W, 8. 8. baby bond In vour home? DRINK A GLASS OF REAL HOT WATER BEFORE IREAKFAST. ay we will beth leek and feel tWMf MM fit SWaaldl UtansfeaaanV JiWJtwJ n"R"MJ Banltary science nas of late made rapid atrldea with results that are of untold blessing to humanity. The lat est application of Its untiring research Is the recommendation that it is as necessary to attend to Internal sanita tion of the drainage system of the hu man body as It hi to the drains of the bouse, Those of us who are accustomed to FOR THESE GIRLS ifeKJK btilldlriK tbo wings of an nlrplano. Tho orgnnliMlon Ims taken up the work with energy, nnd It will care for the recreation nnil'moruU of lluio girl workers. dalny by oionlug tbo klulivs ot ttiu s) stum each morning unil tlusliliig out tho whole of tlio liitvrmil poisonous ,3'nnnt mal,cr; t LUTJone. Whether nlllng. Sick Or ,well, should each morning buforo breakfast, drink a kUbs ot real hot water with a tiitpoonful ot llmoslonu Dtiosnhuto In It to waali from thu 'I day's Indigestible waa to, tour tlio and 'hfilsnnAii. ..!. . el...- Hn...l..t. 10nncli , ,, bowcU ho ou ' wtenlng and Purifjlnr rt.o entire .. ... iviaunuuf lUAIIIOt tllWB VrlL'illllllllcta , alimentary caiiul buiore putting uioro The action ot an empty stomach Is wonderfully In vigorating. It cleans out nil tho sour fermentations, gases, w.iMo nod acid ity and gives one a splendid iippctlto for breakfast. While )ou arc enjoying hot water and limestone phosphuto on your breakfast the phosphated hot ' """ luiuiij uiracuiiK a large vol- ...a..- I. ..(...i.. . .. . . u1me of "'" ,rom lho bl.0a " ting ready for a thorough flushing of all tlio Inside organs. The millions of pooplo w ho nro both ered with constipation, bilious spells, stomach trouble, rheumatic stiffness; others who havo sallow skins, blood disorders and sickly complexions aro urged to gt a quarter pound of lime stone phosphate frotii tho drug store. This will cost ry llttlo, but Is sum clcnt to make onono a pronounced crnnk on tho subject of Internal san itation. Adv. Tho new 101) low cost life, ncl dent and health politic of tlie Trav elers are modern all the war thru, aad they rout lea Sec Chllcote. tf m Tho lending ilUldcml pnjlnjr com. pnny of America, Tlm Miitiml I.tfe, the company that has earned moro for policy holdors, and has paid moro to policy holders, than any othor company In tho world. For pnrtlru hrs see Geo. Ulrlch, District man ngor. 8 tf HKW MEAT EATERS 7 HAVEJM KIDNEYS KAT I.FSS MKirr IF YOU n:i:i, sc.llmeni. IrroKulnr of passage or t IIACKACIIY OK II.Wi: IH,AI)I)i:il tonded bj u Bensutlon of scalding, stop TKOUIH.K rating niont and got about four ounces "' -'"d Bnltg from npy pharmacy; take No man or wnmnn ,i, .... ,.. " B.,MPootul In si glass of water be rn....i.i , . . . -u " iimnu u iniBimio uy flushing the kldnoys occaBimolly, naa I a well known authority. Meat forms ! uric acid, which excites tho k.dneyn.'anu ,., been u'edZ .onorat.on. to" train .7, l.V. . , t .f'.0" th"b -' stimulate the kidneys, also strain, got sluggish and foil to filter lo neutrally th. ..m rin. . It tho waste poisons from tho blood, then wo got sick, Nearly all rhou mutUm, headaches, liver trouble, nor- vousness, dlHtness, slcoiiloasnosa and urinary disorder come from sluggish -.,,' . . . the kWnev. or ." V?1? '.I thl !! , T b!ck hurU or ,f the urine 1. cloudy, offensive, full of, MONDAY, AVOWST la, loin liny it nlio lovii lot In Mlll ,i(l. Hon unit bill Id a lioinc. I,lcrl. ItumN taken In iuiyrm'ttt. Ask Ch. into uiHiut Uio now pili'eii. II NOTH.'K OF IISTIUV Rlrnml t my plueg, dim l' )CBt. old steer, unuided IIP ciniii.ttr on light hip. Owner miiy luivu Nimm , .i tint fikikil I a 1 1 1 nilil (ilui ,.f si. I. . liVlin l""l "ii iim a-uitt is. (uih ji.iy oiivn.i.n I'M.torr, W-Ul Kliiimitll Agnncy (), Nerin: Tti t..pavi:iis Niitli'o l linroby ishim Hint u,u tl,. l)ii()l(H of ICIunmlh, County u (l. optm for thu Inspoctloii or tlm tux. ' pujern nl the oillco of tlw county at ' noisiir up to unil IiicIihIImii llnturdnv '' Aiutuil .11, 1018. M U-10t JPjUAhhu,,,,,, i NOTiru Any perium or porsnus IimiiIIiu; or shiiotliiK, or ntliurwlsn tronnii umin. mi IumiIh owneil or limsoil by l(MI, (lorlior will liu primociltiiil to tlm run nxteiit of tlm tuw. U-iit 8. W. HAMAKint, Hunt. NOTM'K Owlni; to tho Improvement now Mm led on tlm county rimtl pant tlm Alliiinonl riiucli, It will bit iior..-. ,r tn vIiho this lliorofnro In thu Kniornl pulillo until further notlco. Truvi. orn from tho i-a.it will J urn north at tlio Wheeler roml ,t)truo-tuiit Ioth of a lullu emit of tho Altiiimint ranch mill coma In roads thru Mills Ail.ll! tloit. Thoo from tho siiiith w turn urr by tlm Hummora hcI I anil enmo In by the ittiiughtor liounu mail 8-Bt ItlX'ICAItl) ItKNT HKItVICK Itione AS Mght I'lionn am W. D. MILLER Ccinrnt Contractor Walks, Flours, Foundations. Con crele llulldlng lllocks, Flues and Tllen. 232 8. Sixth Ht. Phone 291 Well Drilling Ilnto "nick outfit" nml pre iwreil for Job of any slml. YOCHATKIl UIIOM. Merrill, Ore. Plume a 1.1. Dassengers and Baggage AVVWIIKItK IX THE CITV UUICK HKItVICK lti:.M.V.lll,K IIATIIS I'HOXK 187 Western Transfer Co. r0mM New City Laundry We Guarantee Our Work. Shirts and Collars Laundered. We alio wash silk, wool, and col ored gods very carefully. Try u once and be convinced. Our priest are riant Phone 154. 127 Fourth Street back of First National Bank r'" "tonkfaitt nnd In a few days your lUdnojH will ait fine. This famous Bulla Is mndo from' the ncld of grapes .mill Intiinn liitnn nMulH ...lit. ll.hlft. nn longor cauees Irritation, thus end ing bladder weakness, Jnd laltB In Inexpensive, nnd cannot ini! .- i...V.i.." . .I,t,i dXh whlch' one should tako now nnd then to keep th klauey" c,0n ni tti M ,,l0(,', Pre, thereby avoiding serious kidney compllcatUa-AdT. ' 1rnlA.. f &' 'mAf