THB EVBNINO HHALD. KLAMATH FALLS, O110OW ITTSKir if r - - - (ihJ.vJI5iliX x.i . a ir.U.,? a M a -":'j; ill- ISAirtlOMfl XAAtl 8" - ni i ui nauu uwu .14 v ,".Vi.-T v i S: First Yankee Tank Battalion Is Ready rot the Civil War who will at- tendance "! '.ataat'Or tne V-IVII war woo m ui- " 'v,-v. ...... ...-,. - ---. ..--. , titty ' .the Naftenal Encampment of this manr old soldiers probably will Is ready for atalpment to the western r-M UM'Sraif Army of the Republic for find they are unable to attempt the front. It It the personnel of the first ikVj i M j which will be held hero Aug- long transcontinental trip from the American tank batalllon. iV U-l .... ,.a a & ... sIma TWhIhaJ kv walaPBtia ill an ttwlfllma ' .I'2.t . . . i ..L a . ukJ..u.. il. .!. mIIm.h Aag. .-Arrange- but the rapidly ciwind mi memoer- --" . " ' " -.... " ,,,. MDllon.i,. .ffte. -., , ..l. I -t,l t.nll M.H .... mnkrta It tinllH. inn. AUKUU O. ADQiacr CUIIIIH. -.- ...-... .- . '1HU rapiaiy are oema touiiuciou i -- ,.. . - -- ,, . . h American aa LTTT . ." . . . ... .t... .-. iii v- . ....i ... mni nf A marl ran man Mr that Wal, lor, tTtl at tne American w FfetA-'IM entertainment or me t- ., .. u..-. . - - --" - - "' "rv" .-.7, . -. "..; -ir. h... -. cr-ful to comMna jn nnn nid. rrnm mi-tnt na iimim Miaa id BsDMimna. .-- - --,- -. -- null iv,vv --.. ...... .... -, . . . . . fv.-A ... turei of Uom bow uied by tht Brit Uh and rreacli, to hate tht lastruc m;M t,Ji, . Aue seaboard. At one time Trained by yeteram, of : jMU J- e-. . -- 't Thlt will be the first llmo that a llicse annual encampments were ai- scrTi, eon Kni - ---:.',."-- " h.. . ,,. ., Natln4at Hncamnment has been held tended by approximately a quarter most modern or land warsnipt, tne - -..... . -. . ' In" the Northwest. Approximately of n million of the ctcran tighten, new force it expected to give an e wen who antwered President ,Thc Qrand, Army of the Hepublle, cellent account of Itawtf. The Brltitb (cola's call to armt are expected was oranUed at Decatur. 111., In. coaches oMhe American crewa ite te'fce pretent They will come from 186. Its membership numbered exprMsed their approval ot the nan- every section .of the country. '500.000 during the first few years of ner In wh'lch their pupHa" have) ad- The attendance at a G. A. It. never Its existence. The present average apted themselves to the operation ot '$ "'X M JA KltV r ?'?A detente. HOO.FR GETS hat been below 50,000 In the past age of sur Ivors Is about I 5 years. m B n III! Kiils Lataw laaM El m fa UHi I AVaaf m ilfcA m S : P'"lmrlfil I' i II i aaakaL ib. f 'C fi r4- hf V V Scope of Service nag IntetiUve for patreaage at the First Xatioaal kjr litUiH I, hewtehoM and flms, Urn In oar wlU a Mai aMUty to ceonerate hi the nrohlet artaiag i eny mm! eai'Uie raarb. Then In addfcto to thje, vre afferi overy netslMe departieat of banking. .Mahe.etw contferUWe quartera yonr financial headqnar- Mftmlirr FttgWal RfMunrM SvsJm. !S?'T - ..www. . . vw. , .'1 ' It .'an i v.C n Ms? nttttnnnnnnnnptnnBBtsni eatv i c. nwa iftaw ' anvarawTTn. I JPl' t Mj KLAMATH 4, ' jthe machines and, unless they are' mistaken, the men whole training In 'England I Just completed will be' 'given enviable roW Their mTch-j Inet have the best points ot both i I the British' and French tanks and tht t training of the men hat been In the I I light of experience! already gained ot loo ugBiera oi ima ua caev land. To every man lathe American out i in mere oaa oeea i men H F; FROM B Parlt, August 6. 'Trance eata bread by the trace ot American wheat parttd the ate- nnd tht American spirit." tald Tie I rles of mistakes made la the early. President Chauate of the Parlt coun- history of Unk warfare. Knlltted, ell at a reception here today for Her- men and officers hare been told what bert C. Hoover, who was hailed at :ict to do; all their admoaltloaa have the "Coatroller of tht World't rood," been bated not on theory bnt on ae 1 tual experiences, gained In tht fact ot Herman tiro, looted always upon the , slightest Intimation that the tanks are lumbering to the front I But a a reminder, perhapa, that the enemy't fire It seldom effective. Is tho Insignia adoptd for the Amerl ''can tank corps two salamanders, 'crawling creeturea thatN worm their way unharmed thru the flame and smoke. j It It expected that because of tht excellence of the weapon with which It wltl fight and tho training It baa National BankIJ PALLS s OREQOK UHI WAXTEb Twenty people to pick huckleber ries at Dig Huckleberry mountain. In quire Vaaa Auto Service. -Jt 426 Main Street PcachesforCanning TFfPI!PFK ' X i - ass i -jy. ,. i"' avmtWtFal'. aV sTilBr At rm -Mm . t mmW aaa) amaaai "W. ,3?, ' amm aa r Wl i M A 'naLsmmmmsl w. . dj vv T i av T WiU W nr aav d - Bmmlt I' X ,? X m X ' . Ti X ammm enV ttV . .X KhHWaaaa e Winnek Co., Inc. rwcciTtxl this wtck YELLOW FREESTONES AT kX Hi tft v; rift. '! $1.35 PerB a Ptftca your ordtnrs arly. Don't overlook fruit jwjfw,Hfgujlc0w. Honybythtontotak ! tho plmco of Miff arf will bo rocoiyotl thU'wook Mazola Oil I. tho loiit OKponsiTo of fats and oils. Wo, 1 havo it in pints, quarts and ffallons. Try it, attd you will bo convinced of iU suporiority. In tho faco of the high prices beinff received t.fpf th 'niiU and vegeUblet, this wmter will i '. -Wd fruit and home canned winter. Put tT veryhinf that can be canned, either fruiU or vcscUbles ,and let the Government have Klamath Falls I Suggestiens: Stir roar tan, coatee or cocoa weM. 'iton't leave ttmar la tho bottom of tho cam. Sweetest hreakfaat, bay, tjrmp, maple or dates. with sMhstltaio mnlamss, saaplt array, or ayrafw mmtlo from amahnm aai com, for part of tsajar need an cook, lag- Snbttknto ajrrapa or honey tor part of tho sugar la cake. Oaa cap of syrap or honey will take tho place of one cap of sugar aacl oaatoarth of a cap of liquid. la almost aay cake recipe the syrap or heats; may ha used for one half of tho i "America's voluntary redactloa ot food consumption," continued tht speaker, "aot .only gives Prance ma terlal benefit, but stltttat the morale and thowa r trua democracy math different from Germany." Pour thousand 'workmen 'cheered Hr. Hoover nt a luncheon la hit hia' or at a war factory. "America." tald the V. 8. food ad ministrator, la responding to tht ova tion, "will soon send mere bread, more soldiers nnd more. munitions." . .t B as I r . v BaaaaaaaaaaF faaaaaaav&woSatl ianmmmmlnmiltl ILaaaal 1 aaaaaaVmaaaaaaV '-'&' ramaaaaaaT aaVaE Lr Si faaW Ki faaaaW taaaav mmmmmmmmmmmmmnLammmmmm-K mmmmmml ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBwT aaaaaaK ' H1 "ajar aaaaaaaaamtTmMSPwHPBaaHtnaaa Jf CwWtw!i iV.iV-x UtxTixt ft Msrs ammaaaptaa-w ' ,- PERSONAL BT oat Mr. and Mrs. Or. C. V. Ptthar and daughtar, Hits Coattaact.teR this morning tor Perttiad oa a vaeatioa W. C. Daltoa Is htra tookta. after buslaees lattrttfs' today --from hit reach la tht Tala Lake dkUrkL Oeorge Of field, la amoag the coun ty teat visitors today from Merrill, J. R. Thompaoa Is towa thlt atttraooB buying tuppllet for aw reach la tht Mldlaad section. a r t sUUTiCwl DaWniOTJCM' HIT -afrJOH AND StKB ' London, August I. Two British torpedo boat dattroytra warn aaak by tbs eaemy mtaet August t, ac cording to nn official stattmtnt by the Brlttoh admiralty today.' Plva of fleers and It marlaee were lost. .4 m trl-SM mWi VWr r!v the Wt- C there." I liaf. mMM.v m alBH r J ' H jV factory canned goods for " over Hake your rasas wltkatM frostlac. Use fresh, dried or prestrftd fratt for dessert la tho ataa diahee" that require aamar, plea or pears with a tMIt) water for several hours, aatil a rich syrap forma. If mora sweetealag la ilsslred mid honey or molasses, j Cook dried prunes without sugar la the water In uhJrh they trore soaked aatll tho U quid is almost boiled away. If more Juice is wanted add water to tho sy. rup. Tha long, slow cooking devei ope a rich flavor and tha addition or sugar la Haatcessary. KL'IT FOR REOOVSRY .Of MONKT PILKO A suit for tha recovery, of fit, al leged due for goodt told tht deftad- aat during tht moath.ot July, 111, hat been lastltnted la tha circuit court clerk's offleo by D. B. Camp bell of the-Klamath Taller Ware house and Porwardiag company, agalast M. J.- MaCoaaough ot tht Palm Cigar ttoral Tht plalnUff It represented by H. M. Manning. BRRRIHSI aUaUUMSI Co to Huckleberry mouatala. quire Vans Auto Servlcs. In- It BmmmmmnammmmE TOO LATE TO CLAIUFY WANTED Ctrl for stort Experience preferred. Ill Harry Rlcbardsoa, work. Mala. lt -. LOST Udies' wMtt wsUh: Initials on back. Fladtr notify-Etta Ma- haffsy, Owl Cafa. Reward. Ill FOR RENT r, room furalthtd house ao children. 114 "Walnut ava. ! WANTED Womaa. to do housework i mornings only; ao cooking Phone l oi. -tf 'IWll "1 7 w:A rat'" " " Ah 'Matin S , -SraVA'; v' -,. i Winnek Co. f WANTED HouMwark by eaajpatast t girl. Pboaatti. if 1 zrr-TTT-?. ; rrrrr- Phone 34 Klamath Fall ;; v 'v li? ". W4 YjFOR 8ALE.Tkras l-yaaralda4,; two zf who jcsfYvs, fan re iresa Vtooa. 1 cow wil ha troth la about .(three weeks, til 1-year-old heifert; Xjl yearling belfa, aaa l-yeer-eld T 'steer. Parties amatlaat nart ar all please inquire stilt Raw ft. 'S-l TIJmtDAr.AtJWiTe, Itlg , FATHERS! I Remeitiber Your First Long Trousers? You probably had some very definite ideas about what you wanted; boys gen erally do. But you very lUrety has! to take the long trousers suit that some body else picked out for you. Just remember that experiemce when your boy is ready for his long trousers. If you send him to us, he'll got what he wants and it will bo what you want, too, because He'll get a Hart'Schaffner k Marx "Prep" suit which is so well made of such good materials that it wears a long, long time ; that saves money for you. You unddubtedly want to be aa econom ical about clothes as you can right at this time. This store is the place for him, and for you, too. 'M K. SUGARMAN "The Home of Hart Schaffiier & Marx Clbtfeei mi Jm!2m5J WV. i. We Are Not As Large AS THE United States National Banl w But We Are Growing fc DEPOSITS ti July 16tli $55,141.32 July 31st - - $81,174.48 August 5th - $101,198.35 Get the habit of using K.S.B.Checks, The Bank behind them is SAFE V Klamath State Bank Located in the New Building Comer Sixth and Main Sts. ' ; Lr '""rrr - i...;.:.1 HftMT(tlt.4t0.eltl4AAt a a r--: I 'nMM i KM . y