The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 06, 1918, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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TPKBPAV, Avavwr a, um
JAJttfrf 11 ffiifc jfr
Pennies to Send
Her to t'rance
tin. JVtIA A. aVXTOM
When tho children of tho art class
of Mrs. Julia D. tluxton at Hartford,
Conn., learned ahe wanted to gs to
rrinre for the Y. M. C. A, they began !
l.i colloct pennies' they saved from
randy. In a abort while they had
til, which ihey gave her to help her
on her way.
.hi omrK rJutlZlStiCm N,'onA"',, ' "rookie." I, not. for our mess ha.
... h On. Lan'. evL rIlo . '''V0 " C'mP ,UnCCk 'r ,he been " ' l--tood. who
ZZrtnXmmllZZJTilAl ,hre" ro0IUb, "nd ,"V0 0'cnl"n.e. Usty fcod. and abundaaca of
2 Jt. woSileS by iMt """,ni ,ou,h' " And that help, a lot.
XitoZEiZl iT.d "r" "un ,Mo " hum,n ",ec,n,en "bout1 This I. . most wonderful placa for
optlk relieved him. A lady bad tried. wo lhade. rf.rknr that. .. L.. . .. .1 .w-
tkraa rflnTnrxnt .liuai fna aaab ..!
Mamed eye. ONB Lavoptlk wash
mrprlied her. We guaraatee a email
bottle to benefit EVERY CASE weak,
trained or Inflamed eyee. Whitman
Drug Co. Adv.
When rente f o bugh It auraly
pays to own a low priced home. Hera
are some real bargains:
ThfAA Mltm HAtlaaa aa.a Q 1
4 -..vw wwm waagav aval a.
dipot for 1750.00 Very easy terms.'
Tour 'rcom house and barn on,
Klamath avenue, close in, for 11060
on eaiy terms. I
Pour room house, well furnished.
two bl tuia. rhirk.n h.. ww.
house and other Improvements, for
iiiso, on oisy terms. S)ur mo ma naruijr uvo. ai
Four room bouse la' Mills addition tbc,e ,,rae wo ,waJri1 "cuto n dls-
large rooms, screenod porch cabl- ordar)r retreat to our tenia for abel-
not work. outhuiMin.. .' i..'ior- There ' ono.nlco thlug about
lots, for only tUSO.
Liberty bonds taken on Mills addl -
Hon lots for all of purchase price
Very easy terms oa other lata. '
ie win cost you nothing to step la
to the car and see this property
CHILCOTE. 631 Mala St ' 6-4
. , '
- , r amaai aaa'aaaaaaa saami -
' " -r&mrr? wl-wMw-i.risiwwgamssniat ..Saw I w"-t
9i &mv&iW?ii&i31&r:mPwr afaW.. iHwMJK3a7tici
l VV ' aiVi'BaaaaaaaaaaP'aHaam I
f' '?v!,i?h(y aaHLt. aBflBBtataBBWaAFMetisW li
SMallliSl: I
?rMm?Mfrm&lvmiymmK m&Rimkw m &
iff TaiMaV
Home Boy Tells ot
Training Camp Life
Ernest Nail Writes Interesting Letter About the Dally Life
at the Big Georgia Training Camp Near Augtuta.
Boosts Y. M. C. A. and Other Things
Camp Hanrock, ()n July 29, lit 18.
The Evening lleriiltl: nowhoro In particular, but which
I I havo been niiltoil n number of'""hu u the wnol Dl'ce brighter
iiln.. i.. i.. . . . l'm" I"- 't no loonor get dark
tuno in loltors from hoiiio ,uf my , ., .. ,..
, ' 'ngnln than there will come a long
, Kood rrlunde In ll.u old hnmn town troo-llko blase over near the horl-
.wl.olhor I would wilt., ,,tior Mr ,on w tll0 lrilnk part M red
publication, and I. belim tmiiirully n blood nnd the branches fading out
Tory inciioii sou orrnciiiK, yea, oven
uanimii youna person, always mid In-
'variably decline the honor mid prlv-
lice. now recently I havo been
confronted with a threat that unless
ao consent 10 snnro uio rrom pngo
I w.m me court nnuse unil Tliuil MC
llattnn for Just onro, soma of this y done, Indeed. '
stuff write home In letter not for reKard to Camp Hancock, ! nay
publication will bo given over for My u . located on a eerie of low
your linotype to chew over anyhow. iand nUi flva mUmt WoIl of Augus-
t .overtheleai, and all objections and ta. The location Is a very satlsfac-
I Pleas to the contrary notwlthstand.'try one from tho sanitary point of
ling. Bo now, after duo coaxing andivUw. but hn a "rnnku" !
""atoning, I come forward and
B1,ko "Mlo bow and shall endea-
"r to chirp a few little chirps about
whl J'n way down here In
M-'" among the cotton fields, hook-
worms, darkey folks, nnd (loorgla
Pine iroes. top, im in tiie army all
right, my correct name bolug Private
J. K. Nail, Esq., O. C. N. A., which
is quite some name wnen you come
to figure out what all the extra let-
(fr monn
Translated Into tho vcr-
' nacuiar it maana "Kiiiininii nrinani'
and a shade and a half Hunter than!
. T . . ... -.
a isegro. The color matches my the big Juicy slices, too. or both
olive drab shirt very nicely, In fsctj speed and form the Negroes doa't
If I didn't wear an army ahlrt. t have a look-in with us, for a good.
think that at a hundred yards distant thirsty acldler can down two melons
I'd be passed by the board of cen-ito a darkey'e one.
sorsblp aa being neatly dressed la the This Is rather a large camp. It
correct army costume. It thoy didn't wilt take care or some forty thousand
use a telescope. ro,B when the camp la fall. It was
It really does get pretty warm
now and then, I assuro you, and put
a atrong accent on tne "warm." for
It Is almost hot. Every week cr so
ntv rln' regular typhoon of
,torm w,,n n,,h w,nd' B n,"""
,ta,noH ur rcen bluo lightening, and
" "wui.r an ruunu nuusuaioo anu
" a,nco of u' lome,,u- Tho "In
'"" nlon I" ln Plashes, wind-
driVM WBicn con0 tblck anJ cl""e
tnaM tonU they break up the sheets
'of wat,r nl Prt" ,h,m ,nt0
' "n aprar' WU,CD U1U lu,"Jr nd
I witnout favoritism over and around
our p,r,on aBd belongings, wetting
.everything equally and Impartially,
en tne raln CMMM ,nd tD0 tround
begins to .team and everything la
, loveiy again. The electrical display!
la wonderful, pint will coma a big
K3Kw"S.SpffWSflMRMR-mI?!fffS fi
.Iirftiuml floih which scelns to canter
to a reddish lavender. ( Then, blngol In vn .p. com. - rf...ii. .
rlaht In ran fac. come. . daisllna-.
bluish white flash so close you can"yin m,?,,ne' .. , ,
,lonr ,t .,,., 0h yes, the thunder god 1(fcT Londo"r. " airplane appear
,0es things up brown here In this "ke reat """. ' white pwk
pirt of the world all right, a quite'
dark, crlsn sort of brown, vary thoro-
from the green, grata delta of his
home country up In New Englaad, ox
New York, or most anywhere else,
be sort of feela that he baa left tha
United Rtntes behind Bin when ha
frit sets eyes oa tha rowa ail rows
nd rows of brown and gray tents.
stretched out over tho not aand with
here and thero a pine traa to break
the monotony. The plae are rather
slim and underfed looklna and don't
cast a great deal of shade.
n... .i.. .. ... ... .j .
soldiers become experts at guetllng
wi i o wr Hn,
first occupied about a year ago wbaa
the 18th division composed of Na
tlonal guard regiments from Peaa
svlvania was sent here for tralaiaa.
- ---
Tho hillsides are scarred and crtos-
crocd with practice trenches and all
dny long one can hear the rattle and
clatter or machine gun lira.
night here and now lot me put la
tho biggest bcost I caa for tho Y.
M. C. A. It Is the most wonderfully
oircctivo agency ror tne soiaiors com
rort, convenience and mental and
moral good which is In existence, ,8o
I wish to publicly request that this
great organisation bo aupported to
very limit by every persoa who
nas a spark of patriotism and a alck-
le la money. Ita great and true eer
vice can be appreciated only by those
whom it serves and tho uaaalmou.
testimony of the mea la uniform
proves Ita magnificent worth.
There are six Y. M. C. A. bulldlaga
. GRAY Ml Ml
Almost everyone knows that Sage
Ten nnd Sulphur, properly compound
ed, brings back tho natural color aad
lustre to the hair whea faded, gray
or streaked. Yoara ago thotoaly way
to get this mixture was to make It at
home, which la musay and trouble
some. Nowadays, by asking at any
drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sul-
phur Compound," you will get a largo
bottle of this famous old recipe, Im
proved by the addition of other la
gredlenta, for about 60 cants.
Don't stay grayi Try Itl No oat
can possibly tell that yea darkeaed
your hair, aa ill does It 'M aaturally
and evenly. You dampea a aaotuj or
ott brush with It. aad draw thta
through your hair, taking' oaa small
urand at a time: by, morning the gray
hair dluppeare.'and after aaother ap
plication or two, .your hair become
beautifully dark, glossy aad attrasL
Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Com
pound Is a delightful toilet requisite
(or those who desire dark hair aad a
vouthful appearance. It Is aot la
ended for the cure.. stUifatloa ar,
provastloa of dlssaM.-Adr. ' "
London "Rehearses''
For Hun Air Raids
London, August 8. "Tho moth
and' the flame" la a little gamo of
hide and seek which Is played over
London at night now and thon, the
tnctb. being an aviator or the clty'a
defense forces and the flnmo n
aearchllght doilgned to dalo the
Qermnn Gothag when they come In
droves to bombard tho metropolis,
Tbeso "rehearsals" tnkc placo nt
Intervals, tho director of search-j
lights being notified In odvnnco thnt
, an allied machine Is to ascend, but
neither tho time nor tbo locality arc
given. Then the game of tho flame
Ct Vk .hiV i.. '.. hi ..
?' th ""rchtlght fastened upon the
! Sn Imi4 aliH Mntt aMt I...... iL ....
is mis camp, ana every one or tnera
Is doing a dally land office business
In human kindness and faithful ser-
vice to thousands of follow, who are
.,. . pp'"n or re-
adjusting their whole msnner of ex-
(stance to comply with the order
made necessary by the needs of a
great nation at war. Another fine
uraauiwiuu ue vummunuy war. violent, throbbing pain and distress,
Service, which operates the Liberty called headache. You become nerv
thaatere la all the large camps. Theso ous, deapondent. alck, feverish and
tbeatera run shows every night ex-(miserable, your meals sour and almost
(cluslvely for uniformed men, and nauseate you. Then you resort to ace
cbarge only enough admission to pay aniline, aspirin or the bromides which
It reeins to me thnt I bavo ald(lm Moml of these Irritating toxins
enough now. Perhaps I'll take my; A S1 of hot water with a tea
pea la hand again some time In thelDoon,u1.1 of limestone phosphate In It.
mine i don't know how long
shall be here. Most of the men lnwl" n0'0"'' wh these poisons from!
aiy old company have gone over seas
already, and I may be sent before
long. I am at present assigned to a
apt-rial training company, a sort ot
officers' training camp for ordnance
men. So now I'll have to make ano
ther little bow, blow a kits to the
audience and exit.
J. Ernest Nail. Special Training
Company, tad Regt. Ordnance Train
lag 'Company, Camp Hancock, Oa.
Before buying life insurance It will
cast you nothing to find oat what A
LeaeTla.1 Aatarlcaa Co. baa to offer.
V Oeo. C. Ulrleh. District Manager
Taw Mataal Ufa of N. Y. 16-tf
Are you registering 100,V tillci
ency? Nothing less should atl,fy
you. Your nation yes, the w rid,
expects thkt'of each and every one
taeso duyit. If you are falling aiiort
f trhat you know you aro crpable
at oeinjr, stop ana wkb- sio
delnjr. stop aad take- sto.k of
yawrself. lo you find lourselfi
led I
crawded ty the tuy iiutiea nnd too)
sanaiii Lt oiMnlnir time to ontar en
Kualasticiilly into one of the many
affairs that call youT -If -so, it'a
Jsft.e ta call aalti twtter still, hull
fare yaa rtacn this stage,
(jotiva from your daily routino
tin farther away, the better. Gut
S .v. away, ir possible, that no echo
j bUktncMi I'lJtractions cnn. reach
atali aaaaaaaataaaaBaaaaaaaaBP ajIH ' -9aaa aaaPaaaVaCaaa laPe
aaaBJamaaaaBatT imflsaaBtaalaaaaaaliaafaTaaaa
aVJBBL WMa&JmatiF'if" . . O. AL CA..maVfEsVlUtaa? laiV irnst-H,Br1U&Vrmm tVJmaT.liw.wHkaTHI
l .j...f!;(lii.'- '';vw;V..)!,X?Jx "., ,; .-, T.T-agiy jffy BViaaHaSa
!- i i - i i . ''''' maaffA SjJMPMajigiyOWtl
f'ldy 'iLtia d -foitvt ufir it , OJlmHk MmMMJm
- w - . . 'aammalBal jMKmZiJVvwt.Uri
s ...... - . . . Tv f ? ''-BmamFaLM' i amTafj'.iTriaimma.'.kiiij
tf'll' V 'SaaBSBSBgLav jaKeaaBmBaBaKaaaValS aaScSExWaaTaWaaKaBBalA aSBBaSBaa. BmBaamY-BBV VU
lt-HiMMBBk BKiaKBBaBBBlaBisBlBmafllyBlBmBlBmBlBm?
ru. You will come hack re-tyeurs he has viuationed In tho wilds
'- .enoted, atid. with fresh. strentli of Ontario. . I'uttinit nway all
m- aa.e to work' In' a manner 'thatf. nought of work, be tukes hli wife, a
U1 mere than make up far your I canoe, a map, a camera and a frying
tin tlio sky, and the searchlight' ray.
remind one of a great white ribbon j
oxtondlng from tho earth to the air-1
'plane nnd beyond, j
' And the moth dives and dartx and
flutters about nnd sometimes mnti-l
anon to dodge tho flume, but not for
long. Down below Londoner ar
craning their necks and enjoying tho
Knmo to the fullest extent.
Hot Water for
Sick Headaches
Telle why everyone ehould drink
hat water with ahoaahate
In ft before breakfast.
Headache of any klad Is caused by
lltn.lfltnlatlAn Mrti.Ali wtkmmmm at.
poiwnlng. Liver and bowel poisons
cued iQtlnitt iuckwi into the'blood
ihrough tha lymph ducts, excite the
i heart which pumps the blood so fast
that It congests In the smaller arter-i
jes and veins of the bead, producing!
j temporarily relieve but do not rid
"r" uo.uro uremi .or awnue,
your system ana cure you or bead-
arha. tint will f1..m. ttuplfw imt
acne, out win cieanse, puriry ana
freshen the entire alimentary canal.
Ask your pharmacist for a quarter
pound of limestone phosphate. It le In
expensive, harmleee as sugar, and al
most tasteless, except for a sourish
twinge which Is not unpleasant.
If you aren't feeling "your best, If
tongue Is coated or you ake up with
bad Uate. foul hraath ar ha Mid. !
Indigestion, biliousness, constipation , "0w Cafe-" ,n Klamath Falls. Ore
or aour, acid stomach, begla the phos- on-' b mutual consent this day dto-
phated hot water cure to rid your
system of toxins aad poisons.
Results are quick and It Is claimed j takes over all assets and assumes
that those who continue to flush out'nd agree to pay all liabilities of
the stomach, liver and bowels every
morning, never have any neadaehe or
know a miserable moment. Adv,
In normal years you havo deemed It
im oriimt to tuxe a vacation, now
much more heccsttarv ia a breathing
spell in these days that banc so
heavily on tho strength of evory and especiu'ly of men of
uffuirs. Hcretofoic you havo tried
to cet as far away us your vacation
iwriod would allow often crossing
th ocean. Thnt Is now out of the
tiiicstitm. nut our frjendly neichbor,
.nada, Is nialntulnlng all bur peace
time pleasure re eortu,-ami these are
uvuildbio to (Wrlcnnn because of a
tvltte open border,
One of New York's Kiiccetoful doc
tora attribute hi MicctJi. in Iutl-o
'int-asure. to tho fact thnt for. miinv
To Lift Chinese
to Woman's
Rights hy Movies
Mm k
...' Jhf,
Alice Leo, a pretty Chlneso girl,
with the World film corporation, has
gone Into the mcvlcs largely because
the Is a reformer nnd an educator.
3he wants to learn every detail of
tho business so she can put bn pic-
' - i. M MMnMM .i.t.- nMM.
tures for a' woman's rlghta propa-
landain China.
etaoln shrdlu rafwyp vbgkqj Jp Jpp
'J to firm '.onMstlng of Fnnk i.
'J.i.i and Mar.i: Hlvera, di. u nusl-
ne under the assumed name ot
i oivea.
Mr- Rivers continues the business,
said firm,
pi---- i
m f
i 'wnk.w
t JmM'-fJfl'
TjrA. .-.os
pan, and heada into a now i! n- -t
Meh year. He teturn Immi mii
tit, loaded with a sto?' of ivw ex
periences and natural color iiliot
graphs sufficient to cntertuin his
friends for a year.
No matter what mar be your likta
or the length of your vacation, Caa
ada can take caro of, you. Between
the willows and orchards of Evanga
line' Land in Nova Scotia, and ta.
Big Trees of Stanley Park in .British)
Columbia, there ia spread out fo
your choosing more than 8,500 mil?'
of mountains and lakes and streams
and woods and interesting cities. v
CanacUans who have been in the
war from the beginning, make no
mistake about vacatiens: they lake
them regularly and thus k:ep lU for
the big tasks they have elected to re
turn. Americans are pretltini: from
Canada's experiences In many ways.
. -. .. .- JL J. .: A. A A A '
VVVVWtV 'If W VfTi '
Quality Drugs
It InIi'I '-onniiij nnd It Isn't
u. to liny nnytliliift but Ilia
lieot In (Irugfi,
Wo Iihvp kiiIiipiI tlm ronfi.
(Icii. of our uitomerw by eel.
ling lniRM uf tlio hlHlteot qual
ity only. You riuinot buy any
other kind here, nml you are
iiluaya wife nml xuro that
nothing hut the leit tlnig. wilt
lie wild in this ntore.
"11 V
I .U k' M HMI
baiaia ii in i a ar.a..
American boys are flying for their
country. Surely you can save for It.
I'uy War Saving Sumps.
New Woolens
Select Ynt New
Fit aad Highest Grade t
Wortfiwqashly OaaraatsssI
Chas. J. Gzek
SI) Mala BC
", -----------"-"--i-i---T.a-a--TaaB-a-T---an---ia-B
Iliy.liiaa and flargeo
All Chronic Dtaeaaeii a Hpeclalty.
Office White Bldg.
Coaaty Bairefar
Phyekiisa aad Saigaow
Night Calk. Promptly AttaadeeTto
Office White HMg.
f rr
IitMiraace Loans aad Abstracts
Ileal Estate Loam nt to 8 per
- 1
White Bldg. Phone 384
Dentistry and Oral Surgery
OKtcopaililc I'liyvlcluB Surgeon
Hulie fill, I. o, O. P. Temple
(over K. K, K, Store)
Hume am . , Hew. I'lioae, USSR
(The ouly Osteopathic 1'bysl-
cluu and Surgeon In Klamath
Now, and have them dry and un
der cover early In the fall.
We also handle BedyT Llmjs
and Slock Wood, Coal and Fuel
Oil. t
Klamath Fual CtMnMajr
fifth aad Mala PIhnm UN.
t -
-' 5.H
i M
,' '.: 'W:-' y.r.
(. ,Av.Uv'?S V,
,.!' ,t-m i,iV